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August 4, 2020

Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Utterly
abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction. -Deuteronomy 7:26

Learnings : God has made us pure and perfect in his righteous ways. We have to protect ourselves
because as a human we are prone to sin. Temptation is the urge to sin. Search your heart and examine
yourself. Accept that you are a human and might sin again but God can redeem you. Eliminate the source
of temptation from your home. Stay faithful in times of temptation. Remember to trust God even when
being tempted.

Prayer : Lord, help me to overcome any temptations and forgive me when I have fallen short. Teach me
to draw my strength from you and to completely lay my hands on you, so that I may walk through your

August 5, 2020

Submit to God and you will have peace. - Job 22:21

Learnings : Peace is not the absence of troubles; it's the presence of Christ in the midst of it. God is in
control. Have faith even during the toughest moments in your life. God doesn't define it that you will
have an easy life but He promise to make you strong. Allow God to help you in times of hardships.

August 6, 2020

Blessed is the one who does not walk with the wicked. - Psalm 1: 1

Learnings : We’re surrounded in this world by people who are guilty before God. They know they’re guilt.
But they’re not interested in being reconciled to the one whom they’ve offended – the Lord. These guilty
men have “counsel” to give you. They have “plans” for you to implement in your life. It’s not enough for
them to follow their own destructive plans and advice. They offer it to everyone who will take it – they
even push it on those who don’t want it! The blessed man doesn’t follow the advice of those who don’t
want God’s forgiveness. The life of the blessed man is not characterized by paying attention to the advice
of men and women.

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