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SciExcite Inc.

Fluffy Slime

Target Age: Any

Topics: Chemistry
Concepts: Polymers
Estimated Time: 15 minutes

● Elmer’s Washable Glue
● Foaming Shaving Cream
● Baking Soda
● Food Coloring
● Contact Solution (make sure it contains sodium borate and boric acid)
● Bowl
● Spoon
● Measuring Cup
● Tablespoon

● STEP 1: Measure 3-4 cups of shaving cream into a bowl.
● STEP 2: Add color! We used neon food coloring, but there are so many choices.
● STEP 3: Next, add a 1/2 cup of glue to the shaving cream and mix thoroughly. Add 1/2 tsp of
baking soda too.
● STEP 4: Add 1 tablespoon of the saline solution to the mixture and start whipping!
● STEP 5: Once you get the mixture thoroughly whipped and incorporated, you can pull it out with
your hands!
● STEP 6: Spend a few minutes kneading the fluffy slimy

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