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1 Personal information and family

• What have been the best moments of your life so far?

The best moment of my life was when my daughter was born, I felt something so

El mejor momento de mi vida fue cuando nació mi hija, sentí algo tan hermoso.

• Could you tell me about your family?

My family is made up of 6 members, my dad, my mom, my two brothers and my

daughter Valentina. I live with my parents, my brothers live in Ambato

Mi familia está formada por 6 miembros, mi papá, mi mamá, mis dos hermanos y mi
hija Valentina. Vivo con mis padres, mis hermanos viven en Ambato

• How often and on what occasions do you see your relatives?

At this moment I can't see my brothers because they live in Ambato, they are married.
I live with my parents

En este momento no puedo ver a mis hermanos porque viven en Ambato, están
casados. vivo con mis padres

• Could you tell me about your favorite relative?

My daughter she is my favorite person, she is 3 years old she is very happy and makes
me laugh a lot

Mi hija es mi persona favorita, tiene 3 años es muy feliz y me hace reír mucho

• What kind of family would you like to have in the future?

I would like to give my daughter a stable home, and allow her to spend time with her

Me gustaría darle a mi hija un hogar estable y permitirle pasar tiempo con su papá.

• How do you share housework in your family?

My parents go out to work in the morning so I have to fix and clean the whole house,
my mom arrives to make food and at night I have to leave the kitchen clean after

Mis padres salen a trabajar por la mañana así que tengo que arreglar y limpiar toda la
casa, mi mamá llega a hacer la comida y por la noche tengo que dejar la cocina limpia
después de cenar

• What are some of the things that your family usually do together?

We meet for lunch and pray before eating, we also play cards on weekends

Nos reunimos para almorzar y rezar antes de comer, también jugamos a las cartas los
fines de semana

• How are weekdays different from weekends in your family’s life?

My family works from Monday to Saturday on Sunday they do not work that day is
different, we have breakfast together.

Mi familia trabaja de lunes a sábado el domingo no trabajan ese día es diferente,

desayunamos juntos.

• What are your plans for the future?

my future plans is to graduate and give my daughter a good education

mis planes futuros es graduarme y darle una buena educación a mi hija

2 Man and Society

• What are you like as a person?

I am very serious with people I do not know. I am a very resentful person when a friend
treats me badly I do not speak to him again

Soy muy serio con personas que no conozco. Soy una persona muy resentida cuando
un amigo me trata mal. No le hablo de nuevo.

• Could you tell me about your best friend?

My best friend lives in chambo, her name is Dayana, we know each other from school,
she also has a daughter, we don't see each other much but we write

Mi mejor amiga vive en chambo, se llama Dayana, nos conocemos desde la escuela,
ella también tiene una hija, no nos vemos mucho pero escribimos

• What is important about a friend for you?

That he be very discreet in everything I tell him, not that when he has a problem he
divulges things

Que sea muy discreto en todo lo que le diga, no que cuando tenga un problema
divulgue cosas

• How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

My birthday is August 21 my parents buy me a cake and make me a little meal

Mi cumpleaños es el 21 de agosto. Mis padres me compran un pastel y me preparan

una pequeña comida.

• What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

I like to wear more sportswear and dark color, I do not like to wear tight clothes I do
not feel comfortable

Me gusta usar más ropa deportiva y de color oscuro, no me gusta usar ropa ajustada,
no me siento cómoda

• Do you prefer shopping in a small shop or a big supermarket/Why?

I like to buy in a supermarket because there I find a variety of things and all foods have
their quality seal

Me gusta comprar en un supermercado porque allí encuentro una variedad de cosas y

todos los alimentos tienen su sello de calidad

• What kind of people do you like to spend time together with?

with people who have the same customs as mine, for example praying before eating
con personas que tienen las mismas costumbres que las mías, por ejemplo rezar antes
de comer

3 Our Environment

• Could you describe the area where you live?

I live in a busy place near my house is the Santa Maria supermarket and the KFC

Vivo en un lugar concurrido cerca de mi casa, es el supermercado Santa Maria y el KFC

• Would you rather live in a big city or in the country? Why?

I like living in the city I don't like living in the country I'm afraid of big animals like cows
and small ones like chickens

Me gusta vivir en la ciudad No me gusta vivir en el campo Tengo miedo de los animales
grandes como las vacas y los pequeños como los pollos

• Could you describe your house and the rooms in it?

My house is very big and we only live 4 people. We have several rooms. My room is
tomato colored and I have white curtains I have a 3-seater bed it is very big

Mi casa es muy grande y solo vivimos 4 personas. Disponemos de varias habitaciones.

Mi habitación es de color tomate y tengo cortinas blancas. Tengo una cama de 3
plazas, es muy grande.

• Which is your favorite place at home and why?

my favorite place is the room here i spend a lot of time because there is the internet
modem and so i can have a good signal for my classes

mi lugar favorito es la sala aquí, paso mucho tiempo porque hay un módem de internet
y así puedo tener una buena señal para mis clases

• Could you describe the home you would like to have in the future?

I would like to have a house with a pool, that has a glass bleachers and many green
Me gustaría tener una casa con piscina, que tenga gradas de vidrio y muchos espacios

• What do you and your family do to protect the environment?

we don't throw garbage on the street, and when we go shopping at the market we
carry cloth bags so we don't ask for covers

no tiramos basura en la calle, y cuando vamos de compras al mercado llevamos bolsas

de tela para no pedir fundas

• What kind of weather do you like the most/the least? Why?

I like the cold, I don't like the heat or I damp it because I sweat a lot and I feel like I

Me gusta el frío, no me gusta el calor o lo mojo porque sudo mucho y siento que me

4 School

• Why did you choose to study in this university?

because I consider that in education it is the best in this city

porque considero que en educación es lo mejor de esta ciudad

• What do you like most about your school?

i like its green spaces

me gustan sus espacios verdes

• What are some of the things you would change about your school?

I would build more classrooms so that I would not have classes until very late

Construiría más aulas para no tener clases hasta muy tarde.

• What are your favorite subjects at school and why?

I like nutritional status assessment because there we can already assess the nutritional
status of a person
Me gusta la evaluación del estado nutricional porque ya podemos evaluar el estado
nutricional de una persona.

• What is an ideal teacher like for you?

An ideal teacher would be a person who is understood and knows how to teach
students and is not only based on fulfilling the syllable

Un maestro ideal sería una persona que se entiende y sabe enseñar a los estudiantes y
no solo se basa en cumplir la sílaba

• What do you think? How can you use your English in the future?

If a patient of mine is a foreigner, I must know English to be able to take good care of

Si un paciente mío es extranjero, debo saber inglés para poder cuidarlo bien

• How is it best to learn English? What has worked for you? Why?

• What do you like most about learning languages?

5 Work

• Could you tell me about the job you would like to have in the future?

I would like to have my own office, also I would like to work in foundations where we
help people with limited resources

Me gustaría tener mi propia oficina, también me gustaría trabajar en fundaciones

donde ayudamos a personas con recursos limitados

• Would you like to be self-employed or an employee? Why?

I would like to start being an employee to gain experience and a future to have my
own office

Me gustaría comenzar a ser un empleado para ganar experiencia y un futuro para

tener mi propia oficina
• Have you ever had a summer job? If yes: Could you tell me about it? / If no:

I haven't had a job on vacation

No he tenido un trabajo en vacaciones

Would you like to have one? Why/Why not?

if I wanted to have a job so I could earn my own money and help my parents with the

si quisiera tener un trabajo para poder ganar mi propio dinero y ayudar a mis padres
con la limpieza

6 Life-style

• What is an ordinary week-day of yours like?

• How do you think your days will be different after leaving university?

• How healthy is your life-style? What should you do differently?

• What do you normally have for your breakfast / lunch / dinner?

• How healthy is your diet? Why do you think so?

• What does your family usually eat and drink on special occasions (e.g. Christmas,

Easter, birthdays)?

• Where do you like to eat? Why?

• Do you prefer traditional restaurants or fast-food places? Why?

7 Free-time and entertainment

• How do you try to keep fit?

• How important is sport in your family?

• What sports are you interested in? Why?

• What do you like doing in your free-time?

• Could you tell me about a film you have seen recently?

• What are your favorite TV programs and why?

• What are your favorite places for going out?

• What does music mean to you?

• Tell me what you read. Where and how often do you read that/those?

8 Travelling

• What’s your favorite means of transport and why?

• What do you think of the traffic in your area/town? How would you improve it?

• Could you tell me about a holiday you enjoyed a lot?

• What kind of holiday do you prefer and why?

• What do you like doing when you are on holiday?

9 Science and technology

• How do you think our life is easier nowadays than it was in the past?

Today our lives have been greatly facilitated with the advancement of technology,
before accessing information we had to go to a library now with the help of the
internet we have access to any information

Hoy nuestras vidas se han facilitado enormemente con el avance de la tecnología,

antes de acceder a la información teníamos que ir a una biblioteca ahora con la ayuda
de Internet, tenemos acceso a cualquier información

• How do technological devices make your family’s life easier?

The cell phone helps us to communicate with any family member in this pandemic that
we cannot go out we can make video calls and see our loved ones

El teléfono celular nos ayuda a comunicarnos con cualquier miembro de la familia en

esta pandemia de que no podemos salir, podemos hacer videollamadas y ver a
nuestros seres queridos
• What technological devices would you not like to live without? Why?

I would not like to live without the washing machine because it is a great help and we
have time to do other activities

No me gustaría vivir sin la lavadora porque es de gran ayuda y tenemos tiempo para
hacer otras actividades.

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