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Jaida Veiga

Mrs. Tubbs
English 1301-054
July 18, 2020
Feeling Like a Fourth Grader
First introduction example - When I was in the fourth grade, I won an award for top one
hundred accelerated readers. I remember being so proud of myself and getting ready to show my
trophy off to my parents. That was the last time I read for my personal pleasure. As I went
through middle and high school, I focused on academics and preparing for college. The thought
of reading novels and books never crossed my mind. However, I graduated high school last fall
and do not need to worry about as many classes anymore. I realized that I have time for what
makes me happy again, reading. (Thesis) Ever since COVID-19 started, and citizens were
required to stay indoors, I have rediscovered a desire for reading for enjoyment. (make longer
and mention covid more)

Second idea for introduction - “In twenty-fifth place for the most accelerated reader we
have Jaida Veiga in the fourth grade!” the principle of my elementary school said at the
graduation ceremony. As I walked up onto the stage, in front of the entire school, I remember
telling myself that I’ll never stop reading. I loved reading with a passion, and the yearly awards
were a nice touch. When Mr.Castillo handed me my trophy I saw my parents and little brother
waving and smiling at me from the back of the cafeteria with such a proud look on their faces. I
never wanted that proud feeling of pride and joy to leave me. However, that was the last time I
felt that way. It is now many years later and I have not read for pleasure since elementary school.
When I was in high school, my main priority was academics and focusing on getting into
college. When I graduated last fall I felt sort of empty because I had already fulfilled my goals,
but something was still missing. ​ I sort of regret not reading during that time of my life. I believe
it could have made me a better all-around person with benefits in grades and having a wide range
of views depending on what I was discussing. ​When the pandemic first arrived I tried out many
different hobbies and crafts such as drawing, playing music, and cooking. Although I enjoy
doing those things, they never made me as happy as reading novels and books did. I would pace
around my bedroom and sit around doing nothing for weeks wondering what hobby I could pick
It was not until I picked up an old novel in my closet that I thought about reading again.
The novel was called “Five Feet Apart” by Rachel Lippincott, Tobias Ianconis, and Mikki
Daughtry. I am not going to go into the details about it but it is primarily another teenage
romance with a sad twist. While I was reading it, the feeling I felt back in the fourth grade came
back again for the first time since then. After I was done, I started searching the internet for
similar books. I found books like The Martian by Andy Weir and The Perks of Being a
Wallflower by S​tephen Chbosky, which ended up being two of my favorites to this day. From

the time COVID-19 was set in motion, I have read about a dozen novels. I have even gone ahead
to browse different styles of writing and genres from essays to series and everything between
romantic coming of age to criminal psychology.

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