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At The End Of The Day Allegro Ta GoyD Atthe end of the day you're an- oth-er day old- er. Atthe end of the day you're an- oth-er day cold- er. Gp And that’s all you can say for the life of the poor, And the shirt on your back does- nt keep out the chill 7 ce op strug- gle, it's a war. And there'snoth-ing that an- y-one's giv- ing. One more right-eous hur-ry past. They don'thear the lit-tie ones cry-ing. And the g Dm A Bs day-stand- ing a- bout, what is it for? win-ter is com-ingon fast, read-y to kill. u ‘Disust) One less day-to be One day near-er to 13. Dsus) At the end of the day there's an- oth-er day At the end of the day it's an- oth-er day 8 dawn- ing. And the sun in the morn-ing is wait-ing to o- ver, with ¢- nough in your pock- et to last for a Like thewaves crash_ on the sand, like a Pay the land- lord, pay the shop Keep on ae storm that'll break an-_y — se-cond there's a hun- ger_ in the land graft- ing as long as you're a- ble. Keep on graft-ing_ till you drop, reck-on ing still to be reck-oned- And there's gon-na be hell_ back to the crumbs off the ta- ble. Well you've got- to pay- at the end of the There's or to you're a it's 265, Gm/D Atthe end of the day you get noth-ingfor noth- ing, Sit-ting flat on your butt doesn't buy an-y bread, on F ce chil- dren_ back at home- And the chil-dren have got to be fed dia Bb bed. And we're count-ing our luck-y to be in a job, and in a 35° isu D.S. al Coda ° bless- ings. Atthe end of the

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