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Preparing for Exams

Three things will help you study well:

(Mental Preparation)
I. Ask your instructor: clarification of misunderstandings about the
contents of the course, whether the questions will be multiple-
choice, true/false etc.
Never miss the last class before an exam as your instructor may
summarize valuable information.
II. Manage your time wisely: Make schedule for your studies and
have time for unexpected events.
III. Sharpen Your study habits: Create body of materials from which
you can effectively review, organize the materials, join study
group to share the information, if your visual aid learner , create
maps, lists, diagrams flash cards, tables or other visual aids that
will enhance memory.

Physical Preparation
 Maintain your regular sleep routine: this will require your brain
power available.
 Maintain your regular exercise program: this will help effectively
reduces stress and will help you think more clearly at exam time
and provide positive breaks for your studies.
 Eat right: Avoid drinking more than one or two caffeinated drinks
a day or eating foods that are high in sugar or fat. Eat a light
breakfast before a morning exam. Choose fruit, vegetable and
foods that are high in complex carbohydrates.
Emotional Preparation
 Know your material: give yourself enough time to review, you will
enter the classroom by confident that you are in control.
 Practice relaxing: practice before exam, and take tests from
yourself to get ready for paper.
 Use positive self-talk. Instead of telling yourself “I never do well
on math tests” make positive statements such as I have attended
all the lectures, I have done my homework, and passed the
quizzes now I am ready to score high on the test!
Promise with yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your
piece of mind.

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