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Por mi culpa, mi mamá enfermó de covid-19.

Decidí salir temprano a comprar las cosas para la

casa, pero no encontraba el protector facial, así que decidí arriesgarme y salir sin ella. 15 días
después ella estaba contagiada y yo era asintomático. Sentí una gran culpa. Si yo hubiera
buscado bien la mascarilla, ella estaría bien ahora. Debería haber comprado otra en la calle,
pero me sentía inmune a la enfermedad. Nos habíamos cuidado tanto, para que yo lo arruine
todo en un día. Por suerte ella se recuperó rápidamente. Si le hubiera pasado algo peor a ella,
yo nunca me lo habría perdona.

Because of me, my mom got covid-19. I decided to leave early to buy things for the house, but
I couldn't find the face shield, so I decided to take a risk and go out without it. 15 days later she
was infected and I was asymptomatic. I felt great guilt. If I had looked for the mask well, she
would be fine now. I should have bought another one on the street, but I felt immune to the
disease. We had taken care of ourselves so much that I would ruin everything in one day.
Luckily she recovered quickly. If something worse had happened to her, I would never have
forgiven myself.

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