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Day 1 notes:

1. Ethernet framing:
(1) TCP/IP (5 layers) OSI (7 layers)
(2) TCP/IP Model:
Application layer – http (80)、Telnet (23)、FTP (20、21)
Transport layer – TCP (slow but safe) UDP (fast but not safe)
Network layer – device: Router (IP Address)
Data link layer – device: Switch (MAC Address)
Physical layer – optical fiber/cable

(3) Encapsulation process:

(4) There are two types of Ethernet header: Ethernet_II & IEEE 802.3
Ethernet_II : S.MAC, D.MAC and Type are three key elements.
Type: 0x0800, just means the second header is IP; 0x0806, the second header is ARP.

(5) MAC address:48 bits

Three frame forwarding scenarios: Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast

2. IP addressing:
(1) The length of IP address: 32bits = 4 Bytes / The length of MAC address: 48bits
(2) IP Packet:

You should master the function of TTL, Protocol and Identification, Flags, Fragment
(3) IP Address = Network part + Host part
For example: now we have IP address, “ /24” means the first 24 bits
belongs to network part. So we can see it below

(4) Network Address & Broadcast Address:

for example, now we have IP address,
Network address only care about Network part, so here it will be
Broadcast address care about both, all bits in host part will be 1, so here it will be

(5) Binary &Decimal & Hexadecimal Format:

(6) Private IP address & Public IP address:

We can reuse private IP address, for example: if a host in enterprise A use,
another host in enterprise B can also use this IP address.
But, if the host use in public network, other hosts cannot use this IP
address, because it is unique.

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