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Lauren Tabet

Mrs. Tubbs



Compare and Contrast Essay Draft

In today’s world online learning has become normal. Before 2020 I could not even

imagine online learning as a thing and it did not exist to many of us, but now it has become a part

of everyday life. Online learning and in-class learning has many advantages and disadvantages,

these two ways of learning have a lot of similarities as well as a lot of differences as well.

As a student, I have experienced a lot of advantages and disadvantages during remote

learning the past couple of months. One of the major disadvantages of online learning is Zoom

classes. You may be thinking that this would be an advantage because it gives a chance for

teachers and students to be face to face without having to be around others, but it is not.

Sometimes when I am in the middle of a Zoom meeting Zoom will just kick me out of class

without any warning and will not allow me to join back in and this has happened numerous of

times. Sometimes my audio or video will not work and the class can not see or hear me. For

teachers Zoom will sometimes lag and students can miss part of the lesson. Some students may

not have access to a computer at home and the school does not have enough funds or availability

to give out computers to students who need them. Besides Zoom, another disadvantage of online

learning is some students will not do the work at home because there are too many distractions
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surrounding them. This could lead to kids only passing because they are cheating off of other

students and copying their work or the students can fail because they will not do their work.

Online learning can also be damaging mentally because students are not getting out of their

house and interacting with others. I would say that there are few advantages when it comes to

remote learning. An advantage could be that you can be having class while laying in bed or

sitting in your living room. There are apps that teachers can post their assignments and students

will get a notification to an assignment the teacher posted. Also if students do not have paper

back books with them, they can easily find e-books for their classes. Overall, online learning has

far more disadvantages then advantages.

In my opinion in-class learning has far more advantages for learning then online learning

does. The advantages for in-class learning are the class is filled with a bunch of students and a

teacher to help you succeed in the course. In class students can build a personal relationship with

their teacher which makes it easier to get help. I think one of the major advantages for in-class

learning is you get to see others everyday and react with the people around you. Being able to

interact with others rather than being stuck in the house will not only help students mentally, it

will help students do better in class. Being around students in class is beneficial to students work

because if they need help they can easily raise their hand for help or ask a student next to them

for help. There are disadvantages of in-class learning but they are very few. One disadvantage in

in-class learning is some students are shy and therefore will not speak up if they need help and

will not ask for it. Sometimes students could not get to class on time because they are running

late or because of traffic. Overall in-person learning as a lot more advantages than disadvantages.
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Although online learning and in-class learning have a lot of differences they also have

similarities. Online learning you may not be face to face in person with your teacher, teachers are

just as much helpful online as in person. Students can reaching their teachers by email and 90%

of the time the teacher will respond within the day or the next day. Teachers are always available

to talk and to help students out. Due to social media nowadays students can still get help from

their peers by texting or emailing one another. Whether students are in online classes or in-

person classes they will give their all and try their best in school to succeed and the teachers want

the very best for their students.

Online learning and in-class learning have many differences but also similarities. Online

learning and in-class learning have many disadvantages and advantages that are very different

from one another. In my opinion I like in-class learning more than online learning because I like

to be around others everyday because it helps me mentally and I feel like I do better in class.

What type of learning is the most beneficial for students?

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