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5 tips for a healthy skin

It is said that the status of your healthiness can be determined by the healthiness of the skin. Yes, it is

Beautiful, glowing skin not just makes you charming and attractive, but it also indicates that you are in
the pink of health.

Is it really required to spend thousands of bucks every month to keep it glowing? Not really!

You can follow a few simple tips and achieve healthy skin. These tips are natural and practical.

Apply as less makeup as possible

A healthy, glowing skin doesn’t need excessive makeup. You do not need concealer, foundation, and
blush and mousse every time you get ready for the party.

Let it be for special occasions. For all other events, use sunscreen to keep it moisturized. Believe it; you
will not feel the need of makeup at all.

The more you keep the skin without makeup, the more easily it breathes.

Cleansing is compulsory

Your skin is the largest organ in the body that gets the maximum exposure. Hence, you need to cleanse
the dirt, dust and residual makeup regularly.

It clears the clogged pores, and the skin breathes easily.

Never go to bed with your makeup on. It is like wearing a skintight mask overnight. The skin gets
suffocated, and the bacterial growth is evident in the form of pimples next morning.

Use an effective but mild cleanser that clears the pores without damaging the delicate skin.

Don’t forget sunscreen for even one day

Whether it is summer or winter, rains or springs; harmful ultraviolet rays always hit your skin. Hence,
use a big scoop of sunscreen on the face, hands, neck, and legs.

Always buy sunscreen with a high SPF or Sun Protection Factor. It is the measure of how powerful it is
to safeguard against the UV rays.

Use of sunscreen keeps your skin smooth, healthy and safe from the risks of skin cancer, skin rashes, and
premature aging.

Exfoliate your face regularly

Exfoliating the face twice a week will get rid of the dead cells that are clogging the pores. Thus, you are
safe from whiteheads, blackheads, and acne. You have improved glow and complexion of the skin.

However, do not scrub it daily as it will damage the skin.

Keep the skin hydrated

Last, but not the least; drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated. Eat fruits and drink fresh juices.
It makes the skin smooth, healthy and glowing.

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