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Cavernous Sinus thrombosis – doesn’t occur ---- via Sup ophthalmic vein , inferior opthalmic,
angular, pterygoid plexus ?????????
2. Complication of draining retropharyngeal space – injury to carotid sheath
3. Management of impacted tooth in 45 year old patient without any problem
4. Implant in sinus
5. Chances of eruption of impacted tooth after the age of 18
6. Most common cause for impaction
7. Extraction of 10 root stump
8. Most common flap in oral surgery
9. Cyst w.r.t to 9 and 10 in the maxilla
10. Implant causing numbness in 21 what u do next
11. Implant coming out after placement after 1 week what to do
12. Ibuprofen metabolism
13. Absolute indication for extraction of tooth
14. Study after methylene t99 in osteomyelitis
15. Protocol for HBO therapy

16. Following statement is true about ibuprofen

a. It cannot cross placenta
b. It mainly excreted by hepatobiliary route
c. Its peak plasma level after 6 to 8 hr
d. Its largely bound to plasma protein
17. 24 year women with history of fatigue and lethargy and history of syncope. Clinically
mid systolic click with late systolic murmur. Probably she is suffering from
a. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
b. Mitral valve prolapse
c. Aortic regurgitation
d. Mitral stenosis

1. A patient with history of uncontrolled hyperthyroidism requires surgery. Which is the surgeon’s is choice
of LA
a. Lidocaine
b. Mepivacaine -
c. Propoxycaine
d. Bupivacaine? – least toxic

2. A patient presents with submandibular space infection requiring I and D. The surgeon wishes to makes use
of EMLA for the site of Venipuncture. Which of the statements are correct
a. EMLA is a mixture of Bupivacaine and Prilocaine
b. EMLA is 2.5 % of lidocaine and Procaine
c. EMLA is a combination of 2.5 % of lidocaine and Prilocaine
d. It should be applied at least 60 mins prior to venipuncture

3. What is considered as the maximum dose for adrenaline in a hypertensive patient

a. 0.2 mg
b. 0.02mg
c. 0.04mg
d. 0.0018 mg

4. A surgeon wants to use X tip system for intraosseous anesthesia of the mandibular premolar. What is the
size of the needle used(study from malamed)
a. 25 gauge short needle
b. 27 gauge long needle
c. 27 gauge ultra short needle
d. 30 gauge short needle
NOTE: IAN – 25 Gauge long needle
Buccal – 27 gauge short needle
Mental – 27 short
Supraperiosteal – 27 short
PDL – 27 Short
Intraosseus – 27 short
PSA – 27 Short , Infraorbital – 25 long, Maxillary – 25 long , Infiltration – 27 short

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