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[travel, travelled, travelling (v)~ c&D;xGuf/oGm;onf] [travel (n)~ c&D;/c&D;oGm;_cif;] [traveller (n)~ c&D;oGm;|c&D;onf?]
[travel agency (n)~ c&D;oGm;vkyfief;Xme] [travel agent (n)~ c&D;oGm;vkyfief;udk<fpm;vS<f]
[travel (n) = tour/journey] [travel (v) = take a trip] [travelling (adj) + N ~ c&D;oGm;aom/vSnfhvnf(_yo|azsmfa_z)aom?]
be exciting (adj)+ N ~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;&aom|aysmfp&maumif;aom
1-Travelling in Southeast Asia can be very exciting since each country has something unique to offer. (Why?)
[Travelling in Southeast Asia can be very exciting. Each country in Southeast Asia has something unique to offer.]
*We will be/feel very excited to travel in Southeast Asia. (How will we feel ---?)
[be/feel excited to do sth~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;aom /pdwftm;xufoefwufjuGaom]
*Each/Every country in Southeast Asia has something unique to offer to the visitors.
[unique (adj)~ _ydKifbufuif;|twkr@Sd|xl;_cm;|wpfrlxl;aom] [something unique ( ---thing + Adj)]
*All countries in Southeast Asia have something unique to offer to the visitors.
2-The following are descriptions of the tourist attractions of five of these countries. [visitor = tourist]
[describe (v), description (n) = picture ~ o@kyfazmfcsuf|azmf_ycsuf|a&;om;azmf_ycsuf? descriptive (adj)~ o@kyfazmfaom]
[tourist (n)~ taysmfc&D;onf|urBmvSnfhc&D;onf] [tourism (n)~ c&D;oGm;vkyfief;] [attract (v), attractive (adj), attraction (n)]
*All countries in Southeast Asia have their descriptions that can attract / to attract the tourists.

Brunei Darussalam
uGsef;pG<fESpfoG<f Borneo uGsef;>taemufa_rmufuef;@kd;wef;rSm
1-Brunei is a country which comprises two enclaves on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo.
[comprise (v) = include/ contain/ cover(us<f)/ involve/ consist of] [lie/ situate/ locate (wnf@Sd)]
[Brunei comprises two enclaves. Brunei is (situated/located) on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo.]
(What kind of country is Brunei?) (Where is Brunei situated?)
*Brunei Darussalam is situated on the northwest coast of the island of Borneo and it consists of two enclaves.
(Where is Brunei Darussalam situated and what does it consist of?)
places of interest
2-Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei Darussalam, has many sights to offer.
[see (v), sight(n) t_riftm@kH, sights = view/scene ~ _rifuGif;|@Skcif;] [sightless (adj)~ rsufpdr_rifaom|t_riftm@HkrJhaom]
[sightseeing (n)= seeing the sights/going to places of interest/visiting the attractions ~ @Skcif;rsm;udkvSnfhywfjunfh@Sk_cif;]
[offer sth to sb ~ The capital offers many sights to tourists. / offer (v) ay;onf|urf;vSrf;onf|qufuyfvSL'gef;onf?]
[The capital of Brunei Darussalam is Bandar Seri Begawan. It has many sights to offer.]
*The capital of Brunei Darussalam is Bandar Seri Begawan. (What is the capital?)
ig;_ywdkuf as an example om"utm;_zifh
3-The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium, for instance, features a colourful display of tropical fish.
[feature (v) ~ pdwf0ifpm;zG<f@Sd, colourful ~ a&mifpHkawmufyaom|pdwf0ifpm;zG<faumif;aom, display (n) ~ _yo_cif;]
[The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium features (has) a colorful display of tropical fish.) tylydkif;ig;trsdK;rsdK;@Sd]
*The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium is one of the sights that the capital can offer to visitors.
*Visitors can see a colorful display of tropical fish at the Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium. (Where?)
tEkynm vufrSKynm avhusifha&; ausmif; @dk;&m vufrSKypPnf;rsm; aiGxnf
4-At the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre, you can buy traditional Brunei handicrafts such as silverware, brocade
and ceremonial daggers. [brocade ~ <Gef;xnf/ ceremonial ~ taqmifta<mif/ dagger ~ "m;a_rmif ]
[You can buy traditional Brunei handicraft at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre. Traditional Brunei
handicrafts are silverware, brocade and ceremonial daggers.
*We can buy traditional Brunei handicrafts such as silverware, brocade and ceremonial daggers at the Brunei Arts and
Handicraft Training Centre. (Where?)
*The examples of Brunei handicrafts are silverware, brocade and ceremonial daggers. (What are the examples?)
*The deggers sold at the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre are for ceremonial occasions. tcrf;tem;|yGJ
aju;ndK aju;0g_zifh_yKvkyfwJhypPnf;
5-Finer examples of bronze and brassware, along with fascinating displays of Chinese ceramics and jade, can be seen at the
Brunei Museum. _ywdkuf ESifhtwl ajuGxnfa_rxnf ausmufpdrf;

[fine ~ vuf&ma_rmufaom/ fine art ~ okckrtEkynm/ along with sb/sth / fascinate ~ pGJrufap|qGJaqmifonf/
fascinating (adj)~ pGJrufp&m|pdwf0ifpm;p&maumif;aom] [sth is fascinating / sb is fascinated with sth]
[Finer examples of bronze and brassware can be seen at the Brunei Museum. Chinese ceramics and jade are along with
bronze and brassware. Chinese ceramics and jade are fascinating. Chinese ceramics and jade are displayed to be fascinated.]
*Bronze and brassware can be seen at the Brunei Museum. (Where?)
*Chinese ceramics and jade are displayed along with bronze and brassware. (What are displayed along with ---?)
*Visitors will be fascinated by displays of Chinese ceramics and jade at the Brunei Museum.
6-In the Centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, and overlooking an impressive view of the water village, Kampong Ayer, is the
Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, which is ranked as one of the most attractive mosques in Asia.
[overlook (v)~ tay:rS_rifawGhEdkifonf] [impressive (adj)~ txifjuD;avmufaom/zG<faumif;aom -an impressive ceremony/
building/ speech/ performance] [mosque ~ AvD] [rank (v)~ tqifhtwef;owfrSwf/@Sdonf] [one of the Nplural Vplural]
[Kampong Ayer is the water village. It is in the Centre of Bandar Seri Begawan. The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is in the
Centre of Bandar Seri Begawan. The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque overlooks the impressive view of the water village,
Kampong Ayer. The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is ranked as one of the most attractive mosques in Asia.]
*Kampong Ayer is a water village. (What kind of village?)
*Kampong Ayer is the water village and it is situated in the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan.
(What is Kampong Ayer and where is it situated?)
*We can see an impressive view of the water village from the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque.
(What can we see from ---?)
*The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is in the Centre of Bandar Seri Begawan. (Where?)
*A very attractive mosque in Asia is located in the centre of the capital.
*People regard the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque as one of the most attractive mosques in Asia. (How?)
7-Temburong Zoo in the eastern part of the country has a good variety of tropical wildlife.
[a good variety of ~ trsdK;rsdK;/ trsm;t_ym;] [tropical wildlife ~ tylydkif;a'o awm@dkif;wd&pÇmef -wildlife = wild animals]
[Temburong Zoo is in the eastern part of Brunei Darussalam. It has a good variety of tropical wildlife.]
*The Temburong Zoo has a good variety of tropical wildlife. (What does the Temburong Zoo have?)
*Temburong Zoo is in the eastern part of Brunei Darussalam. (Where?)
*** How many tourist attractions are mentioned in the passage? (5/ five)
*** What are the tourist attractions? - the Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium, the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training
Centre, the Brunei Museum, the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque and Temburong Zoo

1-The kingdom of Cambodia occupies part of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia.
[kingdom ~ a state ruled over by a king – bk&iftkyfcsKyfaomEdkifiH] [occupy = lie/ situate/ locate]
2-There is plenty to see in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, starting with a tour of the Silver Pagoda, the National
Museum, Independence Monument, Wat Phnom and the market areas where hand-woven silks, silver, gems and antiques
will compete for your attention.
[plenty (n)~ trsm;t_ym;] [tour (n)~ vSnfhvnfjunfh@SK_cif;/tvnftywfc&D;] [museum ~ _ywdkuf] [independence ~ vGwfvyfa&;]
[monument ~ txdrf;trSwftaqmufttHk|armfuGef;wdkif|@kyfwk ponf] [Wat Phnom ~ awmifukef;xufubk&m;/apwD]
[hand-woven (adj)~ vuf_zifh&ufvkyfaom] [silks (n)~ ydk;xnf] [ gem (n)~ ausmufrsuf&wem] [ antique (n)~ a@S;a[mif;ypPnf;]
[compete (v)~ _ydKifqdkifonf] [attention (n)~ tm@Hk/ tm@Hkpdkuf_cif;|owdrl_cif;]
[come to/stand at attention – owdtaetxm;] [Attention, please! – aus;Zl;_yKIem;qifyg ]
[The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh. There are many sights to see in Phnom Penh.The tourist attractions are
the Silver Pagoda, the National Museum, Independence Monument, Wat Phnom and the market areas.
Hand-woven silks, silver, gems and antiques can be found/bought at the market areas.]
***What are the five tourist attractions mentioned in the passage?
3-Located within the Royal Palace compound, the Silver Pagoda is so named because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000
silver tiles.
[compound ~ _cH0if;|_cH0dkif;|y&0k^f] [floor ~ &if_yifawmf] [is made up ~ cif;xm;] [tiles ~ tkwfjuGyf_ym;|ajuG_ym;|tcsyf|t_ym;]
[The Silver Pagoda is located within the Royal Palace compound. The Silver Pagoda is so named because of its floor,
which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles. The floor of the silver pagoda is made up of 5,000 silver tiles.]
*The Silver Pagoda is (located) within the Royal Palace compound. (Where is the Silver Pagoda?)
*The pagoda in the Royal Palace is named the Silver Pagoda because its floor is made up of 5,000 silver tiles.
*The pagoda whose floor is made up of 5,000 silver tiles is named the Silver Pagoda.
*5,000 silver tiles are used to make its floor. (What are used to make its floor?)
*The Silver Pagoda got its name because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles. (Why?)
*The pagoda in the Royal Palace is named the Silver Pagoda because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles.
(Why is the pagoda in the Royal Palace named the Silver Pagoda?)
(Why is the silver pagoda so called?)

4-The walls surrounding the compound are covered with frescos depicting episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana,
the Reamker.
[fresco (= wall painting) ~ eH&Haq;a&;yef;csD] [depict ~ o@kyfazmfonf] [episode ~ ZmwfuGuf|Zmwfcef;]
[be covered with ~ _ynfhESufaeonf?] [depict (v) = show/ represent/ illustrate/ describe/ give a picture of]
[The walls surrounding the palace compound are covered with frescos. The frescos depict episodes from the Khmer
version of the Ramayana, the Reamker. The Khmer version of the Ramayana is the Reamker.]
*Frescos depicting episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker, are painted on the wall
surrounding the palace compound. (What is painted on the wall surrounding the palace compound?)
*Frescos depicting episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker, were on the walls surrounding
the palace compound. (What was on the walls surrounding the palace compound?)
*[what/which ponfhtar;emrfpm; (Interogative Pronouns) wdkhonf ckudef;(Singular) rsm;_zpfjuonf?
a_zqdkonfhtcg udef; udkufnDrSK@Sdap&ef owdxm;&onf? Ssingular Vsingular / Splural Vplural <> Subject Verb Aggrement]
*The frescos on the wall depicted episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker.
(What did the frescos on the wall depict?)
*Frescos can be seen on the walls surrounding the compound. (Where can frescos be seen?)
*These frescos depict episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker.
(What do these frescos depict?)
azmf_y Adokumynm&yf
5-The National Museum, located just north of the Royal Palace, represents the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture.
[The National Museum is located just north of the Royal Palace.
The National Museum represents the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture.]
*The National Museum is situated just north of the Royal Palace. (Where?)
*It represents the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture. (What does it represent?)
*One can find the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture at the National Museum.
(Where can one find the finest of Phnom Penh’s architecture?)
6-On display inside are more than 5,000 works of art, ranging from the 6th to the 13th Century.
[More than 5,000 works of art are displayed inside the National Museum.
More than 5,000 works of art range from the 6th to the 13th Century.]
[on display (= being displayed) ~ cif;usif;_yoxm;] [works of art ~ tEkynmvuf&m] [range from --- to --- ~ rS -- xd@Sdonf]
*More than 5,000 works of art, ranging from the 6th to the 13th Century are displayed inside the National Museum.
(What is displayed inside the National Museum?)
*Visitors can see more than 5,000 works of art, ranging from the 6th to the 13th Century at the National Museum.
(What can visitors do at the National Museum?)

7-Visitors can rest by the peaceful, palm-shaded central courtyard and lotus ponds and think about one of Asia’s richest
cultures. [think about sth]
[by ~ teD;|tem;|ab;|eHab; wGif/Y] [peaceful (adj)~ at;csrf;/_idrf;csrf;aom] [palm-shaded (adj)~ tkef;yif|xef;yif t&dyf@Sdaom]
[central (adj)~ tv<f|A[dk - central bank ~ A[dkb^f] [courtyard (n)~ 0if;|0dkif;] [lotus ponds ~ jumyifrsm;@Sdaom uef]
[culture (n)~ <]faus;rSK] [peace (n)~ _idrf;csrf;a&;] [palm (n)~ tkef;yif|xef;yif] [shade (n)~ t&dyf] [one of (the) Nplural]
[Visitors can rest by the peaceful, palm-shaded central courtyard and lotus ponds.
Visitors can think about one of Asia’s richest cultures.]

8-Angkor Wat, which is situated in northwest Cambodia, is the largest temple in the world.
[Angkor Wat is situated/located in northwest Cambodia. Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world.]
*Angkor Wat is situated in northwest Cambodia. (Where?)
*Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world. (What kind of temple?)

9- It is unlike all the other Khmer temples in that it faces west, and it is inspired by 12th Century Hinduism.
[unlike (prep)~ rwl|_cm;em;] [temple (n)~ bk&m;ausmif;|~lbk&m; ] [in that (because) ~ tajumif;rSm|tb<fhajumifhqdkaomf|ajumifh|vdkh]
[face (v)~ rsufESmrlxm;onf] [inspire (v)~ (tEkynm<]faus;rSKv¼rf;rdk;aom) pdwful;]m^f_zpfonf]
[Angkor Wat is unlike all the other Khmer temples. It faces west. It is inspired by 12th Century Hinduism.]
*Angkor Wat tample is different from all the other Khmer temples because/in that it faces west, and it is inspired by 12th
Century Hinduism. (Why is Angkor Wat tample different from all the other Khmer temples?)
*Angkor Wat is unusual in that it faces west, and it is inspired by 12th Century Hinduism.
(What is unusual about Angkor Wat?)
***(What is special about the Angkor Wat?)
*Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world and it faces west and is inspired by 12th Century Hinduism. (or)
*What is special about the Angkor Wat is that it is the largest temple in the world and it faces west and it is inspired
by 12th Century Hinduism.


1-Indonesia is a land of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains.
(What kind of country is Indonesia?)
[surprise (v/n) ~ tHhjoonf|tHhjozG<f] [sb be surprised at/by (sth/sb)~ tHhjoaom|tHhtm;oifhaom] [sth be surprising ~ tHhjozG<faumif;]
[Indonesia is a land of surprises. Indonesia features the rich culture and arts of its people.
The People in Indonesia live amidst (among) the sandy beaches and cool mountains.]
*Indonesia is referred to as a land of surprises because of rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool
mountains. because it features the
(Why is Indonesia referred to as a land of surprises?)
*Indonesia features the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains. (What?)
*The rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains make Indonesia a land of surprises.
(Which features make Indonesia a land of surprises?)
*People of Indonesia possess the rich culture and arts. (What do people of Indonesia possess?)

2-The volcanoes in Indonesia are among the most active in the world.
[active (adj)~ @Sif(aom) an active volcano – rD;awmif@Sif] [active – Edk;jum;|xjuG|zswfvwf|oGufvuf|wufjuG / actively]
*The volcanoes in Indonesia are very active.
*Indonesia has the most active volcanoes.
*Volcanoes in Indonesia are the most active ones. [ones = volcanoes]
*Volcanoes in Indonesia are also the most active in the world.
*The volcanoes in Indonesia are not extinct. (Are the volcanoes in Indonesia extinct?)

3-It has a population of over 170 million with many different ethnic groups and some 250 spoken languages.
[population (n)~ vlOD;a&] [populate (v)~ aexdkifonf] [populated (adj)~ aexdkifaom / densely populated - vlaexlxyfaom]
[ethnic (adj)~ vlrsdK;pkwpfpkESifhoufqdkifaom] [spoken (adj) language (n)~ a_ymqdkaombmompum;] [speak, spoke, spoken, speaking]
[speak of/about sth~ wpfckckESifhywfouf_yD;a_ymqdk][speak with/to sb~ wpfa<mufa<mufESifhpum;p_rnfa_ymqdk][speak up~ us<fus<fa_ym]
[speak on/about sth~ rdefhjum;|a[m|a_ymonf] [speak out~ yGifhyGifhvif;vif;|&J&Jwif;wif;a_ym] [speak well of sb~ taumif;a_ym]
[speak ill of sb~ raumif;a_ym] [speaker (n)~ a[m|a_ymol] {Do you speak English?} {English is spoken all over the world.}
[It has a population of over 170 million. It has many different ethnic groups. There are many different ethnic groups in
Indonesia. There are some 250 spoken languages in Indonesia.]
*The population of Indonesia is over 170 million. (What is the population of Indonesia?)
*Numerous ethnic groups live in Indonesia. / *Many different ethnic groups live in Indonesia.
*These groups are different from each other.
*They speak their own languages. [own language = udk<fydkifbmompum;]
*As there are many different ethnic groups in Indinesia, spoken languages are also different.

4-Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia on the northwest coast of Java, is a place where industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics,
etc. are concentrated. (concentrated (adj) pkpnf;xm;aom)
[where = (in) Jakarta] [where (Relative Adverb)~ ae&mwpfckudktxl;_yK&efoHk;][industry (n)~ pufrSKvkyfief;] [industry - vHkhv0D&d<]
[industrious (adj)~ tvkyfjudK;pm;aom|0D&d<@Sdaom] [textile (n)~ txnftvdyf|csnfxnf] [chemical (adj)~ "mwkaA'ESifhoufqdkifaom]
[plastic (n)~ yvwfpwpf] [textiles = textile industries/ chemicals = chemical industries/ plastics = plastic industries]
[concentrate (v)~ pkpnf;xm;|tm@Hkpdkufxm;onf] [concentrate on sth/ doing sth~ wpfckckudktm@Hkpl;pdkufonf]
[The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta. It is on the northwest coast of Java. Jakarta is a place where industries like textiles,
chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated. Industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated in Jarkata.]
*The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta and it is a place where industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated.
(What is the capital and what kind of place?)
*Jakarta is (located/situated) on the northwest coast of Java. (Where is Jarkata?) (Where is Jarkata located/situated?)
*Industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated in it. (What industries are concentrated in it?)
*Industries are concentrated in Jarkata, the capital of Indonesia.
*Industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are found in Jarkata. (What kinds of industries are found in Jarkata?)
*We can find most of the industries in Jarkata, the capital of Indonesia. (Where?)

5-Not to be missed is one of the world’s wonders-the biggest Buddhist temple in the world-at Candi Borobudur in Java, built
during the 9th Century. (Not to be missed (n)~rarh&rSm/oifhwm u|oGm;a&mufvnfywf&rSm/zdkhrarhoifhwm u|r_zpfraeoGm;a&mufoifhwmu)
[The biggest Buddhist temple in the world is not to be missed to visit. It is one of the world’s wonders.
It is/can be found at Candi Borobudur in Java. It was built during the 9th Century.]
***[Not to be missed (P.V) = Visitors must not miss (A.V) = One shouldn’t miss to visit (A.V)]
*Candi Borobudur, the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, is one of the world’s wonders in Indonesia. (What?)
*The Buddhist temple at Candi Borobudur is the biggest (Buddhist temple) in the world.
*One shouldn’t miss to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in Java because it is one of the world’s wonders and was built during
the 9th Century. (Why shouldn’t one miss to visit the biggest Buddhist temple in Java?)
*When we visit Indonesia, we should not miss to visit one of the world’s wonders-the biggest Buddhist temple in the world-
at Candi Borobudur in Java. (What should you not miss when you visit Indonesia?)
*The biggest Buddhist temple in the world can be found at Candi Borobudur in Java, Indonesia.
*The biggest Buddhist temple in the world-at Candi Borobudur in Java is considered as one of the world’s wonders.
(What is considered as one of the world’s wonders?)
*The biggest Buddhist temple in the world was built during the 9th Century. (When?)

6-In east Java, one can find the most exciting mountain scenery. (one = a visitor)
[One can find the most exciting mountain scenery in east Java.
The most exciting mountain scenery can be found in east Java.]
*The mountain scenery in east Java is the most exciting.
*The mountain scenery to be found/ which can be found in east Java is exciting.
7-One can visit mountain resorts such as Tretes and Selecta; take a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya to Madura for a
heart-stopping bull race, filled with excitement. (What can one/ visitors do in east Java?)
[resort (n)~ trsm;olig tyef;a_z&m] [ferry (n)~ ul;wdkh] [ride (n)~ <]fpD;eif;_cif;] [for = to see/ watch ~ junfh@SKzdkh]
[excite (v)~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;ap|wufjuGaponf] [excited (adj)~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;(ap)aom - sb be excited by/about/at sth]
[exciting (adj)~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;&aom|aysmfp&maumif;aom – sth be exciting/ an exciting N(sth)] [excitement (n)~ pdwfvSKyf@Sm;_cif;]
[One can visit mountain resorts such as Tretes and Selecta. Tretes and Selecta are mountain resorts. One can take a short
ferry ride from the city of Surabaya to Madura to see/watch a heart-stopping and exciting bull race.]
*Tretes and Selecta mountain resorts are in east Java.
*Tretes and Selecta are the mountain resorts in east Java.
*Tretes and Selecta are mountain resorts. (What are Tretes and Selecta?)
*A person/One can get to Madura by taking a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya.
(How can a person get to Madura?) (How can one get to Madura?)
*Madura can be reached by taking a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya. (How can Madura be reached?)
*He/One will find a heart-stopping bull race there/in Madura. (What will he/one find there/in Madura?)
*Madura is famous for a heart-stopping bull race, filled with excitement. (What is Madura famous for?)
*In Madura, you can watch a heart-stopping and exciting bull race.

8-Yogyakarta is regarded as a special cultural centre of Java. (How?)

[sb regard sth as sth ~ sth is regarded as sth ~ --- t_zpf owfrSwf|rSwf<l|trSwftom;_yK] [regarding (prep)~ ESifhpyfvsOf;I|eJhywfoufvdkh]
[With kind/warm regards, Yours ------- ~ owdw&|arwWm_zifh (ay;pmtqHk;wGif)] [centre = place = city]
[People regard Yogyakarta as a special cultural centre of Java. Yogyakarta, a special cultural centre, is in Java.]
*Yogyakarta is regarded as a special cultural centre of Java because it offers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work.
(Why is Yogyakarta regarded as a special cultural centre of Java?)
*Yogyakarta is said to be a special cultural centre of Java because it offers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work.
(Why is Yogyakarta said to be a special cultural centre of Java?)
9-It offers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work, and the sultan’s palaces are proof of its heritage.
[festival (n)~ yGJawmf] [ceremony (n)~ tcrf;tem;] [batik (n)~ ygwdwf] [silver (n)~ aiGxnfypPnf;] [sultan (n)~ yoDbk&if]
[prove (v)~ oufao_y] [proof (n)~ oufaoouUm&|taxmuftxm;|oufaocH|oufao] [heritage (n)~ tarG|tarGtESpf]
[Yogyakarta offers festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work. The sultan’s palaces are proof of its heritage.]

10-In western Sumatra, one can find Indonesia’s largest national park, in the region of Kerinci-Seblat with its rich variety of
animal species and plants. trsdK;om;yef;_cH a'o|e<fa_r|e<fy<fwGif;rSm
[park (n)~ trsm;_ynfoltwGuf O<sm]f|yef;_cH / (v)~ vrf;ab;(odkh)<m]f&yfem;&mae&mwGif &yfxm;|xdk;xm;onf] [parking (n)~ <m]fxdk;&efae&m]
[rich/a variety of sth ~ trsdK;pkH|tzHkzHk] [species (n)~ rsdKl;pdwfrsm;]
[One can find Indonesia’s largest national park in western Sumatra. It is in the region of Kerinci-Seblat.
It has a rich variety of animal species (animals) and plants.]
*One can find Indonesia’s largest national park in western Sumatra. (Where?)
*One will find a variety of animal species and plants there. (What will one find there?)
*One can find a variety of animal species (animals) and plants in Indonesia’s largest national park.

1-Laos is situated in the Souvan-naphoum peninsula. (Where?)
2-It comprises many ethnic groups, each minority group having its own tradition and beautiful culture.
[majority ~ vltrsm;pk] [minority ~ vlenf;pk]
[A participle clause can sometimes have a subject. We can divide this kind of sentence into two separate sentences.
Use the conjunction ‘and’. Change the verb ‘-ing’ into its present (V1) or past (V2) form, as in ‘have or has or had’.]
[Laos comprises many ethnic groups and they have their own tradition and beautiful culture.
Laos comprises many ethnic groups and each minority group has its own tradition and beautiful culture.]
*There are many ethnic groups in Laos having their own tradition and culture.
*Many ethnic groups live in Laos and they have their own tradition and beautiful culture.
3-So Laos is a country rich in tradition and culture. [(be) rich in ~ juG<f0aom|csrf;omaom| xGef;um;aom(@dk;&m<Ofaus;rSK)]
[Laos is a country (which is) rich in tradition and culture. Laos is rich in tradition and culture.]
*Laos is/can be said to be rich in tradition and culture because it has many ethnic groups and each minority group has its
own tradition and beautiful culture. (Why is/can Laos be said to be rich in tradition and culture?)
4-Laos, which has a population of 5 million, covers about 236,800 square kilometres. [cover (v)~ us<f0ef;|us<f_yefhonf]
[Laos has a population of 5 million. It covers (widens) about 236,800 square kilometres.]
*The area of Laos is about 236,800 square kilometres. (What is the area of Laos?)
5-It has a wealth of natural resources which are still unexplored. [has a wealth of = be rich in ]
[explore (v)~ oGm;vmpl;prf;@SmazG|avhvmazmfxkwf?] [explored (adj)/ unexplored (adj)] [un = not ~ Negative forming prefix]
[It has a wealth of / is rich in natural resources. They are still unexplored.]
*Laos is rich in natural resources which are still unexplored / are not still explored.
*Laos has a wealth of natural resources which are still unexplored. (What kind of natural resources does Laos have?)

6-The forests are rich in medicinal herbs and there are many species of wild animals there.
[medicinal (adj) drugs/plants/herbs~ aq;zuf0ifaomtyif] [wild animals = wildlife] [there = in the forest (of Laos)]
[The forest in Laos are rich in medicinal herbs. There are many species of wild animals in the forest of Laos.]
*Medicinal herbs and many species of wild animals can be found in the forest of Laos. (What can be found?)

7-In addition to pagodas and historical sites, the famous Wat Sisaket Temple with its big Buddha image, the old Hotai library
whose walls are covered with sapphires, and wall paintings are well worth seeing. @kyfyGm;awmf|qif;wkawmf
[in addition to = besides = apart from = except ~ xdkht_yif|'ght_yif|aemufxyf| -- uvGJ_yD;] [site (n)~ wnfae&m|wnf@Sd&m]
[be covered with sth ~ _ynfhESufaeonf] [sapphire (n)~ eDvm(ausmuf)] [wall paintings = pictures = work of art ~ eH&Haq;a&;yef;csDrsm;]
[ be worth Ving ~ wpfckckvkyf&wm xdkufwefw<f|wefzdk;@Sdw<f/ vkyftyfw<f|vkyfxkdufw<f – worth visiting/buying etc.]
[There are many pagodas and historical sites in Laos. The famous Wat Sisaket Temple has a big Buddha image.
The walls of the old Hotai library are covered with sapphires. Many pagodas and historical sites, the famous Wat Sisaket
Temple, the old Hotai library and wall paintings are well worth seeing.]
*Wat Sisaket Temple is famous for its big Buddha image.
*The walls of the old Hotai library are covered with sapphires.
*The old Hotai library is well worth seeing because its walls are covered with sapphires, and wall paintings. (Why?)
*In addition to pagodas and historical sites, you can visit the famous Wat Sisaket Temple and the old Hotai library.
(Where can you visit in addition to pagodas and historical sites?)
*Pagodas and historical sites, the famous Wat Sisaket Temple with its big Buddha image, the old Hotai library whose walls
are covered with sapphires, and wall paintings are well worth seeing in Laos. (Which places?)
a_ymjuw<f _rifawGh| cHpm; t"du|tcsuftcsm|tESpfom&
8-It is said that if one does not visit this temple, one will not have seen the heart of Vientiane.
[It is said that ----- a&;om;enf;yHkpHonf Passive _zpfonf? Sub urnfolrnf0gtwdtusr[kwfonfhtcg a&;Edkifonf?
Sub twdtus _zpfvSsif It is said by ---- that ---Sentence---- yHkpHa&;onf? It is said to be ---N---- yHkpHvnf; a&;Edkifonf?]
[Future Perfect ~ will have V3 (Positive), will not have V3 (negative), will have been V3 (Passive)]
[If one does not visit the famous Wat Sisaket Temple, he/she will not have seen the heart of Vientiane.]
*Visitors should visit the Wat Sisaket Temple, the heart of Vientiane.
*The heart of Vientiane is the Wat Sisaket Temple. (What?)
*Tourists should visit Wat Sisaket Temple so that they will have seen the heart of Vientiane. (Why?)
*It is said that if one does not visit this temple, one will not have seen the heart of Vientiane.
(What is said about the Wat Sisaket Temple?) (It is said that -------------------.)
*The famous Wat Sisaket Temple is said to be the heart of Vientiane.
vuf&mta_rmufqHk; tqifh_rifhvuf&mrsm;
9-Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show the finest designs which indicate the high skills of the artists of the 19th
Century. [which = the finest designs (of some of the Buddha images and artifacts)]
[some Nplural / some of the Nplural] [artifacts (n)~ a@S;a[mif;ypPnf;rsm;] [fine, finer, finest] [show (v)~ nSGef_y|_yo|azmf_y|oufao_y]
[for show ~ @kyf_youfouf|[ef_y] [show off ~ juGm;onf] [indicate (v)~ nSGef_y|_yo|tcsuf_y|trSwftom;_y]
[Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show the finest designs. The finest designs of some of the Buddha images and
artifacts indicate (show) the high skills of the artists of the19th Century.]
*The finest designs of some of the Buddha images and artifacts indicate the high skills of the artists of the19th Century in
Laos. (What indicates?)
*You/We can see the high skills of the artists of the19th Century at some of the Buddha images. (What can you see?)

1-Malaysia is separated into two sections by the South China Sea; Peninsula Malaysia links with Thailand on the mainland
of Asia, while East Malaysia comprises the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
[separate (v) = divide ~ ydkif;_cm;|uefh] [separate sth/sb from / separate sth/sb into / be separated into sth by sth/sb]
[link (v)~ csdwf|quf|qufpyf] [link to/with sth ~ --- ESifhqufpyf] [mainland (n)~ yifre<fa_r|_ynfrjuD;] [comprise (v)~ yg0if]
[state (n)~ EdkifiH|_ynfe<f / the State ~ EdkifiHawmftpdk;& ]
[Malaysia is separated into two sections by the South China Sea. The two sections of Malaysia are Peninsula Malaysia and
East Malaysia. Peninsula Malaysia links with Thailand on the mainland of Asia. East Malaysia comprises the states of
Sabah and Sarawak.]
*The South China Sea divides/separates Malaysia into two sections. [divide/separate into]
*The two sections of Malaysia separated by the South China Sea are Peninsula Malaysia and East Malaysia. (What?)
*Thailand is linked with Pennisula Malaysia. [link with]
*Peninsula Malaysia links with Thailand on the mainland of Asia. (Where?)
*The states of Sabah and Sarawak are included in East Malaysia. (What states are included in East Malaysia?)
*Sabah and Sarawak are the states in East Malaysia.
*The two states in East Malaysia are Sabah and Sarawak.
*There are two states in East Malaysia and they are Sabah and Sarawak.
(How many states are there in East Malaysia and name them?)
[ Name -------. >> They are ------------. / The names of ----- are ----------. / It is ---------. / The name of ----- is -------.]
2-Visitors must not miss Kuala Lumpur or KL, the capital, with its many sights to keep the tourist occupied, as well as its
excellent shopping facilities.
[miss (v)~ vGJ|vGwf|acsmf|rrd|rrD]
[miss the target/ mark/ goal, miss a meeting/ a class/ an appointment/ the train, miss the chance/opportunity of doing sth]
[occupy sb/oneself (in doing sth/with sth) ~ wpfckckvkyf&if;tcsdef_zKef;onf?] The child occupies himself in playing video games.
[Visitors must not miss (should go to) Kuala Lumpur or KL. The capital of Malasya is Kuala Lumpur or KL.
It has many sights to keep the tourist occupied. It has many excellent shopping facilities.]
*Visitors should go to Kuala Lumpur because of its many sights to keep the tourist occupied, as well as its excellent
shopping facilities. (or) -- because it has many sights to keep the tourist occupied and excellent shopping facilities.
(Why should visitors go to Kuala Lumpur?)
(Why is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting? >> Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting because of / because -------------------.)
*Visitors must not miss Kuala Lumpur as it has many sights and excellent shopping facilities to keep the tourist
occupied. (Why must visitors not miss Kuala Lumpur?)
*The capital of Malasya is Kuala Lumpur or KL. (What is the capital?)
*There are many sights which can keep the touurists occupied in Kuala Lumpur.
*There are many sights in KL to occupy tourists.

3-Second to KL in size are the historic trading cities of Melaka and Penang, with buildings dating back hundreds of years and
wonderful unspoilt districts where visitors can breathe in the romance of the past.
[second to sb/sth ~ 'kwd<] [second cousion ~ ESpf0rf;uGJ] [second-hand ~ wpfywf&pf| vufus| wpfywfEGrf;?]
[second language ~ rdrdbmompum;t_yif tydkwwfa_rmufaom bmompum;] [second name ~ rsdK;@kd;trnf| t_cm;trnf?]
[historic (adj)~ ordkif;0if| ordkif;wGifaom? historical (adj)~ ordkif;ta_ccHaom? History (n)~ ordkif;|&mZ0if|twdwf|rSwfwrf;]
[trade (n) with sb/sth~ ukefoG<frSK| a&mif;0<fazmufum;_cif;| ta&mif;t0<f? trade in sth~ (a&mif;0<frSK|pD;yGm;) vkyfief;? trade mark/
name~ ukeftrSwfwHqdyf? trade on sth~ t_rwfxkwfonf? trading~ ta&mif;t0<fvkyfief;| ukefoG<fvkyfief;?] [buy and sell, do business]
[date back / from~ a@S;uwnf;u@SdcJhonf? ] [hundreds of years = centuries ~ &mpkESpfrsm;pGm] [wonderful = beautiful ~ o<mvSyaom|
ESpfoufaysmf&¼ifzG<f 0rf;a_rmufzG<faumif;aom? tHhjozG<faumif;aom? wonder (n)~ tHhjozG<f&m] [spoil, spoilt/spoiled (v)~ zsufonf?
ysufpD;aponf? unspoilt (adj)~ rysufpD;aom] [district (n)~ t&yf| a'o| c@dkif? region, area, locality]
[The second largest cities to KL are the historic trading cities of Melaka and Penang. Melaka and Penang are the historic
trading cities. Buildings dating back hundreds of years are in Melaka and Penang. There are many old buildings which
date back hundreds of years in Melaka and Penang. Visitors can breathe in the romance of the past at wonderful unspoilt
districts (Melaka and Penang).]
*The two cities which are next to Kuala Lumpur in size are Melaka and Penang. (What are the two cities?)
*Melaka and Penang are the second biggest cities to Kuala Lumpur.
*Melaka and Penang the second largest cities in size in Malaysia and they are historic trading cities.
(What are the second largest cities in size in Malaysia and what are they?)
*Melaka and Penang are the historic trading cities. (What kind of cities are Melaka and Penang?)
*Buildings in Melaka and Penang are hundreds of years old.
*Buildings dating back hundreds of years can be found in Melaka and Penang. (What kind of buildings?)
*Wonderful unspoilt districts are found in Melaka and Penang.
*Visitors can breathe in the romance of the past in Melaka and Penang, wonderful unspoilt districts. (Where?)

4-Malaysia is famous for its pleasant beach resorts, Langkawi, Pangkor, Tioman Island, Damai Beach in Sarawak, and, again,
Penang. (What is Malaysia famous for?)
[fame(n)~~k^fowif;|ausmfjum;rSK/_cif;?famous for sth~ xifay:ajumfjum;aom|xif@Sm;aom][famous = famed = renowned = well-known]
[pleasant = enjoyable = pleasing = lovely = nice = amusing ~ om<maom|ESpfvdkzG<faumif;aom][resort ~ trsm;oliSm tyef;a_z&m|cdkudk;&m]
[Malaysia is famous for its pleasant beach resorts. Malaysia has many pleasant beach resorts. There are many pleasant
beach resorts in Malaysia. The famous pleasant beach resorts in Malaysia are Langkawi, Pangkor, Tioman Island, Damai
Beach in Sarawak, and Penang.]
*Malaysia is famous for its pleasant beach resorts. (Which country is famous for its pleasant beach resorts?)
*The beach resorts in Malaysia are famous and pleasant.
*Langkawi is one of the famous pleasant beach resorts in Malaysia.

5-Each of these offers water-sports of all kinds as well as snorkelling and scuba diving around the numerous coral reefs that
line Malaysia’s shores.
[sport = game = activity ~ tm;upm;| tm;upm; trsdK;tpm;| tm;upm;yGJ] [water-sports of all kinds = all kinds of water-sports =
different kinds of water-sports] [as well as = in addition to = besides = apart from ~ xdkht_yif|aemufxyf|t_cm;|vnf;yJ|uvGJI]
[snorkelling (n)~ a&atmuftouf@SKydkufudk oHk;Ia&ikyf_cif;| tm;upm;] [scuba diving ~ ausmydk;o<faqmifEdkifonfh a&atmuftouf@SKydkuf_zifh
a&ikyf_cif;] [go scuba diving] [diving ~ 'dkifAifxdk;_cif;] [dive (v)~ 'dkifAifxdk;onf, diver (n)~ a&ikyform;]
[Each of the beach resorts offers water-sports of all kinds and snorkelling and scuba diving. Numerous coral reefs line
Malaysia’s shores.] [these = the famous pleasant beach resorts (in Malaysia)]
*Malaysia’s shores are lined with numerous coral reefs. [line with sth (esp passive)~ wef;pDxm;onf| tem;uGyfonf| vdkifeifcHonf?]
*There are numerous coral reefs that line Malaysia’s shores.
*These resorts offer snorkelling and scuba diving apart from different kinds of water-sports.
(What do these resorts offer apart from different kinds of water-sports?)
*We can go snorkelling and scuba diving around the numerous coral reefs that line Malaysia’s shores.
(Where can we go snorkelling and scuba diving in Malaysia?)


Brunei Darussalam
Tourist attractions Things you can see
1. The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium a colourful display of tropical fish
2. The Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre traditional Brunei Handicraft such as silverware, brocade and
ceremonial daggers
3. The Brunei Museum bronze and brassware, Chinese ceremics and jade
4. Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Temburong Zoo a good variety of tropical wildlife

Tourist attractions Where it is situated
1. The biggest Buddhist temple at Candi Borobudur in Java
2. mountain resorts such as Tretes and Selecta in East Java
3. a heart-stopping bull race in Madura
4. cultural Centre in Yogyakarta
5. Indonesia’s largest national park in Western Sumatra

Countries and their Capitals [The capital of ------- is --------.]

Country Capital
Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan
Cambodia Phnom Penh
Indonesia Jakarta
Laos Vientiane
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Country Nationality Language К

Brunei Bruneian Malay
Cambodia Cambodian Cambodian
Indonesia Indonesian Indonesian
Laos Laotian Lao
Malaysia Malay Malay
Adjectives can be formed by adding “-ed/-ing” to a verb.
Adj =V + -ing Adj =V + -ed
Exciting = excite + -ing excited = excite + -ed
An Adjective ending in –ing describes what something is An adjective ending in –ed describes how we feel.
like, what effect it has on us. For example, a scene can be For example, we can feel excited, interested,
exciting, interesting, fascinating, attracting. fascinated, attracted.
Here are some more examples.
-ing adjective [sth be –ing] -ed adjective [sb be/feel –ed]
Lying on a beach is relaxing. I feel relaxed when I am lying on the beach.
The exhibition was fascinating. I was fascinated by the exhibition.

‘-ed’ adjective or ‘-ing’ adjective.

Example: I was surprised at how good the weather was. Yes, the amount of sunshine we had was surprising.
1. I was exhausted after a long journey. Yes, it was an exhausting journey. [-ing(adj) + N]
2. The holiday was very relaxing. Yes, we had a very relaxing holiday.
3. The film we saw last night was amusing. Yes, Thu Thu was certainly amused and she couldn’t stop laughing.
4. I was fascinated by the old buildings of the town. Yes, I thought they were fastinating too.
5. The windsurfing was a thrilling experience for the children. Yes, they were certainly thrilled to have a go.
6. Attracted by the mountain scenery I can’t help gazing around. Yes, I was also attracted by the ancient pagodas on the
7. I have been interested in fishing. Yes, it is interesting to me too.
8. Going on a picnic to the countryside was very exciting. Yes, Lin Lin was so excited the night before that she couldn’t sleep
9. Nway Nway’s behavior during the journey was very annoying. Yes, everyone was annoyed with her.
10. We were amazed to view the city from the tower. Yes, we had an amazing view of the whole city.


Adverb Clause of Time (1)

After (a)After she graduates, she will get a job. After = after that time / Before = before that time
(b)After she (had) graduated, she got a job. A present tense, not a future tense, is used in an
adverb clause of time.
Before (c)I will leave before he comes. [Notice examples (a) and (c)]
(d)I (had) left before he came.
When (e)When I arrived, he was talking on the phone. When = at that time
(f)When I got there, he had already left. [Notice the different time relationships expressed
(g)When I was in Chicago, I visited the museums. by the tenses.]
(h)When I see him tomorrow, I will ask him.
While (i)While I was walking home, it began to rain. While/as = during that time
As (j)As I was walking home, it began to rain.
By the time (k)By the time he arrived, he had already left. By the time = one event is completed before
(i)By the time he comes, we will already have left. another event
[Notice the use of the past perfect and future perfect
in the main clause.]

Since (m)I haven’t seen him since he left this morning. Since = from that time to the present
[Notice: The present perfect tense is used in the
main clause.]
Until (n)We stayed there until we finished our work. Until/till = to that time and then no longer
Till (o)We stayed there till we finished our work. [Till is used primarily in speaking rather than in

As (p)As soon as it stops raining, we will leave. As soon as/once = when one event happens,
Soon as another event happens soon afterwards
(q)Once in stops raining, we will leave.

Just as (r)Just as I sat down, the phone rang. Just as = exactly at that moment

after/before/when/while/as/by the time/since/till/until/as soon as/just as/ once + Clause 

Complete each sentence choosing an appropriate ending from the box.
When I explained it to her. Just as I picked it up.
Before he answered the question. After you have had something.
Until the light changes to green. While the baby is asleep.
Since he broke his leg. As soon as I have finished.
As she was driving home. Once he saw me.
1. Try not to make any noise while the baby is asleep.
2. The phone stopped ringing just as I picked it up.
3. He turned back once he saw me.
4. He never played tennis again since he broke his leg.
5. Marlar heard the news on the radio as she was driving home.
6. I will leave as soon as I have finished.
7. You have to wait until the light changes to green.
8. She understood the problem when I explained it to her.
9. You’ll feel better after you have had something.
10. He thought carefully before he answered the question.

Degrees of Comparison
I. as ---- adj/adv ---- as [Equal Comparison] >> Sub(N1) Vbe/V as adj/adv as Sub(N2).
Study the following example.
Ngwe Ngwe is bright and so is Shwe Shwe. >> Ngwe Ngwe is as bright as Shwe Shwe.
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one that is given.
1. Lwin loves coffee very much and so does Zin.
Lwin loves coffee as much as Zin.
2. Daw Mya Thuzar looks elegant and so does Daw Hla Thuzar.
Daw Mya Thuzar looks as elegant as Daw Hla Thuzar.
3. U Zaw Zaw has been to many countries and so has his wife.
U Zaw Zaw has been to as many countries as his wife. [as many C.N as / as much U.N as]
4. Sewing requires patience; so does knitting.
Sewing requires as much patience as knitting. [patience >> uncountable noun]
5. Computers make our life convenient just as telephones do. [do = make ----- convenient]
Computers make our life as convenient as telephones.

II. adj + ----- er/more ----- than → not as ----- adj ----- as [Unequal Companison] [A2 than >> not as ----- as]
>> Sub(N1) Vbe adj-er/ more adj than Sub(N2). >> Sub(N2) Vbe not as A1 as Sub(N1).
Study the following example.
An essay type test is more difficult than an objective test.
An objective test is not as difficult as an essay type test.
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one that is given.
1. Win Thuzar is prettier than Hla Hla.
Hla Hla is not as pretty as Win Thuzar.
2. It is colder today than it was yesterday. / Today is colder than yesterday.
It was not as cold yesterday as it is today. / Yesterday was not as cold as today.
3. You spend more money than me (I do). [I = Subject Pronoun / me = Object Pronoun]
I do not spend as much money as you (you do). [you = Subject Pronoun / you = Object Pronoun]
4. His handwriting is worse than his brother’s. [his brother’s = his brother’s handwriting]
His brother’s handwriting is not as bad as his. [his = his handwriting] [ his = Possesssive Adj / his = Possessive Pronoun]
5. The picture on the wall is more attractive than the one on the table. [one (Pronoun) = picture]
The picture on the table is not as attractive as the one on the wall.

III. adj + ----- er/more ----- than → adj + ----- er/more + noun [A2 than >> a/an A2 N than]
>> Sub Verb A2 than -------. >> Sub Vbe a/an A2 N than ------.
*** [Use suitable article / Change Adverb to Adjective / Change Verb to Noun >> Construct Article Adjective Noun]
Study the following example.
She sings better than her mother. [good/well > better > best]
She is a better singer than her mother. [sing (v) > singer (n)]
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one that is given.
1. He plays the organ better than his brother. [play (v) > player (n) / play organ > organ player/ organist]
He is a better organist than his brother.
2. Ju Ju writes more creatively than Sue Sue. [write (v) > writer (n) / creatively (adv) > creative (adj)]
Ju Ju is a more creative writer than Sue Sue. [creative > more creative > most creative]
3. My father plays golf better than my uncle. [play golf > golf player/golfer]
My father is a better golfer than my uncle.
4. Htut Htut studies more seriously than Soe Soe. [seriously (adv) > serious (adj) / study (v) > student (n)]
Htut Htut is a more serious student than Soe Soe. [serious > more serious > most serious]
5. Older people think more deeply than younger people. [deeply (adv) > deep (adj) / think (v) > thinker (n)]
Older people are deeper thinkers than younger people. [deeply > more deeply > most deeply / deep > deeper > deepest]

>> There are three degrees of comparison: (1) Positive, (2) Comparative and (3) Superlative.
Eg. tall/ taller/ tallest – useful/ more useful/ most useful – pretty/ prettier/ prettiest – good/ better/ best

The positive form – as(so) ----- as / not as ----- as

Eg. Khin Maung is as tall as Tin Aung. / This book is as useful as that one. / Hla Hla is as pretty as Mya Mya.
Aung Aung is not as tall as Min Min.
Your coffee is not as/so good as the coffee my mother makes.

The comparative form – -er/ -ier/ more --- than

Eg. He is stronger than I expected. / The pendulum clocks are more expensive than other style of clocks.

The superlative form – the -est/most ---N--- in/of [three or more people/things]
Eg. This is the oldest theatre in London. / The youngest of the family was the most successful.

ever and never with the perfect tense.

He is the kindest man (that) I have ever met. / It was the most wirring day (that) he had ever spent.
I have never met a kinder man. / He had never spent a more worring day.

The parallel structure – The comparative -----, the comparative -----. [The D2 S V, the D2 S V.]
Eg. The more he learns, the less he knows.
The sooner you call for her, the better it will be.

Degree of Adjective and Adverb
Simple (Equal Comparison)
1. as adj / adv as
[equally, like, very, quite, just as, and so, also, so do/does/did, so am/is/are/was/were, Pronoun, Vbe - ]
Eg. like
She is proud; she is like a peacock. / She is as proud as a peacock.
Snakes are poisonous. Scorpions are equally poisonous. / Snakes are as poisonous as Scorpions.
just as
Computers make our life convenient just as telephones do. / Computers make our life as convenient as telephones.
and so
Ko Myat is bright and so is Ko Latt. / Ko Myat is as bright as Ko Latt.
Your son is playful. A monkey is also playful. / Your son is as playful as a monkey.
He is like an owl. He is very wise. / He is as wise as an owl.
so does
Sewing requires patience; so does playing chess. / Sewing requires as much patience as playing chess.
so Vbe
Milk is nourishing; so is red meat. / Milk is as nourishing as red meat.
P.N / Vbe
The Hotel is like a palace. It is very grand. / The Hotel is as grand as a palace.
the -est
He ran very fast. It was the fastest he could do. / He ran as fast as he could.
as many N as [many + Countable Noun]
U Naw Naw has been to many countries and so has his wife. / U Naw Naw has been to as many countries as his wife.
as much as
Lwin loves coffee very much and so does Zin. / Lwin loves coffee as much as Zin.
adj to Obj
The Ayeyarwaddy is useful to us like a super highway. / The Ayeyarwaddy is as useful to us as a super highway.
1. The -est N / any other / No other / There is no
the -est N / -er than any other N / No other N is as adj as / There is no N as adj as / any other / No other + N (Singular)
Eg. Yongon is the largest city in Myanmar. / Yongon is larger than any other city in Myanmar.
No other city in Myanmar is as large as Yangon. / There is no city in Myanmar as large as Yangon.

The Nile is the longest river in the world. / The Nile is longer than any other river in the world.
No other river in the world is as long as the Nile. / There is no river in the world as long as the Nile.

2. one of the / most other / Very few / There are(were) very few
one of the -est N / -er than most other N / Very few N(s) (are/were) as adj as / There are/were very few N as adj as
* Very few/few/ few other A
Eg. Mg Mg is one of the tallest boys in the class. / Mg Mg is taller than most other boys in the class.
Very few boys in the class are as tall as Mg Mg. / There are very few boys in the class as tall as Mg Mg.

English is one of the most useful languages. / English is more useful than most other languages.
Very few languages are as useful as English. / There are very few languages as useful as English.

3. -er/ -ier/ more --- than  not as(so) adj as

Eg. Nyi Nyi is taller than Ko Ko. / Ko Ko is not as tall as Nyi Nyi.
Silver is not as valuable as gold. / Gold is more valuable than silver.

4. (adv) er than  not (v) as adv as

* much –er К er much К
Eg. Phyu Phyu types faster than Thu Thu. / Thu Thu doesn't type as fast as Phyu Phyu.
A dog cannot run as fast as a horse. / A horse can run faster than a dog.
Si Thu sings more sweetly than Aung Aung. / Aung Aung doesn't sing as sweetly as Si Thu.
* A plane travels much faster than a train. / A train doesn't travel as fast as a plane.

5. (adv) -er than  a/an -(adj)er N than

* Change Verb to Noun / Change Adverb to Adjective / Put Article (a/an) / Construct a/an adj N
Eg. She sings better than her mother. / She is a better singer than her mother.
He runs faster than you do. / He is a faster runner than you are. [* runs К do ? is К are]
He plays the organ better than his mother. / He is a better organ player than his mother.

The Parallel Construction

6. The ( -er, more, less ) S V , the ( -er, more , less ) S V. [The D2 S V, the D2 S V.]
* If, when, but, and, so, or, as К К * N !" Vbe К * P.N !" Vbe #$% &
If a girl is prettier, she is prouder. / The prettier a girl, the proder she is.

* er, more, less !" & &

He wastes more and more, but saves less and less. / The more he wastes, the less he saves.

* many, much, a lot (of) more К A $ &

He sells many books, and he makes much profit. / The more books he sells, the more profit he makes.
If a car is big, it needs a lot of petrol. / The bigger a car, the more petrol it needs.

* not, little, not + much К less

If you spend much, you will save little. / The more you spend, the less you will save.
If you do not eat much, you will become thin. / The less you eat, the thinner you will become.

* more, less, -er N & &

As he gets a lot of money, he becomes greedy. / The more money he gets, the greedier he becomes.

* more, less adj/adv К $

If the news is not important, the headline is small. / The less important the news, the smaller the headline.
If he writes carefully, he scores many marks. / The more carefully he writes, the more marks he scores.
(1) The blue dress is expensive. The red one is equally expensive.
The blue dress --------------------------------------------------------------------.
(2) Mg Mg plays tinnis very well. Ko Ko doesn’t play so well.
Ko Ko doesn’t play --------------------------------------------------------------.
(3) Her sister tried very hard to always come first in class, but she does not.
She did not ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(4) Both Hla Hla and Mya Mya learn equally fast.
Mya Mya learns ------------------------------------------------------------------.
(5) Ni Ni is kind and generous like her mother.
Ni Ni is as -------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(6) Sakura Tower is very high and so is Traders Hotel.
Sakura Tower is ------------------------------------------------------------------.
(7) She smiled sweetly. He also smiled sweetly.
She smiled as ---------------------------------------------------------------------.
(8) He ran faster than his brother.
His brother ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(9) The pen is mightier than the sword.
The sword is ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
(10) It is hotter in May than in February.
It is not ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(11) They received more information than we did.
We did not -----------------------------------------------------------------------.
(12) He has more books than Cho Cho.
Cho Cho does not ---------------------------------------------------------------.
(13) The moon is much smaller than the earth.
The earth is not ------------------------------------------------------------------.
(14) The headmaster reads more books than we do.
We do not ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(15) It is easier to preach than to practise.
It is not ----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(16) Mya Yeik Nyo is larger than any other hotel in Yangon.
There is no ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(17) Travelling by plane is more convenient than travelling by train.
Travelling by ---------------------------------------------------------------------.
(18) Old people need a lot of care. Children need a lot of care.
Old people ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(19) The movie we saw last night was much more interesting than the one on television.
The movie on television ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
(20) Asia is the biggest continent in the world.
There is no ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(21) Our school is the best in our town.
There is no ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(22) The headmaster is the most active person in the school.
There is no ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(23) Yangon University is the oldest university in Myanmar.
There is no ------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(24) Pyin Oo Lwin is the most pleasant town in Upper Myanmar.
No other ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(25) There is no other security device as fireproof as a safe.
A safe is ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(26) Pindaya is one of the most beautiful natural caves in Myanmar.
Very few --------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(27) Very few tourist destinations are as popular as Bogyoke market.
Bogyoke market is ---------------------------------------------------------------.
(28) Yangon is the most populated city in Myanmar.
Yangon is more ------------------------------------------. / No other city -------------------------------------------------------------.
(29) She teaches English better than the Headmistress.
She is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
(30) Daw Nann is a better speaker of English than other teachers.
Daw Nann speaks -----------------------------------------------------------------.
***With Love, Saya Bo***

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