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The proposal was conceived through the macro to micro approach, establishing the details o

; then letting these

The proposal is approach through sectional iterations: rather than starting with the atypical macro to
micro approach, this proposal employs the establishment of a specific micro detail i.e. wood joint/
structural detail that will inform the overall sectional form. The chosen vernacular house is then
“encased” by an outer layer of repurposed timber structure that is dismantled by demolished or.

The generative approach for the form of the proposal is to analyse and dissect the section of
the chosen vernacular house, and then with the idea in mind of dismantling said structure, shipping
it to the site and repurposing/ selling it, create a furniture store that preserves the original house in
the centre of the site with the new establishment “enveloping” it.

This was achieved through continuous sectional iterations (“short” sections: short being the
short side of the site), with no particular attention to the longitudinal section detail or programmatic
arrangement. The chosen vernacular house is then “encased” by this “short” section acting as an
outer layer made out of repurposed timber structure from dismantled Dong houses. A
programmatic resolution for the longitudinal (long section) of the project is achieved by layering the
2 different sections (the “Activity” and “Circulation” core) sequentially at different orders and
frequencies (similar to a horizontal layer cake). This “layered” effect is seen in the repetitive nature
of the floorplans

This sectional approach was a consistent point within the studio

The furniture “circulates” along the short section of the proposal, with the intention of
“externalising” the hidden process of furniture making and repair to the façade/ periphery, while the
visitors circulate longitudinal, while rising in different storeys to witness in closer proximity the
process that goes behind furniture making. These 2 circulation paths culminate at the South- facing
façade which includes this idiosyncratic façade that serves as an operable drying rack for the finished
furniture pieces. It acts as both a display and storage façade that helps publicize the finished pieces
that faces the main road and mrt track.
This romanticised view of a car in motion vs car that’s parked (its desirable to those filmed cliff-ed
road paths to drive by but it is not encouraged to park our cars too close to the peninsula/ beach
front). Since the studio is about uncovering the various pleasures of everyday life in Split, Croatia, I
decided to focus on the topic of “driving for pleasure” and its indirect relationship to beach fronts.
There is this stigma behind the use of the car along the beach, with the car being despised as a sort
of “distraction”; with the typical notion of parking your cars quite a ways away from the beach and
then walking over.

The proposal starts of by (at a workshop) by hypothesizing how beach goers may potentially react to
having a carpark placed right on the peninsula itself; how this would affect the existing beach
activity; how this would spontaneously start new beach related activities.

Site studies were then made to see the current state of the relationship between the beach goer and
their respective cars, with the notion of “proximity” in mind.

After the site analysis was completed, it was clear that the storey small, controlled instances
between the beach goer and their cars was observed, particularly how they treated their car as an
extension of their personal space by extending their mat/ propping their chairs along its shadow.
With this mind, proposing an “inefficient” carpark that choreograph parking spots that allow for this
unconventional interaction between the beach goer and their car.

The choice on building perpendicularly to the beach front it reminiscent to the pier typology, typical
in English beach side cities.

Through the alteration configurations of the conventional angled carparking lots, a sporadic carpark
layout is achieved, with slivers of spaces contained in between each lot to contain the individual
car’s beach goer activity i.e. picnicking, sunbathing and so on.

The general structure of the proposal is to assist on contain these semi private carparking lots above
the sea water, as well as to extend both the pedestrian and road paths into the sea, thus
manufacturing an artificial cliff road path, where both the driver and beach goer can peer from.

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