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1. I’m here to be the best that I can be.

After auditioning for a few schools, this

was the place I felt I was wanted most. Paying out of state tuition further

motivated me into training to become the best I can at everything. With Jay

knowing me previously, I knew the expectations were set high.

2. I want to be the best performer that I can be. I understand that I do not have

the answers to everything, and need to be patient. Also, everyone else grows

at different rates so it’s important to not worry about anybody else’s growth.

I also want to make an impact on the department. I want to be remembered

and serve as a role model and inspiration for future students.

3. My priorities are my growth, grades, and reputation. I want to grow stronger

and push myself to a healthy extent and have my grades reflect that. I really

want my reputation to not sink. I want to be known as someone who does his

work with 110% effort. There are certain things that as performers we can

control: memorization, preparedness, strong choices, enthusiasm,

determination, and confidence. Talent is important too, but effort and

determination to be a better performer will be noticed first.

4. I can continue to attend class regularly and not miss any instructive days at

all. To this day I’ve managed to attend all of my classes. There’s a lot of due

dates and I believe continuing to keep a calendar and journaling will continue

to assist with those due dates.

5. What it means to be an artist is to give everything 110% and worry about

just you, but also be willing to collaborate well with others. Treat other

people kindly, and understand that everything isn’t about you.

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