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The Secret Writings of Ralston Sterling

I dwell alone. In a world filled with only two absolutes. Truth and honesty, Love
and hate, good and evil. Those who do not think like me, or act like me…are non-
existent, and do not deserve to breathe the air that I, and others like me, do. Wasted
bodies with wasted minds. Souls born to die. I encompass light. Light that shines
brightly and blinds others. And because of its brightness, their sole desire is to
undermine my light based upon their jealously and envy. They are but roaches on a nasty
countertop; filthy and afraid of the light.

I was never from this planet. I don’t know what planet I come from. But one
thing is for damn sure, I ain’t from this one!

In my travels, which are limited to few physically and geographically, but are
infinite in spirit and transcendence, I have come to realize that I am comprised of many
different individuals from many different lifetimes at many different levels of
consciousness and realms of truth and honesty.

I possess an aura of light that draws both men and women, different spirits; both
good and evil. The good come to me as a nomad to an oasis. The evil come to me as a
robber in a store. Yet, they both are drawn to me. I possess power. Spiritual power that
reveals itself in the words that I write and speak; the power that is spoken of in the Bible.
For my words have the ability to heal, hurt, construct, deconstruct, mesmerize, hypnotize,
brainwash, command, and even pimp. Yet, I refrain from the evil that Satan would have
for me to do with ‘this’. Others do not understand what it’s like to have such a blessing,
yet at the same time, it be such a curse. Good and evil.

My children. I love them all. True points of light, from the Sun. My moons, and
my stars; my quasars and my black holes. They are all a part of my galactic celestial
body. Extensions shining brightly throughout the universe. Again, they too encompass
the light, the knowledge, the ‘essence’ that attracts others. I pray that they use it for
good, and not evil. I pray that my one and only Son, will be brighter than his father ever
was, and that one day, he will love so agape, so unconditionally, so genuine, that God
will smile upon him and reward him with the only recorded passing by love; for his heart
will not be able to hold it. I pray that my Son, will know that his father loved beyond the
imagination of those who think to even know what love is. For love is not, love is lived
and shared. Love is me. Love is in me. Love is the Father of Love. Love is God. My son
is Love, and my son Loves God. My son is me, again here on this planet, not from this
planet, but a visitor on this planet.

Death is time travel. Traveling thru time, where time does not exist. Death is the
passage. Death is the door. Death is life. Death is dark. Death is light. Death, is not
dying. Dying is sleepiness. Weariness. A long day’s work, draining and tiring. Death is
beautiful. Death is an escape. Death is the stepping from one realm, to the next. In the
many steps that one takes. Death is delightful. Death is physical. Death is spiritual.

My escapades have been many. Some more pleasing than others. Yet, from these
escapades, they are still with me, and I am still with them. I have shared my essence with
an extremely large amount of the fertile species. Most have come to me in want, in lust,
in hopes of quenching, their desire for me and my light. Yet, one spiritual experience
with me is not enough. In their ignorance of what I possess, they have become entranced;
forever tied to my soul and my light. Never to be free of my thought, nor of my words,
nor of my light, nor of my aura. The blessing and the curse.

My mind races to places, to conclusions, to illusions, to things that others can not
dare to fathom, nor comprehend, nor even to think.

My mind ticks at the speed of light. Swift. Fast. It does not slow down. I can
not slow down. The blessing and the curse.

I write words that speak to your soul; thru your eyes you hear my voice. Through
your ears you hear the silence that I dwell in. The darkness that tries to swallow the land.

My son needs me. He cries for me daily; both outwardly and inwardly. Torn from
me, by a deceitful dame of the night. Evil and black hearted. Not of the Living God. An
agent and servant of the serpent who dwells beneath, in the bowels of the earth. My son
knows Christ and the Love of God. He speaks eloquently and full of knowledge
regarding his Savior, and mine. I miss the days with him; I miss the nights. Agony and
pain, do not come close to describe the terrible abyss in which the worker of the serpent
has tossed us in. Abysmal. Yet, we connect thru prayer and thought. Thru time travel, I
am there with him, and he is with me. Time does not tick there. There are no days, no
weeks. Simply, and only, us, we. I love my son, and my son loves me. As I am the light,
I was intrigued by the darkness, and it consumed me for a time. Such beauty was the
darkness. Blindly walking in it; basking in it, the darkness. The darkness was cold,
clammy, freezing, eventually I became frostbitten. My God warmed me with a fiery
rescue and set me on the solid ground, breathed life into me again, and here I am.

The struggle of the pleasures of the flesh, the sins of the flesh. The thoughts of
the flesh, the desires of the flesh. Pleasure, promiscuousness, pregnancy, pain. Intimacy,
intensity. Temptation, temptress, torment, torturous, tempest. Yet, I am but a man. I am
but a lover. I am but one who shares what is inside of him. Mentally, emotionally,
intellectually, spiritually, physically, sexually. Each one, representing a different me.
Each one, completing me. Me.

Laughter embeds itself in the soul. It can replay itself with the simple thought of
a past experience; a day ago, a week ago, or even years in the past. Laughter is love,
laughter is merriment. Laughter is essential, essential to joy. The joy of life is found in
those who laugh the hardest. Laughter heals. Laughter encourages. Laughter is the
sound of a tickled soul. A child’s life should be filled with laughter and love. Then, And
only then, can he or she appreciate the healthiness of laughter in one’s life as an Adult.
For the laughs of a child far outweigh those of an adult.

My son needs me. He is of the sporting age, a young tyke, full of speed and
vigor. The one who considers herself his mother, does not care that a father and son,
need to be time itself. Spending every single second ticking in harmony; whether
physically or spiritually. The activities of athleticism are upon him, for he is a natural.
Strides are but steps for him. Leaping is like tippy toeing for him. He excels, without
effort. The intent of the one who considers herself to be his mother, is to alienate and
separate us; to turn him against me, the way she turned against her absent father. To
harbor crippling ill-will and contempt towards me. However, the Living God that I serve
will not allow that to happen. He will not allow the darkness to consume the light. For a
season it may rain, but the Son will soon arrive with all power, healing and drying the
land. The darkness will not consume the light, instead the darkness flees the light,
because the light illuminates and exposes, expunges, and executes the darkness; My son
needs me.

Truth is undeniable. It is the mirror of life. One must stand in the mirror of life,
in order to bask in the brilliance of life. Truth is life. Life is truth. Life is truth and love,
live it.

My son, I saw him today. His first day of the first grade. He ran and jumped into
my arms when he saw me. The sweetest embrace I have ever felt. He said nothing. He
just clung to me for a few brief seconds; time stopped, our hearts did as well. I released
him, and he happily made his way back to his circle of friends as they were being read to
by their instructor. Intrigued and sharing in his excitement, his friends quickly questioned
and exclaimed, “Is that your Daddy?!?!” He smiled, and proudly said, “Yes!” Words
can not describe how that feels, felt. A father is a symbol of strength, honor, courage,
respect, and stability. He must be strong, when all others are weak. He must be
reverenced and exalted. He must stand, when others sit. He must conduct himself,
admirably. He must be steadfast, unmovable. A son must see this every single day of his
growing life. A son must learn these principles and apply them early in his young life.
God will allow my son to learn these principles telepathically. I will communicate with
my son, in a form that many on this side of realm physical, deem impossible.
Transcendent Salutations, to my son, and those who are able to talk without words;
speechlessness, yet silence even has a sound. My son. I love him. I miss him. He is
me. I am him. We are one.

From here to there, I am everywhere. The planets I have seen, and visited. The
galaxies that others have not yet discovered, I have been there countless times. I have
enjoyed the silence that is being alone; left alone. There is where the soul resides. In the
silence of stillness. Transcendent Destinations. I have arrived where others can not, will
not. I am frostbitten by a cold world; yet thawed by the flames of hell— life.
What is it like to be awake in a world full of sleepwalkers? To look around at the
despair, and the confusion. To offer truth to those who are blind, and trapped inside of
this experiment. It is painful. It is sorrowful. It is saddening, somewhat depressing.
Those who vote do so in honor of repetitious corruption. Oblivious to their, being the
reason that things remain the same, while wondering why change does not occur.
Foolish. Ignorant. Afraid of the light, so they play in darkness. Yet they are confused
children, confused, lost, orphans, wandering the streets by day and night, working their
lives away, and watching the idiot box that tells them how to do every thing wrong the
right way. I flee from such foolishness because it is imperative to growth and
transcendence. Those who are asleep must be left behind. Try once, maybe twice, to
awaken them. After the second attempt, they must be left for the flames. Left for their
willing sacrifice to this world, to this system, to the beast and his servants. For they too,
are one. They sleep so beautifully. So beautifully unaware. Yet, they sleep in total fear.
Fear of the truth, of the light, of life.

Liars are but pathetic wastes of bodies and time. A liar is evil. A liar is a
deceiver. A liar never trusts, because he or she, lives in a world of darkness where all lie.
A liar and one who possesses the light can not exist as one. Can not. It goes against the
normal flow and energy of the light and the universe. A liar is lost. A liar believes that a
lie can change reality, can change what is, can change the truth. A liar does not realize
that though they come as a member of the darkness, and the pathetic bottom-feeders they
are, they are seen. They can not hide in their darkness when in the presence of one who
has the light, for the light shines on the darkness and exposes it completely. It is the
light. It is the way that the Living God has set the pulleys and axles of the universe to
chime, interact, and operate. Yet, the liar will lie even when exposed. Even when
exposed by the light, the liar, reaches for the darkness. The liar worketh for the father of
lies, that evil serpent. The devil, satan. The liar is of satan, and belongs to satan; for
those who bear truth and light, are of God. They are the Chosen Children of the Most
High God, and it is he that dwelleth inside of those who possess, the light. I possess the
light. I flee from the foolishness that liars love, live, and die for; and in. Pathetic Waste
is a liar’s first and last name.

I write for the recording of emotion and thought. My thoughts; out of my head,
finally. Some of them cause pain, some of them cause laughter, some of them can not be
described. Some are evil. Some are sick. Some are perverted. The darkness seeps
through, but can not get in; into my soul. I empty them onto paper, they are released, and
it brings comfort to me, my essence, to my soul. Sanity replenished, for a short while.
Soon, they return, more powerful than before. More profound than before. New ones
arrive as well. As if the previous thoughts, have told other thoughts, about a wonderful
place for running, and jumping, and dancing, and prancing; my head, my mind. At times,
my thoughts paralyze me, they stifle me, stiffen me. Some are to be shared, others are
not. Others are not to be recorded, only meant for me to contemplate, entertain, and
escort swiftly out of my mind. My thoughts, mine.

The fertile species sticks together like a pack of blind dogs, wandering the
hillside. Lost. No direction do they have. They are banded in blind loyalty; foolishness.
Just today, a fertile species spoke on a subject of which she had zero understanding.
Coming to the aid and the defense of the evil agent who has cast an evil spell on the bond
of my son and I. Verbatim I had a virtuous fertile species, who bore the beautiful ones to
me; the fertile aggressor stated that in itself, was worthy of lies being perpetrated,
forwarded, continued, and therefore the truth should be buried, and should not come from
me, the one who survives through pain and struggle, to bring the light. I represent the
truth, I represent the light. I can not, and will never, side with, nor stand in, the darkness
that is evil. And those that share it, the darkness, are evil agents of the serpent. I rebuked
her aggression with the light, the truth, and she fled. She fled to the darkness in which
she dwells, licking the wounds that the light and truth opened up. Sliced by the truth, and
blinded by the light. She hurried away. No doubt, to once again, find her fellow agents
of the serpent, and to hiss with them; they are such evil human beings. To defend one,
without complete understanding; utterly foolish. And so, yes, the fertile species that
spawned the attack, in return, was met with a vicious attack of truth and light, and she
fled back into the wilderness. She is the sister of the serpent and of the dame of the night,
that now resides in a dwelling that has been called for, requested back by the financial
institution that subsidized the inhabitation; how dare she speak ignorantly on the life of
me and my points of light. My son needs me.

Returned to lender. The melted and fashioned piece that represented completion
and infinity, was given to the sea. Given to the sand. Given to the air. Given to those
who called for it. It was called for by an unknown. I did not resist. It was the ending and
the beginning. It was called for by an unknown; unknown also was it that called for it. I
have not a name, but I know it was time for it to leave, to be relinquished. The call came
on the 20th day of the 8th month. 8 days before the 8th recognition of the combination of
the two, on 8/28. The release for the relinquish: $200. The symbolism, highly evident,
but not yet, perspicacious. It is finished.

The evil one did not win. He did not receive satisfaction from me; giving him the
power over me. He again, is a loser. He sought this day, to bring me into his lair, to
tempt me with his goods, which are ultimately his bads. No; emphatically was the
answer given to him by me. Lost this time, again. I run the race with no shoulder
glances, I leave those behind, who feel as though they must stop and admire the roses.
But the roses are not real, they crumble like dust, when you touch them, reach to pick
them. And the dust stays on your hands, and you look at the dust, you smell the dust, and
you eventually, taste the dust. The dust is gritty, bitter and highly toxic to ones’ soul.
You mustn’t touch the roses, they are not real.

There are those who are backwards in thought, and in action. The one who blows
the horn in traffic, but is offended and confrontational when the horn is blown at them.
The one who jostles relentlessly for positioning in traffic, not allowing one to ease in
front of them, almost causing an accident to prevent such, but looks to be “let-in” when it
benefits them, and only them. They are the ones who complicate the lives of the forward
thinker. They are the ones whose mind ticks slowly; backwards and self-centered. Quick
to call another a “know-it-all” when in fact, they are the know-it-alls, because they are
unteachable, unreachable, prideful, arrogant, haughty, selfish, hostile, bullheaded,
stubborn, a danger to themselves. Yet, they take up the same space and air that we, the
forward-thinkers breathe. Selfish, even is their mere existence. They are not to be
rendered as “normal”. They are unstable, and highly self-destructive. They are in fact,

The fertile species is a peculiar type. Gossip-filled, addicted to material, and lives
life in a depressed state of low self-esteem. Life for the fertile species is based solely on
physical appearance and the ability to deceive and destroy. She partook of that which
was forbidden, first, and then offered it to the one who fertilizes. Since that day, she has
worked to undermine and bring down, that which God has placed in the seat of Authority
and Dominion. Her ways are knifing and self-centered. Her ways are filled with
provocation. She is the epitome of espionage. She will lay a trap for you, and walk away
cleaning her prints and footsteps. The fertile species is but above the animals, yet she is
lower than the fertilizer; but stands beside him to the right, with the knife in her right
hand, down by her side. She claims to be strong, yet confuses strength with
stubbornness. She claims to be virtuous, yet dresses in the suggestive manner of a soul-
less hooker. She misses the fact that by the time she reaches the age of 40, she is no
longer desired by the fertilizer(s). She is dry and brittle. Yet, she shops harder, begins to
wear more makeup, begins to dress more as a whore, begins to turn bitter towards the
younger fertile species; believes that she can compete with the young, ripe, species
desired by all fertilizers of all ages. The fertilizer however, continues in his wisdom, in
his graceful and blessed maturation process. The Bible states that his grey hair represents
his wisdom. The window of marriage, relationships, and intrigue continue to expand for
him; an ever-expanding window, with the fertile species competing to climb through and
lay with him. The fertile species has an approximate lifespan of 17 years. All that come
there after, are the days counting down to her bitter wilting of a lonely and lonesome life,
plagued by confrontation, drama, unhappiness, gossip, and hatred towards the blessings
bestowed upon the fertilizers. The fertile species; can’t live with them, can’t live without

My son begins his football tomorrow. He called me on yesterday, telling me

about his first practice. So, excited was he. I will work to make his practices; for there I
will watch and provide a Father’s guidance in love, as I explain to him how sports and
life are related, in the areas of an individual remaining as such, but yet working together
as a unified team towards a common goal. Life is similar in a host of ways. Yet, one
must possess the light, or be illuminated by the light, to have a full and firm grasp, clear
understanding of this. Individuals working together as one. My son, I love him, and he
loves me.

My son played in his first football game. Far from the grass and hard dirt that we
once played on. The field was soft, plush, extremely green. The big stadium lights, on
the big field, where the high school kids play. So excited was he, dancing, making faces
as if to say, I am the toughest, I am the fastest. Flexing his muscles. So, proudly I stood
from afar, recording his, and mine, precious moments and memories. He played well.
He showed courage in the face of battle, individually, stood his ground against a
monstrous offensive lineman on the other side of the ball, the line of scrimmage. He was
pushed down once, but hopped right back up, as if it didn’t happen, and immediately
sought and found the perpetrator. He engaged him once again. Unafraid is my son, my
son has no fear. He is my light, my son, me, once again, here, on earth. I love my son,
my son loves me.

I sought understanding of the issue of the fertilizers who seem to willingly subdue
themselves in the belief that the fertile species who possess their last name, will not seek
food outside of the home. Oft times I am amazed at the number of fertilizers who openly
admit that there are certain taboos that they indulge in with the fertile species placed on
the side, that they wouldn’t dare suggest, participate in, nor allow, their named fertile
species to do. Backwardness comes to mind, swiftly and aggressively. It is hovering in
my intellectual cavity at this very moment, minute. Never stopping to think, why is it
that one is willing to go outside of his vows, and home, to seek that which is set before
him. Amused, yet, perplexed is the window in which I look thru to see this. One
considers himself immune from the satanic attack of infidelity thru the unfaithfulness of
his fertile species, yet he participates in the ritual at every turn, every chance, or every
proposition that sashays along and presents itself. Woe is the fool who feels as though he
holds the double standard by the throat, for it is he himself, who is being choked, and
siphoned for every breath, pant, and gasp.

The time is presenting itself for me to transcend the known presence that I
represent to those who knew, me. The flight is booked, and my departure time neareth. I
am but a writer, yet a thinker; philosopher. I am a thought in motion. I am that which
must be printed and distributed. It is time.

The door has slowly opened. Apprehension, brings caution; delay evokes
frustration. I stand wide-eyed, and peering thru the small crack that shows me the big
picture, the motion picture, of my life.

There are those who seek the attention of others. They are evident in their
purpose and pursuit. Willing to hijack the conversation of others; or to speak negatively
regarding the one, or ones, who receive the attention, based upon the light that dwells
within. They envy the light, they try to mimic the light. However, their darkness causes
internal conflict for them, causing confusion within one’s psyche, one’s reality.
Maddened by such, their attempts to attain the light, are filled with stunts for the
attention, the eyes of others. Their dress, can be outrageous, or highly revealing, or it can
be a copied style or fashion of one who naturally receives attention. They are unaware,
that the inner must be changed; the outer is but a mere impression. Presentable in
intellect and articulation, one must appear charismatic; this characteristic feature escapes
the attention-seeker. The attention-seeker is a detriment, a danger, a ticking time bomb.
For they feel that all attention must come their way. They will display vast silliness and
immaturity; provocative in their communication, and shiny in their appearance. Empty in
their pursuit, the equivalent is fame. The illusive fifteen minutes, that they hope to
stretch into a lifetime. Beware of the attention-seeker, for he or she seeks to steal the
light that shines from within the soul of the chosen ones. It will grow out of envy, and
then spawn jaded jealously; a physical attack can not be far away, nor doubted at that
point. Flee from this person, this entity, this being. It is evil in nature and origin. They
are lost and empty souls; serpents.

In the realm of consciousness, one can not see the true powers at work that
ultimately act to influence and control the mind, and the subsequent actions of the body.
The evil one works to undermine the clarity that comes thru communion with God.
Hence, one who has no belief in the Living God, has no real and true existence. For what
is existence, if but He hath created it, and breathed life into it. Existence is to exist, to be.
Therefore, let that which exists, do so in a manner that is reflective of He who created
that existence. Do not allow the evil one, to taint, and pollute, the communion that one
must have with the Living God, in order to properly, and purposely, exist. Find your
purpose, and you find your existence.

One’s existence is that which is left; legacy. To exist is to sustain an ever-present

presence, once one has departed this cold and dark world. To exist is to leave an imprint,
an impression; a positive that can be tapped into by those who remain. It is a beautiful
thing, to still be here, yet gone. The physical realm is the most trying of them all, so it is
imperative that the works of the spiritual, the intellectual, and the mental, be left in the
physical for those who will need to be encouraged and inspired as they too move towards
the day when they will “advance”. For the time will come when others will look to your
existence in order to find perseverance and resiliency. Be that which provides such to
those who seek it, by existing in their hearts, minds, and souls.

There are those whose life is predicated on material, and the relentless pursuit
thereof. Empty on the inside, so they hope and wish to accumulate things in order to
supplant the hole that is their heart, their soul. The more material they are able to hoard,
the larger the hole becomes. Oblivious to this, they seek a constant supply of concrete,
yet abstract objects, to keep them floating on, and in, their materialistic high. Life will
pass them by. Life has nothing to do with things; perishables. Life has to do with love,
and left legacies of accomplishments, humble accolades, and additional forms of
assistance for and to, those who possess the light and seek to share that light with others;
existences. Do not live for the totaling of things. Instead, live for the love of life, and
those who love it as well. For one’s existence is preceded by one’s honest and genuine
agape love, and his or her effervescent light. Shine brightly and brilliantly, and be free of
material, and things.

Things are idols. Idols are things. One mustn’t assume that a religious ceremony
is a prerequisite for Baal worship. For as with any religion and its designated gateway to
advancement, the constant thought, meditation, and eagerness for more, is undeniable
evidence of the heart’s true desires, and the very essence of why one is abundantly
appreciative of the dawning of a new day.

The world is dying, and so is the Earth. One wonders what happened to the other
planets, which are and have been, endlessly rotating and revolving around the sun. The
pessimist hisses at the notion that climate change is the reason that global weather
phenomenon is occurring not only right before their very eyes, but that it is doing so at
faster speeds and rates than the “scientific experts”, previously “predicted”. I marvel at
those, who they themselves are witnessing and sharing such experiences with others, who
will yet defend the beast, his servants, and his system, by vehemently denying the
obvious, and the logical. I have seen the flowing migration of a growing number of
animal and insect species, begin to surface in areas where their presence was non-existent
just ten years ago. The logical individual takes such data and processes through the CPU
of common sense; not through the polluted and politically-controlled channels of the idiot
box, nor through the mind-numbing brain-controlling frequencies of the airwaves, which
are owned and operated by the evil and satanically-influenced, powers that be. Woe to
him who does not think for himself. For he is led to the slaughter, willingly, and to the
tune of his own laughter.

I unlock the chambers of the mind and the soul, and lead the imprisoned to
freedom of thought and transcendence. I will show you what tomorrow brings today, and
how today, was yesterday’s tomorrow. I will show you the truth behind the lies; and the
snakes that smile before they strike. I will illuminate the web that not only connects, but
entraps; the internet. A worldwide web that brings us all together, crossing the imaginary
lines that divide us by state, country, creed, color, nationality and hemisphere. For we are
but one race, the human race. The elitists and imperialists, divide us into classes, which
do nothing more than brew hate and spawn intolerance. The world is one big room; take
the time to get to know the person that you are standing next to.

The beauty of the fertile species lies in her softness; her direct opposites, of and
to, the fertilizers. Her tenderness can soothe, sensually and sexually. Her touch is one of
a kind; easing the emotional burdens that we, the fertilizers, tend to bottle up and
suppress. She is attentive to that side of the fertilizers, that is ignored and dismissed by
him, we, us.

The vortex of love is powerful and often traveled alone.

One must place a value on himself or herself, in order to establish, worth. Self-
worth, is priceless; and an added bonus to the richness of one’s life. Those who have no
worth, lack discretion in the areas of relationships, employment, and presented
opportunities. Do not, sell yourself. For one’s asking price should never be less than the
sum total of their morals plus values, multiplied by life, and squared by love.

Money can, and will, kill, bribe, divide, influence and even distort, the reality that
is, life. One mustn’t assume that it is anything but the above. Love, and happiness, are
contrary entities to such. For as you have heard, money, can not buy love, nor, will it
bring happiness.

The decaying social environments of the world are evidenced in the vastness of
failing scholastic systems, the ever-increasing number of broken homes, and the overall
stagnate growth of religious institutions. The world is dying, yet we keep living. Living
to die.
It amazes me how one can be duped into believing that marijuana, is worse than
cigarettes, and worse than the prescribed, overly-expensive and highly addictive drugs of
the pharmaceutical companies who are, and have been, in bed with the drug-running
cartel known as the FDA. Amazing; the power of deceitful words and the snakes who
hide behind the smiles.

In the physical realm, there is birth, life, and death; infant, child, and adult. Each
of which is to be celebrated first and foremost by family, followed then by friends, and
finalized by those who are familiar with your face through random passing, in and at,
certain “resting points” in life; all of which, have been illuminated and enlightened by
your purpose, your existence. These three stages also represent the three levels, or layers,
of transcendence. There is a primary level of transcendence, an intermediate level of
transcendence, and an advanced level of transcendence; or passing. The primary level is
the awakening, or birth, of one’s mind to thoughts of higher knowledge and definite
truth(s), and the passionate pursuit thereof, thereafter. The intermediate level is the life,
or the growth, that continuously occurs as one begins to live a transcendent life based on
discovered truths, complete honesty, and the blanket application of the mental,
intellectual, and spiritual epiphanies that one encounters during this spectacular period.
The advanced level is the death, or the passing, of and from, the physical realm of
consciousness, to the spiritual realm of consciousness; taking one from the physical state
of being, to the spiritual state of being, where one can and will experience that which can
not be described nor written about it, simply because the spiritual can not be
communicated in the form of “words”; communication at this level, is done
telepathically. Birth, life, death; infant, child, adult; primary, intermediate, advanced.

Once a lie has left the lips of the liar, it then begins its dark perilous journey, of
endless deceit aimed at conquering and enslaving the truth. The liar, who produced such,
now lives his or her life, in either a conscious or unconscious state, of constant fear and
anxiety; nervously afraid of the lie meeting the truth. Once the lie has traveled a great
distance and encounters the truth, the truth will then sit down and break bread with the
lie, offering it a fill of wholesome nutrients based on guilt, shame, and humiliation. If the
lie has a keen relationship with its producer, it will then hurry back with words of recant
and remorse, pleading with the intercessors of the sub-conscious, for a hasty and brief
meeting with the mind and soul of the producer; for the lie now knows that the truth will
soon share the contents of their conversation with those who have been deceived by the
two of them; the liar and the lie. Be not either. But be that which is the truth, the light;
flip the switch and bask in the brilliance of truth; breathe the brilliance of honesty; and
diligently seek to share that which has the power to break bonds, bounds and strongholds,
with others; thus, setting one free.

Transcendence brings about the transformation of the mind from an altered state
of being, to a clear, conscious state of being and existence. When in a transcending
mode, the mind freezes and melts at a rapid and repeated speed, until time itself slows to
a crawl, and allows the dimensions to be visited and experienced. This may occur in the
presence of others, or in one’s quiet time. The mind receives and transmits innumerable
messages on all four levels; mental, physical, spiritual, emotional. Those that are
transmitted, are received by other Transcendents who are in transcendence, and who's
mind is in reception mode; allowing for the thoughts and epiphanies to be telepathically

I am traveling in a paranormal state of existence, scouring the earth for an inviting

soul to communicate and transcend with. I descend rapidly; and I am now, behind you. I
am the feeling that you feel; the eeriness that is now kissing you behind the ears, as they
stiffen and acutely heighten, as a canine’s does when it hears a sound on a higher
frequency, or detects the presence of a transcendent entity. I circle around you at speeds
unknown to man; I am the chill that you feel from the cool breeze of my revolutions. I
am now in front of you. Staring into your eyes, where I see all that you have done, hear
all that you have said. I am gone now; time begins again. Tick, tick, tick, tick.

There are those whose dumbness, dumbfounds. The one who takes no time,
exhibits no patience, with their very offspring, in such that, he or she, does not grow
intellectually; neglecting the importance of being the first teacher, instructor, professor,
of and in, the child’s life. Pathetic; such a disgrace to the word, parent. I listen not, to
the excuses, disguised as reasons, that such does not, has not, and will not, occur.

Parent, is a title, not a word. Wear it well, or don’t wear it at all.

A dumb teenager, is the result of a dumb parent. He who takes offense, is

certainly guilty.

Being dumb, is a disease; often inherited.

With each received rejection, I wrote harder, longer, more vigorously than before.
Determined not, to show them what they had passed on, for misguided motivation can
spawn malignant bitterness, but instead, to slice through the mire of rejection, with the
magnificent sword of persistence, and resiliency. With each stroke, a layer of doubt was
eternally laid to rest.

As I gained more knowledge of the sacredness of the written word, from the likes
of Gregory David Roberts, and Paulo Coehlo, I imagined myself being mentioned,
wading in the same streams of praise, as I succumbed to the serenely flowing waters of
creative, and ingenious imagination; I went under, and did not hold my breath.

Not being afraid to show a person your pieces, is beautiful; even when there’s
thousands of them lying on the ground.

Tomorrow is a definite; you arriving with it, is not.

In a world filled with losers, there stands only one winner…and his name, is
Ralston Sterling.

I don’t have an ego, I have an aura.

Is then writing, for the writer, a joyful labor in which he, or she, retrieves an
infinite number of consciously, unconsciously, and subconsciously memorized, words,
phrases, and fragmented sentences, which are consequently coupled with imaginatively
creative thoughts, and then filtered through the eyes, mind, heart, soul, and ultimately, the
hand, of the writer?

Is not love, one of the sweetest, yet cruelest betrayals in life? Does it not show
itself as one thing, allowing us to trust it, and believe it, believing in it, only to be let
down by it a short span later? Does it not present itself as one of the most beautiful
flowers in the garden, swaying uniquely different from the others, only to wilt wirily into
one of the most wreathing, weeds, imaginable? Oh love, yes love; one cannot live wholly
without it, yet it is the measured death, of those who possess it.

Be wary of the woman who pries you away from loving arms; lest she no longer
find delight, in the challenge.

Readers don’t always write, but writers must always read.

Defeated: my ambition ran north, and never came back to get me.

Your passion, fuels your drive; be sure to fill up.

Your passion fuels your drive—be sure to fill up.

So the power of beauty is equal to the beauty of power?

Misery not only loves company, it seeks to destroy it as well.

Humble, is the step above pride.

Discovering the mysteries that surround, and pervert the truth; the truth being, that
so as it begins at birth, life, so is the beginning also, of those who are groomed to be the
future leaders of this, world. TAG, you’re it; Jack and Jill, went up the hill, to fetch a
plan of destruction; thru Satan’s sweet wine, one bides his or her time, until he can join a
Society of National Honor; the baptism, has begun. Washed from the brain, are the
thoughts of the unbound and independent, the free-flowing; that which is free. Instilled
through installation, are the chains of privilege, through pledging. Greek men and
women, who are not Greek men and women; geek men and women, slither and sneak to
seek snakes with hisses of sweet venom; Alpha’s, to Omega’s from Nintendo, or nine, ten
tho’, Ivy League School kid, could you send tho’; Skull and Bones, Masons, and the
likes, YIKES. They are us; just ask the window seat lady, and maybe then you’ll see,
you’ll hear, and you will tell, for they are the ones leading the entire world to hell.

Dipped in blood.
On the blood soaked balcony, lay a king, by name…standing next to him, Jesse;
who may as well be James…murderer, killer; and after that, blacks went back to being
niggers; after saying it loud, that they were black and they were proud, now all we see are
pants on the ground, and all we hear is murder music that’s loud. Death wish, for a death
kiss; both dipped in blood; drink ye of this cup?

If a mind is a terrible thing to waste, then what is a life?

Evil, just as ignorance and hate, comes in all shades and colors; but only the
colorblind can see that.

You attract a boy with your body; a man with your mind.

Time waits for no man…and a woman shouldn’t either.

The color of your skin is simply the color of your time capsule.

I don’t have a dream, I have a goal.

And so if one wants to contemplate what it feels like to be in a dimension with no

time, a timeless dimension, one only needs to think of how it feels when you are asleep,
and there is no sense of time; either passing or existing.

Truth is but the mirror, to live it, is the reflection.

Yesterdays, are but the turned pages in the books of our lives.

A writer will take hours to perfect a quote or a sentence, days to perfect a

paragraph, and even weeks to perfect a page of profound and prolific prose.

Wherever it is, wherever you are, is where you’re supposed to be.

Being wrong, simply means you’ve learned something.

Life’s a breeze, when you stand in someone else’s shoes.

Although it may be too late to do what you want to do, it’s never too late to do
what you need to do.

A good book has a happy ending; a great book has a soul.

You know, for me, it’s almost as simple as saying, “God is real,” or, “God Israel,”
and you see the one true God, through which Jesus came.

Who really cares about how many miles the sun is from the earth, or if E=MC2?
The only thing that really matters is how we treat one another.
Moving forward in life is hard sometimes…especially when you’re anchored to
the past.

I’m not a sucker, but I do get licked.

Born from divorce, raised by forgiveness—Ralston Sterling, lives.

When conspiracy meets illumination, it no longer is conspiracy—it is fact.

And so in keeping with transcendence, thoughts, or rather matter of frankly, the

emitted thoughts, of transcendents, act in much the same way as sent and received emails
do; traveling through space and time, fueled and propelled by the energy of the conscious
conscience; consciousness (for if nothing under the sun is new, then logically, that would
include thoughts as well); a conveyor conveying a connection with a catcher;
clairvoyance. A thought that pops randomly into your head, out of the blue, was
transmitted and received; the thoughts that you think freely, are emitted, transmitted and
received, as random pop-ups by others, transcendents; this process continues, even as one

Within transcendence, however, as are the number of transcendents innumerable,

so also are the number of sent and received thoughts, innumerable, thus making the
mapping and or pinpointing of the exchanged data’s origin, improbable, if not at all, and
completely, impossible.

Life—if it’s falling apart, examine your heart.

I don’t know where yesterday went, and I may not know where today is going,
but I do know what tomorrow brings.

Let us never be blinded by naivety.

Life has a way of making liars of us all.

Love is the warmest blanket.

The green mile must be walked; walked without the branch, the leaf, the tree. It
began on the sixth of the twelfth of the twenty with the ten; the journey of forfeiture, the
journey of a lifetime.

Alone in thought, alone in view, alone in vision; unified in creativity.

Leaving, having left, is as equally frightening as it is exciting. Soaring yet

traversing, the different path, a different path, leading to that which leads, calls,
summons, beckons; a return from whence one came. Mentally, intellectually; the process
of a functioning evolution, observable through the ears, and unseen by the eyes, felt by
the heart, mind and soul. Transcendent buoyancy, anchored in faith.

Setting the table for those who can digest and not just eat is often an impossible

Eat thereof; truth is delicious.

Regurgitated truth leads to anorexic understanding.

Bulimic understanding is caused by regurgitated truth.

You can listen to God, or you can listen to life—some would even argue it’s the
same voice.

Life lived, life learned.

Brilliance, is often confused with insanity, based on the bias of the observers.

Crazy apple, crazy tree.

If you’re looking for man, to validate you, then you may as well be blind.

The poor will always be with us, because the greedy, will always be with us.

The more we’re honest about the past, the more it begins to fade.

Great writers achieve insanity—although some would argue they began with it.

While many seek and search for money, others seek and search for meaning.

The only difference between a good day, and a bad day, is your attitude.

Comfortable begets carelessness.

Once you get comfortable, carelessness can’t be too far behind.

The stones that come my way, simply because I seem to see what they cannot;
they are blind, and if given enough thought, consideration, and evaluation, one would
conclude, that they are locked, deadlocked, dead, to thought, transcendence and
conscience. These mental states, spiritual states, are an amazing anomaly. How can one
be alive, awake, yet be, dead, asleep. It is not a question, but an observation – a keen,
and telling observation. I am not perfect, I am not without fault, but one can not say that
I am without thought, or without abject consciousness; a living and breathing and
operating conscience. And with this living and breathing and operating conscience, I am
able to transcend, to hover above, to see those below; those mindsets, those beings, those
that are, dead, yet, are alive.

I submit that history not only repeats itself, a fool does as well.

When motivated by jealousy, there is no motivation—only jealousy.

I’d rather be wrong in my beliefs, than wrong in my assumptions.

Love hearts, not looks.

Songs aren’t alive, until they get inside of you.

Distance defeats drama.

To be well read, is to be well written.

Bitterness, wears a multitude of masks.

You’ve got to be a man with no boundaries, if you want to be a man at all.

Fame is a spell, cast upon the most fair-weathered of people—they only love you,
as long as you’re famous.

Find the truth, and you find your way home.

Everything in life is overpriced—except salvation.

When you come to realize what is important in life, thus begins the path to
ascension. The stones are set, the rocks kicked aside. The truth is the way, the light, and
the life. Follow it, and prosper eternally.

Reach out, not to accept, but to give, and to do so, freely and abundantly.

The shortest reach, is into your own pocket.

When your hand is out, make sure it has something to give.

Never beg for that which you already have.

If you are alive, then you are obviously reading this.

Contentment is a mindset, not a destination.

Insight is but a peculiar hindsight, used as foresight.

Be who you are, not who you think you are.

Love can only be as kind, as the one who gives it.

The only instance in which lowering the bar helps, assists, or challenges you, is
when playing limbo stick. Reach above, request to be challenged, for therein lies your

The ugliest thing about a beautiful woman is not that she knows she is, but that
she thinks she is.

If you only open your mouth when necessary, you risk sounding like the wisest
person who ever lived.

Hope is the first cousin of love, and the direct offspring, of forgiveness.

Hope is that part of you that believes even wicked men, possess these three
things: a conscience, a heart, and the capacity to change.

The greatest game every played—politics.

In life, there are only two teachers—example and experience.

In life, there is only one road—the one that leads to tomorrow.

Can a distraction be just that, if you weren’t concentrating to begin with?

Acceptance is not about fitting in, it’s about standing out.

A man can give a woman the world, and then she’ll ask for the moon.

Growth comes by critique.

Knowledge is gained, wisdom is given.

Don’t compromise your integrity on the hinges of unopened doors.

In order to learn, one must first possess a teachable spirit.

Water your life with love, and watch how much it grows.

The most precious thing to own, is someone’s heart—and it’s also the most

Whose song are you dancing to? A question pertaining to life.

Love is like the wind…chase it, and you will never catch it; sit still, and it will
find you.

It’s never too late, to do the right thing.

The ego is the source of all competition—for without it, there would be no vested

When faith casts its shadow, we simply call it hope.

Hope is faith’s twin sister.

Hope, and faith, are misspelled homonyms.

In the silent eeriness of silence, one can hear that even it has a sound.

Fear, is also form of blindness.

Revenge has a cousin named karma.

Death often brings us together—to remind us to appreciate life, and, each other.

Those who seek revenge, will ultimately find karma.

In seeking revenge, be aware that karma is its middle name.

People are not impressed, by people who try to impress.

Love is the only elixir that poisons and heals.

Anger—the shortcut to wrath.

Live your life one day at a time; just as you do every other measure of time.

Love, and jealously, should never be used in the same sentence.

There is no more American dream—only the American reality.

Everything’s subject to submission.

You blow a boy’s mind with sex; a man’s mind with intellect.

If the watcher is to watch, then will the listener listen? The watcher must not be
concerned with such presuppositions of the job at hand, the task at hand, the directive at
hand; for how can one coherently, and with efficacy and efficiency, complete the task set
before him, if he is concerned with the task, or tasks of another? Mustn’t he only concern
himself with what has been directed and commanded of him, lest he be held accountable
for a job undone? If the listener chooses not to listen, which is his job, his task, his
directive, then the judgment of such, shall solely be on just that, for just that; the shutting
of the ears, willingly. Indeed, the watcher must continue, even in silence, even in
loneliness, even in ridicule, even in the midst of an angered and hostile and bloodthirsty
opposition, to watch. For as long as he is commanded, that he command, his post, the
watcher must do so; for this is evidence of submission, and, of obedience.

Was the first sin, disobedience, in that, the tree that was forbade, was eaten from,
or was the first sin, in fact, yielding to temptation; the temptation of the serpent’s hiss?
These are the reflections, and premise, prologue, for Evidence of God’s Imagination.

God’s imagination, led to creation, his love, to our redemption.

As the runt of the litter; we can get no milk—truth seekers.

The sky is gray, and the clouds come filled with rain; such is the sorrow of my

They find fear in laughter; we, strength, and the evidence of God.

Nobody understands you, but you—and sometimes that’s all that matters.

Being apart from the one you love, is like a prison sentence—albeit one, that
eventually ends.

Friendships are the bridges to our hearts.

Friendships are the bridges between hearts.

Friends are the boulders that help crush the pebbles in life’s rough road.

A true friend isn’t hard to find—someone who will tolerate you, is.

Indulge ye not, that the flesh findeth pleasure in the things offered of this world.
For these are the snares of the soul.

The strongest people, are lowly and humble; for it is them, who shall inherit the

If a prosecutor connects the dots of a drug operation, and thus, is able to secure a
conviction of the defendant on “conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance” charges,
then why is it that, we, those who connect the dots of the goings on’s of this world, and
consequently, the behind the scenes actions in the political realm, considered, or rather,
rendered, “conspiracy theorists”, and thus, from that simple term alone, are discredited
and deemed, invalid, insane, inconsequential? Are we not presenting the facts, the dots,
which draw not only a clear picture, but also a clear conclusion, conviction—one of
undisputable, irrefutable, truth—that the aforementioned, is in fact, guilty as charged?
Indeed, the term conspiracy is a duality, or more precisely, a double-standard, when one
acutely accuses the agency and agencies of government, of a colluding collusion.

Fear leads to the dismissal of reality and the conjuration of a created world.

While the dark powers that be, move the planchette back and forth across the
surface of the nation, and the world, those who play and participate in the cesspool of
politics, drown in a dumbed-down state of point-the-finger, blue-versus-red, game of
ultimate division; the game of divided, they conquer. Too blind to see that we are not
them, and they are not us, they take for granted that the snakes in suits, are trustworthy,
upstanding individuals who truly care about us, and have our best interest at hand; and
frighteningly, even those who will admit to knowing that they, the snakes, do not carry
cards of empathy for us, will still participate in the ceremonial scam that is voting;
leading one to draw a simple, yet complex, conclusion: they are spellbound; victims of a
supernatural spell, that has grafted itself to the very soul of the aforementioned “voter”.
Culled in tradition, culled in indoctrination, culled in a subtle, yet, dangerous form of
hypnotism, coalesced, they wander out to the polls, almost zombielike, wrapped in
division, and blinded by darkness and strife and malice; they romp and rant rhetoric,
ready to defend their insanity, their justification, of being a mindless state-controlled

Love is the warmest of blankets, in the coldest of life’s winters.

Being crazy is okay—being insane, isn’t.

Jumping to conclusions—the cliffs of misunderstandings.

To understand, is to process; to process, is to listen.

To fly, is to rise above, to soar, is to transcend.

If we could read minds, the population would be double.

Riddles of the wise, are considered parables; riddles of the fool, are not

Life’s a ride that you’re never quite ready for.

Merriment is the song collective hearts sing.

The song of the innocent; a baby’s cry.

Give them time to miss you…but, never let them forget you.
As with medicine, people can only take small doses of you.

As with medicine, people can only take you in doses; don’t be an overdose.

The plea of innocence; a baby’s cry.

The plea of the innocent; a baby’s cry.

Love’s a rough sea, with pounding waves that break even the toughest of hearts.

Love can be found in every single breath that we are allowed to breathe.

Love is the drunkenness of the emotions.

Love, just as life, is a precious, precious gift; unwrap it, and see what’s inside.

Love is the warm breeze, on a cold, cold night.

Love is the reason man has existed as long as he has, contrary to popular belief.

Without love, is to be without life.

Change yourself, and you’ve done your part.

Although broken, not yet shattered.

The whole of it all, is to become as whole as possible.

Trust is what hope is to faith; its shadow.

When you love someone, it’s hard to see when they don’t love you; for the heart,
has no eyes.

If hearts had eyes, imagine what they’d see.

To be alone, is to feel so, and not necessarily to be so; for even in a crowded
room, the exile of solitude is an island called depression—its shores are more populated
than we know.

Life is the greatest heavyweight of all time.

Life is a succession of rounds; you must take them one by one.

Life is dancing to an ever-changing beat.

Life is dancing to an ever-changing beat, and never losing step.

Life is floating on the winds of change, yet maintaining a steady flight pattern.

Life is knowing there’s an ending, leading to a beginning with no end.

Contrary to popular belief, life, is the greatest heavyweight of all time.

We waste more time than money, and more money than time, and we still can’t
find the money or the time, to serve God.

Time ticks at its own pace; and it heals in much the same manner.

It’s been said that time is the dash between dates, I submit that it’s the life we
either live, or don’t.

Speaking up for one’s self is the first use of an attorney in life.

Being stubborn is a good thing; when it pertains to a bad thing.

Bubble bubble, toil and trouble, they do not believe in spells, but they arrive on
the double; standing in line, eyes opened but yet blind, called to take part, in a ritual that
pierces the heart; the mind and the soul, both draped in darkness, demonic revelations as
the audience takes part in this; witnessing the birth, of the foretold nephilium, wrapped up
in a lovers tale, while the devil’s busy stealing them; images are pictures, seared into the
brain; Edward and Bella are no different, they are the same—flickering lights have
caused some to go insane; breaking dawn, while taking pawns, the chess master’s hand,
is the waving of his wand; bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, they do not believe in spells,
but they arrive on the double.

Sympathy for the devil—Twilight’s true, and occultic meaning.

The cult of the damned, are but those who claim to have no clue; yet, they are
fully aware of the snare.

Don’t know why you do some of the things you do? It’s because you’re under a

You never marry just one woman…you technically marry two; the mother-in-law.

Happiness is knowing who you are, and why you’re here.

Our struggles strengthen us; our triumphs speak for us.

Never give up, even when it’s the sane thing to do.

Insanity’s misappropriated, most of the time.

If we push ourselves to the edge, then we must ultimately jump; for in that simple
leap of faith, our greatest successes can be found.

The discipline of self often escapes us; but we hesitate not, to discipline others.

In haste, we learn nothing.

Hastily is the speed of fools.

Take time to savor life’s seasoning.

Don’t live too fast, life has no reverse.

Slow down sometimes…you’re missing the good part.

It’s true that time flies—doesn’t mean you have to.

Cherish the seconds; the minutes we take for granted.

Love for one’s self is love for one’s health.

Holding hands says so much about a couple, especially when they’re not.

Touching a person’s heart isn’t hard to do at all…it’s moving a person’s heart

that’s the true feat.

Holding a grudge, is holding pain.

Release the grudge, release the pain.

Grudges are the sturdiest of walls.

Reoccurring, and unforgiving thoughts, are the bricks that comprise and fortify
the sturdy walls of a grudge.

Thanksgiving is but a day of gluttony; and you continue to the point of hating the

Gluttons are most thankful for Thanksgiving.

Time has no friends.

Time has no friends, but death, has plenty.

Spend time wisely; for there is no refund.

A temper’s betrayal, is the cruelest.

The betrayal of the temper, is the hardest to explain.

The betrayal of the temper, has made many a fool.

Be someone’s breath of fresh air, and smile.

Be someone’s breath of fresh air, and smile—but make sure your teeth have been

Get over yourself—we have.

Love’s always in fashion.

Faith isn’t something that manifests itself overnight; faith is a journey, a

commitment…faith is the long haul, on a disbelieving road.

Life is the therapist that we never asked for.

Life can be the most beautiful of teachers; and also, the cruelest.

When we truly love, we offer the key to our heart—and, to our bank account.

Love at your own risk.

Love’s a pit that we often dig ourselves out of.

Love’s a pit that we often climb out of.

Love’s a pit that we often climb in and out of.

When life gives you a lemon, just say suck it, and keep going.

Blinded by black, they feel validated; even though he’s only half, they reach out
and grab, pulling him in, into their hearts; years of retributions, they hope to heap on the
heads of those who look down upon them; or rather, those who will not look up to them.
Yet, they still do not look up at You, them, while looking down on You, them; he, him, he
has done the same, refused to look up to you, while looking down on you; can’t you look
up and see? How dare you look to a mere mortal for salvation, a better day! How dare
you declare in your heart, that you are not a racist, when looking for revenge on a society
that is based on racism? How can you say that you are not a part of the wicked, wilted
vine, when in fact, you are, a part of that vine; when in fact, you are that spoiled, rancid
fruit? It is written, that you can tell a tree, by the fruit it bares—ye are rotten, because
your roots, are likewise.
Sometimes looks, as with whips, can sting.

One day, you will board a flight that has no cabin, no cockpit; be sure to have the
right pilot.

Charisma is the first characteristic of the womanizer; he charms, without effort.

Karma’s vetting is the best, and, the most accurate.

As for politics, when listening to the guy that you believe in…you’re being lied to
—and that, is what you can believe in.

There are two ways to write a book: the first, is to formulate the story, create an
outline for it, and then, finally, to articulate it; the second, is to simply begin writing, and
allow the book, to then write itself.

Fortune and fame, is not my aim; for those are approximate targets of a selfish
nature. My aim, is simply to touch the hearts, minds and souls of others; selfless targets,
that are infinite, and immeasurable in distance.

Loneliness—the silent killer.

The ache of loneliness is the soul growling for companionship.

When the heart cries, the soul dies and all’s lost along the way, and on behalf of
love, there’s nothing more to say.

Our heart and soul cry, long before we do.

We mask our fear in smiles, and smiles often contain lies.

As with looks, smiles can be deceiving as well.

Be cautious of the lurker, he favors the dark.

Keep one thing in mind: that there are people whom you truly, do not know.

Optimism is a business term meaning hope.

Sometimes love can taste like the sweetest of fruit, while others, like an onion
sprinkled with sand.

In life’s garden, what exactly are you…a flower, a blade of grass, a weed? Are
you the nurturing, nutrient-rich soil for the sprouts coming up behind you, around you?
Are you shade, sunlight? A flimsy stem of dandelion, in the way, swaying, and good for
causing allergies, allergic reactions? Indeed, there are many species, varieties,
conditions, which we either consciously or unconsciously emulate in the garden of life.
We must be sure, however, that whatever we are, we promote growth, and that that
growth be healthy, and not egregiously detrimental, to those who follow.

I write almost as a side note, as a television with no sound, a radio with no signal.
I watch, knowing the outcome, knowing the beginning, and knowing the ending. The
funny thing is, those who will look for answers, overlooked them long ago; instead, they
traded them in for fanciful toys of distraction and detriment, and hopes of one day
bathing in a pool of money, surrounded by camera flashes of fame. They can not, get
out, because they do not, want out; lo, you are in bondage, wantonly; transcendence is
that mighty, mighty key, which unlocks the compartmentalized brain, and frees the
shackled spirit, and soul.

Why does the truth frighten some people? What part of them shuts down, and
says, “I don’t want to know about that,”? What “world” are they wanting to live in?
What shatters the glass doors of their thoughts, mind, belief, and beliefs? What force,
compels them to prefer lies, over truth? What snake, has bitten them? They are indeed,
snake bit.

And so the allegorical allusion given to us in our elementary years, our

indoctrination, bowtie and suited as education, regarding Benjamin Franklin and the
discovery of electricity, or the discovering of how to harness, manipulate, and use it, even
produce it; is presented in the storied account of him being out flying a kite with a key
attached or tied to the end of it during a thunderstorm, and that the key was consequently
struck by lightning; thus, he discovered electricity. Truly, this was indeed, (an) allegory;
a story with a symbolic meaning; and in this case, an esoteric meaning. Students of the
Word, and of the sinister forces that drive the rulers of this world, know that Satan, the
tempter of, and with knowledge, is represented as a lightning bolt from heaven; and
furthermore, those steeped in the sacred knowledge of the Nephilium, and of Tubal-Cain
and the likes, understand perfectly, that this is overt, covert, symbolism, regarding truth.
With that truth being, that just as with the truth that you wouldn’t know that two plus
two, equaled four, had it not been for and from someone telling you, the lightening bolt
that struck the key, is actually, saying, that the lightning bolt, gave the key, the
knowledge, needed, to unlock the mystery of how not only to produce electricity and its
properties, but to harness, control, manipulate, and ultimately distribute it. An occultist
he was, that Benjamin Franklin, and a many more of the signatories were as well.

You know the funny thing about presenting conspiratorial connections to

people…is when they disagree with you, and you ask them, “Okay, so what do you
think,” and they say, “Well…I don’t know what to think, but, I don’t think it’s what
you’re saying it is.” That, to me, is funny. It’s like saying, I don’t believe in Santa
Claus, but I’ll still sing songs about him, and let my kids take pictures with him. You’ve
been so programmed that even when you know something isn’t right or real, you’ll still
go right along with it. That, is what you should question—why after being given the
truth, do I still prefer lies?
Life presents itself as choice, in the form of two overturned cups—right, and
wrong. Which will you turn over, and begin to fill up?

The evidence of a lack of today’s churches to have power, true, spiritual power,
can be found in its members who still split time with the world, and that they do so,
happily and without conviction.

The eloquent writer charms without effort; the words written seem to sing a
beautiful song.

The eloquent writer charms without effort; a silent serenade, of sorts.

The serpent speaks in many tongues, and sheds its skin by season; presenting
itself as different, for deceit is its only reason.

Be careful—most things that are good for the body, are bad for the soul.

Nothing is ever deleted, not even our past.

I have seen the empty individual, the horse, for the rider of.

I celebrate Christ, not Christmas.

There are two types of people in the world—those who are asleep, and those who
are awake.

A certain amount of humans will always be necessary, but the majority of us will
be killed off; technology will have replaced us.

The ego is of the flesh, of the devil, for the conscious conscience, is of God.

Death for truth, is the most honorable.

A hand that helps has a heart that’s human.

Loving should be second nature; the first, forgiveness.

To forgive is to set sail.

Through choppy seas, the course must still be navigated—life, allegorically.

The plotted course is often a mix of mistakes, calculations, miscalculations,

wrong, and right turns, which eventually lead you straight to your destiny.

Don’t just set your goal, surpass it.

Grab hold of life—it’s waiting on you.

Embrace today, kiss yesterday, welcome tomorrow.

Kiss yesterday, embrace today, welcome tomorrow.

Welcome tomorrow, kiss yesterday, and embrace today.

Love’s a duality of yes and no, do and don’t, and an interesting mix of maybe,
maybe not.

Forgive, love, and continue to repeat in that order.

True emancipation is found through forgiveness.

To listen to wisdom, is to drink from the fountain of truth.

Wisdom waters the soul.

As a tree that has aged as slow as time itself, so is the longstanding of wisdom.

Wisdom, like truth, lives forever.

Those grey days; those are the ones that we feel the most.

Gray skies cement many things; sadness, being one of them.

Sad days are when the soul doesn’t want to get out of bed.

Love can make us laugh and cry in the same day—and so can a fist fight between
two ninety-year olds.

Holdfast to love; for it indeed, preserves life.

In slumber, is to be in wonderland; daydreaming at night.

To hold a hand, is to hold a heart.

A whisper from the wise is louder than a shout from the stupid.

If it doesn’t add up, stop looking for the change.

Unwittingly they celebrate the rebirth of Nimrod; the great, and evil man of
renown. The first architect of world government, the tower of Babel, the believer of
himself as God, the husband, and son, of his very own mother; Little Wayne says he goes
crazy like Nimrod. The winter solstice, celebrated, worshipped, as the sun stops for three
days on the twenty-second of December, and then, rebirth, on the twenty-fifth, and the
days become long again; the chariot pulls the sun across the sky. The calendar of the
pagans, the calendar of the children of Set; yet, you hoist the Christmas tree, the lights,
the holly, the wreath, the Yule; my people perish for the lack of knowledge; and even
when given that knowledge, they are so steeped in tradition, that they willingly comply
with the works of iniquity, of Nimrod, of Set, of Sun-Set, of Sa-Tan, of Satan. It is not
for the kids; for who gives poison to their own child; yet, but it be for a sacrifice—a
sacrifice to demons. Oh ye; woe ye; lest you learn of the truth, and part ways with the
devil, you are truly a partaker of his ways.

I write to leave an imprint, to leave inspiration, to do my part, while I am here. I

choose to share love, and spread love, give love, and to give of me, freely; concentrically,
I emit the above, cascading in pulsed waves.

Of course I have regrets. I would hope that we all do. For those are the things,
which, in hindsight, cause me to cringe at the very thought of ever having done them, and
the very reason I’ll never do them again.

Missing someone is the soul’s plea for more time.

Time is something that we never get back, and it’s also something that we don’t
have to be given.

Make the most of every day, in a good way.

Life is funny like that…through the good, and the bad, we never lose our ability
to become a better person, a better soul.

To love, is to trust, to trust, is to risk, to risk, is to have faith, to have faith, is to

believe, and to believe, is to love—and it continues in that manner.

The pessimist drinks doubt like coffee.

Doubt is defeatism’s saboteur.

A rich life, has nothing to do with riches.

Enrich your life—that’s, being rich.

The wealthiest life is the one that enriches others.

The best gift you can give someone, is a better you.

Love is the true color of blood; when you think of how much of it has been let in
its name.
Hate is the true color of blood; when you think of how many have killed in its

To capture a heart, is to capture a ray of sun on the warmest of days.

Being in love is the easy part; it’s falling out, that’s not.

The problem is not such much the government, and what they would have us, and
our children become, dumbed-down, brainless, non-thinkers, dependent solely on media,
but those of us, who are unwilling to buck the brainwashing, and to empower our kids to
be as we were; free of technological bondage, and free to play and explore the endless
boundaries of outdoors, and to create true interpersonal relationships, thus promoting, and
honing, social skills, at an early, impressionable age.

Love makes us do crazy things—and so will drugs.

Being in love, is being insane.

Drinking works the legs as much as it does the throat.

Apologies are born from regrets.

To apologize, is to regret.

An apology is the direct offspring of regret.

They, want to kill you. From the air that you breathe, the food that you eat, the
water you drink, to the very clothes that you wear. THEY, want to kill you. They want
to possess you, to own you, to control you, to manipulate you. They want your mind,
body, and soul. They want everything that you are, and everything that you have; which
is why they work to take it away from you; you came into this world with nothing, and
you will leave with nothing, but THEY, want you to live, with nothing. They want you to
die, which is why they want everything from you; and in return, they work, to kill you.

You cannot give sight to the blind, to those who do not wish to see; for only those
who wish to see, can receive the gift of sight; truth, is that clear, and sunny day. A
cloudless sky, indeed.

Being afraid is being human, and being scared is being smart; but being fearful,
however, is to concede defeat.

Truth will never be popular.

To write is to express, that which is better heard than said.

A heart must have ears, for if it did not, how would it know the call of love?

The beat of a heart is based on love; for without love, it would not beat.

The rhythm of love can be found in the heart of the lover.

A heart in love sings in the most perfect of pitches, and the mind, body, and soul,
sing background.

Loving someone is a hard thing to do; especially when they know the soft part of
our heart.

Life goes on, and so do the memories we can’t seem to let go of, or, get rid of.

To reminisce, is to revisit, to relive, to transport the mind, and the soul, to a time,
situation, or instance, that stirs one emotionally.

The atheist says that God does not exist; oh but he does, you’ve just locked your

Love can be a pillow of feathers, or a bed of thorns.

Love can be a bed of roses, or a bed of thorns.

Love is a lake with no bottom.

Life can be a bed of roses, or a bed of thorns.

To hurt is to heal the hurt that you’ve dished out.

Pain sobers even the most intoxicated of lovers.

Shattered love is a heart broken into pieces.

When in love, be sure you’re not alone.

Deceit has shattered many a heart.

If love was a flower, how many would pick it?

Life is a chance to get it right with The Lord.

Love is the best feeling in the world, and out of it as well.

Love may come and go, but it never truly leaves.

Love, like hope, never dies—for it is a spirit, and lives eternally.

The cries of the children of the crucified Christ—come now, oh Lord, come now!

We see what they cannot, because it is not meant for them to see. When Drake
says he even gave them a chance to decide, now it’s something they know—he is
speaking to us, those who see, what others cannot—they, have chosen their side, which is
why they can’t see it, nor do they want to see it. When Nikki Minaj says that she came to
win, to fight, to prosper, to rise, she is talking to the blind, the profane—for we know that
the battle draweth nigh! When Little Wayne says he feels like the world is falling, while
he is rising, he is talking to the blind; for we who can see, who have been given eyes to
see, and ears to hear, we know what he means, and what he is saying. Woe to the
inhabitants of the earth, for the time draweth nigh, and near; lest it begin to rain for 40
days and 40 nights; Jay-Z you blaspheme the word of God with the name of your club!
Kanye, yes, my friend, you can go, and will go, to hell; you mock the word of God, His
Son; the fires of hell, are indeed real, and they await you. My words are a proclamation,
a declaration, evidence of the wayward world who has gone completely astray; astral,
they have gone, and astral, they, have come. They have returned—they are ready for the
final battle.

Ye who are ready, stand ready! Those who are lost, are lost—leave them! The
flames are thirsty, and the inhabitants of hell, wish for company—leave them!

Detach yourself from this world, or die with it.

The gray clouds gather, but the people are not looking up; looking down, will be
their demise, their fate, their due.

What my heart desires, is not of this earth.

What my heart desires, cannot be found on earth.

Cryptography; I write it thoroughly, plainly, almost sacredly; Cryptographist.

A cryptic riddle; a parable of infinite wisdom, degree, and measure;

immeasurable. To make so much sense, that you don’t make sense.

To make so much sense that you don’t make sense, is to be considered a genius.

The forfeiture of pride, is to disarm oneself of a dangerous weapon.

Why do you, oh atheist, waste your time and knowledge, arguing with those of us
who believe in God? Do you not feel frustrated, exhausted even, going around and
around and around, with perceived, fools? Let us alone, oh dear atheist, lest you be found
a fool amongst fools; for the Psalmist has written, “The fool has said in his heart, there is
no God,” 14:1.
The rash of racism never seems to leave; for it is evidence of an unclean, infected
Many a man has lost his happiness, trying to make an unhappy woman, happy.

Happiness, for some, is simply the manic period of bipolar.

How will you sit at the table with demons, lest you become one of them? How
will you become a star, lest you call upon the mightiest of them all? Oh feeble man,
kind, blind and naïve. Do you know not, who the prince of the air is, the ruler of THIS
earth; not the creator, mind you, THE RULER?! It would be funny, if it were not, so,
sad. Oh feeble man, with such a miserable, empty, false and fake life, and view of, life.
You will die just as your parents have; middle class, struggling to stay afloat, with a
dollar and a dream. And your children, will follow in your footsteps—middle class, soon
to be, simply, the “other” class.

Arrogance, without conceit…now, that’s sexy.

Arrogance minus conceit equals sexy.

Confidence minus conceit equals sexy.

Confidence plus personality equals attractive.

Moments of Clarity; moments of timewarp.

To transcend, is to warp through time, visiting the dimensions, discovering the

limitless boundaries of truth.

On the one hand, there is good and evil, truth and lie, right and wrong, life and
death. A balance it seems, at first glance. But, upon a second, more focused, more
critical glance, we are able now, to observe what appears to be a particular and peculiar
envy; a seething jealousy of sorts; for we can now clearly observe that one is ultimately
and continually at work to undercut and undermine the other. We see that one’s
intentions are solely to disrupt and derail, and to construct destruction, while the other
simply seems to uplift, assist, love, and build. True; in varying schools of philosophy,
this is considered a balance, a ying and a yang; but for me, I see what clearly looks to be
jealousy, and an egregious envy.

Life’s a car with no brakes; and worse than that, for some, no breaks.

The day fast approaches, when, as you were asleep, the third world war, will have
begun. You will wonder how and why, and why you had zero clue and were never
warned, while caught up in Facebook fame and ego-stroked inebriation, and a great panic
will lace your spine, seizing your nerves, emotions, and thoughts, and these very words
you are reading, will automatically replay themselves, almost like an eerie, old cassette
player. It fast approaches, while you slowly, go back to sleep.

The blind, hath chosen to be so; for only those who can see, have God.

I don’t mind being called crazy for the Lord; for he was called much, much worse.
Those who love this world, will die with it—it is appointed to you. At every turn, there is
temptation; for what else is this world, but a globe of temptation? Its beauty lies in its
natural state, not what man has added to it. But, yay, there is a nay, among those whose
eyes are open, but yet are closed. How many rich people do you know—now ask
yourself, how many rich people, know you. Be done with this world, or perish with it.

You spend your life amassing idols, and yet, you claim to not worship them.

Be careful of envy, it also goes by the name of covet.

The harmless seed of envy, often sprouts into a weed of covetousness.

To befriend envy, is to coddle with covetousness.

We can, see into the future—most times, we’re simply afraid to.

Life’s a car with no brakes; and worse than that for some, no breaks.

If you don’t want to be laughed at, then don’t be a joke.

Life’s a car with no brakes; we can’t stop it from going forward.

I’ve never had haters. Only people who were so focused on me, they failed to see
their own potential.

As a writer, you cannot, not write; for it is simply instinctive, just as the lungs
take in air.

If we know that gossip poisons, then why do we drink it?

And so they were conditioned, through years of reality television, to freely put
their lives on the internet; their masters, own them.

They loved the timeline; they willingly gave them up-to-the-second information
on their whereabouts, thoughts, actions, activities, reading material, viewing material,
food choices, restaurant choices, clothing preference and style, and this includes hair,
nail, and varying accessories, automotive affinities, employed occupational vocations, all
sorts of purchases, outlandish, even outrageous, problems, issues, passings, births, hopes,
dreams, and even aspirations. Indeed, it must be the supernatural at work; it has to be.
Warning: The works contained herein, are inscrutable.

You can’t climb the ladder, without missing a step.

You can’t climb the ladder without missing a rung every now and then.

You can’t wrestle a bear, unless you’re in the forest.

You can’t wrestle a bear, without first, being in the forest.

You can’t fight a lion, unless you’re in the jungle. – marcel dunbar

If everybody married interracially, how beautiful would the world be?

Is not passion, but a yearning, burning desire, for that which the heart loves,
craves, an insatiable want, bordering on a sin-filled lust that drives the soul mad?
Whether it be for love, art, dreams, goals, aspirations—passion fuels an unbridled and
robust adrenaline, of which can only be described, as a primal instinct.

It’s been said that the sky is the window to the heavens; I submit it’s the window
to God’s heart.

There’s nothing like a gentle breeze, whispering aloud, while a silent slumber is

The winds of change don’t blow; they push, and sometimes shove.

Wisdom is the oldest gift.

The gem of wisdom, must be cultured.

Transcendence, is transport; to go to, and through, a portal; retrieve and return,

with what, was learned—now share.

They never saw it coming. Well, they did, but they didn’t care at first. Didn’t
believe. Now, they do both; care, and believe. But it’s too late…much, too late.

You can’t put a puzzle together, without first, picking out, and up, the pieces.

Rap—the only music geared straight for the ego.

Love, while love loves you.

The more you detach from this world, the higher your transcendence. Stay
attached, stay stuck.
The cares of this world, are actually the snares of this world.

Beautiful morning, beautiful breakfast, beautiful afternoon, beautiful day,

beautiful evening, beautiful night, beautiful lovemaking—beautiful morning, beautiful
breakfast, beautiful afternoon, beautiful day, beautiful evening, beautiful night, beautiful
lovemaking—beautiful morning, beautiful breakfast, etc.

A writer’s voice is all that he or she has; and a bad editor, is like laryngitis.

Writing, is music; using letters instead of notes.

Writing—is music; using letters instead of notes, sentences instead of verses and
chapters instead of choruses.

Writing—is music; the notes, are letters, the verses, are the sentences, and the
choruses, are chapters.

Writing—is song, and music; the letters, are the notes, the sentences, are the
verses, and the chapters, the choruses.

Writing, is music, set to a silent measure

Writing is music, using letters instead of notes.

The atheist tries to understand God with the mind; missing that it must be done
with the heart.

The atheist struggles to comprehend the concept of God, using the mind—
missing, that it must be done with the heart.

Freedom is the air you breathe, the sun you see, the thoughts that you have;
freedom, is, life itself; for even in bondage, or imprisonment, these three things, represent
that freedom.

Don’t waste your time on wasteful things; spring into action, into your destiny.

I used to worry about what was said about me…but now, I do neither.

Creativity, for me, is bouncing off the boundaries of imagination, falling down,
and then doing it all over again; and again, and again, and again, writing down the
intricate details of each, individual experience.

I throw myself into my craft, almost as if being thrown into a cell; the door slams
shut, locks, and I am at peace.

I write as water flows; fluidly, fluidity, flowingly.

I am not an unfinished meal; I can not be boxed up.

Like the wind, I blow; like the sun, I shine; like the stars, I captivate, and compel;
like the planets, I mesmerize and incite wonder, mystery; like space itself, I am infinite,
and I am black.

They will never understand you, and this is okay; for there are times when you,
yourself, are devoid of a thorough understanding, of self. This is all normal. This is all
normal. This is all normal. And yes, it helps to convince ourselves of this.

Being creative, is, in fact, being crazy; the imagination is the playground on
which we run wild.

The energy it takes to ignore someone, is three times as negative, as the energy it
takes to acknowledge them; the energy builds, and begins to fortify itself, eventually,
transmutation occurs, and it becomes a stubbornness pride.

The silent treatment is a deadly game; it mimics, and mocks death, at the same
time—it’s best not to play it.

Making you laugh, and making you happy, are two, totally different things; and
the latter, I cannot do—I am incapable; and it is you, who holds the key.

People mistake laughter, for happiness; for one is induced, the other, achieved and

Every man should have a job and a dream, and eventually the dream should
become the job.

We’re always talking about how we should vote because we couldn’t, how ‘bout
we take that approach to reading as well.

If love is just words, or a word, then I welcome that, embrace that; for I would
rather have that, than misery.

I read, I write, I write, I read, and sadly, that, is all, I need.

The beauty of writing is comparable to the beauty of music; sound, tone, depth,
melody, measure, rhythm, verse, chorus, refrain, and yet, so very much more to the ears,
just as to the eyes, and the mind, is its captivating amazement, its spell.

The world offers nothing, but a drug of attractions, valued in money, rather than
in creations; people pay to see something that was not created by hands, and he who
profits abundantly and exceedingly, is of the most of wicked and evil of kinds.
I ran across the field, into the flowers, into the grasshoppers, and I was a kid
again. My worries were gone, my responsibilities, simply chores and homework; and I
loved it. I missed it. I wished for it. But, it did not come; for as an adult, the hands of
time only continue in an ever-sobering forwardness.

In flight, I am in transition; from reception to transmission.

The depths of transcendence are immense, and immeasurable; the variations vary
varyingly, in accordance with the particular level, or stage, or platform, one has ascended
to, achieved. Understanding of that which is unintelligible to the uninitiated is the
undertaking of the underling, undyingly so.

Once the truths have been disseminated, and recorded, they must be sealed and
stored for a time. They must come of age, mature.

After coming of age, and being prepared, they are now ready for recital; recital,
and application.

Love is the flower with the prettiest of petals; its colors bold and robust.

When learning about love, be prepared to fail many of the tests.

Kissing is the touching of souls; the essence of desire.

When in the presence of love, respect it.

Love has many voices, but it sings the same song.

Hold hands and show the world that love still lives, and loves.

When it all comes down to it, nobody really knows…but my belief is good
enough for me.

The ego is the detriment, and downfall, of most individuals. To embrace an

arrogant conceit, is to consume a toxic double-shot of death; it is suicide, laced with

One must be mindful of his or her opposition, even complimenting it from time to
time, in order to see its missteps, of which, a particular insight is gained. This is the
wisdom of those who study the methods of empty over full; the tree that bends with no

There is a bird that flies with no wings, and soars even into space.

To escape the grid, requires an education; but not the education taught by a
teacher, or a professor. The education, is of enlightenment; and for this, one will be
deemed crazy. What you know, few others do, and even fewer than they, are those who
can aptly apply this knowledge as a defense and a deterrent. You must escape the grid, it
is imperative; but it is a spiritual, mental, and intellectual escape—physically, you
cannot; it is a digital fortress indeed.

Everybody who stopped, has the same story; and everybody who succeeded, has
the same story as well.

Everybody who stopped has the same story, and everybody who succeeded has
the same story as well.

A dualistically inverted irony: everybody who stopped has the same story and
everybody who succeeded has the same story.

A man can be the greatest distraction, from a woman achieving her greatness.

Creators leave the world outside, go inside, and then come outside and say, “Look
what I made.”

They are deceived; they know nothing of child sacrifice, they know nothing of an
army of men, killing, an army of children; they know not, the occultic significance of
4/19 and 4/20, yet, blinded, they roam and rove, eating from the trough and the trove. Be
careful of Satan’s wiles; these are men, who are, and will be killing, a child; children.
Let them see, o’ Lord…let them see!

But if one sleeps, is it not one of the most beautiful of slumbers? Is it not serene,
and tranquil; the quiet and stilled lake?

To believe in politics is to give your life over to a band of professional liars.

The man with a split focus, sees nothing.

Selfishness shows in those who, even when they know you’re in your zone, tug at
you with words, offers, whiney cries for attention, and eventually, anger.

The key is to stay behind the grid, not to keep up with it. Those who keep up with
technology, make it way too easy for them, the keepers. Lag behind the grid; for as their
technology increases, and new and newer gadgets are released, those who still hold the
antiquated versions, invariably make it harder to be ‘kept’ up with, as those technologies
become obsolete, thus allowing one to stay below the radar, behind the grid. Again, the
ultimate aim is to stay behind the grid, while at the same time, staying ahead of the grid.
To stay ahead of the grid is to do research on their calendars, the keepers; this gives you
foresight, foreknowledge of their wiles, their activities. Once you begin to stay ahead of
them, the keepers, you can see the lies, the smoke, the propaganda, and ultimately, the
truth; you can see the actual hand, and hands, of evil, at work. You are now ahead of the
grid, but yet, you must stay behind it.
Love is the fluff of clouds, pressed against a gray sky one day, and a blue one, the

Love is today and tomorrow, wrapped up in yesterday.

When loving, do so with the other person in mind as well.

Just because you’re pretty, doesn’t mean you’re beautiful.

A man is a man when he’s allowed to be a man, and treated accordingly.

To vow love, is to commit the most beautiful of crimes; for a heart indeed, must
have been stolen.

Conceit, billed as confidence, is ugly and highly unattractive; especially when

you’re beautiful.

The conceited and arrogant, will always be rewarded with a lackey or two to
follow him or her around; it is the mirror that Jerome used to hold up for Morris.

When considered deep, you will also be considered crazy; it is an interesting

paradox, yet, one that speaks volumes.

Be comfortable in your own skin—it’s yours, nobody else’s.

A closed mind, one that was never opened, at any time, is of the most dangerous
kind; it is but a locked vault, with nothing in it.

The mind does indeed interact with the universe in order to manifest thoughts into
realities. It has happened to me quite often. It is a mystical thing, a mystical occurrence,
and there are ways, indeed, to enhance these abilities; but, remember, they have been, and
are, forbidden. Do not entertain the temptation, the thought, the travesty.

My life’s not boring, it’s just private.

I am a writer, and received no support from my family; imagine if I were a

preacher…they’d be my biggest critics.

Most people, who don’t have anything to live for, live for confrontation.

Those who live for nothing, live for confrontation.

The lure of death comes in many ways—ignore each one.

Transcendence is inevitable; once one begins to appropriate the truths learned
from the other side, the side that sees.

Being born into a family, that doesn’t write, is akin to being an apple amongst

Women have a profound tendency, or, it can be considered a curse, to hear what’s
not being said to them.

You can also disappear from the grid; become invisible. Once you have
deciphered the many ways, implementation brings a new power, a new strength.

Through the door to your right, is from whence I came; a dimension of the
futuristic past of the present; presently presence.

And so that’s where the money came from; and they lived vicariously through
them; giving tithes and offerings unto them, to continue to make them happy, to take
them away from here, such that, they felt a particular reverence for the gods of the earth.
They did indeed, worship them; both wholly, and freely.

There’s a part of me that realizes true freedom can only come through being
single, and yet another part of me that realizes true happiness can only come from

Defying The Grid: I’ve taken my freedom back, will you?

Transcendence brings about the knowledge necessary to elude the grid, and by
default, the keepers. The drones, they are coming; will you be ready, are you ready—
then stand ready and Be Ready! Fight for your life, his life, her life, my life, our life!

Even when you ask the voter, “How’s that working out for ya?” they’ll still
holdfast to their “right to vote”; knowing that it has changed nothing—absolutely

Those who believe in the system, do not, believe in God; how can you, when they
are diametrically opposed to one another.

How many joined the military after 9/11? Do you not see the power of spells, of
evil? Do you not see how revenge was planted as a seedling, and sprouted forth into the
wicked and evil tree of today; the world? Do not fool yourself—see it, for it is, what is.

I truly wish there were three of me…but, one will suffice for now.

Most people, who support you, don’t really support you; they simply mock you,
with flattery.
Be aware that success brings more enemies—most of whom, are your friends.

If you were able to transport yourself as a fly on the wall to a meeting of your
enemies, you’d find nothing but your friends.

Most of your enemies are already in your circle; they’re just not named Judas.

There’s nothing like holding a book in your hand; especially, when its contents
are both magical, and inspiring.

Those who continue to talk about what they’re going to do, are never going to do
it; they enjoy the talk, more than the walk.

Study another calendar, besides the one we’re given, and then, and only then, will
you begin to understand the workings of this world.

Be aware, that your successes are ultimately, and unfortunately, others’ defeat—
most of who are friends and family.

And I was a teenager again, feeling the wind blowing against my face as I sat in
the backset.

I drift; and I become a feather, dancing on the sound of silence.

A writer’s voice is simply his or her mind, speaking to you, as well.

We’re all writers. Some just practice more than others.

When you run out of defenses, then you must either reconsider your stand, or
stance, or conduct more research to support and sustain it.

It’s funny how we’re called “brothers”, but we don’t stick together like them.

You know you’re from Texas, when you play 25.

There are some people, who simply don’t want their problems solved; they truly
do not wish for, or to be at, peace.

You don’t always have to show intelligence; common sense will do most times.

I hate myself, so therefore, I modify myself; this is what’s truly being said, if,
you’re listening.

Just as the bible says, words have power; they can create, and destroy. Most
times, we simply use our words to destroy, rather than use them to create; for how do
those who create, do so, without first, articulating the formulated thought, that manifests
itself into a reality—again, without first, the articulation—the speaking, thereof?

There are those in the fog, thinking they are in the light; lost, yet, leading others
along the way; deeper and deeper into the fog.

Understand that death is the door; don’t be afraid to go through it. The other side,
is beautiful beyond words—for those who’ve invited Him in, however.

Satan’s first agent, was Eve; recruited, and deployed—mission accomplished.

Rapper turned writer; but shouldn’t that read, writer, turned rapper???

Lost my cell phone day—coming soon! Taking back our privacy, one
technological gadget at a time. Those who are ready, STAND READY!

The real “people watchers” are the perverts employed by the government to
“watch” us, and those who advocate a total surveillance society.

Just one of the beautiful things about reading, is that you can truly hear a voice
speaking; a different voice, from different authors, and deeper than that even, the
different voices of the characters that lie therein. Think about that for a second or two.
You’re hearing voices—in your head.

Jesus did a huge favor for You. The time draweth nigh, when you will be asked
to do the same. STAND READY! All this talk of a season of blessing, and blah, blah,
blah…that is the WORLD talking to your flesh; not the Word of God, speaking to your

I’ve been called many things, crazy, being the first, but I’ve also been called a
watchman. So therefore, I watch.

The stone wheel became the wooden wheel that became the rubber wheel; don’t
be afraid to add your own flare to something.

The stone wheel became the wooden wheel that became the rubber wheel; don’t
be afraid to reinvent yourself from time to time.

The stone wheel, became the wooden wheel, that became the rubber wheel—
don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself from time to time.

Losing your mind is fine, as long as you keep your thoughts.

I am a scribe; in this world, and, in others.

Smooth is the way, but rough is the road.

If you’ve ever wanted to be a superhero, your chance is fast approaching; for the
Saints will fight in the cosmos, the supernatural.

If salvation were technology, the Holy Spirit would be autocorrect.

When you humble yourself, people lift you up.

And so the life source, the soul, is the blood. For when your blood goes into the
ground, into the grave, it is hell. And it remains there, until resurrection day.

Ignorance has been equated with bliss, but it is most equated with the uneducated.

The sacredness of the written word, is just that, sacred. There is no formula, or
formulae, regarding the perfect outset to an onset leading to a masterful work of words.
It simply just happens, and then it is, it is be.

Literature is the recording of everything; the first form of history, the first form of

There were books, lots and lots of books; libraries even, filled to the ceiling with
books. Now, nothing. Just tablets and pads, with images of pages; and the illusion, of
holding a work of art.

Their realization manifested sometime after the year two thousand; that they were
able to do away with books, finally, for once and for all. History, was now simply just an
edit, a click and save, to be manipulated in real time, redistributed, regurgitated,

To be consumed, is to be immersed, to be overtaken overwhelmingly.

Part of being right, is admitting when you’re wrong.

The news is simply a daily reminder that this is, satan’s world.

Even when faced with the most brilliant of lies, the simple truth destroys it.

The reader hears with his eyes, and sees with his ears.

And I held hands with the truth, and I was shown the most beautiful of things; a
light a thousand times brighter than the sun, illuminating everything, every secret, every
dark place, every lie exposed; and all I could do was cry; cry like a man who’d been freed
from imprisonment, from shackles, from bondage; for the surge of emotion that swelled
through me, in me, raptured me; and I knew then that I had been changed, forever.
Gray hair can mean wisdom, or worry; only those who know you, know from
which one it came.

Truth stands independent of opinion.

I, will be slandered—the question is will you believe it?

They work to buy the keepers’ gadgets; allowing them their life.

They willingly give themselves over; and, their money.

Rules often die, with the generation that made them.

Debating history is rather pointless to me; for neither side will change it, and
neither side was there.

The subconscious, records everything; similar to the Grid.

Understand, that understanding is imperative; to comprehend what is being

conveyed, is to process that which is being conveyed.

And so it has grown legs, and arms. The genuine, has flipped into the
disingenuous. The disingenuous sides of things have now become the measuring stick,
the measuring rod. It now holds fate over your head, like a boulder set to fall; a bitter
plunge shall its reward be.

Every day, a drop of dye is added to the clear glass of water; every day, they shift
your once unified focus, that the real enemy is the cooperate oligarchy, the elites, the
politicians, to a moment in time, a moment of abject division, where people paid more
attention to race, and race relations, than to plain old human similarities. The Keepers of
the Grid, know that most of you are not skilled in transcendence, that you have not yet
left this earthly plain, and they play the strings of your instruments; your heart, mind and
soul. They play you, willingly, they divide you willingly; they divide and conquer—they
always have, and they always will—as long as you allow them to. As long as you are
moored to this earth, you will never see what needs to be seen; it is not your White
brother, it is not your Black brother, it is not your Hispanic brother, it is the elite, who are
your enemy. Every day, something new, different comes out about “the case”; and the
chasm widens. The chasm, that over the last few years had begun to close (and don’t get
me wrong…racism, exists, and it will never go away; however, if you believe in
elections, then you, yourself, through the election of a “Black” president, witnessed,
exactly what I am saying), is now being pried apart, opened, once again. When you fully
understand that anything fed to us by the media, comes from the Gridkeepers, then you
will understand what this is—they wish to shift your unified focus of them, on them, back
on our differences, in order to divide. Again, you are not an adept of transcendence, and
therefore, you have no clue, as to how you, your heart, mind, soul, energy and essence, is
being manipulated, and used against you. Oh feeble man, when will you sever those
moorings that root you to this earth, this world, freeing your being, and, your light?

A Christian mystic, I am not. But of the way of transcendence, I am a skillful


Never die for someone who wouldn’t die for you. Thank You, Jesus!

Where I die, may a flower grow—may it bloom and blossom into beauty that you
will never know. And if it’s picked, I hope by a bird, who will take me high in flight; my
words be heard.

I have disappeared from you. Your pleasures, are of no interest to me. Your
conversations, are of no relevance to me. Your thoughts, are simple, mundane, lost.
Your soul, is moored to this earth, the physical plane. I have left; I have gone; I have
disappeared from you.

If you can’t handle criticism, you won’t be able to handle success.

You’ve first got to handle criticism, before you can handle success.

Influence is the dual seasoning of life.

To write, for me, is to do so with a particular eloquence; to assign to each

measure, of each meter, a worded rhythm, of chromatically assembled syllables, as whole
and half notes, in order to make beautiful, literary music; for in doing so, the eyes,
inevitably become the ears.

Agreeing to disagree, to me, is more of an opting out, a waving of the white flag,
than it is a logical end to a perceived illogical exchange of reasoning, and, opinion.

And so that is the exchange, the final pay off, for all of the debt amassed by
populations and populace; elimination of that debt, simply by elimination of populations.
Third world countries, are mired in debt, by design, and in return, as a consequence,
death, through war, ‘manatural’ (HAARP) disasters, humanitarian loving philanthropists’
owned and operated “vaccine” production programs and rollouts, sanctions, credit ratings
slashed, and a whole host of economic nooses, designed to KILL that, and those,
populations—because just as with the mob, the central bankers, if you don’t pay up,
they’ll simply, pay you…in death. The planned demise of a significant number of
people, nations, is the only reason debt, and debts, are allowed to incur. No plan, or
program, or bailout, can alleviate the boulder of debt that looms over nations; only a
sacrifice, a sacrifice of blood, of life; for it is penance, to the ruler, and rulers, of this cold
and dark world.

And they cried. Cried like a nursery full of babies, when they found out that
America, was no longer America. It had been dissolved, into a borderless stretch of land,
spanning the artic areas of Canada, down to the slim sliver of land, of Central Mexico.
They wondered how it happened, and when did it happen—missing, that it happened
right before their eyes, right underneath their noses. Their American pride, now tied to
nothing; their ego, and nationalism, gone. Their identities lost, stolen, taken. Forever.

Knowledge works two ways with people: those who have it, and respect it, among
others who do as well, and those who do not have it, and anger at those who possess and
demonstrate it.

It’s best to be blind to ones own gift; it cements, humbleness.

I loved it. And she did too. As we lie there, in the field of flowers, the breeze
perfect, gentle and caressing, our hands made the love that we didn’t; for every touch of a
lover, is in some form, an intimate expression of desire.

It’s all writing, it’s all storytelling. History, songs, lessons, instructions, rules and
ramifications, news, propaganda, and the list goes on; for indeed, the pen is mightier than
the sword, but, the truth, is even mightier than that.

The work isn’t about me, it’s about us.

Fame, and merit, are two different things.

The strongest of the strong, will be rendered weak, and the weakest of the weak,
shall be made strong.

Every generation, has its revolutionaries. Born, innately, for a specific task, that
manifests itself at the proper, yet an unknown, time.

I’d just like to say, “Thanks,” to Mrs. Akbar, my eighth grade Language Arts
teacher, and to Ms. Bly, as well, my twelfth grade English Literature teacher; my
subconscious paid attention, even when I didn’t.

It’s funny how we pay them, to allow us, to give them, more of our information
and privacy; data plans.

I never trip on people who trip; I even help them up from time to time. I just know
that they enjoy falling.

Lies may be faster than the truth, but they can never outrun it.

When you fight against the truth, you’re simply fighting a losing, and helpful

One who recites knowledge is good, but one who recites wisdom is better.
Never be afraid of failing; it leads to succeeding.

They see it, and they even like it; but, there’s something deep down inside of
them that just won’t allow them to click “like”. Just pray for them; pray that the stone be
rolled back.

When you can’t quite figure out what it is about a person that you don’t like—it’s
probably not them.

Everything’s, a ruse. It’s all deceit.

It’s been said that all great storytellers, are great liars; I’d argue, they’re also great
tellers of the truth.

Live your life, not mine.

If I forget slavery, will I forget my roots, my heritage? Will I deny a part of me,
that really existed?

I’d rather leave words than things; those, you can’t necessarily fight over.

All ego, isn’t attractive.

You’ve got the devil in your hand; cell phones.

When you can raise a dog, to value an education, believe in a higher power, and
go and get a job—then, and only then, will I consider them “children”. They are dogs,
not kids, not children. Regardless as to how many times you allow it to lick your mouth,
face, lips, tongue, all that, after it’s cleaned itself of piss, excrement, dust, dirt, mites, etc.,
it’s still not a kid. Now ask yourself: if your child, or a child, did that, would you kiss
them afterwards? How’s about a girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse even? It’s quite
ridiculous, and I’d even venture to say mad, that people even correlate the two.

Technology, is in fact, magic; and as the days continue to pass at breakneck

speed, you will see more and more and more magic introduced, as we move towards that
spectacular, fantastic day.

It’s our individual weirdness that makes us all unique.

I’m always amused, not surprised, mind you, when I hear people decrying how
their tax dollars are spent. Like the people who whine about their tax dollars supporting
people on welfare, or people sitting in jail cells, or any other “government program”. It’s
as if the government has given them a detailed printout as to how “their” tax dollars were
allocated, and they know for a FACT, that’s where their money went—to people they
don’t like. Never once, I’m assuming, have they ever thought that their tax dollars went
to build the bombs that are killing innocent women and children; that their tax dollars are
sitting on Mars, in the form of a remote controlled car, that isn’t working; their tax dollars
are paying the rent and mortgage, of the pedophile, prostitute-loving, congressman, who
just made a backdoor deal, allowing him to get even more kickbacks; their tax dollars are
funding a covert military coup, in a third world country, and by default, support such
organized chaos that they themselves often label as barbaric and savage; and the list goes
on. Mind you, most of the aforementioned people, consider themselves “intelligent”.
But how intelligent is the person who misses the fact that tax dollars, are thrown into a
black hole? They’re collected, used to pay back the Federal Bank(er)s, first, secondly to
support a plethora of politicians and programs, and then finally, the rest, is given back to
you—if you have any coming, that is. So, again, I’m amused, amazed, and astonished, at
the lack of common knowledge, and sense, regarding “my tax dollar” statements made by
“intelligent” people.

Religion can never be made to fit into a political party; and by religion, I simply
mean that body of belief, or beliefs, which emphasizes morality, ethics, honesty,
truthfulness, loyalty to pious tenets, compassion for every human being, and simple
matters of the loving heart. Politics is devoid of the above.

It’s true that some people wake up with the devil in them; and they also go to bed
with him in them as well.

I look at enough screens as is…television, computer, phone, ATM; I’d rather read
a book with pages, than sitting and staring at the screen of a grid gadget, displaying
images of pages. Give me paper, and, pages, please.

Do not fall in love with the gadgets of the grid; for they do not, love you.

I’m not above misses; they’re gauges.

I often wonder, if madness is the final destination of most writers; although, it

seems to me, they must have already been.

Touching the heart with words, is the performing of a wonderful miracle; they
have power, indeed.

When you feel like giving up, remember, somebody just kept going.

Tossing in the towel should never be an option—it should be the finish.

Complaining is the easiest thing in the world to do; the hardest, is to not to.

Forgiving, is saying goodbye to an old friend named resentment.

Letting go of the past, is freeing oneself from bondage.

Hug when you want to share your heart.

Hugs are how we share our hearts.

I can’t sit and not write; for as I sit, I think, and thus, I want to write.

Thoughts come to me in triplets, not pairs, not singles.

To share love is to share life.

To live life, is to love the life you live.

Being reserved is being preserved.

Happiness is the butterfly landing on the flower.

Colorful days, make for beautiful nights.

To vow a life of love, is of the noblest order; for it is indeed, ‘till death do us part.

Togetherness only helps to ferment a dependency; love is an alcohol of its own.

Life’s a fair teacher; she allows some make up work, extra credit every now and
then, and even gives you the answers to the test—if you’re listening.

Paying attention is fairly inexpensive; and always worth the money.

When you understand what it’s like to write, and to be called to write, then you
will understand the need for solitude.

Complete solitude might serve the writer well, but not, his mind.

Solitude is the playground of writers.

We play on blank pages.

Our playgrounds are white.

Black and white, is indeed, beautiful.

I never thought much about making it…I’d already made it; I wrote a book.
Whether it was published by major, independent, or self publication methods didn’t
matter; the book was finished, done, written. I’d made it.

To bounce in genres, for me, is like zero gravity…there’s nothing holding me

down, or back.
When in love, the high is insurmountable, impassable by any one thing, or a
number of things. The most inebriating of the emotions; a folly we become.

Go ahead and laugh at me; actually, you’d get a bigger one standing in the mirror.

Every day, a person wakes up with a false sense of who they are; some sort of
star, some beautiful, undiscovered model, a comedian, a writer, a singer, and the list tails
on. But, be this for certain, you can only be, what you are—nothing more, nothing less.
Find you, and starve your ego—to death.

Patience teaches us that we’re not in control.

Fame, seems to add, for the average individual, a particular authenticity to a

person’s words; for one can say the same thing, or things, even prior to that person saying
it, and it will still not resonate at the level or frequency, of the famous person. Such a
pity, the bias given to those with a platform.

It’s failure who’s missing out on you; success is waiting with open arms.

To some, an extensive vocabulary, is a foreign language.

A woman, who takes the phone to the other room to talk, will always accuse you
of cheating; for her conscience eats at her, for her own deceit and secrecy.

In my raw form, I am coal; in my refined, I am compressed.

You’ve got a demon in your hands; Siri.

When your actions precede your thoughts, you have arrived.

Spite moves us further away from God, while humility brings us closer.

One day at a time, one life at a time.

You can’t live my life, and yours—so stop trying.

Being published doesn’t make you a writer, writing does.

Arrogance has an ill fragrance.

Humbleness smells best.

Anger works against both parties.

Being angry, solves nothing; a cool head prevails much.

Thinking things through, is peering into the future.

Hug someone; touch their heart, and soul.

Warmth found in arms, beats any other.

Love everyone, including you.

Transmission of thoughts, is reception of thoughts. Bouncing like balls, between

dimensions, they alternate; providing those who receive them, with a particular insight
and depth, of life, and, the world.

To hurt someone, is to hurt oneself; we are simply mirrors, placed at different


The water is not deep; it is simply devoid of depth.

Step into it, swim, kick; stroke the waves of wonder.

Life is the blue sky, on a sunny day; beautiful, and a miracle to behold.

To love is to promote life, and all that is right.

Love is a mystery, which few figure out.

Those who find love have indeed, found a true treasure.

If love weren’t as sweet as it was, we’d never return to suckle; and even in its
most protected of forms.

Loving someone is giving them a second heart.

Two hearts are better than one.

If love were as simple as it sounds, it wouldn’t be love.

Love is complex, much like life, and also, much like death.

There’s never an easy way around it; either you’re in love, or you’re not.

Surrendering your heart, is the red flag.

To fall in love, is to fall into the deepest of pits; and to enjoy it.

Love itself, is a tug of war; for one side, pulls, as the other seemingly does the
same, seeing who will be the first, to give in.
Love is much more than it seems; it is those things, which are unseen, spoken, but
not with words.

Climbing a tree, is an allegorical truth regarding, this world; for in order to

ascend, one must do so, by stepping on branches.

There are those who prey on the weak, the willing, and the naïve. They are
devils, demons, agents of pain and destruction. They are real, and wreak havoc where
deemed valid. Obstructing, impeding, standing in the way, looking for an opportunity to
derail, to sidetrack. Keep moving in the forward direction; do not stop, to look back.

Lovingly, she caressed me, loved me, let me know that I was her one and only.
Her kisses were honey, and her stare mesmerizing; her scent sent me reeling, spinning,
drifting away on a fragrant high.

My morning coffee consists of going thru the statuses on my homepage, and

liking those which contain encouragement, intelligence, inspiration, (re)focus on
salvation, and a nice picture every once in a while.

Being able to multitask creates attention deficit disorder.

Don’t allow the selfishness of your ego, to overlook the blessing of another year;
embrace life, not vanity.

In order to bring your dream to life, you will not only have to forsake others, you
will at times, have to forsake yourself, as well.

There will always be those who don’t like you; especially, for no reason. Those
are the ones who mask their jealousy, envy, and covetousness, in an array of personal
swipes and snide remarks regarding your being, your potential, and your achievements.

Reading is also, listening.

Reading is listening.

When I die I hope to have written twice as many words as I have spoken.

When I die, I hope to have written twice as many words, as I have spoken; and
those who know me, know that’s a hell of a lot.

We tried to warn them, but they wouldn’t listen. They walked right into it; into
the web, into death. They were no longer free and wondered why. They never listened,
and now, they simply wish they’d have done so.

Fame is death; stardom is death; that life, is death.

OOVOO OVO OWL. Do your research, and catch up.

Do what thou wilt, comes in a variety of phrases; be careful, be aware, and be

vigilant, of them all.

Liberty means free, will; is there a statue commemorating such, instructing you to
exercise such? And if so, what is she really telling you to do; and from whom, by whom?
She welcomes you, to the land of unlimited prosperity and temptation, illuminated, with a
torch and a crown; a goddess; an idol erected, and worshipped. She is not the light of the
world, she is not holding the light of the world; who is she fooling? Indeed, you live in
the worst of them all, but you cannot see it, will not see it. You are blinded by her light,
and lies, and soon, the whole world will see, just Who, the real light of the world is.

Patience is a fair teacher.

My pen is a bullhorn.

Patience is the molasses of life.

If suffering is a tenet of Christianity, then how will the rich do so?

Those meaningless things, that seem to mean so much, are what moor you to this

There were times when I’d steal away, and wash my soul with tears.

Crying is the breaking of a damn, the letting loose of pains and sorrows.

To cry is to allow the soul a bath.

Crying is the shedding of burdens and fears, heartaches and pains; triumphs and
defeats, and loves, both lost and found.

Loving someone is a noble affair; honor it.

When you leave, be sure to have left something worth leaving.

The works should entail an information indecipherable to those who are not yet
aligned with the transcendent principles of comprehension and cognizance; it is but
gibberish to the ears of the unlearned.

At the park, they met, had lunch, then sex, on the beach, the drink, and talked,
and laughed, and played, and thought; and watched the sun crawl slowly across the sky.
So, let me get this straight: sexy, refers to body, beautiful, refers to looks, and
gorgeous, refers to body and looks???

When the focus is there, and the fight is there, the battle is won.
The scribble of my pen, is the whisper of my soul.

What does, In Time, with Justin Timberlake, Logan’s Run, Obamacare, and
Eugenics have in common? Your future, is mapped out for you; they show you their
maps, through movies; they sing his praises, through the songs; his earthly agents, the
politicians, work towards his plan, their plan. And all you do is smile, and keep posting
pictures of yourself and the food you like to eat.

Remember when keeping count mattered?

One of the reasons I could never do nigga shit, is, well, I’m not a nigga. So, I
guess I could never do nigga shit.

To love, is to throw yourself off a building; and to trust, that it will catch you.

Inspiration without acknowledgement, is simply jealously, masked as motivation.

There’s a thin line between jealousy and inspiration; it’s called envy.

The present is meaningless without a past or a future.

There are many languages, but the heart speaks with one.

Being in love, is being in a twelve round fight; winning some rounds, and losing
others, but whether a split decision, or unanimous decision, in the end, you find a way to

Holding the hand of the person you love is really, holding their heart.

Wine and candles, jazz and a fire; an evening, to remember.

As we lay there, in front of the fire place, she spake, spoke, words of want and
desire, attraction and need; and I replied, much in the same way; our bodies danced to a
rhythm that only they knew, as we drifted on waves of ecstasy, and crests of climax, so
hard, so raw, so real, that we shuddered as if we were naked in a blowing snow; the
winds howling, bristling, bustling, rustling, freezing.

As our lips locked, our hearts and souls did as well; we wrapped in warm
appreciation of love, comfort, security, and promise. The true depth of love is promise;
to do so, forever.
To know what love is, is to know what heartache and pain is, happiness and
misery, hope and despair; to ride out the storm.

Love is the tree, the vine, the branch; the twig, weak, but ever so strong, flimsy,
but firm; it is the board, walk.

To run with the wrong team is to automatically lose the game.

Hugs and kisses, are best felt by the soul, than the body.

Loving someone is permission to hold their heart; do so, carefully, and intently.

Never stopping, is never quitting.

Guilt will eventually strangle you; after first, strangling your heart, and your

The wounds of guilt are typically self-inflicted.

Most people will never do anything with their life; it’s simply easier to yearn,
than to burn, and make it happen.

To harp, carp, is to insist on driving a wedge, using a sledge, hammer.

And she kissed me; and the day turned to night, and the night turned to day;
which day was it, I thought, lost on the confusion of wonderful lightheadedness.

Being the right person, means, be the right person.

Pride presents itself as a friend; and then it becomes your enemy.

The largest lump to swallow, is pride.

Pride, itself, can be your master; and you, its shackled slave.

Be the slave of no emotion; but the master, of them all.

When pride presents itself, quickly show it the door.

When pride arrives, it’s time to leave the party.

When you love, do so without reserve, without forethought; seize it, embrace it,
hold it near and dear; its whispers can be faint, but yet, they are profound.

To remember is to retrieve, to recover, uncover, discover, a laying hold of those

things which can be grasped; missing those things which cannot be grasped.
It’s really not the haters, as much as it is the self-doubters.

It’s really not the haters that hold you back—it’s your own self-doubt.

Embark on your journey, push towards your goals, your finish lines, your new
starts; make the most of every minute, and every second, to efficiently strive in your lane,
your race, pressing fiercely against the wind, until the wind is now at your back, pushing,
propelling you forward; now kick with all that is you and all that you have, leaning,
lunging, crossing, and winning.

Love is the rarest of gems; mined in the hearts of romantics.

Love is the sweetest fruit.

What if love grew on trees?

What would a love tree look like?

Love is the blood of romantics.

A romantic will never give up on love.

Romantics understand the importance of courtship, and its continuance after

winning the lottery.

Romance is the lovemaking of the mental, the table set before the meal.

Romance should never be considered foreplay; to do so, is to insult the romantic.

One can never read too much, nor too often, especially if one wishes to remain
abreast on everything from events to entertainment, murder, love and life; for those
things are found in books, just as much and often as they are found in life, and on

To read, is to educate oneself, immediately so. For the mind is being taught by
the mind, a particular discipline, while also storing a vast number of words, phrases,
postulations, names, characters, personalities, scenes, scenarios, subplots within plots,
and an infinite list of other intricacies related to reception and retention, and ultimately,
higher learning.

The things women admit, without even knowing it.

I stopped being a follower the first time it led to a dead-end.

Pride’s a suicide pill, that must be swallowed,

In writing, to show is to film; and the playback, to readers

Faith, Belief, Effort, Results.

The focused man sees everything; the man with a split focus, sees nothing.

You can’t have me, Grid!

My ink, is my blood, sweat, and tears; writing is who I am, and why I live and
give—my purpose.

As a Christian, wouldn’t you want to be fed to the lions; where your courage,
your willingness to die with such an esteemed honor, is demonstrated? Or doth your lips
only profess, what you heart wishes it possessed?

There were those of us who tried, but died, while trying. It is almost impossible,
to wake the walking dead; for there are no ears to hear, and no eyes to see; the dead, are
not, alive; conscious, with no conscience, nor concept of consciousness. And they
laughed at us, and made fun of us, but their laughter has ceased—and now, the gnashing
of the teeth, has begun.

They were afraid once they did their research and found out why America was
founded. They’d believed all they’d been taught; their pledges, statues, flags, all used to
brainwash them, and to control them, and to make them, patriotic. When they realized
the number 13, is the number of rebellion, and therefore, the number of the Devil,
himself, then, and only then, did they begin to realize what the motto “Don’t Tread on
Me” really referred to, inferred, and therefore stood in stark contrast to Luke 10:19:
‘Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you’; they could not deny
it, for they’d seen it, read it, done their research, and felt their hearts sink into their bellies
upon doing so. For indeed, the mysteries were revealed, but only to those who sought
the truth, and by default, the face of God.

Only a few will transcend, and go beyond; the majority will stay grounded, lost,
eternally so.

The sprout, is the beginning of growth, the pushing through of the soil, and, the

Denial is not a function of logic.

Just as singers sing with different voices, writers write with different voices; no
style is the same.

If looks are the only thing you’re working on, you’re in trouble.
Most readers don’t have the personality disorders that most editors have: and
neither do most writers.

Success only comes to those who are serious about achieving it; talkers, are
dreamers only, not doers.

Dreaming is worthless without doing.

To dream is fine, but to do is better.

Awake from your dream, become its reality.

Make things happen; talking, only impresses you.

You’ve been given all that you need; but, you’re missing it, trying to gain all that
you want.

Stop for a moment, maybe a minute, but never for too long.

Don’t work too hard; who’re you trying to impress—or rather, lose?

Love can be the sweetest taste to the tongue, but the most bitter to the heart, and

When in love, even the dreariest of days seem bright and sunny.

Love is brighter than the sun.

Love is warmer than the sun.

Give me love, or give me death.

Give me love, before any other, and I’ll live happily, forever.

If love is the dancing of two hearts, then the music must be forever.

Dance like tomorrow is today, and smile like it’s the only thing you know how to

Keep your loved ones in your heart, mind, and soul, but most importantly, in your

Always hug; always love; always fight the enemy, by doing the opposite, the right
We, do not hold time; and so we must be mindful that the time that we have with
one another, be spent, wisely, appropriately, genuinely, through it all, ups and downs,
highs and lows, rises and falls; we must cling to each other, as if it were our last seconds
on earth—because one day, it will be.
Live to learn a new way, a better way, and a virtuous, more pious way. For the
ways of immorality, suffocate the soul and lead to a condition of depredation. Indeed, the
joys seem to satisfy, but they are pulses of pleasures, none being everlasting, eternal,
forever. Sever the knotted rope.

To dangle from the knotted rope, is to hold on for dear life, knot, by slippery knot.
Making sure to hold firm, to grip with a sensational clenching similar to a melt, a melding
even; the rope and the clasp, are now one.

When faced with the credits, who will beg for a reroll of their film?

Humbleness is the anchor in the sky.

The ego is your enemy.

Fight your ego to death; it makes living a lot easier.

We walked, and talked, and then she smiled, and I, well, I stumbled, on a rock, or
a pebble, and I fell, hard, and she laughed, while helping me to my feet; and I thought, I
must be in love all over again, staggering again, as well.

She whispered beneath me, our hearts still at it; stealing a kiss, I rolled over, and
off, as she giggled, then smiled with a playful punch.

We knew we were wrong, everybody does, but we answered the questions as best
we could, as we pulled up our clothes, and pulled up our faces, trying to paint a picture of
an alleged affair on canvass.

I’d loved before, but not like this; this, was an out-of-this-world kind of love,
mind blowing, and galactic.

Tug of war with hearts and wills is selfish; give in to one another, and make
things better, smoother, more concurrent.

If you want your love to live, and to live healthily, breathe into it, refresh and
replenish it, often.

Careful not to drop someone’s heart, it may break.

Love is why we fall, why we get up, and why we keep on living.

Love’s a trip; just be sure to get up, if you fall.

Precious love, is that of porcelain; a dish of elegance, exquisite and exceptional.

Hold your guards up, until you’re ready for love to knock you out.

Don’t worry about others, they’d tell you the same thing.

To die in your sins, is to die of thirst in the desert; drink from the cooling,
quenching waters, whilst you can.

Value your true, friendships; they’re family as well.

Being a man is a lot of things, the first of which, is gentle.

Anger is the ultimate betrayal of rational men, who otherwise, would profess to
have total control over such a vile emotion.

Anger is the searing flame within, burning you first, then others.

Anger is a raging storm of thunder and lightning, hail and high winds, a driving
rain, with sometimes deadly floods.

Anger is the eruption; and the flow thereafter, a lava of molten mistakes.

And they had dumbed them down; all of them. They’d gotten used to reading
puffed wheat drivel; the children no longer were taught cursive, they no longer had text
books…not many of them anyways. I’d live to see it; the dreams of Helena Blavatsky
and Adam Weishaupt, had come true. The populaces were dumbed down; the
magnificent works of original literary art, the elites all hoarded it, kept it; and the masses
were given puffed wheat, ignorance, and they smilingly accepted it. The future humans,
enslaved by the Keepers of the Grid, will long for true intellectual stimulation; for they
shall know, that knowledge is power, which is why the dumbing down occurred, to take
power, knowledge, from the people, and they shall thirst and quest and endeavor to attain
it; that which we witnessed had been taken. The illiterate know not why they are, they
simply know they are; because they want you dumb, and dumb, you shall be.

An intellect will never be entertained by second grade writing. And to be so,

speaks volumes of the entrusted and enthused reader. Spell: cat, dog, and house, for me

Literature challenges, educates, enlightens, and empowers—real literature, that is.

Opportunity, is just that—an opportunity. Take advantage of it, grab it, strangle
it, until it knows that you are for real, and not just talk.
Make the most of your time, your days; for they are irretrievable, you cannot get
them back.

A day, is but a year, of a month, the minute, the second, becomes the hour—so
tell me, what time is it? The signs, are, the times.

Coupling hearts, is the gathering of precious fruits, berries, and nuts; a medley,
both delicious to the body and the soul.

Tasting the love, the passion, the desire, of your lover, is to suck from the
succulent fruit; the dangling, hung low for you.

To wonder why, is to want to know; to long for understanding, explanation,

ultimately, closure. An easing of the pain, a shutting of the door, a kiss, sweet, and
healing; why, is but a cry, a yearning, a plea, pleading, for the A to the B, which equals

If a boat, is a ship, and a raft and a canoe, both vessels, then who shall set sail on a
sea of high waves and relentlessness; who shall navigate the nautical negatives that
negate the will, strength, belief, faith, and determination, of the Skipper, which is You?

My heart cried, before I did; my tears ran, like rivulets, down the crevasses of my
creased cheeks; a pain, indescribable, gripped me, seized me; and paralyzed, I emptied
my soul of the waste that had contaminated it; I was free, I had been delivered, saved.

To love, and to be loved, is the question, wherewith the answer springs eternal;
unconditional, and unconditionally.

The modesty of the humble speaks volumes for the quieted stillness of the soul,
the core, the essence and being, of the individual.

I write to record, to relay, that we did once possess the knowledge, the
intelligence, the articulation, that the Keepers of the Grid, possess; but, stripped, is to be
clean, to have it ripped from, torn from, taken, never to be given back.

There were times, when I languished in the reality of here, and now; a foretold
time, that presents the present, in the future. Change came, and went, and life, spiraled
ever-faster downward. Technology, contrarily, contrastingly, seemed to have
complicated things; pulled in so many demanding directions, that one must be divided;
his attention, focus—but that, is detrimental, dangerous, deadly.

Aim at the target, and shoot—hit your goals, even if you miss from time to time.

Nothing gets done by itself—do it, or someone else, will.

Don’t just be the first in line, be the first.

Strive, stride, stroke, succeed.

Push your way to the top, but don’t shove, or step on toes.

There are many doors, but only one entrance.

The wall is the obstacle, the defeat

Don’t talk to strangers, they may tell you something about your friends.

Keep your circle, nice and small, almost like a cube.

There are those who will always undercut your efforts, aspirations, dreams, goals,
and desires; for they are devoid of an observed reality, and their existence has now
become one dedicated to your downfall, your shortcomings; even though they are all
successes, simply because you have, and did. They are terrified of your potential, your
possibility, plausibly coming to fruition, to life; even as they themselves see it happening,
occurring, they scramble to egg others on, to collude in a poisonous death cult, hoping to
heap a hazardous end, to your endeavors; do not succumb.

The struggle is the battle, and the fight is the contest; will you bow, bend, break,
or become legendary?

The stage is set, shine.

Recognize when the fight has been fought—live.

To die for respect, is an oxymoron.

To die for respect, is an oxymoron; die, in order than someone, may live.

Dying for nothing; isn’t it something?

To live for nothing more than respect, is to live hinged on opinion.

Respect is arbitrary; realize that, and share your additional findings.

Those who cast stones, cast lots as well; and they cast the very same line, that will
eventually come back to snag them.

Holding one another through the wind and the rain brings about a rainbow of
emotions, and, of love.

Embraced, we faced, one another, lips to lips, nose to nose, eyes, to eyes; and she
melted me.
I cried for her, to be with me, once again; to share a laugh, a smile, a chat, or a
talk, anything. She was my mirror, my equal, my self.

She held my hand, firmly, securely, tightly, intently; she clamped with a clasp,
that spoke of love, of fear, of need; and I, needed her.

I wanted more than what we had, even though what we had was more than
enough; I was greedy, needy, speedy. I wanted it, and her, then, now, without hesitation,
and without a second guessing.

Her hands were soft as tissue, as pretty as the morning sun; and I held them,
touched them, caressed them; and afterwards, I kissed them.

If she’d only known just how she’d made me feel, what she made me think. I was
lost, on emotion, tossed and turned, flipped, tripped, and skipped, across the lake of love;
I waited on the shoreline and not one ship rounded it.

Listening to gossip, is the same as spreading it—eventually, you will.

Sponge up good stuff, not gossip.

Tackle the opposition with the truth; you’ll never fumble by doing so.

Entering the quest, is but the first of the many steps to the finale, the finishing

What does Siri, and 2001: A Space Odyssey, have in common?

How narrowly-minded can the smartest of men be, to say there is no God?

Vanity is attached to the hip of the ego.

Feeling good, from doing good, is the best feeling.

Keep your focus; the distractions, are subtractions and retractions.

Hang in there; never give up, never throw in the towel, never, die.

Fight with all of your might, all of your will; don’t go willingly.

When it’s time to go home, it’s time, to go home.

Never stop growing.

Be better, be better.
Don’t follow their lead; it’s the left hand path.

Staying stationary is beautiful; it’s the quiet time, that’s not quiet at all.

Holding on to pride, is to drown in a pool of stubbornness.

Those who practice, the wisdom and methods of empty over full, understand that
less is more, and scarcity, is abundance.

Rock, told people to kill themselves, and Rap, told people to kill others—so
what’s the difference?

My regrets are not tossed aside as never having happened, instead, they are
invisible badges of the army I once served in.

The feather that tickles, is also the quill that pokes.

The feather that tickles, is also the quill that pokes—love.

When a writer, speaks of having a voice, the truth of the matter is that they’re
really hearing a voice, and simply recording it, reporting it.

Reaching for the stars, is reaching for the branches, the next branch; that allows
you to climb the tree, and touch the sky.

Strive for the finish line, even when quitting is the most logical of things to do, let
alone contemplate; push forward, continue, through it all, to remain focused and
determined, to prevail, and ultimately triumph. Win.

Swing with a reckless abandon, but a willed, skilled, precision as well, slicing
through, cutting through, severing the top from the bottom, the right form the left, the up
from the down, the head from the tail.

To hear truth, is to hear clarity; to hear the way, light and life.

Holdfast to your faith, it’s the only thing you truly, truly have.

Touching hands, is the touching of hearts, minds, souls, bodies; a melding of the
four, a medley of the four, a song, of the four.

I know what the man on the corner knows; I know what the man in the mirror
knows; I know what the man who loves tomorrow knows; that he ultimately, knows
nothing, but knows enough to know this, and more—this, I know.

Kissing you, is kissing the morning dew; a glistening sheen, light and pleasant,
moist and thorough.
Tasting all that you have, is eating, all that you give—my hunger, is satisfied.

To climb the mountain of love, you need a guide, a map, and an unrelenting
commitment to the task at hand.

When I write, my heart bleeds, my soul pleads, and my eyes see what my ears can
hear; a train on a track, screeching to a halt, churning to a finishing point and destination.

The steam of my engine, is my passion for perfection; a drive, which is not shifted
into—it is constant.

A tidal wave of creativity, is a rush beyond words; a flushing of images, ideas,

illustrations, illustrious illuminations.

The finish line, is set before you. There will be times when you must run, sprint,
jog, and even rest. But the race, not given to the swift, but to he who endures until the
end, is yours, to win—on your mark, get set, go!

Those who do not pursue their dreams, have no faith in themselves, nor in their
dreams—this, is the true complacency.

If they’re your dreams, then why ask someone else to help you make them come

Love is a net; entangled.

A desperate woman, is worse than a beggar.

The prettiest ugly is the kind that knows she is.

To brag, is simply to reassure yourself—and, to reaffirm your insecurities.

To brag, is simply to remind yourself, and others, of your insecurities.

People, who chase money, are devoid of riches.

Although going back to something, or someone, is comfortable, it’s still not

moving forward; it’s reverse, rewound, for it was backwards to begin with.

With all that I had, and all that was me, I held my tongue, even as the anger
swelled and rose inside of me, I held my tongue and did not allow the vile, guile, to spew
forth, and hurt those whom I love, and those, who love me; for at times, most times it
seems, no one understands, nor fathoms, nor cares, what is required of me, what has been
tasked of me, and thus, cannot comprehend the solitude in which my soul dwells, the
deep well that I must tap into, and draw from.
They ran themselves off. In their selfishness, in their pursuit of self-interests
only, they burned me, scorned me, tore me in half, and then into pieces; and I scattered.

It became me, because it was already me.

Don’t waste your time talking about stars—because they’re definitely not talking
about you.

The cup has been prepared; it is time to drink. The slack, lack, Christian, is but
one of them as well; for they have not yet severed their ties with this world, this country,
this earth. Oh Lord, I beg of thee, that they who sleep, shall be awakened, and shall
begin to prepare for battle—the final battle.

The Elect, are indeed prepared. The slack, lack, sees not the enemy standing
before him; he is slain, forthright.

Perfection, that is what consumes you…and although it can be your friend, it also,
can become your enemy.

If drama fell on deaf ears, it would not have life.

To deprive drama of life, is to allow it to fall on deaf ears.

It began as a selfish game; and ended in a selfless pain.

Ye, who clamored early on, don’t stop now! Don’t be afraid, NOW. Ye thirsted
for the blood of innocents, and now, the day of recompense fast approaches. Oh ye
cowards of cowardice, where art thou bravery now? Where art thou machismo, NOW?
It is being fulfilled—continue to fulfill it! Lest you fall to your knees and plead for
forgiveness, death, now, becomes you.

If the only thing you can talk about is people, you should read more.

The song of the cicadas, the singing of the birds, the scurrying of the squirrels;
summer’s sweet serenade.

For the general and agnostic skeptic of the Bible, and believer in and of, sole(ly)
science, how is that you, in all of your intelligence and intellect, overlook, or, quite
matter of factly, fail to consider that archaeological digs, also purposely, and at times
unwittingly, validate the ancient geographical locations of historically renowned cities
and towns recorded in the Bible, and thus, by default, validate the Holy Infallible Word
of God? Is therefore then, the ‘earth science’ of archaeology, and the archaeologists who
perform it, document and record it, a grand host of spectacular myths and fables as well?
My perception of life and things, and therefore my interpretation, is indeed,
skewed in the most magnificent of ways; I see, what you simply cannot.

At times, my work can be considered, that of a pedant; pedantic.

Every so often, maybe even once in a lifetime, you come across someone who’s
different, uniquely so; a mysterious mystique, that intrigues, captivates, confuses and
even confounds. The spectacular fantastic.

The ignorant are proud of their ignorance; the unintelligent, the same.

Perched from a particular altitude, an eagle’s eye view, one can see what others
simply cannot, with precise clarity and keenness.

I wake up, and there are keys on my pillow, delivered to me in my sleep.

There are keys to understanding, keys to logic, keys to wisdom, keys to every
lock, and locked, compartment, entity, dimension, and, destination; transcendence is the
locksmith, the maker of these keys.

To possess a key, is to be entrusted with it; wise and selfless use, is a mandated

You will never know everything, but this you can know and learn for certain: the
whole world figured out.

I watch a great many people, seek and search for fame; the favor of man. What is
that, about? Who wants to be worshipped? Who wants to be considered, a god, a star?
What illness are you suffering from? Insecurity, feelings of inferiority, inadequacy,
retribution, vengeance, bitterness, contempt, envy, jealously, childhood issues, adulthood
issues, self issues? I say a thing: if you’re looking for man to validate you, then you may
as well be blind. What you seek, will only compound your illness. It is like drinking
kerosene, after drinking gasoline; you will simply continue to burn and drown in a
deluded misery, hoping to lay hold of fleeting fame, as you die and wilt away. Oh Ye –
stop it!

Wanting to share your gift with the world, is totally different than seeking fame;
for most who seek fame, have no real gift to share with the world. It is one of the most
selfish pursuits one could strike out after.

The door is transcendence; only a few, will break its threshold.

The dark clouds gather, and yet, they have no clue. You will be here—you must,
be here.

She told me of love, showed me, of love; spiraled embrace.

I loved, as a beach does its sand, as the ocean’s blue-black wash of the cheering
tide lies with the foamy apexes and salty ruffles of the perfectly curled curls of sliver-
grey wigs.

A different perception is a different angle, a deeper depth

There is no greater read, than that of Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts. Any
avid reader, writer, author, must lay hold of this magnificent work of literary art; and to
be changed by its content, its beauty, its many messages, forever, only speaks to a
miniscule portion of its extraordinary power and profound uniqueness. Untouchable,
immeasurable, brilliant, genius; all at once, again and again and again.

After all, maturity is patience—it takes time to grow old and wise.

Maturity is patience—it takes time to grow old.

Most people aren’t quiet enough to hear what life is saying to them; be still
sometimes, and listen to rustling of the leaves.

A word to the wise, is a wasted word; it should be shared with the stupid instead.

Her touch, was magical, her love, was galactic; her milky way, sweet, warm, and

You can’t be afraid to miss; it’s the swing, that counts the most.

Misses only mean you were brave enough to even swing.

Genius, is indeed, the misses plus the hits; it takes both, to succeed.

Don’t be afraid to swing and miss; at least you didn’t go down looking, or just

You’ll fail at most things; it’s the few successes, which matter most.

Being afraid to fail, is being afraid to succeed.

Failure and success, are the balance of life, and the tilted slight of either a quitter,
or one who perseveres and achieves.

Even if you’re the only one who understands what it is that you’re trying to say, at
least it’s understood by the person who’s saying it—nobody, would be scary.

It is with great sadness, that I watch approximately 99.9% of Black Americans

(whom vote), support, defend, and “love”, Barack Obama—some, simply because he is
Black, and others, well, because he is Black. They blindly support the continuation of the
socialistic, globalization, of this country (which they decried when Bush was in office;
i.e. the government taking over financial institutions and components of the automobile
industry, while now, however, lauding government takeover of healthcare), and by
choice, and it is definitely by choice, because just as I’m stating facts here, they will, by
choice, overlook what I’m about to say, willingly, because he is Black, the fact that
we’ve lost even more of our civil liberties under Obama, and he’s leading us, and the
world, into World War III. Take for instance, the average supporter of Obama: ask them,
if they knew that Obama sent troops into Central Africa and the Horn of Africa, to kill
Black folks, is continuing the plans of the Project for the New American Century (wait, I
think I heard a few gasps, and murmurs, like: What’s that? I’ve never heard of that
before.), and that we’re now about to have drones patrolling American skies—the same
drones that are patrolling the skies of the Middle East, and southeastern Asia, and
carrying out murder from 10,000 to 50,000 feet in the air? Blank stare. Silence.
Crickets. Another blank stare. You remember the character on Fat Albert, the one with
the hat pulled down halfway over his face, and he used to speak in some sort of ebonical
inaudible? That’s what follows the second blank stare. A trumpet of sounds similar to
that of words, but, in fact, they are nonsensical excuses and reasons for one, not being
FULLY informed, and two, for STILL supporting Barack Obama—simply because he is
Black. It was one thing, to see brainwashed Bush supporters, bloodthirsty, and eager for
the America we now live in, but, to see Blacks, who decry racists and racism at just about
every turn of the signal light, to indeed, be just that, ‘racists’, for supporting a crazed,
lunatic, narcissistic man-god, simply, because he’s Black. What’s that you say??? Oh,
I’m sorry…I stand corrected, half-Black.

The vividness of a writer’s imagination, can be measured by the depth and

command, of the use of show; for the possessor of an extremely vivid imagination, must
show you every single thing in the room, every single color of the drapes, curtains, rugs
and carpets, every single speck of dust on the tops of the television, armoire, cabinets and
counters; and it is weaved in such a way, such a magnificent way, that the beauty and the
depth of the setting, becomes three dimensional, and invites you to have a seat, and
possibly even a drink.

Being afraid to fail, is outright failure; there is nothing to be gained, because there
was nothing ever attempted.

Not being afraid to fail, is already success; you leapt from the gate, entered the
race, and are now, running the race—your race. Keep running, and don’t ever stop—not
for anyone, not for anything.

Success is attained by those who don’t know what quitting is, those who don’t, or
won’t, allow the critics to paralyze them, those who hold their ambitions, dreams, goals,
and aspirations, as near and dear to their hearts, as a loved one; for it is indeed, a loved
one, and one, that will love them in return.
Hail to the countries who resist the New World Order, for you are not rogue
regimes, you are those who will not relinquish national sovereignty, to a cabal of insane,
evil, satanic men and women. Behold, as they stand, the world falls, because of the blind
ambition of the direct descendants of Cain and Nimrod. World War III, is at hand.

You can never achieve the goal, without first, falling short a few times.

His brilliance was betrayed by his ego.

You must never be afraid to fail; for how then, will you ever have the courage to

It takes courage to succeed, and even greater courage to fail.

Those who hold on to pride, often hold on to misery.

Time is only your friend for a moment.

Never relent your integrity—it will never forgive you.

Stay humble, even when the ego calls you a fool.

Today is unique, as are you.

Take today, and build on your future.

Never love with fear; it ruins it.

Never love with fear—it ruins it.

Love with reckless abandon, but pay attention to the road.

If ever you are faced with doubt, abruptly turn around, and walk the other way.

We walked, talked, chatted about our day, kissed, then smiled, jaywalked across
the street, found a coffee shop, had tea, talked about books, writing, politics, war, famine,
sex, salvation, and called it a night, late one evening.

We cuddled, tightly, snuggled, shivered in warmth, excitement, comfort,

intimacy, clothed, started another movie, and we started all over again.

Hugging, we rode the coaster; screaming, we expressed excitement; queasy;

shouldn’t have eaten the corn dog; stop, please stop, I’m sick, oh no, too late, sorry.

When the water runs dry, love’s in a drought.

Simply be you, and they’ll have no choice but to accept and respect you.

Smile, you’re beautiful.

We won’t always agree, but it doesn’t mean we always have to argue.

Conflict resolution begins with you.

Be the bigger person, to the smaller issues.

Fail your fellow human, and you fail an extremely important part of the test.

Something to think about, is something to consider, and something to consider, is

something that requires careful consideration; think about it, and then think about it some

To live without regret, is a lie that many a person has told.

To regret is to wish for a do-over, and to truly mean it.

Don’t let regret keep you hostage, allow forgiveness to be your negotiator.

I pain, for a lot of the things that I have done, said. I wish the small aches and
sharp, shooting pains that cause me to wince, and sometimes cringe, would leave, and
never come back again. To walk over and open the door, and close it, behind itself—or
no, rather I follow it to the door, assist it with a kick, and then I, slam it shut, with an
explosive force, a quick, windy whoosh, followed instantly by a bass-filled boom.
Slamming the door, forcefully, and finally, on something I once held near, dear, or so I
thought, was near and dear. Something that handicapped, and paralyzed me; and that
something was a good-for-nothing freeloader, named regret.

Nobody likes a “know-it-all”, until they want or need to know something.

Love is a two-way street; don’t just drive on one side.

To find love, is to find a rare treasure; to discover something that was fabled, a
myth, but is now, a stark reality.

I love you; for some the easiest words to speak, for others, the most difficult.

Your reputation is only as good as the people who see you.

Your lies will catch up with you, and suffocate you.

Sometimes we must cry to cleanse our soul; to pour the buckets of depression
from our hearts; to wash our pains away; to water our cracked foundations.
The sky’s the limit—but, only for those who want to touch it.

Love, life, and death; the three most confusingly understood facets of philosophy.

Even when they laugh, even when they point, even when they hate—keep going,
keep pushing, keep pressing; with each stride, with each step, you are moving farther
away from them, and that, and closer to your goals, to your successes, to your
accomplishments. And lo, they had been left behind.

Do what it is that you do, and do it well. *this does not include, however, those
who aspire to be someone or something other than themselves.

Realizing that you’re different doesn’t make you better; instead, it simply implies
that you don’t belong in the normal category; you belong in the unique category.
Understand, that’s great company to be in.

You’ve been given the shoes, now dance.

At the end of the day, it’s about yeses and no’s, and if you get one yes for every
no, then you’re going to be alright in the long run.

There are times when a man becomes a boy again; in the presence of a for-sure
death, and in the presence of a gorgeous woman.

To flay about with no purpose, is to drift about in a whirlwind; you, are a

tumbleweed. Blown about, directionless, tossed, flipped across the rough edges of a
rock, or two, or three, and bounced about the barren plain of nothingness to a destination
unknown, unclaimed, unfounded. It is the absence of internal compass, from the eternal
source, that leads to such disorientation, confusion, and repetition of actions resulting in
the rubbing of the rough and roughened rock. The skin, or, the soul, bleeds, based upon
the severity of the skinning, the scraping, the chastening of the calloused heart and
indurate skull. There must be a pruning, a removing of the fat, as in the case of the
butcher, a whittling away of unneeded wood, the woodcarver, in order to reveal the work
of art—no, of fine art. The piece is never finished, as is the maker, is never satisfied.
But, it continues—day after day after day after life-long day, and then the days thereafter
as well. That man, in all of his worthless pomp and glory, is a morsel of chocolate, in the
biggest cookie you can ever, and even imagine; sweet, soft, loving, warm and caring; a
cookie, is the universe, a cookie is the love of God, and it is such a sweet, sweet delight.
Have some?

You can never stop writing, even when the winds are blowing in your face,
cutting your face, bruising your face. You mustn’t cave, crumble, crack, or crease, at the
sound of a critical chatter chattering charmingly, cheerfully, at what seems to be more
than a constructive suggestion, a helpful hand helping. The pen must still be lifted,
pushed, and then pushed again and again and again, until a sentence worth reading is
constructed, and yet another, and then yet still, another and another, leading to a
paragraph that one can be somewhat proud of at the exhausting and energy-expending
completion of countless rereads and revisions. To love writing, is to love criticism; and
to continue doing so, long thereafter.

I never really bought into a lot of the hype and hysteria; although some of it was
indeed, quite flattering, and well-intentioned I’m sure. I’ve just never assumed that sort
of thing about myself, nor did I want to hear it. I simply wanted to hear that people had
changed; themselves, or their minds, or their habits, or even more so the way they now
viewed the world and those of us who share it with them. Had they been changed in
some form or fashion is all I ever wanted to know; because to me, that’s all that really

To claim love, or to exclaim love, that, is the question?

Different, is cool; unique, is super cool.

When you’re different, everything’s different; and that’s the difference.

Most times you don’t have to ask a woman her age; she’ll act it.

Vanity, for some, is a dream they’ll never wake up from; for without it, their
reality is a nightmare.

Normal people produce normal results; sometimes I wish I could.

Most times you don’t have to ask a woman her age; she’ll dress it.

The clique of the conscious, is a very, very small one—the masses, are
unconscious, and we, are greatly outnumbered.

I wish I could go back to sleep, but I can’t—and honestly, I’m glad that I can’t;
the first to rise, is the first to flee the fire; see ya!

If you think that I’m insane, then, you’re not really thinking, you’re judging.

The revolution, occurs in the mind; of course it won’t be televised.

I will never walk with evil, I will never walk in the dark, and I will never walk
with the devil—ever.

Don’t worry about the people you know, the ones that know you; reach those who
have no clue as to who you are, nor the things you’ve done in the past. Those will be the
people who support you, with no ill-will or jealously.
I’ve wasted enough time, with people who simply want to waste your time; and
sadly, this includes those who claim to love you; they are dream-killers; they do not want
you to value anything before them—nothing can come before them, or so they would
like, no love, to believe. Spend your time pleasing someone else, and watch how your
time, essentially, and eventually, becomes worthless.

Those who didn’t know you prior, only see your greatness; those who knew you
prior, will never see your greatness—only the mediocre apprentice, who stumbled upon a
huge bag of golden luck.

Continue to press play—on you. Never stop, never pause, and never, rewind.

Don’t be bothered, when the true colors of a person shows; you knew they were
yellow from the many lemons they produced.

To dance, is to allow the soul to speak through movement, through motion,

through an undrawn illustration, through nothing more than an outright silent expression,
that screams.

I write, to touch, and entertain, to enlighten and empower, to transport the thirsty
soul to an oasis of cooled intellect and lush intrigue; to share a slice of knowledge, from
the pie of life and experience. The table has been set, is set; please, have a seat, the
waiter will be with you shortly.

The true hope for the younger generation is simply that they live long enough to
get older and wiser, and thus, eventually become what we’d hoped they would—
productive, logical, reasonable adults, with sense, and a moral compass that points
upwards towards God.

A world without God, contrary to some beliefs, would truly be hell, on earth.

A world without God, would eventually cry out for Him.

If I dance with no music, what will you see? A man, twirling about, gesticulating,
alluding to something a bit more serious than meets the eye, a bit deeper than the hole
you’re now peering down into?

In case you haven’t realized, and have been asleep for the past four years, we now
live in a police state; police officers have shoot-to-kill orders in every single city.

As a writer, one can only concern himself with the readers who connect with him
or her; those who disconnect, or were disconnected from the beginning, should be of zero
concern, and hence, of no concern at all. Write for the readers of your work, via your
The unwise, and unlearned, are often put off by wisdom; and or, the wisdom of

Don’t measure your writing, by the writing of others; you’re not them, and they,
are not you. You can only tell your story, or stories, and they, can only tell their stories,
or story. Imagine if we all said the same thing, the same way; we’d sound like the school
teacher on the Peanuts.
Write from the heart, the soul; but, never from the bowl of jealousy, which holds
the succulent fruit of bitter envy.

Whether it touches one soul, or a million souls, the light your work emits, still
shines brightly throughout the entire universe.

Writing, truthfully, is about bad reviews and good reviews; just be sure to have
one more good, than bad, and you’ve written a good book, and not a bad one.

The mainstream, is the Devil’s river.

Some of the best writers, are critics. Get it?

People, who say, “If you don’t vote, you can’t say anything about politics,” are
obviously still asleep; and miss the fact they’re making our point.

If you want fiction, read a text book.

The best fiction can be found in scholastic text books.

I have a brain, and I’ll damn-well use it as I please.

Writers are funny; the ones who use big words and poetic passages, frown upon
those who don’t (as an indicator of shallow skills, imagination and emotion), whereas the
users of simple words, and simple passages, eschews the writer who doesn’t follow suit
(considers it overwriting, purple prose, and verbose). From this one thing, however, a
simple truth can be concluded: the word eloquent will never be used when describing the
writer of simplistic stories and rudimentary sentences. So, to me, therein lies the
difference: there are eloquent writers, and non-eloquent writers.

To write a novel, is to lay your heart on the butcher’s block.

There is a knowledge that is frightening, that is esoteric, that is metaphysical. It is

a knowledge that explains the unexplainable; the keys that unlock the doors. It is the
occult, and the occult, is what runs the world.

There are drinkers of blood, and of damnation. They dwell among us; you vote
for them, you idolize them, you aspire to be like them; but, you must first, become a
drinker of blood, and of damnation, in order to be like them, or, to achieve the level at
which they have arrived. The world has been given to them, by the overseer of this
world; the ruler of this world, the prince of the air. If you do not believe me, practice the
magick found in The Lesser and Greater Key of Solomon. Do not be afraid, be a
believer, and become all that you desire to become.

The rabbit hole is not for ostriches.

If you read book reviews, as a writer, you’ll definitely see why everybody has a
chance to become a best-selling author, at some point, regardless as to genre or cross-
genre writing, etc. There’s an audience for good writing, bad writing, awful writing,
bland writing, trite writing, poor writing, purple writing, good stories, bad stories, awful
stories, bland stories, trite stories, poor stories, purple stories, and well, whatever else you
want to add to the list. The machine is what makes a novel, not, the writer, nor the reader
—the machine. And that machine, is the devil; also known as the media.

Remember: anything given to us by the media, comes by way of the Keepers of

the Grid. They work, for the devil.

Opinions are simply philosophies before the steroids.

Perception is everything (to the closed minded, of course).

The world loves foolishness, so by default, they probably won’t love you.

While I must admit I marvel at the vigor of the rebel, I’m saddened by what
appears as a person in a snow globe banging their head against its pane of solid glass,

The depths of ‘reality-television-programming’ can be seen in the number of

people who treat social media, as just such—a reality show; their very own, at that.
Some statuses read like diary entries; some, like Carrie the writer, beginning or ending an
episode of Sex in the City; and still others, sound like an after-the-show taping of a VH1
or Bravo series; a condescending rant about one of the other characters while sitting in a
velvet chair in front of a green screen. It’s just interesting, if not alarmingly ominous.

I think the older a person gets, the more apt they are to find the truth; to search for
it, to finally apply “seek and ye shall find” to their lives, their minds, their hearts, and
ultimately, their souls.

Life can be an eternal maze, or a maze to eternity.

Life is both an eternal maze, and a maze to eternity.

To navigate the maze of life is to sail the rough and calm seas, to whether its
swirling storms and brisk gales, valiantly.
Laying hold to life, is laying hold to love; a commitment to forgive.

Life can weigh a ton, and it can also be light as a feather.

Love like tomorrow was yesterday; a moment in the past that you looked forward
to in the future, while yet savoring the present.

When in the presence of love, and the spell struck subjects of its hex, be a
respectful participant in its sacredness.

Don’t ever assume the worst; you’ve conceded, and murdered hope in the first

Push forward, even when you’re being pushed backwards; even when you’re
being shoved in the wrong direction, the opposite direction; thrust forward, lunge
forward, surge forward, and succeed beyond measure.

The race is won by a masterful balance of patience and anxiousness.

Defeat is confirmation of your simple effort; imagine now, a greater one.

Touching the sky is indeed attainable; but it requires you first to jump, and
second, to reach.

Compromise nothing, not a one thing; for in the moment, the second that you do,
ruin will soon become a friend.

Grab hold of life’s hand, and hold it, squeeze it, kiss it even; for it is a precious
appendage of something of a greater splendor, a magnificent extension of gentleness, of
softness, and of love.

The v-shaped union of held hands, extending down from the arms and shoulders,
swaying gently to the sweet rhythm of a pounding love, of romance, of chance, of a roll
of the dice. A wish upon a star; that love, will love in return.

Handling the heart, is a most delicate task; a true labor of love that requires ones
full attention.

When tomorrow seems like a year away, and the passing hours, like the dreary
months of an arid summer, thirst for the now, the moment, and drink in the minerals, and
vitamins, of patience and longsuffering.

Nurture the you, inside of you; water the seed planted by the continuous river of
purpose and the ground covered banks of sprawling action and warranted merit.
The rushing waters of change, rage, and the calming currents of adaptation,

It’s never easy to change; it requires much effort, but so little energy.

The dog forgets he’s a dog—that why he doesn’t bite. A man forgets he’s a man,
that’s why he’s not. No woman can change a man, only God can.

Denial is the softest pillow.

The human spirit, like its soul, is eternal; don’t spend the temporal on the
temporary, nor should you invest in it.

The price was always right; my ticket is punched.

When love finds you, kiss it and hug it, and never allow it to leave.

Don’t smother love; its fire sometimes needs air to breathe as well.

The spark of love, should never be smothered; nourish it, yes, embrace it yes, but
imprison it, no.

An imprisoned love, is one that will eventually break free.

The metaphysical is the manifestation of both worlds, working in unison; at times,

against each other, at times, with each other.

Do not open the door; the door to the other side—you will never be able to close

It cannot simply be open to the good, the bad will come through as well; it is the
door which has no lock, but yet, imprisons.

The imprisoned soul, languishes in a temporal torment; freedom, is


Some say that Tupac would’ve been the Martin Luther King Jr. of our generation,
and so they killed him, before he did so, fulfilled his destiny; and then, they gave us Little
Wayne, much the same way, we were given the buffoons of Jesse and Al, and we were
left directionless—the keepers of the grid; outsmart them, outthink them, be, the

With each day that passes, you breathe a sigh of relief; believing that it will never
come, never happen, missing, however, that it simply brings us one day closer.
They scared them into a gun-buying frenzy, padded their pockets with even more
filthy lucre, before stripping the citizens of the very arms it had frightened them into
hoarding; knowing that the owner of it, will kindly turn it over, in return for his life, and
the continued well-being of his family as well; there will be, very few shootouts. It is
coming, it is approaching, we, are here.

The eternal sleep, is but for those who refuse to wake up; lovers of this world,
with a fearful, hatred of the truth.

The world does not love you; so why then, do you love it?

They danced to the music of death, to the drums of war and bloodshed, drunken
with the wine of the world; and lost, both mentally and spiritually.

And when the first bombs fell, many dropped down to their knees, crying out to a
God, in whom they once, did not believe.

And then it happened. A great white light, brilliant and blinding; silence, fear,
disbelief, and still yet, denial. Into the streets they ran; a scene they’d watched on
television, world news of worn-torn countries; but, this was America. And then another,
in another city—a great white light, brilliant and blinding. And then another, and
another, and another, as city after city received its just due; and the time of reckoning,
was at hand.

And through Facebook, they gave them all they needed; it was all about
biometrics to begin with; data collecting as well. I was one of many who tried to tell
them what was happening, but the Devil is truly the master of spells; and the people,
whether aware or not, would much rather be shot in the head while they slept, than to
awaken, and take the gun from the intruder.

After dismounting the carousel, the disorientation is quite evident. But soon, it
returns—your balance, equilibrium, focus. And you are able to see clearly, that the ones,
who are still on it, simply don’t want to get off. They spun to their deaths; the death

A picture says a thousand words; and the government, thanks you for all of them.

The planes were holograms.

Life itself is about recruitment, invitation into everything—one way, or the other,
something or someone is always beckoning for you.

There are no shadows in the morning; only mirrors that mirror the night before,
the moment before, the guilt now thereof.

Opinions have no affect, on originality; inspiration is found elsewhere.

Ashore, is where the soul sometimes washes, when it is weary and tired,
exhausted and spent; yet, even in such a state, its resiliency still finds the tide.

Love is the fluffy pillow, relaxing and comfortable, sitting pretty atop the bed.

I knew it would leave, it would go away, so I vowed to do my part, to leave

something to be read, something that was written; and I did. Nonstop some nights, some
days, I would write, write as if it were my last sentence, my last thought, tapping away at
the keys. How could we ever have allowed such a thing to have occurred, but we did; it
did. It was all electronic, all email, all, generic. Something that could be deleted, with
the simple press of a button. How could that, be good for mankind?

It was the end of time, obviously…I mean everybody was at least acting like it.
There were no more morals, or ethics, or good-hearted, good-natured people. Just a
bunch of narcissistic, self-loving autobots, bent on idolatry, materialism, and pleasures of
the flesh.

The bright light could be seen for miles. The subsequent roll of its magnificent
blast, the same. I’d never seen such mass fear. I’d seen mass hysteria, and mass anger,
even mass excitement. But, mass fear—never. The sheer energy put out by millions of
hearts and souls stricken with a piercing fear, is breathtaking, literally. A collective gasp,
with the lungs drawing nothing but an ever-hardening gas; oxygen times fright. And this
was the scene that played out like clicking cameras, flashing in a darkened stadium, all
across the country, while the sun settled slowly into the line-sheet of the horizon.

It was never something they wanted to believe. They’d ignored us, ridiculed us,
even labeled us as nuts. Still yet, we couldn’t sit still, be quiet, keep quiet, say nothing; it
was simply in us, to let out. They had no choice now; it had begun.

They took to the streets, where they were slaughtered wholesale by the very same
government they’d just not too long ago believed, believed in, and loved. They’d posted
commemorative pictures and statuses, stating regurgitated propaganda, towing the state’s
line, only to be hewn down like a field of weeds. The bloodshed, a flood of red, washed
through the city, and cities, raging with a current of contempt, rising to the rooftops, and
still even higher, the treetops.

The ease with which it settled upon the populace, the western populace at least,
was baffling. A vast, draping veil of unconsciousness, descending slowly, as if it was in
slow motion, covering the masses and entrapping them; and they loved it euphorically.

Love is the fork and the spoon, together, working to clean the plate.

Don’t be afraid to amuse yourself by laughing lightly at your own quirkiness

Writing is essential to my existence, to why I am here; a ripple in the lake, started
long before I got here.

There are many times when many questions may have many answers, but there
are also times, when one question, has but one answer, many times. This is not one of
those times.

To correlate certain things, in certain ways, is a measured creativity regarded as a

gift; and indeed, it is.
A lie always tastes better than the truth, and those who eat them, love them.

And they did not believe that their country, their nation, was leading the world
into a New World Order; that their nation, was that of Satan’s. But, deep down inside,
they knew—but, they simply couldn’t bring themselves to digest it. The United States of
America, is Mystery Babylon, The Whore who sits on many waters; founded by Satanic
Witches, using the principle of 13, and working to usher in the kingdom of the Anti-
Christ, and not, of the one true living God. They cannot, deny this! The falling away
occurred with the mega-churches and the doctrines of demons they perpetuated, and now,
everywhere you look, things are blatantly Satanic; television, music, society—Satanic!
And America, is the reason for it. And blindly, they’ll say, “Well, if you don’t like it,
why don’t you just leave!” …missing, how they defend Satan and his blood-stained land.
So lost, so, very, very sadly lost. Come now, O’ Lord, come now!

See, here’s the problem. When you look around at the people in other countries,
and the way they live, or rather, the way you perceive them to live, you figure yeah that’s
something to stand up for, missing, that yours isn’t much different, and worse than that,
everyday your quality of living gets closer to that of a third world country, and the simple
collapse of the dollar, will put you there overnight. I’m sure then, you’ll understand just
how important ‘now’ is. And while you ignore these warnings, as if this isn’t happening,
others of us are already equipping ourselves emotionally, mentally, intellectually,
physically, and most importantly, spiritually. When it happens, we will be organized, and
you will not be. You then will be the enemy of both. You must choose a side, and you
must do it now.

It’s not about some movie, that isn’t even a movie to begin with. It’s about
Iranian special ops forces working to destabilize what the Americans are trying to
stabilize (you know…the stuff going on with the embassies and all). That’s what they’re
not telling you, and why the story continues to change (see, you’re not even talking about
the issue at hand…you’ve been diverted to talk about ‘some guy’, who made some ‘anti-
Muslim/anti-Islam’ movie). The rest of the world already knows what’s going on and
what’s about to happen. Honey Boo Boo, isn’t going to tell you. Neither will Nikki
Minaj, Kim Kardashian, Cee-Lo Green, or Ryan Seacrest. So, let me tell you: It’s about
the navies of 30 New World Order nations, led by YOUR United States of America,
about to go into battle against 120 other nations, led by Iran, Syria, Russia, and China,
who oppose the New World Order, amassing as we speak, in the Persian Gulf and the
Mediterranean Sea for the final world war. Ignoring what you’ve just read, won’t make it
go away, and it surely won’t make them all turn around and head back to their homeports
and bases. The end is here. And for those of you who thought you’d be ‘raptured’ before
all of this happened, you might want to do some research on John Nelson Darby…since
your preachers and pastors didn’t, while they were being brainwashed in seminary.
There’s another word you might want to look up as well: seminary. But, yeah, it’s not
about some movie at all. America, will soon be bombed.

I’m saddened by the number of people who still haven’t realized we live in a
police state now. You know the ones who continue to believe 9/11 and talk about how
we’ll always remember. Remember what?! That our very own government did it, took
away our privacy, enacted laws that gives them the authority to arrest and detain you,
without cause, charge you with being a ‘domestic terrorist’, and soon, will use drones to
“take care” of you?

I wonder if iPhone users know a drug dealer when they see one. Better yet, if
they know an addict, when they see one.

Deception, is spiritual blindness; do you see now, why you can’t see what I and
others are trying to tell you? You’ve been deceived, supernaturally—by the devil

Suffering is the closet thing to living.

Life never gets easier, but it does get better.

In the end, it was all meant to be.

Don’t wrestle with the what ifs, embrace simply, what is.

You can’t undo what was done before it ever even happened; you can only accept
its ultimate outcome.

A bowl of sorrows; the grapes of regret.

Some things in life, really will, undo themselves.

I was there when the world woke up, when the veil was lifted, pulled back even.
Yes, there were those who chose to stay blind, dumb, ignorant, but they did so out of fear,
and out of love for this world and material things. Those of us who’d shunned such
nothings, and nothingness, were shown the truth; it was revealed unto us, because it was
time—the end of time, and He hath told those of us with ears to hear, and eyes to see; and
the world went up in flames, and the lovers of this world did so as well; burned, were
they, and they, were burned. And it was finished.

The thunder, claps and rolls, but the sleeping, will never awaken; the deadheads.
The incoherent ramblings, of the people who pieced together the puzzle.

If the CEO of a company is subject to a board, then what makes you think, or not
think, the president isn’t?

And they had believed in the flood; but lived as if the fire were not true.

And as it got closer, I got quieter; for it was simply time to listen to instruction.
I’d exhausted my mission, as had many others, and the Word of God, did indeed fulfill

Oh ye western Christians, why doth you not mourn and pray for your brothers and
sisters in the Middle East? The very birthplace of Christianity? I read your hollow
praises of this and that, and of material and mammon, and yet, I see no posts of their
plight. Oh ye, feeble and fake, Pharisees and Sadducees, doth ye not know that the
Angels of Heaven record these things? May the Lord of Heaven have mercy upon your
souls; for you run to a ballot box, hoping that the world does a 180? The time
approaches, and many of you, will turn your backs on God.

The orders have gone out; it is open season on the populace.

Attractive—the blessing and the curse.

The tendency towards complexity does not include man.

When you cease the suppression of your racism, and allow it to leave you
completely, you can now be received by those members of the other races, who were
ready to embrace and love you as human, long ago.

The funny thing about people, who vote, is that they think they’re voting for
either a Republican or a Democrat, when in fact, they’re voting for a Globalist. In case
you haven’t realized it yet, there are no more parties; and in all actuality, there has never
been. There is only one party—the Globalist, and they are the elite, who have ushered in
the New World Order. Your vote, is for the New World Order, period, point blank.
Wake up.

You can’t outsmart life.

There are those who think prosperity comes through ripping others off; you are
wicked, and do nothing but heap burning coals upon your very own heads.

A watch, or a clock, is simply just that—they do not, tell time; the heavens do.

Though I have been wounded by the wicked, I have not been slain.

Go ahead and hang on the block; it’s both the auctioneer’s, and the butcher’s.
The folly of man, is that he thinks he is God.

The man in the tree knows that the flood is coming.

Go ahead and hang on the block; it’s both the auctioning, and the butchering.

Go ahead and hang on the block; it’s both the auction, and the butchers’.

Never ask a liar, about their lie; they’ll only add another lie to it.

Wicked is as wicked does.

Isn’t it beautiful how God will destroy man before he allows man to do it to
himself? Say what you want, but that’s true love.

If they’re always the victim, then they’re probably the assailant as well.

Oh ye, of a wearied leeriness, how doth you place a man in an office, but hath no
clue as to why the office is named as such? Do you not see the game being played on
you? Are you not insulted, by those who deem you ignorant and dumb? Woe ye, oh ye,
the time is at hand.

And so the eye has a pupil; the oval office, shaped like an eye, has a pupil; the
dollar bill has an eye; this eye represents Lucifer; he who sits in the oval office, is the
pupil of Lucifer; the pupil, and the teacher. This is irrefutable, and is validated by the
very symbolism on the dollar. Have fun voting.

There is a way, that leads to a way; but you must first, find the first way, in order
to get to that way. It is the path of righteousness.

There’s a sullen gloom clouding the skies of America, for some; while others
rejoice in jubilation and shout praises into the sky; they both are in the pot as it slowly
begins to boil.

They wanted it to go back, back in time, to the way things were; not the song, the
actual way things were; for some, back to separate fountain days, others, simply back to
better days. But, they all knew, for they’d heard of the bible, or even read the bible, or
even heard someone talking about what they heard someone read in the bible, speaking of
days like this, times like this; so, no, things will not go back to the way things were,
because they must go to the way things must end. You are here, do not, be afraid. The
time is to be strong, to be very strong, even, until death.

And so the years seemed like days, whisking by like a brisk winter wind; they had
chaffed, and did not even know it.
Know ye not, that your soul is worth more than this world, or anything it has to
offer? You are a wealth of abundance, and while one fights for your soul, the other,
simply waits with open arms.

The vanilla swirl of the clouds mixes with the chocolate soil of the earth and
produces a lambent air of love, and forgiveness.

And so the same body of Christ, prayed to the same God, both asking for a
different outcome; And so God answered the good body of Christ, by not rewarding them
with whom they wanted, because obviously he was bad, and God did not want him, and
He also answered the bad body of Christ, by rewarding them, with the guy they wanted,
because he obviously saw fit to do so; God answered a split body of Christ, with what He
felt they both needed, and yet, they both prayed for different outcomes to the same God;
or, are they praying to two different Gods?

What is it like to find out, discover, that you are not a part of the plan? To figure
out that a group of people, with what could be considered the most brilliant and grandest
ideals in all of humanity, had executed that plan, that grand plan, that excluded you, your
family, your friends, your neighbors. A plan that placed you in total and complete
servitude to them, their products, their corporations, their goods, their services, their
surveillance, their command. To understand that is a plan that has existed since times
ancient, and now, in times modern, has come to fruition. What, is it like?

If you give as much as you take, you will have achieved the goal.

Those not driven by money, are the leavers; those who are, are the takers.

And so when one researchers (modern) technology, one is also doing research on
cancer(s), unknowingly. For they are hand and hand, bridge and groom. If you’re savvy
enough, smart enough, and stable enough, you’ll invest diversely among technology,
pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and life expiration; or more aptly put, death. And if you also
do these things, what does that say about you? It is a slippery slope, politics and
politicians, but a quick peep into their portfolios would reveal such.

To deprive yourself is to suffer, and to suffer, is to live.

Those who have no business, often talk of others’.

The man who sleeps on the floor, will never wake up on the wrong side of the

There can be no greater example, that we live in a false reality, than that of paper
money—it’s paper for crying out loud!

To wake up, requires a brain—that works.

Here’s a message to the newborns, the lovers of the womb; there can be no greater
example, that we live in a false reality, than that of paper money. It allows you to buy
things that depreciate, fall apart, stop working, need(s) maintenance, cracks, breaks, tears
up, gets old, gets outdated, and so on and so on and so on, and you strive to make more
paper money, to buy more of the perishables mentioned above, so that your dream never
ends, and your conscience conscious, never awakens and breaks free of the program and
the programming. The program, and your consequent dream state, caters to the flesh, the
five senses, the mortal, leaving the immortal, the heart, soul, and mind, starved,
malnourished, underdeveloped, and quite frankly, dead. The program is designed to keep
the immortal aspects of you, your essence, depleted, useless, and imprisoned, while at the
same time, keeping the mortal aspects of you, alive, breathing, and constantly seeking its
next fix—even when that next fix, never satisfies, the last fix, or the current fix, because
you are simply broken—a broken record, repeating itself. The transcendent ladder is
lowered for all who want to climb, to higher realms of thought, knowledge, wisdom, and
ultimately, escape. It is the ladder of Jacob; Genesis 28:10-17. Who wants to climb?

Oh ye feeblest, of the most feeble, of Christians, where does your bible say that
Islam is your enemy, and will be your demise? Right-winger conservative evangelical,
turn off the Foxbot, lest you harbor a programmed hate in your heart—TURN OFF THE

Oh ye, feeble evangelical, right wing, Christian conservative, where does your
bible say that Islam is out to kill You? How doth, and dare you, mix the word of God,
with the word of man, a news outlet, and spin forth a new doctrine, unfound in the bible,
and especially here in the last days? Show me, verse for verse, scripture passage by
scripture passage, where these “fears” are formed and have foundation? Ye cannot, so do
not even try. Ye, are a FOXbot, and have been programmed with the latest hateware.

Running from the truth, will not make it go away.

They’re trying to enslave the masses, while we’re trying to awaken the masses.

And so it is, that the messengers have been tasked with trying to awaken, those
who are, and have been, enslaved. The code given, the code unlocked, the code spoken,
the code defrocked; in the last days there will be those who see what others cannot, they
will act as a warning, a final warning, to all that come within earshot of the message; the
fountain of truth pours free; free to all, one last time, before the great event, the
culmination of man, and mankind, commences. To the stranger, he hath no home; but to
the resident, he is, at home; the door is closing, the portal is closing, time itself, is

To see it before it’s seen; to know it before it’s known; to speak it before it’s
spoken; you wouldn’t believe how it works, and I wouldn’t expect you to either.

It’s easier to keep watch over a little, than a lot.

And so it happened to me as well, at the ripened age, of 33; lo, I had been
changed, and was transformed from here, to there, and immediately was I everywhere. I,
had not been changed, but my essence and soul, had been changed; it had transcended,
transmuted; and I was taken into realms of unimaginable truth; and it was beautiful
beyond words, or thought, or transmission of thoughts and words; and I knew then, who I
was, and why, I was here. Matthew 13:52.

Make her feel beautiful, not just pretty.

And they did not want to believe it, as we spiraled ever so deeper into darkness.
They did not want to believe that the miracles and wonders and signs wrought, had been
perpetrated right before their very eyes; for they were thinking of magic, instead of
magick. Lo, lulled to sleep, they had been, and awoken with a bright light, a bang, a
trumpet, a horn, a bellowing growl-like rumble that penetrated and pervaded the earth,
time, and even space; for the universal harvest, was at hand.

Two protects one; take two away, and one is next. Constitutional math.

Sadly, the President, or Dictator, rather, shed a few “tears” for the children of
Connecticut; where are the tears for the Afghan, Iraqi, and Pakistani school children
killed by bullets and drone strikes, sir?

And it was funny; they had believed that the government, the state, was trying to
protect them—but, they weren’t. We laughed, while they cried, and yet, we were crying
also—from laughing, of course; for the blind hath chosen to be so, and in that blindness,
they shall awaken unto, and unlike anything they’ve ever seen or experienced; a fury of
death and murder and bloodshed and calamity; and those who had believed in John
Nelson Darby, shall turn their backs on “their” God, and curse his Holy, infallible name.
You don’t believe me (and I’m not surprised), read it for yourself: Matthew 24:48-51

They were given grid gadgets by the Keepers of the Grid. It was for
entertainment, they were told, but in all actuality, it was part of the plan; the plan for a
New World Order. For they did not realize, that all of these wonderful evils, were given
to them after 9/11; MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube; it had been given to
them, in order that they use them, in order that they be monitored, and if and when
needed, used against them, to imprison them, fine them, arrest them, fire them, out them,
slander them, and the never-ending list tails on. Yet, they were still unawares of the New
World Order, or better yet, they still denied that it existed, or that they were now a part of
it, trapped in it, trapped like an animal for prey, the killing, the slaughter in it, of it. And
they shook with fear, when this realization came upon them after reading it.

Through biometrics, they gave them the information for their chips, to be later
implanted, unwittingly.

The heart doesn’t have ears.

Control is garnered through the ego.

The key to life, is not to hold on, but to let go.

A man’s toughest fight, will always be with a woman.

It spoke of world government, not of Islam. Don’t be deceived.

Into the maze they go, lost before they even start; looking for a way out, they dash
past the exit, sprinting to their demise; the loving heart screams in warning, but the
hardened heart, hears nothing.

In god we trust is a misnomer hidden in plain sight; you trust in money, and they
know it.

There are places that aren’t listed on maps.

Wisdom itself, is evidence of God; for the philosophical man will eventually, and
inevitably, conclude this.

Time is simply a word describing now.

Time has the strongest wings.

Wisdom is the sweetest of seasonings.

Add my name to the long list of those who woke up.

I long for the days, the simple days, of being able to take in a pee-wee football
game; watching the boys enjoy life, before becoming men, and hating it; absent the
feuding parents and coaches; those days are gone, and so, I too, wish to be gone, even
though, I already am.

If there were no such thing as sin, there would be no such thing as conviction, and
if there were no such thing as conviction, there would be no such thing as suicide.

And yet, they slept; because sleeping is easier than waking up.

Those of us, who wake up, will not fight, or die, for those who do not. Take from
this what you will.

It’s a simple at this: if you have a brain, google “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”,
and read the PDF.

It’s really, truly, that simple. Those who do not, are cowards, and are on the other
And after completing their biometric screenings, mandated by their insurance
companies, they then realized they’d given them the final piece of information needed for
their microchip implant(s); they’re customizing yours, right now. Thanks Obamacare—
we love you.

There is an advancing army, a resistance to that advancing army, and between

those two, you will find what can accurately be deemed as cowards. Those who have
chosen neither side, and actually believe that the advancing army will not kill them if
they do not appear to be hostile and simply go along with their plans. These are truths,
shown and demonstrated in not only Hollywood movies of every sort regarding conflict,
whether it be historical, present, or future(istic), but also, in history, in and of itself. The
resistance fights against the advancing army because they know that life will be
drastically different if that army is to win the battle, the war, while those in between, the
cowards, simply hopes that life will not change once the advancing army settles into its
occupation. Again, I tell you, there’s an advancing army, a resistance to that advancing
army, and lastly, and in the middle, the cowards. Which one are You? If you’re not a
part of the resistance and you’re definitely not a part of the advancing army, I can tell you
who you are: a coward. And cowards, are only fit for death. Either the advancing army
will kill you, or the resistance must kill you; because once captured, a coward, will sell
out the resistance; its members, its location(s), and its plans. Again, I ask you—which,
are You?

The hour of temptation, is upon us. The revealing, is being revealed—but, only to
those who have been given eyes to see. The first two seals have been broken. Your
pastor lied to you, because he was lied to. Research John Nelson Darby and C.I.
Scofield. Here are three different verses where Jesus tells you he comes back AFTER the
tribulation: Matthew 24:29-30 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the
sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from
heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign
of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they
shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Luke 21:

Name a current, and noted, Black or African American genius, in the fields of
Math, Science, Literature, or Philosophy? I’ll give you until May of this year, to find
one. And if you can’t, then ask yourself why that is.

To kill with words and wit, is to fashion the simple with that which fits.

Truth possesses an indescribable, and immeasurable, resilience.

Man is the rabid animal; mad and angry one moment, scared and afraid the next.

Because clearly; you can’t talk about having a deep conversation, when you’re
still on the bank.
To reject Christ, is to board the submarine.

Everybody wants to be healed, but nobody wants to be saved.

There’s a thin line between envy, and jealousy—it’s called covetousness.

We never want what we need, which is why we can’t find happiness.

Thirteen, the number of rebellion (Gen. 14:4 ), thirteen, the Devil’s number,
thirteen, the number of original colonies; thirteen, the number of stars, and stripes,
thirteen, the number of satanic bloodlines known as the illuminati, thirteen, the number of
steps on the pyramid on the back of dollar, thirteen, the number of arrows clutched in the
eagle’s talons on the back of the dollar; one-third, or thirteen, the number of angels cast
from heaven with the devil; thirteen, the number of stars above the head of the eagle on
the back of the dollar; thirteen, the number of ominous portent, thirteen, the year of the
drone—you are now watching the drone, you are now watching the drone; Jackson,
Tyson, Jordan, game 6.

I glory in the glory of Glory, knowing that my day soon approaches; where I will
leave this earthly plane, physically, and quite possibly and naturally, at the hands of a
tyrannical government. My name is written both here, on their books, and above, in His
—this is truth, just as truth is spoken, truth, will, and is, be. Forgive them Father, for they
know not what they do; as they ridicule me, shun me, turn me over to the authorities,
label me, hate me, get angry with me, despise me; I will not stop, I can not stop, for I
know how my story ends; and yet, it is but a glorious beginning—a vainglorious
beginning. Your hands will have the blood of the saints on them, your lips will speak
slander and lies against us, you will believe you have received hollow victory; you will
have taken the side of the Great Deceiver, of Satan himself—for you truly are not, and
never were, a child of the Living God; only but a professor of such, a Judas Iscariot.
These are truths; lovers of this world, can not, love God—I repeat: lovers of this world,
can not, love God.

And lo, they fell for part two of Sandy Hook; the L.A., ex-military, cop, manifesto
writer (read his manifesto—the last two thirds of it, read like straight propaganda; and
why, out of ALL the other “mass murderers/killers”, is “his” COMPLETE manifesto
published??? …simple: to instill abject fear in the populace: the timing of it all—just as
Obama is going around the country touting “Gun Control”), first U.S. citizen on U.S. soil
“hunted” by drone; in the current “environment”, the populace is to be bombarded with
constant terror; a fear-mongering made to elicit a response of: Here, take my guns—
because I am a bad person for owning one. The tyrannical government of the Anti-Christ
lineage, continues to assault the citizens of the United States, and, of the World. Oh ye
who follow him, woe be unto You, and, unto Your souls—THE BLOOD OF

Speaking the truth, and standing for the truth, is punishable by death—we must be
prepared to die.
An aspect of metaphysics, is that energy transferred or conveyed in one form, will
then manifest or reveal itself in another. In Satanism, this is referred to as the “so is
above, so is below” principle, while in Christianity, notably the Lord’s Prayer, it is
recited as “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”. There is a duality, a precise,
concise, duality, that is simply stating esoterically, that what is done on earth, the
physical plane or realm, will then manifest itself in the spiritual realm, with spiritual
results, and then, in due time, just time, it then will return again, with earthly
manifestations, or earthly results; hence, prayers are taken up into the heaven(s) by
angels, who, then, in turn, and time, bring the results, through earthly manifestation(s),
the physical realm. Again, this is but an aspect, a singular of many, of metaphysics.
Moreover, the greater number of participants (in and of the ritual), in such, of course, will
irrevocably result in a greater, overall manifestation; energy times matter; increase the
energy, increase the matter, increase the result (prayer circles; covens of witches). Give
your energy to the enemy, and his, multiplies; give your emotion(s) - emotional output
equals emotional energy - and his, and theirs, multiplies, grows in strength. When you
are included in the rituals, you give your energy to its causes and perpetrators
(practitioners), unwittingly; it is similar to the drinking of blood; the life source; or
simply put, the energy that sustains life.

Understand intelligence. Understand intelligences. Understand that you

automatically assume, and for good reason, that politicians and political leaders, most of
whom are lawyers who’ve attended Ivy League schools, are of very high, and often
times, unprecedented intelligence. Understand, that most of these people are born into it
(the family/families), or “initiated” into it (self-explanatory), or fast-tracked into it
(selected to TAG in elementary school, then “accepted” or nominated in/for the National
Honor Society, and then finally, takes or is assigned to “AP” classes, or High Honors or
Honors, before ultimately receiving a Rhodes Scholarship, or something of its equivalent,
to attend a “prestigious university”). Understand, that there are those however, who were
just as “intelligent” as the aforementioned, but through none other than an act of God, of
Grace, was kept from this line, or lineage, or this type of fast-tracking. Understand, that
there are people who are just as cunning, clever, intuitive, insightful, wise, and smart as
these people, but were kept from such things, because it kept them on “this” side; the side
of Good. Understand, that there are those who can see what you cannot see, just as you
assume that the politicians can “see” what you cannot see, which is why you trust them,
vote for them, take up for them, love them. Understand, that they do not think like you;
for you yourself, are envious of their perceived intelligence and wit, which allows you to
sit and gawk and admire them. Understand that these people will see patterns in
presented problems, that you, will never see, nor pick out or distinguish in a million
years; because your brain does not function as theirs does. Understand that there are
those who are not on their side, who can see these patterns effortlessly, and with
keenness. Understand that it is this gift, cultured and nourished in specified and
particular environments, that strengthens in time, and over time. Understand, that you
will never, understand.
They’re trying to keep you imprisoned in a dimension that truth will allow you to

The saddest thing to see, is that and those, who pride themselves in ignorance.

Truth is the earthquake that shakes the foundation of the blind; and the mountains
of lies, rolled away.

They had been warned well in advance of the coming World War, by this, and Us;
and they did not believe, and so they did not prepare, because they loved this world and
the things therein. They ignored all the warnings, because they did not see it on their
television, on their “nightly news”. But soon, their eyes were filled with tears, and their
hearts, with fear.

I speak in past tense, because the future itself does so; the time is now, and it shall
come to pass.

They were too busy thinking about money, fortune, fame, a bigger house, a
foreign car, more beauty, wasting money on wasteful things, wasting their lives away,
stalking people on Facebook, posting silly nothingness on their pages, driving around in a
fog, thinking things were going to change, to turn around and get better—even, as they
continued to get worse. They put their hope in mankind, missing, that mankind, is what
led us to this point to begin with.

Don’t waste time on time-wasting people.

To strive for the biggest buck, the biggest bang, is to shoot past the morals and
ethics of righteousness; to cut a corner, to cheat, in order that it may be obtained.

To think in simple terms, that life, on earth, is the final frontier, is to be lost in

This dimension is a prison, a prism; we, but a refraction of light, trapped within it.

The spokes of the wheel; the people of the world.

Freedom, is creativity; life, is your canvass.

All the money in the world, still can’t buy you the world; an endless chase; a
fruitless tree; is the ground made of dirt, or is the dirt made of ground?

Soul survivor.

Time will tell, but who, will listen?

Those who love money hate moderation.

The wind, the rain, the storm; life.

The beat of your drum, the rhythm of your march, the dance in your step.

Worth more than silver, worth more than gold; your soul, is priceless.

A kiss is a silent agreement.

To dock in port, is to arrive; to elaborate, is to go ashore.

The precious keys of wisdom, unlock any and every door.

A bright and sunny day; smiles in bloom, happiness in the air.

The flowers are most colorful, when allowed to blossom completely; children.

The green blades of grass; the yellow and brown of the sunflower; the golden
glare of the sun.

Still nights, starry skies, and worlds of vivid imagination.

The crash of the waves, the hiss of them receding, the dampened spray left

The beach, and love; the horizon, and sun.

The golden glare of the evening sun, is but the brilliant light of love distilled.

Too many tomorrows, quickly becomes the few months ago.

Load is the level of balance, maintained for the sanity’s equilibrium; an evenness,
spread about the sprawl of the spacious mind.

A bridge is only that, if it leads to somewhere.

A bridge to nowhere, is a bridge to confoundedness.

The path is lit only for those who have lanterns.

It never ends; it simply ceases to be perceived, received.

The stone, the chisel, the hammer, the work; the result, refined, defined, inert.

Holding the heart of the person you love; the person you need; and never once
doubting their commitment, their formality, their resilience to continue on.
The vain attempts, of maintaining vanity.

We spoke to the blind, deaf, and dumb, because we were instructed to do so; ever
watch a movie where the crazy people are trying to wake up the sheeple—the blind, deaf,
and dumb—and nobody listens to them, but as you watch the movie, you start realizing,
as do the blind, deaf, and dumb, that they were/are right??? World War III is coming
folks…you can go back to sheep now.

And so they bought up the ammo, rendering the populace’s guns, useless; the

In circumventing the second amendment, the government simply bought up all the

The biggest pill you’ll ever swallow is the truth.

People either come to you for your wisdom, or your gossip.

A man doesn’t want sympathy, he wants respect.

Everybody in jail doesn’t want to escape.

When you reach their level, then you have arrived; transcendence.

Influence is but a spirit under another name.

Behind every no-good woman, is a line of men who ran away.

I think my daddy would be someone like you; it took all that he had, not to say, “I

Any woman can find and keep a sucker, but can that same woman, find and keep
a man?

It’s not schizophrenia, I just love my inside jokes.

Money creates just as many enemies, as it does friends.

The matrix operates off your energy; unplug from it, and watch it fall to pieces.

I’d rather read your lies, than hear them; texting.

Wisdom says in a sentence what it takes knowledge to say in a book.

Only when the mouth is quieted, can the soul and the mind have a conversation.
Music, is the call of the wild, tamed, and unseen; we’re all in tune, fined tuned, to
react and respond, to the messages found in the visible invisible.

Never settle for less; but, remember, more is never enough.

Never plant a garden of lies; eventually, you’ll have to water them.

Those who chase money, will never find the finish line.

The flesh is powerful, but the spirit is even more powerful.

Obedience brings reward; rebellion, consequence.

It’s temptation that knocks, not opportunity.

Pride’s a two-faced best friend.

I bore witness to Lucifer Rising, the Age of Aquarius; as did many others. But,
those others, did not see what I, and others, saw. We saw the fulfillment of prophecy;
both of God, and, of Satan. The others simply saw the world evolving into a better place;
when honestly, ask anyone, and they’ll tell you, the world isn’t a better place—the world,
is dying. The world is combusting, and the people of the world, are combusting with it.
Those who do not believe in God, place their hope in mankind; in Adam, all die.

I find it amusing, when an artist wakes up, and begins making, producing,
conscious music, or thoughts, the asleep sheep, claim they’ve fallen off—when in
essence, they’ve simply left this earthly plane; leaving you confounded, in your dumbed-
down state of unconsciousness; plugged into the matrix.

And you ask them, those who attend mega-churches, if you’re so big, huge, then
why has God become so small??? Fast forward we go, into this Godless society.

Neurotic Society.

And so even after reading Matthew 24:29-30, and Revelation 14:14-20, they still
believed what they’d been taught. Ask your pastor, why has he being lying to You???

As churches got bigger, God got smaller.

If you never listen, you’ll never hear; and if you never hear, you’ll never know;
and if you never know, then you’ll never learn; and if you never learn, then sorry for ya.

Why even ask about the past, especially, if you’re asking a liar?

He, who does not understand women, is destined for misery, and, insanity.
You’ll find that as man evolves, he also becomes more immoral.

The wisdom of fools is indeed wise, and foolish.

I remember when self-absorbed people could only talk about themselves in front
of three or four people at a time. Now, they do in front of hundreds, even thousands.

Man is an ant, upon the face of the earth; a never ending builder, whose castles
get grander with time.

Stopping to think, is stopping to listen.

Do not be deceived—most philanthropists donate to offset their guilt.

I’m simply a man with a plan; and a plan B, C, D and E, as well.

A man must always carry a club.

Man assists in evolution; hence evolution is the creation of man. Atheists need
not apply.

Turn off the T.V., and think.

There’s no such thing as blind love, or that love is blind; you have to see what you
love in order to know if you love it or not; and the heart, does have eyes.

And so that kid who always seems to enjoy getting in trouble, and will even admit
to it, is simply trying to say, most times, it’s the only time someone seems to care enough
to actually have a caring, concerned conversation with me; I don’t get that at home.

Here’s where it doesn’t make sense off the bat: At first they tell us, the dinosaurs
came before man, and were killed off by an asteroid; then they tell us, man lived among,
along with, the dinosaurs, hiding and living in caves; then they tell us that mankind’s
origins, as far back as they can go, shows it began in Africa; or is it the fertile crescent;
and if they are the same thing, then why aren’t they called the same thing? Does Africa
have caves, or just Europe? And keep in mind, this is after we slithered, hopped, or flew,
out of the ocean, onto the land, and adapted over hundreds of millions of years, to
become finally, people addicted to social media. Makes sense. Makes perfect sense.

Holding on, is holding back.

Wisdom is not of the world; foolishness is.

Those who trust the state, enjoy the taste of boot.

I remember when sitting on the porch, was the true reality T.V.

What’s just one of the differences between earthly riches and heavenly riches?
The heavenly, you can take with you.

Pride lauds haughtily, the very same regrets, which likewise chain down the soul.

And they had followed him over the cliff; countless Americans had truly come to
the conclusion that the government by directive from the commander in chief was
becoming increasingly ominous, dark, and scary. But, they still couldn’t bring
themselves to admit it; the bootlickers of the state, those who forgot history.

And this is what we’ve been trying to tell You; THEY define what’s doing
something and what’s not doing something and what’s not doing “nothing”. See, when
we tried to tell you about the NDAA (and 98% of you still don’t know what it is) a year
and a half ago, you did like you always do – “There they go with all that government
conspiracy stuff” – and tuned us out. Now, the story of us being spied on hits, and you’re
still being stupid and naïve. Have you forgotten that they redefined the definition of
“terrorists” to include American citizens as well??? Obviously, you have. When you
begin to connect the dots, and then shade them in with history, the picture becomes clear.
Death, bloodshed, imprisonment, marital law, war, is all fast approaching. They’re
conditioning you now through all the movies, the Boston Martialathon, and are now
getting ready to load up the FEMA camps with people who owe taxes, believe in a God,
or simply dissents. It’s right around the corner. Woe unto those who love this world, this
life, and the things therein; the great equalizer approaches.

And they were lulled into a sleep, a slumber, just before their slaughter.

They forgot that America was in fact, the new Rome; the New Roman Empire.
And so when they read the New Testament, they missed it completely. They were
imprisoned, and beheaded, and exiled, for believing in something other than the State,
and they were indeed, rounded up, for various tax offenses as well. Oh idiots of the
world, the western world to be right and exact, doth ye not know that history repeats
itself? Doth ye not know, that they battled against the oppression, corruption, and
Godlessness, of the Roman Government??? Oh Ye, Americans—you are the Romans,
and your leader, is Hitler. Your demise, death, and destruction, approaches—and
rightfully so.

You know what you know and you know it; if you have to ask, then you don’t
need to know it—or better yet, you’re not supposed to know it.

Free, yet imprisoned.

Most of you are still in the garden—even though you’ve been kicked out.
Ever seen someone infected with the love of money? It’s an extremely deadly
disease, and slowly kills, in some way, everyone else around.

What happens when one group of ambitious men, convinces another group of
ambitious men, that buying oil from countries with small, outdated militaries is stupid,
when you can simply use your modern, more superior military, to simply take over their
shit—countries, and oil? World War III is what happens.

And they did not believe us; woe unto the naysayers, the nonbelievers—the storm
clouds have been gathering, and are filled with the tears of the dead; validation of not us,
but of The Word, is evident; all ye, who claim to be, if you are blind, you are not. Again,
all ye, who claim to be, if you are blind, you are not—so-called Christians.

It had happened; that they were mad at us, but not mad at The Word, that we were
going by; they were believers by lip and lips only; for if they were true, then it would
have been revealed unto them; if it has not been revealed unto You, then You, are
obviously not a part of the body. Don’t be mad, don’t be sad, get glad (we used to say
that back like in the third and fourth grade, when Glad trash bag commercials used it as a

The bells toll, the bells toll, the bells toll; all ye who hear them, prepare to leave
this world, this earth; but, there were those who were afraid, scared, and stricken by fear,
when they heard them, but only a few could see them; death, destruction, and bloodshed
awaits You—open up the door, and walk through it—the fires of hell beckon.

I didn’t care what they’d said about me over the years, for I’d proclaimed the
Truth, and the Truth, is what had set me free; we, the crazy loony conspiracy theorists,
now, hold the watches, the clocks, the timepieces—and don’t you dare ask me, the time.

The bombs bursting in air—and it had happened, that the Americans had seen the
manifestation of their national anthem, on their very own soil; and many will run for
cover, but will not find it; many will dial 911, and it will be busy; many will be left
without food or supply, and shall die; and still others, will commit suicide—and the
home, of the, brave.

Wake up, before it’s time to go to sleep.

Sever from this world, or you will die with it—it is appointed to you; do you love
America? Then you do not love God.

The ark has been built, and the rain is on the way.

Listen with the heart and the soul, not just the ears.

The best listeners do so without the aid of the ears.

Listening is done with the mind, not, the ears.

Listening to the heart, soul, and spirit, of the person speaking, is done in the very
same manner.

The well-read, are often, the well-versed, well-spoken, well-informed; the

opposite of this, and that, are well, the opposite.

The truth will never be the choice of the majority; they love lies, and the lies love
their love.

To be born gay, would mean that you were the offspring of homosexuals; and we
know that homosexuals cannot reproduce; hence, to be born gay, is a lie, and a fallacy.

It’s not about having money to pay bills, it’s about having money, with no bills to

That which is hidden, can be seen; but not with the eyes.

And they cried, as if voting even (or ever) mattered.

All that you seek, is set before you; you just can’t see it, because your vision is
clouded, purposely.

How many things can you amass in a lifetime? Now how many of those things,
can give you, life?

The totaling of things, is but the sad state of the unsatisfied.

Those who still hold onto the stupidity of their youth, even as they continue to
age, mature, grow, are not, in fact, aging, maturing, nor growing; they are simply existing
to irritate you, and teach you, patience, understanding, longsuffering, and to prove to you,
that not everybody, will grow up.

Sometimes people don’t hate you, they hate the you that you think you are.

There are times when we laugh at our own undoing; because we find solace in
doing so.

Everybody gets a puzzle—it’s up to you to put it together; life.

And they shall quell dissent, with death.

A hen-pecked man is not a rooster—he is a chicken.

Oh ye little ones; you are but a grain of sand, yet, you think you are the world.
Money is just another form of hush.

Those who seek titles secretly lust for power, openly lust for money and respect,
and ultimately seek to fill the void of acceptance and validation.

If I breathe fresh air into a stagnant conversation, then why do so many people act
as if they’ve just had the air sucked right out of them?
When you as a Christian, can show me in the Bible, where Islam, and Muslims,
are your enemy, then, and only then, will I believe You. You cannot find a single verse,
or reference, to Islam or Muslims, being your enemy—yet, the majority of you believe so
because your television has told you so, NOT, YOUR BIBLE. You are being
programmed with hateware; and even as I’ve pointed this out to you, tasked you with
finding biblical support for your “new” (as of 9/11) beliefs, which you WON’T be able to
find, your hate, bias, bigotry and fear, will still cause you to hold onto government-
sponsored superstition. Woe, Ye, Oh, Ye, Western Christians—you believe lies, before
you believe truth. And oh yes, God, does indeed, know your heart—that it is filled with
hate; something that He has NEVER TOLD YOU TO DO—BUT YOUR TELEVISION,
DOES. Idiots.

The idiot misses that it is because of the United States of America, that the world
has gone to shit.

They are quick to thump their chests regarding the America of old, but too stupid,
deaf, blind and dumb, to see that it is because of America, the world has gone to shit in
the last twelve years.

Failed American Policy, to remake the Middle East in its own image (democracy),
is what brought on the ultimate destruction of the Great Satan; it was time to end the
world; God did it once, and, He’s going to do it again—seriously, at this point, it’s the
only way to make things right again. Come now Lord, and destroy once again, your
precious, yet foolish creation—Man.

I’ve learned that most Americans won’t take to the streets until their reality
television shows and flat-screens are taken away, to hell with freedoms and privacy.

And they couldn’t breathe. They tried, but they couldn’t. Fear had seized their
lungs, and their hearts refused to beat.

Question: Why do you think the media is conveniently covering the

Trayvon/Zimmerman trial? For niggas who still feel like niggas, and for crackas who
still feel like crackas.

I often hear of people who say that the bible has been tainted, twisted, and a host
of other words to suggest that it is one big book of confusion. However, these very same
arguments, NEVER, relate to Revelations—and I wonder why? Seriously, I don’t
wonder why, as I already know the answer. How can a book, written thousands of years
ago, undergo supposed changes and alterations, yet still have it right, when it comes to
Revelation? How can that particular book, speak of a last days kingdom, from whom the
rest of the world/merchants was made rich (America, the consumer nation) that would try
it’s best to remake the entire world in its image (democracy), ultimately being led by an
Anti-Christian leader, lead the world into world war three, while forcing war and death
and famine on entire nations, just before it’s destroyed in one hour, prior to the return of
Christ? Explain that one to me: how has Revelation detailed exactly what’s happening,
here and now, in today’s world, with pinpoint accuracy, if in fact, the bible has been
tainted and twisted? Again, I know the answer and answers to the question, and
questions, I’ve just asked—now, I’m awaiting yours.

And so your television isn’t going to tell you, so I guess I will. What happened in
Egypt is the biggest failure in American foreign policy since the overthrow of the Shah of
Iran. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, and the other state-run media outlets, aren’t really saying
much about it, are they? They keep telling you they’re watching it (The U.S.
Government), in case “something” happens. They’re not telling you what China said.
They’re not telling you about the joint naval drills being held in the Sea of Japan (the
same waters where the U.S. and South Korea, held their drills, that prompted North
Korea, to declare war on the South – which, again, you think it’s over, when in reality,
it’s just beginning) by China and Russia, just off the coast of their ally, North Korea, are
they? They’re not telling you about the Russian Naval fleet sitting in the Mediterranean
off the coast of Syria, are they? They’re not telling you about the Iranian soldiers in
Syria, fighting against the rebels, and alongside the Syrian Army of Assad, are they?
They’re not telling you, that the overthrow of a puppet they installed through the “Arab
Spring”, signals just how weak the U.S., its influence, and military, actually is, are they?
Seriously, you truly have no clue as to just how close the United States is to being
bombed, do you? And they don’t want you to know, which is why they’re not telling
you; and they’re not going to tell you, even when the bombs start to fall.

And you ask them about Revelation, and they will all say they don’t know; if the
bible has been tainted, then how is it, and why is it, that Revelation, is spot-on, regarding
the current state of the world, Mystery Babylon, the global war to come, the calamities
plaguing the earth, the evil and greed and immorality of man today, the culmination of
sin, the destruction of the wicked and unrighteous, and ultimately, the return of Christ?

And the death winds had begun to swirl; for it was time for the United States of
Satan to die, and to die horribly! You shall drink the tears of the dead, the sweat of those
who fought, and the blood of the elderly, women and children; You, America, will drink
from that cup! You turn a blind eye, a blind heart, a blind soul, but God doth see all—and
indeed, you will drink! Those of you who claim by mouth only, to care, to love, will
indeed, in time, drink death, taste death, smell death, become, death—it is appointed to
You! The world is ready, they are indeed, ready, but you ain’t even know it. Tied to
Trayvon, tied to Zimmerman, tied to foolishness, tied to folly, tied to material, tied to
mammon, tied to all that is evil, vile and disgusting—your day fast approaches America;
Ye, shall be wiped, removed, taken away from the face of the earth; these are not mere
words, mere hollow-truths, these are the words of the prophets, these are the words that
were written, that must come to pass. Woe unto you who ignore these warnings, and
count them as rhetoric. It shall be in that day, that your skin shall melt away from your
bones; like wax from a candle, so shall be the skin from your bones.

We look forward to the brightness of our future; steadily running from the
darkness of our past.

When man becomes weary of killing, then he will begin living.

Some people spend their entire life scaling an imaginary ladder called success.

A henpecked man, is a roasted chicken.

Humble is staying in touch with being human.

Humbleness is a virtue; humility a value; haughtiness a vexing.

The beautiful path of loneliness, is filled with a redeeming and tranquil peace; no
longer a part of this decaying, dying world, and the humanoids who inhabit and love it.

Close your eyes—now open your mind.

One of the methods, of the way, of the right, for retaining, and storing, is to do so
with headphones and/or earbuds while periodically dozing off; soothe and feed the
subconscious, by being, unconscious; and marvel at how the conscience, becomes

The stepping stone, is the building block.

Make every woman feel beautiful.

A closed mouth, may not get fed, but it’ll never have to worry about a foot being
inserted either.

If you were about to start a world war, beginning in a particular region, wouldn’t
you close all of your embassies in that area (the Middle East), at least a month or so prior,
to give all essential personnel, ample time to get out? Wake up, America, your
destruction has not only been foretold, it is about to come to pass. Woe ye, Oh ye, those
who still turn a blind eye, and a deaf ear.

While the world stands on the brink, I stand on the shore; watching the waves roll
in, and out, and watching the sun set slowly on civilization as we know it.

Your pastor or preacher’s not going to tell you, so I will: The fourth seal of
Revelation, is about to be broken.
Get a brain already. These countries aren’t having “civil wars”, so please, please,
please, please, PLEASE stop using the/that term. The term that the Idiot Box, of the
Western World, continues to use, and is telling you to use. Get a brain already. Do you
have a brain yet? I’m sorry – am I repeating myself, again? In that case, I’d be repeating
my repeats; or simply rerepeating myself. Get a brain already. Question: Who are the
rebels? The rebels, that are fighting in the “civil wars”…the ones the U.S. government
continues to support. WHO ARE THEY??? Get a brain already. Any of you ever
watched Blazing Saddles? Well, there’s a scene in that movie that tells you exactly who
the “rebels” are, that are fighting in these “civil wars”. Hedley Lamarr, fields an army.
What is that army fielded from, of, in the movie??? Get a brain already! WHO ARE
THE REBELS?!?!?! …in the early stages of the “War on Terror”, the U.S. yes, the U.S.
and its allies, specifically, its Middle Eastern allies (The Saudis, Yemenis, Jordanians, et.
al.), secretly jailed countless men, and some women, in SECRET PRISONS all over the
globe – but you at least knew about two of them; very, very famous ones; and one in
which your guy, the Black and White guy, the bi-colored one, bi-glorious one, bipolar
one, vowed to close, Guantanamo Bay, and then the other one where all the sick,
perverted, sadistic, sadomasochistic pictures came from – Abu Ghraib. So again, who are
the rebels??? Did you watch Blazing Saddles yet??? Did you get your brain yet, or at
least borrow one from someone who has one, yet??? Get a brain already. Get a brain
already. Get a brain already. Got it? Get it. A brain already.

Ye shall soon be shaken.

Like, if you told me, back when I was growing up, that one day I would be
considered anti-government, and yes indeed, be, against my very own government, I
would’ve never believed you. And so, today, this day, and for all others to come,
proudly, I am, anti-American government.

The wayward American still has no clue that the missiles and bombs are already
pointed our way.

A conversation shouldn’t be about you—especially if you’re the one having it.

Dance the night away; the day, the month even; and be that killer song that’s on

And so not a one, not a single status, was ever read, regarding the plight of the
Syrian people. No, not a one. You’d see everything but that; stuff about their kids, their
families, themselves, their materialistic wishes and wants; you’d even see some half-
naked, perverted pictures—but, not a single word of love, compassion, of concern, for the
people of Syria, and the Middle East as a whole. And the kicker: this, from so-called
Christians. O’ Lord of Heaven, Lord of Hosts, please do, have mercy upon their
wretched souls.

If you’re chasing coin, you’ll never find gold.

They only fear I’m spreading, is the fear of the truth.

I’m not impressed with the feats of man. A cell phone. A car. A television.
Going off to see some man-made structure, does nothing at all for me; let alone spending
money to do so. A few buildings in a couple of cities. Nothing. A few casinos, clubs,
whether floating or land-based. Nah, not impressed at all. Frankly, I’m not impressed by
anything man has made. When man can float a planet in the middle of space, create life
on that planet and sustain it by creating a star to do so, and then create a host of other
planets and stars and moons and then call it a galaxy, then, and only then, will I even
consider the works of man, the brain of man, the wisdom of man, to be impressive or
somewhat fascinating. Until then, man, again, is nothing more than a simple creature
who only knows how to cook, clean, construct, corrupt, and initiate conflict. That’s
mankind for you in a nutshell. (and don’t give me anything about modern medicine.
How’d we make it this far without modern medicine?)

There’s no need to cry over spilled milk—neither the child support that’s not
being spent on your kids.

Love is why we are here, for if it were based on anything else, any other emotion,
we would not be.

Each star, represents each soul; and the twinkling, the beauty therein.

When you cast eyes upon the stars, upon the beautiful dark night sky, you are
peering into the mind, the heart, the soul, of God.

Carats are for ladies.

Women love carats.

Carats are a lady’s favorite food.

Make it last forever; the love, the fun, the commitment.

Even the atheist believes in love; it’s just sad that he doesn’t believe in its author.

Wisdom declares in a sentence, what it takes knowledge to say in a book.

Once the manipulation becomes apparent, it’s apparent that it’s time to leave;
relationships, marriages, friendships.

Those who manipulate others, are of the most evilest of evil.

Never be manipulated—ever.
If you have to bend someone’s arm, then you’re probably using too much force;

Manipulators, liars, and deceivers; three of the evilest people on earth.

You don’t have to explain everything to everybody—especially those who aren’t

even asking for an explanation.

If someone’s lied on you, so be it. I’m sure you’re in great company.

When someone lies on you, continue to breathe; they’re not that heavy, and
neither is the lie.

Just because you’re attractive, doesn’t mean everyone’s attracted to you.

Don’t worry about being hurt, it only summons it subconsciously.

Those with the hardest of outer shells, are masking a multitude of slug-like

Stop when it’s over, not when it’s just beginning.

To tire without effort, is to have arrived; to scale the mighty mountain, and to
proclaim its proud peak, conquered.

Understand that those who’ve gained the world, have lost their souls in return;
there is a tradeoff.

Love is the courtship of the hearts; the soul, the spirit, the eternal.

Pay no attention to those who aren’t worth it.

Most attention’s overpriced.

Attention can get expensive; pay none to those who aren’t worth it.

Life’s the precious little time, measured in years, that we get before we enter
eternity, forever.

Blink, and that’s just how fast life goes by; blink slowly, and enjoy your time

You can make love, friends, enemies, cakes, pies, and a host of other things—but,
making time, is the sweetest, and, the best.

The soul is the light; be it dark, dim, or effervescent.

Those who can apologize are the strongest in the tribe.

When it’s time for you to apologize, do it; and do so with sincerity.

An apology, whether accepted or not, is the admittance of a committed crime

against them, and you

Be sure to hold the door open for someone; because someone’s held it open for

Feeling as if it’s just too much, is human; be greater than that, and push on

Be kind so that kind will seek you first.

Kindness is where the world went wrong; love has always been allusive,
subjective, its very existence debated; but when kindness left the world, hope left the

The collective soul of man rests not in the politicians, but in the population.

They don’t care about you being sick and tired; they’re worried about when you
get fed up.

The past is just a day ago, a month ago, a year and a generation ago, just near
enough for you to reach back into and pull out something timeless.

Life teaches at its own pace. But, you’ll always be able to keep up.

Running in first place, isn’t the same thing as finishing in first place; for there will
always be lead changes, but there can only be one leader.

Lead from the center, the whirling top, balanced and on point; lead, lead, lead,
and never be led.

To finish first, is a good thing, but to finish second is a great thing.

You can speak a language that only those with an understanding, can understand;
it is the language of the heart, of the soul, of the mind; it is the spoken unspoken.

Running from your fears, is fear itself; turn around and confront that monster,
those monsters, and slay them with maturity.

To mature, is to become aware; aware of how precious time, life, and love is; and
with that awareness, things become different, and so, do you.
Growing in heart, mind and soul, is simply transcendence; the sprouting forth of
the conscience seed.

To accelerate, is to speed up, race towards, dash; and to do so, comes at, and with,
great peril. It’s okay to drive in the slow lane sometimes.

Turning to friends and family, for help, is all that we may have; don’t turn away
and be as cold as the world.

The soul of love, is the soul of God.

Grandness is the theft of humility.

Modesty, we miss you.

Climb with me, ascend with me; branch by branch, limb by limb.

To be a bird, is to be a winged creature, flying, sailing, gliding, feeling the wind

against ones face; soaring; soar.

Always bet on love, never on break-up. Those odds carry karma.

Never be the poison that kills a relationship; be the elixir that heals it.

Pain is a part of life, just as living is; just be sure, to not live in pain.

Allow your hurts to heal, before you injure someone else as well.

Being damaged is okay, being broken, isn’t.

Damaged goods, simply means a mending is in order—not a discarding.

Never run from what people keep telling you; if you do, you’re not listening.

Even though you may know how to play hide and seek, the truth doesn’t.

At the altar, a man marries a wife, not, a mother.

Cast aside those longstanding grudges, resentments, grievances, and cast eyes on
a new shore, a new beginning.

If you’ve moved past something, you’ll never mention it again—because you no

longer see it.
To forgive, is to release, to release, is to surrender, to surrender, is to submit, to
submit, is to fall before, and to fall before, is to forgive—and it continues in that same

Knowing about love, and having gone through love, are both noble statements;
but the true nobility, lies in having endured it.

Love is the beautiful tree, with the beautiful leaves, and the succulent fruit; it is an

The blossom of love is of the sweetest of blooms; colorful, green, fresh, lively.

When a person loves you, you can feel it; likewise, when they don’t.

Brilliance is subjective, but brilliance is also evident.

To refuse a compliment, is to refuse flattery; both are diets of the ego.

To offer an opinion is to add to the mix; the melting pot of the minds.

When running for the finish, and after crossing its line, know that you were never

Don’t treat everyone the same; it should get better by the day.

Misunderstanding someone, can be your fault; but misleading someone is your


If you plan on doing something stupid, you probably will.

Wanting to spend forever with someone, is wanting to travel eternity with


The quilt is love squared.

To connect the two, and then the three and the four, is crazy; for it takes a crazy
person to be able to do so, and such.

Finding commonalities, patterns and sequences, is what makes it all different;

what makes it such a beautiful and fun thing.

To connect the a to the b and the c to the d, is the way in which it works; at times,
unknowingly so, while others, fully aware, and fully throttled.

To ride on the sun, is to burn with passion and heat, to desire the flame and the
Love is a bridge.

Forgiveness is a bridge.

Humility is a bridge.

Humbleness is a bridge.

Compassion is a bridge.

Understanding is a bridge.

A hand is a bridge.

A heart is a bridge.

A kiss is a bridge.

A kiss can be sweet, and it can also be bitter, but it can only be a kiss, if there is
meaning behind it.

The search for love should be the search for self.

When understanding others, you will need to first understand yourself.

Don’t wait to be last; if it must be, it must be; but do not wait, to be last.

The secrets of the heart are but the gates of the soul.

We guard our secrets in the hopes that they will guard us.

Tremble at love, tremble at greatness, tremble at the power of breakthrough.

The worth of some people simply can not be measured; while others’ simply can
not be either.

To be avoided, is to be shunned, ostracized; to be vanquished, vanished, and


Love is the rubber tire, bouncing on the bumpy road.

Have faith, have love, have hope; have mercy.

Constraint is a form of discipline; restraint, a form of slavery.

Persistence is the pebble in the shoe.

Gnaw away at the bone, the boulder, the mountain, and bore through.

Arriving is departing.

A smile says what you heart and soul feels.

Just as the clock ticks, so do the days of our lives; rounding midnight, hoping to
rise in the morning.

There can only be love or hate; those two fought for years, before tolerance came
along and gave birth to acceptance.

To be accepted, is to be rewarded, to be invited to the table; be cautious of the

meal to be served.

To know what love is, and to show what love is, is to grow what love is.

To grow what love is, is to show and to know what love is.

Creating is drifting, floating on the imaginative waves of reception, perception,

and then amassing that and them into a beautiful creation; a medley of assortments,
assorted and assigned, placed at the angles, perimeters and parameters of the endless
galaxy of thought.

The higher one goes, the easier life becomes.

Release the baggage of materialism, and gain the garment of consciousness.

When you leave this world behind, and one day you will, what will you have left

Always stay on the right road, the right path; don’t allow your wheel to be turned.

Steer clear of the potholes, of the rocks in the road; they’ll only take the air out of
you, and put you on flat.

Don’t underestimate karma; it’s quite clever.

Karma’s vengeful by nature; taking no prisoners.

The laws of the universe are unseen, but the objects in which they affect are
visible and obvious.

The affect that love has on a person, is a drunkenness, a teetering and a tottering.
Crying is the rushing waters, the river of regrets and sorrows, happiness
overflowing; love’s an ocean of salt.

The soul washes itself in more than just tears; it washes itself in sin as well.

Choose reality over fantasy, and not television.

When it’s time to stop, the clock will do so.

Time never stops, because it’s never existed; time is only a theory that we’ve been
made a slave to.

Keep going, forward, never backward, maybe side to side from time to time, but
let that be it, the extent of your wavering; doing so simply to steady oneself for the next
step forward. Now step. And then step again.

Most men are manipulated into marriage.

Robber today, killer tomorrow; of hearts, of souls, of dreams.

Robber today; killer tomorrow.

They may cut ties, but they never lose touch.

Good things come to those who wait, and even better things to those who do so

Stay in your lane, or get ran over.

A lot of times, we as readers make the mistake of thinking everyone else does as

The forked road; pain, happiness; right, wrong; leave, stay.

I’ve always wondered how a writer can be a writer without being a reader; and
hence, the wondering stops—because you can’t.

For a writer, reading is the fertilizer to the grass, the water to the grass, the
sunlight to the grass—and thus, you must read if you intend to grow.

If you don’t like reading, you’ll never love writing.

Words, are like the stars—beautiful, and amazing; especially when they’re part of
a constellation.

To know women, is to know love; and confusion.

As a man, you possess an innate power that you compromise when trying to win
the heart of a woman.

When you don’t know what else to say, I love you, works just fine.

The way I met you, is the way I kept you.

Life knows best.

To seek fame, is to seek to boil; I’d much rather maintain a slow bubble, a
simmering of sorts; never attaining fame, but always on the stove cooking.

I’d much rather my fame, if any, come posthumously; I don’t need to see my
flowers—they’re gonna die anyway.

If you’ve got to show everything, I already know you have nothing.

Darling, you’re looking desperate—put some clothes on.

There’s a thin line between sexy and desperate.

Never ask a narcissist a question about themselves, because they’ll never ask one
about you.

I can listen to a woman talk about her day, but I can’t listen to a woman talk about

To be called to write is of the noblest order; a responsibility, and a post to be held.

I find it amusingly funny, and quite telling, when a woman claims she can do a, b,
c, d, without the help or assistance (financial, explicitly) of/from a man, but, all this
changes, when you say, “Okay, since women are so independent now days, don’t need a
man, etc., even go so far as to keep their maiden names when getting married (and that in
and of itself, speaks volumes—she’s keeping her name, her identity, sheesh) then why
don’t women simply start buying their own engagement/wedding rings then??? See,
there it is—the silence of stupidity. Wait for it. Wait for it. Yup, there it is! The insane
double-standard of wanting to have their cake, and eat it too! C’mon already…stop being
yesterday’s woman, and today’s at the same time. Since you can do sooooooooooo
freakin’ much for yourself – then do that! And I’m being serious right now. Don’t start
being stupid with all of the reasons why that’s different, etc. Listen to yourselves…just
some of the most selfish people on God’s green earth. Seriously, it’s disgusting. Make
up your mind—either be the woman of yesterday (which ironically, most marriages
lasted longer, and lasted, period), or be the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T woman of today—
Trick, get yo’ mind right!!!
Never be governed by impulse.

Being fake’s a character flaw; being a liar’s a morality flaw.

Now, as a parent, you wonder just how many times your parent(s) used the ‘sick
kid’ excuse in order to miss work.

Sometimes I wish there was a shower monster for the vain.

Only when the mouth is quieted, can the heart and mind have a chat about the

Only when the mouth is closed, can the mind and the heart have a conversation
about the soul.

Life’s grandest moments are found in the stillness of meditation.

Steal away sometimes, and be one with the One.

The One, is always there; it is us, who’s unavailable most times, if not all.

Release yourself; stop waiting for others to do so.

Nobody can make you miserable—you simply choose to be.

Sulking in your own sorrows is the best way to drown the soul.

Soaking in your own sorrow is the best way to drown the soul.

Feeling sorry for yourself is just that—nobody else cares.

Victimitis; you hold the cure.

Stop being the victim, and the assailant.

The world owes you nothing, but it has plenty to offer.

Those who complain, won’t tell you the whole story.

Most people aren’t bad—and they aren’t good either.

The quest for attention will lead you down a dark path; and, to a dead end.

A selfie a day keeps insecurity away.

A selfie a day keeps insecurity at bay.

Loving yourself isn’t demonstrated through selfies.

Insecurity speaks volumes; and so do selfies.

Validation isn’t found through photos.

Validation will never come from likes; it will come from relationships.

When the soul is sick, the world can see it; selfies won’t show it, even though
they do.

Fighting for that which is wrong, won’t make it right.

When you’re wrong, admit it; it’s you you’re helping.

Don’t mistake commitment, for fidelity.

Commitment and fidelity are antonyms.

You can drive all day long, and still be stuck in the same place.

Shift into gear, drive already!

Move towards your goals, they won’t bite you.

Step out on faith, and find the stairway to heaven.

Tomorrow’s just the day after; it’s today, now, that means the most—seize it; the
captured flag.

Don’t think about it, just do it; and after you’ve done it, then think about it.

Keep it in context, don’t lose sight of things; know what’s important, and know
what’s not.

Strive as if you’re running against the wind; inhaling the very same thing that
wars against you.

The melody of words can be heard when read said or sped—up, or down, or,
even, slow.

To master the words, the language, the usage, the grammar, the punctuation, the
alliteration, the onomatopoeia, the pace, the flow, the tone, the setting, the beginning, the
ending, and everything in between—is to love writing, and to quest to do it well.
Writing is the blood of the heart, the mind, the soul; it is the essence of life itself,
blotted in ink.

Words without meaning, still have meaning.

Wordiness worthwhile wows the reader.

Rules are made to be broken; and still others, to be shattered.

Nothing shatters quite like a record; vinyl included.

Stop while you’re ahead, before you find yourself behind—bars even.

Castles of sand are castles of grain; both waiting to be soaked—be neither.

Lift the boulder of worry; toss it aside like a branch from the road, and continue
life’s magnificent journey.

See the birds, the sky, the clouds, heaven itself—and know that there is a God.

A writer must dedicate time to his craft, developing it, mastering it, and finally,
performing it.

Running circles around someone is nothing compared to writing circles around


Hold my hand, dance with me, and make sweet love to my soul.

Dancing is the soul stepping out for a bit.

Music speaks to the soul, and, to the lovers.

Make love, make music, and make them beautifully.

Stand tall in love, and with love, so that it may stand tall with you.

If you love someone, never give them a reason to question it.

How can you tell when someone loves you? You can’t, but your heart can.

If loves leave you empty, you never had it to begin with.

Love can be painful, and love can be damaging, but it can also be the best thing to
ever happen to you.

Falling in love, hurts, it’s when you fall out of love that kills you.
Staying together for the kids, is, staying together for love; if you’re honest with
yourself, you’ll agree.

It takes time to grow up, and a lifetime to find that you never will.

Don’t stop for the sake of others; they’d love for you to.

Continue to press the go button, even when the light turns red; never, ever, give

Reach for one branch at a time, one hand at a time.

You could stop being the victim, if you’d stop being the assailant.

Walk with you head held high, even if you have to close your eyes.

If you walk out onto the ledge, go ahead and jump—spread your wings and fly.

How many times must you fail before you succeed? Only you can provide the
answer to that.

There are times when confusion is the only thing that seems to make any sense.

Don’t run into the brick wall, walk into it; and then, through it.

Success can only be measured by you.

Success can only be defined by you.

Success is relative; succeeding is the prize.

The levels are finite, the ambition, infinite.

How many times must you fall in love before you get it right? The one time you
can’t get up and walk away.

When you fall in love, it’s soft and wet at first, but give it time, and it’ll be hard
and dry; water it.

Love, love itself, and it will love you back.

You can’t run forever. Sooner or later, love will corner you.

When love corners you, don’t fight; the sweetest of surrenders.

Surrendering to love, is the waving of the red flag.

Finding out that you were the only one in love, can be devastating—it can also be

Sometimes, the door through which to escape finds you—fate doesn’t knock, it
rings your doorbell.

When it’s meant to happen, it will; you will have affected little to nothing, only
that you are ready when it does.

The stars don’t have to line up, you simply do.

If you’re a star, then why is your light so dim?

It’s been said that the brightest of stars burn at the highest of degrees; I’ve met
some people with two or three who aren’t very bright at all.

Seeing what others can’t, is at times, blinding.

The line is blurred indeed, between a healthy mental, and an unhealthy mind;
genius can’t be too far away.

To peer deeper, is to appear deeper.

To see layers upon layers is to dig with the shovel of a curious mind.

If they tell you don’t worry about learning something, you’d better learn it.

To peer deeper, is to a peer deeper.

The mind ticks at the speed of light; it’s brightness and brilliance is astounding.

In the manic moments, great works are produced; this is said of the clinically
diagnosed schizophrenic.

Nonstop, they come, nonstop, I record, and nonstop, I continue.

The battery is full of energy, the mind is full of thoughts, and the pen is full of

Casting aside the negatives, isn’t throwing them away; it’s okay to look at how far
you’ve come in your development.

Brilliance is the beautiful flower; everything it needs has already been put inside
of it; blossom and bloom, to your fullest potential.
To think of things that others do not is normal; it’s the writing and publishing of
them that’s not.

To be told that you are different is the highest of compliments; and the sweetest of

Shield not your heart from the arrows of love, but instead, present it proudly.

Allow the arrow of love to pierce your heart, your being, and stagger down that

Being in love is like being in war; ducking and dodging death.

For the sake of love, and romance, court for a while.

Things have changed, people have changed, and yet, the old falls to the new.

There’s really no difference between the races, for they all take a certain amount
of pride in being so.

Where the big city ends, and the big country begins, that’s where you’ll find

Helping others is helping you.

Don’t overlook the overlooked; don’t look down when they look up.

Make things as well as you can, as best you can; for the scythe looms near always.

The clock may sound at any hour; and so might the trumpet.

Sip from life’s golden cup; don’t spill a drop.

Make the most of the time that you have, because soon you won’t have it; the
sands will have emptied through.

As the sands continue to pass through to the other side, we await our turn; our
turn to pass, our turn to leave.

Slipping on the fringe, is to teeter with greatness; to become one with the horizon,
and shine.

Take the good with the bad, the sugar with the salt; for it’s all just a part of our
everyday walk.
You’ll smile some days, cry on others, want to stay in, cocooned in covers; but,
this one thing, you must know for sure, that a smile and a hug, is a sick soul’s cure.

Dance to your own music, your own song; the world is your dance floor, go ahead
and cut loose.

Never allow the sandman to sack your dreams, nor anyone else pretending to be.

Without our dreams, without our nightmares, we’d sleep life away.

Crossing the lake, is crossing the street; welcome to the other side.

Too much of anything is indeed a bad thing; lessen your amounts, and lessons

Stay within your element, bounce within its boundaries, be the greatest thing since
helium and blimps.

The final act of love is death; to do so until so.

Loving is the beating of oneself with a feather.

Love will always be what we run to, and from.

Staying focused is staying aware; staying prepared.

Time will always be on our side, and eventually, behind our backs; indeed, we
simply leave it behind.

The keys are handed to you, and you drive, drive like you’ve never driven before,
weaving, turning, screeching, and you scream out to others to get out of the way as you
speed recklessly towards them, now slamming into them, mowing them down, one by
bumpy one, until you come to a stop, a crashing stop, the light post now bending, slowly,

Out of the tunnel is out into the light; the eyes’ most precious sight.

Hammering it out, is battling it out, the two of you together forever.

When the storms roll in, don’t roll out.

It’s okay to run away; and even better to walk away.

Don’t make a fool of yourself; you’ll regret it in your quiet time.

Kiss the morning on the lips, and wrap your arms around the sun, thank the Lord
God, for the new day has begun.

Brilliance is attainable through the portal.

It has been set before you, the plate, the fork and the spoon; the main course is on
its way.

No wealth, no voice.

Wealth is no good without the hoarding of goods and resources.

Having wealth is to be a proud hoarder.

The difference between the rich and the wealthy lies how high their piles of junk

To suffer is to starve, to starve is to eat, to eat is to be hungry, to be hungry is to

desire, and to desire is to suffer—and it continues in that manner.

I held the hand of love, and it held mine; for a minute, all was perfect, and in an
instant, all was not. I let go.

The power of love’s gravitational pull simply can not be measured

mathematically; but it can be measured in broken hearts.

Love’s the high-hanging cliff, and we, the willing diver.

Floating high above the earth, is where you can find those filled with love.

Love would be helium were it a gas; for it lifts us high into the air.

Writing nonstop is beautiful, and rewarding, and scary, and exciting, and quite
draining; and this without the mention of research.

Writing rules no longer apply; don’t believe me, just read some pop literature or
an e-book.

Writing, as with any other art, must be cultivated not only in the private
institutions, but the public ones as well; when we see one receiving more precedent than
the other, the overall conspiracy loses another hour of darkness.

If I write with words that you do not understand, should I simply not use them?
Should I speak in a language you’ve never heard? Or should I continue to be me, and run
my race, while the lanes beside me crumble with ignorance?
Loving the idea of love is a dangerous and detrimental deal; there’s much more to
it than you think.

Capturing a heart is the grandest of catches.

Capturing love, in its innocence, is priceless; the tainted has depreciated.

Hold the hand of love, and squeeze it, squeeze it as hard as you can.

Cut into the diamond that is life; carve out your desired design; mount it, set it,
and showcase it.

Mined from the earth, we are all precious gems.

Sparkle even when the sun’s not shining; remember, that’s when you can see the

Life is beautiful, and living it ugly isn’t pretty.

The fountain pours forth, hold out your hands, grab what you can, and drink.

To string together a pearl necklace of words, is to delight one’s eyes, and to

highlight the neck and above.

Staying put, is staying safe, staying safe, is remaining alive, remaining alive, is to
remain living, and to remain living, is staying put—and it continues in that same manner.

The wheels of logic literature, came to me one evening while sitting in reception
mode, obviously, and I tapped it out incessantly. After which, I read it, and a chill seized
me. I’d never seen, nor read, such a combination, a flow, such brilliant logic, strung
together in the wisest of ways—and neither had I ever written such.

Touching the surface of the sky, is but the beginning—now you must navigate

Go above and beyond twice, and it’ll be hard to come down.

Reach for the reasons that make sense to you; nobody else can make sense of you

Board the trumping train, the trumpeting train, for it flies fast on the tracks of
tomorrow, today, and yesterday.

Ride high, and ride low, there’s a bridge up ahead covered with snow; let us not
slip, and let us not slide, but let us keep riding both low and high.
Life, people, and luck, will always do you wrong, but never stop believing in
either of them.

Give all that you have once, and all that is you twice, and become the charm that
is the third time.

Love speaks in both silence and in volumes.

Don’t worry about finding love, if it’s meant to be, it’ll find you.

Don’t stress because love hasn’t arrived yet; you’re probably not dressed anyway.

To think that you are ready, is to assume that you are ready; to believe that you
are, is to know that you are.

Find a way to get through it all; the building dam of events now blocking your
day, your peace; kick at it, pound on it, hurl yourself into it, and move those limbs of

There are times when you’ll find yourself alone, trembling, shaking, afraid, on the
verge of collapse. These are the times when our porcelain souls can sense the elephant
approaching. These are the times when we realize that we are nothing. Nothing but

Still sailing forward, after having crashed on the shores of disappointment a time
or two. The resilient crew of perseverance and persistence. The sea claimed them not.

Bike forward, row forward, run forward; continue to move forward, for anything
moving in reverse, is going counter, counter to, and will struggle with certain futility at
the sheer strength and girth of the current.

When the music starts, dance; don’t be the last one to move to the groove.

Talk to people; it’s better than talking to yourself.

Seize those precious moments, those instants, when your heart and soul compel
you to act, speak, or even cry. Deny neither, their voice.

Love will always come around, even after we’ve run it off; the heart misses its
favorite tenant.

Housing love is inexpensive; it’s the renting out of it, that is.

Never loan out your love; and if you do, be sure to charge interest.

Love’s a stock; invest in it.

Write forever, and live forever; stop, and you die.

I’ve always believed in love, even when it seemed it didn’t believe in me.

Changing locations won’t change the location of your heart.

Moving from city to city isn’t the answer, it’s simply settling down that is.

Say what bubbles up, stops in the throat; get it out now. You’ll rue the day you
swallowed it back down if you don’t.

When the soul speaks, it usually does so in tears.

When the soul laughs, it usually does so in tears.

Loving yourself has nothing to do with photos; actually, that’s a symptom of the

You’re attitude is just that, yours—we don’t need it or want it.

To be with love, is to be with hate; to be with pain, and joy, and happiness and
suffering, confusion and clarity; to be with everything right, and to then be with
everything wrong. To never really know why, but to know that it was truly meant to be.

To escape love unscathed is impossible.

Love leaves the ugliest scars.

Love is a lion, a tiger, a bear, and a unicorn.

Measuring your success with someone else’s ruler will always leave you short.

If you stay in your lane, you’ll always run the perfect race.

Never show someone the door to your heart; if they’re interested, they’ll find it on
their own.

Believe in love again; give it a second chance to show you where you went

Don’t forget that love itself forgives.

See what’s not being said, and hear what’s being seen; you’re drifting apart.

Love sometimes keeps us from moving on; and so does co-dependency.

When it’s time to leave, do so; you know when the lights come on, the party’s

Men often fight over the most trivial of things, and women, over the most trivial
of men.

Romance is the courtship of the hearts; the souls’ representatives.

Race through life with your hands and arms held high—it’s a rollercoaster, isn’t

Ignoring the issues in the world, won’t make them go away; and ignoring me,
won’t make me go away either; try ignoring that rash, however—and see what happens;
do something about it.

Walking out on someone isn’t cool; and neither is walking in on them.

Know how to stop something before it gets started; turn the water off in the tub.

Rummaging through someone’s past, is only good for finding junk.

If you can’t trust them, then stop getting mad at them; you’re the problem.

Never stop believing in God; for the minute you do, you become the lost child at
the fair.

Take a walk sometimes, a long one; and travel the world.

When the thunder claps and rolls, and the lightening shines bright, know that the
rain, and then the sun, can’t be too far behind.

Hurry leads to worry.

Wealth is no good without the hoarding of goods and resources.

The wind whispers before it shouts, and howls before it screams.

They give you racism, so you won’t focus on the real problem: classism.

Just because you never admit your mistakes, doesn’t mean you never made them.

It’s okay to never admit to your mistakes; we know you made them.

Kill your ego, so the real YOU can live.

The ego is a demon that attaches itself to your soul at birth.

If you’re all about ego, then we’ll never know the real you—and neither will you.

Stop whining, you’re not the only one having a bad day.

It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you save.

The funny thing to me, is when the bombs start to fall how many people are going
to try and ‘unfriend’ reality? Or hover their mouse over it, to keep it out of their feeds.

People are fragile, even though most try and act unbreakable; hence, those who
frame themselves inside of a false reality, a glass bubble of sorts. Your reality will be
shaken, and soon, shattered beyond belief.

Dance with love, allow it to dip you; baptized in its sacredness; washed anew and
cleansed of all insecurities.

You know you’re in love when you lose sleep over someone.

I often struggle with have I lost my mind—or have I found it?

I find it interesting that those who justify the irresponsible spending of money on
the countless things they want with, “why not, you can’t take it with you,” missing the
fact that you can’t take any of that stuff with you either.

I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, ol’ Joel Osteen sounds just like me.

When people don’t appreciate or understand your work, now, it simply means that
you’re ahead of your time.

Not thinking deep enough, will always yield shallow results.

Never open a closed mind on Facebook, they’ll unfriend you or hide your posts,
so they can desperately keep it closed.

To peer deeper, is to appear deeper; and to appear deeper, is to a peer, deeper.

Don’t bring an opinion to a fact fight.

“Ralston, you have a profound way of making the absurd, sound plausible.”

Those starving for attention will always struggle with malnourishment.

I’m homeless without you, because your heart is my home.

Those starving for attention will always suffer from malnourishment.

Give her the world, so that she knows she’s your star.

Never ignore the gut; it’s trying to protect the heart.

The body speaks to its parts through aches and pains; much like the heart,
communicates with us.
Loving, is the soul, radiating warmth, extending its wide arms.

Speaking to a heart requires the language of love.

The lovers dance, hand and hand; a beautiful two step.

Shine only when necessary, only when required; all other attempts are feeble and

Shine only when necessary, only when required; all other attempts are weak and

Those who claw their way to the top, are animals—a beast, out for themselves.

Remember, on your way to the top, a layer of the true you changes; avarice’s
skeletal covering takes place.

In this age of avarice, the average becomes less, as the less becomes more.

Equations relating to words, should indeed be a form of taught mathematics;

assigning logic as logical terms and literary as well. I shall be its first professor.

I am not without mistake or misspeak, but I am without misery.

The rain sometimes comes without warming, a storm out of nowhere. Yet, we
somehow navigate the rough ocean, and continue sailing onwards towards shore.

Though the thunder booms loudly, and the ground beneath us shakes, we still
stand tall, ‘cause that’s all that it takes.

Slowing down the mind, long enough for it to think, is vital; hence the reason to
meditate while outside with nature.

Listen to the wind, what does it say? Listen to the leaves, what do they say?
Watch the clouds perform; what do they say? Listen to the sound of life, what does it
Gaining knowledge, perceived as wisdom, is of the ultimate of mistakes; for
knowledge takes an entire book to lie out and defend its contentions, while, wisdom, on
the other hand, does so in a sentence.

There are no shortcuts in life, so it’s been said, but I submit, there are many, and
the federal prisons are examples of that.

If I could literally drown in words, I would do so with a smile on my face.

Most writers are writers by trade, and thus they write forever in a “genre”. The
true writers, those called into being, bounce around, and even philosophy becomes
something of an outlet.

When you know what’s on the line, you’re even more eager to cross it.

Set out on the good path, and the good foot, so that good tidings may come your

Always try your best, and then try a bit more; we can never truly stop trying, if
we’re never to be called a quitter.

Those who quit, should not only walk away, they should run away.

Overcome, is not a form of quitting; it is the rational response to an overwhelming

of the human aspect.

Know when to exit stage left; never be the last actor.

Staying away from the detrimental, the poison that seeps through pores, it is of the
utmost importance if one wants to achieve all that is set before them.

Manage your money, your time, and your heart.

Taken prisoner by love; a kidnapping of the heart.

When the time is right, the time will let you know.

Don’t stay away too long; new grass does grow.

Don’t debit your love without credit being added.

Running as a kid, was different; it wasn’t for health and fitness reasons, it was
simply what you did.

I remember kindergarten, and the awe and fear of being in a classroom.

I remember making friends, and I also remember losing them.

There are friends that even Facebook can’t help us find.

The heart longs for love, the mind longs for understanding, and the soul longs for

The heart longs for love; the mind for understanding; and the soul for peace.

Spending time is the sharing of souls, the essence of creation.

Longing to be loved, is the appeal of the soul; a crying out without tears.

The deep pain, as wide as the oceans; engulfing the heart, soul and mind.

Love is the only true answer.

A distant and disturbed heart needs time to return to its ordinary orbit; give it
some space.

Take a walk sometimes and listen to the whisper of the wind; it’s not what being
said, it’s what’s being heard that means the most.

Be present when it’s time to receive your award; and likewise, your reproof.

To learn, is to grow, to grow, is to mature, to mature, is to change, and to change,

is to learn—and it continues in that same manner.

Holding the hand of the person you love is a feeling beyond words; proudly
clasping, grasping at their soul.

Writing is the fluidity of thought, with an occasional pause to allow traffic to flow

Touching the sky, is walking on air; the clouds, the steps to heaven.

The book of love has many authors; the best are unpublished.

It often hurts when we fall down; and even more if we decide to stay there.

The beauty of the written word can not be described by the written word; for it
can only be felt, just as the soul feels music.

Reading words and feeling emotion demonstrates the connection we have with
God; for they do indeed have power, and we know that He has all power.
The soothing sounds lap at our ears, lulling us to sleep.

The methodical cadence of a beautiful ballad; both slow and intense.

Twirling as two, tied together with a telepathic tethering, twisting into twine
intertwined; tomorrow, and today.

A lover’s quarrel, a lover’s spat; it should remain at that, and never escalate.

They keep pushing because it’s all they know, all they’ve ever been taught. How
do you tell a kid with nothing to lose, to lose? You can’t. And you shouldn’t even try.

The rushing waters come sometimes to cleanse, and sometimes to clean, but
always, always with a purpose.

When in the midst of a flood, if you can, find a tree to climb; climb higher, and
higher, and still yet even higher, and hang on for dear life; life’s currents are the

Hold steady to love, and love will hold steady to you; it is yours to lose.

Embrace the day, the moment; seize it with both hands immediately, and do not
let it breathe until you say so.

Tighten your grip on things, on yourself; hold yourself accountable.

To roll like a ball is to do so nonstop, to turn head over heel again and again; to be
in love.

Since love is the one thing that the heart seeks, it is only essential that the soul
seek companionship as its equal.

Toughen the leather, sharpen the sword; the battle is at hand.

Never fight against a friend, or a foe; only those ideals, which are forced upon

Keep the gun near, and the knife in hand; take a stand, take a stand, take a stand.

Plunging into the abyss, we shouted and screamed, those of us who’d woken up.
We were few in number, initially, and grew; but the majority never did. These are the
words that will assist you in your victory.

Tangled in the web of the world, the maze of material, surrounded by the beep
and ting of the cash registers.
Turn back the hands of time, turn back the evil that is globalism, turn back the
clock; do so with conviction, courage, and cause.

Look beyond that which is offered, see the hidden in plain sight, and view the
messages being conveyed.

There are many dimensions, all of which are active together, yet separately; the
veils between worlds.

Always look a bit deeper, for therein lays the truth; buried beneath the lies.

When you’re sure of love, you’ll do the unthinkable.

Love is its own spell; cast in the hearts of romantics.

A beautiful evening together; savoring our time, as we savor each other.

Stop being the victim; you can solve your own crimes.

Stop being the victim; and the perpetrator.

Of all the emotions, anger is the most rebellious.

Do not trust anger, it will betray you every time.

Rowing across the lake, is running through life; never stop the action.

They will never know the temperature at which you boil, the deep chill of your
freeze, but this one thing is for certain, they’ll feel your summer breeze; for lovers only.

To lovers the world over, do us all a favor and please make it last; destroy

There are things that are beautiful, and things that are breathtaking—be both.

Staying together is spitting in the face of the devil.

It will get rough, it will get tough, and it will get better.

If your train jumps the track, you’re probably going too fast.

I never stopped to ask for directions, I simply walked and walked and walked; and
that’s when I realized I was lost, in love.

Once the vine of love has been severed, it wilts, and does so at its own pace.
Love is the succulent fruit, sweet, juicy, and sometimes bitter and unripe.

Picking love is similar to the picking of fruit; it must be ripe, of the proper hue
and firmness, and pleasing to the eyes.

Casting a net for love will leave you with many holes; a single line will do.

The fast car of love, speeds along with no brakes; which is the very reason why
most hearts end up broken.
Dancing with words, to the melody of the keys, staccato, decrescendo, crescendo,
crescendo, crescendo; moving with style and grace, and rhythm and speed, swaying back
and forth; while pirouettes whirl like winds whipped up in a whisk; and twirl, and twirl,
and twirl.

Trying to outrun life only leaves you out of breath and near death.

Being in love is being in bliss, being in the warmest rays of the sun.

Learn to love based on another human being raging against the machine, and not
our many differences.

The noose is tightening, the pinch is getting stronger, the doors are being
slammed shut; the furnace is being turned up.

The signs of the faltering are all around us; the crumbling continues unabated; the
iron-gray clouds roll in.

The dollars are being pushed back, as they are being pushed down; as we are
being pushed back and down.

Things have certainly changed; everything has changed; man has changed.

A world devoid of love and blinded by deceit can only implode.

When love finds you, it does so because it has chosen to live; it must be housed
within a heart.

Our love has been deemed illegal, our actions ill-conceived; be with me through
them all, through it all.

If you still see race, you’re outdated.

The new and improved you, shouldn’t react to the same triggers that you once
did; gain control of the loss of control.

Love without reserve, love without regret, love without restriction.

Always be ready to help; for you would hope the same, in the event you need it.

Testing the waters is ultimately testing your own faith; you’re not sure, so you
want to make sure; this will strengthen yours, is the subconscious science behind it.

I continued to write, to push forward, never stopping, never ceasing. It was my

release, my calling, my passion, my pleasure. It was my everything, and everything was
my writing. I would for hours, sit and write and type and tap; loving it, loving what
flowed, what came out. Thoughts, emotions, ideals, poems, stories, arguments, articles,
all of which contained words. Wonderful, magnificent words.

I fell into love with words as a young lad; I’m sure as a toddler even. Fascinated,
entranced, encapsulated. Their meaning, and meanings, their pronunciations,
enunciations. Their melodies sang when strung together brilliantly, beautifully,
magnificently. Words, a world of wonder.

Tossing aside the chalice, it clanged against the brick of the fireplace; he stood
from the table with spring, declaring, “I am the owner of this house, the king of this
castle!” And just as soon as he’d stood and said such, he crashed back down into the
chair. Asleep within seconds of his actions.

Our happiness is contingent on peace. And only in peace, can one truly be happy.
We can give ourselves a temporary high, a false peace, in countless ways with countless
efforts. But, only when the mind, body and soul, are at peace, can true happiness be felt
and experienced, and beyond those, sustained.

I can run into tomorrow, or I can walk into tomorrow; I can rush or take my time;
such is the key to life, and the many doors it can open.

Apply a key when the door seems locked; listen for the click.

The key to love is to do so from the heart.

The key to wisdom is to listen to life.

The key to knowing is to always seek.

The key to forgiveness is to know that you are forgiven.

The number of keys is infinite; as are the number of doors, as are the number of
questions, as are the number of answers.

The key to healing is to stop hurting

The key to growing is to keep learning.

The key to learning is to be teachable.

The key to transcendence is the application of the keys.

A set of keys is the most powerful thing to possess; for with them, you can unlock
and open any door you desire.

To stop short of the goal, is to miss the mark; to trail-off there at the end.
A constant pounding, a chiseling away at the rock, anything that moves you
forward towards your goal, is good. Know this and employ this; move mountains.

The insurmountable, the unthinkable, the undoable, done. And done quite well at

Do you not see it, the painting now hanging before you, before us? It is a grim
one. But, yet and still, it is a real one. We must confront it, we must deal with it, and we
must overtake it.

Run not into the arms of confusion; instead seek out the eyes of clarity.

Do you now see what can not be seen; are you familiar with the boundaries of
light and love, honesty and truth? If so, then live it, love it, be it, become it, spread it,
and most importantly, embody it.

Keep your head up, your chin up, your spirits up; for even when the seas get
rough, you must keep your head above water, skillfully.

The rush, the quick response, the conclusion leapt to; it is what it is, as the
premise to which to continue moving forward rapidly, aggressively. Gingerly; softly, take
it, love it, need it, want it; it is there now in your hand; only you know its worth.

To wander the streets is to wonder why; come into the house of transcendence,
and know all that there is to be known.

Figuring out the whole world is quite easy—the question becomes, do you really
want to?

And I, the voice of reason, substituted for foolishness, stupidity, and ignorance;
they no longer wanted to hear what was right, but instead, starved to hear that which was
wrong. They were lost, and did not want to be found. Not just a few of them, but a great
many of them, if not all of them, had chosen to tune out the truth, and gave gleeful listen
to the monster that lurks in the dark. He had no choice but to destroy mankind once
again—and He did.

History records two types of people: heroes and villains.

The root of all confrontation is insecurity.

Never be afraid to speak your mind; but don’t betray it by being inarticulate.

The root of all confrontation is insecurity; and in, security.

And never were they so proud of being brain-dead shitheads; lovers of pop
The worst prison to be in is the one where everyone else around you is okay with
the dumbing down of America; because they’re dumb, and want to be surrounded with
more dumb people. They no longer teach cursive writing, and there are dummies that are
okay with it. Here in Texas, they’ve voted to no longer make Algebra II, a required
course for a regular High School diploma, and the dummies love that too. Soon, the day
will come, just as back during the slave days, when those of us who do possess this
knowledge, will indeed have to go underground with it, in order that it not be lost entirely
to the general population and held only by those with “superior affluence”. Start making
your choices now, idiots, and stop being an accomplice to your own demise, and the
generations that will come after us. Idiots, idiots, IDIOTS! Truly, you are not worth the
air you breathe. Go somewhere and die already.

The most self-centered people, are the ones who unfriend people simply because
they don’t drink your kool-aid and agree with everything you say (as if Facebook was
really, truly, all yours to yourself—stupid). The most ignorant people, are the ones who
think that just because their settings are private, they truly have privacy (boy, are you

We must be careful, and mindful, that while we choose to create our very own
positive environment(s), by blocking out what we may perceive as negatives, be it from
life or from people, we’re not also closing our hearts to the plights of others. Reality isn’t
always negative, sometimes, it’s simply called life.

You read too much Bro.

Creating our very own reality, can be beautiful. Tuning out the negatives,
focusing only on the positives. However, in doing so, we must be careful that we are not
being self-centered and apathetic. Life is a ying and yang, night and day kind of thing.
We can never truly have all sun, or never truly have all rain. The danger in trying to
create a positive-only environment, is that we set ourselves up for disappointment;
because that’s just not “humanly” possible. If we create a positive-only environment,
then where is the balance in that? Where is the leveling off, so that overheating does not
occur, or that one does not bump their head on the sky, as you continue to soar high in
your “positive environment”? Life itself, will hurl you a negative, just so that it keeps
you grounded, just so that it knocks you back down to earth, just so you can relate, to,
being human. If we create a positive-only environment, what are we then doing to keep
the balance, which life itself, hands us, daily? Are we serving, through the service of
servitude; are we donating our time, efforts, talents, money, etc., to those, who are in a
negative state; the homeless, the domestically and physically abused, the afflicted? Are
we helping to build a new home, a new room, a new fence, for someone who’s in a
negative position, unable to turn the corner to a positive position? What are we doing, so
that we not only maintain balance, but that someone else receives that balance as well?
We must truly be careful in and of, creating our very own positive environments and
realities. I mean, after all, the world wasn’t created just for us as individuals anyway, or
was it?

It’s a philosophy thing—you wouldn’t understand.

It’s a philosophy thing—you should read more.

Being wordy’s a philosophy thing—you wouldn’t understand.

If you’re okay with using words with one or two syllables to communicate, that’s
cool. But don’t get mad at other people who use (and know the meanings of) multi-
syllable words (especially when they use them to communicate with you in front of
people—and a lot of people at that).

I’ve never found dumb, attractive, although I have found it quite amusing.

Those of us, who seek a deeper understanding of things, are often ridiculed for
doing so. As if, a more thorough understanding is a bad thing. What if the engineer who
modeled and designed your car, didn’t think deeper about your brakes, your lights, your
steering, your handling, your control; add to this, in varying weather conditions, with
varying tread conditions of your tires, at fast, slow, and medium speeds, the pads of your
brakes, their condition and so forth and so on? It’s amazing how you don’t even “think”
that deep about things, but you have an appreciation of those who obviously do, and have
(or else you wouldn’t hop in your car and start to drive it, figuring it to be safe). It’s okay
to think, and to do so, deeply. You’ll often find that you’re in some great, if not
brilliantly genius company, when you do.

You’ll find that as you travel your path in life, and you get deeper and deeper into
understanding, and those around you begin to call or consider you “deep” because of this
“light of understanding”, the “shallow” around you, will take issue with this. When you
encounter them, just know it is because of these three things: emotionally, it is jealously;
psychologically, it is a cry for attention; and spiritually, it is a plea to be a passenger
alongside you.

Don’t pick up strangers when you’re on your path to enlightenment—they’re

simply trying to make you crash.

Be leery of those who seek to gain trust immediately; it is a ploy, a decoy.

Our greatest distractions are ourselves.

Pushing buttons may be fun for a time, but sooner or later you’re going to push
the one with a spring and a glove attached.

He who controls the checkbook wears the pants.

Your inability to connect the dots is what leaves you in the dark.

Do you think connecting the dots, is something that ALL people are capable of, or
only a certain few? Therein lies the difference; in thinking, intellect, and logic.

Slow down so your soul can listen.

I don’t have haters, I have detractors. The difference, of course, is that one seeks
to undermine based on insecure ego, the other, on inferior intellect.

We’re living in an age where people post pictures of the food they’re eating while
others starve.

Life is best lived with others in mind first; service unto others, assisting

Take the time to reflect, to inflect; it assists with identifying your defects.

Being humble’s a good thing, a noble thing. It’s the true civility in a civilized

Don’t fret the bad, and don’t befriend the good. In time, they will both switch

If for nothing else, do it for right.

Don’t let right die.

To return in time, to a memory, a moment, an instant in and of time; to cherish

and savor it, miss it; to feel that very tug, tugging at the strings of your soul. We can
travel back in time. We just can’t stay there.

Wrapped in love, is wrapped in warmth; held within arms tightly.

Even when the music stops, continue to dance—for we never know when it will
be our last one.

In the heat of it all, stay cool, chill out. Control the thermostat on your heater.

Hold her hand, if she means anything to you.

The deepest in love, will remain there.

The deepest in love, will remain there. Those with that which is shallow, shall
soon wash ashore.

The deepest in love, will remain there; and those with that which is shallow, shall
soon wash ashore.

Love is the bridge between bays; seas of ups and downs, washing ashore,

When tasked with the unthinkable, the unimaginable, perform the unsuspecting;
mesmerize, astonish and amaze, and leave a lasting impression.

Today is the first day of the race of your life; set out with a purpose, set out with a

There can never be an excuse, a reason as to why; the only thing that should be, is
that it was.

Reaching for the stars, is reaching for the heavens; pushing the planets aside,
reaching for the hand of God.

When you’ve got a good thing, even though most times you don’t always show it,
take care of it. Appreciate it. Love it. Keep it.

Tomorrow’s just a day away; hang in there.

Don’t be so quick to quit.

Be seaweed, and sway with the tide.

I play alone, in the jungle gym of my mind, the sandbox of solitude.

It all comes back, everything does. It’s just the way it is, the way it’s set up. This
for me, again, proves there’s something greater than mankind; because man is incapable
of establishing the law of truth; which is set in motion by honesty. That the truth stands
and a lie does not, is a law, a law that can not be made by man; and can not be argued to
be relative, without such arguments being pure nonsense. Truth is what we cling to,
what, and Whom, we will be judged by.

Move with a controlled keenness, a precise precision, knifing your way through it
all. Become soluble, one with it, meld with it; allow a fusion to occur. And from that
fusion, liquidity will be your enhanced state; balance and equilibrium, achieved.
When you feel the tension of a negative day, the energy fields building,
counteract them by embracing them, and not warring against them. Know that you are
human, and that this is a part of being human. Understand that this is the balance for that
good day, that awesome day, that amazing day. The tide is both high and low, the valley
its twin. We must envelope them both; compressing their energy; and thusly converting
it to positive.

We’ve all been rubbed the wrong way, so let’s just brush it off the next time we
are. There’s no need to water it with confrontation; nothing good grows from that

Start the day with a smile, a bubbling joy, an intense love of life; and dance the
day away!

Bubble with joy, bubble with happiness, bubble with love—simply bubble!

I’ve never had swag; I’ve always maintained a player’s persona, and thus, my

She’ll only respect your inherent power, as a man, before she respects any other
“power” that you may possess. Understanding your power is understanding your ability,
and understanding your ability is understanding your potential.

I no longer listen to atheists, and their arguments. I no longer listen to those who
simply think that twenty-four hour news coverage, is simply highlighting a preexisting
condition of society, and not showing a marked increase in it. In fact, I no longer listen
to anybody who chooses to empower evil; with such blindness, and lack of logic,
empathy, history and prophecy, that they give their very energies to its all-encompassing
growth as it continues to suffocate our schools, churches, communities, and dare I say,
local, state, and federal governments as well. I no longer choose to listen to foolishness,
which comes, from fools; because I know evil exists, and it is growing exponentially,
plain and simple.

I no longer listen to, or have conversations with, people who are affiliated with
political parties. If you’re still affiliated with a political party, you too, are the problem,
and will soon be the target of the very same animosity, anger, frustration, and contempt,
that has blossomed into the anti-globalist movement that is currently simmering and
bubbling across this nation, underground. Do you know what happens when pressure
underground reaches unsustainable levels? Listen, again, there is a movement, building,
and moving, underground, that will soon come to forefront like never seen before. The
movements in Mexico and Egypt, even those of Europe, will pale in comparison. Choose
ye this day, to abandon your political party, and join the one movement that matters most.
Do so, or die so. And this, is not a joke.

The revolutions are not being televised, they are being streamed.
Just because you’re published, trust me, it doesn’t mean you can write well; or in
some cases, at all.

Just because you’ve made the best-sellers list, doesn’t mean you can write well—
it simply means you were promo’ed within the industry, and quite possibly, sold your
soul. You’ll write for the rest of your life, until your fingers and joints become knobby
and grotesque. Remember, you made a deal, signed a contract.

I’ve found that most African-American authors, are told to be “less-wordy” (and
their works show this), while other races are actually encouraged to do/be so. I don’t
think it takes a genius to figure out why.

Every performance is an audition.

I often hear people who say change is good. I’m sure the Native Americans
would wholly disagree.

Be better than the next person, and less than them at the same time.

Thirst for the new; be curious and explorative; find the hidden gems of life.

The gems of life are hidden along the daily path—find them, and be free.

To find one of life’s hidden gems, requires that all three eyes be open.

To find the hidden gems of life, you’ll need to keep all three eyes open.

The gems of life, and the pearls of wisdom they offer, will enrich your being
beyond measure.

To hold a pearl of wisdom, is to celebrate a gem of life.

Pearls and gems are life’s most precious stones.

To cultivate a pearl, takes time; such is the season of wisdom.

When wisdom is ripe, it will taste so.

To drink from the fountain of wisdom, is to quench the thirst of the soul.

The journey to wisdom, is both a hike and a stroll.

Don’t ever trade what you possess for what you want.

To climb a tree requires both effort, and imagination.

Even when the sun doesn’t shine, you should.

Reflect the light; for darkness cannot be.

Touch a heart, a soul, a mind even; inspire and compel.

Seek ye the boundaries, and then seek to cross them.

The stopping point, is but the beginning of the next leg of the journey.

Push the boulder from the path; do not stress, do not fret, simply breathe.

There are two worlds; one for those who are asleep, and one for those who are

Science itself often casts doubt on its own discoveries, such as the true size,
nature, organ functionality and skin density of dinosaurs; and yet there are those who
believe in it over the belief of an omniscient, omnipotent God. It’s much easier, and
smarter, to believe in God. Science is when mankind attempts to discover, and discredit,
God at the same time.

Secrets are the friends, and enemies, of our integrity.

Why is it that when a kid is bad, parents seldom look at themselves as the reason,
but when a child is good, excels, etc., the parent takes credit for doing a wonderful job?

Warning: Critical thinker on board.

Do it for your audience, and your audience alone. There will always be
detractors, people peeping in to pick apart your presentations; but don’t pay them any
attention. You have an audience, who simply needs to hear what you have to say. Do
you, for you, and, for them.

My kids expressed that they didn’t like the changes to the kitchen. Said it robbed
them of their childhood memories. There was a time when the only thing stable in their
lives, was that kitchen. The pain they must’ve felt then, and now. I know their souls, I
know their hearts, and now, I know their minds.

Since when did telling the truth, become misconstrued as hate?

I travel with my face facing tomorrow; I look back for no one, and for nothing.
My vindications have all come full circle; my enemies, have been slain.

Through the muck I have come; the mud has slid away, been washed away—I am
clean, and whole.
They lied on me, all of them. Not a one can say they did not. Again, they are
liars, so if one says they did not, have not, had not, by their own definition, they have;
because they are liars.

I was stoned, hacked and hewed; pierced. And yet, I live—triumphantly.

To my left, and to my right, there lies the lies, and there lies those who tried to
slay me, but are now, slain.

The ears perk for gossip, and their hearts conspire to slander.

I stepped out, over, and on, standing—tall.

When you have arrived, you will find it has nothing to do with landing.

In the end, they were slain. All of them. The lies, and those who told them.

The more you slander me, the brighter I become; the more you hate me, the more
love I begin to encompass; the more you vilify me, the more celebrated I become.

They don’t want to know you; they just want to know your business.

There are only two things that define what being a man truly is. The first is to
always hold yourself accountable, and the second, is to always take care of your
responsibilities. Do those two things and you are a man—regardless as to what others
may say.

Two things, and two things only define a man: accountability, and responsibility.
Hold yourself accountable, and take care of your responsibilities. Do those two things,
and you are a man—regardless as to what others may say.

And they were hoarded, and herded, into the cattle pen of corporate America; this
degree, that degree, these degrees; and still no education, no success, and no happiness.

They’re incapable, because they’ve been incapacitated.

To know peace, is to know God.

To have peace, is to have God.

We’ve all felt the presence of God. Some call it chills, some call it a lump in their
throat, others a voice in their head, something in the pit of their stomach; he’s tried
everything; knocking on your door, ringing your phone, even writing you a letter. But,
this one thing is for certain—we have all felt the presence of God, at some point in time.

You can almost keep your drums. Give me some strings and horns, and MAN—
that’s music!

This is my essence, my core, my being. A scribbling scribe.

Many may claim to write, and many may claim to be a writer, but to be a scribe,
one must first be appointed.

A scribe and a writer are two totally different things.

With each new piece of legislation that passes, their souls turn a new shade of

I’m in your life for a reason. You’re in my life for a reason. Chances are
however, that while I know the answer to both, as to why, you have no clue as to either.

Run your race, at you very own pace; pay no attention to those who are merely
taking up space. They will laugh at you, they will mock you, and yes, they will talk
behind your back; but this one thing is for certain, it is you, who owns the track.

To walk through life; the most thrilling and dangerous of all rollercoasters. To
walk though life; the most beautiful and dangerous of all parks.

You run, you leap, you land. And you leave your mark.

Become master of your emotions, and captor of your insecurities.

Be sure to lend a hand; but remember you only have two.

To visit another place, another time, music helps in setting the tone, and, in
fueling the journey.

To fly over the cuckoos nest, is to round the sun; to venture to the outer limits,
and to sprint back to the inner limits.

Clarity of mind and spirit, is what gives the key to open the door; and what stands
behind it, is the bright and brilliant light of infinite wisdom. Behold, you are now

Clarity of mind and spirit, is what gives the key to open the door; and what stands
behind it, is the bright and brilliant light of infinite wisdom.

To pierce through the darkness with a dart of white light; to slice through the lies
with the sword of infallible truth; in such that good, triumphs always, over bad.

Always know that you are always being watched; and not by cameras.
It continues to spin, the world, but it stopped a long time ago. There’s only a few
of us who’ve noticed however.

Catching the heart of a person, blowing in the wind especially, is a most difficult
task. And if and when that you do, you just may end up wishing that you had allowed it
to continue doing so.

To have studied all the greats, both past and present, having mastered their
strengths and their weaknesses, having beaten and molded and shaped their styles and
voices into a cast, and placed myself within it, extracting myself a time later, now
embodying the aforementioned, now is the aforementioned, here, and forevermore,
preserved, in a single man, a single soul, a single writer.

To sail on, regardless of the seas and the tides; to crest with the waves both high
and low; to float your boat gently down the stream; to sit serenely on the shores of

Combat your enemies, your fears, your insecurities; but do not combat love.

Befriend love, and be a loyal one.

Love is the marshmallow, soft and chewy, sweet and mushy.

In the end, we’re all reminded that we’re human.

For all that is perfect, the human is forever flawed.

Do you know what it’s like to tell someone they’re going to die? Do you know
what it’s like to explain to someone just how it’s going to happen? Do you know what
it’s like to see what others can not see? Do you know just how deep the river of denial
runs? The average American, filled with his pompous arrogance, on the one hand
believes in the bible, but does not believe in what the bible says about America on the
other. He or she believes in their great military, and trusts that because of it, America
will not fall. But, this very same American overlooks the verses in the bible that speaks
of your chariots and horses not being able to prevent this particular onslaught, for it is
indeed, supernatural in origin and directive. The average American believes in the
prophecies of old that came to pass of cities and nations being overrun by foreign armies,
invaded and destroyed, but when pressed with the factual knowledge and information,
supported by the bible and its prophecies of the future, of a particular end-time super
power being brought to its immoral knees, they turn away, and say, no, that prophecy
right there, is not true, and beyond that, it does not speak of America. As we speak, as I
type, as you read, Iranian naval ships are fast-approaching the eastern coast of the United
States. Now again, you’ll see that pompous arrogance (and some of you even reading
this will demonstrate it almost without thought, based upon on your American
indoctrination that you’ve received since a child old enough to recite a pledge) arise and
declare out of fear, that those ships can and will do nothing to us. Again, the signs are all
around, the first three seals have been opened, and the fourth awaits. Ye shall all soon be
shaken. Do you know what it’s like to tell someone they’re going to die?

Those around you most, will be blinded to and towards your new identity. Once
you’ve shed the old you, they will not see the new you; only those who will encounter
you thereafter, will truly see the new you. Those who knew you before, will cling to the
old you, because it allows them to be okay with the old them, the current them. To
acknowledge a new you, is to acknowledge an old them, a current them; one that has not
changed, has not evolved, has not come into becoming, in order to have became. The
new you is a reminder of their inability to become, new. Be the new you, and ignore the
old them.

For those of you who are familiar with the Word, then you know exactly what
“the light”, “the bridegroom”, and “the bride”, represents. And now read what
Revelation 18:23a, says about Mystery Babylon, America: 23 And the light of a candle
shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall
be heard no more at all in thee.

Security within a relationship is priceless.

When we love, we understand that trust is the net that catches us.

When we love, we understand that joy is for certain, pain is a given, and
happiness is up to us.

To be content, is to be settled; never mistake it with settling.

If you ever wonder about a person’s need for validation, just look at the things
they amass.

Some of the best conversations should always be with yourself.

Save souls; don’t worry about filling the pews.

Some of the fullest churches are also some of the most empty.

The larger the congregation, the greater the need for repentance.

The biggest churches have the biggest hypocrites.

A large congregation, equals a whole lot of sinners.

If you don’t know your pastor personally, you’re at the wrong church, period,
point blank.

Large congregation = truth not being preached.

Small congregation = truth being preached.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist; I just debunk the official news.

If you live long enough, you’ll see something that nobody else ever has.

We’re only here for a minute—so let’s make every second count.

The one thing I miss most about being married is having to tell my wife where
I’m going, what I’ll be doing, and what time I’m coming home. *snicker*

The one thing I miss most about being married is arguing about money and sex.

The one thing I miss most about being married is watching the game with the
other husbands on holidays, and watching all of the wives act is if they’re this way every
single day; i.e., fixing your plate, smiling, zero attitude, and they can talk to the other
women about their work week, leaving me free of blah, blah, blah, blah. *snicker*

The one thing I miss most about being married is having to listen to my wife’s
workday…every single day. *snicker*

The one thing I miss most about being married is listening to other people who
are married talk about how they’ll never do it again. *snicker*

The one thing I miss about being married is being cut off from time to time.

If you think anything can go viral without the help of the NSA, you’re an idiot.

It’s okay to dream…just know that you’ll eventually have to wake up.

Happiness will never be found through pursuit—it’s found while remaining idle.

To pursue happiness, is to already be left behind.

If you’ve got to pursue happiness, you’ll never catch it.

When endeavoring the pursuit of happiness, it’s best to have it already.

The pursuit of happiness is an oxymoron.

To be published is not the feat; to move a soul, is.

It’s not the haters that should concern you; it’s those double-agents known as

Love, laughter, and tears; the three universal languages.

And my family and friends, had turned against me. Even my co-workers. But I
was ready. I was born ready. For just as my Lord told me they would deliver me up
before councils (Matthew 24:9-10), I stand ready to be done so. For the fulfillment of
God’s word, is my punched-ticket into the Kingdom of Heaven. I am ready, Lord…I
have done as you have asked, and warned the people of Your coming.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, all that love this sinful land of Babylon America. If you a true
child of the Living God, then you have indeed heard His voice, His call to come out of
her, Revelation 18:4. If you are not a child of God… - ralston sterling

The inflation rose, just as the flood waters did during the great deluge; the
chickens had come home to roost, finally. The average American, “main street
American” to be exact, was now witnessing the judgment of God. Their arrogance, their
selfishness, their greed, their hubris, their foolish, folly-filled pride, now choking them,
suffocating them, asphyxiating them. And they had deserved it. Each and every single
one of them, had deserved it. For the blood of innocents around the world, did they have
on their hands, their arrogant “can’t happen to us” hands; and the gnashing of the teeth,
had begun. The day of recompense, is now at hand.

It is a magnificent tug of war, indeed…that of being tempted, that of temptation.

But, rather than me pull, or be pulled, I simply let go; and I, have won.

The saddest person to see, is the one who mistakes misery for love.

Misery may love company, but it seems to be head over heels for most lovers.

In the end, it was all too simple to begin with.

They didn’t care. It was sickening to see. They didn’t understand, that sanctions
on a country were an act of war by the New World Order, that Russia was now being
treated like Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Mali, and the list tails on. Docile Americans
unaware of the Russian bombers now flying along the pacific coast, with others spotted
coming over the Artic. The docile Americans and their outdated military equipment;
Russia has seven different uniforms, all with no insignia. No more AK-47, it’s the AK-
74 with armor-piercing rounds; this ain’t the Taliban, son. Soon, the docile American
will be shaken to his very core.

You must be very careful, if deciding to engage a wasp. For it is small, very
small, when compared to man. But its sting, oh yes its sting, will bring a man a down—
way down.
When entering into the cage, or den, of a lion, know first, that you are indeed,
prey—and you shall be eaten alive. Such is the same, when entering into the arena of
debate and discussion, with the skilled intellect. Can you first formulate, then articulate,
and yet still, communicate, not just persuasively, but with such overwhelming factorial
alignment and assault, as to leave that and those who challenged you, impotent, non-
functioning, disheartened and destroyed? Are you capable of achieving such, when such,
comes into your space, your quarters, your territory? Be aware of those who seek out
prey; be ready to pounce on them, and feast.

Don’t just turn down, turn off.

The keys to wisdom are found in the bible. And much more even, the esoteric,
not the exoteric. Hence, having eyes to see, and ears to hear. For without those, you will
only see the exoteric; the esoteric remains hidden from you, and to you.

And I was a child again. Running across the field laughing and smiling, and
calling out the names of my brother and cousin.

You do not know how close we are because you keep watching the news on your
television. Go out to the internet and you’ll find out just how close we are.

I tried to tell them, warn them. But, just like in the movies, we were the “crazy”
people. Now, sadly, they are the crazy people…and they, have lost their minds.

To transcend is to leave here; and by default, to leave those behind.

Transcendence is the flying away, the scaling of the tree; the Redwood tree.
Here, in the Redwood tree, the birds, squirrels and others, are my friends. I sup with
them, talk with them, laugh with them, and cry with them. And one of the most
astounding things they have shared with me, while up in the Redwood tree, is that
everything was fine until mankind was placed upon the earth. They even handed me a
bible, and told me to open it up to Genesis, the first book. I did so. And when I had done
so, they went over each of the days of creation, pointing out, how things were good, very
good, up until mankind came. And when mankind came, it all changed. Everything.
Yes, in the Redwood tree, where I transcend and steal away from the restless, selfish
world, I am one with them. One with my friends. And they accept me, because they
know my soul. That it is as peaceful as they are, and as peaceful as the world was before
mankind was placed upon it.

The soul is the writer; the person merely the scribe.

To be intelligent is to know when not to be.

Push forward, even when they call you crazy.

Why or how would they understand you? They don’t even understand

See the clouds, the rain, the sun, and the moon; see the new day.

To seek attention, is to seek a serum for the soul; more than likely, you will find
snake oil.

Healing comes through forgiveness; and heaven comes through forgetting.

To live in the real world, is to live alone; to know alone, to be alone.

To chase money is the endless pursuit of misery.

To chase money is to neglect all that matters; and to then try and explain that it
was all done for them.

I will never sign a contract; for in and on that day, you are owned; your soul
belongs to someone else.

It is better to write from the heart and the soul, than the mind.

If you must think while writing, you are not writing—you are thinking.

When writing meets thinking, it’s time to stop for a bit.

When writing meets thinking, it introduces you to a friend named block.

If I think while I write, I will not record anything worth writing.

Life is the plane between worlds; the one before it, and the one after it. The flight
that separates, eternity and eternity; from whence you came, you shall one day return.

Once the veil has been lifted, it is time to kiss the truth.

The truth has survived longer than the longest-living lie; give birth to truth, and be
a proud parent.

To live, love, and laugh; to hold a hand, and, a heart; to share a smile, a kiss, a
hug; to walk with wings on your feet.

I wish for you, for your love, for us; I wish.

Belong to the right group, not the wrong group; belong for a reason, not a season.

Crying is a lost art.

Caring is a lost art.

Compassion is a lost art.

It’s called a selfie for a reason.

I fell from my bike, as I was riding through life, and landed on reality.

Tossed ashore by the waves and the wind, I rest on the beach of broken promises;
I’ll never leave you.

When she left, I arrived; and when I arrived, I left.

I was the sky, but I became the rain; and now, I must become the sun.

Heartbreak is but for a minute; heartache, a lifetime.

I was singing, in the rain, as a car drove by, honking its horn, loudly, I shouted,
stop, and she didn’t.

We broke up; but we were broken long before then.

The pieces of a breakup are seldom ever salvaged; a jigsaw with five thousand

I sit at the keyboard, like a pianist. I press the keys, and they sing. I hit enter, and
I start again. I miss the old typewriter’s ting at the end of my margin.

I stumbled upon the future while searching for the past; it was a present, wrapped
in tenses.

The beginning of the sentence was at the end; it was inverted, but the period
stayed the same.

Sprinting, and leaping over the fence, landing, stumbling, now going down hard
and rolling to a pop-up, I looked back over my shoulder and continued to run; my eyes
the size of saucers. The first bullet whizzed by, the second and the third; the fourth
piercing my left calf, the fifth, my right, the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth, coloring my
back and shoulders, and finally, and lastly, the tenth, hitting the nape of my neck. As
they approached, they spoke in a different language. I felt a kick, checking to see if I was
alive. I was then rolled over, a burning barrel, still smoking, placed in my mouth. Bang.

When in love, be sure to love the other person.

How many lovers have felt the pain of not being loved?
A stick in the sand is not necessarily a bad thing; it shows resilience, a particular
steadfastness; a determination to remain—be such.

Lifting from the loft, ascending to the penthouse, to the roof, and now rising
above it even. The transcendent elevator. There are many floors, but only one

Poetry, for me, is the emotional communication, through the verbal

communication, intended for the soul, heart and mind, received by the kindred spirit, the
soul of humanity itself—the words are not spoken, although they are said.

When the sun shines, there are many smiles; likewise, on a cloudy day, there will
be frowns and sad-faces. Don’t let the weather affect your forecast; be the seven-day
outlook that knows a better day is coming.

I love you; said with frequency without meaning, and seldom said when it means
the most.

The prison of contempt; release the inmate that resembles you.

Regret, can be a life-long sentence; escape from the prison, forgive yourself.

Commute your own sentence; give yourself a stay, by giving yourself a second

Learn what it means to love, and to be loved, before you seek to be loved.

Value the opinion of others; value your own opinion; and from those two things
will come a wealth of knowledge.

Say I love you to those whom you love; yes, they may know it, but your words
help to reiterate it.

Hug a heart, wrap your arms around somebody; they need it, and so do you.

Pick up the pieces; or else they’ll get in the way.

Criticism is fertilizer.

Take a walk, take a stroll, take a run, take a jog, in the life of someone else; get
your cardio in, and allow your heart to grow in love.

When faced with the unimaginable, imagine triumph.

Overcome your fears, your regrets; overcome being overcome.

Start at the finish; know you have already won.

See through the lies, through the deceit; see through the clouds that grey your day.

When you allow help from others, you’re helping them, and you.

Nobody knows everything; but know as much as you can.

Be a star, a planet, be a celestial body; but know you’re just another twinkle in the

Elevate your mind, elevate your soul, your heart and spirit; float like a feather, but
be as heavy as a rock. Lift it when you can, kick it when you can’t.

Run with the big dogs, but remain a puppy.

Start with the now, and end with the now; live with the zest of a child in a room
full of toys.

Don’t complain, refrain; and take the good with the bad.

If I give you sugar, I must also give you salt.

To run with the wind, is to run away; blow by your adversaries, and leave them in
the dust.

Strike out, but not with a bat; do so with zeal, and a zest, and steal your way

You are the owner of your own team; don’t allow a side-chick to derail your
championship run.

Take the last shot; the ball is in your hands, your court, and time is running out.

Pass the ball—if you’re afraid to take the last shot.

Don’t run too fast; slow down and enjoy the race.

First place isn’t everything; sometimes coming in second wins the race.

Life is a track—round the curves, and sprint down the straightaways.

To finish first simply means you rushed it.

Don’t rush it, savor it; life, and all that comes with it.
The other side awaits us all; dress appropriately.

Truth is the elixir; lies the toxin.

When the sun shone bright, I knew it was the end of a dark and dreadful night.

Blow your horn loud, sing your song; dance to the music you create.

We’re all the same person, just with different names.

A hypocrite is a person who is breathing.

Reporting live from the belly of the beast—R.S.A.M.

Pride and ambition; the two eyes of the selfish.

Turn down on the read receipts. They’re already tracking me; don’t need you
doing it too.

It’s okay to sleep little child, sleep, sleep, sleep. I know you’re afraid, I know
you’re scared, I know you’re terrified and trembling. The world is a crazy place, and it’s
getting crazier by the day. Though you wish to simply live your life, stack your bread,
and reach the stars, the world isn’t going to let you do it. Even when you choose to sleep,
oh little child. The bombs are falling and the bullets are flying. I know you can’t see
them just yet, because you’re here in America. But, oh yes, sleeping child, it has begun.
And if you haven’t begun preparing yourself, spiritually, mentally, intellectually, and
physically, your demise and death shall not come quickly, but shall come slowly, and
shall be agonizing, as you wait for “them” to help you. Critical mass has been reached,
oh little child. Sleep, sleep, sleep, while those of us who are awake, transcend, and leave.

To change your past, change your present.

If I go too long without reading a book, I actually feel like I’m getting dumber.

Never worry about what others say bout you; just the fact that they’re saying
anything, says everything.

Be safe, be smart, be loving, be caring; and smile if you see someone staring.

Being on another planet, while still being on earth; you don’t hear me though.

The world is crumbling, even if you want to deny it; even if you want to get mad
at those who’ve been trying to tell you that it is; even if you want to consume, consume,
consume, and have more, more, and more—this world is crumbling. Don’t get mad at
the messengers, get mad at yourself for being tied this old, dying world. You’re a
consumer. An unhappy consumer, who thinks that more, and more, is your God given
right. Yup, you think that every material blessing you “achieve” is from God. You think
God wants you consuming more and more and more? Do you really, truly, believe that?
You’re no better than the evil elite, who do the same exact thing, and then tell you there’s
water shortages, not enough food in the world, and as crazy as it sounds, just not enough
resources, period. You think God didn’t know that the earth would one day have 7
billion people on it??? You think he’d hang planets and stars, with no nails or strings or
cables, in the middle of space, and not place enough food and water on earth to support
the very same humans he created and told to be fruitful and multiply in the first place?
The world is indeed crumbling, and it’s because of you. Because of your selfishness, and
the twisting of His word, that you use to justify your craving for more, more, more, more.
Got one car, you need two. Got a house, you need a bigger one (and half of you don’t
keep the one you have now clean anyways). Got a job, need a new one. Got clothes, need
new ones. Got one flat screen, need another one. My goodness. I mean, for real, my
friggin’ goodness. The reset is coming folks. He told you that it would, and by golly it’s
long overdue.

The favor of man is worthless—if you’re not giving them the truth.

To be ridiculed by man, is to be rewarded by God.

And many will ask why is this happening, missing, that not only must it happen, it
was prophesied to happen. Death now becomes you America. And rightfully so.

It was the narrow path; the road less travelled. My mind was now free, and I had
found peace on earth.

Those who complain are naturally unhappy. Stay away from them, if you wish to
remain happy.

Those who gossip are naturally unhappy. Stay away from them, if you wish to
remain happy.

Those who lie are naturally unhappy. Stay away from them, if you wish to
remain happy.

There are those that envy your happiness. Stay away from them.

Steer clear of the miserable; those who complain, gossip, and lie.

Saturate your soul with sweet melodies of peace; do not keep the company of the
lost—for they do not want to be found.

Peace is found through transcendence; elevate the mind, above the emotion; but
be anchored in love, humility, dignity, and respect.
Do not compromise the truth for the sake of many. But instead, give it freely, to
the few who are truly seeking it.

Make no mistake about it. If you are on this path, you have found the way.

Turn your back on the world, and face God; if you are not turning your back on
the world, you are not facing God.

The face of materialism is an unhappy one.

Buy, buy, buy, consume, consume, consume—you do so, because you are empty,
and yet you claimed to be filled.

The empty among us, consume, consume, consume; they buy, buy, buy. They are
empty, unhappy, yet claim to be—if you are happy, then you are content, and consuming
is not in, nor of, your spirit. Being blessed by God, is just that—blessed by God. To
consume, and then to lie on God, and call them blessings, is a sin. The truth will be told
to you, whether you like it or not. Stop lying on God, and tell the truth on yourself.

The simple man gets it; the simple man has peace; peace of mind.

Live a simple life, and see how simple things really are.

The material world is the veil between worlds; turn your back on it, or lose your

I was never a mystic, I was never mystical; but, this, they missed.

I did indeed leave here, long before I left. What happened, was nothing more than
the true revelation of God himself. And he was no more.

It was taken up, and shown many things, given many things, many keys; the ride
was available only to those who’d turned their backs on the world—the material world.

If you stop consuming long enough, you’ll see the error in your ways—and thus,
you will see the truth.

Food, shelter and clothing. These are the three essentials. All other things, and
even these things in abundance, are distractions, and traps set for your body, mind, and
soul. Free your body, free your mind, free your soul.

To be self-aware, is to be awake; to be free, is to no longer be a slave.

The power that you have is latent; because you are starved of the knowledge that
feeds and fuels that power. You have been stripped down to nothing, saddled with debt,
and you consume, consume, consume; and in the hope that you transplant your misery
with temporary happiness, you repeat this; arrested development; you are indeed, the
stick in the mud; stuck.

Don’t tarry with those on the wide path; tarry only, with those who are on the
narrow path.

They claim to be born-again, but they live yet, in the same manner. They claim to
be born-again, but their eyes still see the same things; and their ears still hear the same
things. They are not born-again. They are devils masquerading; they are indeed, the
wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Don’t worry about what those on the wide path say about you, for it is
confirmation that you are indeed headed in the right direction.
If you know that someone speaks in a way that brings you to your knees, then
don’t ever, EVER, attempt to come at them. You will have no one to blame but yourself,
at the resulting exchange.

Leave the tiger alone.

Leave the bear alone.

Leave the lion alone.

Leave the skunk alone.

Leave the wasp alone.

Mind your own business; but try to at least run it at first.

Be wary of those who mask nosiness as concern or care; the subject always gives
away the motive. If they are concerned about You, they will ask about You and your
well-being. Anything to the contraire, is not concern or care; it is nosiness, and nosiness
leads to gossip. How can you be concerned about me, asking me, about someone else, or
anyone else for that matter? It can only be interpreted as gossip at that point; nosiness.
Reach out to the person you’re asking about, if you truly want to know how they’re

To be on the narrow path, is but the most beautiful of things; everything along the
way, is alive and vibrant; filled with life, love, peace, joy, and eternity.

The wicked will always persecute you, they will always attack you—your reward
is not here on earth. For it is one of such great and magnificent splendor, the human eye
cannot see it, the human mind cannot comprehend it, and the human hand cannot touch,
hold, or feel it. It is not of this world, just as you, are not of this world.

Try showing a door to the blind; try showing a heart to love.

The mystic knows the way.

The mystic has an intuition, because he or she has become one with life; they are
listening to the universe, they are listening to the earth, they are listening to the leaves,
they are listening to the wind—they are listening; because it is they, which have ears that

Try speaking to the deaf with words; try speaking to the blind with gestures; try
speaking to dead with tears; try speaking to the lost with directions; lo, there are some
things that are indeed, impossible; and lo, everybody won’t be going home after the party
of life.

Steal away to the garden; find the serenity and peace that comes with solitude;
a(n) oneness with creation, as you listen to the creator.

This water tastes like eternity.

This water isn’t like water at all; it’s more like fine wine.

This water cannot be swallowed; it can only be drunk.

As we are mostly water; you still don’t get it yet.

It is truly us, them, and them.

Sometimes it’s just too much to explain to those who are moored to the earth.
Save your breath, save your sanity, and save your wisdom.

Most geniuses wander the world in a melancholy mediocrity; and with that, they
are content, happy, and fulfilled.

How can you listen to a song for three hours straight, and not grow tired of it? I’ll
tell you how. Because it’s not you that’s listening to it, it’s your soul.

Stand for truth, because one day, the Truth, will stand for you before God.

To consume, is to compromise, to compromise, is to cave, to cave, is to change, to

change, is to conform, and to conform, is to consume—and it continues in that same

Light the Light that lit you; shine brightly, for Him.

Fast living, ages the body—and more than that even, the soul.

A player is a pimp who didn’t accept his calling.

Be mindful of who you send money to. Be it an individual, a group, organization
non-profit, or otherwise. You cold be accused of supporting terrorism.

Everything around you is false, but you think it’s real. That’s why you can’t take
it with you when you leave here. Think about it.

I woke up 13 years ago. So, imagine that—13 years of research, repentance,

revelation. During those 13 years, I’ve embarked on the most marvelous of journeys; and
the path did become narrow. For I had indeed, found the road less travelled.

Always have hope, always have faith, always believe in a better tomorrow; even
as the Sun dips below the horizon.

Who among you is ready to drink from the cup? Who among you, wishes to see
the unseen? Whilst you turn from the truth, and close your eyes—the world will keep
spinning. Are you dizzy yet? Do you wish to blow your trumpet loudly; Dizzy
Gillespie? Oh yes, the world will spin, shall spin, even as you turn from the cup of truth,
and close a blind eye to it as well; your dizziness will not be an excuse, shall not be an
excuse. And your pastor says nothing that is of any relevance whatsoever, period. The
children of Dizzy, of dizziness. Blow, daddy blow!

Turn off the television, and turn on your brain. Unplug from the system. Stop
voting. Stop consuming. Stop signing up for new debt. Stop paying income taxes. Stop
listening to whatever political party you belong to. Stop eating fast food. Stop hating
one another. Stop lying on one another. Stop ignoring the plight of human suffering the
world over. Stop supporting Zionism. Stop listening to your mega-church false prophet.
Stop thinking you’re on your way to heaven when you’re not.

And if you haven’t realized it by now, the recalls of all these vehicles, are more
than just about “recalls”. Think.

You know why there’s suffering in the world? Because of those of us who are
self-absorbed, are disconnected, and not concerned. I know, I know…what can you do,
right? See, first it begins with knowing who you are. Once you know that, then you’ll
see those who are suffering, as yourself, and not simply, as “someone else”. Then comes
awareness; making those around you, aware of those who are suffering. Eventually,
everybody begins to feel the same way. And once we get to that point, to that level—
WATCH OUT! We can then move against those who are causing the suffering, and we
can then begin, to end that suffering. God said He is longsuffering—are you?

And so what to make of 9/11? Let’s read Revelation 9:11, to find out: And they
had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
You think all of this coincidence? Time draweth nigh, and yet, you continue to

Don’t despair, God is there.

I mourn for the living, not the dead. For the dead no longer suffer.

Is it no coincidence that Mystery Babylon stands in unity with the Synagogue of

Satan, and that the so-called “Christians”, support both of them, wholeheartedly? All of
these, and those, will likewise burn in the eternal fires of Hell as well.

What does the Qur’an 2:62 say? (and if you’re one of those lazy people, who,
rather then seek the knowledge yourself, trusts others instead to tell you, delete yourself)

As they tinker with your mind, emotion, and soul, you love it—you simply can’t
get enough of it. The sick dead-heads who call themselves humans.

Hijacked by evil, you dance right along with them, viewing those like me, as
nutcases, when in fact, we are the last true humans—the rest of you have become
humanoids, androids, and autobots—the deadheads, with no brain.

Don’t get mad at us, get mad at yourselves—you’re the ones with no brain.

You wake up with Facebook on your mind; you go to bed with Facebook on your
mind; you spend your day, logged into Facebook; you are making love, to the devil, 24/7.

Oh ye Deadheads, the humanoids with no brain; your soul is in danger, but yet,
you simply don’t think so. You have taken the mark of the beast, and you wear it

And to make a lasting imprint, one must not only excel, but one must astound.

To impress, stems from the ego; to astound, however, stems from humility.

The answer is simple—stop thinking solely about yourself; place others above
you, not below you, and the world will begin to spin again.

To go through your day, with zero consideration for those less well-off, is
disgusting. The man approaches you at the light; and you act as if you don’t even see
him. What if you were struck blind at that very moment? What if it’s you, who one day,
approaches someone at the light? Reality isn’t television—it’s the human being who’s

And so the wayward Christian can not articulate, let alone, formulate, anything of
true, factual, scriptural, foundational support, as to why they support a secular, not Holy,
state of Israel. Nor can they tell you anything from the Talmud, regarding the true views
of Christians, Christ, and anyone non-Jew. They can not tell you anything rational,
neither spiritual, regarding America’s handholding of Israel. They can not tell you what
the Qur’an, Sura 2:62 says either. But, they believe themselves to be informed, and
worse, and beyond that, intelligent. Indeed, Hosea 4:6, speaks volumes.

Do you know, where you’re going to, do you like the things that life is showing
you? As you try your best to block out reality, to block out the darkness that consumes
the land, the final fight is at hand. You chase, chase, chase, chase, your dreams, the big
house, fancy car, and accounts loaded with cream. Do you know where you’re going to,
do you like the things that life is showing you? Iraq’s back, and the lies are being told
wholesale. The real reason why the U.S. is sending troops, has nothing to do with
supposed people stuck on a mountain (google Mt. Sinjar…read what Wikipedia has to
say about it, and then look at the last date it was modified). It has to do with the fact that
the Prime Minister, has made friends with Russia and Iran (months back I posted
articles/links, detailing how Iraq had purchased fighter Jets from Russia, and Iran had
troops on the ground there, along with Russian troops as well), and they want the U.S.,
and its troops, and its people in the Green Zone, OUT! Your media’s not going to tell
you this. They don’t want you to stock up on food and water, and take your money out of
the bank—things I’ve been suggesting you do for the last, past year or so. Do you know
where you’re going to, do you like the things that life is showing you? Meanwhile,
Russia is about to enter into Ukraine, to stop the U.S. backed genocide of the ethnic
Russians, who live in the eastern part of the country; Europe, you’re first up to bat, in the
strike zone known as World War III. Add to this, that Russia, has also started war games
in the Kurlie Islands—also claimed by Japan. Do you know? Do you know? Do you
know? Where you’re going to???

The scores of those who simply wish to stay blinded, to stay dumbed-down, to
stay, stayed. Indeed, they are lost, and shall be smitten with the brightness of the truth—
it is essential, that they finally open up their eyes.

They are the miserable loners, who live their lives vicariously, precariously,
through celebrities, in which they have deified; that they have made gods. They worship
them, and wish to be worshipped alike. They have no real life; they are fake, afflicted,
and damned.

Do you know how brainwashed a 40 year old person is, to still think they can be
like Beyonce, or be a rapper like Jay-Z? Do you realize the depths of their arrested
development? Do you realize, that they don’t realize? The brain-dead sheeple.

All of you, who are going along to get along, have already accepted the mark of
the beast. You just don’t know it yet.

You’re an idiot, so be proud of it. Don’t take me, or others like me to task over
what we share with you. Simply say, “I’m a brain-dead, cattle-goy-sheeple-idiot, and I’m
proud of it.” Because honestly, it’s not us who see you this way, it’s them, the keepers of
the grid, the keepers of the goy, the goyim. But, on another note, we can’t help but to
agree with them, from the standpoint of you loving the world and turning your heads
away from what’s really going on, the truth. You are the brain-dead, and you will
remain, the brain-dead.

And the American cities had smoldered. The people, who survived, were indeed,
zombies. Recompense had come to them, in one hour, just as the Almighty had said, and
promised. The worst country on earth, had finally, been destroyed.

And the brain-dead wandered, still brain-dead. And they wandered, and
wandered, and wandered; until they fell from their feet to death. Dying, lying there on
the ground, they eyed the smoke-gray skies, as their flesh slid slowly from the perches of
bone surrounding their faces. Their tongues, melted, melded to their roofs of their
mouths, and their hands and feet, lumped masses of putty-like blobs. They had deserved
it, each and every single one of them—and they had received it.

And it had happened. That the dumbing-down of the masses, had become so
acceptable, that you had adults using letters, for words. The letter u, for you, the letter r,
for are, and even the u and r, for you’re or even your. They loved it; they danced with the
devil, to his sweet sounds and music. And Satan had made love to them, both to the
women (just ask lil’ Wayne), and to the men. And those whom he’d made love to, while
reading this, didn’t click the like button. For they were of this world; of this New World
Order; where Lucifer was openly worshipped, and the masses enjoyed being dumb and
illiterate. Again, they would not click like, because the devil had made sweet, sweet love
to them. And they loved the love he made to them. So much so, that they were blinded to
the truth, and frowned after they finished reading this; if they hadn’t already scrolled past
it, long ago.

Never worry about those who sneer and snarl at you; they are jealous and wish to
not only be in your shoes, but to also, live your life.

Misery lives in those who complain about these three things: their job, their life,
their relationship.

Stay humble, stay humbled; even when they try to bait you into a pompousness, a
prideful, pride-filled, pretentiousness; remain oblivious to it all, to all the accolades, to all
the accomplishments; see it for what it is, and they are; merits of a flawed human being.

Never think that you are better, prettier, smarter, more handsome; lower yourself
to the bottom, so that you will always see the top.

Be of service to others, more so than yourself,

And when they hate you, you shall know why; do not despise them, simply flee
from them.

Continue on the narrow path; you have been placed upon it for a reason.
When you see those who stumble, stagger, and fall, only help those who are
trying to get up. Deadweight cannot be lifted.

If they fall by the wayside, keep running, keep racing; if they stumble, lend a

Don’t be a fool; know when someone is playing you for one.

Don’t be fooled, by thinking you’re not a fool.

Everybody that’s in your corner, is not, in your corner.

I see the smiles, and I see the grins, and I also see those who pretend to be a

Don’t go gossiping, and then wonder why your name’s attached to being a gossip.

Sing the song of life; dance the dance of happiness and joy; put your right foot in,
and shake it all about it.

Wake up on the right side of the bed; thank God for another day.

Don’t complain, first thing in the morning; you didn’t have to join us.

Fish is brain food; never swim in a sea of fools.

The blame game has many names—but seldom does it include our own.

The punching bag of life; it will hit you with a left, then a right, and sometimes,
an uppercut will be thrown; hang in there—for you, are the punching bag.

Be the best person you can be; be better than you were yesterday, an hour ago,
even a minute; strive to be gold, in a world full of bronze and sliver.

Love first, forgive second; never hold a grudge; it’s too hot, and too heavy.

Right your wrongs with the sturdiness of the truth; repair your foundation, and
your relationships.

Make the most out of the least; be at peace, be ye content.

Time is all that we have; and with each passing second, had.

Leave them to be lost; for they are indeed, those who are misguided, and
misdirected; therefore, they must be left to wander the barren lands.
Do not hasten to give direction to those who are lost; allow them to be, all the way
until their blind deaths.

The lost will die soon; allow them to.

The bells have rung now for thirteen years; with each one that passes, the edge of
the cliff nears. Release their hand now, or they will pull you over with them.

Those who are trapped in the fantasy confuse it with reality.

And many had begun to lament their own existence. For when it was over there,
they continued to party it on up, believing not, that it would ever arrive. And lo, it has
arrived; and the gnashing of the teeth, is all that you hear.

We were the crazies, the tin foil hat-wearers, the loonies, the fear-mongerers; the
prophets of doom. We were the purveyors of truth.

Suffering and death, is all that’s left; so be sure to appreciate, every single breath.

Let those who still see race, discuss race.

Doom and gloom, boom, boom, boom; the bombs are coming, and coming, soon.
With each day that passes, you think it’s further away, but it simply brings us closer, to
that great and inevitable day. BOOM!

And so for the longest time, they had thought they were Gentiles. But, they had
never read Genesis chapter 10, carefully. They had been duped, the whole world had;
and with the time of the Gentiles drawing to a close, closing, closing in, all truths are
being revealed unto those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear; all others will perish in
both the first, and second deaths; it is appointed to You. If you love this world, and the
things of this world, and the worldly things that you have stored up around You, amassed
idols, death, fire and brimstone awaits You; regardless as to how much you “profess” to
love God. Does your life, your heart, line up with your mouth? If it does not, don’t even
try it—depart from me, for I know you not. Burn, baby burn.

And so one only needs to ask this question, in a series of questions, in order to
have clarity on who ISIS, really is: why haven’t they attacked Israel, and what do the two
blue stripes on the Jewish flag represent? The clues are all around You; but you prefer
sleep, because the Devil, your father, sings the lullabies; and, the lullalies.

And I have lived to see it; to see the manipulation, and capitulation, of those who
participated in the “Great Dumbing Down”. For centuries, education, and to be educated,
were held in pristine and regal regards; the quest for higher knowledge, fueled by an
unquenchable thirst for more. Now, however, it has all changed. All of it. It is a proud
thing to be dumb now. To frown upon large vocabularies, to use letters for words, to be
okay with the disappearing of books; books which contain knowledge. If you even so
much as to “sound smart”, or “appear to be smart”, you are immediately labelled as a
“know-it-all”; to be ostracized and ridiculed, tar and feathered. To utilize the education
that you received, achieved, is to be sentenced to death, by those who are around you.
For it is now written, it is better to be dumb, than smart.

And they did not know that the age of the Gentiles was coming to an end. And
most who thought they were Gentiles, did not know they were not Gentiles. And those
who thought they were not Gentiles, did not know they were Gentiles. But, indeed, the
age of the Gentiles, has been fulfilled. So, sayeth, the Lion of Judah.

It is all wrapped in a mystery. But, only those with eyes to see, and ears to hear,
will know it, and will demystify it. It is a supernatural thing to behold, to take hold of; it
cannot be held; it is too heavy, it is too much, and yet, it is as light as a feather, blown by
the faintest of winds. It is a puzzle, with you being the piece that’s missing—just as you
are missing this.

Only say about others’ religion, what you can openly admit about your own.

Tribal Associative Dissonance – the condition wherewith members of the same

ethnicity, attempt to rationalize their own racist hypocrisy, through flawed and biased
logic, in the form of an argument or defense, of a member’s detrimental thoughts or

If I give you clarity in the midst of your ignorance, what will you do? Will you
attack me, verbally, physically? Will you go forth in slander, slandering my name,
slandering the truth? What will be your recourse, when shown that which contradicts all
that you have believed, believed in, thought that you were, things are, is, were? Will you
be as a baby with no suckle—whining? Will you be as a grill with no barbecue—
useless? Or will you be as you have been instructed, not programmed, to be—a new
being, born of new truths, born anew? The womb is the revelation, the birth, is the truth.

And so the Gentile age was coming to a close. The Gentiles, however, didn’t
want to see it happen. But, they could not stop it, because it was foretold, prophesized to
happen. Who are the Gentiles? Who are the Gentiles? Who are the Gentiles? Who are
the Gentiles? WHO ARE THE GENTILES???

There is a peace in knowing how the pieces are pieced together.

So, let me get this straight: if I don’t vote, then I can’t complain? What about the
people who do vote, and then, complain? What exactly was the point? (and you claim to
be sane…yeah, okay.) – ralston sterling

The rabbit hole begins with chemtrails, and it ends with the Khazars; the puzzle,
pieced together. The whole world figured out.
Suffering is living; because suffering is what makes you depend on God.

And the world war will put an end to the division known as political parties.
Nobody will care what you are when they need food and water. Idiots. Wake up before
you’re put to sleep.

When you as a person, can prove that Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, and
countless other “events”, are, and were hoaxes, and you have every single politician
talking and acting as if these events are/were real, what is that saying not only about the
very politicians you are voting for, but most importantly, about You???

Slit your wrist, and make a globalist smile.

Die now, and not later.

Die already—for real.

And they would ask him, “Do you still write?” It was an absurd question; as if
they ever read what he wrote to begin with. He never stopped writing. He will never
stop writing. Neither will he ever stop telling the truth. For him, that is writing. Telling
the truth, to the deaf, dumb, and blind, who are choosing to be so. He writes, to tell the
truth. This is what sets him apart, from other “writers”. They write for a check, a means
to an end; he writes for that which is right and righteous—the truth. And hence, his
writings are priceless.

And so the news said nothing of the Russian air patrols, now being a reality in the
Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean—both, a first, in history. Instead, you were told about
the window washers stranded on the scaffolding, of the “One World” Trade Center (they
so boldly put it in your face, and yet, because of your fear, your cowardice, your
ignorance, and your stupidity, denial kicks in, and you simply turn your head, as if it were
not true…oh, but it is…oh, but, it, is). The time of the Gentiles, has been fulfilled. Have
you ever read Genesis chapter 10:1-5? I’m sure most of you have. Especially, you saved
and sanctified saints of Christ. Especially, those of you who claim to have read the bible
from cover to cover. I know YOU, of all people, have read it; and not only read it, but
understood it. Yes, Genesis Chapter 10, verses 1 through 5. Have you read it? Did you
read it? Oh you Idiots, when will you ever learn???

The rabbit hole is where it all makes sense. Ask anyone (specifically a Christian)
who doesn’t believe in “conspiracy theories”, why they believe in the story of how Christ
was crucified. I mean, wasn’t it, a conspiracy? …laid out plain and simple for you to
read? So, how do you believe in that “conspiracy theory”, but not others? I’ll tell you
why—because you’re an idiot, that’s why.

We’re afraid to lose those whom we love. And for good reason. But, at some
point, are we simply displaying selfishness, masked as care? Are we keeping those here,
who deep down inside, have come to a point in life, where they wish to go, they are okay
with going, and as a matter of fact, given what this world has to offer, life has to offer,
they are ready to go? Have we, as the ones who love, become worse than the ailment
itself; worse than the terminal, determined, outcome? Can you love someone so very
much, that you actually, love them, to death?

Oh ye little Goyim of Goytown, when will you open the Talmud and read why
they treat you like this? When will you realize who’s behind the curtain? See, oh Ye
little Goyim, you are but nothing to them—whether you are white, or black, they see you
as the Goyim. Oh ye Goyim, Goyim, Goyim, Goyim, Goyim, Goyim, Goyim, Goyim.
That is why you watch Football games, and they never tell you who’s in the replay booth.
They tell you the names of the officials, and you see them, the names of the cameramen,
producers, etc., everybody affiliated with the “production”, but they NEVER SHOW
YOU WHO’S IN THE REPLAY BOOTH! Why is that, oh Ye, little Goyim of
Goytown? I’ll tell you why, because you’re nothing more than cattle. Read the Talmud,
and learn of the Elohim, and the plans they have for you, oh little Goyim of Goytown.

I’d done my part, and so I stopped. My time was up. I no longer needed to warn
the people, as I had been tasked with for 13 years. My season to do so, had come to a
close, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. And now with the flames spreading, looming, growing
larger, their eyes began to bulge from their sockets, and their beating hearts, began to
slow down, slowly. The horror that had been doled out all over the world, was now, here
—here in America. We’d told them, and they laughed. We’d told them, and they turned
a blind eye. We’d told them, and they turned a deaf ear. But now, oh yes, now, cognitive
dissonance, had vanished, was vanquished. It is time for you to die now, America, and
Americans. It is time.

Have you overcome the world yet? Have you crucified your flesh? Do you still
desire earthly things? Do you still pray to God for material blessings? Do you outright
lie about, and deny, your immense cupidity? YE SHALL ALL SOON BURN!

Are you still storing up earthly treasures? Are you still the flyest person on the
planet, as you step out of your new car? YE SHALL BURN AS THE SUN!

And when they did not had listened, had hardened their ears, hearts, and eyes,
when we, the crazies, had reached out to help, love, assist, and had been shunned and
ridiculed and mocked, we continued to tell them, warn them, love them. And now, look
at them. Look at all of them. I cry for them, those, they. I cry because they still do not
yet recognize, that the hangman equals death. I have rang the bells, sounded the alarm,
blown the horn, trumpet, sax and flute, for thirteen years. I had done so, told so, told
them to had done so in order that they might have did so. They are now the orphans. Just
look at them. My heart goes out to them; but my sympathy does not.

And they had killed all of the prophets. It is like that, indeed. Rather than hear
the truth, the people instead, will band together and choose Barabbas. That is our fate.
This is our fate. The fate of all those who bring truth, light, and life, to a world of
darkness, deceit and death.
And so in the case of mankind, there was only one who had determined a pattern
of speech among K-9’s. Even those who’d owned, parented, pets, had not yet realized
the brilliance of how they communicate. Most assumed, that yes, of course, they must be
speaking to each other, communicating. But, as with most of mankind today, they’d
never taken the time to listen, to study, to learn, to convey, to share; they never once took
the time, to pay attention. A K-9 communicates in sentences comprised of low to
medium pitched barks, ranging from one through six. Only when the K-9 is threatened,
or in protection mode, will the barks be constant, incessant, and aggressive.

They feed off of your fear. By way of deception, they scare you into submission
and subversion. God did not give us a spirit of fear…so, who is behind all of these
hoaxes that are designed to scare you into to submission? When you get the chance (I
truly, truly, truly don’t know why I’m even suggesting this, other than the fact that it’s
part of the calling, a job that must be done), read about the Anti-Christ, the system, the
beast – understand, that it is through deception, that all of this (what we’re being nudged
into), occurs. Wake up and smell the coffee – or better yet, the truth.

There would be no radical Islam, if there was no radical Judaism (Zionism); the
former, being a creation, of the latter.

Sometimes the brightest minds can be as naïve as a child’s.

There’s a world of wonder, and a world of stupidity; the former’s the best one to
dwell in.

And so in the dream, I was in a padded room, filled with other people. A bell
would chime, and then we’d all, for whatever reason, start walking around the room.
Some faster than others, some slower, but we’d all be walking the same direction.
Making our square, routine, until the chime sounded again. At that point, some would
stand, others would sit, others hopping on one leg; until the chime sounded again. Once
that happened, we’d be off to walking around the room, in a square, until the next chime.
I remember thinking, this is weird, strange…just walking around, like everybody else,
listening for a chime, which told us to either stop, or go, but in essence, it meant the same
thing. As I walked, I began to think…we’re all going nowhere—there’s just the illusion,
that we’re going somewhere. The people walking fast, think they’re going to get there
sooner, and the ones walking slow seem content to know that they’ll get there sooner or
later. Well one day, I decided to see what would happen if I walked in the opposite
direction upon hearing the first chime of the day. As I did, I remember seeing the looks
on the faces of the others. It was as if they’d seen a ghost. I thought to myself, this is
refreshing, new; I actually feel alive. And not only that, I feel “free”. The chime
sounded, and we stopped. And then I posted this on Facebook, and found out, it wasn’t a
dream after all—this is real. I’m walking in a different direction, and the rest of you, are
in the padded room, just walking in circles that resemble a square.
Hey, Big Brother…we’re watching you too(b).

Those who have found peace, have found the truth (and don’t start with the cute
little ‘no Jesus, no peace – know Jesus’, know peace’ flavor of the month cliché…I know
PLENTY of “Jesus lovers” that don’t have a peaceful bone in their bodies, let alone,
peace of mind, body and spirit. The journey that I speak of, has nothing to do with lip-
service, and the outward appearance of ‘peace’. I’m speaking of the peace that comes
from finding the truth. Only those who have found it, ‘know’ what I am speaking of).

And we are aware of the trolls and shills. They are the soulless demons employed
by the Luciferian Talmudic Zionists, who leap like filthy toads, to discredit the truths that
we share, that we bring; as we expose the darkness that is this world, and the presidents,
prime ministers, and politicians who run it. You, the sheeple of this world, the believers
of and in the politicians that you vote for, are the chattel, the cattle, and should be
slaughtered accordingly. The Talmud says so, not I. Read it for a change, and learn of
the way, and, the ways.

As the covers come off the bed, the bed that the western governments are in with
the Zionists, we can see that the brand of the condom, is Talmud.

And so the internet, precisely social media sites, have backfired on the elite. Yes,
most of the sheeple still use it for mind-numbing, mind-dumbing activities (just scroll
through your newsfeed…and quite possibly, you’re contributing to it as well), but there’s
a greater and greater percentage, a growing number of people, using it to “wake others
up”. This, of course, was not in their plans. Had the internet existed a hundred years
ago, things such as the two world wars and the moon landing (by the way, what’s the
surface of the moon made of anyway, and how would a flag pole be able to penetrate it,
and stand???), would’ve been debunked, and quite possibly in the case of the former,
prevented all together.

There really is a way to increase your brain’s potential. I won’t waste my time
telling you how though. It’s one thing to be intelligent, and have its potential boosted.
But, can you imagine, the stupid, increasing their potential??? OMG, for real.

And you don’t have to play…I suspect, nobody will anyways—but, here goes: if
you believe that we actually went to the moon, please tell me why you think that, and if
you don’t think we did, can you please tell me why you don’t think that? If nobody
plays…my feelings won’t be hurt. I’ve been playing all by myself since I was a little boy

How do you wake the dead? – ralston sterling

They are dying, and it pains me to watch them do so.

They are dying; and death, is befitting; leave them to die with this world.
When you know the truth, you are compelled to “save” others. But, you must
understand, you can not save anyone—they must save themselves. And if they do not,
care not, to save themselves, then you must leave them to die; they must be left for death.
They are of the world, and therefore, they must die with the world.

The world has always been a crazy, dangerous place—thanks to mankind.

Run from the lies, from the games, from the parties—run from the world.

A great many people will live and die here on earth, never having understood why
they were here in the first place.

There are nine veils that cover the soul once you are birthed. Most will die, never
having pierced the first, let alone the second. When Jesus says, “seek and ye shall find,”
what is he making reference to? If, for instance, you are reading this, and are a Christian,
what does He mean? Why, if finding and accepting Him, as your personal Lord and
Savior, is all that is required for eternal life, would he then tell those, who were sitting
right in his very presence, to seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given, knock, and
it shall be opened? Why would He tell them this, if in fact, they’d already “found”
eternal life, by accepting Him, as Lord and Savior? There are nine veils that cover the
soul once you are birthed. Most will die, never having pierced the first, let alone the

They are fearful of losing employment, but not, their souls.

And I found the joy to dance again.

It’s funny how people love material things, when material things, can’t even love
you back.

They rejected the truth 2,000 years ago, and even here today, in 2015, they are
still rejecting it. They will ALWAYS choose Barabbas. And each and every one of you
reading this, has chosen, in your hearts, Barabbas.

Laughing, just as with crying, is infectious.

Set out on the only journey that matters—the one for truth.

Travelling the world, will never provide you with an understanding of it.

And it is so very obvious, isn’t it? How the Bible speaks of the end of the Age of
the Gentiles, being when He would return. Look around—the age of the Gentiles is over.
But, here’s the hidden key, and truth to it all…the Gentiles, are the descendants of
Japheth. Who is Japheth? He was one of Noah’s three sons. You know, Ham, Shem,
and Japheth. Well, do you know what Japheth, is the father of the European Nations?
Japheth is credited with being the forefather, of Whites. Anglo-Saxons. And the Anglo-
Saxons, have indeed, ruled for their time. Whether it be the Romans, the Greeks, The
British, the Germans, and now, the Americans, the Gentiles, have had their allotted time
to rule the world. Just as the Egyptians did, the Persians did, and many others. So, in
closing, we can see how the Bible is always 100% correct, in every single sense. And
another of the ways it is correct, is says that America will be destroyed. And indeed, the
destruction, has already begun, just as with World War III, and it will only continue to
get worse. And if you don’t think so, that’s cool too. ‘Cuz it ain’t me you not believing,
it’s obviously God, you’re not believing. Look at the enemies amassing against the
Gentiles. Iran, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, India, China, and yes, even Russia,
who is not Anglo-Saxon at all, but, Slavic. So, again, you can see, that it appears to be a
group of nations assembling, to once and for all, rid the world of the so-called “White
Man” and his policies of political, and military, oppression. Again, this is not me, saying
these things, this, and these, are prophecies, coupled with obvious facts.

The heart is the key, not, the lock—that would be the soul. The heart is the key,
which unlocks the soul.

Feed the soul, through the heart.

Feed the mind, through the eyes.

It is a tough thing, the life to live. The life to live, in a world completely foreign
to you, me, us, we.

And they had followed him over and off the cliff. Screaming in unison; they’d
realized then, it meant death.

If you do not understand what is going on, then you have not, and will not, hear
His voice. Think about it. If the path is narrow, and there’s only a handful of us “getting
this”, then it becomes crystal clear—all others, are on the wide path to destruction.

And first, you must prove yourself worthy; faith begets endurance. How can you
go through, if you do not, enter in?

A tear can weigh a ton.

The first tear often weighs the most.

A child; such a splendid example of resilience.

To know heartache and heartbreak, and to live to see it restored.

To be brought to your knees; so that your head will then look upward.

The density of reality, can not be understood by the porous.

And they still had not yet realized, but they kept searching, and seeking, and
asking the same old same old—as if it were going to change. They are the lost ones. The
orphans with parents. The seeing, that are blind. Those who have no insight, no
foresight; simply, no sight.

A leopard may not change his spots, but he can sure change his heart.

Music is vibration, that’s why it touches the soul; because you are vibration—

I rationalize irrational things and call them theories.

And so after many, many years of believing something, after having been shown
the truth, they still rejected it; for they loved the lies, just as the bible said they would;
you who profess Christ, but cannot hear his voice, are bound for hell. If you do not see,
nor hear, what is happening, don’t worry yourself none…you’re not going to Heaven, and
please believe me, there is no rapture.

Okay, for real…I’ve never heard of the rapture, let alone the pre-tribulation
rapture. Any of my Christian friends who knows about the rapture, could you please tell
me what it is, what exactly happens? And could you please provide me with scriptures,
so that I can truly and totally understand what’s supposed to happen to us believers?
Thanks in advance!;)

And so this is the travesty, in and of the one who has not truly, fully connected;
who has yet to gain the “eyes to see”, and the “ears to hear.” “In my Father’s house,
there are many mansions.” The wayward Christian, moored to this earth, moored to the
material things, believes this on an uninitiated, exoteric level; the initiated, however,
understands the esoteric: that the heavens themselves are divided into countless “houses”.
Our current calendar, our “solar system”, is comprised of twelve of these houses. You
know them as zodiac signs. “People say that a mystic is someone who dreams and who
lives in the clouds; my answer to this is that the real mystic stands on earth, but his head
is in Heaven.”

Good clothes won’t make a good kid.

Don’t confuse warning, with worrying.

There’s nothing to be worried about, but there’s plenty to be concerned about;

even when you think it doesn’t concern you.

Once your ego is gone, then, and only then, will your aura illuminate your being;
because your essence, has been changed.

My insanity keeps me sane.

Emotion nullifies reason; and they know this. Remove your emotion, so that your
eyes can see the truth.

Everything in my life’s not perfect, but it’s precise—just as it should be.

In order that the truth may be seen, discovered, one must be emptied of the world.
If you encounter those who cannot see, nor discover the truth, you will know then, the
difference between the wheat and the tares. God will not be mocked. If you are someone
who knows the truth, has been shown the truth, has discovered the truth, then God has
smiled on you and deemed you worthy to receive it; hence, it being revealed unto you. If
you cannot see the truth, nor understand the truth, it is because God does not want you to
know the truth. The reason being—you do not belong to Him—you belong to the

Tremendous pain and suffering will bring about a transcendent transformation; it

is through suffering, that we truly live; for without it, we take life for granted.

And so the sad truth about it all, is that most people wanted to go to hell. I mean,
c’mon…they didn’t??? 100 percent of so-called, or self-professed Christians, didn’t even
know what the word revelation truly meant, let alone the book of Revelations. How can a
“Christian”, be a Christian, and not know what the word “revelation” means??? I tell you
this day, they are bound, and bound, for hell. The unveiling of the truth is occurring—
but, only to those who truly belong to God. If truth is not being revealed unto you, You,
do not belong to God. Revelations, simply means the unveiling of all that has been
hidden; and if you cannot see what is being revealed, as countless of us are, then again, it
is not appointed to you to know the truth, because you have rejected it, in and from, your
heart. There are those of us who are leaving this place…it’s sad that most of you won’t
be joining us.

Plane T
Air Plane
The earth is not round, it is a plane; it is flat.

And they think it’s all about conspiracies. When in fact, it’s simply the
apocalypse, or the unveiling, that is taking place. Or, if you’d like, you can say, it’s the
revealing that is taking place; that’s what the book of Revelations is all about.

There are those who feel as though they must have their way; control. From the
trivial to the irrelevant, the pointless to the immature, they will stop at nothing, to gain
what they deem as good ground, sound round, in their heart of hearts, “the way it should
be.” Destruction left in their wake; the tendency to ignore the feelings of others, because
yours are more important; psychopath has a definition. They run their race and yours.
Because they’re just that good. Bad. Awful. Dangerous. The first three letters of those
three words; double bad. Steer clear of the control freak. They will attempt to control
any and everything, and everyone, around them. From home to the workplace, the
control freak struggles with delusion and reality; you can only control yourself, not
others. Frustrated, they do not understand why things aren’t going their way, or why
most won’t capitulate. They are the looney in the tunes. The daffy in the duck. That’s
all folks.

And so now they had known the truth. If in fact, the moon, sits outside of the
earth’s atmosphere, and revolves around the earth, as they’ve told us, then how is it,
when one does their own experiment, and conducts their own observation, as research,
one can clearly see clouds traveling both in front of the moon, and behind it? Yes,
behind it. Take a look for yourself. Observe for yourself. Clouds travel in front of the
moon and behind it. So, if in fact, the moon, is outside of the earth’s atmosphere, how
would clouds go behind it??? If the moon, is truly where we’ve been told it is, WE
IT SITS OUTSIDE OF THE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE). However, this is not what we
see and observe with our own eyes. Conclusion: the moon sits within the earth’s
atmosphere, confined being a better term, just as with the Sun.

And so most had continued to pay their taxes. It was as if they didn’t understand
that with the government being 18 plus trillion dollars in debt, no one had told them that
they were simply throwing their money away. Indeed, that’s all you’re doing if you’re
still paying taxes. You’re contributing to a debt that will never be paid off. Pick your
favorite freeway, roll down your window, and start throwing your money out. If you’re
still paying taxes at this point, you can never convince me that you’re sane.

And so most had no clue that spelling, is spell casting. They never knew the true
power of words, because they did not understand vibration, and the manipulation of
energy. They were not taught this in school and so they were ignorant of this, and these
facts. Those who know words, and the power that lies within them, know this to be true.
To spell, is to cast a spell. Happy spelling folks.

Some had begun to notice that when they’d go to their grocery store, they’d find
that certain items were always either low on stock, or out of stock altogether. They were
seeing it, but they were not believing it; they were missing the correlation. In the days
ahead, there will be more and more and more, things not being stocked. You have waited
and waited, and now, it is here.

Turn the movie off. Let’s talk about something, put a puzzle together and drink
some wine, read to each other, trace our minds with our fingers, dance to some music
from another time; let’s live love and romance, not watch it.

Hold each other; as if the other were precious porcelain.

Kiss each other; as if it were your first kiss on your first date.

Love each other; as if you two were the only people on earth.
Dance in the wind of love; the wind of hope and change. Be the music that
sounds good to the ears.

When it seems like there’s no tomorrow, maybe there isn’t.

Make strides today. (Wrinkles and ripples apply as well)

Cast the stone aside. Instead, pick up a book.

The heaviest thing to pick up, for some, is a book.

Don’t be the person who has nothing to say about anything.

Well-versed, is well-rehearsed, but well-immersed, is well, even better.

Toss the boulder to the side; squat, lift, and thrust; roll away your worries, for this
is a definite must.

Nothing hurts like words both said and unsaid; the sharpest blade is the tongue,
and yes, the dullest, silence.

Calm the rough seas of life—chill.

Moments of regret; what was I thinking?

He ran down the crowded street after her, even as she ran away. Calling her
name, no, shouting it, he sped up, grabbed her by the arm and whirled her around sternly.
“Is this what you call loving me,” he asked, foam gathering in the corners of his mouth,
continuing with, “sleeping with another man, in our bed, the bed we made our kids in?!”
He raised his hand, and then lowered it. He dropped to the ground. Sobbing, grabbing
her by the waist, he muttered, “I’m sorry…I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” before leaping to his
feet, doing a Michael Jackson spin, complete with the kick, and saying, “Just beat it, just
beat it—ungh!”. Startled, and somewhat confused, she stood, staring. “Beat it, I said!”
He spun around again, grabbed his crotch, and tipped his head as if he were wearing a
hat. She frowned a sigh, then shook her head and smiled. Unbeknownst to the public,
this was his way of giving her a hard time, of having fun, only this time, with her racing
down the street, because she was late for work, it appeared to have been a domestic
dispute gone public. Not the case at all. Just two lovers, loving each other, in their own
unique way.

The wakeup is real.

There are those who speak with me not knowing that I am on the narrow path;
they, the wide one. Their comments, based on their thoughts, based on their
brainwashing, reflects an individual in a fog; they truly think they know what’s going on.
They still take part in politics, organized ritual religion, lovers of concussion-causing
exploitative entertainment, and worshipping and emulating grown women catty and
childish, fighting and cursing and whoring; such awesome examples of a devolved
society—of a devolved world.

Football isn’t a game—it’s sanctioned assault.

Here’s a message to the newborns: Your parents had the chance to smash the
prison you were born into, and didn’t.

If you’ve prayed to God to win the lottery, do you think he would bless you with
something that will ultimately cause you to forget about Him? Oh, come on now…don’t
say that you wouldn’t or that you won’t. Of course you will. I mean, think about it…
you’ve already turned your back on him by praying to him to win the lottery. New Year,
old fools.

You don’t have to wait for a new year, for a new beginning.

Anyone who is constantly trying to have fun, is someone who is constantly trying
to hide pain.

In order to receive the truth, you have to turn your back on the fantasy. The
fantasy is why you wake up and do what you do every morning. Without the fantasy,
most would consider life pointless. Pointless, but not purposeful. Truth and purpose are
first cousins. Only through truth can you find and live purpose, or purposely, or
purposefully. The fantasy is not the truth. There is no purpose in the fantasy and the
fantasy is pointless. The fantasy is to keep you from the truth. The fantasy is the devil,
stealing your soul.

Once you can lead from behind, then you have arrived.

Our energies are the same. It’s our choices which make us different.

If things aren’t connected, then why is it when you think back, and play it
forward, you can see how it all fell into place?

A lot of people can say the right thing, but how many will do the right thing?

We need to grow out of it (the problems and issues), before we get out of it (the

Politics makes you feel a certain way towards other human beings; think about

Be spirit, in the flesh; let it never be moved from its peace.

I’m often misunderstood…by those with bad understanding.

Don’t waste time on those who’ve wasted their own; clock’s ticking, keep it

To write; to entertain, educate, empower; the three tenets of why I do it.

Continue to shine, even as the sun sets.

Smokers smoke so that the stress can be seen.

The toker of the good smoke, has good thoughts.

Run for the hills, the mountains; run until you can no longer do so—life.

When ask why, tell what and where, but leave who and what, out of it.

Never say never, but don’t ever say

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