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June 13, 2020

A Please listen to the audio and make notes if needed

(Dengarkan file audio dan buat catatan jika perlu)
B. Fill the gaps (isilah yang dikosongkan)

Washing hands is (a)common practice for (b)maintaining good hygiene and

(c)preventing disease. However,(d)study show that many people (e)still don’t wash
their (f)hands properly. Rinsing with (g)water is not enough to (h)eliminate viruses. This
is (i)because viruses can (j)adhere to skin, and the friction caused by (k)rubbing hands
together is not always enough to (l)remove them. The (m)molecules in hand soap are
able to (n)break the virus away from the skin. These molecules can (o)then kill the virus
by breaking the (p)bonds that hold it together. It is (q)recommended that people wash
their hands for over twenty (r)seconds with soap and water. (s)Drying hands is also
important, because wet hands can (t)transfer bacteria to (u)surfaces more easily than
dry hands. Some people use hand sanitizer (v)instead of soap to prevent (w)disease
While hand sanitizer can be x)effective against bacteria and viruses, (y)medical
professionals agree that it is not (z)quite as effective as soap and water.

C. E1

Please write down a brief description about your job at PT Atap Teduh Lestari (Tuliskan
dan jelaskan tentang pekerjaanmu di PT ATL, bukan hanya sekedar menulis saya
seorang PAD titik)
D. Choose the better sentence between the two 1
(Pilih kalimat yang lebih baik)

1a Good morning, I have a meeting with Mr. Ten 2

1b Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. Ten

2a Could you please pass this document on to Mr. B? 3

2b Could you please give this document to Mr. B?

3a I will get back to you with more information later 4

3b I will call you back with more information soon

G. H.
Describe yourself in a most funny interesting words (Jelaskan tentang diri kalian sendiri
dalam bahasa yang menyenangkan/lucu, dalam bahasa Inggris tentunya)

Good morning, everyone. I’m going to introduce myself. My name is Sumakmur, and
you can call me Murya, I'm from Bekasi Jawa Barat, I,m 31 years old, I am the product
advisor of Atap Teduh Lestari company and I am the sales representative from SBU Bali,
you can visit our office at Jl Mahendradatta No. 129 Padang Sambian Denpasar Barat,
Kota Denpasar Bali and and you can contact us at 0361 847584 or 0857 811 57 228 and
save our business card if you need more detailed products

June 13, 2020


June 13, 2020

Name :


Do not be afraid to make mistakes, it is a part of learning
(Jangan takut salah, itu lebih baik karena akan selalu ingat)

Would you say that you're someone who's organised? What is the
best way to organise everything? You need a 'to-do' list, that is a
list of all the jobs you need to do so that you can work your way
through. What is that? That means the activities and tasks you have
to do to make your business or organisation runs smoothly, and
what are they? Its your plans to visit customers, to check on your
projects at site, to prepare a quotation, to send out catalogues etc.
You are all professionals that work in a specific field, roofing !!!
What about admin? It's the same thing, they have their own lines
of duties and tasks that they do regularly. Admin is short for
ADMINISTRATION, we usually call them "BACK SUPPORTS" it is the
life of a "business", without admin nothing will work, it is the
invisible layer of office work that most people say unchallenging.
So, with TDL, you know a "done that" pleasant feeling when you
strike that out from your TDL list

Why do you need to make a TO DO LIST (Tuliskan alasan, berikan

penjelasan mengapa To Do List perlu dibuat, apa kegunaannya
untuk kita?)
The function TO DO LIST is to remind us of what we have to do. We
can focus more on important things and not waste time in lost. We
also can determine priorities, and manage the time to complete
our various tasks and responsibilities

Multiple choice (pilih salah satu)

Is there ….. at the office?
a) anyone ; b) someone ; c) nobody ; d) no one

Did you visit ….. of your customers yesterday?

a) any ; b) some ; c) a few ; d) many

….. Mr. Dani available today?

a) does ; b) is ; c) was ; d) do

If you have ….. questions about the product, please contact me

a) some ; b) more ;c) none ; d) any

Tell me the steps you take before visiting or meeting your

customers (Jelaskan langkah2/persiapan yang dilakukan sebelum
bertemu customer atau potential customer)

Before meeting with customers, I am usually ready to use a

neat, use perfume, and clean myself. appearance can be
explained as a form of image of a person, wherever and
whenever when we meet with people, people will judge us
from the appearance and immediately guess how the nature
of ourselves. humans have different appearances, have
different levels of different, Prepare tools such as laptops,
calculators, pens, agendas, brochures, samples and install
Name :

Name :


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