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A. Circle the noun that is the topic of the paragraph and all pronouns that refer to it.

Some researchers believe that social animals such as dogs may have a sense of morality. That is, dogs
know right from wrong. For example, dogs follow certain rules when they play together, and they exclude
dogs that don't follow the rules. Dogs' sense of right and wrong also includes knowing how to behave
correctly around humans. For example, they know who the pack leader (that is, the boss) in any family is.
They also know that they are not allowed to eat the pack leader's food. If they steal a bite of food from
Dad's dinner plate, they slink' around the kitchen looking guilty because they know they have broken a rule.
Other researchers say that fear of punishment, not guilt, is the reason for dogs' slinking behavior.

B. Edit the following paragraphs for consistent nouns and pronouns.

Paragraph 1
A marathon runner must be strong not only in body but also in mind. She or he has to train for years to
achieve the necessary endurance to compete in his or her sport. This requires great discipline and self-
sacrifice. In addition, marathon runners have to train their minds in order to endure the long hours of
solitary running. This, too, requires great discipline. In other words, you must be in top condition, both
mentally and physically, if you want to run in marathons.

Paragraph 2
Physicists are scientists who study the basic laws of nature and apply these laws to improve the world.
They are concerned with scientific wonders as large as the universe and as small as an electron. He or she is
a problem solver who is curious about the universe and who is interested in what gives it order and

Paragraph 3
Many students feel that learning to write well is a useless, time-consuming task that has little to do
with "real life"— that is, with their future occupations. Although this may be true if he or she plans to
become an auto mechanic or a waitress, it is certainly not true if you plan to have a white-collar job? No
matter what profession you enter — business, engineering, government, education — you will have to

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