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International Business Assignment

Name: M Mudassar
Roll No: 2242
Section: B
Session: 2014-2018

Submitted To: Mam Shandana

Global Standardization Strategy
Firms that use this strategy they have almost all their
operations centralized. Through this strategy firms try to create economies of scale because of

Example; Intel Microprocessors

Intel prepares standardized microprocessors these processors does not change according to the market.
These processors are same in all operating units of the intel.

Localization Strategy
Firms that pursue multidomestic strategy they are opposite to Global Standardization Strategy. These firms
design there operations according to the local conditions of the host country.

Example; COCA COLA

Coca Cola launched a marketing strategy share a coke with..... and added the name according the
region in which company is operating such as in Pakistan names are Arshad, Nimra etc and in UK these
names are Jhon, Martha etc.

Transnational Strategy
The firms that pursue this strategy some of there operations are standardized and some operations are
according to the native countries culture.

Example; Mccdonalds
Mccdonalds provide wine with food in their french restuarants but it does not provide wine with
food in asian restuarants because wine is basic element in french food.

International Strategy
This strategy is also known as exporting strategy through this strategy firm sell its product outside its
geographical territories. But it does not transfer its production outside of its geographical territories.

Example; Winsome Cultery Industry Pakistan

Pakistans leading cultery exporting industry. It exports its products in seven countries but its production
unit is only in Pakistan.

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