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The role of content in creating

meaningful conversations online:
Case study of Henkel Beauty
Care’s digital campaign in
Received (in revised form): 20th June, 2013

Sonja Briffett*
is Head of Digital Marketing for Henkel Beauty Care, Retail Germany. Having built up a wealth of
marketing experience in the fast-moving consumer goods sector, Sonja is currently responsible for
developing and implementing Henkel Beauty Care’s digital marketing strategy for its core German
market. Prior to this position, she held various roles within Henkel Beauty Care including brand manager
and category manager.

Steffen Ruebke
is Vice President and General Manager Germany at Henkel Beauty Care. Before joining Henkel, Steffen
spent more than 12 years at other leading consumer goods companies, where he held a variety of
marketing and sales positions including global commercial strategy leader, business development and
marketing manager, as well as customer team leader. Steffen’s work has been published in reference
books and magazines such as the Harvard Business Manager.

*Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstr. 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany

Tel: +49 211 797 5421; E-mail:

Abstract The advent of social media platforms has had a disruptive effect on the
shopping habits of consumers. Whereas once a consumer would be inspired by a
marketing tactic to buy certain goods or services, today they will more often than ever go
online to research the product further before buying. This paper will look at how this
change in buying behaviour is affecting marketing campaigns, and will ask what brands
can do to adapt to this new state of affairs. Looking at the case study of Henkel Beauty
Care’s digital campaigns, the paper will set out the authors’ views that far from being a
threat to brands, the changing behaviour of shoppers represents a real opportunity for
meaningful dialogue and engagement. The tactics described here represent best practice
in social media and are being deployed by a variety of brands across many industries.

KEYWORDS: social media, content, Facebook, brand, engagement, communications,

mobile, 1:1 dialogue, online consultancy, SEO

THE EVOLUTION OF CONSUMER he or she goes about making purchases; to

ENGAGEMENT insert into the shopping cycle new
Marketing and advertising have information that will make an impact on
traditionally been based on the art of the final buying decision. This method of
disruption. The aim has been for brands to brand communication is as old as
interrupt the behaviour of a consumer as marketing itself, but it is one that today is

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going through a period of fundamental bombardment of advertising messages. This

change. The traditional way of marketing has led to increasing scepticism about
products — by broadcasting key messages advertising — consumers today need
to audiences — is no longer enough to content that grabs them and tells them
sustain market share, let alone drive something they want to hear. What is
growth. Instead, modern marketers must more, this needs to be presented to them
provide multiple platforms from which as a dialogue, not a monologue.
they can reach out to consumers and Perhaps most importantly, however, is
engage in meaningful conversations with how word-of-mouth has changed.
target audiences. Crucially, this is about Previously, word-of-mouth was a
establishing two-way dialogue with the one-to-one communications medium. A
public rather than simply talking at them, consumer would like a brand and then
as was all too often the way in the past. It recommend it to a friend or family
is a major shift, but one that has the power member. With the advent of social media,
to transform completely how consumers however, word-of-mouth is now a
feel about their brands. But what is many-to-many communications medium.
driving this change? Consumers are posting their thoughts and
opinions on products to a network of
readers that spans the globe. This level of
THE CHANGING SHAPE OF consumer power is unprecedented.
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR The sum effect of these changes is that
The way consumers interact with brands companies today often find it much more
has been completely transformed. difficult to influence the consumer
Traditionally, there were far fewer brands purchasing cycle than in the past. The Mad
to choose from, and their unique selling Men approach to marketing — running a
propositions were grasped more easily. product advertisement so good that people
With only a few television channels and a simply have to rush out to buy it — is no
handful of newspapers and magazines to longer enough. In part, this is because
choose from, the vast majority of there is just too much information for
consumers could be reached with a single people to absorb in any sort of meaningful
prime-time ad slot. The consumer choice way.
was therefore simple. In the traditional To put this into context, worldwide
marketing model that drove this choice, around 5 exabytes of data are created
the seller controlled the process and had every day — this is equivalent to all the
complete power over content. Consumer data ever created by humans from the
communications were a monologue, dawn of civilisation up until 2003.1 With
flowing from the brand to the consumer. so much information being thrown their
The situation companies find way each and every day, people are often
themselves in today would be completely overwhelmed and simply cannot be
unrecognisable to the marketing expected to remember the details of
professionals of the previous century. advertisements. Instead, adverts will simply
Technological innovations such as the provide the impetus for further research so
internet and smartphones have run parallel the consumer can make a truly informed
with an explosion in the types of media shopping decision.
available to consumers. Brands have Today’s consumers will watch an advert,
proliferated and advertising has become certainly, but are then more likely to jump
saturated. Today’s consumers are faced with online to conduct further research than to
a bewildering number of brands and a grab their shopping bag. Today’s

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The role of content in creating meaningful conversations online

consumers will use Google to research the It is this zero moment of truth that
product; they will read reviews; they will marketers need to play within. However,
canvass opinions through social media for far too many brands the web is still
such as Facebook; they will read what seen as something of a communications
their trusted friends and contacts have to Wild West, with users having far too much
say. In short, the web — and in particular — and brands far too little — control over
the recent growth in social media content. The web is often viewed as a
platforms — has added a whole new necessary evil rather than the exceptional
dimension to the purchasing journey — gateway into the lives of consumers that it
one that marketers need to find a way to actually is. If the challenge of the zero
exploit. moment of truth is to be addressed, brands
need to be sufficiently confident to
embrace the full potential of the web and
THE ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH through this effectively become a trusted
The importance of this shift in consumer ‘friend’ to their consumers.
shopping behaviour cannot be overstated. Just how difficult it is to achieve this
For decades, marketing platforms have cannot be overstated.
been devised around a simple breakdown
of the consumer journey. The model posits
three steps behind every purchase: CREATING CONTENT WITHIN THE
1. Stimulus: This is the primary cause of a By identifying the zero moment of truth,
purchase. It could be that a consumer Google has helped bring the art of
has seen an advert on television or marketing into the 21st century.
heard a recommendation from a friend Frightening as it may be, companies now
that has inspired him or her to try a recognise that there is a new part of the
product. consumer purchasing journey, one that is
2. First moment of truth: This is when the actually ‘owned’ by the consumer.
consumer sees the product for the very Importantly, marketers also now know
first time (eg on the shelf). This is the that this zero moment of truth needs to be
first occasion when the brand promise embraced. Through an elegant social
comes against the reality of the product. media strategy, this new space will create
3. Second moment of truth: After the fertile ground on which brands can
consumer has taken the product home nurture ever-stronger relationships with
and used it, a second moment of truth their consumers.
forms the final impression of the But how does one make such a strategy
product and affects whether he or she work without appearing cynical?
would recommend it to a friend. This is perhaps the greatest challenge
for any social media strategy. The answer
It is this traditional, linear model that has lies in one thing and one thing alone:
been disrupted by the web. According to content. For any sort of ‘zero moment’
Google, which came up with the concept, communication to be a success, the
there is now a ‘zero moment of truth’, content has to be authentic and resonate
sitting between the stimulus and the first with what the consumer actually wants to
moment of truth.2 It is here that the read or watch.
consumer breaks away from what the This involves brands taking a different
retailer is telling them and goes online to approach to the type of information they
form their own opinion. give their consumers. The one-way,

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broadcast-style information that can work that consumers want content that is
for advertising or press announcements — personal:
the stimulus content if you will — simply
does not work in zero moment • How do I choose the right hair-care
environments. product for my needs?
What exactly is meant by this? • How will the hair-care product make
Broadly speaking, stimulus content me feel about my hair?
flows from the business to the consumer. It • Who else, whom I admire, uses this
is the information one sees on a daily basis hair-care product?
in television adverts, print ads, online • What do other people think of the
banners, brand homepages etc. It is hair-care product?
prescriptive and descriptive, providing • What hair colour suits my style?
information that a brand has to get across
to the consumer. To take an example from Clearly this is information that is difficult
the beauty industry and hair-care category, to convey through classical advertising, and
this would include the following: requires an integrated approach.

• what the hair-care product looks like;

• unique selling proposition, such as CREATING CONTENT FOR THE ZERO
ingredients that are particularly MOMENT OF TRUTH: A CASE STUDY
nourishing for hair; Content must be presented as a dialogue
• how the hair-care product stands out with the consumer. If content is seen in
from other hair-care products or brands; any way as being product or marketing
and led, it will alienate the consumer and
• what celebrities think about the create a negative image of the brand.
hair-care product (testimonials). Remember, this is the consumer’s
communications channel and they decide
This is the core information that brands what type of content they will engage
must deal in — it is essential to get these with on it.
key messages across to consumers. For this What form should this content take?
reason, the traditional channels of The following outlines a campaign
television and print advertising will always strategy put in place by Henkel Beauty
remain important to reach out to a wide Care, Germany for its master brand
range of consumers and generate stimulus Schwarzkopf — a brand with a wide
at the first stage of the shopping range of products in the hair-care,
experience. hair-styling and hair-colourant
Content in the zero moment of truth, categories.
in the online world of social interaction, Henkel Beauty Care set itself an
must by its very nature be focused on the ambitious goal: to get Schwarzkopf known
consumer perspective. It will not come as as the premium hair expert/hair
a surprise to learn that the content a consultant on the web by building a
consumer wants to access online is worlds meaningful dialogue with consumers. This
away from the stimulus content that was not a campaign intending to directly
brands have got used to communicating. promote specific products. Rather, its goal
So what information do consumers was for consumers to see the brand as a
actually want when online? source of advice on all hair-related
Taking again the beauty industry and matters; to insert Schwarzkopf into the
the hair category as an example, it is clear zero moment of truth conversation.

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The role of content in creating meaningful conversations online

In short, Henkel Beauty Care wanted to has done with the Schwarzkopf site:
make Schwarzkopf a search destination for creating a site without any upfront
consumers looking to have their zero product information.
moment of truth questions answered. In fact, this is no longer a brand
homepage in the traditional sense. Rather,
it is a content hub; a source of
GETTING DIGITAL RIGHT information, news and views presented in
With a campaign about content and a magazine format. Henkel Beauty Care
dialogue, the tools for engagement need to engaged a leading beauty publishing house
be based on social media platforms, as this to contribute additional editorial content.
is where consumers are turning to for Their expertise helped develop an online
advice and recommendations. presence that has more in common with a
Henkel Beauty Care had already lifestyle platform than the traditional ‘shop
established an international digital team, window’ websites of competing brands
reporting in to the global marketing (see
function. With the investment of an But why did the content need to be
additional digital marketing manager in its different from the content of traditional
local market, the close collaboration with brand homepages? Having analysed the
the international digital team and the search terms on Google, it was obvious
support of best-in-class agencies, Henkel that the search queries for hair-related
Beauty Care, Germany was well set up to topics like ‘hair styles’, ‘hair colour’ and
develop and run digital campaigns that ‘shampoo’ or even more specific terms
would resonate well with its consumers. such as ‘undercut’ or ‘hair straightening’
This is perhaps one of the biggest outnumbered the search terms for brand
lessons for any organisation looking to names. Hence, by following an editorial
fully exploit social media and digital approach, Henkel Beauty Care wanted to
channels: if you are going to do it, do it give its consumers the content they are
properly. Furthermore, doing it properly looking for.
involves a level of commitment, both short With this innovative platform in place,
and long term, which should not be the crucial element was to ensure that the
underestimated. consumer would find this hair-related
content hub when searching on the web.
Given that 70 per cent of website searches
ENABLING SOCIAL MEDIA are conducted using natural rather than
PLATFORMS paid-for search terms,3 Schwarzkopf
The initial phase of the strategy involved thrives through search engine optimisation
exchanging the traditional, (SEO) and is top-listed in a number of
product-focused Schwarzkopf brand important hair-related key words.
homepage with something optimised for The content hub is kept up to date
the new social environment. This was a with engaging features and editorial
brave move for Henkel Beauty Care. It articles on the subjects that are of greatest
involved nothing less than taking all the relevance to Schwarzkopf consumers. This
received wisdom on what makes a good content includes stories on the latest
website and casting it aside. Most ‘must-have’ hairstyles; video ‘how-tos’ on
companies today understand the how to create the style of an in-vogue
importance of digital presence, but few celebrity; as well as tips on hair care, hair
would have the courage to do with their styling and hair colourants. Recent
brand website what Henkel Beauty Care articles, for example, included a special on

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Briffett and Ruebke

alluring dating hairstyles, as well as a launched a Schwarzkopf Facebook page

feature on how to accentuate parts of your (
hair by setting streaks as highlights or Deutschland). Consumers are generally not
lowlights or using block streaks in the interested in visiting a Facebook page that
right hair colour. is obviously advertising a brand or
Importantly, product information is blatantly trying to sell products. Instead,
always kept to a minimum. As highlighted, they want to read about themes and topics
the aim of the content hub is not to that matter to them. The Schwarzkopf
advertise products in the traditional way, but Facebook page therefore hosts highly
to provide relevant hair-related content. compelling content of its own — such as
This is not to say there is a complete ‘Four Easy Steps’ guides to getting a
absence of product information on the site, certain hair style, or picture stories on how
but rather that product information is to get the latest look — helping to create
presented to the consumer only when the dialogues with consumers while also
information will be of actual interest. For channelling readers to the primary
example, with tips and tricks articles Schwarzkopf content hub. Here,
explaining how to create specific hairstyles, Schwarzkopf fans can have their questions
the site makes recommendations on which answered — either directly on the
Schwarzkopf product can be used to get a Facebook wall, through direct messaging
certain look. The product finder also helps or even through personal conversations
the consumer find the right Schwarzkopf over the phone. However, this was only
product for his or her specific need. The the first element of Schwarzkopf ’s
product suggested by the product finder Facebook strategy.
tool links back to the product’s homepage, Comments on the Schwarzkopf page
which offers more specific information on showed that many consumers were very
the product itself. interested in home-colouration products,
The editorial content is kept absolutely but had very specific questions on how it
up to date, includes the key words is done correctly and what brand colour
consumers are looking for on search would suit them. From the questions
engines, and is crafted to be something consumers were posting, it was clear that
people will actually want to read or watch there was a real requirement for a site that
in their spare time. Understanding what could advise consumers on how to dye
content is relevant to the consumer is an their hair most effectively, find the right
ongoing process. With the help of web hair colour and find out about the latest
analytics, social media tools and SEO trends in the hair colouration market.
analysis, the Henkel Beauty Care team From this insight, Henkel Beauty Care
works to improve the site by continually has just created another zero moment of
analysing what content gets the most truth platform: Color Expert
response, while paying attention to fashion (
shows and the latest trends on the street to On this page,
ensure that the content hub continues to customers can gain access to experts in
be relevant. hair colouration. Users can send questions
to the team, headed by Armin Morbach, a
celebrity stylist and true expert in the
THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA field. Additionally, the team regularly
PLATFORMS updates the page with, among other
To engage in meaningful dialogues with things, tips and tricks for getting the
its consumers, Henkel Beauty Care has perfect hair tone.

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The role of content in creating meaningful conversations online

Furthermore, Henkel Beauty Care has product information. Whatever the sector,
taken the idea of consumer dialogue one it is vital that marketers attempt to give
step further with its first Online their consumers more and relate to them
Hair-Consultancy Tool in the German as individuals.
market. This unique platform will allow
consumers to apply for an online
consultancy session with professionally REMARKABLE SUCCESS
trained stylists, held over webcam. The Schwarzkopf content platforms have
Importantly, this campaign involves been highly successful. With the new
Schwarzkopf having a dialogue with its concept, the number of Facebook fans in
consumers on a one-to-one basis. In this Germany has increased 50-fold, while
respect, it is the most advanced realisation visits to the Schwarzkopf website have
of zero moment of truth gone up and up. Within just 12 months,
communications. unique visitors to the site have increased
It works because the consultancy is real. 30-fold, as have page impressions. These
Like the content hub, it is not used to growth numbers represent pure organic
push products, but rather to build trust growth, as almost no media investment has
through dialogue. been made so far. In addition to this, social
media monitoring tools have shown that
more people are talking about
MOBILE SOCIAL MEDIA Schwarzkopf in, for example, blogs, forums
Just as it is important to talk to people and social media platforms, and that there
about subjects that they are interested in, it is an increase in positive feedback on the
is also important to talk to them through brand.
the channel of their choice. With the rise These are still early days, with many of
of smartphones, it was clear from the the long-term benefits still to be felt. The
outset that Henkel Beauty Care would marketing team is confident, however, that
need to embrace mobile social media. To it has set out on the right path to
this end, it has launched a smartphone app influence consumers within the zero
aimed at providing value-added moment of truth.
hair-colouration services to consumers.
The Schwarzkopf ColorAdvisor app
allows users to take photos of themselves CONCLUSIONS
and then digitally alter their hair colour to It has been clear for some time now that
try different styles based on specific online social interactions have disrupted a
Schwarzkopf colour shades. They can also marketing model that served well
share pictures with friends via email or throughout the 20th century. Consumers
Facebook to ask for their advice on what have more power than ever before over
looks best on them. Schwarzkopf was the what they buy and how they buy it.
first beauty brand to provide such Brands are facing an evolutionary
engagement in the German market and watershed — they must either adapt, or
has significant numbers of downloads from they will disappear over time.
the App Store. To adapt, businesses must rethink how
The Schwarzkopf homepage, Facebook they communicate with their audiences.
pages and ColorAdvisor app have at their Monologue must give way to dialogue;
heart Henkel Beauty Care’s belief that broadcast to conversation. Most
relevant content and meaningful dialogue importantly, brands should look to engage
must always take precedence over simple in a meaningful way with individuals.

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Briffett and Ruebke

The web and social media may have References

1. Schmidt, E. (2010) ‘Eric Schmidt at Techonomy’,
changed the way in which consumers Lake Tahoe, CA, 4–6th August, 2010, available at:
shop, but they have also provided the
means for businesses to respond to this (accessed 27th June, 2013).
2. Lecinski, J. (2011) ‘ZMOT’, ebook, available at:
change. As long as brands focus on (accessed
providing relevant and compelling 31st March, 2013).
content, they should not only be able to 3. Siu, E. (2012) ‘24 eye-popping SEO statistics’,
adapt to the zero moment of truth, but to available at:
24-eye-popping-seo-statistics/42665/ (accessed
thrive in it. 27th June, 2013).

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