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In a Strange Land

A Minimalist Roleplaying Game of Hex-Crawling Pulp Fantasy

Writing & Design by James D. Hargrove

Interior Art by David Lewis Johnson
Cover Art by Miguel Santos
Introduction what the item is, roll an additional 1d6 and
cross-reference the result with the appropriate
In a Strange Land is a roleplaying game letter code on the following table.
of hex-crawling pulp fantasy based, in large
part, on a solo-play board game of the early
1980s. In a Strange Land assumes that you 1 2 3 4 5 6

have prior familiarity with RPGs and, as such, A 0 1 2 3 4 5

skips the basic introductory stuff.
B 0 6 7 8 9 10

C 6 8 9 11 12 13
Character Creation
All characters are initially defined by
four traits: Fighting, Physique, Guile, and Having cross-referenced the appropriate
Wealth. Each such trait is further defined by a letter code with your die roll result, you will find
numeric value. To determine the starting value another numeric code. This code refers to a
of a trait, roll 2d6. The result of this die roll is special item on the equipment list located at the
the value of the trait. end of this document.
In order to determine exactly how many Finally, at this time, you can use your
silver coins your character begins play with, roll silver coins to purchase armor and weapons for
1d6 and cross-reference the result with your your character from the equipment list.
character’s Wealth score on the table below.
Combat Resolution
1 2 3 4 5 6 Combat is divided up into turns. Each
1 1 2 2 3 3
turn, a character may take one action (e.g.,
attack an opponent, retreat, etc).To determine
3 1 2 3 3 4 5 what characters act when, roll 1d6 for each
3 4 5 5 6 7 character involved in the combat and add their
Fighting score to the result. Characters act in
5 3 4+A 5 6+A 7 8+A order of their modified die roll results, from
6 4 5 6 7 8 9 highest to lowest. When ties occur, re-roll the
dice. The only exception to this determined
7 9 10 11 12 13
7 order of combat is when surprise occurs.
8 6 8+C 11+A 12 15+A 20 If your character attempts to catch an
opponent by surprise, you need to roll 2d6. If
9 11 13 15 17 19 21
this roll result is lower than your character’s
10 16 19 21 23 25 28 Guile, then they have surprised their opponent.
As a result, your character gets to strike before
11 20+A 22 24+B 26 28+B 30
their opponent during the first turn of combat,
12 23 27 29 31 33 37 regardless of acting order and they get to make
a ‘free’ attack on the first turn of combat in
A result on the above table that contains addition to their normal attack.
a letter in addition to a number denotes that To resolve attacks, subtract the Fighting
your character has in their possession a Special score of the attacker from the target’s Fighting
Item in addition to silver coins. To determine score and make a note of it. Next, roll 2d6 and

modify the result by the number obtained by When your character has sustained a
comparing combatant Fighting scores and any number of wounds equal to half of their
relevant equipment modifiers (see equipment Physique score (rounded down), they have
descriptions). Finally, apply any modifiers for become Seriously Injured and receive a -2
other conditions as deemed necessary by the penalty to all die rolls made on their behalf.
Referee, such as a -4 modifier for low visibility When they have sustained wounds greater
in combat or a +10 modifier for attacking an than their Physique score but less than double
unconscious opponent. that score, they have been Knocked Out and
After obtaining a final numeric value, can take no action. When they have sustained
compare it to the table below. If the value is wounds equal to or greater than double their
shown on the table, then the specified number Physique score, they are Dead.
of wounds have been dealt to the target of the For every 24 hours that a character
attack. If the value is not shown on the table, dedicates to rest without undertaking strenuous
then the attack has missed. activity, they heal one normal, non-poison,
wound. Additionally, some Special Items allow
-6,-3,1,3,6 ,9 One Wound a character to heal wounds, including poison
wounds (see equipment descriptions).
11,13,14,18 Two Wounds

12 Three Wounds Travel & Transport

15,16,19 Four Wounds In a Strange Land is what many people
refer to as a “hex-crawl” system – overland
20+ Five Wounds
travel occurs on a hex map representing a
campaign setting. That said, the rules for travel
If, instead of attacking, you wish your and transport are simple. First, it is important to
character to flee from combat, roll 2d6 as their know how much terrain a group of characters
action. If the die result is less than their Guile can cover in a 24-hour period.
score, they have successfully escaped from the If any character in the group is on foot,
battle. Any other result indicates a failed escape then all characters must match his rate of
attempt, and that your character has forfeited travel, covering one hex worth of terrain every
their action for the turn. 24-hour period. If all group members are
Finally, if fighting sapient opponents, mounted, they can cover up to two hexes
you can attempt to frighten foes into fleeing by worth of terrain in a 24-hour period. Finally, if
physically intimidating them. Anytime that a foe all of a group is riding aerial mounts, they can
is killed on a combat turn, you may opt to roll cover up to three hexes worth of terrain in a
2d6 as your character’s action. If the die result given 24-hour period.
is less than your character’s Physique score, the In addition to ground and aerial travel,
remaining enemy combatants will flee. a group may also traverse bodies of water (e.g.,
lakes, rivers, etc) on a raft or other watercraft,
Wounds & Healing provided they own such conveyance or spend
Your character’s Physique determines 48-hours to fashion it from natural resources.
the number of wounds that they can sustain Such travel occurs at the rate of three hexes
before they are killed. per day on still water, four hexes per day if
moving with a current, or two hexes per day if

moving directly against a current (e.g., rafting applicable) is reduced by one and their load
upstream on a river). carrying capacity is halved (rounded down). If
With regard to transport, a character they miss a second daily meal, their carrying
may carry a number of loads equal to their capacity is again halved and their Fighting
Physique score. A land-based mount can carry score again reduced by one. And so on. When
30 loads, and aerial mount can carry 20 loads, a character’s Fighting score is reduced to zero
and a watercraft can carry up to 40 loads, in this manner, then their Physique score is
depending upon its exact size (as determined reduced by one point for each further day of
by the Referee; naturally a smaller watercraft starvation, with such loss being treated as if the
will carry a smaller number of loads). starving party has been wounded.
Each pack of rations counts as one load, When a starving character or mount
as does every 100 coins or portion thereof consumes a day’s worth of food as previously
(e.g., 80 coins still counts as a load for the discussed, the effects of one day of starvation
purposes of transport). Individual items and are reversed. Unfortunately, recovering from
weapons count as one load each. Carrying a starvation takes time – such effects may only
person counts as 10 loads. be reversed one day at a time.

Food & Nourishment Other Common Actions

Food plays an important role in the In a During the course of an adventure, you
Strange Land campaign – without it, your may want your character to do something
character becomes progressively weaker and other than crush your enemies, see them
less able to fend for oneself. Characters require driven before you, and hear the lamentations
one ration of food each day to remain healthy, of their women. Rules are provided here for
while animal mounts, if unable to forage for common non-combat actions.
food, require two rations of food each day to In some cases, you may find it useful to
remain healthy. hide from another character or creature. To do
One ration of food costs a single silver so, roll 2d6. If the die roll result is less than
coin. A typical ration consists of salted meat, your character’s Guile score, they have hidden
hard tack biscuit, and hard cheese. Better food and will remain so until they move. If they
can be acquired at inns and taverns, but it must move, a further die roll must be made to
be consumed on the spot as it does not keep remain hidden from view. Remaining hidden
(that said, such meals still fulfill the nutritional while moving is not easy.
requirements mentioned above). Locks pose a common obstacle to
If you wish, your character can try his characters, both on doors and on chests. You
hand at hunting, provided they are in an area can, if you so wish, attempt to pick a lock with
inhabited by wild game. Roll 2d6 and subtract precision using thieve’s tools or use your brute
the result from your character’s Fighting score. strength to force it open.
The modified die roll result is the number of Picking a lock successfully both opens
food rations worth of wild game procured. If the lock and bypasses any traps that may be
the die result is a negative value, then no wild protecting it. To pick a lock, roll 2d6. If the die
game has been procured. roll result is less than your character’s Guile
If either a character or mount misses a score, they have successfully picked the lock.
required daily meal, their Fighting score (if Any other result indicates that the lock was not

picked, but also that no traps protecting the attack using the normal combat table, roll 2d6.
lock (if applicable) were triggered. If the result of this roll is greater than the target
Forcing open a lock both destroys the character’s Guile score, the targeted character
lock and triggers any traps that may be has been dominated and can take no action
protecting it. To force a lock open, roll 2d6. If until the sorcerer’s hold over him has been
the die result is less than your character’s broken. If all characters are dominated in this
Physique score, the lock has been successfully manner, they have been captured by the
forced open and any traps protecting it are sorcerer. In order to break a sorcerer’s hold
triggered. Any other result indicates that the over an ensorceled character, the character
lock remains intact, but any traps protecting it must be wounded, shocking them back to
are triggered (if applicable). reality with the very real sensation of pain.
There are times when an application of
quick wit can be your saving grace. Whenever It’s a Trap!
you want your character to tell a convincing lie,
bribe somebody, convince somebody to join As mentioned previously, traps are often
your cause, or otherwise manipulate somebody used to guard chests or doors, but the truth is
in a social fashion, roll 2d6. If the die result is that the Referee may drop them anywhere that
less than your character’s Guile score, then they please. The following guidelines can be
their social gambit has been successful. Any used to aid you in quickly generating traps for
other result indicates that your character is less In a Strange Land campaigns.
clever than they anticipated. First, two primary types of trap exist in
the world – lethal traps and non-lethal traps.
Examples of lethal traps include balloons of
The Sin of Sorcery poison gas hidden in chests, pit traps filled with
Sorcery is evil. Period. It is nothing less spikes, and so on. Examples of non-lethal
than a sin against the gods. It is not your include urns of knock out gas or trip alarms
character’s lot in life to wield sorcery, but to that alert nearby creatures of intruders.
extinguish its flame wherever it may be found. Lethal traps can be further broken down
Those who wield sorcery are dangerous foes – into two sub-types – those that inflict regular
but steel will conquer them in the end! wounds and those that inflict poison wounds.
Sorcerers may choose to hurl balls of Poison wounds, mentioned briefly earlier, are
arcane energy at characters in combat. As the really not much different than non-poison
Referee, when a sorcerer attacks with arcane wounds except that they do not heal without
energy, instead of resolving the attack using the the use of a special potion.
normal combat table, roll 1d6. If the result is 5 All lethal traps, whether they deal non-
or 6, the sorcerer has struck the group with a poison wounds or poison wounds, deal a flat
ball of crackling arcane energy. Roll another number of wounds to a character who triggers
1d6. The result of this second die roll is the them or any characters caught in the area of
number of wounds that every character in the effect, as determined by the Referee. The exact
target group takes. number of wounds dealt to characters by a
Further, a sorcerer may use magic to lethal trap is determined by exactly how lethal
dominate other characters. As the Referee, it is, as seen on the table at the top of the
whenever a sorcerer attempts to dominate a following page.
character as an action, instead of resolving the

Ho w L ethal? Woun ds D ealt Name Fighting Physique We alth

Not Very One Wound Amazon 7 6 5

Som ewhat Two Wounds Ba ndit 5 5 5

Pretty Darn Four Wounds Bandit King 6 6 8

Very, Very Eight Wounds Ghost 5 3 None

Giant 10 9 7
Non-lethal traps are an entirely different
Golem 7 9 None
matter. Like lethal traps, non-lethal traps have
a pre-determined effect but, obviously, those Griffon 8 7 None
effects don’t cause wounds. For instance, a
Lizardman 6 7 8
non-lethal trap that consists of the previous
example of an urn of knock out gas would Mercena ry 6 5 5
simply knock out any affected character or
Priest 4 4 12
creatures when triggered.
If the Referee is a sporting sort, they Skeleton 5 4 3
may allow you to roll 2d6 and, if you roll less
Sorcerer 5 5 12
than a trait they specify, further allow your
character to mitigate the effects of a given trap. Sphinx 10 9 11
For example, they may tell you to roll 2d6 and,
if you roll less than your character’s Physique Amazon: Amazons are very beautiful female
score, then your character may not succumb to warriors of legendary skill; better than any man
that knock out gas or take only half the number on the field of battle.
of wounds from those rotating knives.
For the most part, creating traps for In a Bandit: Bandits are everywhere in the world of
Strange Land campaigns is an endeavor of In a Strange Land, making a living by stealing
imagination, rather than actual rules. These from those too weak to fight back.
guidelines should get Referees where they need
to go without constraining them too much. Bandit King (or Queen): A man or woman
who has fought their way to the top of a given
Foes to Fight bandit group’s hierarchy. A tougher bandit.
The following is a short list of foes that
characters may encounter during In a Strange Ghost: An ethereal apparition. Often tethered
Land campaigns. Referees should feel free to to a specific place, defeating them in combat
expand upon this list of foes or alter the traits of may only dispel them temporarily. Often, a
these foes to better suit their own vision of quest must be undertaken to lay them to rest.
what the world of In a Strange Land and its
inhabitants look like. As was the case with Giant: Dim-witted, lumbering, humanoids of
traps, these are primarily guidelines, and should immense size, giants are extremely strong and,
serve to give the Referee a starting point for as such, do great damage in combat.
their own campaigns.

Golem: An artificial construct, imbued with the
semblance of life by a Sorcerer, Golems are
powerful opponents in combat.

Griffon: A large, flying, creature with the head

and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. It
is possible to train them as mounts.

Lizardman: Many years ago, lizardmen were

once normal humans but were cursed by a
wicked sorcerer to wear the skin of a lizard.

Mercenary: A professional warrior whose deft

blade is for sale to anybody who can pay the
asking price.

Priest: Plutocrats whose power derives from

their wealth, priests are not great warriors, but
they surround themselves with bodyguards.

Sorcerer: As elucidated earlier, sorcerers can

command eldritch power to their benefit and,
like priests, are typically wealthy individuals
who can hire talented warriors to guard them.

Sphinx: Rare creatures of extreme power and

wisdom, Sphinxes can call upon sorcery as do
sorcerers and have a fondness for riddles.

Copyright © 2017 by M ystic Beard Gam es

The Equipment List
Weapon Name Description Cost in Silver

Club +1 Fighting versus plate armor, +2 Fighting versus unarmored opponent None

Dagger +1 Fighting versus leather or chain armor, +2 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 3

Sap +1 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 1

Mace +2 Fighting versus plate armor, +3 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 10

Broadsw ord +2 Fighting versus leather armor, +3 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 15

Grea tswo rd +3 Fighting versus leather armor, +4 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 30

Spear +2 Fighting versus leather or chain armor, +2 Fighting versus unarmored opponent 8

Net Successful attack completely immobilizes opponent for 1d6 turns 12

Sling +1 Fighting versus unarmored opponent at range 2

Armor Name Description Cost in Silver

Lea ther Jerk in +2 Physique for p urposes o f determining w oun ds. C oun ts as 2 loads fo r transport. 8

Ch ain Shirt +3 Physique for p urposes o f determining w oun ds. C oun ts as 4 loads fo r transport. 20

Plate Armor +4 Physique for p urposes o f determining w oun ds. C oun ts as 6 loads fo r transport. 40

Special Item Description Item Code

Healing Potion Can be used once. It heals all non -poison w oun ds 24 ho urs after imb ibing. 0

Cure Poison Potion Ca n be used once. It h eals all poison wounds 24 hou rs after imbibing. 1

Ch arm Ba uble This trinket can be used to re-roll any social manipulation roll once per day. 2

Belt of Endurance While wearing this belt, you do not need to eat or drink to stay healthy. 3

Anti-Sorcery Talisman Ma kes wearer im mu ne to all sorcerous attacks. 4

Assassin’s Dagger All wound s dealt by this dagger are treated as poison wound s. 5

Assassin’s Poison Can be applied to bladed w eapo ns. Deals one p oison w oun d before it dissipates. 6

Anti-Poison Talisman Converts any poison wound s that the wearer suffers to regu lar wou nds. 7

Trained Griffon You ha ve a trained griffon mo unt that allows you to travel by air. 8

Ring of Ch arm While wearing this ring, a character adds +1 to their Guile score. 9

Gas Bomb Hu rled w hen surprise is gained. Roll 1d6. On 1-4, all op pon ents are killed. 10

Ring of Deflection Roll 2d6 when hit with physical attack. If less than Physique, attack is deflected. 11

Ring of Resurrection If killed wearing this ring, character return to life 24 hours later with full Physique. 12

Shield of Deflection This shiny shield blinds opponents in combat, reducing their Fighting score by 2. 13

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