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Christ Embassy Southern Africa Zone 5 Assignments for students your life a meaning...

January 2015
● To get more marks a student is expected to qoute scriptures and ministry materials
( Pastor Chris’ DVDs and books).
● Assignments should be submitted on due date given by a lecturer, otherwise late
submission will lead to deduction of marks.
● All assignments should be typed and printed.
● Copying each other will lead to deduction of marks.

Individual Assignment One

1. According to what you have learnt, describe the new creation and the renewal of his mind.
a. Explain the following as you were taught in this class
i) Forgiveness and remission of sins. [5 marks]
ii. The eternal life and the death that has been abolished. [5 marks]
ii. God’s address and God’s extension. [5 marks]
b. State three things that a Christian has dominion over. [3 marks]
2. Why is it important for Christians to understand their rights in Christ? Explain briefly [3 marks]
a. Give an explanation of what you understand by righteousness. [ 4 marks]
b. State and explain clearly about your rights in Christ and your answer should include things
that you have the rights to.[8 marks]
c. What are our inheritances in Christ. State [4 marks]
d. As Christians are we allowed to depend on the operation of five senses according to 2
Corithians 5:7 and 2 Corithians 4:18? [ 5 marks]
3. What is ministry [2 marks]
a. State the responsibilities of a Christian and give examples of people who were trained by
God from the bible.[5 marks]
a. Describe the right attitude in courtship and also the proper conduct for a believer.[8 marks]

Christ Embassy Southern Africa Zone 5 Assignments for students your life a meaning...
● To get more marks a student is expected to quote scriptures and ministry materials ( Pastor
Chris’ DVDs and books).
● Assignments should be submitted on due date given by a lecturer, otherwise late
submission will lead to deduction of marks.
● All assignments should be typed and printed.
● Copying each other will lead to deduction of marks.

Assignment two - Individual assignment -

1. Describe the Holy Trinity and who the Holy Spirit really is? [5 marks]
2. State the seven synonyms of the Holy Spirit [ 7 marks]
3. What do you understand by the word Koinonia. [2 marks]
4.Explain the following as you have as explaned in this course:
a. Communication [2 marks]
b. Communion [2 marks]
c. Transportation [2 marks]
5. State the importance of the Holy Spirit. [4 marks]
a. What do you understand by ministry gifts according to Ephesians 4:11. [ 4marks]
b. Give the fivefold ministry gifts [5 marks]
c. Differentiate between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the recreated human spirit [4 marks]
d. .What is the difference between the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit [8 marks]
e. Hint: Read the book recreating your world and listen to an audio CD called, “Being filled with the
6. What is the universal church and how do I become a member? [ 4 marks]
7. What is the purpose of the church [ 2 marks]
8.What do you understand by the greek word “politeunma” ?[ 5 marks]
a. Why do we have to use our tongues right always? Briefly explain. [3 marks]
9. Describe three levels of submission to authority and give an example where you found yourself submitting
to authority in life. [ 8 marks]
10. What are the dangers of speaking against your leaders? [ 3 marks]

Christ Embassy Southern Africa Zone 5 Assignments for students
● To get more marks a student is expected to quote scriptures and ministry materials
( Pastor Chris’ DVDs and books).
● Assignments should be submitted on due date given by a lecturer, otherwise late
submission will lead to deduction of marks.
● All assignments should be typed and printed.
● Copying each other will lead to deduction of marks.

Assignment three- Group Assignment

1.Define the word Doctrine according to what you are taught in this course. [ 2marks]
2.Describe the following components as taught.
a. Being foundation doctrines of Christ. [ 3 marks]
b. Repentance from dead works. [ 7 marks]
c. Faith towards God. [6marks]
d. Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Water baptism. [6 marks]
e. Laying of hands including reasons of laying of hands. [ 6marks]
3. Types of resurrection from the dead. [6 marks]
4. Explain the Pauline doctrines and his revelation pertaining to the new creation, the
righteousness, sanctification and holiness. [ 10 marks]
5. Explain the difference between remission of sin and forgiveness of sin. [ 5 marks]
6.What do you understand by giving and receiving as taught in this class? In your answer give a
brief explanation of tithing, first fruit and offerings.[ 5 marks]
7.Give a list of ten our statement of faith. [10 marks]
8. Give a brief history of the ministry. [3 marks]
9. Give names of the CEC Members.[5 marks]
10. State the vision of the ministry. [1mark]
11. Give the names of the ministry arms. [4 marks]
12. Briefly explain the cell structure and its importance in the ministry. [5 marks].

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