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Assignment 1: Online Class Experience

Before the suspension of all online classes this week, all my classes were adjusting to
the sudden switch to online lectures and classroom activities. For some of my classes,
the switch was more complicated than others, while in other classes transition was very
seamless. For example, in our SPEECOM class we will instead be moving all our
speeches to video or skype calls. Other classes are just uploading PPTs or advising
students to work on their papers that are due by the end of the term. So far there has only
been two classes that have utilized the video conference classes that we have in
HURETWO, my other class being MARKEXP (market exporting). In the latter class, the
conference is only used for lecture where students answer through the public chat. So far
HURETWO is the only class that utilized majority of the features of the conference
platform. I personally liked the breakout group feature because we can share screens
and take group notes. However, during our first breakout, unfortunately our group notes
disappeared due to the breakout sessions closing (fortunately we were able to remember
what we had discussed and decided to just use google docs as our main source of note
taking instead). I think it is a viable method of holding lectures in the midst of the COVID-
19 pandemic and lockdown, though I firmly believe a real-life classroom setting is more
conducive to learning for HURETWO in particular.

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