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Chapter 6

Architecting for Performance:


All aspects of architecting your SQL Server Database for performance are important.
Storage is more important than most when compared to the other members of the IT
Food Group family we introduced in Chapter 5, “Architecting for Performance: Design,”
which consists of Disk, CPU, Memory, and Network. Our experience has shown us, and
data from VMware Support validates this belief, that more than 80% of performance
problems in database environments, and especially virtualized environments, are directly
related to storage. Understanding the storage architecture in a virtualized environment
and getting your storage architecture right will have a major impact on your database
performance and the success of your SQL Server virtualization project. Bear in mind as
you work through your storage architecture and this chapter that virtualization is bound
by the laws of physics—it won’t fix bad code or bad database queries. However, if you have
bad code and bad queries, we will make them run as fast as possible.

Greater than 80% of all problems in a virtualized environment are caused by the storage
in some way, shape, or form.

This chapter first covers the key aspects of storage architecture relevant to both physical
and virtual environments as well as the differences you need to understand when archi-
tecting storage, specifically for virtualized SQL Server Databases. Many of the concepts
we discuss will be valid for past versions of SQL Server and even the newest release, SQL
Server 2014.
106 CHAPTER 6 Architecting for Performance: Storage

We provide guidance on what our experience has taught us are important database storage
design principles. We present a top-down approach covering SQL Server Database and
Guest OS Design, Virtual Machine Template Design, followed by VMware vSphere
Hypervisor Storage Design and then down to the physical storage layers, including using
server-side flash acceleration technology to increase performance and provide greater
return on investment. We conclude the chapter by covering one of the biggest IT
trends and its impact on SQL Server. Throughout this chapter, we give you architecture
examples based on real-world projects that you can adapt for your purposes.
When designing your storage architecture for SQL Server, you need to clearly understand
the requirements and have quantitative rather than subjective metrics. Our experience has
taught us to make decisions based on fact and not gut feeling. You will need to benchmark
and baseline your storage performance to clearly understand what is achievable from your
design. Benchmarking and baselining performance are critical to your success, so we’ve
dedicated an entire chapter (Chapter 10, “How to Baseline Your Physical SQL Server
System”) to those topics. In this chapter, we discuss some of the important storage system
component performance aspects that will feed into your benchmarking and baselining

The Five Key Principles of Database Storage Design

When architecting storage for SQL Server, it’s important to understand a few important
principles. These will help guide your design decisions and help you achieve acceptable
performance both now and in the future. These principles are important because over the
past decade, CPU performance has increased at a much faster pace than storage perfor-
mance, even while capacity has exploded.

Principle 1: Your database is just an extension of your storage

“Your database is just an extension

of your storage”

Figure 6.1 Quote from Michael Webster, VMworld 2012

The first principle is highlighted in Figure 6.1: that your database is just an extension
of your storage. A database is designed to efficiently and quickly organize, retrieve, and
process large quantities of data to and from storage. So increasing the parallelism of access
The Five Key Principles of Database Storage Design 107

to storage resources at low latency will be an important goal. Later in this chapter, we
cover how to optimize the architecture of your database to maximize its storage perfor-
mance and parallelism. When you understand this principle, it’s easy to understand why
getting your storage design and performance is so critical to the success of your SQL
Server Database virtualization project.

Principle 2: Performance is more than underlying storage devices

The next key principle is that storage performance is more than just about underlying
storage devices and spindles, although they are very important too. SQL Server storage
performance is multidimensional and is tightly coupled with a number of different system
components, such as the number of data files allocated to the database, the number of
allocated vCPUs, and the amount of memory allocated to the database. This is why we like
to use the term “IT Food Groups,” because it is so important to feed your database the
right balance of these critical resources. This interplay between resources such as CPU,
Memory, and Network and their impact on storage architecture and performance will be
covered in subsequent sections of this chapter.

Principle 3: Size for performance before capacity

“The bitterness of poor performance

lasts long after the sweetness of a cheap
price is forgotten”

Figure 6.2 Quote from Michael Webster, VMworld 2013

Figure 6.2 is loosely based on the eighteenth-century quote “The bitterness of poor
quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten,” by Benjamin Franklin.
Both quotes are extremely relevant to SQL Server database and storage performance.
This brings us to the next key principle. In order to prevent poor performance from being
a factor in your SQL Server virtualization project (refer to Figure 6.2), you should design
storage for performance first (IOPS and latency), then capacity will take care of itself.
Capacity is the easy part. We will show you later in this chapter how compromising on
certain storage configurations on the surface can actually cost you a lot more by causing
unusable capacity due to poor performance.
108 CHAPTER 6 Architecting for Performance: Storage

A lesson from the field: We were working with a customer, and they wanted to design
and run a database on vSphere that could support sustained 20,000 IOPS. After we
worked with the customer’s vSphere, SAN, Network, and DBA teams, the customer
decided to move forward with the project. The customer then called in a panic saying,
“In our load test, we achieved 1,000 IOPS. We are 19,000 short of where we need to be.”
Trust me, this is a phone call you don’t want to get. Playing the odds, we started with
the disk subsystem. We quickly identified some issues. The main issue was the customer
purchased for capacity, not performance. They had to reorder the right disk. Once the
new (right) disk arrived and was configured, the customer exceeded the 20,000 IOPS

When it comes to storage devices, HDDs are cents per GB but dollars per IOP, whereas
SSDs are cents per IOP and dollars per GB. SSDs should be considered cheap memory,
rather than expensive disks, especially when it comes to enterprise SSDs and PCIe flash

Principle 4: Virtualize, but without compromise

The next principle is that virtualizing business-critical SQL Server databases is all about
reducing risk and not compromising on SLAs. Virtualize, but without compromise. There
is no need to compromise on predictability of performance, quality of service, availability,
manageability, or response times. Your storage architecture plays a big part in ensuring
your SQL databases will perform as expected. As we said earlier, your database is just an
extension of your storage. We will show you how to optimize your storage design for
manageability without compromising its performance.
Believe it or not, as big of advocates as we are about virtualizing SQL Server, we have told
customers in meetings that now is not the right time for this database to be virtualized.
This has nothing to do with the capability of vSphere or virtualization, but more to do
with the ability of the organization to properly operate critical SQL systems and virtualize
them successfully, or because they are not able or willing to invest appropriately to make
the project a success. If you aren’t willing to take a methodical and careful approach to
virtualization projects for business-critical applications, in a way that increases the chances
of success, then it’s not worth doing. Understand, document, and ensure requirements can
SQL Server Database and Guest OS Storage Design 109

be met through good design and followed by testing and validation. It is worth doing, and
it is worth “Doing It Right!”

Principle 5: Keep it standardized and simple (KISS)

This brings us to the final principle. Having a standardized and simplified design will
allow your environment and databases to be more manageable as the numbers scale
while maintaining acceptable performance (see Principle 4). If you have a small number
of standardized templates that fit the majority of your database requirements and follow
a building-block approach, this is very easy to scale and easy for your database admin-
istrators to manage. We’ll use the KISS principle (Keep It Standardized and Simple)
throughout this chapter, even as we dive into the details. Once you’ve made a design
decision, you should standardize on that decision across all your VM templates. Then
when you build from those templates, you’ll know that the settings will always be applied.

SQL Server Database and Guest OS Storage Design

Database and OS

Virtual Machine


The starting point for any storage architecture for SQL Server Databases is actually with
our last design principle: KISS (Keep It Standardized and Simple). But all of the principles
apply. We will determine the smallest number of templates that are required to virtualize
the majority (95%) of database systems, and anything that falls outside this will be handled
as an exception.
Your first step is to analyze the inventory of the SQL Server Databases that will be virtu-
alized as part of your project (refer to Chapter 4, “Virtualizing SQL Server 2012: Doing
It Right”). From this inventory, you will now put each database and server into a group
with similar-sized databases that have similar requirements. The storage requirements for
all of these existing and new databases, based on their grouping, will be used to define the
storage layouts and architecture for each of the SQL Server Databases, Guest OS, and VM
110 CHAPTER 6 Architecting for Performance: Storage

If you are virtualizing existing databases, you might consider using a tool such as VMware
Capacity Planner, VMware Application Dependency Planner, Microsoft System Center,
or Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit to produce the inventory. VMware
Capacity Planner and Application Dependency Planner are available from VMware
Professional Services or your preferred VMware partner. When you’re baselining a SQL
Server database, a lot can happen in a minute. We recommend your sample period for
CPU, Memory, and Disk be 15 seconds or less. We recommend you sample T-SQL
every minute.

SQL Server Database File Layout

Database file layout provides an important component of database storage performance.
If you have existing databases that will be virtualized, you or your DBAs will likely have
already developed some practices around the number of database files, the size of database
files, and the database file layout on the file system. If you don’t have these practices
already in place, here we provide you with some guidelines to start with that have proven
Your SQL Server database has three primary types of files you need to consider when
architecting your storage to ensure optimal performance: data files, transaction log files,
and Temp DB files. Temp DB is a special system database used in certain key operations,
and has a big performance impact on your overall system. The file extensions you’ll see are
.mdf (master data file), .ndf (for secondary data files), and .ldf for transaction log files. We
will go over all of these different file types later in this chapter.

Number of Database Files

First, we need to determine the number of database files. There are two main drivers for
the number of files you will specify. The first driver is the number of vCPUs allocated to
the database, and the second is the total capacity required for the database now and in the
Two design principles come into play here: The parallelism of access to storage should be
maximized by having multiple database files, and storage performance is more than just
the underlying devices. In the case of data files and Temp DB files, they are related to the
number of CPU cores allocated to your database. Table 6.1 provides recommendations
from Microsoft and the authors in relation to file type.
SQL Server Database and Guest OS Storage Design 111

It is extremely unlikely you will ever reach the maximum storage capacity limits of
a SQL Server 2012 database system. We will not be covering the maximums here.
We recommend you refer to Microsoft (

Table 6.1 Number of Data Files and Temp DB Files Per CPU
File Type Microsoft Author Recommended Setting
Recommended Setting
Temp DB Data File 1 per CPU core < 8 vCPU, 1 per vCPU
> 8 vCPU, 8 total (increase
number of files in increments of
four at a time if required)
Max 32
Database Data File 0.25 to 1.0 per file group, Min 1 per vCPU, max 32
per CPU core
Database Transaction Log File 1 1*
Temp DB Transaction Log File 1 1*

*If Temp DB and Transaction Log are deployed on local SSD or flash storage, especially when using AlwaysOn
Availability Groups, then it is recommended to have an additional copy on SAN.

Microsoft recommends as a best practice that you should configure one Temp DB data
file per CPU core and 0.25 to 1 data file (per file group) per CPU core. Based on our
experience, our recommendation is slightly different.
If your database is allocated eight or fewer vCPUs as a starting point, we recommend you
should configure at least one Temp DB file per vCPU. If your database is allocated more
than eight vCPUs, we recommend you start with eight Temp DB files and increase by lots
of four in the case of performance bottlenecks or capacity dictates.

Temp DB is very important because it’s extensively utilized by OLTP databases during
index reorg operations, sorts, and joins, as well as for OLAP, DSS, and batch operations,
which often include large sorts and join activity.
112 CHAPTER 6 Architecting for Performance: Storage

We recommend in all cases you configure at least one data file (per file group) per vCPU.
We recommend a maximum of 32 files for Temp DB or per file group for database files
because you’ll start to see diminishing performance returns with large numbers of database
files over and above 16 files. Insufficient number of data files can lead to many writer
processes queuing to update GAM pages. This is known as GAM page contention. The
Global Allocation Map (GAM) tracks which extents have been allocated in each file. GAM
contention would manifest in high PageLatch wait times. For extremely large databases
into the many tens of TB, 32 files of each type should be sufficient.
Updates to GAM pages must be serialized to preserve consistency; therefore, the optimal
way to scale and avoid GAM page contention is to design sufficient data files and ensure
all data files are the same size and have the same amount of data. This ensures that GAM
page updates are equally balanced across data files. Generally, 16 data files for tempdb
and user databases is sufficient. For Very Large Database (VLDB) scenarios, up to 32 can
be considered. See
If you expect your database to grow significantly long term, we would recommend that
you consider configuring more data files up front. The reason we specify at least one file
per CPU is to increase the parallelism of access from CPU to data files, which will reduce
any unnecessary data access bottlenecks and lower latency. This also allows for even data
growth, which will reduce IO hotspots.

Having too few or too many Temp DB files can impact the overall performance of your
database. Our guidance is conservative and aimed to meet the requirements for the
majority of SQL systems. If you start to see performance problems such as higher than
normal query response times or excessive database waits in PAGELATCH_XX, then
you have contention in memory and may need to increase the number of Temp DB
files further and/or implement trace flag 1118 (which we recommend), which prevents
single page allocations. If you see waits in PAGEIOLATCH_XX, then the contention is at
the IO subsystem level. Refer to
myth-a-day-1230-Temp DB-should-always-have-one-data-file-per-processor-core/ and
Microsoft KB 328551 (
SQL Server Database and Guest OS Storage Design 113

The number of data files and Temp DB files is important enough that Microsoft has two
spots in the Top 10 SQL Server Storage best practices highlighting the number of data
files per CPU. Refer to

When you’re determining the number of database files, a vCPU is logically analogous to
a CPU core in a native physical deployment. However, in a native physical environment
without virtualization, each CPU core may also have a hyper-thread. In a virtual envi-
ronment, each vCPU is a single thread. There is no virtual equivalent of a hyper-thread.

Figure 6.3 shows an example of data files, Temp DB files, and transaction log files
allocated to a SQL Server 2012 Database on a sample system with four vCPU and 32GB

SQL Server 4 vCPU, 32 GB RAM

(an example)

datafile1.mdf tempfile1.mdf logfile.Idf

datafile2.ndf tempfile2.ndf
datafile3.ndf tempfile3.ndf templog.Idf
datafile4.ndf tempfile4.ndf

Figure 6.3 SQL Database data file allocation.

As Figure 6.3 illustrates, there is only one transaction log file per database and per Temp
DB. Log files are written to sequentially, so there is no benefit in having multiples of
them, unless you exceed the maximum log file size (2TB) between backups. There is a
benefit of having them on very fast and reliable storage, which will be covered later.
This page intentionally left blank

Numbers virtual network adapters, 100

choosing, 250-251
10Gb Ethernet NICs, 269 traffic types, 101-102
tuning, 252-254
A addresses (IP), 341-342
Admission Control, 88
ABRTS/s counter, 326
affi nity rules, 358
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
AGs (Availability Groups), 306-308
Isolation, and Durability), 302-303
alignment of partitions, 128-129
ActivePerl, 407
AlwaysOn Availability Groups
ActiveState ActivePerl, 407
configuring, 387-391
adapter count, 95
creating, 399-405
AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instance,
CAN (Converged Network Adapter),
anti-affi nity rules, 358
iSCSI, 276
Application Dependency Planner, 110
LSI Logic SAS, 95
AQLEN, 168
physical network adapters, 267-269
arrays, 98-99
448 atomicity

atomicity, 302-303 vMotion, 296-297

ATS (Atomic Test Set), 99 vSphere App HA, 299-300
Auto Grow, 114-115 vSphere HA, 298-299
availability, 135 vSphere Replication, 300-301
ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, X-vMotion, 298
Isolation, and Durability), 302-303 Availability Groups (AGs), 306-308
business continuity, 291 Available Mbytes metrics, 321
determining availability Average Latch Wait Time(ms) metric,
requirements, 287-288 324
disaster recovery, 291-294 Average Wait Time(ms) metric, 324
high availability, 14-16
providing a menu of options, 288-289
RPOs (recovery point objectives), 290
RTOs (recovery time objectives), 290 background noise, lack of, 334
sample high availability chart, backing up networks, 103
308-309 ballooning, 230-232
SLAs (service-level agreements), 290 bandwidth, vMotion traffic, 276
SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover baselines
Cluster Instance (FCI), 304-306
baseline performance reports, 332-333
SQL Server Availability Groups
benchmarks, 315-316
(AGs), 306-308
developing, 317-318
vSphere high availability
industry-standard benchmarks,
DRS (Distributed Resource
Scheduler), 297
validating performance with, 318
hypervisor availability features,
294-296 vendor benchmarks, 316-317
Storage DRS, 297 common performance traps
Storage vMotion, 297 blended peaks of multiple
systems, 335
vCenter SRM (Site Recovery
Manager), 301 failure to consider SCU (Single
Compute Unit) performance,
vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service),
invalid assumptions, 334
vDP (vSphere Data Protection),
300 lack of background noise, 334
business case for virtualization 449

shared core infrastructure benchmark model based

between production and non- on system nonfunctional
production, 333-334 requirements, 317
vMotion slot sizes of monster industry-standard benchmarks, 316
database virtual machines, validating performance with, 318
vendor benchmarks, 316-317
BIOS settings, 12-13
different processor generations,
blended peaks of multiple systems, 335
blocks, Pointer Block Eviction Process,
different processor types, 328-330
customer deployments, 71
blogs, 444
database workload, 48-50
Thomas LaRock’s blog, 445
explained, 311-314
vLaunchPad, 444-445
breaking down large pages, 238-239
ESXTOP counters, 325-327
SQL Server baseline
Buffer Cache, 49
infrastructure metrics, 321-322
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio, 50, 323
SQL Server Perfmon counters,
323-324 Buffer Manager, 323
SQL Server Profiler counters, Buffer Pool, 129-130, 219-220
324-325 built-in in-memory, 246-247
non-production workload influences business case for virtualization, 9
on performance, 331-332 BIOS settings, 12-13
reasons for, 319-320 DBA (database administrator)
validating performance with, 318 advantages, 10-11
vSphere infrastructure, 46-48 hardware refresh, 20-22
when to record, 320 high availability, 14-16
Batch Requests/sec metric, 324 large databases, 22-23
Batch/ETL (Extract Transform Load) performance, 16-17
workloads, 64 provisioning/DBaaS, 17-20
benchmarks, 315-316 database tiering, 19-20
developing shared environments, 20
benchmark model based reduced expenses, 9-10
on recorded production
SLAs (service level agreements), 11-12
performance, 318
450 business continuity

business continuity, 291 WSFC (Windows Server Failover

business transparency, 73 Clustering), 304
Bytes Total/sec metric, 322 CMDS/s counter, 326
CoE (Center of Excellence), 61-63
Column Storage, 134-135
commands, SP_Configure, 246
cache communication, 58-59
Buffer Cache, 49 communication responsiveness, 253
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio, 50, 323 mutual understanding, 59-60
CACHEUSED counter, 326 responsibility domains, 60-61
Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203 comparing performance baselines, 328
vRFC (vSphere Flash Read Cache), different processor generations,
199-201 330-331
CACHEUSED counter, 326 different processor types, 328-330
CAN (Converged Network Adapter), Complete page (SQL Server
276 installation), 387
capacity, one-to-one relationships and compression, 133
unused capacity, 38-40 compromise, virtualization without,
Center of Excellence (CoE), 61-63 108-109
charge back, 73 computer names, requirements for
“check it before you wreck it” rule, 36 performance testing, 341-342
choosing virtual network adapters, configuration
250-251 AlwaysOn Availability Groups,
cloud, vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service), 387-391
302 Hot-Add Memory and Hot-Add
Cluster Validation Wizard, 363-364 CPU, 356-358
clusters jumbo frames, 259-262, 393-394
failover cluster instance storage max/min memory, 392
layout, 157 Max Server Memory, 236-237
vSphere 5.5 failover clustering performance test labs, 342
environments, 185-186 performance tests, 339-340
Windows Failover Clustering affi nity and anti-affi nity rules,
configuring, 359-368 358
quorum mode, 369-374 AlwaysOn Availability Groups
validating, 368 configuration, 387-391
database availability 451

AlwaysOn Availability Groups consistency, 302-303

creation, 399-405 consolidations, 53, 68
computer name/IP address continuity (business), 291
requirements, 341-342
controllers, virtual storage, 138-143
Dell DVD Store installation and
Converged Network Adapter (CAN),
configuration, 406-430
Dell DVD Store load test,
Cores per Socket, 83
Hot-Add Memory and Hot-Add
CPU, 356-358 ESXTOP, 325-327

jumbo frame configuration, Perfmon, 50, 323-324

393-394 Profiler, 324-325
max/min memory configuration, CPUs, 74-76
392 CPU Scheduler, 86
memory reservations, 355 hot-add CPUs, 3-4
multiple tempdb files, 394-395 CPU Scheduler, 86
network connection validation, Create Cluster Wizard, 366
359 CrossSubnetDelay, 255
performance test lab setup, CrossSubnetThreshold, 255
%CSTP counter, 326
software requirements, 341
customer deployment baselines, 71
SQL Server 2012 installation,
test database creation, 396-398 D
VMDK file configuration,
345-354 DaaS (Database as a Service), 73

Windows Failover Clustering and database virtualization, 17-20

configuration, 359-368 Darwin, Charles, 1-3
Windows Failover Clustering database administrators. See DBAs
quorum mode, 369-374 Database as a Service. See DaaS
Windows Failover Clustering database availability, 287
validation, 368 ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
trace flags, 215 Isolation, and Durability), 302-303
Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard, business continuity, 291
370-374 determining availability
requirements, 287-288
452 database availability

disaster recovery, 291-294 database files

providing a menu of options, 288-289 file system layout, 110-122
RPOs (recovery point objectives), 290 data files, 123-126
RTOs (recovery time objectives), 290 log files, 123-126
sample high availability chart, NTFS file system allocation unit
308-309 size, 126-127
SLAs (service-level agreements), 290 OS, application binaries, and page
SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability file, 122
Groups (AGs), 306-308 partition alignment, 128-129
SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover Temp DB files, 123-126
Cluster Instance (FCI), 304-306 Instant File Initialization (IFI),
vSphere high availability 120-122
DRS (Distributed Resource number of, 110-113
Scheduler), 297 size of, 114-116
hypervisor availability features, data files, 116
Temp DB files, 116
Storage DRS, 297
transaction log file sizing, 117-120
Storage vMotion, 297
database indexes, 222-225
vCenter SRM (Site Recovery
database installation guidelines, 32-36
Manager), 301
database instances, number of, 244-245
vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service),
302 database metrics, 324
vDP (vSphere Data Protection), database pages
300 explained, 219-220
vMotion, 296-297 large pages
vSphere App HA, 299-300 breaking down into default page
vSphere HA, 298-299 size, 238-239
vSphere Replication, 300-301 explained, 237-238
X-vMotion, 298 locking pages in memory, 239-241
database availability design, 135 paging, 220-221
database buffer pool, 219-220 swapping, 220-221
database consolidations, 53 TPS (transparent page sharing),
Database Engine Configuration page
(SQL Server installation), 382
design 453

database statistics, updating, 130-132 default queue depth (QLogic HBA), 166
with maintenance plan, 131-132 Dell DVD Store, 327
with trace flag 2371, 131 installing and configuring, 406-430
database storage. See storage load test, 430-436
database tiering, 19-20 Dell DVD Store Custom Install
database virtualization. See Wizard, 408
virtualization Denneman, Frank, 444
database workload, baselining, 48-50 deployment, 54, 63
Data Compression, 133 design
data files deployment, 54, 63
file system layout, 123-126 networks. See network design
sizing, 116 server-side flash acceleration, 198-199
data protection (vDP), 300 Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
data stores PernixData FVP, 204-206
number of, 165-169 vSphere Flash Read Cache
virtual disks per data store, 170-173 (vFRC), 199-201
DAVG/cmd counter, 326 SQL Server database and guest OS
storage, 109
DAVG/cmd metric, 48
Buffer Pool, 129-130
DBA Guide to Databases on VMware
(white paper), 439 Column Storage, 134-135
DBAs (database administrators) database availability, 135
business case for virtualization, 10-11 database statistics, updating,
BIOS settings, 12-13
Data Compression, 133
hardware refresh, 20-22
file system layout, 110, 122-129
high availability, 14-16
Instant File Initialization (IFI),
large databases, 22-23
performance, 16-17
number of database files, 110-113
provisioning/DBaaS, 17-20
size of database fi les, 114-120
SLAs (service level agreements),
Storage Spaces, 136
Volume Managers, 136
SLAs (service level agreements), 11-12
SQL Server on hyperconverged
Decision Support System. See DSS
infrastructure, 207-213
454 design

SQL Server virtual machine storage, determining availability requirements,

136 287-288
expanding, 158-159 developing benchmarks
Jumbo VMDKs, 159-164 benchmark model based on recorded
layout, 152-157 production performance, 318
virtual disk devices, 143-152 benchmark model based on system
nonfunctional requirements, 317
virtual storage controllers,
138-143 disaster recovery, 291-294
VM hardware version, 137 discovery, 53
storage design principles Disk Management utility, 352
database as extension of storage, Disk Space Requirements page (SQL
106 Server installation), 382
KISS principle (Keep It disks
Standardized and Simple), 109 disk layout, 95
performance and underlying Disk Management utility, 352
storage devices, 107 enterprise flash disks (EFDs), 195-197
sizing for performance before RAID (Redundant Array of
capacity, 107-108 Independent Disks)
virtualization without economics of RAID performance,
compromise, 108-109 194-197
vSphere storage, 164 IO penalties, 189-194
multipathing, 184-185 randomness of IO pattern,
number of data stores and data 187-188
store queues, 165-169 read/write bias, 188
number of virtual disks per data virtual disk devices, 143
store, 170-173
IO blender effect, 151-152
RAID (Redundant Array of
Raw Device Map (RDM),
Independent Disks), 187-197
storage DRS, 177-183
Thick Eager Zero disks, 147-148
Storage IO Control (SIOC),
Thin versus Thick Lazy Zero
disks, 144-146
storage policies, 177-183
Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS),
vSphere 5.5 failover clustering 297
environments, 185-186
distributed switches, 263
distributed virtual switches, 100
file system layout 455

documentation ESXTOP counters, 325-327

online resources, 437-440 ETL (Extract Transform Load), 64
reading, 43-44 expanding SQL virtual machine storage
dozing, 13 layout, 158-159
DQLEN, 168 expenses, reducing, 9-10
DRaaS, 293-294
drivers (PVSCSI), 31 F
%DRPPX counter, 327
Facebook groups, 443
%DRPTX counter, 327
Failover Cluster Instance (FCI), 98,
DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler),
Failover Cluster Manager, 362
DSS (Decision Support System)
workload, 64 Failover Clustering
durability, 302-303 configuring, 359-368
dynamic threshold for automatic Failover Cluster Instance (FCI), 98,
statistics update, 131 304-306
Failover Cluster Manager, 362
failover clustering environments,
E 185-186
E1000 adapters, 250-252 network settings, 254-256
E1000E adapters, 250-252 network teaming, 270-273
economics of RAID performance, quorum mode, 369-374
194-197 storage layout, 157
education, 60 validating, 368
EFDs (enterprise flash disks), 195-197 FCI (Failover Cluster Instance), 98,
Effects of Min and Max Server Memory 304-306
(article), 235 Feature Selection page (SQL Server
enabling. See configuration installation), 379
encapsulation, 28 file system layout, 110-122
enterprise flash disks (EFDs), 195-197 data files, 123-126
Epping, Duncan, 444 log files, 123-126
Error Reporting page (SQL Server NTFS file system allocation unit size,
installation), 385 126-127
ESXi host swap fi le location, 78
456 file system layout

OS, application binaries, and page Flash Virtualization Platform (FVP),

file, 122 204-206
partition alignment, 128-129 frames
Temp DB files, 123-126 jumbo frames, 256-259
files configuring, 259-262, 393-394
database files testing, 262-264
Instant File Initialization (IFI), pause frames, 268
120-122 Free System Page Table Entries metric,
number of, 110-113 321
size of, 114-120 full virtualization, importance of, 36-38
file system layout, 110-122 Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
data files, 123-126 Fusion-io ioTurbine Profiler, 203
log files, 123-126 FVP (Flash Virtualization Platform),
NTFS file system allocation unit 204-206
size, 126-127
OS, application binaries, and page G
file, 122
partition alignment, 128-129 Gage, John, 281
Temp DB files, 123-126 GAVG/cmd for NFS Datastores
multiple tempdb files, 394-395 counter, 326
VLFs (Virtual Log Files), 118-120 General Statistics, 324
VMDK files, configuring GPT (GUID Partition Table), 136
inside guest operating system, Gray, Jim, 302-303
352-354 groups
on virtual machines, 345-351 AlwaysOn Availability Groups
vswap, memory reservations and, configuring, 387-391
233-234 creating, 399-405
vswp files, 88 database groups, 69
flash, server-side flash acceleration, user groups
Facebook groups, 443
Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
PASS (Professional Association of
PernixData FVP, 204-206 SQL Server), 441-442
vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC),
help 457

VMUG (VMware Users Group), H

VMWare Community, 442-443 HA (high availability)
guest OS storage, 27, 109 ACID (Atomicity, Consistency,
Buffer Pool, 129-130 Isolation, and Durability), 302-303

Column Storage, 134-135 DRS (Distributed Resource

Scheduler), 297
database availability, 135
hypervisor availability features,
database statistics, updating, 130-132
with maintenance plan, 131-132
sample high availability chart,
with trace flag 2371, 131 308-309
Data Compression, 133 SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability
file system layout, 110, 122 Groups (AGs), 306-308
data files, 123-126 SQL Server AlwaysOn Failover
log files, 123-126 Cluster Instance (FCI), 304-306
NTFS file system allocation unit Storage DRS, 297
size, 126-127 Storage vMotion, 297
OS, application binaries, and page vCenter SRM (Site Recovery
file, 122 Manager), 301
partition alignment, 128-129 vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service), 302
Temp DB files, 123-126 vDP (vSphere Data Protection), 300
Instant File Initialization (IFI), vMotion, 296-297
120-122 vSphere App HA, 299-300
number of database files, 110-112 vSphere HA, 298-299
size of database fi les, 114-116 vSphere Replication, 300-301
data file sizing, 116 X-vMotion, 298
Temp DB file sizing, 116 hardware. See physical hardware
transaction log file sizing, 117-120 hardware independence, 28
Storage Spaces, 136 hardware refresh and database
VMDK file configuration in, 352-354 virtualization, 20-22
Volume Managers, 136 Heap size, 160-162
GUID Partition Table (GPT), 136 heartbeat vNICs, 256
help. See resources
458 high availability

high availability. See HA (high one-to-many relationships, 40

availability) one-to-one relationships and unused
high-level virtualization implementation capacity, 38-40
plan, 50-51 paravirtualization, 29
phase 1: requirements gathering, PVSCSI (paravirtual SCSI driver), 31
Type-1 hypervisors, 30
phase 2: discovery, 53
Type-2 hypervisors, 31
phase 2.1: database consolidations, 53
virtualized database installation
phase 3: infrastructure adjustments, guidelines, 32-36
VMs (virtual machines), 28
phase 4: validation and testing, 54
VMware ESXi versions, 40-41
phase 5: migration and deployment,
phase 6: monitoring and
management, 54 I
Hirt, Allan, 445
IFI (Instant File Initialization), 120-122
Hogan, Cormac, 445
ILM (information life cycle
host-local swap, 78
management), 207
host memory, 225-226
implementation plans
host <servername> CPU% value, 434
database workload baselines, 48-50
Hot-Add CPU, 3-4, 356-358
high-level plan, 50-51
Hot-Add Memory, 4-5, 356-358
items to consider, 44-45
HTT (Hyper-Threading Technology),
phase 1: requirements gathering,
hyperconverged infrastructure, 207-213,
phase 2: discovery, 53
phase 2.1: database consolidations, 53
Hyper-Threading Technology (HTT),
85-87 phase 3: infrastructure adjustments,
Hyperic, 343-345
phase 4: validation and testing, 54
hypervisor, 25
phase 5: migration and deployment,
availability features, 294-296
compared to OS, 26-27
phase 6: monitoring and
explained, 25-27 management, 54
importance of full virtualization,
Jumbo VMDKs 459

RPOs (recovery point objectives), Server Configuration page, 382

45-46 Setup Role page, 379
RTOs (recovery time objectives), virtualized database installation
45-46 guidelines, 32-36
SLAs (service-level agreements), Installation Configuration Rules page
45-46 (SQL Server installation), 385
vSphere infrastructure baselines, Installation Rules page (SQL Server
46-48 installation), 380
Independent Persistent (SQL FCI), 157 Instance Configuration page (SQL
indexes (database), 222-225 Server installation), 380
industry-standard benchmarks, 316 Instant File Initialization (IFI), 120-122
information life cycle management invalid assumptions, 334
(ILM), 207 IO blender effect, 151-152
Infrastructure Navigator, 343-344 IOBlazer, 327
initialization, Instant File Initialization IOMeter, 142-143, 327
(IFI), 120-122
ioTurbine (Fusion-io), 201-203
installation. See also configuration
ioTurbine Profiler (Fusion-io), 203
Dell DVD Store, 406-430
IP addresses, requirements for
SQL Server 2012, 374-377, 384-387 performance testing, 342
Complete page, 387 iSCSI
Database Engine Configuration adapters, 276
page, 382
port binding, 281
Disk Space Requirements page,
isolation, 28, 302-303
Feature Selection page, 379
Installation Configuration Rules J
page, 385
jumbo frames, 256-259
Installation Rules page, 380
configuring, 259-262, 393-394
Instance Configuration page, 380
testing, 262-264
License Terms page, 377
Jumbo VMDKs, 159
prefl ight check, 375
Pointer Block Eviction Process,
Product Key page, 375
Ready to Install page, 385
VMFS Heap size considerations,
460 KAVG/cmd counter

K Leaf-Spine network architecture, 273

KAVG/cmd counter, 326 License Terms page (SQL Server
Keep It Standardized and Simple installation), 377
(KISS), 109 VMware vCloud Suite licenses, 285
KISS principle (Keep It Standardized load test (Dell DVD Store), 430-436
and Simple), 109
locking pages in memory, 92, 239-241
Klee, David, 445
locks, 324
log files
L file system layout, 123-126
sizing, 117-120
LACP, 273
Log Flush Wait Time, 324
Lam, William, 444
Log Flush Waits/sec, 324
large databases and database
virtualization, 22-23 LogicalDisk(*): Avg Disk Sec/Read, 322
large pages, 79 LogicalDisk(*): Avg. Disk Sec/Write,
breaking down into default page size,
238-239 LogicalDisk Disk Bytes/sec, 321
explained, 237-238 Logins/sec, 324
locking pages in memory, 239-241 Logout/sec, 324
LaRock, Thomas, 445 Lowe, Scott, 445
latches, 324 LSI Logic SAS, 95, 137-142
layout LUN queue depth, 167
file system layout, 110
data files, 123-126 M
log files, 123-126
maintenance plans, updating database
NTFS file system allocation unit
statistics with, 131-132
size, 126-127
Maintenance Plan Wizard, 420-422
OS, application binaries, and page
file, 122 management, 54
partition alignment, 128-129 Max Server Memory, 234-236
Temp DB files, 123-126 MaxAddressableSpaceTB, 163-164
virtual machine storage layout, maximum memory, configuring, 392
152-157 maximum storage capacity limits, 111
MbRX/s counter, 327
metrics 461

MbTx/s counter, 327 paging, 220-221

MCTLSZ (MB) counter, 47-48, 326 swapping, 220-221
memory min/max memory, configuring, 392
Buffer Pool, 129-130 mixed workload environment with
cache memory reservations, 226-228
Buffer Cache, 49 NUMA (Non-uniform Memory
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio, 50, 323
explained, 241-243
CACHEUSED counter, 326
vNUMA, 243
Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
overview, 76, 217-218
vRFC (vSphere Flash Read
Cache), 199-201 RAM, 87
host memory, 225-226 shared-resource world, 246
hot-add memory, 4-5 SQL Server 2014 in-memory, 246-247
large pages SQL Server Max Server Memory,
breaking down into default page
size, 238-239 SQL Server Min Server Memory, 235
explained, 237-238 TPS (transparent page sharing), 228
locking pages in memory, 239-241 VMs (virtual machines), 225-226
memory ballooning, 230-232 number of, 244-245
Memory Grants Pending, 324 sizing, 244
Memory Manager, 324 vRFC (vSphere Flash Read Cache),
memory overcommitment, 87
xVelocity memory, 134
memory reservation, 355
Memory Grants Pending, 324
explained, 232-233
Memory Manager, 324
mixed workload environment
with memory reservations, metrics
226-228 baseline metrics
VMware HA strict admission ESXTOP counters, 325-327
control, 233 SQL Server baseline
vswap file, 233-234 infrastructure metrics, 321-322
memory trends and the stack, 218 SQL Server Perfmon counters,
database buffer pool, 219-220 323-324
database indexes, 222-225 SQL Server Profiler counters,
database pages, 219-221
462 metrics

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio, 50 N

Cache Hit Ratio, 50
DAVG/cmd, 48 National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), 291
MCTLSZ, 47-48
n_browse_overall value, 433
%MLMTD, 47-48
NDFS (Nutanix Distributed File
%RDY, 47
System), 207
READs/s, 47-48
network connections, validating, 359
storage-specific metrics, 94
network design, 264
Microsoft Assessment and Planning
Multi-NIC vMotion, 276-278
Toolkit, 110
NIOC (Network IO Control), 101,
“Microsoft Clustering on VMware
vSphere: Guidelines for Supported
Configurations,” 345 physical network adapters, 267-269

Microsoft System Center, 110 storage, 279-280

migration, 54 teaming and failover, 270-273

Min Server Memory, 235 virtual switches, 265-267

minimum memory, configuring, 392 Network IO Control (NIOC), 101,

mixed workload environment with
memory reservations, 226-228 network paths, verifying, 262

MLAG (Multi-Link Aggregation network security, 103, 281-284

Group), 273 network teaming, 270-273
%MLMTD metric, 47-48 network virtualization, 281-284
models (benchmark workload) New Availability Group Wizard,
based on recorded production 399-405
performance, 318 NIOC (Network IO Control), 101,
based on system nonfunctional 274-276
requirements, 317 NIST (National Institute of Standards
monitoring, 54 and Technology), 291

Multi-Link Aggregation Group N%L counter, 326

(MLAG), 273 n_newcust_overall value, 433
Multi-NIC vMotion, 276-278 non-production workload influences on
multipathing of storage paths, 184-185, performance, 331-332
280 non-shared disks, 345
multiple tempdb files, creating, 394-395 non-uniform memory architecture.
penalties (RAID IO) 463

n_overall value, 432 OSs (operating systems)

n_purchase_from_start value, 434 application binaries, and page file, 122
n_purchase_overall value, 433 compared to hypervisor, 26-27
n_rollbacks_from_start value, 434 guest operating systems, 27
n_rollbacks_overall value, 434
NTFS allocation unit size, 126-127 P
NUMA (non-uniform memory
architecture), 79-85 PAGEIOLATCH, 124
explained, 241-243 PAGELATCH_XX, 112
NUMA Scheduler, 81 Page Life Expectancy metric, 323
vNUMA, 82, 243 pages
Wide NUMA, 81 explained, 219-220
NUMA Scheduler, 81 large pages
Nutanix Bible (Poitras), 210 breaking down into default page
Nutanix Distributed File System size, 238-239
(NDFS), 207 explained, 237-238
Nutanix Virtual Computing Platform, locking pages in memory, 239-241
207-213 paging, 78, 220-221
swapping, 78, 220-221
O TPS (transparent page sharing),
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), Pages/Sec metrics, 321
paging, 78, 220-221
OLTP (Online Transaction Processing),
Paging File(_Total): %Usage metric, 321
parallelism of storage design, 106
one-to-many relationships, 40
paravirtualization, 29
one-to-one relationships and unused
capacity, 38-40 Paravirtualized SCSI (PVSCI), 31, 95,
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP),
64 partition alignment, 128-129
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), partitioning, 28
64 patches, 68
operating systems. See OSs pause frames, 268
opm value, 432 penalties (RAID IO), 189-194
464 Perfmon counters

Perfmon counters, 50, 323-324 SQL Server Profiler counters,

performance baselines, 311-315 324-325
baseline performance reports, 332-333 non-production workload influences
on performance, 331-332
benchmarks, 315
server-side flash acceleration, 198-199
developing, 317-318
Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
industry-standard benchmarks,
316 PernixData FVP, 204-206
validating performance with, 318 vSphere Flash Read Cache
(vFRC), 199-201
vendor benchmarks, 316-317
comparing, 319-327
KISS principle (Keep It
different processor generations,
Standardized and Simple), 109
performance and underlying
different processor types, 328-330
storage devices, 107
common performance traps
sizing for performance before
blended peaks of multiple capacity, 107-108
systems, 335
virtualization without
failure to consider SCU (Single compromise, 108-109
Compute Unit) performance,
validating performance with, 318
vSphere storage design, 164
invalid assumptions, 334
multipathing, 184-185
lack of background noise, 334
number of data stores and data
shared core infrastructure
store queues, 165-169
between production and non-
production, 333-334 number of virtual disks per data
store, 170-173
vMotion slot sizes of monster
database virtual machines, RAID (Redundant Array of
336-337 Independent Disks), 187-197
and database virtualization, 16-17 storage DRS, 177-183
metrics Storage IO Control (SIOC),
ESXTOP counters, 325-327
storage policies, 177-183
SQL Server baseline
infrastructure metrics, 321-322 vSphere 5.5 failover clustering
environments, 185-186
SQL Server Perfmon counters,
323-324 when to record, 320
PernixData FVP Datasheet 465

performance tests, 339 Installation Rules page, 380

affi nity and anti-affi nity rules, 358 Instance Configuration page, 380
AlwaysOn Availability Groups License Terms page, 377
configuration, 387-391 prefl ight check, 375
AlwaysOn Availability Groups Product Key page, 375
creation, 399-405
Ready to Install page, 385
Dell DVD Store installation and
Server Configuration page, 382
configuration, 406-430
Setup Role page, 379
Dell DVD Store load test, 430-436
test database creation, 396-398
Hot-Add Memory and Hot-Add
CPU, 356-358 VMDK file configuration
jumbo frame configuration, 393-394 inside guest operating system,
lab configuration, 342-345
on virtual machines, 345-351
max/min memory configuration, 392
Windows Failover Clustering
memory reservations, 355
configuration, 359-368
multiple tempdb files, 394-395
Windows Failover Clustering
network connection validation, 359 quorum mode, 369-374
reasons for performance testing, Windows Failover Clustering
339-340 validation, 368
requirements performance traps
computer names and IP blended peaks of multiple systems,
addresses, 341-342 335
resources, 342 failure to consider SCU (Single
software, 341 Compute Unit) performance, 335
SQL Server 2012 installation, invalid assumptions, 334
374-377, 384-387 lack of background noise, 334
Complete page, 387 shared core infrastructure between
Database Engine Configuration production and non-production,
page, 382 333-334
Disk Space Requirements page, vMotion slot sizes of monster
382 database virtual machines, 336-337
Error Reporting page, 385 PernixData FVP, 204-206
Feature Selection page, 379 PernixData FVP Datasheet, 205
Installation Configuration Rules
page, 385
466 phases of virtualization implementation

phases of virtualization implementation file size, 100

database consolidations, 53 provisioning types, 96-98
discovery, 53 versus RDM, 96
infrastructure adjustments, 53 Physical Mode RDMs (pRDM), 159
migration and deployment, 54 physical network adapters, 267-269
monitoring and management, 54 PKTRX/s counter, 327
requirements gathering, 51-52 PKTTX/s counter, 327
validation and testing, 54 plans. See implementation plans
physical hardware, 73 Pointer Block Eviction Process, 163-164
adapter count, 95 Poitras, Steven, 210
CPUs, 74-76 policies (storage), 177-183
data stores, 99 pool, database buffer, 219-220
disk layout, 95 port groups, 265
hardware compatibility, 62 power management policies, 253
HTT (Hyper-Threading pRDM (Physical Mode RDMs), 159
Technology), 85-87 processors baseline comparisons
large pages, 79 between different processor
LSI Logic SAS adapters, 95 generations, 330
memory, 76 between different processor types,
memory overcommitment, 87 328-330
NUMA (non-uniform memory Processor(_Total):Privileged Time
architecture), 79-85 metric, 321
PVSCSI adapters, 95 Processor(_Total)[metric] Processor
Time metric, 321
reservations, 87-89
Product Key page (SQL Server
SQL Server Lock Pages in Memory,
installation), 375
Product Updates page (SQL Server
SQL Server Min Server Memory/
installation), 377
Max Server Memory, 90-91
Professional Association of SQL Server
storage, 93
storage-specific metrics, 94
PASS—Virtualization Virtual
swapping files, 78 Chapter, 441
Thin Provisioning, 98-99 PASS SQLSaturday, 441-442
virtualization overhead, 76-77
VMDKs, 99
reservation (memory) 467

Profiler counters, 324-325 reading documentation, 43-44

protocols, 279-280 READs/s counter, 47-48, 326
provisioning read/write bias, 188
and database virtualization, 17-20 Ready to Install page (SQL Server
VMDK, 96-98 installation), 385
PVSCSI (Paravirtualized SCSI), 31, 95, recovery
137-141 disaster recovery, 291-294
recovery point objectives (RPOs),
45-46, 290
recovery time objectives (RTOs),
QFULL SCSI sense code, 166 45-46, 290
QLogic HBA, 166 vCenter SRM (Site Recovery
Manager), 301
QoS, 102-103
recovery point objectives (RPOs), 45-46,
Query Plan Optimizer, 130
queues, data store, 165-169
recovery time objectives (RTOs), 45-46,
quorum mode (Failover Clustering), 290
reducing expenses, 9-10
Redundant Array of Independent Disks.
RAID (Redundant Array of
one-to-many relationships, 40
Independent Disks), 187
one-to-one relationships, 38-40
economics of RAID performance,
194-197 reorganizing SQL workloads, 68-69

IO penalties, 189-194 replication (vSphere), 300-301

randomness of IO pattern, 187-188 reports (performance), 332-333

read/write bias, 188 requirements gathering, 51-52

RAM, 87 reservation (memory), 87-89, 355

randomness of IO pattern, 187-188 explained, 232-233

Raw Device Map (RDM), 149-151 mixed workload environment with

memory reservations, 226-228
RDM (Raw Device Map), 149-151
VMware HA strict admission control,
versus VMDK, 96
%RDY counter, 47, 325
vswap file, 233-234
468 RESETS/s counter

RESETS/s counter, 327 S

resource pools, Network IO Control,
275 SameSubnetDelay, 255
resources SameSubnetThreshold, 255
blogs sample high availability chart, 308-309
Thomas LaRockTs blog, 445 SAP
vLaunchPad, 444-445 benchmark examples between
documentation and white papers, different processor generations,
437-440 330-331

Twitter, 445-446 benchmark examples between

different processor types, 328-330
user groups, 440
Data Compression with, 133
Facebook groups, 443
SCU (Single Compute Unit), 335
PASS (Professional Association of
SQL Server), 441-442 security, 281-284

VMUG (VMware Users Group), Server Configuration page (SQL Server

440 installation), 382

VMWare Community, 442-443 server-side flash acceleration, 198-199

responsibility domains, 60-61 Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203

rollback_rate value, 434 PernixData FVP, 204-206

Route Based on Physical NIC Load, 271 vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFRC),
RPOs (recovery point objectives), 45-46,
290 service-level agreements (SLAs), 11-12,
45-46, 100, 290
rt_browse_avg_msec value, 433
settings (BIOS), 12-13
rt_login_avg_msec value, 433
“Setup for Failover Clustering and
rt_newcust_avg_msec value, 433
Microsoft Cluster Service” (white
RTOs (recovery time objectives), 45-46, paper), 439
Setup Role page (SQL Server
rt_purchase_avg_msec value, 433 installation), 379
rt_tot_avg, 433 shared core infrastructure between
rt_tot_avg value, 433 production and non-production,
rt_tot_lastn_max value, 432 333-334
rules, affinity/anti-affi nity, 358 shared disks, 345
shared environments, 20, 35
shared-resource world, 246
stack, memory trends and 469

SIOC (Storage IO Control), 157, 173-177 Ready to Install page, 385

Site Recovery Manager (SRM), 16, 301 Server Configuration page, 382
sizing Setup Role page, 379
Heap size, 160-162 SQL Server 2014 & The Data Platform
database files, 114-116 (data sheet), 247
data file sizing, 116 “SQL Server Best Practices” (white
paper), 210
Temp DB file sizing, 116
SQL Server Max Server Memory, 90-91
transaction log files, 117-120
SQL Server Min Server Memory, 90-91
databases, 22-23
“SQL Server on VMware—Availability
performance before capacity, 107-108
and Recovery Options” (white paper),
VMs (virtual machines), 244 439
SLAs (service-level agreements), 11-12, “SQL Server on VMware—Best
45-46, 100, 290 Practices Guide” (white paper), 439
software requirements for performance SQL Server SysPrep, 71
testing, 341
SQL Statistics, 324
SP_Configure command, 246
SQL workloads, 64-67
SQL AlwaysOn Failover Cluster
Batch/ETL workloads, 64
Instances, 157
DSS workloads, 64
SQL Compilations/sec metric, 324
OLAP workloads, 64
SQL Re-Compilations/sec metric, 324
OLTP workloads, 64
SQL Server 2012 installation, 374-387
reorganization, 68-69
Complete page, 387
tiered database offering, 70-73
Database Engine Configuration page,
382 SQLIOsim, 327
Disk Space Requirements page, 382 SQLSaturday, 441-442
Feature Selection page, 379 SRM (Site Recovery Manager), 16, 301
Installation Configuration Rules stack, memory trends and, 79, 218
page, 385 database buffer pool, 219-220
Installation Rules page, 380 database indexes, 222-225
Instance Configuration page, 380 database pages, 219-220
License Terms page, 377 paging, 220-221
prefl ight check, 375 swapping, 220-221
Product Key page, 375
470 storage

storage SQL Server virtual machine storage,

design principles 136
database as extension of storage, expanding, 158-159
106 Jumbo VMDKs, 159-164
KISS principle (Keep It layout, 152-157
Standardized and Simple), 109 virtual disk devices, 143-152
performance and underlying virtual storage controllers,
storage devices, 107 138-143
sizing for performance before VM hardware version, 137
capacity, 107-108
Storage Acceleration, 96
virtualization without
storage arrays, 98
compromise, 108-109
Storage DRS, 177-183, 297
overview, 93, 105-106
Storage IO Control (SIOC), 157,
server-side flash acceleration, 198-199
Fusion-io ioTurbine, 201-203
storage networks, 279-280
PernixData FVP, 204-206
storage policies, 177-183
vSphere Flash Read Cache
storage protocols, 279-280
(vFRC), 199-201
Storage Spaces, 136
SQL Server database and guest OS
storage, 109 storage-specific metrics, 94vSphere
storage design, 164
Buffer Pool, 129-130
multipathing, 184-185
Column Storage, 134-135
number of data stores and data
database availability, 135
store queues, 165-169
database statistics, updating,
number of virtual disks per data
store, 170-173
Data Compression, 133
RAID (Redundant Array of
file system layout, 110, 122-129 Independent Disks), 187-197
Instant File Initialization (IFI), storage DRS, 177-183
Storage IO Control (SIOC),
number of database files, 110-113 173-177
size of database fi les, 114-120 storage policies, 177-183
Storage Spaces, 136 vSphere 5.5 failover clustering
Volume Managers, 136 environments, 185-186
SQL Server on hyperconverged Storage Acceleration, 96
infrastructure, 207-213 Storage DRS, 177-183, 297
testing 471

Storage IO Control (SIOC), 157, 173-176 test databases, creating, 396-398

Storage Spaces, 136 testing, 54
Storage vMotion, 297 baseline. See performance baselines
Strawberry Perl, 406 benchmarks, 315
swap files, 78 developing, 317-318
Swapin counter, 326 industry-standard benchmarks,
Swapout counter, 326 316
swapping, 78, 220-221 vendor benchmarks, 316-317
switches jumbo frames, 262-264
virtual switches, 265-267 performance tests, 339
distributed virtual switch, 100 affi nity and anti-affi nity rules,
port groups, 265
AlwaysOn Availability Groups
teaming methods, 270
configuration, 387-391
vSphere distributed switches, 263
AlwaysOn Availability Groups
vSS, 265 creation, 399-405
%SWPWT counter, 326 Dell DVD Store installation and
%SYS counter, 325 configuration, 406-430
Szastak, Jeff, 311 Dell DVD Store load test,
Hot-Add Memory and Hot-Add
T CPU, 356-358
Target Server Memory (KB) metric, 324 jumbo frame configuration,
TDE (Transparent Data Encryption),
122 lab configuration, 342-345
teams max/min memory configuration,
Center of Excellence (CoE), 61-63
memory reservations, 355
communication, 58
multiple tempdb files, 394-395
mutual understanding, 59-60
network connection validation,
responsibility domains, 60-61
Temp DB files
reasons for performance testing,
file system layout, 123-126 339-340
multiple tempdb files, creating, requirements, 341-342
sizing, 116
472 testing

SQL Server 2012 installation, Transaction Processing Performance

374-387 Council (TPC), 316
test database creation, 396-398 translation lookaside buffer (TLB), 79
VMDK file configuration, Transactions/sec metric, 324
345-354 Transparent Data Encryption (TDE),
Windows Failover Clustering 122
configuration, 359-368 transparent page sharing (TPS), 79,
Windows Failover Clustering 228-229
quorum mode, 369-374 troubleshooting common performance
Windows Failover Clustering traps
validation, 368 blended peaks of multiple systems,
Thick Eager Zero disks, 147-148 335
Thick Lazy Zero disks, 144-146 failure to consider SCU (Single
Thick Provisioned Eager Zeroed, 97 Compute Unit) performance, 335
Thick Provisioned Lazy Zeroed, 97 invalid assumptions, 334
Thick Provisioned LUNs, 98 lack of background noise, 334
Thin disks, 144-146 shared core infrastructure between
production and non-production,
Think Provisioned LUNs, 98
Thin Provisioned VMDK, 97-99
vMotion slot sizes of monster
Thin Provisioning, 98-99 database virtual machines, 336-337
tiered database offering, 70-73 tuning virtual network adapters, 252-254
tiers (database), 19-20 Twitter, 445-446
TLB (translation lookaside buffer), 79 Type-1 hypervisors, 30
TPC (Transaction Processing Type-2 hypervisors, 31
Performance Council), 316
TPS (transparent page sharing), 79,
228-229 U
trace flags
Understanding Memory Resource
enabling, 215 Management in VMware vSphere 5.0
list of, 215 (study), 229-230
trace flag 2371, 131 “Understanding VMware vSphere 5.1
traffic types, 101-102 Storage DRS” (white paper), 182
transaction log files, sizing, 117-120 unused capacity and one-to-one
relationships, 38-40
Virtual Mode RDMs (vRDM) 473

updating database statistics, 130-132 vDP (vSphere Data Protection), 266, 300
with maintenance plan, 131-132 Multi-NIC vMotion, 277
with trace flag 2371, 131 vDS (vSphere distributed switch), 262
%USED counter, 325 vendor benchmarks, 316-317
User Connections metric, 324 verifying network paths, 262
user groups, 440 Virtual Computing Platform (Nutanix),
Facebook groups, 443 207-213
PASS (Professional Association of virtual CPUs (vCPUs), 4
SQL Server) virtual disks, number per data store,
PASS—Virtualization Virtual 170-173
Chapter, 441 Virtual Log Files (VLFs), 118-120
PASS SQLSaturday, 441-442 virtuallyGhetto, 444
VMUG (VMware Users Group), 440 virtual machine storage, 136
VMWare Community, 442-443 expanding, 158-159
Jumbo VMDKs, 159

V Pointer Block Eviction Process,

VAAI (vStorage APIs for Array VMFS Heap size considerations,
Integration), 96 160-162
Validate a Configuration Wizard, 364 layout, 152-157
validation, 54 number of VMs, 244-245
cluster network configuration, 368 sizing, 244
network connections, 359 virtual disk devices, 143
performance with baselines/ IO blender effect, 151-152
benchmarks, 318 Raw Device Map (RDM),
vCenter Hyperic, 343-345 149-151
vCenter Infrastructure Navigator, Thick Eager Zero disks, 147-148
343-344 Thin versus Thick Lazy Zero
vCenter Operations Manager, 87 disks, 144-146
vCenter SRM (Site Recovery Manager), virtual storage controllers, 138-143
301 VM hardware version, 137
vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service), 302 VM memory, 225-226
vCloud Hybrid Service (vCHS), 302 Virtual Mode RDMs (vRDM), 159
vCPUs (virtual CPUs), 4
474 virtual network adapters

virtual network adapters, 100 one-to-many relationships, 40

choosing, 250-251 one-to-one relationships and
traffic types, 101-102 unused capacity, 38-40
turning, 252-254 paravirtualization, 29
virtual server access ports, 281 PVSCSI (paravirtual SCSI
driver), 31
virtual switches, 265-267
Type-1 hypervisors, 30
distributed virtual switch, 100
Type-2 hypervisors, 31
port groups, 265
virtualized database installation
teaming methods, 270
guidelines, 32-36
virtualization, 93
VMs (virtual machines), 28
advantages of, 3
VMware ESXi versions, 40-41
hot-add CPUs, 3-4
hot-add memory, 4-5
implementation plan
business case for, 9
database workload baselines,
BIOS settings, 12-13 48-50
DBA (database administrator) high-level plan, 50-51
advantages, 10-11
items to consider, 44-45
hardware refresh, 20-22
phase 1: requirements gathering,
high availability, 14-16 51-52
large databases, 22-23 phase 2: discovery, 53
performance, 16-17 phase 2.1: database consolidations,
provisioning/DBaaS, 17-20 53
reduced expenses, 9-10 phase 3: infrastructure
SLAs (service level agreements), adjustments, 53
11-12 phase 4: validation and testing, 54
and compromise, 108-109 phase 5: migration and
documentation, 43-44 deployment, 54
explained, 1-2 phase 6: monitoring and
hypervisor, 25 management, 54

compared to OS, 26-27 RPOs (recovery point objectives),

explained, 25-27
RTOs (recovery time objectives),
importance of full virtualization, 45-46
VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) 475

SLAs (service-level agreements), VMDKs, 99

45-46 files, configuring
vSphere infrastructure baselines, file size, 100
inside guest operating system,
importance of full virtualization, 352-354
on virtual machines, 345-351
overhead, 76-77
Jumbo VMDKs, 159-160
performance baselines
Pointer Block Eviction Process,
baseline performance reports, 163-164
VMFS Heap size considerations,
benchmarks, 315-318 160-162
common performance traps, provisioning types, 96-98
versus RDM, 96
comparing, 328-331
virtual machine storage layout,
explained, 311-315 152-157
metrics, 321-327 VMFS heap size considerations, 160-162
non-production workload vMotion, 296-297
influences on performance,
slot sizes of monster database virtual
machines, 336-337
reasons for, 319-320
traffic, 276
validating performance with, 318
VMs (virtual machines). See virtual
when to record, 320 machine storage
power company example, 6 VMUG (VMware Users Group), 440
world before database virtualization, %VMWait counter, 326
VMware App Director, 70
“Virtualization Overview” (white
VMware Capacity Planner, 110
paper), 21
VMWare Community, 442-443
virtualized database installation
guidelines, 32-36 VMware ESXi versions, 40-41
virtualized security zones, 283 VMware HA strict admission control,
vLaunchPad, 444-445
VMware NSX, 283
VLFs (Virtual Log Files), 118-120
VMware PowerCLI, 253
VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM),
476 VMware vCloud Suite licenses

VMware vCloud Suite licenses, 285 storage design, 164

VMware vSphere on Nutanix Best multipathing, 184-185
Practices (white paper), 210 number of data stores and data
VMXNET 3, 100 store queues, 165-169
VMXNET3, 32, 251, 257 number of virtual disks per data
vNIC, 256 store, 170-173
vNUMA, 82, 243 RAID (Redundant Array of
Independent Disks), 187-197
Volume Managers, 136
storage DRS, 177-183
vRAM, 87
Storage IO Control (SIOC),
vRDM (Virtual Mode RDMs), 159
vRFC (vSphere Flash Read Cache),
storage policies, 177-183
vSphere 5.5 failover clustering
vSphere, 98-99
environments, 185-186
baselining, 46-48
vDS (vSphere distributed switch),
ESXTOP counters, 325-327 262-263
failover clustering environments, vFRC (vSphere Flash Read Cache),
185-186 199-201
high availability vNUMA, 243
DRS (Distributed Resource vSphere App HA, 299-300
Scheduler), 297
vSphere HA, 298-299
hypervisor availability features,
vSphere Hot Plug Memory, 91
vSphere Replication, 300-301
Storage DRS, 297
vSphere Web Client, 260
Storage vMotion, 297
vSS (vSphere standard switch), 265,
vCenter SRM (Site Recovery
Manager), 301
“vSphere Monitoring & Performance”
vCHS (vCloud Hybrid Service),
(white paper), 440
“vSphere Resource Management” (white
vDP (vSphere Data Protection),
paper), 440
“vSphere Storage” (white paper), 440
vMotion, 296-297
vSphere Web Client, 260
vSphere App HA, 299-300
vSS (vSphere standard switch), 265, 271
vSphere HA, 298-299
vSphere Replication, 300-301
X-vMotion, 298
worlds (VMs) 477

vStorage APIs for Array Integration quorum mode, 369-374

(VAAI), 96 validating, 368
vswap file, memory reservations and, Windows Server Failover Clustering
233-234 (WSFC), 304
Windows vNIC properties page, 261
W wizards
Cluster Validation Wizard, 363-364
Webster, Michael, 106, 170
Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard,
white papers 370-374
“DBA Guide to Databases on Create Cluster Wizard, 366
VMware,” 439
Dell DVD Store Custom Install
“Setup for Failover Clustering and Wizard, 408
Microsoft Cluster Service,” 439
Maintenance Plan Wizard, 420-422
“SQL Server Best Practices,” 210
New Availability Group Wizard,
“SQL Server on VMware— 399-405
Availability and Recovery Options,”
Validate a Configuration Wizard, 364
Workload Driver Configuration
“SQL Server on VMware—Best
Wizard, 409
Practices Guide,” 439
Workload Driver Configuration
“Understanding VMware vSphere 5.1
Wizard, 409
Storage DRS,” 182
“VMware vSphere on Nutanix Best
Practices,” 210 based on recorded production
performance, 318
“vSphere Monitoring &
Performance,” 440 based on system nonfunctional
requirements, 317
“vSphere Resource Management,”
440 baselining, 48-50

“vSphere Storage,” 440 mixed workload environment with

memory reservations, 226-228
Wide NUMA, 81
SQL workloads, 64-67
Windows Failover Cluster Heartbeat
reorganization, 68-69
settings, 255
Windows Failover Clustering tiered database offering, 70-73

configuring, 359-368 worlds (VMs), 86

network settings, 254-256

478 Writes/s counter

Writes/s counter, 326

WSFC (Windows Server Failover
Clustering), 304

xVelocity memory, 134
X-vMotion, 298

Yellow-Bricks, 444

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