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Using the Planner

It’s as easy as 1, 2, squat!

My planner is so easy to use. I suggest starting on a Monday so you can do all your
meal prep for the week ahead on the Sunday – however, you can start on a day
that best suits your lifestyle – especially if you don’t work the traditional Monday to
Friday. Just remember, as soon as you buy your subscription you’ll get
immediate access to Emily Skye FIT, and your day 1 starts straight away.
Each day will clearly list your meals, workouts (choose between at home or in gym)
and mindfulness activities – simply click on the item to get the recipe or watch the
workout. On Thursdays I’ll release new content for the following week – it’s a great
day to check in with yourself, fist pump and plan the week.

Each workout only unlocks on the day it's scheduled, so there's no peeking ahead!
Once unlocked though, they stay open so you can go back and repeat them any
time you want. If you love a workout, or need to save it to do outside of the home or
while you're away, you can download the full workout too. 

Dietary needs
If you’re vegetarian or gluten free, no dramas! There are vegetarian meal plans and
all my menus are gluten-free friendly. And for those with intolerances or allergies,
check out my ingredient swaps lists in the FAQ.

Serving sizes
Firstly, you won’t go hungry. I promise! Our serving sizes generally follow this
formula, but you can always adjust your serves when creating your shopping list.

Breakfast serves 1
Lunch serves 1-2
Dinner at least 2 or 4.
This means you can cook for a friend, your other half, or you have leftovers for
tomorrow’s lunch and dinner for when you’re feeling a little lazy (don’t forget to
freeze your leftovers).

Swaps & Shopping lists

If you need to switch a few meals around, you can do it in the planner BEFORE you
create your shopping list – just keep the formula consistent. i.e., salad for a salad, a
meat dish for another meat dish or an egg dish for another protein-based dish.

When it comes to shopping, we’ve done the hard work for you! Our automated
shopping lists ensure you won’t forget a thing and can spend as little time as
possible at the supermarket. Meal plans and lists will be released ahead of time –
on the Thursday before the new week so you can prep over the weekend. Our lists
can be customised too. So, if you’re going out and won’t be cooking or have
decided to swap a recipe, you can adjust your list.

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