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This course introduces all of the elements of humanities such as the beginnings and
origins, the fundamentals of religious beliefs, the structures of early Governments, the
revolutions and reforms, the experience through art and gender. While some of those topics
were quite intimidating and unknown to me, studying them in an academic setting helped me
feel more motivated to adventure and allowed me to study and discuss topics that I would
normally shy away from.

The module on religion was a mind-opening experience. Learning about all the
different religions, their origins, their beliefs helped me realize that all religions have some
tangible values that can be adopted by almost anyone.

Throughout my schooling in France, I had studied World War one and World War
two extensively but with the French view point of history. Through this course, some light
was shed on some events and people that were not brought up in the past such as World War
2 being just a continuity of World War 1, this was never explained that way.

The assignments required in the class through reflective questions push the student to
really look inside his or her convictions and knowledge in order to formulate an answer. The
reading material provided is so well chosen that it helps you explore all the different aspect of
the topic and helps gain a better appreciation and understanding of humanities. What I really
enjoyed during this course is being able to be myself and to be true to what I know and keep
the integrity of my beliefs. This course allows you to express your thoughts, feelings and
convictions and helps you open your mind to the idea that there are different ways to see and
understand things.

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