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Topic : Cover Letter

Title : Comprehension and Opinion about cover letter.

Sekar Briani Sauzan


Cover letter is an introduction to our resume. Cover letter is also a letter that tells the
reason why we interested in working for the company, a letter that provides information about
the position we’re applying for. Cover letter is a bussines letter. There are 3 paragraphs in cover
letter. On the first paragraph, we talking about reason why we are writing the letter and how did
we hear about the position. On the second paragraph, we talk about education and experience
profile, qualification profile, and values of the company(accountability,intergrity, customer’s
satisfaction). On the third paragraph, we talk about the reasons why they should hire us and
how we will be contacting them.

Cover letter is important because it tells our story, it builds a relationship with the
employer, and it explains our relationship with someone who referred us. We have to submit the
cover letter if the position requires one, if the employer requires one during the interview
process, if we know the name of the hiring manager, and if someone referred you to the
position. There are some cover letter tips if we want to make a perfect one. First, read the job
description. Second, allocate our time properly. Third, create a portfolio. Fourth, monitor our
social media. In my opinion, we should follow the rules and tips to get a perfect cover letter,
because, it can make us easier to get a job that we want.

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