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Oracle Receivables Invoice API: Setup and Sample Scripts [ID 1242202.


Modified 28-SEP-2011 Type WHITE PAPER Status PUBLISHED

In this Document
Document History
Oracle Receivables Invoice API: Setup and Sample Scripts
1. Overview
2. Main Package
3. Types of Invoice APIs
4. Setup
a. Manage Transaction Types
b. Manage AutoAccounting Rules
c. Manage Receivables Payment Terms
d. Manage Transaction Sources
e. Manage Receipt Classes and Methods (Optional)
f. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes (Optional)
g. Create Customer
5. Initialization
6. API Parameters
7. Sample code for CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE
8. Sample Code for CREATE_INVOICE
9. Running the API
10. Reviewing the Invoice created
11. Calling the Invoice API from a Concurrent Program
12. Troubleshooting & Tips
13. Known Issues and Patches
Still Have Questions?

Applies to:
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Oracle Receivables - Version: to 12.1.3 - Release: 11.5.10 to 12.1
Oracle Receivables - Version: to 12.1.3 [Release: 11.5.10 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle Receivables (AR): Transactions Workbench Information Center > Oracle Receivables: Transactions API Overview > Note 1242202.1

The objective of this document is to provide step by step instructions on the setups required in Receivables (AR) in order for you to create simple transactions using the
Invoice API.

This document discusses the APIs available to create invoices, lists the required setups, provides a sample script, details on how to run and test your script, and how
to verify the transactions were created in Receivables.

Note: The sample code provided below is based on Release 12 code definition for the APIs, if there were significant changes between the Release 11i and Release
12 versions of the code, you may need to make modifications to the sample code prior to using them for Release 11i.

Detailed information on the Invoice API is available in the Oracle Receivables Reference Guide.

Document History
Authors: Victoria Crisostomo
Creation Date: 18-Oct-2010
Update Date: 18-Oct-2010

Oracle Receivables Invoice API: Setup and Sample Scripts

1. Overview

Oracle Receivables allows you to create transactions using different methods.

• Manually using the Transactions workbench

• Automatically
◦ via AutoInvoice
◦ via Oracle EDI Gateway
◦ via Recurring Invoices
◦ via Invoice API (this is the focus of this note)

The Invoice API can create the following transaction types:

• Invoices
• Debit Memos
• On-account Credit Memos
This was an enhancement to the Invoice API, available in:
◦ 11.5: 11i.AR.N via Patch 5257046, the fix will be included in 11i.AR.P
◦ R12: the fix is included in R12.AR.A

The Invoice API will always create the transactions in complete status, i.e. COMPLETE_FLAG = 'Y'. There is an outstanding enhancement request to allow users to
create Incomplete transactions, please review Bug 3042506 API FOR COMPLETING/INCOMPLETING A TRANSACTION

Also keep in mind, that not all functionality you may see in AutoInvoice or the Transactions workbench is available in the Invoice API, as this feature is not meant to
replace these modules.

2. Main Package

The logic to control the Invoice API is in the package AR_INVOICE_API_PUB. This package is defined in:

• ARXPINVS.pls - Package Specification

• ARXPINVB.pls - Package Body
3. Types of Invoice APIs

Within AR_INVOICE_API_PUB, there are 2 methods to create Invoices:

• CREATE_INVOICE - to create multiple invoices within one batch

• CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE - to create a single invoice

4. Setup

Before using the Invoice API to create transactions, it is recommended that you have completed your setup such that you can create transactions manually using the
Transactions form:

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Transactions > Transactions

When you enter data through the form, data validation takes place and you receive pop-up error messages alerting you of any issues. This makes it easier to sort out
errors raised due to missing setup. After you successfully create a transaction using the form, you can use similar data to create a transaction using the API, thus
minimizing the possibility of hitting setup errors that are a little bit more difficult to identify when using the API.

The following lists setup steps required to create a simple transaction using the Invoice APIs, unless otherwise indicated, the setup step is mandatory.

a. Manage Transaction Types

When creating an invoice via the Invoice API, the record will be associated to a particular transaction type.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types

To see more details on how to create new transaction types, please refer to Note 1067797.1, Setting Up Transaction Types In Receivables.

Please note that if you want to use the AutoAccounting functionality (next task), and some of the segments of the Account are sourced from the transaction
type, then you must define GL accounts in the Accounts tab.

b. Manage AutoAccounting Rules

AutoAccounting enables you to create default accounts for revenue, receivable, freight, tax, unearned revenue, unbilled receivable, late charges, bills
receivables accounts, and AutoInvoice clearing (suspense) accounts.

If you expect Oracle Receivables to default GL accounts for you, then you should complete the setup for AutoAccounting.

In the following screen, the source for the third segment is 'Transaction Types'. When the default accounting is generated for the Receivable account, the
accounting flexfield will pull the third segment from the Receivables account defined for the transaction type. If we cross-reference this to the screenshot
from the previous task, the value for the third segment is 1210, coming from 01-000-1210-0000-000 defined for Receivables account.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting
To see how to manage and setup AutoAccounting, please refer to Note 1069052.1, Setting Up AutoAccounting Rules In Receivables.

c. Manage Receivables Payment Terms

Payment terms provide information necessary for Oracle Receivables to calculate a due date for invoices.

The following screenshot shows a Payment term we will use in the Invoice API.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Payment Terms

To see how to manage and setup Payment Terms, please refer to Note 1069049.1, How To Define Transaction Payment Terms In Receivables.

d. Manage Transaction Sources

Batch sources define default information such as transaction type and automatic numbering. There are two types available: Manual and Imported. Invoice
API requires a batch of type Manual.

The following screenshot shows the Transaction source we will use in the Invoice API sample code later. Highlighted below is the transaction type we
created earlier = TIP INVOICE, here we are associating it to this Manual Batch Source.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Sources

Following screenshots show the sub-tab for the Transaction Sources form:
To see how to manage and setup Transaction Sources, please refer to Note 1068008.1, Creating Transaction Sources Used For AutoInvoice.

e. Manage Receipt Classes and Methods (Optional)

If you want the transactions you are creating to be porcessed later for Automatic Receipts, then you need to associate a payment method to the
transactions you create via Invoice API, you need to define a Receipt Class and Method for your transaction to use.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes

To see how to manage and setup Receipt Classes and Methods, please refer to Note 1071284.1, Setting Up Receipt Class And Method in Oracle

f. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes (Optional)

Oracle Receivables provides a profile class DEFAULT.

If necessary, you can define different customer profile classes to categorize your customers. You can associate Customer Profile classes to customer
records you create later. By using a profile class you default certain attributes/fields into the customer records to make customer maintenance more

The following screenshot defines a new customer profile class, to which we associate the Payment Term created above.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Customers > Profile Classes
To see how to manage and setup Customer Profile Classes, please refer to Note 1071218.1, How To Define Customer Profile Classes For AutoInvoice.

g. Create Customer

Create customer record to use in the Invoice API, at this point we reference various setup data we created earlier.

The following screenshot shows the various sub-tabs at the ACCOUNT profile level.

On the Account Profile tab, we associate to this customer record the data we created earlier for customer profile = TIP PROFILE CLASS and the payment
term = TIP TERM.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager

Navigation: Customers > Customers
Payment Details tab: here we associate to this customer record the Receipt method created earlier = TIP RECEIPT METHOD.

We have defined the Receipt method at the ACCOUNT level profile. If this customer has only one site, or all the Sites of this customer will use the same
Receipt method, there is no need to set up Payment Details at the Site Level.

However, if there will be multiple sites for this account, and each site that uses a Receipt method different from that set at the ACCOUNT level, then you
will need to set up the Payment Details at the SITE level as shown below.
To see how to Create Customer Records, please refer to Note 1069338.1 How To Define Customers For AutoInvoice.

5. Initialization

When you use the application by logging in with your username and password and picking a responsibility, the underlying code authenticates all this information to
identify who you are before it gives you access to the data entry forms. When using the Invoice API, this process needs to be done manually by invoking:

fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id, responsibility_id, application_id,0);

for example:

fnd_global.apps_initialize(1318, 50559, 222,0);

6. API Parameters

The following table describes the global temporary records/tables used by the Invoice API to capture information.

Structure Name Description

BATCH_SOURCE_REC_TYPE This structure contains data to return to the user information regarding the Batch Source created.

TRX_HEADER_TBL_TYPE This structure contains data to pass into the Invoice API information that is stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL

TRX_LINE_TBL_TYPE This structure contains data to pass into the Invoice API information that is stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL

TRX_DIST_TBL_TYPE This structure contains data to pass into the Invoice API information that is stored in

TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL_TYPE This structure contains data to pass into the Invoice API information that is stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL
TRX_CONTINGENCIES_TBL_TYPE This structure contains data to pass into the Invoice API information that is stored in AR_LINE_CONTS_ALL

Details regarding the fields within each of these structures is discussed in detail in the Invoice Creation API User Notes, Oracle Receivables Reference Guide.

The API uses the the following parameters:

Parameter Type Data Type Required Default Value Description

P_API_VERSION IN NUMBER Yes 1.0 Compare version numbers of incoming calls to the API's current

P_INIT_MSG_LIST IN VARCHAR2 No FND_API.G_FALSE Allow API callers to request that API does initialize the message list
on their behalf.

P_COMMIT IN VARCHAR2 No FND_API.G_FALSE Used by API callers to ask the API to commit on their behalf.

P_BATCH_SOURCE_REC IN BATCH_SOURCE_REC_TYPE No Used by API to return information on the Batch created when using

P_TRX_HEADER_TBL IN TRX_HEADER_TBL_TYPE Yes Used by the API as a source of data to create the Invoice Header

P_TRX_LINES_TBL IN TRX_LINES_TBL_TYPE Yes Used by the API as a source of data to create the Invoice Lines

P_TRX_DIST_TBL IN TRX_DIST_TBL_TYPE No Used by the API as a source of data to create the Invoice Distributions

P_TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL IN TRX_SALESCREDITS_TBL_TYPE No Used by the API as a source of data to create the Salescredits
associated to the Invoice

P_TRX_CONTINGENCIES_TBL IN TRX_CONTINGENCIES_TBL_TYPE No Used by the API as a source of data to record contingencies against
the Invoice

X_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID OUT NUMBER No Returns customer_trx_id when using the


X_RETURN_STATUS OUT VARCHAR2 No Represents the status of the API after processing the data:

X_MSG_OUT OUT NUMBER No Used by the API to store number of outgoing status messages

X_MSG_DATA OUT VARCHAR2 No Used by the API to store outgoing status messages

7. Sample code for CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE

The following sample code will use the setup data created earlier, and will create a single invoice with the minimum number or parameters using
AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE. The values used in the parameters are explained in detail below the code. The following code may be saved to a
file called api1.sql

-- a. Turn on DBMS_OUTPUT to display messages on screen


-- b. Declaration section
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_batch_id number;
l_cnt number := 0;
l_batch_source_rec ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type;
l_trx_header_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_header_tbl_type;
l_trx_lines_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_line_tbl_type;
l_trx_dist_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_dist_tbl_type;
l_trx_salescredits_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_salescredits_tbl_type;
l_customer_trx_id number;

cursor list_errors is
SELECT trx_header_id, trx_line_id, trx_salescredit_id, trx_dist_id,
trx_contingency_id, error_message, invalid_value
FROM ar_trx_errors_gt;


-- c. Set the applications context

fnd_global.apps_initialize(1318, 50559, 222,0);

-- d. Populate batch source information.

l_batch_source_rec.batch_source_id := 3209;

-- e. Populate header information.

l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_header_tbl(1).bill_to_customer_id := 117751;
l_trx_header_tbl(1).cust_trx_type_id := 3627;

-- f. Populate line 1 information.

l_trx_lines_tbl(1).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).trx_line_id := 401;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_number := 1;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).description := 'Product Description 1';
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).quantity_invoiced := 10;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).unit_selling_price := 12;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_type := 'LINE';

-- g. Populate line 2 information.

l_trx_lines_tbl(2).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).trx_line_id := 402;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).line_number := 2;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).description := 'Product Description 2';
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).quantity_invoiced := 12;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).unit_selling_price := 15;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).line_type := 'LINE';

-- h. Populate freight information and link it to line 1.

l_trx_lines_tbl(3).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).trx_line_id := 403;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).link_to_trx_line_id := 401;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).line_number := 3;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).line_type := 'FREIGHT';
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).amount := 25;

-- i. Call the invoice api to create the invoice

p_api_version => 1.0,
p_batch_source_rec => l_batch_source_rec,
p_trx_header_tbl => l_trx_header_tbl,
p_trx_lines_tbl => l_trx_lines_tbl,
p_trx_dist_tbl => l_trx_dist_tbl,
p_trx_salescredits_tbl => l_trx_salescredits_tbl,
x_customer_trx_id => l_customer_trx_id,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data);

-- j. Check for errors

IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR
l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
dbms_output.put_line('unexpected errors found!');
SELECT count(*)
INTO l_cnt
FROM ar_trx_errors_gt;

IF l_cnt = 0 THEN
dbms_output.put_line ('SUCCESS: Created customer_trx_id = '|| l_customer_trx_id);
-- k. List errors
dbms_output.put_line('FAILURE: Errors encountered, see list below:');

FOR i in list_errors LOOP

dbms_output.put_line('Header ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_header_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Line ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_line_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Sales Credit ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_salescredit_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Dist Id = ' || to_char(i.trx_dist_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Contingency ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_contingency_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Message = ' || substr(i.error_message,1,80));
dbms_output.put_line('Invalid Value = ' || substr(i.invalid_value,1,80));

The following explains the data used in the script above, with notations matching the lettered-numbering in the script.

a. Turn on DBMS_OUTPUT to display messages on screen

Typically, script such as this are run in Sql*Plus, and to enable the debug messages to display, we are using the DBMS_OUTPUT utility

b. Declaration section
The declaration section just defines all the variables we will be using in the script. Take note of the structure types that refer to ar_invoice_api_pub, such
as ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type. These are program-defined structures that contain information that needs to be passed into the API.
Definition of the fields within these structures is in ARPXINVS.pls.

c. Set the applications context

Since we are running the API outside of the application, we need to initialize the context in which we are running this script

• mo_global.init('AR');

These calls initialize the application and sets the context to determine the Organization Security Policy. The value 204 corresponds to the ORG_ID
under which you intend to create the invoice.

• fnd_global.apps_initialize(1318, 50559, 222,0);

This call provides identification on who is running the script. The parameters are user_id, responsibility_id, application_id and security_group_id. The
easiest way to determine the user_id and responsibility_id values is to actually log into Oracle Receivables using your username, then picking the
Receivables Manager Responsibility.
1. Navigate to Transactions > Transactions
2. Help > Diagnostics > Examine

3. Enter the APPS password

4. Query Block = $PROFILE$ and Field = USER_ID
5. Query Block = $PROFILE$ and Field = RESP_ID

For application_id, use the value = 222

For security_group_id, use the value = 0.

d. Populate batch source information

Associate this invoice to the batch source we created earlier. By doing so, we default in behavior that we have defined in the batch source, such as
Automatic Transaction Numbering. To find the batch_source_id, run the following:

select batch_source_id
from ra_batch_sources_all
where name = 'TIP API';

use the value = 3209

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

e. Populate header information

In this section we define data that will be stored in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL. Populate the fields that you want the API to capture. There are many fields
in trx_header_rec_type for you to pass information, such as the Ship to customer information, exchange rate/date information for non-functional currency
transactions, purchase order information, payment information and so on. In our example, we just provide the minimum and let the rest default from the
settings of the Customer Profile.

trx_header_id: an arbitrary value that you choose to uniquely identify a transaction, the same value should be used for the header and for
all lines, distributions, salescredits and contingencies associated to one invoice.
use the value = 101

bill_to_customer_id: identifies the customer that will be billed for this invoice, run the following to determine the ID:

select b.cust_account_id
from hz_parties a,
hz_cust_accounts b
where a.party_name = 'TIP CUSTOMER 1'
and a.party_id = b.party_id;

use the value = 117751

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

cust_trx_type_id: identifies the transaction type to be associated with this invoice, run the following to determine the ID:

select cust_trx_type_id
from ra_cust_trx_types_all
where name = 'TIP INVOICE';

use the value = 3627

Please note that the ID may be different in your instance.

f. Populate line 1 information

g. Populate line 2 information
In these 2 sections we provide information for the lines of the invoice. There is no limit on the number of lines you can associate to an invoice, the data for
each line is stored in a record designated by the number within parenthesis, for example, details of line 1, all use the notation l_trx_lines_tbl(1), details of
line 2, all use the notation l_trx_lines_tbl(2) and so on.

trx_header_id: ties in to the value used in the header, all lines that have the same value for this field are grouped into one invoice
use the value = 101, to match the value we used in l_trx_header_tbl

trx_line_id: an arbitrary value that you choose to uniquely identify lines of a transaction
use the values = 401 and 402

line_number: sequential value that will affect the ordering of the lines when the invoice is created
use the values = 1 and 2

description: a textual description of this invoice line

use the values = 'Product Description 1' and 'Product Description 2'

quantity_invoiced: a number indicating the quantity of the items for this line
use the values = 10 and 12

unit_selling_price: a number indicating the price of each item for this line
use the values = 12 and 15

line_type: indicates the type of line this record is, valid values are: LINE, TAX, FREIGHT, CHARGES
use the value = 'LINE'

h. Populate freight information and link it to line 1.

This section demonstrates how you can link one of the invoice lines to another line.

link_to_trx_line_id: indicates the trx_line_id value to which you want to link this invoice line to, you should be passing in data in one of the
l_trx_lines_tbl rows wherein trx_line_id has this value
use the value = 401

line_type: indicates the type of line this record is

use the value = 'FREIGHT'

amount: since you are passing in FREIGHT which is not associated to quantity or unit price, you pass in the amount instead
use the value = 25

For other fields, please review section f. and g. above

i. Call the invoice api to create the invoice

In this section, we invoke the API and pass in all the data we defined earlier.

j. Check for errors

After the API runs, we want to determine whether or not it was successful in creating an invoice. We check for unexpected errors, as well as expected
errors which are stored in global temporary table ar_trx_errors_gt.
If no errors are found, the script will indicate the customer_trx_id of the new invoice created.

k. List errors
If there were any errors encountered, this section will loop thorough the table and list the errors.

8. Sample Code for CREATE_INVOICE

The following sample code will use the setup data created earlier, and will 3 invoices within a batch using AR_INVOICE_API_PUB.CREATE_INVOICE. The values used
in the parameters are explained in detail below the code. The following code may be saved to a file called api2.sql

-- a. Turn on DBMS_OUTPUT to display messages on screen

set serveroutput on size 1000000

-- b. Declaration section
l_return_status varchar2(1);
l_msg_count number;
l_msg_data varchar2(2000);
l_batch_id number;
l_batch_source_rec ar_invoice_api_pub.batch_source_rec_type;
l_trx_header_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_header_tbl_type;
l_trx_lines_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_line_tbl_type;
l_trx_dist_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_dist_tbl_type;
l_trx_salescredits_tbl ar_invoice_api_pub.trx_salescredits_tbl_type;
l_trx_created number;
l_cnt number;

cursor cbatch IS
select customer_trx_id
from ra_customer_trx_all
where batch_id = l_batch_id;

cursor list_errors is
SELECT trx_header_id, trx_line_id, trx_salescredit_id, trx_dist_id,
trx_contingency_id, error_message, invalid_value
FROM ar_trx_errors_gt;

-- c. Set the applications context
fnd_global.apps_initialize(1318, 50559, 222,0);

-- d. Populate batch source information.

l_batch_source_rec.batch_source_id := 3209;

-- e. Populate header information for first invoice

l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_header_tbl(1).bill_to_customer_id := 117751;
l_trx_header_tbl(1).cust_trx_type_id := 3627;

-- f. Populate lines information for first invoice

l_trx_lines_tbl(1).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).trx_line_id := 401;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_number := 1;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).description := 'Product Description 1';
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).quantity_invoiced := 1;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).unit_selling_price := 150;
l_trx_lines_tbl(1).line_type := 'LINE';

l_trx_lines_tbl(2).trx_header_id := 101;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).trx_line_id := 402;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).line_number := 2;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).description := 'Product Description 2';
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).quantity_invoiced := 2;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).unit_selling_price := 250;
l_trx_lines_tbl(2).line_type := 'LINE';

-- g. Populate header information for second invoice

l_trx_header_tbl(2).trx_header_id := 102;
l_trx_header_tbl(2).bill_to_customer_id := 117751;
l_trx_header_tbl(2).cust_trx_type_id := 3627;

-- h. Populate line information for second invoice

l_trx_lines_tbl(3).trx_header_id := 102;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).trx_line_id := 403;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).line_number := 1;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).description := 'Product Description 1';
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).quantity_invoiced := 3;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).unit_selling_price := 150;
l_trx_lines_tbl(3).line_type := 'LINE';

l_trx_lines_tbl(4).trx_header_id := 102;
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).trx_line_id := 404;
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).line_number := 2;
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).description := 'Product Description 2';
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).quantity_invoiced := 4;
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).unit_selling_price := 250;
l_trx_lines_tbl(4).line_type := 'LINE';

-- i. Populate header information for third invoice

l_trx_header_tbl(3).trx_header_id := 103;
l_trx_header_tbl(3).bill_to_customer_id := 117751;
l_trx_header_tbl(3).cust_trx_type_id := 3627;

-- j. Populate line information for third invoice

l_trx_lines_tbl(5).trx_header_id := 103;
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).trx_line_id := 405;
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).line_number := 1;
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).description := 'Product Description 1';
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).quantity_invoiced := 3;
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).unit_selling_price := 150;
l_trx_lines_tbl(5).line_type := 'LINE';

l_trx_lines_tbl(6).trx_header_id := 103;
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).trx_line_id := 406;
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).line_number := 2;
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).description := 'Product Description 2';
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).quantity_invoiced := 4;
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).unit_selling_price := 250;
l_trx_lines_tbl(6).line_type := 'LINE';

-- k. Call the invoice api to create multiple invoices in a batch.

p_api_version => 1.0,
p_batch_source_rec => l_batch_source_rec,
p_trx_header_tbl => l_trx_header_tbl,
p_trx_lines_tbl => l_trx_lines_tbl,
p_trx_dist_tbl => l_trx_dist_tbl,
p_trx_salescredits_tbl => l_trx_salescredits_tbl,
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data);

-- l. check for errors

IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error OR
l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
dbms_output.put_line('FAILURE: Unexpected errors were raised!');
-- m. check batch/invoices created
select distinct batch_id
into l_batch_id
from ar_trx_header_gt;

IF l_batch_id IS NOT NULL THEN

dbms_output.put_line('SUCCESS: Created batch_id = ' || l_batch_id || ' containing the following customer_trx_id:');

for c in cBatch loop

dbms_output.put_line (' ' || c.customer_trx_id );
end loop;

-- n. Within the batch, check if some invoices raised errors

SELECT count(*)
INTO l_cnt
FROM ar_trx_errors_gt;

IF l_cnt > 0 THEN

dbms_output.put_line('FAILURE: Errors encountered, see list below:');
FOR i in list_errors LOOP
dbms_output.put_line('Header ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_header_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Line ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_line_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Sales Credit ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_salescredit_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Dist Id = ' || to_char(i.trx_dist_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Contingency ID = ' || to_char(i.trx_contingency_id));
dbms_output.put_line('Message = ' || substr(i.error_message,1,80));
dbms_output.put_line('Invalid Value = ' || substr(i.invalid_value,1,80));


To use the Invoice API to create an invoice wherein you bypass the Tax engine and provide the Tax lines, please review Note 821259.1, How To Create An Invoice
With Manual Tax Lines Using Invoice API.

The script above creates one transaction batch containing 3 distinct invoices with 2 invoice lines each. The following explains the data used in the script above, with
notations matching the lettered-numbering in the script. Details of steps a. to d. are the same as the previous example, so please refer to the above explanations.

For the each invoice, the data is populated in the following format: first populate the header information in l_trx_header_tbl, then populate the line information in

e. Populate header information for first invoice

The data populated in this section is the same as the previous example, please refer to the above explanation.

f. Populate lines information for first invoice

This section populates data for 2 invoice lines:

trx_header_id: ties in to the value used in the header, all lines that have the same value for this field are grouped into one invoice
use the value = 101

trx_line_id: an arbitrary value that you choose to uniquely identify lines of a transaction. This invoice has 2 lines, so we provide 2 distinct
use the values = 401 and 402

Note: Within one SQL session, it is not advised to re-use trx_line_id values. In this example, note that we keep incrementing the value in
trx_line_id even though the value is used for a different trx_header_id.

For example:
In section j. if we reused trx_line_id = 401 and 402 for trx_header_id = 103 the api will fail with:
unexpected errors found!

line_number: sequential value that will affect the ordering of the lines when the invoice is created
use the values = 1 and 2

description: a textual description of this invoice line

use the values = 'Product Description 1' and 'Product Description 2'

quantity_invoiced: a number indicating the quantity of the items for this line
use the values = 1 and 2

unit_selling_price: a number indicating the price of each item for this line
use the values = 150 and 250

line_type: indicates the type of line this record is, valid values are: LINE, TAX, FREIGHT, CHARGES
use the value = 'LINE'

A similar concept is done for the second and third invoice. Take note of the following:

• in l_trx_header_tbl and l_trx_lines_tbl - the value in enclosed in parentheses ( ) indicates the record number within that global temporary table.
When populating data that refers to one logical row, the value is retained, but as soon as you are populating data for the next logical row, the value
should increment. In the above example we populate l_trx_header_tbl(1) to l_trx_header_tbl(3), holding the header information for 3 invoices. Then
we populate l_trx_lines_tbl(1) to l_trx_lines_tbl(6), holding the line information associated to each invoice. The details in the lines table are
associated to the header table by the value in trx_header_id

9. Running the API

a. The following shows how to run the sample code for CREATE_SINGLE_INVOICE in sqlplus:


The output for a successful run shows:

SUCCESS: Created customer_trx_id = 527261
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

b. The following shows how to run the sample code for CREATE_INVOICE in sqlplus:


The output for a successful run shows:

SUCCESS: Created batch_id = 413666 containing the following customer_trx_id:


Note: Please remember to issue a COMMIT; when the API is successful in creating a transaction, otherwise your new invoice will not be saved to the database and
you will not be able to query it from the Transactions form.

10. Reviewing the Invoice created

After issuing a COMMIT; you can do the following to verify that the invoice was created:

a. Run Transaction diagnostics

The output of the script above exposes the value of the customer_trx_id for the new invoice, you can use this as an input parameter to the Transaction
Diagnostic. Please review the R12 Diagnostics Catalog, identify your point release and locate the diagnostics under Oracle Receivables: Transactions
Data. For example, in Release 12.0.6, the Transaction Diagnostic is in Note 732203.1

b. Query the Invoice in the Transactions form

Before you can run a query in the form to return the exact invoice created, you may need to first run the following to get the trx_number of the invoice. The
value used for customer_trx_id is the value generated by the API script upon completing successfully.

SQL> select trx_number from ra_customer_trx_ALl where customer_trx_id = 527261;


Use the trx_number = 4 and the Batch Source Name = TIP API, to uniquely find the new transaction.

The following screenshot shows the Invoice as queried from the transactions form, the fields highlighted show the setup data we created, that we passed
into the API directly or through the defaulting done by API logic from the customer profile.

The following screenshot shows the Freight:

The following screenshot shows the Lines of the Invoice:

11. Calling the Invoice API from a Concurrent Program

If you have a requirement to incorporate calling the Invoice API from within the Oracle Receivables application, you can create code that you can call as a concurrent
Program. For more information on how to do this, please review Note 1158903.1, Sample Code to Create Invoices using

12. Troubleshooting & Tips

When encountering issues getting the API, you can better identify the issue by simplifying your API wrapper code:

• If you are inserting multiple transactions, try inserting one transaction at a time an see if that works.
• If you are generating system derived values for transaction number or batch number or some other field in the parameter list of the API, try passing constant
values instead. This would eliminate errors caused by additional logic to generate values.
• Enter a manual transaction via the form with the same constants used above to see if it is successful.

Once you have successfully generated a manual transaction, try to create a transaction using similar values through the API. Once you have the wrapper successfully
creating a simple transaction, you can then expand on it.

For additional information on how to debug and trace an API, please review Note 784317.1, How to Troubleshoot Receivables API Issues.

Following is a walk-through of how to address sample errors raised by the Invoice API

Sample Error #1

The following shows a sample of errors raised if the code in api1.sql had the following line in the section: e. Populate header information:
l_trx_header_tbl(1).trx_number := 'Test Invoice API';


FAILURE: Errors encountered, see list below:

Header ID = 101
Line ID =
SalesCred ID =
Dist Id =
Contingency ID =
Message = The transaction number is populated when automatic transaction
numbering is sele
Invalid Value = Test Invoice API

The error_message field is 2000 characters long, and has been truncated to 80 characters, but it gives you an idea of the error. The problem here is that
the Batch Source has Automatic Transaction numbering enabled, so you should not be providing a value for the transaction number.

Sample Error #2

The following shows a sample error if the code in api2.sql had the following line in section i. Populate header information for third invoice
l_trx_header_tbl(3).bill_to_customer_id := 11775551;


FAILURE: Errors encountered, see list below:

Header ID = 103
Line ID =
Sales Credit ID =
Dist Id =
Contingency ID =
Message = Invalid paying customer ID.
Invalid Value = 11775551
The above shows that it managed to create the first 2 invoices, then fails with error on the third invoice.

13. Known Issues and Patches

To see a list of consolidated issues and patches involving the Invoice API, please review Note 1306471.1, Oracle Receivables Invoice API: Known Issues and Patches

Still Have Questions?

To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers, we encourage you to review, join or start a discussion in the My Oracle Support
Receivables Community.

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• Oracle E-Business Suite > Financial Management > Credit to Cash > Oracle Receivables
• Oracle E-Business Suite > Financial Management > Credit to Cash > Oracle Receivables




API-9; API-2; API-8; API-1

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