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The Role of Host Factors and Bacterial Virulence Genes in

the Development of Pyelonephritis Caused by Escherichia

coli in Renal Transplant Recipients
Priscila Reina Siliano, Lillian Andrade Rocha, José Osmar Medina-Pestana, and
Ita Pfeferman Heilberg
Nephrology Division, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Background and objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the role of host factors and bacterial virulence genes in
the development of pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli in renal transplant (Tx) recipients.
Design, setting, participants, & measurements: A total of 328 E. coli isolates from cases of cystitis (Cys; n ⴝ 239) or
pyelonephritis (PN; n ⴝ 89), with 169 from renal Tx recipients, were subjected to molecular analyses to identify P-fimbria
subunits (PapC, PapG II, and PapGIII), G- and M-fimbriae, and aerobactin. The presence of antibiotic resistance was also
determined. Parameters such as gender, age, immunosuppression regimens, causes of ESRD, kidney donor, intraoperative
anastomosis, use of double J stent, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMZ) prophylaxis, and time after Tx were evaluated.
Results: A multivariate analysis showed a significant association between PN and renal Tx. In renal Tx recipients, the risk
of occurrence of PN was significantly higher among males and for those no longer receiving TMP/SMZ prophylaxis. E. coli
strains isolated from PN presented a lower prevalence of papGIII and lower rates of resistance to pipemidic acid. Although
papGII was more prevalent in PN than in Cys, it was not independently associated with PN.
Conclusions: These findings suggested that renal Tx increases the risk for PN, and the male sex represented a host factor
independently associated with risk, whereas the prophylaxis with TMP/SMZ was protective. The lack of papGIII and low
resistance to first-generation quinolones were bacterial-independent risk factors for PN in Tx.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.06740909

rinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most P-fimbriae mediate specific binding to glycolipid receptors on
common infectious diseases encountered in clinical the uroepithelia and renal tissue; three molecular variants of
practice. Especially in the setting of renal transplan- PapG have been identified (9,10). PapGII (11,12) and PapC
tation, asymptomatic bacteriuria or symptomatic forms such as (5,13) are suggested to be associated with upper UTI (PN),
cystitis (Cys) and pyelonephritis (PN) account for approxi- whereas PapGIII predominates in lower UTI (Cys) (14). In
mately 47% of infectious complications (1) and up to 60% of addition to adhesins, other virulence factors (i.e., aerobactin,
bacteremias (2). The development of UTIs depends on anatom- hemolysin, and capsular polysaccharide) may be associated
ical factors, the integrity of host defense mechanisms, and the with the clinical manifestations of PN (12,13,15).
virulence of the infecting organisms (3). Potential predisposing The acquisition of antibiotic resistance may be associated
host factors in renal allograft recipients include immunosup- with phenotypic changes in bacteria that render them more
pression, female sex, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract abnormal- virulent (16). On the other hand, other investigators have sug-
ities, and urinary stents, among others (4). gested that quinolone resistance involves a genotypic change
Escherichia coli is the most common gram-negative microor- associated with the loss of virulence factors in E. coli (17–20).
ganism identified in UTIs, even in transplanted patients (5,6). The aim of the study presented here was to evaluate the
Uropathogenic E. coli adhere to uroepithelial cells through fim- association of host and bacterial virulence factors with the
brial adhesins, including type I, P-, M-, and G-fimbriae, and development of PN by E. coli in renal transplant recipients.
adherence is one of the most important steps in the develop-
ment of UTIs (7). P-fimbria, composed of several protein sub-
Materials and Methods
units and encoded by pap (PN-associated pili) genes, is mostly Three-hundred ninety-six E. coli isolates from adult patients with
associated with acute PN (8). PapG adhesins at the tip of UTIs referred to the Microbiology Laboratory of Federal University of
São Paulo from February 2007 through November 2008 were prospec-
tively submitted to molecular analyses.
Received September 22, 2009. Accepted March 30, 2010.

Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at Diagnostic Criteria and Patient Selection of E. coli UTIs
The selection of patients was based on a bacterial count ⱖ105
Correspondence: Dr. Ita Pfeferman Heilberg, Rua Botucatu, 740, Vila Clementino,
São Paulo, SP, 04023-900, Brazil. Phone: 55-11-5904-1699; Fax: 55-11-5904-1684; CFU/ml of E. coli in the urine culture irrespective of the results of the
E-mail: urinalysis and a sufficiently detailed medical record available for a

Copyright © 2010 by the American Society of Nephrology ISSN: 1555-9041/507–1290

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010 Pyelonephritis in Renal Transplant Recipients 1291

retrospective analysis. A clinical diagnosis of PN or Cys, a prerequisite G-fimbriae (28); under conditions described by Le Bouguenec et al. (29)
for enrollment in the study presented here, was made in a total of 328 for papC and aerobactin; or under conditions described by Johnson et al.
patients, from which 169 were renal transplant (Tx) recipients. Patients (28) for papGII and papGIII and M- and G-fimbriae. All amplification
presenting with prostatitis (n ⫽ 5), asymptomatic bacteriuria (n ⫽ 19), reactions were performed in iCycler BioRad Thermocycler (Bio-Rad
neurogenic bladder (n ⫽ 6), and actinic Cys (n ⫽ 1) were excluded. Laboratories), and products were electrophoresed on 2% agarose gels,
Further recurrent episodes of UTI occurring in the same patients were stained with ethidium bromide, and visualized with an ultraviolet
also excluded from the analysis presented here (n ⫽ 37). transilluminator and digital capture system EDAS 120 (Eastman Kodak
Written consent was obtained from all subjects, and the study was Company).
approved by the local ethics committee of the Federal University of São
Paulo. Cys was clinically defined by the presence of dysuria, urinary Statistical Analyses
urgency, and frequency. Acute PN was defined by the presence of fever Statistical analyses were conducted with SAS System for Windows,
(⬎38°C axillary) plus flank pain, with or without dysuria or urinary version 8.02 (SAS Institute, Inc.). Categorical variables were compared
frequency. In renal Tx patients, PN was defined by the presence of fever between groups using ␹2 or Fisher’s exact tests when appropriate.
and/or an increase of serum creatinine ⱖ20% over baseline values (21) Continuous variables were compared between groups using the Mann–
on the occasion of the positive urine culture. Other accompanying Whitney test. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to deter-
symptoms or signs of PN included renal allograft tenderness, bactere- mine host and E. coli virulence factors associated with PN. The level of
mia, or a renal allograft biopsy specimen confirming bacterial PN. To significance was defined as P ⬍ 0.05.
avoid possible confounding factors, patients with increased serum
creatinine due to acute cellular rejection, urinary tract obstruction, or
immunosuppressant-associated nephrotoxicity at the time of their UTI Results
were excluded. A decrease in serum creatinine or a negative urine The whole study group consisted of 328 patients, 169 Tx and
culture, available soon after antibiotic therapy, further confirmed the 159 non-Tx patients, with no statistical differences regarding
presence of PN. age (44 versus 41 years). PN was diagnosed in 89 patients, most
The parameters analyzed in the medical records were gender; age of them (66.3%) Tx patients (n ⫽ 59), whereas Cys occurred in
over 60 years old; previous episodes of UTI; specific causes of ESRD 239 patients, with 46% in Tx patients (n ⫽ 110). In the whole
such as diabetes mellitus, nephrolithiasis, polycystic kidney disease sample, women represented most cases of Cys (89.1% versus
(PKD), and vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) to native kidneys. Information 10.9%) and PN (76.4% versus 23.6%) compared with men. How-
about the type of kidney donor (living or deceased), the type of anas-
ever, a statistical difference between PN and Cys in the whole
tomosis (Gregoir or Politano–Leadbetter), double J stent use, the time
sample was observed among men (23.6% versus 10.9%, P ⬍
posttransplantation, and the number of patients receiving tri-
methoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMZ) prophylaxis and immuno-
suppression regimens were also sought. According to the routine of the The distribution of the signs, symptoms, and laboratory tests
Renal Transplant Unit, immunosuppression induction was performed is presented in Table 1. In the Tx patients, women had more Cys
in the cadaveric renal transplantation with basiliximab; thymoglobulin; (83.6%) and PN (69.5%) than men, but among men, there was a
or more rarely with daclizumab, muromonab-CD3, or alemtuzumab. higher frequency of PN than Cys, (30.5% versus 16.4%, P ⬍
Immunosuppression maintenance regimens consisted of (1) triple as- 0.03). Although Cys was more frequent among non-Tx female
sociations with calcineurin inhibitor (tacrolimus [Tac] or cyclosporine than Tx female patients (93.8% versus 83.6%, P ⬍ 0.02), the
[CsA]), prednisone (Pred), and mycophenolate agents (mycophenolate opposite was observed for PN, which was more prevalent
mofetil [MMF], mycophenolate sodium [MPS], or azathioprine [Aza]); among male Tx than non-Tx patients (30.5% versus 10%, P ⬍
(2) triple associations with Tac or CsA with Pred and sirolimus; and (3)
0.06). Among PN patients, the presence of fever was signifi-
double associations with Tac or CsA with Pred. For the purpose of the
cantly different between Tx and non-Tx patients (79.6% versus
multivariate analysis, data were grouped as regimens, which were
mycophenolate-based, Aza-based, or the sum of all other associations.
100%) because this parameter was an inclusion criterion for the
latter group. Pyuria was observed more frequently among PN
isolates from Tx than from non-Tx patients (98.3% versus
Laboratory Analysis 66.7%). Within the group of Tx patients, the presence of pyuria
Serum creatinine was determined (22) using a Hitachi 912 (Roche was also more often observed in PN than in Cys (98.3% versus
Diagnostic System, Basel, Switzerland) isotope dilution mass spectrom-
85.5%), as opposed to non-Tx patients, in whom pyuria was a
etry traceable instrument. A freshly voided midstream urine sample
more common feature in Cys (87.6% versus 66.7%). Dysuria and
was used for the urinalysis and urine culture, and pyuria was defined
as a urinary leukocyte count ⬎104/ml. E. coli was isolated in selective
urinary frequency were symptoms more commonly observed
culture medium, and antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined by in Cys from non-Tx than from Tx patients (87.6% versus 64.5%
a disk diffusion method (23). and 33.3% versus 3.6%, respectively).
The comparisons of host factors, E. coli virulence genes, and
antimicrobial resistance in all patients with Cys or PN are listed
Bacterial DNA Extraction and PCR Conditions in Table 2. The multivariate analysis showed significant asso-
The whole volume of the urine specimen was harvested by centrif-
ciations between the occurrence of PN and renal Tx (odds ratio
ugation for 10 minutes at 12,000 rpm in an Eppendorf centrifuge 5810R
(Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) for the bacterial genomic DNA ex-
[OR] ⫽ 3.12, P ⬍ 0.001). Among bacterial factors, significant
traction (24). PCR with specific primers for bacterial 16S rRNA (25) associations between PN with the presence of papC (OR ⫽ 2.03,
provided the validation of the DNA extraction. The presence of viru- P ⬍ 0.022), the lack of papGIII (OR ⫽ 4.88, P ⬍ 0.006), and lower
lence factors was assessed through PCR using separate specific primer rates of resistance to nalidixic acid (OR ⫽ 2.90, P ⬍ 0.003) were
pairs for papC and aerobactin (26), papGII and papGIII (27), and M- and detected. Although papGII was more prevalent in PN than in
1292 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010

Table 1. Signs, symptoms, and laboratory tests

Tx Patients Non-Tx Patients P

PN, n 59 30
gender, n (%)
female 41 (69.5) 27 (90.0) 0.06
male 18 (30.5) 3 (10.0) 0.06
median age (min to max) 42 (18 to 73) 38 (19 to 61) –
flank pain – 30 (100.0) –
fever 47 (79.6) 30 (100.0) 0.007
pyuria 58 (98.3) 20 (66.7) 0.001
increase of serum creatinine 55 (93.2) – –
renal allograft tenderness 7 (11.8) – –
E. coli-positive hemoculture 6 (10.1) – –
renal allograft biopsy 2 (3.4) –
Cystitis, n 110 129
gender, n (%)
female 92 (83.6) 121 (93.8) 0.02
male 18 (16.4) 8 (6.2) 0.02
median age (min to max) 46 (18 to 69) 38 (18 to 89) –
dysuria 71 (64.5) 113 (87.6) 0.001
urinary frequency 4 (3.6) 43 (33.3) 0.001
suprapubic pain 7 (6.4) 15 (11.6) 0.1
pyuria 94 (85.5) 113 (87.6) 0.1
n (%), number (percentage) of patients.

Cys isolates (27.0% versus 16.7%, P ⬍ 0.043), the significance PN isolates from patients receiving Tac/Pred/MMF (5.5% ver-
was no longer observed in the multivariate analysis. sus 3.4%), Tac/Pred/Aza (19.1% versus 16.9%), CsA/Pred/Aza
Comparisons of host and virulence factors in Tx patients with (14.5% versus 25.4%), CsA/Pred/MMF (3.6% versus 5.1%),
PN and Cys are presented in Tables 3 and 4. The risk of CsA/Pred (6.3% versus 3.4%), Tac/Pred/MPS (20.1% versus
occurrence of PN was significantly higher among men (OR ⫽ 16.9%), Tac/Pred (3.6% versus 1.7%), CsA/Pred/MPS (10% ver-
2.35, P ⬍ 0.037) and for those no longer receiving TMP/SMZ sus 10.2%), or Siro/Pred/Tac (6.4% versus 1.7%).
prophylaxis (OR ⫽ 2.73, P ⬍ 0.019). The percentage of PN and
Cys among patients receiving TMP/SMZ was significantly dif- Discussion
ferent (17.0% versus 30.9%). PN was associated with the lack of The severity of a UTI is determined by the virulence of the
papGIII (OR ⫽ 5.07, P ⬍ 0.041) and with lower rates of resis- infecting strain modulated by the innate immune response of
tance to pipemidic acid (OR ⫽ 2.57, P ⬍ 0.014). There were the host (30). Although there are several studies assessing E. coli
statistical differences between PN and Cys isolates with respect virulence genes in upper UTI (5,11–13), only one of them has
to papGII (23.7% versus 11.0%, P ⬍ 0.03) and for resistance to been conducted in renal Tx recipients (21). We aimed to eval-
nalidixic acid (20.3% versus 37.3%, P ⬍ 0.03). However, such uate host and bacterial virulence factors mostly associated with
differences were no longer observed in the multivariate analy- PN by E. coli in Tx patients.
sis. Nitrofurantoin resistance was not identified in any isolated In the study presented here, renal Tx was associated with a
strain in the study presented here. 3-fold increase in the risk of developing PN (OR ⫽ 3.12). Such
When we categorized Tx patients according to the time after a finding raises the hypothesis that immunosuppression, neo
transplantation (data not shown in the table), we did not iden- ureterovesical implantation, shorter ureter, manipulated blad-
tify a significant increase in the occurrence of PN per each ders, and other conditions inherent in renal Tx may contribute
6-month period (OR ⫽ 1.03, 95% confidence interval 0.990 to to a higher risk of PN. However, we did not find statistical
1.077, P ⬍ 0.135). differences among different immunosuppression schemes,
There were no statistical differences between the percentage namely triple-drug regimens using mycophenolate or Aza and
of patients with Cys or PN regarding immunosuppressive in- others (sirolimus-based or double-drug regimens) with respect
duction with basiliximab (20.0% versus 18.6%), daclizumab to the occurrence of PN, as also observed by Pellé et al. (6).
(1.8% versus 5.1%), alemtuzumab (1.0% versus 0.0%), mu- Notwithstanding, Kamath et al. (31) did find an association
romonab-CD3 (1.0% versus 0.0%) and thymoglobulin (7.2% ver- with the use of Mycophelonate and PN in Tx patients, but the
sus 6.8%). The various maintenance immunosuppressive regi- number of patients was smaller than ours.
mens were also not statistically different with respect to Cys or Some studies reported a greater prevalence of women (6,32),
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010 Pyelonephritis in Renal Transplant Recipients 1293

Table 2. The distribution of host and virulence factors of E. coli among all patients with Cys and PN
Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis
Cys PN
(n ⫽ 239) (n ⫽ 89)
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Host factors
age ⱖ60 years 40 (16.7) 12 (13.5) 0.78 0.39 to 1.56 0.47
male gender 26 (10.9) 21 (23.6) 2.53 1.34 to 4.78 0.004
previous UTI 104 (43.5) 44 (49.4) 1.27 0.78 to 2.07 0.34
diabetes mellitus 17 (7.1) 10 (11.2) 1.65 0.73 to 3.76 0.23
nephrolithiasis 31 (12.9) 10 (11.2) 0.85 0.40 to 1.81 0.67
PKD 10 (4.2) 2 (2.3) 0.53 0.11 to 2.45 0.41
renal Tx 110 (46.0) 59 (66.3) 2.31 1.39 to 3.83 0.001 3.12 1.80 to 5.39 0.001
Urovirulence genes of E. coli
papC 55 (23.1) 28 (31.5) 1.53 0.89 to 2.62 0.124 2.03 1.11 to 3.72 0.022
papGII 40 (16.7) 24 (27.0) 1.82 1.02 to 3.24 0.043
papGIII 32 (13.4) 4 (4.5) 3.28 1.13 to 9.57 0.029 4.88 1.57 to 15.12 0.006
M-fimbriae 10 (4.2) 3 (3.4) 0.80 0.22 to 2.97 0.74
G-fimbriae 3 (1.3) 0 0.38 0.02 to 7.38 0.29
aerobactin 59 (24.8) 25 (28.1) 1.19 0.69 to 2.05 0.54
Antibiotic resistance
TMP/SMZ 97 (40.6) 41 (46.1) 1.25 0.77 to 2.04 0.37
nalidixic acid 62 (26.0) 12 (13.5) 2.25 1.15 to 4.41 0.018 2.90 1.42 to 5.93 0.003
pipemidic acid 64 (26.8) 14 (15.7) 1.90 1.01 to 3.61 0.049
ciprofloxacin 55 (23.1) 12 (13.5) 0.52 0.26 to 1.02 0.06
norfloxacin 55 (23.1) 12 (13.5) 0.52 0.26 to 1.02 0.06
ampicilin 119 (49.8) 47 (52.8) 1.13 0.69 to 1.84 0.63
cefalotin 60 (25.1) 26 (29.2) 1.23 0.72 to 2.12 0.45
ceftriaxone 5 (2.1) 1 (1.1) 0.53 0.06 to 4.62 0.56
gentamicin 17 (7.1) 4 (4.5) 0.62 0.20 to 1.88 0.39
nitrofurantoin 0 0 – – –
n (%), number (percentage) of patients. CI, confidence interval.

whereas others did not find any sex-related differences in the out the effect of BPH or prostatism in the series presented here
frequency of posttransplantation PN (31). Nevertheless, these because of its retrospective design. Finally, according to Sadeghi et
studies (31,32) differ from ours because they did not compare al. (34), male renal Tx recipients with UTI might present a stronger
PN with Cys, but rather patients who developed PN versus inflammatory cytokine response than female patients who block
those who never did. In the study presented here, although any inflammatory responses by producing soluble IL-1 receptor an-
UTI event by E. coli was statistically more frequent in women tagonist, possibly because of continuous stimulation of the blad-
than in men, when we compared PN with Cys patients, it der by insignificant bacteriuria. Whether this stronger response
became evident that PN in Tx patients occurred more often in may be linked to the invasion of the upper urinary tract, especially
men, and the risk of PN was 2-fold higher in men. Although in Tx patients, remains to be determined.
other investigators also observed higher rates of PN among Specific causes of ESRD (e.g., diabetes mellitus, autosomal
men (11), the reasons for the predilection of male gender in the
dominant PKD, nephrolithiasis, or VUR) were not associated
series of Tx patients presented here remain unclear. Our find-
with an increased risk of PN in the study presented here, in
ings could not be ascribed solely to older age and consequently
agreement with other reports (6,31). According to Rice et al.
to prostatism because the Cys and PN groups were young and
(21), diabetes mellitus was even more associated with Cys rather
comparable with respect to age (49.3 ⫾ 13.1 years versus 46.5 ⫾
than with PN among Tx patients. It is possible that the lack of
14.8 years, respectively NS). In a recent retrospective analysis
association between PN with autosomal dominant PKD, nephro-
based on data from the U.S. Renal Data System, Hurst et al. (33),
have shown that benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is very lithiasis, and VUR with native kidneys was because of the small
common in men after renal Tx and is independently associated number of these diseases in the sample presented here.
with UTI. Age was independently associated with BPH in their We did not find any association between PN and the use of
reports, but whether BPH was causing more upper (PN) than a double J stent, in accordance with the study of Kumar et al.
lower (Cys) UTI could not be further specified (33). One potential (35). On the other hand, Kamath et al. (31) observed a 4-fold
limitation of this study is that it was not possible to entirely rule increase in the risk of PN in Tx patients with ureteric stents.
1294 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010

Table 3. The distribution of host factors among Tx patients with Cys and PN
Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis
Cys PN
(n ⫽ 110) (n ⫽ 59)
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Host factors
age ⱖ60 years 19 (17.3) 9 (15.3) 0.86 0.36 to 2.05 0.74
male gender 18 (16.4) 18 (30.5) 2.24 1.06 to 4.75 0.04 2.35 1.06 to 5.22 0.037
previous UTI by E. coli 60 (54.5) 33 (56.0) 1.06 0.56 to 2.00 0.86
diabetes mellitus 15 (13.6) 10 (17.0) 1.29 0.54 to 3.09 0.56
nephrolithiasis 3 (2.7) 1 (1.7) 0.62 0.06 to 6.05 0.68
PKD 9 (8.2) 2 (3.4) 0.39 0.08 to 1.89 0.24
VUR 2 (1.8) 1 (1.7) 0.93 0.08 to 10.49 0.95
deceased donor (versus living) 53 (48.2) 29 (49.2) 1.04 0.55 to 1.96 0.90
Gregoir versus Politano 75 (68.2) 40 (67.8) 1.02 0.52 to 2.00 0.96
TMP/SMZ prophylaxis 34 (30.9) 10 (17.0) 2.19 0.99 to 4.84 0.05 2.73 1.18 to 6.29 0.019
use of double J stent 23 (20.9) 19 (32.2) 1.80 0.88 to 3.67 0.11
Immunosuppression regimen
mycophenolate-baseda 43 (39.1) 21 (35.6) 1.00 – –
Aza-based 37 (33.6) 25 (42.4) 1.38 0.67 to 2.87 0.38
others 30 (27.3) 13 (22.0) 0.89 0.39 to 2.04 0.78
n (%), number (percentage) of patients.

Table 4. The distribution of E. coli virulence factors among Tx patients with Cys and PN
Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis
Cys PN
(n ⫽ 110) (n ⫽ 59)
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P

Urovirulence genes of E. coli

papC 18 (16.5) 14 (23.7) 1.59 0.73 to 3.48 0.25
papGII 12 (11.0) 14 (23.7) 2.54 1.09 to 5.93 0.03
papGIII 15 (13.6) 2 (3.4) 4.50 0.99 to 20.38 0.05 5.07 1.07 to 24.13 0.041
M-fimbriae 5 (4.6) 1 (1.7) 0.36 0.04 to 3.17 0.36
G-fimbriae 2 (1.8) 0 0.36 0.02 to 7.72 0.30
aerobactin 24 (21.8) 14 (23.7) 1.12 0.53 to 2.36 0.78
Antibiotic resistance
TMP/SMZ 57 (51.8) 30 (50.9) 0.96 0.51 to 1.81 0.90
nalidixic acid 41 (37.3) 12 (20.3) 2.33 1.11 to 4.89 0.03
pipemidic acid 46 (41.8) 13 (22.0) 2.54 1.23 to 5.24 0.01 2.57 1.21 to 5.46 0.014
ciprofloxacin 37 (33.6) 12 (20.3) 0.50 0.24 to 1.05 0.07
norfloxacin 37 (33.6) 12 (20.3) 0.50 0.24 to 1.05 0.07
ampicilin 64 (58.2) 33 (55.9) 0.91 0.48 to 1.73 0.78
cefalotin 39 (35.4) 21 (35.6) 1.01 0.52 to 1.95 0.98
ceftriaxone 2 (1.8) 1 (1.7) 0.93 0.08 to 10.49 0.95
gentamicin 11 (10.0) 4 (6.8) 0.66 0.20 to 2.15 0.48
nitrofurantoin 0 0 – –
n (%), number (percentage) of patients.

These findings might have been accounted for by an earlier In this study, the percentage of patients receiving TMP/SMZ
removal of stents in our service (36) compared with others (31). prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii was significantly lower
Kidneys from deceased donors and Gregoir-type of anasto- in the PN than in the Cys group, and the multivariate analysis
mosis did not show higher rates of PN in the sample presented showed a risk almost 3-fold lower of developing PN when on
here, in agreement with other studies (6,31,32). TMP/SMZ (OR ⫽ 2.73), despite high TMP/SMZ resistance
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010 Pyelonephritis in Renal Transplant Recipients 1295

rates (approximately 50% in both groups). A separate analysis among isolates of PN from immunosuppressed patients was
of resistance to TMP/SMZ only on patients who developed not specified (11). Some investigators observed a lower pre-
either PN or Cys receiving TMP/SMZ prophylaxis showed a dominance of papGII in E. coli isolated from UTI patients with
nonsignificant trend for higher rates of resistance in PN (8 of 10 urinary abnormalities, either in children (44,45) or in adults
[80%]) versus Cys (21 of 34 [62%]). Other reports also observed (46). Although patients with neurogenic bladder were excluded
decreased rates of UTI associated with TMP/SMZ prophylaxis from the sample presented here, UTI occurring in a trans-
(37,38) but not particularly with PN. planted patient is already considered as a complicated one (47)
There is no conclusive evidence whether or not the presence because of the heterotopic position of the graft and the shorter
of virulence factors is correlated with differences in suscepti- ureteral length. Finally, studies that observed a high prevalence
bility to antimicrobials. Although some investigators suggested of papGII in PN could have been biased by the exclusion of
that virulence genes increased antibiotic resistance of previ- quinolone-resistant strains (5) because the latter would possibly
ously resistant strains (16), others observed that quinolone- possess fewer virulence factors (5,13).
resistant E. coli strains were more prone to induce Cys rather Several studies have demonstrated that PapGIII is mostly
than PN (17,18,20) because of decreased renal invasive capacity identified in acute Cys strains (48 –50) because Forsmann anti-
concomitantly acquired by the mutation. Our findings, in gen, the host cell receptor, is rare in renal cells. This is in
agreement with those reports, showed a lower proportion of E. agreement with our observation that the papGIII prevalence
coli resistance to first-generation quinolones in PN isolates: the was higher in Cys versus PN in all patients including the Tx
risk of resistance in PN isolates to nalidixic acid was reduced in ones. Thus, the lack of papGIII in E. coli strains was an inde-
the whole sample (OR ⫽ 2.90) and to pipemidic acid in the Tx pendent factor associated with PN in all patients (OR ⫽ 4.88)
group (OR ⫽ 2.57). Resistance to ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin and Tx patients (OR ⫽ 5.07). On the other hand, some studies
was also less frequent in PN isolates, almost achieving statisti- did not find any association between papGIII and PN in non-Tx
cal significance. We did not observe a single case of fluorquin- (5,11,13,15) or Tx patients (21), with the prevalence ranging
olone resistance among the PN isolates of non-Tx patients. We from 4% to 35%.
hypothesize that the slightly higher resistance to fluorquinolo- The aerobactin prevalence in E. coli strains is also highly
nes in PN isolates from Tx patients compared with the non-Tx variable in the literature, from 26% to 85% (5,11,13,15,28,39,40).
patients might have been consequent to their more frequent use In this study, the prevalence of aerobactin was up to 28% but
in this population, selecting resistant strains. not significantly different between the PN and Cys isolates,
The reported prevalence of papC-positive E. coli strains iso- coinciding with some reports (11,15) but not with others (5,13).
lated in patients with UTIs is highly variable—10% to 77% There are few studies about the association of M- and G-
(5,13,28,39 – 41), and only two studies have found a higher fimbriae with UTIs (5,28,41) and none in a Tx setting. The
prevalence of papC-positive E. coli in PN versus Cys isolates current prevalence of these fimbriae was very low (up to 4.2%,
(50% versus 10% (13) and 76% versus 35% (5)). These studies did in agreement with other authors (28,41)) and did not differen-
not include patients with renal Tx. The current prevalence of tiate PN from Cys.
papC in PN isolates from Tx patients was not significantly In conclusion, the data presented here suggest that renal Tx
different from Cys isolates. Although the multivariate analysis increased the risk for PN, and the male sex represented a host
suggested risk for papC in PN isolates in the series presented factor independently associated with risk, whereas the prophy-
here (OR ⫽ 2.03), it was not an independent risk given that the laxis with TMP/SMZ was protective. Although papGII was
univariate analysis was NS. more prevalent in PN than in Cys, it was not independently
Previous studies have demonstrated that among the three associated with PN in Tx, whereas the lack of papGIII was
classes of papG genes, only papGII is associated with PN considered as an independent risk factor for PN. Immunosup-
(5,11,12,15). In the study presented here, the univariate analysis pression, abnormal urinary tract, and resistance to quinolones
showed papGII to be more often associated with PN than with are some features that might have explained the lower preva-
Cys in the whole sample and also in Tx patients. However, it lence of papGII in PN, suggesting that bacteria presenting with
did not represent an independent risk factor for PN. Our prev- fewer virulence genes may invade the upper urinary tract in Tx
alence of 27% of papGII in PN is not high if compared with other patients.
studies that reported rates of 54% to 93% in the non-Tx popu- Another limitation of this and other studies is that only the
lation (5,11,12,15). In Tx patients, Rice et al. (21) found signifi- prevalence rather than expression of virulence factor genes
cant differences regarding the papGII prevalence between PN have been evaluated. Studies examining the expression of such
and lower UTIs— 47% versus 18%. Nevertheless, in experimen- virulence factors in lower and upper UTIs in renal Tx recipients
tal models, Mobley et al. (42) have shown that adherence me- must be conducted to further confirm such findings.
diated by the P-fimbrial adhesin played only a subtle role in the
development of PN. Additionally, it has been observed that
although PapGII enhanced the establishment of kidney infec- This research was supported by grants from the Conselho Nacional
tions by E. coli in mice, infections did not persist because of the de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Fundação
immune response (43). According to Tseng et al. (11), P-fimbria Oswaldo Ramos. Portions of this study were presented at the 41st
virulence factors have been suggested to be less common under Annual Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Philadelphia,
immunosuppression, although the exact distribution of papGII Pennsylvania, November 6 to 9, 2008, and at the 8th World Congress of
1296 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: 1290 –1297, 2010

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