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= ees i Ay) oar | enol a guar Notue Bi oN boda) a ee ee 4 : A Per RE Abnaa: Paa Nazdir: Amunnub.Reakh.Ptah Djedi Shil Paa Hanutu known to us as: HLE. Malachi Kobina York (Bom Tuesday, June 26, 1945 AD. in Tokoradi, Ghana West Africa- Still |_iving) «The Transmitter” Introduction To All 9 Reasons to be Nuwaupian Them 1. The Inevitability of Fact: Everyone seeks facts, truth, confirmation, no one can really endure on blind faith or hopes. The stress and cares of life without facts about something, like not knowing the exact phone number of an important call or the address of a place you must be at, at a certain time. To not have facts to feel pain, fear, danger, but not know why or where to go to have it taken care of; that’s blind faith, not a life to death that cannot ultimately be proven. Atheists cannot prove there is no God or Gods just as religious people cannot prove that their God or Gods exist by faith and belief only. And so they create other titles such as Pantheist or Pragmatist. Facts are unavoidable, even if we only choose to have facts in our own existence, What is to be decided is what evidence do we think is pertinent. How are we going to interpret the evidence and who finds it and will they really accept the facts over their blind faith? Ask yourself who is your mother. She comes to mind because you know who she is. Now who is your creator, God, Lord, Allah, Rabb, JAH, Yahweh? You don’t get an exact. One is fact and the other is fiction until confirmed. 2. The use and mis-use of Sciences: There are no limitations in finding facts when you compare religion to the Scientific method of “prove it”. The process defined by that which is measurable and repeatable. It speaks to issues and their ultimate origin as well as people, places, and things. Where did they come from? How long ago? How did they come about? Genetics, not control of others moralities or lives for such answers, science depends on what was recorded and found, read and confirmed to be the way people really lived, facts not fiction. Whereas, religious beliefs can’t be found or confirmed just what men wrote down and claimed as coming from an unproven spirit God. They make the claims that their God, Lord knows about the smallest details of our lives, but don’t and won't nor haven’t stopped all the sickness, evils, wars, killings, destruction of nature, and even their own Human bodies and minds, birth defects. He doesn’t help or prevent. 3. The Problems Creation vs. Evolut he first fact is you yourself, your parents, their parents and so on. You reading this confirms your existence. Next step back is where did you come from, your parents, who came from theirs? That’s how it’s done with plants, animals, humans and the universe. Nothing new even if a test tube is used it still has the same root seeds for reproduction. Where did it'start? Why must it have to have one? Only to support your belief in a spook God ‘one point in time saying be or let there be this person. What most overlook is even then in their religious books they say this Ged used dust or mud or clay of the ground which always has some form of life be it dry sand or moist soil. Life existed in it when their God used it to shape, fashion, mold, make, form create the first flesh and blood being. So the seed of life was there or with that God who they claim is life and if you live for more than one moment you live or are living and that’s time. So then when did you start living to be alive? They even give their God a gender. He and a male child, a son and even a male Ghost or Spirit called angels, a gender means a sex, a male gender means a seed or XY Chromosomes and sperm, DNA, RNA. This is all they claim. This is the problem with the instant creation from nothing it can’t be confirmed nor does their own Holy Books make that claim as for reproduction. This is proven as for evolving or evolution this is proven. Not how meny have pro-claimed but how it is you evolved from your parents who evolved from their parents and each time there is change, evolution? This evolutionary explanation of life by birth does not make God or Gods unnecessary anyone can see life develops gradually changing from person to person and over a great period of time much change. Of course there is intelligence involved by one designer who alone from nothing provided that one ingredient for life and set into motion by saying to it exist. Think of who was talking and why speak at all? If there was no other beings to listen, Older wiser living beings birthed, created, grew, made, fashioned our level of life just as if a pure African moves to Europe it’s known now his genes are older, stronger that’s a fact confirmed, If he is the very first and he takes a European or Caucasian female and impregnates her with his sperm, the child bom would be a new creation, a first. His father would be his creator, his mother would also be his creator and the Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” in which he planted his seed to mix with her ovum. Now the other way around an African woman who holds the Mitochondrial DNA a genealogy is born. A line from her onward. While the seed of the African male ended at conception because he does not have Mitochondrial DNA like the woman. Yet in both cases it was a new creation created from them. Then from the African woman’s seed because of the Mitochondrial DNA, the gene proven to be transferred from the Mother only. This is evolution genetically if beings came to us from older worlds with stronger genes and bread us. They would be our God and if it was a female she would be our mother and Goddess, that is how it’s done. S ‘The Devil and Evil: Who has the most to profit from a Good God created us and all things more than a Devil or Devils? It gives him a purpose. It brings him into existence as well. For why would you need a Good if there was no Evil? Why need a God if there was no Devil? So who do you think created religion and its religious laws of Do and Don’t do? Not the creation and ceriainly not the creators or the one who has the most to gain by weaker beings violating these do and do not do laws and of course that created a place for enforcers of these laws and then subjects and of course records of what to do and not to do written by those enforcers. You get your so-called Holy Books by whatever title to enforce their laws and stay in control. Real do and do nots is only what is harmful in any way to anything, Your health, life, nature, which you need. Don’t hurt yourself or others, that’s law. . The Bible, Quraan and God Story: On first reading the opening words of the Old Testament in Hebrew as Tanakh “Torah” or English which birthed the New Testament many other Agnostic text of Nag Hammadi, Dead Sea Scrolls which birthed the Quraan and their religions for each base their belief in a Divine on this first book of Genesis in what they call the Bible. This first chapter seems to assume the existence of an Eloheem or YHWH or God, Dios or Allah, Rabb. Genesis, however was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in History. They claim a Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it. Not proven to date, however the very words, “In the beginning God,” is not saying, “In the beginning, I as the first and only God...” It’s about a God not by this God. Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God...” It does not say, | am the God the first and only God and the word was with me. Again it’s not by a God. The Quraan read, “In the name of your Rabb who created...” It doesn’t say, Read in the name of me Allah who created, it’s about Allah not by Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God not by a God about human beings, just as many children world over now believe that Santa Clause was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringle”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks, how he has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts and that makes people happy. How he lives way up North at the North Pole. People spend their hard eamed money on gifis. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible or Quraan about their God, Angels, reward. He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is not that the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was born on Christmas? They have music, feast, rituals, symbols, it’s not real, it’s all fake. He really doesn’t and never existed, a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, symbols. You think about it, now he Santa Claus is supposed to be good like God. But then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, killed. Don’t forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. And so many others I could say but you think them and see how it works and worked. It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories, There is no proof of the stories religious people devote their lives to, none. Yes, they found places mentioned in the Bible but you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. nena - 4 Map of North Pole 4 Map of 1 ransylvania That does not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are or were real. And it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Lockness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof. they do not exist and yet in Egipt. Facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places, real people, confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism. None of them have proven their creation story, their angels story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, but their Hell story is true we have it right here on Earth with all the pain, suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe in, But facts will always come out of the lies or fabrication, Religion. fa Religio doesn’t make it Real: People who claim names today like Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub-divisions, sects, denominations. The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or Vatican in Rome or Mecca in Arabia, none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only belief and are not argument of their God’s existence, A God each claim is partial to their rituals and them as chosen and that their God would not protect other children of the world. That he is responsible for being bor amongst Hindus, or Buddhist or Yorubans. Is not he the giver of all life? Are we to believe that when each time these people could not live, find food or fear death their God sent them to Africa to the Africans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black, nappy hair, big lips, large genitals, big butts, all this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans “Repeatedly”. x '. The Personification of God, Angels, Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in Spirit or as an unseen Spirit, that God is not a Human being and that Angels have wings and are also Holy Ghost or Spirits not human beings because we as human beings know we have all kind of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside. We start off as babies weak and dependant. And as we age, we loose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness, and we need to eat, we need to drink water, we have needs. We go crazy or lose our minds, we are selfish. So how can their God be a human being and still be all powerful? So they use the spirit of God comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh St. John 1:14 used by the Christians in New Testament or the angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim’s Quraan Chapter 19:17, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah Genesis 1:2. But in each a spirit being came down to Earth. Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They ate meat of animals with this and so many others in human form. They use doves Mark 1:10, ass, calves, mules, strange flying animals to take them to Heaven as in the Quraan 17:1, unicoms Job 39:10, dragons Revelation 13, talking snakes Genesis 3:1, fish men 1 Samuel 5:2-7 goat men Leviticus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants Genesis 6:4. You can read this in their Holy scriptures and books they use to explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals. Yet, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years and sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus Matthew 2:13-15. This also is to be found in their Holy books Exodus 12:40-41. Think their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, Ibraheem to give him a land flowing with milk and honey. To look over them, protect them, a safe place. Now note this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine Genesis 42:3-5, dry-up and force the Israelites to have to move or die. He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:8. ‘Then of all the planet Earth why are they or does he feel they are safe in pagan Egypt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? They are never called evil in their Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird dove enter a human being and he became Emmanuel, “God with us” Matthew 1:23 with us they claim. The Muslims claim he Isa or Al Masih will climb down a latter onto a Mosque when he retums from up there or Heaven and Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth. In each they see some human being coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings who can transform himself. Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khemenu “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep before man or that Paa-Sapzdetu the Enneads personified and create man in their images, they say that never could have happened, Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, but the fact remains and has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them, they needed Egiptians. The Egiptian Nazduru “Gods of Nature” never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. And who was first, the Egiptians. Whose records have been found, the Egiptians. And in person who looks like you Negroids, your Egiptian ancestors, your own Holy blood line. And where is Egipt? Africa. And what does that make true Egiptians? Africans. And who are the original Africans? Negroids, Dark-skin, wooly- hair people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents’ pictures. It is the same. 8. The Evidence of Greatness and Miracles: All you have (o do is look at Africa and Africans, the Great empires they built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, South Afriea, look at our records, our arts, the first to write a script, the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord God tumed the wooden stick into a living snake, Exodus 7:9-10. Now the ruler of Egipt, a man Per-RE-ah: Satukh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh Seti I” called his hamutu “priest” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslim’s Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonia, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, Theos, Allah did it for him. But RE did not do it for the Egiptian priest, they did it themselves from their own Earthly knowledge. So in fact who is the Hebrew’s Gods, the Egiptians right in their books, Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4. The Hebrew does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself. What was the name of Amun-RE or Amon, Amen, The Amen Revelation 3:14. They still use his name at the end of their prayer today Amen, So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal in powers to their God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing Miracles as human beings, the Egiptians, the Afrieans called Negroids. 9. The God who doesn’t Know, and Lies: In their Holy books their God ask questions like, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9 as Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden. And, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” Genesis 3:11 and so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie he said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Genesis 3:6. Adam and Eve both ste of it but they did not die. That was a lie. Then does this God have fears? Yes he said, “Be hold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever.” Genesis 3:22 So yes, he fear this man who had become a God like him. Paa-Nazdur: Amun-Nub-RE-Akh-Ptah (Djedi” Shil Paa Hanutu XAoLy aA Pau-Safun Mahyataat Shil PAA Nazdur: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah, PAA Hanut: Djedi ‘The Sacred Papyrus of: Amunnub-Reakh-Ptah (Melchezedck) Bi Paa Renaat Shil RE: Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu AmUR By way of the names of Sum: Anun and Atum “Self-sufficent” and Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” Paa Safur Shil KACOLSGrrx Diajuttaat “Eyes” The Scroll of Eyes Tone, Sound, DNA, Molecules Vibrational Frequencies, Universe, Earth, You. Mah yut: #0 F-sharp and Harmonics Ee Nom ane Papyrus:#18 1-161 1. Sound reletes to you, and what you receive from space and beyond. 2. Sound and its relation to solids, liquids, and matter such as structures of stone, liquid gold, and your brain. 3. As you built Paa-Miraat “the pyramids” and their electromagnetic effect and how they relate to the stars or gateways by resonance and sonic abilities of those structures and your own genes and physical structure. Ital relates to the notes and forms of F sharp chord, which we Tama-reans recorded as the harmonic of this planet Ptah-Nun. 5. And the chamber of Khufu’s Mir; in'there are the frequencies that range from 19 hertz down to a half hertz. That being below the range of a mortals’ hearing. S Figure 1: Khufu’s Mir 6. These vibrations are caused by the wind blowing across the ends of the air shafts, just as blowing over a bottle. 1 7. Tone, sound, vibration, colour as matter. Solid, gas, liquid, incarnation and manifestation of all things It all relates to F-sharp which is the resonant chord of the planet Earth. 9. Just as everything else in this universe vibrates and these vibrations produce waves. At certain levels the human ear can sense these waves or vibrations and call them sound. Huminu “human beings” have leamt to develop the ability to use these vibrations of sound to make music of all kinds, constructive and destructive tones. And this reflects in the use of tones in the form of all names or vibrational reactions to certain sounds, which each becomes labeled, and links them to all kinds of forces that vibrate on those same tones or names. 10. If you use a Hebrew name, it’s only a tone and a vibration. Every time you’re called, that tone vibrates inside of you and links you to every other being with that same tone who vibrates on that same level. Be they dead or alive. Alive would be the sound of your same name. Yet, the dead are always listening to take over the living’s bodies and by having a name, tone, vibration, frequency, of their religious tones, you open your being up to any and all kinds of forces, ghost, spirits, ghouls, specter, that respond to that tone you live under. 11.S0 even music opens the gates or abodes to lower realms, by making waves at different pitches and volumes. 12. These music notes reveal to you the invisible vibrations of the world and universe, upper and lower, all around you. 13.Just because you can’t hear or see them does not mean they can’t use you It’s the range of waves/vibrations, these intrasounds and ultrasounds waves appear they are not there; they are. 14.So when you use F-sharp on an instrument, or voice there is a re-action ‘You must overstand “sharps” and understand “flats” and then major tones 15.Because there are many F-sharps at the different pitches that you cannot hear. Some animals are open to tones you cannot hear. You are not like dogs which are used by lower forces, to get into your lives, homes, children and then your emotions. 16.You can’t hear them but dogs can. Do not have dogs except for death rites; to know these spirit forces are there to try and take your dead’s soul 17.Many people also live under tones, names, religions that link them to the dead and can be passed by gene from marriage, blood transfusion. Things like drinking too much ether alcohol, drags and even music can open you up. 18.So the very stones have tones such as lime, granite and of course jewels. Each has a paramagnetic vibration as does the Neb-ankh or coffer in the 2 chamber in Khufu’s mir. The whole chamber itself is attuned to the frequencies of the whole mir, And its vibration is below those of huminu ear, 19 hertz and less. F- Flat VY KHUFU F-Sharp G-Major y KHAF-RE G-Sharp A-Flat LN F-Flat_— F-Sharp A- Sharp 4 8] 2/3]4 c CIDIEIF B Khemenu=8 Octave MIN-KAA-RE 19.And these vibrational frequencies are of four base DNA molecules, the most frequent to appear as a tonic is F-sharp. 20.S0 the frequencies in base DNA are harmonically ordered and perfectly in line with the frequency of Ptah-Nun, of the planet Earth. Father Mother chile Genes, Cells Chromosomes of a person Elements, Atoms, Notos Chemicals, Mothers or Females Tones Creates Harmonies are High Pitched Sharp The Make up of Matter, Things Fathers or Male Tones are Low Pitch or Fiat The Child (Daughter or Son) Js Between or Major Tone 1 : 3 - 5 Mother Father Child Harmony 21.So in fact all frequencies turn out to be particularly related and can be pleasing or painful. Can make you sick or heal you. Give life, cause death Build or destroy; number 8 as in octaves. 22.We ancient ones knew the correlation between harmonics, stones, the planet Earth and electromagnetism, unison or agreeing tones on same pitch to become one. 23.The mathematics of frequency occurring in the planets, earth and others” cycles, are in tune. 24,And also at a basic level, your physical body overstands this and in the right state of mind or trance state opens up the mental abode. Paa-Taynim-Khay or seed of Caucasoid want all to speck on their tone. Listen to how they speak not from the solar plexus. Yet, from the nose to effect your nose’ gay the bunch of sweet-smelling flowers; a symbol of what you breathe in and how smell affects your whole being. So they wish all to talk as they do and this is Nosology “Science of disease”. Or he is a Nosologist of Nostalgia “House of Sickness” by the nostril. Now stop and listen to how they speek. Listen to where the sound is vibrating from, their noses or snout and or mange. And if you look up Leprosy or Hansen’s Disease of Lepers and how it effects the nose and breathing. Leviticus Chapter 13, in their Bible how Leprosy effects the skin tone, hair texture (Leviticus 13:30) or transforms one from Negroid to Caucasoid. Also, Leprosy effects the nervous system, nerves, which effect the skin, rashes, impulse to motion between the brain and other parts of the body. Now look at words, “nerve” and “naeve, naevus” meaning birthmark, pigmentation of skin. Which is why they drink so much, smoke so much and take all kinds of drugs to calm their nerves. 25.What we did, was build structures that utilized the electromagnetic and harmonic effect, which work in unison with each other and you. 26.We built in symbolism, power and grandeur, yet also universal harmonic and paramagnetic power. 27.lis mortals’ imperfections that blocks them from being open to true and full mental powers. Once they are transformed they will once again use both sides of their brain in perfect balance and be at one with Paa-Paut again, and the universe. And its field of resonance, or rythmonic frequency of this universe is F-sharp or 1.655x 1043 Hz the key resonance. Once the full use of brain and barathary gland is restored there will be the interaction under the influence of F-sharp actually allowing the transference of energy, sound, tone, vibration and colours, images and voices beyond this realm. Note in their Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism when they chant all being Caucasoids or sub-races of them as is Southeast Indians, who influence the Muslims’ chanting, they even call the system Ghunna or chanting through the nasal passage to vibrate in the nose or nasalized sounds, All the religious chanting of Jews, Christians, and Muslims are in those Tones. A buzzing sound because most of their noses are closed or blocked. SS . 2 : = f Nose To Third Eye Open Nose to Closed Third Eye For Negroids is closed for Caucasoids Open Air passage Closed Air Passage ENO sara 28.Not only like wireless frequency but between individuals and from universe to universe. 29.And this energy is really here and coming as electromagnetic waves and particles, radio waves and or energy coming from every angle of the universe from Paa-RE “The Sun”, Paa-Najumaat “The Stars”, Paa-AH “The Moon”. 30.Much of the energy is millions, ifnot billions of years old. They act in ways that you are only now beginning to learn in Wu-Nuwaupu. Such as what is dark matter, and the neutrino, and ethers. 31.From time and past these constant interaction of energy particles or waves has plotted the course of existence and physical evolution, so it is said man’s fate is controlled by the stars. Negroids receives tones and vibrations from Paa-RE “The Sun”, and of course Paa-Najumaat “The Stars” which are suns. While, the Caucasoids and others non-Negroids only receive reflections from Paa-AH “The Moon” no direct light or vibration only reflections, no sounds or tones. Why they have no rhythm, are not rhythmic and again need to make you Africans with soul convert your dancing and singing to change to what they do. And the noise they call music which is yelling or howling. Now look at Negroids moving and sounding as they do. It’s his plan to steal their souls by giving them wealth to act like them or teach them. Now they want to mix that their 6,000 year moon eycle is ended. 6 32.So just as radio waves carry outformation provided by the sender also the waves transferring energy to you carry any and all kinds of outformation to information which is you. 33. You're receiving them at all times it’s just that you're on the wrong station or frequency and can’t see or hear them speaking and incarnating for you. Like a radio or T.V., it’s off if you are not in tone with your own station broadcasting signals that you are built to receive, born to receive from your own ancestors. That is if you accept others’ cultures, religions, way of life, if you carry their names, titles, accept their ancestor's spirit forces called deities, gods, prophets, Messiah, Mahdis, and so on. When you speak in their tones it’s like the radio is not tuned on to your own station so you only receive their spirit forces who will not help you in any way, yet they will use ‘you to feel. 34.You must be in tune with your own bloodline back to the ancient who vibrate as you on same station. Broadcasting to you for you; why you see hands at the end of Atun-RE Sun Rays. Earth 35.And of course your own energy waves carry outformation into you as information, that of Paa Nazdiru and the universe and nature. These waves impart this Wu-Nuwaupu outformation genetically and psychologically into you. 36.You must become balanced, genetically linked to your own genes not other races, but with your own resonance frequencies of your own Egiptian African ancestors linked to the universe and beyond and then and only then will you be able to overstand the outformation you are receiving, if not at a conscious level. What you eat, wear as colour. Things you alter on your body, who you exchange body fluids with kiss, sweat with, sing with or along with. All these can move the dial and like the dial on a radio or channel on T.V. the slightest shift and you get white noise off your own station so you can’t hear nor see the Etherians. 37.The super conscious level is where you find Paa-Khu 4AA-kS “the coversoul”. The seat of Wu-Nuwaupu out in the very universe itself linked to nature here and you have become a part of nature. 38.The universal bank of Wu-Nuwaupu that is alive and growing and expanding all the time and in every conceivable dimension called mental. 39.This whole system the earth and its electromagnetic sphere, the universe and its dynamic energy and you all interplay in a harmony of operation proportions. The cyclic nature of the universe as a whole as already has been shown on numerous occasions to affect all living species. All are in tune with some frequency not all the same. Paa Taynim Khy “The Tamahu” Online Bible Hebrew Strong’s #8568-69; #8577, ]°30\ tanniyn ian-neen’ or D°AM tanniym meaning, “beast or dragon” are affected by 11 1-year cycles: you see I’sfut upsurge in them and disharmony, always following closely the solar flares of Paa-RE “The Sun” which reflects some light to Paa Ah “the moon”, its link to the electrical part of humans of all races. To each its own. Link to their nervous system, why each has their own music and movement. Link to a network of nerves that send signals to and from the brain and it is the brain that is the cognitive, functional part of the body. It is the brain that accesses the conscious. The subconscious and even goes on to create the unconscious. 40.You become what you think you are. And or believe you are. What you put in your body why they advertise drinking lots of etheric alcohol to un-tune you or mixing your body fluids with anyone to un-tune you to your powers. 41. That is not good if you think outside your own genes. 42. The great and notable central mir “pyramid” of Khaf-RE in Ptah-Maa-RE “Tama-RE” is and was a massive communication device of ritualized internally esoteric and spiritual outformation to your information from Saahu “Orion” and Sapzdetu “Sirius” or otherworlds. 43.By way of its shape and relation to quartz and sound waves created by Paa- Mir, 44.Quartz grows in a particular geometric pattem. 45.As do all crystals. 46.In this instance though, quartz grows in the form of a triangle or pyramid with an angle of 51.43° degrees the same as the outer walls of Paa Kabur Mir “The Great Pyramid”! The interlattice angle of a crystal is related to the basal angle. The basal angle is 4 of the angle of the tip of the crystal. The interlattice angle of quartz is 90 degrees minus the basal angle which is 38 degrees. Therefore the interlattice angle is $2 degrees. This is also the angle of the Cheops pyramid. Figure 3: Angle in reference to 52° Angle 9 Figure 4: §2° Angle ‘igure 5: Quartz in reference to 52° Angle 10 Figure 6: Quartz 47.We ancient Paa Maa-RE-u “Tama-reans” matched the angles of this great communicating crystal 48.This very angle is a natural angle that can be created with the use of a circle and a plum line. Te sgh tine to ‘atari ony Diagram 1: Plumb line and Angle an 49.This was the method we ancient architects of sacred geometrical buildings used to square the circle 50.And it produced an almost 52° angle. 51.That worked beautifully on every level, and is mathematically perfect direct from nature or Paa Nazdiru. 52.These wondrous natural mathematical workings and’them being real and physical. 53.Any physical construction that would aid the quantum communication would have a magnificent mathematical pattern. 54.Now it is time to have a look at the workings of this and the use of the quariz. 55.Quartz crystal begins its existence deep within Geb, Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” from hot vapors of Anun or Nunet-Nun. The primeval liquids, the great vapor, a gaseous form of a substance as. liquid or solid steam of mist, moisture in the air as created by Tefnut and Shu the birth of ether, invisible moisture, vaporize, vaporous, gas, fog, ether, the substance or fluid that fills space, time and matter, in this is a quartz born. 56.From hot vapor, which is a supersaturated solution of silicon dioxide: 57.As it cools, a unit cell of quartz forms or is born around a nucleating site Nut seed in the same way that an oyster forms. And you see that its seed or pear! is born as a lustrous jewel of many colours as well as the shell’s insides, also of many colours, as the mist of the rainbow is bom or formed. 58.So also in the oyster a form of crystallic colours in form. 59.It is a matrix created around a seed point or Nut and Geb. 60.The forming atoms and or cells and bonding are laid down where there is the most energy. 61.The molecules adhering to the base silicon matrix. There is another in the humin body that is not found in outer space it is all made of the same elements, atoms, cells, all is in and a part of Paa-Paut, The All, Expanding and contracting breathing inward and outward. The breath of life of existence. The whole of the universe is born out of dark space matter. Triple darkness. 62.Made up as a tetrahedron shaped molecule, it is now composed of four atoms of oxygen with one silicon atom suspended within. 12 Diagram 2: Tetrahedron-shaped Molecule 63.This primary cell unit now attracts other silicon dioxide molecules and in time, trillions of these cells link together in a spiraling motion. Layer upon layer until the crystal is made. 64.The crystal is a known quantum converter that is able to transmit energy in a magnified state, and this energy can easily be absorbed or received by biological matter. Such as your physical body. 65.80 the crystal is formed by way of a spiraling motion. And is a known quantum converter, transmitting energy. Outformation and information or intellect and outellect at a magnified rate. 66.When you bring all light to a complete standstill inside a crystal it can be used to store outformation and information in a quantum computer. 67.Quartz crystal is similar to that. 68.11 is made up of a latticework of silicon and oxygen atoms which surround a relatively open space 69.11 is in this open space that can be compressed or squeezed and expanded with certain stimuli. 70.This same stimulus also make the crystal vibrate, or sing, or chant. 71. These vibrations make waves which humin receptors pick up and convert back to binary information. 72.So in fact vibratory information can be stored, as can the light that came to a standstill inside the empty space. 73.These crystals do much more though. 74.They also amplify the energy the way a dome shape magnifies sound. 2B 75.By moving them, applying pressure or other stimuli such as any form of contact or touching, these crystals can be forced to offer up their outformation energy, that of the holographic universe to which I have shown all things are connected, including the wave particles within the crystal. 76.These quartz chips can be programmed by the mind alone 77.As in fact thoughts are simple energy waves in themselves. 78.1f these crystals would read the mind of mortals as they can, then you can reverse this and read crystals with the mind, 79.You see when the thalamus gland is stimulated the subconscious seems to yield more information and according to many psychics or adepts of higher learning it is with the aid of the crystal or indeed the magnifying effect of Paa Mir “The Pyramid” which makes it possible for the energy information to be picked up by the mind radio in the head. 80. The pyramids had an effect of contact with other worlds. (lie, COCt=‘“‘i:‘id Pituitary Gland _- Thalamus Gland Hypothalamus Gland Diagram 3: Thalamus Gland 81.Just by sitting quietly inside a pyramid as a crystal creating a balancing effect and the electromagnetic field created by the pyramid shape. Link to gold capstone at the right time and the base angle of the great pyramid is degrees, a triangular structure of a quartz erystal. We are always receiving sounds from outer space. 82.Beyond time from beings that exist out of the body locked by time. “ 83.Those of your own genes are speaking to you from the other realms, you just have to learn how to tune in on their same frequency. 84.Once you do that you can hear them and feel them and even touch them. 85.Or visit them or they visit you. 86.Yet you must be aware of pretenders of I’sfut lower frequencies who come into your body or take on ghost forms to deceive you. 87.They can appear as angelic form according to how your mind sees Jesus or a Jesus, greys, ghost, ghouls, demons, dead friends and even relatives. They get to shape a form by what is already in your subconscious mind. 88.You give them form as by what you wish them to look like and who you wish them to be. 89.Many people have been fooled into thinking they are prophets or others saying they were visited by angels, Mary, Jesus, or others. While even others claim they were visited by the devil, demons. The dead will play games with the seeker who does not know how to protect themselves from these lower beings 90.Whose only wish is to incarnate for the moment to feel life on this realm again or use a person’s body for whatever. 91.Some have sexual acts with the living to birth from them demon children for the lower realms or abodes who can ascend up to this realm at will. Open gates for evil forces or just disembodied spirits, ghost, specter, ghouls; be very careful when you play with the other realms. 92.So in fact life is nothing more than waves, sound, light or a form of illusion. 93.Nothing you touch is really solid all things are vibrating and the speed by which things vibrate determine how dense a thing or being is. 94.1t’s given atomic numbers to count the weight of the atoms 95.To bring about solid, liquid, gas, bone, blood, breath. All no more than sound and light waves. 96.And not by chance. To claim evolution happens by chance is to say your thoughts are not more than manifested by chance or manifestation of a brain which is matter, it is merely a physical organ evolved through the ages. 97.However since the brain and the cells which compose it are made up of atoms/cells how could the workings be by chance? Atoms have been arranged in a humin brain in such a way as to perceive themselves. 98.That is to create out of nothing, then learn that it created itself out of nothing is a process of thinking and planning because you have by way of the brain the ability to learn more and more about the brain itself. 99.If in fact it created itself by chance. At the very moment of its own creation it would know all there is to know about itself. That is not the case. 45 100. Only mind can perceive subatomic structure as those of ether and mind therefore must be outside the brain. Mind is a power created by higher beings and made part of the humin experiences called mental. 101, Now bear in mind Nuwaupians that the resonance of the planet earth we called Paa Ptah-Nun is the same 0-40 Hz spectrum as the humin mind. 102. Your same mind linked to the mental abode that is constantly emitting signals into the environment around these signals are much more than just waves; they become also particles that is matter. 103. Just as you see stars “najumaat” in the night sky as little lights flickering billions of light years away. 104. Anda light year is how far light can travel in one year be it solar 365 or lunar 354, As light travels at a speed of 186, 274.5 feet per second that makes one light year, around 6 trillion miles away from earth. 105. And Grit O4erhot najumaat or stars arc billions of light years away. 106. Many of these najumaat are no longer there when you look up at night they are stars that have died. 107. Yet and still you can still see Fr-Gh+S4 paa nawar “the light”. 108. Younow know this light to be wave-matter-particle. 109. You also know by seeing a light now that has died years ago yet it is continued life of that najum that you see. 110. __ You yourself as part of the laws of chaos B4HOX “sft” and order SHEL “maat” are no different from those stars you are made up of the exact same atoms, cells, element of light, life, energy. 111. You are putting out signals, which will continue as wave matter particles, even after you have died, each have their own zero time reference of existence unique to each one. As cach huminu and humimu has their own zero time reference once a sound is made it never really dies only changes volume or vibration, tone. 112. All of creation of life is life waves that pass down in vibration to Te4-GO khemenu “Ogdoads” under water soundless, to YitkexO sapdzetu “Enneads” come out onto land. 113. Now to begin it goes back about 9 billion years to another abode called sapzdetaat “sirius star systems”. It had three major suns. Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C. On the last, Sirius C, that abode, the beings had reached such heights that they did not need their vast technologies. Most of those beings were past the need of rebirth and others of them were already transformed into etherians moved onto the mental abode of existence. 16 Figure 7: Sirius A with its Smaller counterpart Sirius B 114. The necessity for a physical form or body on any vibrational level was below their needs, no need of a pl instrument to play the tone or sound of their music. Body was obsolete. 115, Because of the ability of the state inhabitants to precipitate their needs from ethers MEO “akhu”. 116. After 9 thousand more years except for those beings of that abode who lagged too far behind to attain transformation. The many Etherians from that star system Sirius C of Sapzdetaat advanced in one moment with all the higher beings of all the other abodes being one with the universe on to the fourth abode of existence. \"a x = 117, Those lagging beings who had to remain behind were deprived of every iota of higher levels or becoming Nazdiru because of their attachment to the physical things of their world just as those here on Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” will also be left behind because of their physical attachments to their bodies, lust and material things. Greed, food, pleasures. 7 118, Others who raised, fell and were returned to lower levels trapped and lost in worlds unknown to their inner being and are host to be held in abeyance to the world they are in now. And can be used and abused emotionally by lower forces of etheric abodes. 119. Looked over by Fri t't’S%-X9 Paa Khaibetu of the 4” to 3 abodes spiritual and mental abodes; some have access to the 5° abode who had originally took part in the creation of lower abodes down to the first abode. 120. And can come down to this physical abode and transform beings to higher levels. Others are lost and in time will dissolve as did Sirius C which collapsed into nothingness. And the lower beings there were sent to other planets like here. 121. Their Nazdirtu moved up to the 4" and 5" celestial abodes and they disintegrated the Sirius C star system about which many planets had revolved. 122, Leaving Sirius B and Sirius A. Many of the higher beings from them came here to Paa-Ptah-Nun the planet Earth or The Blue Planet or Water Planet. Others went upward to Saahu “Orion” star systems. 2 Af att & smears 123, The same was done before throughout the universe so that all the stars and their attendant planets ceased to exist. Time, because it is a function of matter on the physical abode, came 10 an end while others are being born. 124. Again all things vibrate each on its own level. Each colour vibrates, each form of matter vibrates, atoms, cells. 125. All is sound and music. There is good for you sounds or music and there is bad for you sounds, tones, and/or music. Even the sound of a person’s voice can upset you. 126. Your given name or title is a tone or sound of music that is vibrating, it becomes you or you become it. And links you to that vibration and all the forces, beings that are on that same tone, sound, name be they good or evil. This is why speaking your own language Nuwaupic is so important to your being. The names or attributes you call on as deity to come and affect your well-being. 127. Now each race is a genetic code, vibration. You cannot be other than what and who you are. Only in actions, not in true energy levels so to pretend to be Mongoloid or any of its sub-races will not work for your being or Dravidian or any of Indians’ sub races or Caucasians or any of their sub-races will not vibrate for you nor their system of beliefs, religions, cultures, way of life work for or help you in anyway. 128. The adverse forces of all others is not for you and will kill your energy. The 6 ether beings are adverse to 9 ether beings or you, Negroids. 129. They ascended up into this material or physical world by tones, sounds, music, names, titles, and their link to sound. The Caucasoids decide which music become hits. He will pay the Negroid to make sounds that will cut them off or make them kill. He will only allow in the sounds, tones which he can use against you. If you don’t make what he wants or needs he will if he likes your look, take your tracks and re-produce them and add tones. He will one choose Negroids who hate self and kind to become companies and give them sub-labels. Shoot videos or cinemas that help his cause and destroy your minds and children. He loves gospel, hip-hop, but hated reggae or Afriean music. So no Negroid movie star or rapper or producer is there because they are good, not at all. He will only pay them big money if they further his plans of opening up the underworld and giving over Negroids souls to Shazumu “The Carnivorous Flesh Eaters”. Once on this abode they move by emotions through existing beings open to them by emotions of many kinds. The way music makes you feel. 130. And as you know Negroids were the first huminu created or incarnated or materialized on this abode. 131. So they vibrate with natural nature. Races, and Sub-Races Negroid Mongoloid Caucasoid 19 920 Dravidian Native American Indian Figure 8: Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Dravidian and Sub-races 132. The adverse forces once in physical form started the making of fake, false, artificial, synthetic things, cross breeds, plants and fruits without seeds, fake metals, plastic and working on Human robots. Many are natural materials but put together to form unnatural vibrations. The same with music, tones, sounds and persons. 133. There are fake plastic, aluminum, copper and many more as they call them man made elements, grafted cells or breeds. The works of adverse forces in this abode. 134, Many people do not vibrate with one another. So they must convert the other to their vibration, it’s called love me, change all you think and think and feel as I do. This is the meking of a synthetic being or person. This mostly happens to females who submit all they can be once they fall in what they call love with a man. 135. Once they Jay together and find a sexual rhythm and think that they rhyme, their own vibration is blended into another’s. 136. Many times not knowing that each person you stand before is not one being or person. But in fact 30 in all. They are what their parents, grandparents, great grandparents on and on for four generations of genetics were on the physical abode and became on the lower or higher abodes. As simple as a kiss. 20 1. The you you are Born 2. The You you pretend to Be. Person 1 Mother Father and jenerations of your Bloodline and Zodiacal Personalities Mother Father Mother Father Allin You. hy AAT iged M F M F a 4 M Hi i Palit MFMFurpmMer 4? ‘Now think of it in the form of each has its own Zodiac Sign they were born under. So you are not the one Zodiac Sign you claim. You are All of These. 137. Also the adverse forces know that sound waves effect the living being and can control their emotions. So they allowed non-music to become music. You put down your own souls, rhythms and replace it with non- rhythms while you keep the rhymes. So in fact you lose your soul but keep your words, poems. That fact is adverse forces are at work replacing all real natural things and places with his fake, false world in all things around you, Like “I love you” what does that mean? And when you live in an environment surrounded by adverse forces of 6 etheric forces of 6 etheric beings or other races other than kind, you are slowly transformed into their vibrations and you begin to blend in and become one of them and lose your natural nature and connection with your own Heavenly help, 138 Eating their fake foods, Dressing in their fake fabrics. Listening to their fake music; trying to talk and sound like their fake sounds and voices, their fake colours. Fake metals, Under their fake lights. You become out of your mind and in his mind. In time you can no longer contact your own mental realm because you have become one with them and their world. Look at how the slave master has transformed his Negroes. Look at the change in 23 our own children once the devil closed Tama RE. Look at some of those who once claimed they overstood who and what Paa Nazdir: Amunnub- Reakh: Ptah was really here to do. They have been transformed and transformed their consorts, children and those who listen to them. It’s all about vibration. The vibration of this realm the great event of your cycles repeats every 26,000 years or a procession and 24,000 years of 4 cycles of 6,000 years in progression of the life waves. 139. All was still and void on the physical abode because it had ceased to exist 140. Yet upon the higher abodes or celestial realms of existence there was much activity much training and subsequent organization of etherian beings 141, As $9 Khu-u, Fe-S+-GS Khemenu, *Mé>-X

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