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I had the pleasure of having Maria Aleman in several of my business classes throughout her time at

Fleming Island High School. In addition to traditional classes, Maria assisted me in running the school
campus credit union. Her performance in both the classroom and the credit union was exemplary.
Maria’s success was due in large part to her rare combination intelligence and drive. Her positive
demeanor and eagerness to learn made her an excellent student and an asset to the credit union.

In the classroom Maria was very organized, detail oriented, and goal driven. Assignments were
consistently completed on time and to the best of her abilities. Her efforts routinely earned her “A”
marks and her overall G.P.A. reflected her efforts. Her discipline and hard work allowed her to complete
her associate degree while concurrently completing her high school diploma.

The same attributes that made Maria a strong student made her an invaluable part of the credit union.
She managed large sums of money, lead marketing efforts, and educated new members on all the
benefits of the credit union. Not only was she extremely important in running the day to day activities,
her leadership helped mold the underclassmen that were working alongside her. Students routinely
asked her for advice and guidance, and she obliged with grace and compassion.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend Maria Aleman. If her performance in my class is any indication
of how she would perform for your organization, she would be a welcomed addition. If you need any
additional information you can contact me at 904-993-6993 or via email at


Troy Todd
Business Instructor
Fleming Island High School

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