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WwWWw.Caneste® conn |INATION BOA\ Is ing (Fundamentals of Nursing, First Aid & Personal Hygiene > Max, Marks:75 ‘Time: 3 hours 5 SECTION- 1. Give the Meaning of the following sana 2) Stomatitis bY Health ©) Infection 4) Dyspnoea 11, Fill in the blanks dana ‘a) When the body temperature is raised 105° F is called —___— j ») Sterilization by steam under pressure Is known a5 ____ ©) The resistance to certain disease Is artificially attained by <4) The oral cavity is also called as Be weasters TIL, Write short notes on any FOUR of the following nese + 2) Qualities of a Nurse ') Application of hot water bag . ©) Active and passive exercises 4 4) Care of the rubber goods €) Types of beds and their uses. IV. _ a) Define Bedsore 24344=9 ») Uist the causes of Bedsore, ©) Explain the Nursing care of a patient with Bedsore. 24344=9 V.~ a) Define Mental Health. b) Enumerate the characteristics of a Mentally Healthy persom~"~~ { ©) Discuss the promotion of Mental Health in old age. ‘oR a) Define Blood pressure. || b) Uist the factors causing variations in Blood pressure. « ©} Explain the procedure of measuring Blood Pressure of @ patient in your ward. é SECTION ~ 11 VI Choose the correct answer and write. a) The normal pulse rate of adult is i) 120bts/mt ii) 140 bts/mt. be prevented by |) High fat diet ii) High fibre diet iti) High protein diet ©) Difference between axillary and rectal temperature is iC iit) °C. x3=3 VII. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE axa=4 7 4) One pint is equal to 30m! 3 b) yant enema | constipation. 7 ce i al presence of blood in the urine is called Haematuria. used to relieve vomiting are called Anti inflammatory drugs. ‘VIII. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following a) Health Team ‘ ~_b) Nursing care of the patient with breathing difficulty QD of sharps and needles

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