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Narrator: In the last episode of Mafia, we met Pepe, who is a policeman with many infiltration

skills, he is one of the best in his unit, he is currently infiltrated in one of the most dangerous
Mafias in Norway, He has started from below to gain everyone's trust, so he can catch them all
without risking too much.

Jake: Hey Marcus we will have a meeting with Don Torino at four in the afternoon, it is the
western district.

Marcus: The last meeting I attended made me waste my valuable time.

Jake: Just go and stop asking so much

Marcus: Ok, I'll be there

Narrator: Once in the meeting

Don Torino: many of you will wonder why I have gathered you here today, and it's about moving a
drug shipment to Norway, I need the best for this assignment, and you’re willing to sacrifice
themselves to make this cargo reach its destination, Marcus you have won my trust and if you
manage to complete this assignment you will be an official part of our mafia, ruin it and you know
what your destiny will be, Jake you will going with him to check that everything it’s all right.

Jake: I will do it Don Torino, don’t worry about that.

Narrator: Sometime later in the night, Marcus and Jake was charging the drugs on the truck.

Jake: remember we need to check all the drug packages are here.

Marcus: Ok let me check.

Jake: so? all the drug packages are here?

Marcus: Yes, it’s complete this is a lot of drugs how we pass al the police checks in the road?

Jake: Don’t worry about that all the policemen’s works for Don Torino in this District.

Narrator: Marcus was thinking: like I supposed they had buyed the policemen’s

Jake: Ok guys, we were going right now to Norway.

Narrator: In the way some hours later…

Jake: Hey Marcus what was you doing in the past before you entered in the Mafia of Don Torino:

Marcus: I was mailman, but I have economic problems, my wife died and my dad was killed.

Jake: Seriously ? I’m sorry Marcus, but mailman that was the most boring job I ever heard in my

Marcus: Don’t worry all the people says the same.

Jake: But how a mailman knows a lot of guns and drugs?

Marcus: Well you know I learned basically all I know from, movies, books and internet, you can
learn how to shot different types of guns in YouTube.

Jake: I was thinking in the beginning that you were a policeman.

Marcus: Why you thinking that?

Jake: I killed a lot of policemen’s in the past and you were like them in the beginning.

Marcus: And Now? you’re still think about me being a policeman?

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