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Wisdom comes with experience

A few years ago I went with my parents to help the homeless, that day I met
Fernando, an old man, and when I wanted to help him he asked me to sit down and
listen to his story and I did that; Don Fernando was approximately 75 years old and
had lived on the street since he was approximately 45 years old. He told me that
some time ago he was a great doctor who made very good money and used to go out
partying whenever he could, one night his friends offered him drugs and out of
curiosity or "huevon" he decided to consume cocaine and from that night he
became addicted and came at the point of spending all his money on cocaine, he
lost his job and his wife, he ended up living with his mother, a few days before
Christmas his mother suffered a heart attack and died from that the banks took his
house and left him on the street, He advised me that if I valued my life I should not
use drugs, because all he does is take me to hell.

Pablo Correa Londoño

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