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1- I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible

2- I feel good about money and deserve it in my life

3- Great wealth is flowing to me now

4- I know I am abundant

5- I always have enough money for myself

6- Everyday in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous

7- I choose wealth and abundance

8- My wealth derives from honesty in everything I do

9- I am worthy of great success

10- My greatest good is coming to me now

11- I love abundance in all its beautiful forms

12- I am wide awake to my abundance

13- I release all my negative beliefs about money and invite wealth into my life

14- I am prosperous, healthy, happy and live in abundance

15- Making money is good for me and for everyone in my life

16- All my issues with wealth have disappeared

17- I clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make money

18- I am wealthy

19- Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth

20- I attract prosperity

21- Money flows freely and abundantly into my life

22- I will be productive and prosperous today

23- My prosperity is unlimited, my success is unlimited now

24- I always have whatever I need

25- Perfect abundance is my chosen reality

26- Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

27- Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing

28- I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do

29- I am gracious for the wealth I have in my life

30- I am free to do whatever I wish to do

31- Today is filled with opportunity, and I will seize it

32- Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness and peace of mind

33- I am now free to do the things I love

34- Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly

35- Thank you Universe for my great abundance

36- Feeling joyful attracts abundance

37- I allow all good things to come into my life, and I enjoy them

38- Wealth is a positive expression of divine energy

39- I can easily imagine myself having limitless abundance

40- Money always flows to me easily

41- I realize that I can help others with my wealth; so I stay wealthy

42- I am prosperous in everything I do

43- All my needs are met instantaneously

44- I know there is ample prosperity for all

45- I have the power to be successful

46- I allow my passions to perpetuate good in the world through my wealth

47- I let go of all resistance to prosperity, and it comes to me naturally

48- I am magnetic to money, and it is magnetic to me

49- Prosperity now happens to me

50- Money flows freely in my life

51- I am relaxing into greater abundance

52- I now release the goldmine within me

53- I am worthy of receiving prosperity now.I am willing to be more abundant now

54- I am now accumulating large sums of money

55- Like a powerful magnet, I attract all my desires in great abundance

56- I release all opposition to wealth

57- I am certain that my path is always perfect for me

58- I am abundant

59- Abundance is my divine birthright

60- Prosperity and abundance surround me

61- I release all negativity around building wealth

62- I attract prosperity with each thought I think

63- I am extremely successful

64- I deserve the best and it comes to me now

65- I enjoy my prosperity, and share it freely with the world

66- Everything and everybody prospers me now

67- here is plenty of money in the Universe, and there is plenty for me

68- My mind is constantly attracting money into my life

69- My mind is in harmony with the energies that create abundance

70- I am attracting into my life opportunities for making money

71- Each day, I am getting more comfortable about the idea of having a lot of money

72- I am getting used to the idea of being wealthy

73- I am confident that the Universe is helping me get all the money I need, and even more

74- If other people achieved success, I can too

75- My bank manager always welcomes me with a big smile

76- Piles of money are piling up in my bank account

77- I have a great job with a wonderful salary

78- My financial situation is improving beyond my dreams

79- My business is attracting a lot of paying customers

80- Money is appearing in my life through many channels, and in harmonious ways

81- I have endless residual income

82- I prosper wherever I go in whatever I do

83- I am worthy

84- I love money

85- Everyday I am becoming wealthier and wealthier

86- I am financially abundant

87- I am a great success

88- Unexpected money falls into my lap

89- I receive money by thinking luxuriously

90- I am building unlimited streams of income

91- I am always grateful for my unlimited sources of income

92- Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

93- I am doing what I love and earning lots of money doing it

94- I am an unlimited being

95- I am free

96- I am always positive

97- I am grateful for my infinite abundance

98- Money automatically gravitates into my life

99- I am no longer limited by old conditioning

100- I am prosperous.

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