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Sony Corporation Response

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Teamate 1

Hi, after reading your article, which I must admit is easily understandable. It is clear that

Sony 12 center section utilizing its high technology has brought great enhancements in cell

phones, hardware, system gadgets, and games. You have explained that the utilization has

brought several benefits to not only Sony but also other companies such as Samsung, who have

developed some skills in some of their items, which are better than Sony's and have existed for a

longer period (Alhashash, Alshammari & Al-Mnaies, 2019). With the current advancement in

technology, most companies have expanded, and Sony cannot efficiently support all the 12-

center sections. Additionally, the current companies are less enlarged compared to past

companies, and they focus on more popular items. It is also clear that Sony has a major focus on

providing end to end client operations that meet the requirements of various client's needs

through combining technologies that are uncommonly practicable in creating ideas.

Teamate 2

Hi, your article begins by explaining that Sony conducts its business operations in 12

core sections initiated in 1946, but not all the sections were founded at the same time since the

organization grew slowly into different companies that produce different services and products

with high quality in each section. It is clear that believing that they can provide better products

than the ones that exist, the current companies are able to avoid diversification, which has led to

the failure of most companies, but the new products offer competitive advantage (Oliinyk et al.

2018). It is fascinating how you have discussed that Sony’s 12 section model is workable if the

organization keeps on transforming and maintaining its competitive end in all the 12 sections

businesses. From the article, one can understand that connecting more with people and

developers and Sony can offer services and products that will change people's lives.

Additionally, through launching life space X, they will offer services and produce products that

are defined by people's lifestyles.



Alhashash, F., Alshammari, T., & Al-Mnaies, A. (2019). Sony Corporation. Journal of the

community development in Asia, 2(2).

Oliinyk, V., Kozmenko, O., Wiebe, I., & Kozmenko, S. (2018). Optimal control over the process

of innovative product diffusion: the case of Sony Corporation. Economics & Sociology,

11(3), 265-285.

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