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My name: Mayrelys Salcedo. My partner´s name: Andri Ozuna.


Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?
On vacation I didn't do so many things out of the ordinary sleeping, eating,
spending time with my families. In my vacation I had boring days so much fun. I
went to visit my relatives in the countryside, as I always do. So I went to a
resort, to a restaurant called Pelicano and went to the colonial zone.

What did you do for you last birthday?

For my last birthday my friends and my ex-boyfriend made me a surprise at
home and then my grandmother came because she thought so well of doing the
same to me and we were among friends and family.

Who was your first crush?

My first crush because he came to my house for my cousin's birthday, he is a
very nice boy, he loves to exercise and his name is Kevin Batista.

What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?
A math text

What did you eat for you last meal?

My last meal was a hot dog

Who did you meet last week? What did you do together?
I didn't meet anyone last week, we're in quarantine

Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours.

During my last 24 hours, I woke up early to take my online English classes, did
my college homework, combed, bathed, ate, cleaned my house and I went to

When was the last time you were really excited about something?
When my aunt and grandmother were able to get better from corona virus

Tell me about where you lived as a child.

When I was a child I lived in the Ensanche Quisquella

When was the last time you went to an amusement park? How was it?
The last time I went to an amusement park was about 4 or 5 months ago, in the
plaza Juan baron it was an amazing experience.

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