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Texas Woman’s University Syllabus

Marketing Management – BUS 5133.21 – TWU Dallas

Fall 2016 – September 10, 17; Oct. 1 (9:00-4:00 each day)
Instructor: Dr. David Rylander Phone: 940/898-2106
Office: Denton, CFO 406 Fax: 940/898-2120

Office hours: M/W 11:00-11:30, 1:30-2:00, Tues. 9:00-11:00, or by appointment

Course Schedule: Online portion begins early (Aug. 29) – readings for first Saturday should be
done before that class (schedule is given later in this document). Check Blackboard for
any additional requirements prior to the first class. Class sessions are from 9:00 – 4:00
on the three dates above in the TWU Dallas Building – attendance required.

Required Text: Ferrell & Hartline, Marketing Strategy, 6e, Thomson/South-Western, 2014.
Online support and purchase/rental options at: Textbook Site. ISBN: 9781285073040

Recommended Reading: Bloomberg BusinessWeek; other news and business periodicals

Course Description: An application of analytical concepts and principles to the development of

effective strategies for solving marketing problems. Marketing concepts such as target
marketing, positioning, customer satisfaction, product development, pricing, distribution and
promotion will be applied to cases and contemporary issues from a manager’s point of view.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify the basic terms and concepts of marketing, including an understanding of the
marketing environment, strategic marketing planning, the basics of market segmentation,
targeting and positioning, and the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, distribution).
2. Describe examples of how marketing terms and concepts are applied in business,
government, and nonprofit settings.
3. Explain how marketing fits with other business functions, such as management and finance.
4. Analyze ethical and social responsibility issues that arise in marketing.
5. Conduct a complete marketing plan, including written and oral presentation the findings and

Each of the above student learning outcomes must be performed at an appropriate level as stated
in each course assignment requirements, grading scale or rubric.

Additional Information in Blackboard:

• Under Course Documents, you will find the agenda for each Saturday, lecture slides for each
day, and assigned articles. I will add these items as they become ready.
• There will be discussion topics in Discussions. Each will have a deadline, so please keep track.
• Assignments and the online quiz will appear under the Assignments area.
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Requirements and Grading:

Online Quiz: 50 pts.
In Class Exam: 120 pts.
Group Project: 160 pts.
Individual Paper: 60 pts.
Participation (in class): 50 pts.
Participation (Blackboard discussions): 60 pts.
Total: 500 pts.

Grading Scale: 450-500 pts. = A 400-449 pts. = B

350-399 pts. = C 300-349 pts. = D < 300 pts. = F

*Note: All three Saturday meetings are mandatory. Missing one will likely drop your
grade by at least one letter.

Tests: The online quiz will be open book/notes and taken in the week following the first
Saturday meeting. Once opening the online quiz, you will have a limited amount of time to
complete it. The in-class exam will be closed books/notes (one page “cheat sheet” allowed) and
given on the final Saturday morning.

Participation: In-class participation consists of being there for the entire three Saturday
meetings and participating in class discussions/activities. Blackboard participation consists of
posting quality responses to Discussion Board topics (note the deadlines for each topic). You do
not have to respond to the posts of other students, but it is encouraged for discussion enrichment
(and could make a difference in borderline grades).

Group Project and Individual Paper: The group project (and groups) will be determined on or
by the first Saturday meeting. This project will involve a written marketing plan for the
specified case and an oral presentation to the class on the 2nd or 3rd Saturday meeting. There will
also be an individual write-up for the group case and a separate individual paper assignment.

APA Format
The official form and style format for the School of Management is APA. All written
assignments must use appropriate APA format for citations, references, and other aspects of form
and style. Consult the TWU Library or Course Information in Blackboard for help.

Disability Support Policy Statement: If you anticipate the need for reasonable
accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of
Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, ) in order to obtain the
required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by
appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how my course
requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate.
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Academic Integrity: Honesty in completing assignments is essential to the mission of the

University and to the development of the personal integrity of students. In submitting graded
assignments, students affirm that they have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance,
and that they have abided by all other provisions of the Code of Conduct in the TWU Student
Handbook. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other kinds of academic dishonesty will not be
tolerated and will result in appropriate sanctions that may include failing an assignment, failing
the class, or being suspended or expelled. Suspected cases in this course may be reported to
Student Life. The specific disciplinary process for academic dishonesty is found in the TWU
Student Handbook. The TWU library link, “Avoiding Plagiarism,” will aid students in
completing their assignments with integrity.

In an effort to ensure the integrity of the academic process, Texas Woman’s University
vigorously affirms the importance of academic honesty as defined by the Student
Handbook. Therefore, in an effort to detect and prevent plagiarism, faculty members at Texas
Woman’s University may now use a tool called Turnitin to compare a student’s work with
multiple sources. It then reports a percentage of similarity and provides links to those specific
sources. The tool itself does not determine whether or not a paper has been
plagiarized. Instead, that judgment must be made by the individual faculty member. Some of the
required assignments in this course may be checked for plagiarism using

Notes on the Group Project:

You will get a set of guidelines for the group project. You need to follow them very carefully. It is a
good idea to make contact with your group early and make sure everyone is clear on group work
expectations, meeting times and places, and roles of each member. You will have time in the first class
meeting to meet with your group some in person.

There will be an individual assignment connected with the group project (worth 30 points of the
project grade). The group paper will be worth 100 points of the project grade, and the group
presentation will be worth the remaining 30 points of the project grade. More details on the
paper, presentation and individual part will be given in Blackboard Assignments. Everyone will
evaluate themselves and their group members at the end of the project. Anyone who has not
made a fair effort to contribute to the project will risk having their project grade lowered. If your
group is having any trouble working together, you need to contact the instructor immediately to
try to work things out.

Syllabus Subject to Change

The data provided in this document is for information and planning only. The dates are subject to
change based on the material covered and unexpected circumstances that require changing the
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Tentative Schedule

• Any changes will be announced in class or in Blackboard.

• Assigned Readings should be read prior to that class. See Blackboard Announcements
for assigned articles and cases to go with textbook readings.

Date Topic

Before 1st Class Class officially begins August 29

Read syllabus and assigned chapters/articles (Chapters 1-4, 9)
Get a head start on other Discussion Board forums and other chapters
Post Introduction & picture in Discussion Board by September 1.

Sept. 3 Marketing Mix Discussion Board Due

Sept. 7 Advertising Discussion Board Due

Sept. 10 (class) Introduction/Overview of Marketing Ch. 1

Strategic Marketing Planning Ch. 2
Market Info/SWOT Analysis Ch. 3-4
Marketing Implementation & Control Ch. 9

Sept. 11-13 Online Quiz Available in Blackboard

Sept. 15 Group Case Individual Part Due

Sept. 17 (class) Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) Ch. 5

4 P’s (Marketing Mix) Strategies Ch. 6-7
Managing Customer Relationships Ch. 10

Sept. 20 Sustainability Discussion Board Due

Sept. 23 Individual Paper (Marketing Plan for You) Due

Oct. 1 (class) In-Class Exam

Ethics; Social Responsibility; Sustainability Ch. 8
Group Presentations/Cases

October 3 Group Case Project Due (e-mail by midnight)

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Course Guidelines:

This is an intensive graduate course packed into a short amount of time. It is imperative that
students keep up with Blackboard and the course schedule. Here is a set of guidelines that will
help make the experience better for all involved:

1. Make sure you attend all three Saturday sessions. Much of our learning and value from this
course comes from interacting with other professionals. You are expected to participate in all in-
class activities as well as online activities.

2. We are all professionals, and I expect everyone to treat each other, the instructor, and any
guests with professional courtesy and respect.

3. If there are any problems or concerns regarding this course, please bring the issues to the
course instructor first (and immediately).

4. I will try to schedule adequate breaks, but if you need to take a break at a different time, please
just do so quietly. We are all adults - no need to ask permission.

5. Cell phones can be a big distraction in class. I prefer that you turn them off. If this is not
possible, please keep them silent and use them only if an urgent necessity.

Discussion Board and Electronic Communications:

1. When a new Discussion Forum is posted, please participate as soon as possible. This will help
maintain everyone's interest and will allow us to move on to the next topic more easily.

2. You may post your own comments (add new thread) and (optional) reply to others' comments
(simply hit "reply" at the end of someone's comments).

3. Many of the discussion topics deal with "your company." If you are currently in between jobs,
or if your company does not apply very well to the topic, please select another company that is of
interest to you.

4. The Discussion Board is not a chat room! You need to write complete thoughts using
complete words and complete sentences. You should proofread your comments before
submitting them. If you have trouble with spelling or grammar, you can type your comments in
Word. After editing, you can then copy the text and paste it into the discussion box. You might
want to go back in and modify it if Blackboard inserts question marks in place of other symbols
(quirk of BB).

5. Every discussion post should have a specific, relevant subject heading. Do not simply use the
same subject line as everyone else (unless you are replying and include "re:").

6. All discussions should use courteous and clean language. While you may certainly disagree
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with someone, please show proper respect and do not make personal attacks.

E-mail: As a partly online course, e-mail will be a critical point of communication. I will reply
as quickly as possible to all e-mails. If you don't get a reply within 24 hours, you might want to
make sure I got your e-mail.

For all e-mails:

(1) Include an appropriate subject heading.

(2) State your name and which course you are writing about.
(3) State your comment or question clearly.
(4) Try not to include too many different subjects in one e-mail.

TWU Attendance Policy: Consistent and attentive attendance is vital to academic success, and
is expected of all students. Grades are determined by academic performance, and instructors may
give students written notice that attendance related to specific classroom activities is required
and will constitute a specific percentage of students' grades.

Instructors are strongly encouraged to keep a record of student attendance. They should note
absences due to documented student illness, serious illness or death in the student's immediate
family, pregnancy or related conditions, official school activity, state-recognized religious
holiday, active military service that is of a reasonable brief duration, or other verified absences
deemed appropriate by the instructor. Students must consult with instructors regarding the
completion of make-up work.

Absences do not exempt students from academic requirements. Excessive absences, even if
documented, may result in a student failing the course. An incomplete may be granted if the
student has a passing grade, but only if the instructor determines that it is feasible for the student
to successfully complete remaining assignments after the semester. Pursuant to university policy,
such determinations are within the discretion of the instructor.

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