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- Involved virtually every part of the world, it was the bloodiest

Axies Power = Germany, Italy and Japan

Allies = France, Great Britain, the USA and the Union Soviet, and as a lesser extend China
More than 40 millions deaths were caused by this War
It enabled a communist movement to achieve power in China, and a shift of power in the world away from
the states of western Europe, and toward the United States and Soviet Union.
The Outbreak of the War
Adolf Hitler was determined to occupied Poland. For its part, Poland had a guarantee from French and
Great Britain to support them in case of military offense. Hitler invaded Poland anyway (ignoring diplomatic
efforts of the western powers to restrain him). In result of this invasion, Great Britain and France declared
war on Germany.
Forces and resources of the European Combatants
Even though allies had more resources when it come to discussing about populations and military
manpower, the Axies Power, especially German, were more effective given their discipline, doctrine, and
fighting spirit. Germans possessed quality superior given their armoured divisions. They possessed
several antitank, machine guns, and mortars, while Allies did only have their armament at that time slightly
superior than in World War I (Allies did not have any armoured divisions).
German’s discipline played a vital role for the preliminar success of the allies.
Who were the leaders during World War II?
The Allied powers were led by Winston Churchill (UK), Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union), Charles de Gaulle
(France), Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (USA). Axis Power Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito
Mussolini (Italy) and Hideki Tojo (Japan).
The turning point
Japana lost his dominance after the Battle of Midway. This ended Japan’s ability to prosecute an offensive
Prove Factor of Germany
The Soviet Union’s victory in the Battle of Stalingrad marked a shift in the WWII. The destruction of the
Germany army was at expense of the dead of thousands of Soviet troops and soldiers, and civil defending
their land.
The decisive successful factor that Germany possessed was their organization into divisions not the
number of their armoured tanks. Germany military tactics were plenty of rapidly movements that was its
salient characteristic. Germany war tecniques did not have equal in all Europe.
German Air Forces steadily mounted in those years. At the combat crafts were superior in comparison with
the aircrafts of Allies members. Allies had obsolescent aircrafts.
However, at the sea the odds were against Germany, since the Allies ha many more large surface
Technology in warfare
In the WWI it was believed that an advantage in the number of soldiers was a decisive factor when it
comes to winning a battle. However, with the use of tanks such belief was demurred. The Germany had a
slowly rearmament program in the interwar years (In contrast British army did not have any armoured
division by that time).
In the period between 1918 and 1939, Military aircraft had increased in size, speed a range and
operations at sea. Appeared the “dive bomber” (aircrafts designed for low-altitude bombing of enemy
strong points).
The monoplane fighters were also developed (these were aircrafts with guns in their wings). The threat of
bomber attacks on both military and civilian targets, foster in developing of radar in Great Britain.
Polish authorities felt confident for their preponderance of horse cavalry as an important asset for the
winning. This unrealism attitude resulted in a disgrace for polish people. Germany destroyed polish air
force and polish railway system before it could come any action. The terror boming of polish cities,
bridges, rad, power stations caused a deep disorganization. Polish government representants should
asked for exile. At the end, Poland was divided into two parts: the one conquered by Germany, and the
other one conquered by Soviet Union.
Remember: British were more fortunate than Germans in surface warfare at sea.
Italy . This country left its nonbelligerent stance. This cause that France was virtually settled by the Allies.
The war in the Pacific
Japan invaded Manchuria (China), and after overcoming ineffective defensive, They occupied Shangai,
Wu-han, and Caton. The guerrilla started an effective combant against the Japanese trrop in Manchuria.
The Japanese needed large numbers of troops to maintain controlled the vast zones of China. Japanese
did not have any plan to cope with the guerrilla warfare.
USA appereance
When Italy made its appererance in the war, and the fall of France was inminent. US president Franklin D.
Roosevelt declared that the USA would had provided of raw materials to the troops. First, USA supported
France then Great Britain. Roosevelt arranged for the transfer of surplus American war materiel to the
British under various arragements, including combants ships. Great Britain decided to rely on the USA
without considering their ability to pay, so this nation at the end was over indebted. Churchill suggested
Rossevel to enter into the Allies. So, USA, Soviet Union and China started to receive lend-leasing aid by
this time. Roosevelt had been clerarly determinated to aid the Soviet Union, but the American opinion was
against the delivery of aircrafts, and tanks to the URSS. However, this supply started shortly thereafter.
German Strategy
GS is wholly intelligible only if Hitler racist ideology and reaching system of power is understood. Germany
plain to have the same reward as
Invasion of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union had more ware artifacts than three times the number of both tanks and aircrafts. But the
Soviet tanks were mostly obsolete. However, Hitler did not foresee that Stalin could bring up more
reserves from the deep of the URSS. This military operation was the biggest one of all the History. Hitler
always saw the nonaggression pact with the Societ Union as temporal and as a strategic military
technique. Hitler broke such nonaggression pact. During years, the Soviet Union government refuse to
hear the warnings about the accumulation of axis troops along their western borders. So, Germany
surprisingly attacked the Soviet Union destroying big part of the Soviet Union air crafts. And that it is why,
initially, Germany was winning the war. Gemany’s military force started to exterminate all the jew p

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