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1. What conditions make job performance possible in any organization?

The capacity to perform which relates to the degree to which the employee possesses skills, abilities,

knowledge and experience relevant to his job. The opportunity to perform depends on the work environment

provided to the employee. The willingness to perform which relates to the degree in which an employee

desires and is willing to exert effort to achieve the goals assigned to him.

2. What motivates people to behave differently?

3. How may define intensity as an element of motivation?

Intensity refers to the level of effort provided by the employee in the attempt to achieve the goal

assigned to him and how hard a person tries to do work.

4. What does Abraham Maslow espouse in his hierarchy of needs theory?

He suggested that there are five major need categories that apply to people in general, starting from

the fundamental physiological needs and leading through a hierarchy of safety, social and esteem needs to the

need for self-fulfillment, the highest need of all. When a lower need is satisfied the next highest becomes

dominant and the individual’s attention is turned to satisfying this higher need. Physiological needs include

hunger, thirst and sleep. Safety needs contain security, protection from danger and freedom from pain. Social

needs sometimes also referred to as love needs such as friendship, giving and receiving love, engaging in social

activities and group membership. Esteem needs these include both self-respect and the esteem of others. For

example, the desire for self-confidence and achievement, and recognition and appreciation. Self-actualization

this is about the desire to develop and realize your full potential. To become everything, you can be.

5. According to David McClelland, what motivates people?

According to McClelland, the things that motivates people are the need for achievement which refers

to the desire to do something better or more efficiently, to solve problems, or master complex task. The need

for affiliation talks about the desire to establish and maintain friendly and warm relation with others. Lastly, the

need for power which refers to the desire to control others, to influence their behavior, or to be responsible for

others. The three needs may be given different priorities at different levels of management. Achievement

needs are particularly important for success in many junior and middle management jobs where it is possible to

feel direct responsibility for task accomplishment. But in senior management positions a concern for

institutionalized as opposed to personal power becomes more important. A strong need for affiliation is not so

significant at any level.

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