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LIZ: Hello MC. how are you?
MC: I am very tired
LIZ: You should travel in your next holiday
MC: Yes, I think to travel. I am going to see some tourist places from South America
LIZ: That is great! You can travel to Brazil. I went to Brazil the last year. Tell me. What kind of holidays do
you prefer?
MC: I prefer a package holiday by the beach because I see beautiful landscape
LIZ: You can travel somewhere to Brazil. In Brazil there are beautiful beaches
MC: Yes. I think everybody likes the beaches to Brazil. The beaches from Brazil are good places to travel in my
LIZ: Yes. Do you speak Portuguese?
MC: No, I don´t. I speak Spanish and English
LIZ: You should learn some local phrases in Portuguese to speak with local people
MC: Good idea. I can buy a Portuguese dictionary
LIZ: Yes. You shouldn´t travel only, but don´t worry because the local people are very friendly
MC: Great! Do I have to get passport?
LIZ: No, you don´t. I have to travel with your Peruvian DNI
MC: What is the currency there?
LIZ: The currency is “The Real”
MC: Should I have cash?
LIZ: No, you shouldn´t because the shops, hotels and banks in that city accept credit card
MC: So I can buy something souvenirs in Brazil.
LIZ: You shouldn´t buy souvenirs in comercial center because they are very expensive
MC: OK. How long can I stay there?
LIZ: You can stay for a maximum of three months
MC: OK. When is a good time to go to Brazil?
LIZ: In Summer because you can go to the beach
MC: Fantastic. My holidays are in February and March. I want going to Rio de Janeiro
LIZ: You should buy something light clothes
MC: OK. Also I should wear sun cream in the beach
LIZ: MC what is the most important for you in a tourist place?
MC: First a good restaurant, second comfortable rooms and finally friendly staff
LIZ: OK. It sound perfect. You have a great holidays
MC: Thanks you! Sorry I am late for my work. See you later
LIZ: See you. Take care! Bye.

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