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Granular Matter (2011) 13:169–174

DOI 10.1007/s10035-010-0243-2


Discrete element modelling of a bucket elevator head pulley

transition zone
W. McBride · M. Sinnott · P. W. Cleary

Received: 28 February 2010 / Published online: 12 January 2011

© Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract This paper presents the results of discrete ele- design of the elevator casing this early discharge may or may
ment simulations applied to a bucket elevator model with not impact on the overall conveying efficiency.
particular reference to the head pulley transition zone. This
is the first stage in a larger study to better understand the Keywords Bucket elevator · Bulk materials ·
mechanics of bucket elevator operation with reference to the Mechanical handling · DEM
discharge of particles at the head end. At the head end two
issues arise; mechanically, the buckets are bolted to the con-
veying media (typically a fabric reinforced belt) and at the 1 Introduction
point of belt to headpulley tangency, the tip of the bucket
undergoes a theoretical step change in velocity. This theoret- Bucket elevators are common industrial devices used
ical step change results in a classical under-damped response throughout bulk materials handling industries. They offer a
in the buckets tip velocity. In undergoing this motion, there compact footprint for the vertical elevation of a wide variety
are stresses that are passed to the carcass of the conveying of bulk materials. There is little restriction on the elevation
media; understanding the magnitude of these stresses is one height, and throughputs are broadly scalable. The mechani-
longer term goal of this research allowing a quantitative basis cal construction of a bucket elevator is relatively simple with
for the existing qualitative design guidelines such as (Hand- most elevators using a fabric reinforced ‘conveyor belt’ mate-
book for conveyor and elevator belting, Apex Belting Pty rial for power transmission and bucket attachment, large ele-
Ltd). The discharge of the bulk material from the bucket has vators may utilise steel core belts, hybrid belts or chain. For
been addressed Beverly et al. (Bulk Solids Handling, 1983) the purpose of this paper, a flexible belt is assumed in the
but this analysis is dependent on simple, but common, bucket construction.
geometry and ignores the initial transition to the headpulley. Typically, buckets are bolted to the belt using a purpose
Ignoring the transition with a low speed discharge elevator is designed bucket elevator bolt with a large diameter head
not likely to impact on the predicted discharge pattern, how- that embeds into the belt cover to provide a flush finish
ever with high speed discharge elevators, the destabilising on the underside of the belt. The buckets generally have a
effect of the transition is expected to promote premature dis- flat inner/back wall through which the fasteners pass and
charge of bulk material from the bucket. Depending on the these determine the effective pivot of the bucket on the belt.
Figure 1 illustrate the shape of a Starco Jumbo bucket and the
mounting of these buckets onto a typical belt (hidden behind
W. McBride (B)
the buckets).
School of Engineering, University of Newcastle, Operationally, the buckets within a bucket elevator pass
University Drive Callaghan, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia through the lowermost section of the elevator called ‘the
e-mail: boot’. The material to be elevated is supplied by chutes
M. Sinnott · P. W. Cleary
on either the downward, or upwards strands of the elevator
CSIRO—Mathematical and Information Sciences, Private Bag 33, located close to the boot end. A percentage of material ele-
Clayton South, VIC 3169, Australia vated will return to the boot through spillage at the head

170 W. McBride et al.

Fig. 1 Pressed steel bucket

illustrating shape, the retaining Row of bolts forming
hole location, and indicative hinge line
fitment (images from 1). The
geometry of these buckets and
those used in the simulation are
based on the Starco Jumbo
bucket [3]. Specific data
B = 260 mm, C = 130 mm,
F = 55 mm, D = 190.5 mm

During these oscillations, the material carried in the bucket

Discharge will have a greater propensity to discharge due to a reduction
in the contact force between material and bucket in the local
point deceleration phase.

Buckets 2 Restoration force

There are two restoring forces resulting from the deforma-

Feed Chute tion of the belt at the tangency point. The first, illustrated in
Fig. 3b, is geometrically defined by the displacement of the
belt. It can be shown that there is negligible increase in the
local belt fibre tension due to the deflection imposed by
the buckets motions and, accepting this, it can be shown that
the force exerted to the bucket causing it to accelerate it is
Fig. 2 Small bucket elevator indicating principle zones defined by the length of belt between the head and tail pul-
ley centres, and the distance between the buckets attachment
Table 1 Basic simulation data used in DEM bolts and the lowest point of contact between belt and bucket.
Bucket style Starco Jumbo 370/4 (approximate) As the bottom of the bucket pushes onto the belt an angle α
will be formed from the attachment point to the lowest point
Belt speed 1.35 m/s of bucket contact and a corresponding smaller angle β will
Pulley diameter 550 mm form towards the tail pulley.
Particle solids density 1,100 kg/m3 Considering Fig. 3b, the magnitude of the force F can be
Particle size 2–10 mm—equal mass distribution determined from Eq 1.

F = (sin(α) + sin(β))x T (1)

pulley end. Irrespective of the mode of feeding, at some point
soon after the boot area, the buckets are filled to a level com- It should be noted that the tension at the head end will be
mensurate with the nominal tonnage rate. Figure 2 illustrates greater than the tension at the tail end due to the mass of the
where these sections are on a laboratory bucket elevator. belt and buckets, however the local tension at the point of
During the traverse between the head and tail pulleys, the deflection is needed in Eq. 1.
bucket, its contents, and the belt must travel at the same veloc- A second restoring force is a Hertzian contact force, gener-
ity. However, as the bucket passes around either pulley, the ated as the bucket tries to compresses the belt carcass against
tip speed of the bucket must increase by the ratio of bucket tip the head pulley face. If the head pulley has rubber lagging,
radius divided by pulley radius. As it is clearly impossible for then this will facilitate a larger deflection due to the increased
this increase in speed to occur instantaneously, it is evident compliance at the contact point. The rate of force genera-
that the belt deforms over a finite time period to facilitate the tion, and the centre of pressure associated with that contact,
acceleration phase. This has been observed with high speed is dependent on the transverse modulus of elasticity of the
video footage revealing the bucket undergoing a damped belt and the compliance of the lagging material on the head
oscillatory response to the step change in speed (Table 1). pulley. In the simulation work to date, these two contributing

Discrete element modelling 171

Fig. 3 a Illustration of belt

deformation leading to bucket a Belt deforms to buffer b
velocity change as it transitions acceleration level Head Pulley Profile
to the head pulley. b Restorative
force diagram

Force on
Deformed belt position

At rest belt position

Reality β

Material in bucket can be 'kicked' out To Tail
and fall down the carry strand. Nominal Belt Tension 'T'

restorative forces have not been decoupled and this is a point CYS Points -
These are
for further research. concurrent in the
a Vb b

3 Discrete element analysis


The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a numerical tool CYS

for modelling granular flows at the grain level. It is showing Springs
great promise as an optimisation tool for a variety of indus-
tries dealing with granular materials [4]. At each computation
Fig. 4 a An ‘infinitely stiff’ coordinate systems path around a head
timestep, the DEM tracks all unit particles in the system, and
pulley and b bucket geometry indicating the hinge point co-ordinate
calculates the forces between particles and between particles system and diagrammatically the spring location. The two co-ordinate
and boundaries. For each collision, a contact force model systems points (CYS) are ‘pinned’ together in the model as a hinge joint.
is applied. A variety of different contact models of varying The springs are used in the simulation to model the restoring forces as
the bucket deforms the belt. The selection of the bucket CYS is consis-
complexity are available [5,6] but it is not a priori obvious
tent with the geometry information available from the manufacturer of
that a more complex (and more computationally expensive) the bucket studied; Starco Jumbo [3]
force model is necessary at the particulate level in order to
correctly predict flows of very large assemblies of particles.
We use a DEM solver developed by CSIRO that has been buckets pivot and are calibrated against a laboratory elevator
applied successfully to granular flows in mining [7,8], bulk to achieve an equivalent restorative moment. The CYS indi-
solids handling [9,10], geophysical [11] and pharmaceuti- cation in Fig. 4 designates the centreline of the retaining bolts
cals [12] applications. A linear spring is used to model elas- of the bucket as provided on the manufactures web site [3].
tic loading of the particles, and a dashpot models the energy This enables us to simulate the deformation of the supporting
dissipated in inelastic collisions. This contact model simpli- belt as these springs adjust to varying load states.
fies the computation allowing for large numbers of particles For the simulations presented, we define a “soft” case as
(107 ) to be realistically modelled. having an effective spring constant of 5.0 × 106 N/m for the
To facilitate the simulations presented, an infinitely stiff joint to the belt which was verified with laboratory measure-
path was created in the DEM software. Attached to this path ments on bucket tip deflection verses load. To obtain these
was a ‘bucket’ object constrained to rotate about a horizontal laboratory measurements, a bucket on a small bucket eleva-
axis parallel to the axis of the head pulley. The buckets rota- tor was positioned at the tangency point with the head pulley
tion is controlled by a pair of spring contacts. The springs and a series of masses applied at the buckets tip. Deflec-
are arbitrarily positioned 10 mm above and 10 mm below the tion measurements were recorded for each mass to provide

172 W. McBride et al.

connection rotational stiffness data. This data was used to initially coloured with vertical bands to indicate the original
calculate the effective spring rates used in the DEM process location of the particles during the discharge cycle. These
as the soft spring case. A “stiff” case with an arbitrary joint particle colours are maintained throughout the simulation
spring constant of 5.0 × 108 N/m was employed to simulate allowing visualization of the materials flow inside the bucket
a much taller elevator. during the discharge cycle. Evident from visual comparison
For the DEM simulations reported here, spherical grains is that the lower spring stiffness promotes earlier material
with diameters in the range 2–10 mm with an equal mass dis- discharge from the bucket, this is best captured by carefully
tribution in each size class were used. The material parame- comparing Fig. 5b, e. In Fig. 5b more material has impacted
ters applied to the particles include a solids density of 1,100 the elevators upper enclosure and more material is commenc-
kg/m3 , a coefficient of friction of 0.5 for particle-particle and ing to drop. The horizontal velocity for many of the particles
particle-boundary collisions, and a coefficient of restitution first discharged (Fig. 5a, d) is insufficient to ensure that they
of 0.5 for particle-particle and particle-boundary collisions. can discharge from the elevator without interactions with
In the set up for this simulation, the bucket is statically other particles or buckets. This is illustrated in images 5c
filled with the bucket located some distance away from the and 5f by the amount of particles that are falling back to the
headpulley. The particle diameters are random within the headpulley and eventually the boot of the elevator. These sim-
constraint of total equal mass in each size range. The veloc- ulations predict 4% of the initial load returned to the boot for
ity of the CYS point is brought to test speed ensuring that any the stiff spring case, and 8% returned with the softer spring
transient motion of either the bucket or particles associated scenario. This is broadly consistent with experimental data
with the acceleration phase of the CYS has abated before the obtained in our laboratories during contract research with
headpulley transition. bucket elevators. In the experimental work a single bucket
was hand loaded with a pre-defined mass of product, with that
bucket a sufficient distance from the head pulley to ensure
4 Results full speed was obtained prior to discharge. Once this bucket
had discharged, the elevator was stopped, isolated, and the
4.1 Bucket discharge observations boot area swept to capture the material that had not exited
the elevators discharge port. This material was weighed to
Figure 5a, b, c present images taken at different times during determine the percentage of carry back per bucket discharge.
the discharge cycle for the soft/low spring stiffness condi-
tion and Fig. 5d, e, f show equivalently timed images for Also evident from Fig. 5, is the poor design of this ele-
the high/stiff spring stiffness case. The bucket’s contents are vators enclosing steelwork with significant material impact

a Soft b c

d Stiff e f

Fig. 5 Comparison of discharge for a low ‘bucket to belt’ spring stiff- tions. The hinge point of the buckets is moving at a velocity of 1.35 m/s
ness of 5 × 106 N/m (a, b, c) and a high ‘bucket to belt’ spring stiffness in a counter clockwise direction. The corresponding tip velocity of this
of 5 × 108 N/m (d, e, f). Gravity is acting vertically down in all simula- simulated bucket is 2.6 m/s equivalent to a radial acceleration of 1.3 g

Discrete element modelling 173

a b


Fig. 6 Particle interactions with the splitter plate. The splitter geome- lowered by perhaps only 50 mm, the amount of material returned to the
try is identical in each image with 6b at a later time step. From image boot resulting from the splitter would be almost eliminated. Physical
6a an expectation of most particles exiting the discharge opening is experiments on similar bucket elevators in the laboratory have clearly
given, however in 6b it becomes evident that a moderate amount of the illustrated this effect
material is returned to the boot of the elevator. If the splitter plate were

onto the casing itself. This particle impact would affect the
conveying efficiency of the unit, and most likely lead to a α
premature failure of the casing. Some modern high speed
bucket elevators have adopted a volute shaped head casing
to help guide the particles to the discharge. In the case where
head room is critical, or in the optimal design of volute shaped β
casings, Fig. 5 illustrates how the DEM method can be of
Figure 6a, b are provided to illustrate the interaction of the
discharged material with the ‘splitter plate’ with divides the
stream either to the discharge outlet, or back to the boot of
the elevator. Both 6a and 6b are the same geometry with 6b
at a later time step. These images indicate that lowering this
Fig. 7 Bucket angular velocity of the bucket as it traverses the head
particular splitter plate would likely improve this designs effi- pulley. Belt to bucket spring stiffness 5.0 × 106 N/m
ciency as the particles are impacting and the stream is being
physically split by this plate.

In the β zone the bucket decelerates back to the nominal

4.2 Bucket motion studies belt velocity however there is a much longer period of oscil-
lation (lower overall damping). This long period of oscilla-
Figure 7 presents the results obtained from monitoring the tion is ‘numerical’ due to the infinite stiffness of the trajec-
rotation rate of the bucket during a simulation. For clarity tory path used in the simulation and a low damping value
Fig. 7 has been labelled in two zones (α, and β). The α zone is used for the numerical springs. The low damping used in
where the bucket accelerates (start of the head pulley) and β is the DEM springs is unlikely to impact on the α section of the
the empty bucket exiting the head pulley. In the α zone, heav- graph due to the damping offered by the particles themselves.
ily damped oscillations are observed over a total time period In the β phase of Fig. 7 the oscillatory motion is unlikely to be
of around 0.2 s. This duration is equivalent to 54 degrees of realised as the belt is effectively free to vibrate once past the
pulley rotation. Peak bucket deceleration occurs at around tangency point on the return leg. This capacity for the belt
0.05 s after the tangency point; at around 14 degrees above itself to vibrate will absorb the predicted vibrations which
horizontal. Given that the belt is constrained at, and after, are largely due to the infinitely stiff nature of the constrain-
the entry tangency point by the proximity of the pulley, we ing path used in the simulation.
expect the results presented to be largely reflected in experi- Laboratory observations on the return strand typically
mental evaluations. Video footage of laboratory bucket eleva- show low frequency oscillations which we anticipate are fun-
tors appears to support this numerical result, though current damentally the effect of the buckets deceleration phase on a
footage lacks sufficient resolution for a definitive statement. reasonably unconstrained belt.

174 W. McBride et al.

Fig. 8 Influence of spring

stiffness on bucket oscillations
presented as angular
acceleration. Simulation’s with
‘bucket to belt’ spring stiffness
of; a 5.0 × 106 N/m, and b
5.0 × 108 N/m

a - Soft b - Stiff

Figure 8a, b illustrate the impact of the simulations ‘bucket pattern predicted from the simulation agrees with the foot-
to belt’ spring constant on the motion of the bucket at entry age collected from the laboratory model, though the lack of a
and exit to the head pulley. The ‘motion’ at time = 1.8 s is the synchronised rotary position reading on the headpulley does
buckets entry to the head pulley and at 2.5 s, the exit from the limit the capacity to provide quantitative comparisons at this
pulley. In Fig. 8a the acceleration trace displays a complex stage.
form for which we offer no explanation at this time. With Overall, this paper illustrates that DEM techniques can be
the higher spring constant (Fig. 8b) the decay in the oscil- realistically applied to complex mechanical handling devices
lations are much faster and the peak acceleration is much such as bucket elevators to provide insight into the complex
higher (note the change in vertical scale). The motions occur interactions that occur during operation.
over a correspondingly shorter time frame. These very high
accelerations are not anticipated to be realised in physical
testing due to the mass and damping of the belt material, and References
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