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Seldom have I ever thought about creating an online profile in a dating website, one could say that

me being sixteen years old it would be quite ridiculous to even think about it. Nonetheless, I have
never ponder on the fact that because I am a youngster i should sing in such sites, my concern has
always been other: dating online is utterly fruitless.

Not until a couple of years back did I cotton on the excitement of dating websites, I suppose I
understood that it was a much quicker and easier way to meet people but my mindset has always
been the same, dating sites are more of a hindrance that help. Over the course of my pre teen
years my aunt´s attempts to have an stable online relationship have always met abysmal failure.
Although she alluded to the problem she never did more than moaning and signing up in another
website. Notwithstanding, her relationship always rounded up in the same manner, the apex of her
alliance was when she met the ideal man and then it all went downhill. They either were needy, not
candid enough of really pushy.

On a more serious tone, online dating can be quite dangerous. People ought to be careful for
online predators or the well known ¨catfishers¨. To catfish someone is a topic that has been on the
limelight for many years. This are online users who profiles are edited in a fashion that will make
them more appealing to a certain target who will be later scammed. All in all, these people pretend
to be someone they are not in order to date a certain person and sometimes, if the situation is
twisted, ask for money or intimate pictures in order to not ruin their victim´s reputation or social life.

On the other hand, online dating is usually confused with long distance dating. It is worth
mentioning that the Internet is really helpful when connecting people but dating websites are not a
tool for long distance relationships. Skype, FaceTime or other applications bolster the kinship of
two persons while they are separated whereas Tinder or other websites entail people to meet
prospect partners and build up a relationship from there, which usually is an egregious mistake.

Moreover, online dating users are highly likely to be more shallow that other people. While dating
online we tend to be biased to a certain preconception of the ideal men or women, resulting in one
¨swipping left¨ when we come across someone who does not matches our likings. Whereas some
people are in an erratic course and do not have and ideal type they are outnumbered by those who
have a fixed appearance entrenched on their minds. This leaves no space for people who are not
considered handsome or good-looking according to society´s stigmas making online dating

To sum up, some may be lucky enough to meet genuine people, a truly serendipity, whereas others
may believe that they have found the one but end up to be either scammed, having a troublesome
relationship or not feeling the sparks that you would have felt in an face to face meet up. Suffice it
to say that online dating is a mainstream issue that may loose popularity over time if society
decides so.


Baker, A. (2002) What makes an online relationship successful? Clues from couples who met in
cyberspace.Retrieved from 14, July, 2018.

Mitchell, R. L. (2009). Online dating: Analyzing the algorithms of attraction. PCWorld. Retrieved

Whitty, M. T. & Carr, A. N. (2006). Cyberspace romance: The psychology of online relationships.
Retrieved from 14, July,

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