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1. What is the moral of the story?

You will never stop from learning as long as you are living you can adapt new things and use it
for your good. Learning is for everyone and applicable in any place, not only in school but you
can get it in your environment as well. Being positive can make you a stronger and wiser person
because it can help you to overcome all the problems and just like the mantra of Rancho "All is
well" is a good source of positivity.

2. What lessons did you learn? We are all created to be unique and we have our own timeline.
We should not envy the knowledge and skills of others because we also have our different
talents that we can showcase rather than wishing you are greater than that person. Never race
just because someone get an achievement or finished something. Somehow in time, you will be
successful too if you are persistent with your goals.

3. What values did you get from this movie? I learned to be optimistic specially when your
dealing with the difficulties of life because problems are not meant to make you weaker but
rather to make you strong and to teach you lessons that you can use in the near future.

4. How will you use these values in business and in your personal life?

I can use it in business because sometimes you are not always on top of your career and you will
also have to start at the bottom until you climb the ladder of success. Life is full of challenges, it
can either make you or break you. You have the power to change the negativity into a positive
one. It can make you a tougher one by determining what's best or what's not. Overcoming
problems is a very tiring yet satisfying if you knew you can surpass anything.

5. What logic did you learn in this movie that you can use in business? Do everything with
passion. If you are not passionate enough you wont last longer in anything you do specially in

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