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Gia sư Thành Được



I. The present simple tense: Thì hiện tại đơn
1. To be: (am / is / are) Động từ to be
a) Affirmative: Khẳng định
S + am / is / are + …………..
Ex: We are students.
b) Negative: Phủ định
S + am / is / are + not + …………
Ex: My mother is not / isn’t a farmer.
c) Interrogative: Nghi vấn
Am / Is / Are + S + ……………….?
Ex: Is your brother a worker? → Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.
2. Ordinary verbs: Động từ thường
a) Affirmative: Khẳng định
I / We / You / They / Ba and Nam V
He / She / It / Ba V( s / es )
Ex: I go to school every day.
She goes to school every day.
b) Negative: Phủ định
I / We / you / they / Ba and Nam do not / don’t
He / She / It / Ba does not / doesn’t V(bare infinitive)
Ex: I don’t go to school on Sundays.
She doesn’t go to school on Sundays.
c) Interrogative: Nghi vấn
Do we / you / they / …. V (bare infinitive) ?
Does he / she / it …….
Ex 1: Do you play volleyball?
→ Yes, I do / No, I don’t
Ex 2: Does Lan listen to music after school?
-Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
+ Use: Diễn tả một sự thật ở hiên tại, một quy luật, một chân lý hiển nhiên
Diễn tả một thói quen, môt sự việc lập đi lập lại ở hiện tại, một phong tục.
+ Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Thường đi kèm với các trạng từ như: always, usually, often,
sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day, every morning, once/ twice …
* Vị trí của trạng từ tần suất trong câu: đứng trước động từ thường (play, listen, go, watch,……..)
và đứng sau động từ to be ( am/is/are).
Ví dụ: I often go fishing in the spring.
It is usually cold in the winter.
Chuù yù: Vôùi nhöõng ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng O, S, Z, Sh, Ch chuû ngöõ ôû ngoâi thöù
3 soá ít ta phaûi theâm “ es “.
EX: He goes by bike.
She washes his face .
* Ñoäng töø taän cuøng baèng “y” ta phaûi ñoåi “y” ra “ i” tröôùc khi theâm “es”
(study -> studies ; carry -> carries)
Gia sư Thành Được

EX: He studies English at school.

II. The present progressive tense: Hiện tại tiếp diễn
1. Form:
S + am / is / are + V- ing + ….
Ex: I am teaching English.
She is playing computer games.
2. Use: Diễn tả một hành động hoặc sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại.
+ Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như now (bây giờ), at
present, at the moment, at this time (hiện giờ, vào lúc này) thường nằm ở cuối câu. Các động từ
nhằm tập trung sự chú ý như: Listen! Look! Be quiet!,......... đứng đầu câu.
Ex: The farmers are working in the fields now.
 Cách thêm đuôi “ing”
 Hầu hết các động từ ta chỉ thêm “ing” vào su động từ: ex: sleeping; going…
 Đối động từ có tận cùng là “e”, ta bỏ e rồi thêm “ing”: ex: write – writing
 Tuy nhiên tận cùng là “ee” vẫn giữ nguyên: ex: seeing; freeing
 Tận cùng là phụ âm ( trừ h, w, x, y) đứng trước nó là 1 nguyên âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm sau đó
thêm “ing” ex: running
 Tận cùng là “ie” đổi thành “y” rồi mới thêm “ing” Ex: Tie – tying; die - dying
III. “be going to”: thì tương lai gần – Diễn tả dự định, kế hoạch trong tương lai
1. Form:
a) Affirmative: Khẳng định
S + am/is/are + going to + V ( bare infinitive
Ex: I’m going to Hue tomorrow.
b) Negative: Phủ định
S + am/is/are + not going to + V ( bare infinitive )
Ex: Nam is not going to HCM.
c) Interrogative: Nghi vấn
Am/ Is/ Are + S + going to + V ( bare infinitive )…?
Ex: Are they going to the movies with us next Sunday?
2. Use: Diễn tả môt dự định, kế hoạch sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai gần.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian như tonight, tomorrow,
next week / month / year, …., on Saturday morning ...
IV. Một số cấu trúc khác –
1. Ñoäng töø khuyết thiếu :
CAN : coù theå (chæ khaû naêng)
CAN NOT : khoâng theå (khoâng ñöôïc pheùp)
MUST : phaûi (chæ söï caàn thieát )
MUST NOT : khoâng ñöôïc pheùp (chæ söï caám ñoaùn)
EX: My sister can drive a car. Chò toâi coù theå laùi xe.
I am not fine. I must go to bed now.
Toâi khoâng khoûe. Toâi phaûi ñi nguû ngay baây giôø.
+ S + can / must + V
- S + can not / must not + V
Gia sư Thành Được

? Can / Must + S + V ?
2. Mạo từ không xác định “a”, “an” và “the”, some, any
- Các DT đếm được ở số ít chưa được nói đến đến trong câu trước đó thường đi kềm với mạo từ “a”
hoặc “an”. Đối với các danh từ bắt đầu bằng các nguyên âm “u, e, o, a, i” ta dùng “an” thay cho “a”.
- Mạo từ “the” được dùng cho cả số ít và số nhiều với danh từ đã được nhắc đến trước hay một
danh từ xác định.
EX: I have a friend. The friend often plays soccer in the afteroon.
- “some” dùng trong câu khẳng định với cả DT đếm được và không đếm được.
- “any” dùng trong câu nghi vấn và câu phủ định cả DT đếm được và không đếm được.
3. Giới từ chỉ vị trí, nơi chốn, thời gian.
* Nơi chốn: IN; + in + tên tỉnh / thành phố/ quốc gia ( in Lai Chau, in Viet Nam)
- + on + tên phố
- + on the first/ the second…: tầng thứ mấy
- At: + at + số nhà
- In front of: đằng trước/ behind: đằng sau/ to the right of: bên phải/ to the left of: bên trái/ next
to: bên cạnh/ near: ở gần/ opposite: đối diện/ between….and: ở giữa …..và
* Thời gian: - in + tháng/ năm/ buổi trong ngày/ mùa trong năm.
- ON: + On + thứ trong tuần, ngày vào tháng
- + at + giờ
- + at home/ at night/ at the moment/ at present
4. Đưa ra lời đề nghị, gợi ý(Suggestions) Để đưa ra lời đề nghị hay một lời gợi ý, ta dùng 1
trong 3 cấu trúc sau:
a. Let’s…. ( chúng ta hãy…. )
Let’s = Let us.
Let’s + V
Ví dụ: Let’s listen to music.
b. Dùng với “ What about/ How about…… ?” ( …. Thì sao?/ nhé?)
What about + V_ing…..?
Ví dụ: What about listening to music?.
c. Dùng với “ Why don’t we… ?” ( tại sao không… ?)
Why don’t we + V (B.I) ?.
Ví dụ: Why don’t we listen to music?
Reponses ( trả lời): Agree: OK / Great! I’d love to / Yes, let’s.
Disagree: I’m sorry, I can’t. / No, let’s not.
V. Question words ( Từ để hỏi): Where / Which / What / When / Who / How
1. Hỏi số lượng: How many + danh từ số nhiều đếm được (eggs, oranges, apples…) ….?
How much + danh từ không đếm được (water, rice, meat, coffee ...) …..?
Ví dụ: How many eggs do you want? - I want a dozen eggs.
How much milk would you like? – I’d like a bottle of milk.
2. Hỏi màu sắc: What color is/are + S…? Ví dụ: What colors is your hair? - It is black.
3. Hỏi về cảm giác: How do you feel? What's the matter with you?
4. Hỏi về mức độ thường xuyên: How often ..?
6. Hỏi về các hoạt động trong các mùa: What do you do when it’s hot?

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7. Bao lâu: How long …………?

8. Muốn (dùng) gì? What would you like? I'd like ....... / What do you want? I want .....
9. Hỏi giá tiền: How much is ......? it is ...... / How much are ......? They are .....
10. Hỏi về thời tiết: What is the weather like in the ........? It is ..... in the ......
What weather + do/does + S + like? S + like(s) + thời tiết.
Ví dụ: What weather do you like? - I like cold weather.
11. Ban làm gì vào thời gian rảnh? What do/does you/he do in your free time? – He plays
12. Bạn chơi môn thể thao nào? Which sports do/does you/she play? I play volleyball.
13. Từ đâu đến: Where are you from? I am from ......
Where do you come from? I come from .....
14. Quốc tịch: What is your nationality? I am ......
15. Hỏi về ngôn ngữ: Which language do you speak? I speak ......
What: gì, cái gì How old: bao nhiêu tuổi
Where: ở đâu How long:- dài bao nhiêu
When: khi nào - thời gian bao lâu
Who: ai How tall: cao bao nhiêu (dùng cho người)
Which: nào, cái nào How high: cao bao nhiêu ( dùng cho vật)
Which language: ngôn ngữ nào How thick: dày bao nhiêu
Which grade: khối mấy How many:- số lượng bao nhiêu (danh từ đếm
Which class: lớp mấy được số nhiều)
Why: tại sao - Because: Bởi vì How much:- số lượng bao nhiêu(danh từ không
What time: mấy giờ đêm được)
How: - như thế nào,- có khỏe - Bao nhiêu tiền( hỏi về giá cả)
không How often: Có thường .....không?
- đi bằng phương tiện gì
1. .............. do you go swimming? - Twice a week. 2.
.................students are there in your class? - Thirty - two
3. ...............rice do you want? - Two kilos. 4.
...............are you going to stay with your aunt?- For three
5. ..............grams of meat does he want? 6.
.............. milk do you need?
7. there to eat?
8. ................ does Ba do when it's cool?
9. you have a picnic? 10.
............... sports does Nam play?
11. they usually go on the weekend? 12, ..........
language does he speak?- He speaks Vietnamese.
VI. Comparisons: so sánh
1. Comparative: So sánh hơn
a) So sánh hơn với tính từ ngắn:
S1 + to be + adjective – ER + Than + S2
Ex 1: This book is older than that one.
Ex 2: My classroom is bigger than your classroom / yours.
Gia sư Thành Được

2. Superlative: So sánh nhất

a) So sánh nhất với tính từ ngắn:
S + to be + THE +Adjective - EST + …..
Ex: Lan is the tallest student in my class.
- So s¸nh nhÊt: Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest city in Viet Nam. (
Tr-íc tÝnh tõ so s¸nh nhÊt bao giê còng sö dông m¹o tõ x¸c ®Þnh
“the” )
* Quy tắc thêm đuôi er và đuôi est - large - larger - the largest ( tận cùng bằng "e" chỉ thêm
"r" với so sánh hơn hoặc " st" với so sánh nhất)
- hot - hotter - the hottest ( tận cùng bằng một phụ âm, trước phụ âm là một nguyên âm ta phải
gấp đôi phụ âm trước khi thêm "er" hoặc " est" )
b) Ngoại lệ:
Adjective Comparative Superlative
good (tốt) better (tốt hơn) the best (tốt nhất)
many / much (nhiều) more (nhiều hơn) the most (nhiều nhất)
little (chút ít) less (ít hơn) the least (ít nhất)
VII. Indefinite quantifiers: các từ chỉ số lượng bất định
* a lot of = lots of = many + countable (danh từ đếm được)
* a lot of = lots of = much + uncountable nouns (danh từ không đếm được)
* a few + countable nouns (danh từ đếm được)
* a little + uncountable nouns (danh từ không đếm được)
* some, any + danh từ đếm được dạng số nhiều hoặc danh từ không đếm được.
Note: any dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ nhận./ some dùng trong câu khẳng định hoặc lời mời.
* Một số đơn vị đong đếm đi kèm với danh từ không đếm được: a bowl of….., a box
of..., a can of..., a packet of..., a bottle of..., a kilo of...,
half a kilo of..., five kilos of..., 200 grams of..., a tube of..., a
bar of..., a dozen.
VIII. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh
1. Don’t + V … : Đừng … Ex: Don’t throw trash on the street.
2. V + Noun (phrase): Hãy ... Ex: Save water.
IX. Advice: khuyên bảo
* S + should + V (bare infinitive) Ex: We should not waste water.
A. Put the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - Exercise I.
01. Ba and I ( be).......................................students.
02. Lan ( not play)
after school.
03. My brother ( live) Ho Chi
Minh City.
04. We (listen) music
05. My father always ( get )................................up at
Gia sư Thành Được

06. There (be).................................twenty classrooms

in his school.
07. Where (be)......................... your father now? He
(watch)...........................TV in his room.
08. He isn't in his room. He
(play) the garden.
09. They ( play)................................volleyball every
10. Listen! Mai (sing)................................
11. We (do)........................... our homework now.
12. I (be) grade 6.
13. What your sister ( do ).................................? She
is reading.
14. Your mother (go)................................ to work by
- Exercise II.
1. My parents ( visit ) …………………….. Nha Trang this summer
2. Mr Minh ( not live ) ……………….. in town. His house is in the
3. My father ( watch ) …………… TV in the living room now. He
often (watch )………..TV in the evening.
4. Viet Nam ( have) …… a lot of mountains, and there (be)
…...... many tall and big trees.
5. Hoa’s brother (be) …………. Engineer, but he (not work)
………………at the moment.
6. Nam usually (play) …………sport, but sometimes he (fly)…………….
his kites.
7. We (be)………… tired and we would like (sit)……………down.
8. I (not be)………………..hurry and I (not want)……………………..any rice.
Question I Give the correct form of these adjectivies. Cho dạng đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc:
1. Ha Noi city is ( small) …………….than Ho Chi Minh city.
2. Nga is ( good )…………….. at English than Hoa.
3. We are( happy)……………….. than those children.
4. Phanxipang is the ( high)…………………. mountain in VietNam.
5. The Mekong River is the ………… river in Vietnam. (long)
6. Tokyo is ………… than London. (big)
7. Ho Chi Minh city is the………….city in Vietnam. (big)
8. PETRONAS Twin Towers is………….than Sears Tower. (tall)
9. My sister is …………. than I. (old)
10. Phanxipang is the ………. mountain in Vietnam. (high)
11. These books are …………. than those books. (thick)
12. The Nile River is ………. than the Amazon River. (long)
13. This is the ……… house in our neighborhood. (small)
Gia sư Thành Được

14. We are …….. too much power. (waste)

15. Lan …….. plays badminton in the afternoon. (usual)
16. They go to the movies ………… a month. (two)
17. My sister is very ……….. (beauty)
Question II. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find it out and correct. Tìm lỗi sai và sửa.
1. The children is watching TV now
2. Mai doing morning exercises at the moment.
3. She travel to work by bus
4. He doesn’t needs a kilo of meat
5. Are there some students in the class?
6. Do Hoa drink milk everyday?
7. They are going stay in Nha Trang for two week
8. I play usually sports on the summer
9. This is the longer river in Viet Nam .
10. There are a lot of tree in front my house.
11. I has breakfast at 6:30 every day. I go to school at 7:30.
13. Nam don’t like milk. He likes chocolate.
14. The book are very good. She would like to read it now.
15. What color are her hair? It is red.
16. Is there some water in the bottle?
17. There are any children in your room.
18. She would likes some milk and bananas.
20. There isn’t any books on the table.
21. Which is the longer river in Viet Nam?
22. What color is his hair? ~ They’re black.
23. What’s sports does Nam play? ~ He plays soccer and swims.
24. We shouldn’t pollute the environment. We shouldn’t wasting
25. My little son always is late for school. ……………………………………………
26. I am the thin in my family. ……………………………………………
27. How high is the Mekong River? ……………………………………………
28. How many is this book? 15,000 dong. …………………………………………….
29 . They are not play soccer now.
30. How’s the weather like ? It’s cold.
1. . I am go to visit Ha Long Bay tomorrow.
2. . Vatican is smallest city in the world.
3. . How’s the weather like? It’s cold.
4. . I’m thirsty. I’m like some orange juice.
5. . How much is a sandwich and a cup of coffee?
6. .There’s some meat but there isn’t some fruit.
Gia sư Thành Được

7. . .She goes to the market one a week.

8. .How’s the weather like? It’s cold.
9. .What are you going do in the vacation ?
10. There aren’t some tall trees behind my house.
11. My father watching TV at the moment.
12. Chi is beautiful. Her tooth are small and white.
13. There are four season in a year in Viet Nam.
14. 12. His father doesn’t need some milk.
15. . How’s the weather like? It’s cold.
16. . What is she do now?
17. There are some egg in the box.
18. They sometimes go camp when it is warm
19. Which language do you speak ? _ I speak VietNam
20. Mexico City is the bigger city in the world.
21. Does he brush his teeth and takes a shower every morning ?
Question III. Reorder to make sentences. Sắp xếp từ tạo thành câu.
29. coffee/ want/ you/ much/ do/ how?
30. does/ Mai/ get/ usually/ time/ up/ what?
31. some / oranges/ there/ some/ bananas/ and/ are.
32. are/ often/ how/ late/ school/ you/ for?
33. thirsty/ hot/ am/ I/ and/ now.
34. food/ is / her/ favorite /noodles.
35. drink/ you/ what/ like/ would/ to.
36. world/ biggest/ is/ the/ in / city/ Mexico city/ the.
37. go/ to/ next/ weekend/ are/ you/ going /where?
38. have/ you/ when/ do/ English?
39. want / Tom / Mary / and / glasses / two / of / water.
40. children / for / her / oranges / and / some / apples / going / buy / to / is / Mrs Lan.
41. sister / my / going / is / to / live / country / the / in.
42. going / dinner / tonight / is / have / to/ where / Lan?
43. go / to / next / weekend / are / you / going / where?
44. the / spring / in / what / weather / is / like / the?
45. building / tallest / the / is / this / city / the / in / world.
46. Lan’s house / smaller / is / house / my / than.
47. she / never / with / camping / goes / her / friends.
48. often / she / go / does / how / cinema / to / the?
Question IV. Make questions from the words underlined:
1. I’d like some rice and chicken for dinner. ----------------------------------------
2. A cake is 5,000 đ. - ………………………………………………………………….
3. I feel tired. - ………………………………
4. I go fishing once a week. - ………………………………..
5. Yes. I often play badminton in the fall. - ……………………………………….
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6. It’s warm in the spring. - …………………………………………….

7. They are playing table tennis at the moment. - …………………………………………..
8. I play soccer. - …………………………………………………..
9. She does aerobics in her free time. - …………………………………………………..
10. He wants a kilo of rice. - ………………………………………………………….
11. It’s often cool in the fall .
11. My father goes fishing once a
12. My mother likes cool weather. ……………………………………………………?
13. Miss Nga is going to travel to Hue by train. …………………………………………………….?
14. Linh has milk and eggs for breakfast .
15. My father has lunch at home .
16. Mai’s brother wants a glass of orange juice .
17. Miss Thu needs a kilo of tea.
18. Dung wants five boxes of chocolate.
19. He goes to the cinema once a week.
20. Lan is going to live in China.
21. They are going to bring me some flowers.
22. Miss Hoa is going to stay in a hotel tonight.
23. Lan is going to live in China.
24. They’re going to paint their house.
Question V. Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh với từ gợi ý:
01. What/ Lan/ do/ after school?
02. She/ watch/ TV/ now.
03. We/ live/ house/ near/ river.
04.What time / Nam/ get
05.We / play/ soccer/
06. Behind/house/ there/ trees/
08. What/ be/ front/ your house?

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09. There/ lake/ next/ my house.

10. What time/ Mai/ often/ leave/ her house?
11. You/ go/ school/ bus/ every day?
12. There/ many/ road signs/ our street.
13. How / you / go / school ?
15. We/ travel/ work/
16. There/ a rice paddy/ next/ my
house. ..........................................................
17. everyday/I/go/school/12 o’clock
18.I/ student/ grade
19.I/ watch/ 5/
20. Long / ride / bike /
21. He/ like/ bottle/ cooking oil. ................................
22. Would/ like/ cup/tea?...............................................
23. What/ you/ have/ lunch?............................................
24. your/ favorite/ food? ................................................................... ......................................
25. She/ like/ hot/ weather..............................................
26. It/ never/ hot / winter. …………………………………………….
1. My mother/ sometimes/ go / work/ motorbike. …………………………………………………
2. you/ go/ Ha Long bay/ this summer vacation? ……………………………………………….
3. How often/ your brother/ play soccer? ………………………………………………….
4. What / they / do /now? ……………………………………………………………..

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5. he/ want/ any/ fruit juice? ………………………………………………..

6. When / you / go/ work? ………………………………………………
7. I/ going to / visit Ha Long Bay/ summer vacation.
8. It/ cool/ fall. ……………………………………………………..
9. Where / you/ from? ………………………………………………..
10. Ho Chi Minh City / big/ Ha Noi.
11. Mexico City / big city/ world.
12. The Nile River/ long river/ world. ………………………………………………..
Question VI. Rewrite sentences, use the suggestions. Viết lại câu dùng cụm từ gợi ý(1đ)
1. My hair is short and curly.-->I have ________________________
2. Shall we stay at home and play computer game tonight? Let’s _________________
3. Let’s go to Ha Long Bay next summer vacation. What about _________________?
4. London is smaller than Tokyo.--> Tokyo is __________________________________
5. Where does she come from? Where is ___________________________________?
6. What about taking some photos?-->Why ___________________________________?
7. / What about going to Dam Sen park?  Let’s …………………………………….
8. . I want some milk.  I’d ……………………………………………………….
9. My father has many interesting books. - My father has……………………………….
10. Nam is shorter than Thu  Thu is ………………………………………..Nam
11. Her eyes are brown. --> She has
12. What drink do you like? --> What is
13. The roads are busy today. -> There is
Question VII. Em h·y viÕt l¹i c¸c v©u sau b¾t ®Çu b¨ng tõ cho tr-íc sao
cho nghÜa c©u kh«ng ®æi:
1. Does your school have twenty classrooms?  Are ……
2. Phong has a sister, Lan.  Lan is ….
3. My mother often drives to work.  My mother often goes
4. What is the width of this road?  How …..
5. The Mekong River is longer than the Red River.  The Red River
6. How many oranges do you want?  How many oranges would…..
7. There are twelve packets of tea in this box.  This box has ….
8. How much does a bowl of noodles?  How much is …….
Gia sư Thành Được

Question I. Odd one out

1. a. aunt b. uncle c. friend
d. sister
2. a. take b. vacation c. swim
d. bring
3. a. summer b. hotel c. spring
d. winter
4. a. see b. watch c. look
d. know
5. a. walk b. citadel c. beach
d. bay
6. a. travel b. minibus c. walk
d. go
7. a. sometimes b. good c. cold
d. tired
8. a. river b. desert c. lake
d. sea
9. a. buffalo b. cow c. chicken
d. egg
10. a. city b. town c. weather
d. capital
10. A. coal B. oil C. gas D.
11. A. can B. would C. is D.
12. A. beautiful B. pastime C. favorite D.
13. A. beauty B. hungry C. thirsty D.
14. .a. smaller b. beautiful c. younger d.
15.a. bad b. green c. yellow d. purple
16.a. go b. visit c. stay d. music
17 .a. onion b. potato c. carrot d. egg
18. A. play B. do C. table tennis D. go
49. A. boot B. ball C. camera D.
50. A. structure B. ocean C. tower D.
51. A. damage B. animal C. plant D.
23. A. body B. black C. blue D. brown
24. A. what B. where C. house D. when
25. A. always B. usually C. ofen D. sports
26. A. cold B. season C. hot D. warm
Gia sư Thành Được

27. A. weather B. spring C. summer D. winter

Question II. Choose the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently.
1. 1. a. tennis b. soccer c. tent
d. never
2. a. fly b. hungry c. usually
d. early
3. a. game b. table c. late
d. water
4. a. photo b. go c. home
d. hot
5. a. uncle b. music c. minibus
d. summer
6. a. beach b. season c. weather
d. read
7. a. flower b. town c. slow
d. now
8. a. ride b. discipline c. drive
d. Motorbike
9. a. nose b. color c. mother
d. Monday
10. round b. house
c. shoulder d. mouth
11. A. capital B. country C. vacation D. city
12. A farm B. bar C. tall D. car
13. A. finger B. lip C. light D. thin
14. /. A bean B. pea C. meat D. heavy
15. . A. desert B. meter C. tent D. never
16. . A. dozen B. box C. bottle D. body
17. A. capital B. country C. city D. vacation
18. A. destination B. basketball C. never D. menu
19. A. breakfast B. seat C. eat D. teach
20. A. usually B. fly C. thirsty D. hungry
21. A. window B. flow C. how D. know
22. A. recycle B. thirsty C. hungry D. finally
23. A. engineer B. geography C. language D. great \
24. A. lettuce B. tube C. music D. use
25. A. full B. summer C. sunny D.
26. A. street B. engineer C. green
D. see
27. A. recycle B. country C. collect
D. can
28. A. bottle B. lot C. forest
D. some
Gia sư Thành Được

29. A. city B. hungry C. thirsty

D. fly
30. A. ride B. night C. river D.
31. A. beach B. weather C. season
D. peas
32. A. sometimes B. washes C. benches
D. couches
33. A. season B. weather C. tea D.
34. A. vacation B. pagoda C. finally
D. citadel
35. - A. has B. lamp C. family D. name
36. A. kind B. fine C. city
D. like
37. A. Japan b. Canada c. China d. Australia
38. A. population b. small c. tall d. talk
39. .a. beach b. seat c. meat d. great
40. .a. rain b. contain c. Britain d. main
41. A. boots B. floor C. toothpaste
D. food
42. A. teeth B. tree C. between D.
43. A. picnic B. sometimes C. like D.
44. A. onion B. dozen C. often D.
45. A. animal B. paddy C. many D.
46. . light B. white C. lips D. nice
47. A. soda B. potato C. kilo D.
48. A. animal B. plant C. trash D.
49. A. some B. forest C. short D.
50. A. destroy B. between C. collect D.
51. . A. much B. produce C. structure
D. lunch
52. A. burn B. hungry C. structure
D. summer
53. A. overnight B. aerobics C. moment D.

Gia sư Thành Được

54. A. boot B. food C. noodle D.

55. A. picnic B. idea C. British D.
56. A. onions B. weekends C. plants D.
Question III. Read the passage and complete with suitable words. (1.5pts)
Salesgirl : Good afternoon. ________ (15) I help you ?
Mr Tan: Yes, I want two cans of soda, please.
Salesgirl: Soda? Here you are.Do you want ________ (16)
Mr Tan: Yes, please. Ah! There ________(17) some milk
today.That’s good. I usually drink some milk ________ (18)
Salesgirl : Do you want any bread ?
Mr Tan : Yes, please.I ________ (19) have any bread at
Salesgirl: Here you are. Is there anything (20)_________?
Mr Tan : No. thanks.
Question IV.Em hãy cho biết từ trái nghĩa của các từ sau:
1. strong ……………… 5. heavy …………………….
2. thin ………………… 6. black ……………………
3. big …………………..7. full ……………………..
4. tall …………………..8. long ………………………
Question VI. Điền A, AN hoặc SOME, ANY vào chỗ trống
1. Ther isn’t .........milk in 4. Do you have …………… meat?.
the jar. 5. I’m hungry. I’d like ………
2. No , there aren’t ........... chicken and rice.
noodles. 6. I want …………… apple.
3. I have 7. I’d like ……………. Milk.
4. Do you have ......... meat ? 8. Mr Tan wants …………… beans.
5. I’m hungry .I’d like 9. That is …………….. onion.
........... chicken and rice. 10. Hung has …………….. Mercedes
6. I . car.
7. I’d like ............. milk. 11. I’d like ………………eggs, please.
8. Lan wants ............ beans. 12. He wants ……………apple.
9. That is ............. onion. 13. Are there ……………chocolates in
10. Hoa has............ bike the box?
11. There isn’t ……………. milk in 14. They are planting ………trees in
the jar. the garden.
12. No, there aren’t ……………. 15. There aren’t ………….pictures in
noodles. the album.
13. I have ……………… orange. 16. He would like …………….banana.

Question VII. Chọn giới từ thích hợp trong ngoặc :

Gia sư Thành Được

1. She does her homework ……… the evening . 2. They go to school

……….. Monday .
3.Lan watches TV ……… night. 4. Her
pencils are ………….. the table .
5.They live ……… a house ……….. the city . 6. ……. the left of
the house, there is a garden .
7.My house is next ……….a restaurant . 8. He is doing
Math ………….his classroom.
9.The garden is in front ………the house. 10. What would you
like ………… breakfast?
Question VIII. Put the correct form of the verbs.
1.I ( visit ) grandfather tomorrow.
2. My mother ( cook ) .................dinner now .
3.He never ( go ) ..................camping because he ( not have )
................a tent.
4.He (go) school with me every day.
5.What .........Tom (do) ?- He (watch)
........................ TV ?
6. My friend (take) ..........................................a
trip to DaLat next week.
7.We (visit) ......................................Ha Long Bay this
8. How ..........she (feel)............? She (be)
and thirsty.
9. I (want) ..........some bread. I (be) .......hungry.
10. She (travel).............. to school by bike everyday.
12. Miss Chi (have)................. brown eyes.
13. What colour ..................(be) her eyes?
14. What ...................(do) this summer
vacation?- I..................... (visit) Da Lat.
15. What ............he ................(do) tonight? - He
..............(watch) a film.
16. They (do) ........................their homework now.
17. They (like)................. warm weather.
18. When it is hot, we .......(go) swimming.
19. What ......she .....(do) in the spring? - She always...... (go)
20. Ba and Lan sometimes (go) the zoo.
Question IX. Fill in each with one word in the box to complete the
Play because four cold go
winter like when weather
Viet Nam, our country, is very beautiful .It has (1) …
seasons : spring, summer, fall and (2)… .In the spring it
often warm ,sometimes it’s rainy. In the summer it’s hot and sunny.

Gia sư Thành Được

The (3)… .is cool in the fall and in the winter it is (4)…
.and windy .I (5) ….hot weather (6)… .I can do many
activities.(7) ….it’s hot, I usually (8) ….swimming and
(9)…… Sometimes I go fishing with my brother.
Question X.
Huy’s grandfather is a farmer. He (25) ……… up very early in
the morning because he has many things to do. First, he feed the
pigs (26) ……… chickens. There (27) ……. six pigs and twenty
chickens. Then, he leads the buffaloes to the field. There, he
waters the vegetables and plows his small paddy field. Finally, he
milks the cows. His (28) ……… produce ten liters of milk everyday.
29. Is Huy’s grandfather a farmer?
A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. He is a
farmer. D. He isn’t a farmer.
30. Why does he get up early in the morning?
A. He has many animals. B. He has to get up early in the
C. Because he has many things to do. D. Because he
likes getting up early.
31. Does he lead his pigs and chickens to the field?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he has.
D. No, he hasn’t.
32. How much milk do his cows produce everyday?
A. a little B. a few C. very much. D. ten liters.
Question I.. Chọn từ thích hợp trong khung điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn.
Favorite does plays
or but every
Miss Huong is our teacher. She teaches history. She is tall and
thin ..............(1) .......... she is not weak. She
..........(2)............... a lot of sports. Her
.................(3)............sports is aerobics. She
............(4).......... aerobics three times a week. She liks
jogging, too. She jogs in the park near her house
............(5).......... morning. In her free time she listens to
music ......(6) TV.
Question II. Read the passage
No 1. My uncle is an engineer. His name is Hung. He is going on vacation this summer. First,
he is going to visit Ha Long Bay. He is going to stay in a small hotel near the bay for two days. Then
he is going to visit Da Lat for three days. Finally, he is going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh
City. He is going to stay there for one day. He is going to walk along Saigon River. He is going to
fly home.
A. Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. Mr. Hung is going to visit three cities this summer. ……
2. He is going to visit Ha Long Bay first, then Ho Chi Minh City, and finally Da Lat. ……….

Gia sư Thành Được

3. He is going to stay in Da Lat for three days. ……………

4. He is going to travel home by train. ………………
B. Answer the following questions
5. Where is Mr. Hung going to stay in Ha Long Bay?……………… ………………………………
6. Is he going to visit some friends in Ho Chi Minh City?…………………………………………
No 2. In Viet Nam, there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In the summer, it
is hot and we often play soccer, then go swimming. In winter, it is cold, we always play basketball
and never go fishing. In fall, it is cool, we go sailing. In spring, it is warm, we often play volleyball.
Our favorite season is fall because the weather is very beautiful.
Đọc câu và xác định thông tin bên dưới là đúng (T) hay là sai (F).
1. It is hot in the summer.
2. They always play basketball in the spring.
3. It is cool in the fall and they go sailing.
Trả lời câu hỏi sau.
4. What is the weather like in the spring? …………………………………………….
5. Why do they like fall? ……………………………………………………………………
No 3- Hung and Long are going on vacation this summer. First,
they are going to visit Ha Long for 2 days. They are going to stay
with their Uncle and Aunt there. Next, they are going to visit
their friends in Ha Noi for 3 days. They are going to visit Hoan
Kiem Lake and Ho Chi Minh museum. Then they are going to visit Hue
for 4 days. They are going to see the Citadel.
After that, they are going to stay at a friend's house in Nha
Trang for 3 days. Finally, they are going to visit Long's
grandparents in Ho Chi Minh City for a week.
1. Are Hung and Long going on vacation this summer?
2. Where are they going to visit first?
3. How long are they going to stay in Ho Chi Minh City?
4. How many places are they going to visit?
5. What are they going to do in Hue?
Gia sư Thành Được

Question V. Read the passage and do exercises.

Hi. My name is Lan. I live with my family: my father, my mother and
two brothers at 12 Tran Phu Street, Ha Noi.
My country is very beautiful. We have lots of mountains and
Phanxipang is the highest mountain in my country. We also have many
great rivers as the Red River and Mekong River. We have lots of
lakes, too.
There are four seasons in the Northern of Viet Nam. We
have lots of rain around the year, so the country is very green. We
have big forests and we don’t have any deserts. We have many
beautiful beaches. It is a great country.
A. Put the T (True) or F (False).
21. Lan is from England. …………………
22. There are five people in her family. …………………
23. Phanxipang is the highest mountain in Vietnam. …………………
24. There aren’t any great rivers in Vietnam. …………………
B. Answer the questions.
25.Who does she live with? …………………………………………………
26. Does her country have a lot of mountains? =>…………………………………
25. How many seasons are there in her country? =>
26. Are there any deserts in her country? =>……………………
Question VI. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, using should
or shouldn’t.
33. Minh has bad marks. =>….………………………………………………………
34. Your sister has a has a bad toothache.
35. People are cutting so many trees.
36. Tom is driving too fast. =>….…………………………………………………………
27. Let’s go to the park. - What about
28. How about watching Television. → Why don’t you
Question VII. Khoanh tròn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với những từ còn lại.
1. a. twice b. kite c. skip d. white
2. a. orange b. hot c. hobby d. nose
3. a. dozen b. egg c. never d. tent
4. A. kite B. swim C. fly D. sometimes
5.A idea B. year C near D . wear
6. A. cake B. cabbage C. population D. face
7. A. hungry B. range C. orange D. change
8. A. kite B. idea C. routine D. pastime
9. A. meter B. empty C. red D. chest

Gia sư Thành Được

10. A. shoulder B. mountain C. housework

D. round
Question I. Use the correct form of the verbs.
1. We ( not do ) …………………………….our homework now.
2. I often ( play) ………………. soccer with my friends after school.
3. Nga (visit) …………………………………… Hue next week.
4. He wants (walk) …………………….. to school.
1. You can ( ride ) ………….a motor bike here.
2. He ( drive) ………………….his truck at the moment.
3. What color ( be) ………………….her eyes?
4. What she ( like)……………..? She’d like an orange.
5. Mai wants ( drink ) ……………some fruit juice.
6. There ( be)…two students in the class? No. There ( be) ……………
7. He ( want ) ……………a bottle of cooking oil.
8. Nam ( jog)………………. now
9. Which sports she ( play)……………..?
10. What they ( do ) …. when it hot?
11. He should ( do)……… morning exercises.
Question I. Dùng cụm từ gợi ý , em hãy viết 1 tấm bưu thiếp gởi cho bạn Thu.
* I / be/ vacation / Hue
* The weather / cool/ wet
* I/ traveling/ by bus and visiting/ a lot/ interesting places.
* Tomorrow / I am / visit / the citadel.
17 May
Dear Thu,
Question II.
Write a paragraph to talk about Phuong and Mai. Using the
suggestions below. (2,5m)
Their name/ Phuong and Mai. They/ to the school every day.
They / never late / school. After school, they / their mom to do /
house work. Every night, they/ their home work / 7 .30. In free
time. They / television. They sometimes / volleyball in the fall .
Their name
Gia sư Thành Được

Question III. Write a paragraph about the weather.
There / four / in a year.
They / spring, fall, summer / winter.
In / fall, people often go/ camping
and some people go/ sailing because it / usually cool.
In / winter, It’s usually very /. The day is short and the night
is long.
There … ………… ……… …. …… …………… …… .…… ……… ……..
… ………… ……… …. …… …………… …… .…… ……… ……………………………………………………………..
… ………… ……… …. …… …………… …… .…… ……… ……..
… ………… ……… …. …… …………… …… .…… ……… ………………………………………………………………...
Question IV. READING: Đọc đoạn văn và làm các bài sau.
Phong likes jogging very much. Every morning he jogs with his father. When it is warm, he
goes fishing in the small river with his uncle. This summer he is going to visit Ha Long Bay with his
family. He is going to stay in a small hotel for two weeks. They are going to travel by train. They
can see the beautiful sights on the way to the north. They are going to take some photographs. After
that, they are going to visit some places of interest in Ha Noi. They are going to stay there for a
week. On the way to Hồ Chí Minh City they are going to visit Hue and the citadel.
Bài 5 (1,0 điểm): Khoanh tròn một đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu. (R05Q05-019)
1. He ______ fishing in the small river with his uncle.
A. go B. goes C. went D. going
2. This summer he ______ visit Ha Long Bay with his family.
A. is going to B. go to C. going to D. is go to
3. They are going to visit some places _____ interest in Ha Noi.
A. on B. at C. of D. in
4. They are going to ______ Hue and the citadel.
A. visits B. visited C. visiting D. visit
Bài 6 (0,5 điểm): Đọc đoạn văn trên và trả lời câu hỏi. (R06Q06-0129)

Gia sư Thành Được

1. What does Phong do when it’s warm?

2. Does he like jogging?
SPEAKING - Trả lời một số câu hỏi sau
1. What is your name? ………………………..
2. How old are you? ……………………….
3. How many people are there in your family? ……………………….
4. What does your father/mother do?
5. What’s your favourite food ? ……………………………
6. What would you like for breakfast? …………………………………
7. Which sports do you play? …………………………………………
8. How do you go to school ? ……………………………………
9. What do you do in your free time ? …………………………………
10. How often do you play sports ? ………………………………
11. What weather do you like ? …………………………………
12. What do you do when it’s hot
13. What’s the weather like in the winter?…………………………


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