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First of all, it is necessary to clarify that in this didactic unit we will address in a basic way the

technical, tactical and regulatory aspects of what we know today as football 11. The evolution of
modern football since its creation in England in the 19th century has made possible the appearance
of new ways of practicing it, so that today you can play soccer in many ways. Despite this, we can
say that in most of them the original idea regarding the objectives and the game cycle is preserved,
so that the contents worked may have a more or less direct application, whatever we practice. There
is soccer 11, soccer 7 (seven players, with smaller field dimensions and goals), futsal (5 players on
a much smaller field and with a smooth surface…) or the most modern volleyball and beach soccer.


The origin of this sport, naturally, is linked to football. It is unnecessary to repeat the extensive
literature that exists in this regard, we will only say that each country tells its story in its own way and
claims the paternity of the most popular of sports. We consider it important to review the concept of
the game, despite its varied philosophical and pedagogical connotation. Johan Huizinga, a Dutch
philosopher and historian, claims that play is a mental and physical activity that serves no immediate
practical purpose and that it is done for the mere satisfaction of the activity itself. On the other hand,
the game is an activity that is carried out based on a series of rules and regulations that all
participants accept. They offer the same possibilities to succeed or fail, win or lose. These
statements by one of the scholars in the field also open up another aspect of study: as the game
becomes more systematic and more disciplined, it tends to lose its playful nature. This manifests
itself in the division of amateur sports and professional sports. At present, sport occupies a
prominent place in culture, growing as a phenomenon that involves the socio-economic, political and
scientific aspect, and projects it to an important consideration in civilization.


Like any collective sport, the group, or the team, is made up of individuals of different characters and
biotypes, who need adequate treatment, for which we use various methods that lead us to the goal:
good teaching. In the teaching technique it is necessary to distinguish the theoretical and practical
aspect. The sports and body activities, identified in the regular Physical Education and sports
initiation practices, directly concern the cognitive and psychomotor domain of the child, who is all
movement. Education through movement is the appropriate way of initiating sports, so that the child
responds to the stimuli provided positively, facilitating the learning of the specific techniques of the
sport. The pedagogical action duly ordered in the learning process will guarantee the good corporal
control of the child, developing habits that from now on will be used to learn to practice a sport.
Learning is a constant in the lives of individuals, motor habits transformed into sports technique are
perfected, respecting the age ranges and the degrees of difficulty in each one of them, to reach
sports maturity. For this we must influence: : -Balance, important for the child to obtain minimum
levels of development of their physical, psychic and motor qualities to acquire mastery of basic
techniques and then learn the different individual techniques. -Rhythm, at the beginning of the
practices it is understandable that the motor gestures are executed in an insecure way with little
dynamism. -General Coordination, the initial imprecision in the execution will be overcome with an
adequate systematization and gradually they will be more consistent, enabling technical execution
with greater dynamism, precision and economy of effort. -Space and Time, the location on the field,
the correct orientation in game actions and the precision of time for the execution of the elements of
the game, be it a pass, shot, etc.


Know the phases of teaching synthesized in:

• Learning or initiation phase • Training or advanced phase • Application or competitive phase.

Also didactically, three stages are considered as a general rule:

• Explain • Demonstrate • Execute the technical-tactical action in football


The technical-tactical action methodologically has a psychomotor structure based on the

biomechanics of sports actions: the kinetic structure of sports movement. This structure configures
an autonomous set of functions, a biomechanical system. The composition of the biomechanical
system of technical-tactical action is made up of its elements.

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