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Exercise 9-Classrom

A-Write the sentences in the negative.

Example: She´s Australian/She isn´t Australian.

1- I´m British I´m not British.

2- They´re Brazilian They aren´t Brazilian.
3- It´s in South America It isn´t in South America.
4- You´re French You aren´t French

B- Make questions and short answers.

Example: / You English? Are you English? Yes, I am

1- / I in room 10? Am I in room 10? Yes, You are.

2- / It Italian? Is it Italian? No, it isn´t
3- / They students? Are they students? No, they aren´t
4- / He from the USA? Is he from the USA? Yes, he is.
5- / You sure? Are you sure? No. I´m not.

C- Complete the dialogue. Use contractions if possible.

A- Hi. I´m Mark.

B- Hello Mark. My name´s Maria.
A- Are you Spanish. Maria?
B- No. I´m from Mexico.
A- Are you from Mexico City?
B- No. I´m from Tijuana.
A- Is Tijuana near Mexico City?
B- No. It isn´t. It´s in the north.
A- Are you a student?
B- No. I´m a teacher.

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