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Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in

Infants and Children

Joseph Chukwu and Eleanor Molloy

Keywords Phosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Fluid balance • Electrolyte balance • Acid-base Acid-Base Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
balance • Dehydration • Osmolality • Perioper- Acid-Base Balance Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ative management Perioperative Management in Infants and
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contents Intraoperative Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Postoperative Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Water Distribution in Infants and Children . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Septic Shock . . . . 14
Water Homeostasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Clinical Manifestations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Insensible Water Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Disorders of Body Fluid Volume: Dehydration and Conclusions and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ECF Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Volume Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cross-References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Fluid and Electrolyte Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Electrolytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Potassium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Introduction
Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
During the time of rapid postnatal transition, for
example, term and preterm neonates have differ-
ent fluid requirements and electrolyte changes to
J. Chukwu (*) the older children and adults (Table 1). Age and
Clinical Research Unit, National Children’s Research
Centre, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Dublin 12, Ireland gender are the most important determinants of
e-mail:; this wide variation in fluid and electrolyte
E. Molloy requirements (Bianchetti and Simonetti 2009).
Department of Neonatology, Paediatrics, National Knowledge of the fluid and electrolyte composi-
Maternity Hospital, Dublin 2, Ireland tion and maintenance of homeostasis maintained
UCD School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, at the different stages of infancy and childhood is
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland essential to the effective management of fluid
Neonatology, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Dublin 12, and electrolyte deficit in surgical pediatric
Ireland patients.
Paediatrics, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin,

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2016 1

P. Puri (ed.), Pediatric Surgery,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-38482-0_16-1
2 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

Water Distribution in Infants and Effective Circulating Volume (ECV)

Children The arterial component of the intravascular vol-
ume perfusing the tissues at any particular time is
The body water composition varies throughout the effective circulating volume (ECV) (Bullock
infancy and childhood. While the infants’ total et al. 2001; Somers 2009). However, the volume
body water is around 75%, it falls to 65–70% in of the arterial blood varies with the ECF volume;
toddlers and falls further to 60% in the adolescents hence, maintenance of both ECV and ECF vol-
as shown in Fig. 1 (Somers 2009). The total body umes is closely related. Since the ECF volume is
content in males is higher than in females by dependent on the state of its sodium content, ECF
2–10% after puberty (Greenbaum 2010b). About volume is controlled by urinary sodium excretion
two thirds of the total body water is within the (Bullock et al. 2001). Volume receptors are
intracellular compartment; the rest is in the extra- located in the carotid sinuses, the aortic arch,
cellular compartment as shown in Fig. 2. and the kidney (Somers 2009). While the volume
The extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment receptors in the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch
consists of interstitial fluids which make up two control the ECV through the sympathetic nervous
thirds of the ECF and the intravascular fluid and the natriuretic systems, the kidneys control
(plasma) accounts for the other third. The rest of the ECV via the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone
the ECF is transcellular fluid which includes the system (Skorecki and Brenner 1981; Patel 2009).
peritoneal, synovial, cerebrospinal, and intraocu- The effects of these responses result in the adjust-
lar fluids. The body fluid compartments are deter- ment of the glomerular filtration rate, peritubular
mined by their electrolyte compositions. While Starling forces, and renal microvascular hemody-
the sodium determines the ECF volume, potas- namics as well as the tubular flow rate, fluid
sium regulates the ICF volume. Starling’s forces composition, and trans-tubular ion gradients
control the partitioning of fluids into ECF and (Skorecki and Brenner 1981).
ICF. The three mechanisms that control fluid dis-
tribution across capillary membrane are oncotic Serum Osmolality
pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and capillary per- Serum osmolality is defined as the concentration
meability. Although albumin mass consists of of solute per weight of water. It is measured in
50% of total blood protein, it only accounts for mosm/kg H20. The true (total) blood osmolality is
25% of the total oncotic pressure. Albumin is the sum of osmolalities of all blood solutes.
anionic and attracts cations into the intravascular Sodium predominantly contributes to the plasma
compartment (Gibbs-Donnan effect). This is due osmolality. Other solutes that contribute to the
to the high intracellular concentration of non- true osmolality include glucose, urea, and other
diffusible anions (Brandis). Water enters the cell ions. Serum osmolality is not directly measured
down to its concentration gradient. A second but can be estimated by the following formula:
Gibbs-Donnan effect is set up by the Na+/K+ (sodium x2) þ glucose. This implies multiplying
ATPase in the cell membrane by preventing the concentration of serum sodium (in mmol/l) by
sodium entry into the cell, sodium being the two and adding this to the glucose concentration
impermeable to charged cation (Brandis 2001). (in mmol/l).

Table 1 Calculation of daily maintenance fluid requirement and intravenous fluid infusion rate
Body weight (kg) Total daily maintenance fluid requirement in 24 h Intravenous fluid infusion rate (ml/h)
0–10 100 ml/kg 40
11–20 1,000 ml þ 50 ml/kg for each kg above 10 kg 40 þ (2 ml/kg/h for each kg weight above 20 kg)
>20 1,500 þ 20 ml/kg for each kg weight above 20 kg 60 þ (1 ml/kg/h for each kg weight above 20 kg)
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 3

Fig. 1 Total body water composition in the preterm, Fig. 2 Body water distribution between the intracellular
infant, and the adolescent fluid (ICF) and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments in
the preterm neonate, the infant, and the adolescent

Water Homeostasis
10–15% per one degree centigrade rise in temper-
Sodium status determines volume status, while ature above 38 centigrade through this means
water intake and excretion control maintain osmo- (Greenbaum 2010b). Insensible water loss
lality. The two systems that regulate water balance through the lungs is increased in children who
include the thirst mechanism which is stimulated are tachypneic and those with tracheostomy
by increased plasma osmolality and the anti- tubes (Greenbaum 2010b).
diuretic hormone (ADH, also called vasopressin)
secretion which is stimulated by decreased plasma Sweating
volume. ADH regulates urinary water loss by Sweating occurs in both infants and children.
increasing the renal reabsorption of water. Water Fluid lost through the sweat is not insensible as
balance controls osmolality. The normal osmolal- it contains both salt and water. The normal sweat
ity ranges between 285 and 295 mosm/kg. When chloride concentration is <40 mmol/l, but in
both volume depletion and increased osmolality children with cystic fibrosis, a level >60 mmol/
occur at the same time, maintenance of intravas- l is diagnostic. However, causes of false-positive
cular volume takes precedence over maintenance sweat tests such as adrenal insufficiency,
of osmolality (Greenbaum 2010b). The kidney is eczema, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and
the principal regulator of sodium balance by alter- dehydration have to be taken into account in
ation of the proportion of filtered sodium that is interpreting the results of this test (Carter and
reabsorbed (Greenbaum 2010b). Significant mor- Marshall 2010).
bidity and mortality are associated with volume
overload especially in critically ill children Renal Blood Flow
(Greenbaum 2010b). Nephrons are functional in the fetus by 8 weeks of
gestation, but they continue to develop and mature
up to the 34th week when all the glomeruli are
Insensible Water Loss present. The abdominal aorta provides the blood
supply to the kidneys through the left and right
Insensible water loss represents about a third of renal arteries. The proportion of cardiac output
the total daily maintenance fluid requirements. distributed to the kidneys increases from 15% to
This loss occurs by evaporation through the skin 18% in the first month of life to about 20–25% in
and the lungs. A febrile child loses an additional adulthood.
4 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

Glomerular Filtration Rate sequestration of fluid in the third space. Third-

The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the rate at space fluids are fluids that are still within the
which water and dissolved solutes in blood are body but are not in equilibrium with the vascular
filtered into the kidneys. The GFR provides an fluids (Filston et al. 1982). This can occur in
estimate of the renal function as this is determined children with pleural effusion, ascites, edema,
by an intact tubular function and glomerular fil- and severe sepsis. Estimation of the volume of
tration (Mahan 2010). The normal range of GFR third-space fluid is difficult (Filston et al. 1982).
is 80–125 ml/min/1.73m2. The GFR of the full-
term newborn is 40 ml/min/1.73m2, and this Dehydration
increases rapidly within the first 2 years to reach This implies mainly water loss resulting in hyper-
adult values of 100–120 ml/min/1.73 m2 and sta- natremia, an increased serum osmolality, and
bilizes at this level (Mahan 2010). Indirect mea- intracellular water depletion. The fluid balance is
surement of GFR can be obtained by estimating altered due to fluid loss being greater than fluid
the endogenous creatinine clearance using a 24-h intake. In isotonic dehydration (mostly iso-
urine collection (Lum 2002). The GFR can be natremic), water and salt are lost in equal propor-
quickly estimated by measuring child’s length in tions. In hypertonic (mostly hypernatremia),
centimeters and plasma creatinine levels using the water is predominantly lost, while in hypotonic
formula outlined below (Lum 2002). (always hyponatremic), a higher proportion of salt
Ccr(ml/ min /1 . 73m2) = 0.55  than water is lost. The three main sites of fluid loss
height (cm)/PCr(mg/dl) (Lum 2002) are gastrointestinal (vomiting, diarrhea, blood
loss), the skin (burns, fever, CF), urine (diabetes
ðCcr ¼ Creatinine clearance; PCr ¼ plasma creatinineÞ insipidus, diuretics, osmotic diuresis, diabetes
mellitus, alcohol, etc.). Prolonged decreased
In infants less than 1 year old, the factor should fluid intake can also lead to dehydration, but this
be 0.45 instead of 0.55. However, estimating GFR is rare in infants and children. However, breast-
using such substituted measurements based on fed babies are more likely to be dehydrated due to
serum creatinine or cystatin C clearance is not reduced fluid intake especially during the early
good substitutes for a measured GFR (Becker neonatal period when maternal breast milk pro-
and Friedman 2013). The most accurate means duction is still low.
of measuring GFR is by inulin infusion – a sub-
stance which is not metabolized, reabsorbed, or Risk Factors for Dehydration
secreted by the renal tubules (Mahan 2010). Using Infants are more susceptible than older children
this method, the formula for calculating GFR is as due to higher fluid turnover in the former com-
follows: GFR = [U] V/[P] ; (U = urinary concen- pared to the latter. Infectious diarrhea is more
tration of inulin; [P] = serum inulin concentration common in infants than in older children. Infants
and V = urine flow rate). are not able to communicate their need for fluids
compared to older children. Infants and children
with some underlying medical or surgical condi-
Disorders of Body Fluid Volume: tions such as gastroschisis and cyclical vomiting
Dehydration and ECF Depletion syndrome are more prone to dehydration than
normal children.
Volume Depletion
Consequences of Dehydration
Volume depletion is any condition leading to Dehydration results in decreased effective circu-
decreased effective circulating volume. In this lating volume (#ECV), decreased perfusion, tis-
condition salt and water are lost. Examples sue ischemia, acid-base balance disorders, and
include vomiting, diuretics, bleeding, and eventually end-organ failure.
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 5

Symptoms and Signs of Dehydration urinary concentration >450 mosm/kg water, and
There are three groups of signs and symptoms decreased serum bicarbonate <17 mmol/l. The
associated with dehydration (Bianchetti et al. serum urea concentration is less useful for
2009) which are those related to the manner of assessing the degree of dehydration as it is
loss (e.g., vomiting), symptoms related to the affected by intake and increased tissue
disturbance of acid-base balance, and symptoms breakdown.
related to the effects of volume depletion.

Degree of Dehydration Fluid and Electrolyte Management

Most are accurately assessed by the degree of acute
weight change from baseline, but this parameter is Infants and older children admitted to the hospital
not always available at the initial presentation. who are unable to tolerate oral fluids require care-
Since weight in children increases with age, using ful management of fluid and electrolyte balance.
a weight taken few weeks apart might not be an Additional care may be required for those requir-
option especially in younger children. If a recent ing surgical and medical procedure. Children with
weight is available, the degree of acute weight loss underlying medical conditions such as diabetes
reflects the degree of fluids loss. One kilogram of and heart or renal failure require special consider-
body weight loss equates one litre of fluid loss. In ation. Children in septic shock and trauma and
reality however the degree of dehydration is burn patients also require special attention. There-
assessed clinically by a combination of history fore, in planning the initiation of fluid therapy in
and physical exam findings. The following signs infants and children, these variables must be taken
and symptoms in combination are useful for into consideration (Tables 5 and 6). Consideration
assessing the degree of dehydration: dry mucous should also be given to modifying any existing
membrane, sunken eyes, reduced urine output, local guidelines to the needs of each child’s fluid
delayed capillary refill time, tachycardia, and and electrolyte requirements.
deep and/or rapid respiration (Table 2). In infants The major component of maintenance water
whose anterior fontanelles are still open, a sunken includes the total urine output in the last 24 h.
fontanelle is a useful sign for assessing the degree This accounts for about 60% of the total mainte-
of dehydration. Late signs in both infants and chil- nance water. Insensible loss through the skin and
dren include decreased skin turgor and arterial the respiratory tract accounts for about 35% of the
hypotension. maintenance fluid, while about 5% of the mainte-
A four-item eight-point rating scale for nance fluid is lost through the stool. Maintenance
assessing the degree of dehydration has been fluid should also be adjusted for ongoing losses
developed for children less than 4 years old especially from the GI tract. Ongoing GI losses
using a combination of general appearance, eyes, occur through diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal
mucous membrane, and the presence or absence drainage tubes, nasogastric tube, gastro-jejunal
of tears (Goldman et al. 2008, Tables 3 and 4). tubes, intestinal mucocutaneous fistulae, etc.
Maintenance fluid therapy may need to be
Laboratory Testing decreased in the following circumstances: inap-
These tests can confirm whether dehydration is propriate ADH secretion, congestive heart failure,
present or not and can detect associated electrolyte oliguric renal failure, patent ductus arteriosus,
and acid-base balance disturbances but are not head trauma, and hypothyroidism The following
useful for assessing the degree of dehydration. factors should be considered in assessing fluid and
The following laboratory findings might point to electrolyte requirement in infants and older chil-
the presence of dehydration: decreased fractional dren (Tables 7, 8, 9, and 10): recent acute weight
excretion of sodium, decreased urinary spot change, urine output, specific gravity and osmo-
sodium concentration <30 mmol/l, increased lality, serum sodium and creatinine, blood urea,
6 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

and osmolality. In the hospitalized patient, the circulating level might be increased, normal, or
fluid input and output chart should also be decreased. Hypovolemic hyponatremia occurs as
assessed in order to estimate the fluid deficit. a result of volume depletion, while normo- or
Slower fluid resuscitation in African children suf- hypervolemic may be due to volume dilution.
fering from hypovolemic shock is more beneficial When the ECV decreases, vasopressin is released
than rapid fluid resuscitation in these individuals as a result and this is the most common cause of
as was demonstrated in the Fluid Expansion as hyponatremia in children.
Supportive Therapy (FEAST) trial (Maitland et al. In dilutional hyponatremia, syndrome of inap-
2011). propriate ADH secretion (SIADH) leads to
increased vasopressin secretion resulting in
water retention, volume expansion, and hypo-
Electrolytes natremia, while in hypovolemic hyponatremia,
fluid and electrolyte loss leads to decreased ECV
Sodium which in turn triggers vasopressin secretion, water
retention, and hyponatremia. In cerebral salt
Sodium is the main electrolyte of the ECF respon- wasting syndrome (CSWS) on the other hand,
sible for the maintenance of intravascular volume increased renal salt loss leads to volume depletion
and osmolality. Sodium, chloride and bicarbonate which in turn stimulates increased vasopressin
anions account for 90% of the ECF osmolality. leading to volume depletion and hyponatremia.
Serum sodium concentration is maintained by a The important distinguishing feature between
combination of water intake, insensible losses, SIADH and CSWS is volume depletion in
and urinary dilution. The normal range is CSWS compared to the relative volume overload
135–145 mmol/l. in SIADH. While CSWS is treated by volume and
salt repletion, SIADH is treated by fluid restriction
Dysnatremia (Peruzzo et al. 2010).
SIADH is common in critically ill children.
Hyponatremia The diagnosis of SIADH is based on the classic
Hyponatremia is defined as sodium level criteria developed by Schwartz and Batter and
<130 mmol/l. In this condition the effective includes hyponatremia with hypo-osmolality
with continuing urinary sodium loss, urine that is
less maximally dilute, no clinical signs of volume
Table 2 Signs and symptoms of dehydration in infants
depletion, and the absence of other possible
and children
causes of hyponatremia. The most common
Infants and children
causes of postoperative hyponatremia in children
Dry mucous membranes
are subclinical volume depletion and the admin-
Sunken eyes
istration of hypotonic fluids (Peruzzo et al. 2010).
Reduced urine output
Other causes include stress, pain, nausea, and
Delayed capillary refill
narcotics all of which stimulate ADH release.
Deep þ/ rapid respiration The symptoms of hyponatremia include nausea,

Table 3 Clinical dehydration scale in children aged 1 month and 36 months (Bailey et al. 2010; Friedman et al. 2004;
Woolley and Burton 2009)
Characteristic Score 0 if present Score 1 if present Score 2 if present
General appearance Normal Thirsty, restless, sleepy, or irritable Drowsy, limp, comatose
Eyes Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Tongue Moist Sticky Dry
Tears Present Decreased Absent
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 7

headache, diplopia, falls, seizures, and coma. The Significant morbidity and mortality are associ-
complications of hyponatremia include cerebral ated with severe hypernatremia. The main com-
edema and osmotic demyelination. plications associated with hypernatremia
include dural sinus thrombosis, intracranial
Hypernatremia hemorrhage, osmotic demyelination, and
Hypernatremia is defined as serum sodium shrinkage of the brain cell. Treatment of this
>150 mmol/l. This is a relatively uncommon condition may result in cerebral edema (Hoorn
condition after the age of 2 weeks occurring in et al. 2012).
1 in 2,000 children admitted to hospital (Forman The management of hypernatremia includes
et al. 2012). Relative deficit of water with addressing the root cause by taking a good history
reduced thirst sensation and/or reduce intake of and performing adequate physical examination
water is the main cause of hypernatremia. How- and managing fluid volume and electrolyte
ever hypernatremia may result from excessive balance. Robertson et al. investigated the
sodium intake (Vogt et al. 2009). This is a rare “relationship between fluid management, changes
but potentially fatal cause of hypernatremia in in serum sodium and outcome in hypernatremia
children and results in much higher urinary associated with gastroenteritis” in South African
sodium: creatinine ratio and urinary fractional children and concluded that adverse outcome was
sodium excretion than other causes of hyper- neither independently associated with intravenous
natremia (Forman et al. 2012). fluid sodium concentration nor with the rate of fall
The risk factors for hyponatremia in infants of serum sodium (Robertson et al. 2007). How-
and children include excessive water GI loss as a ever, Fang et al. in a retrospective study in Chi-
result of gastroenteritis, systemic infection, nese children, investigated the factors in fluid
postoperative cardiac surgery, and chronic neu- management of hypernatremic dehydration
rological conditions (Forman et al. 2012). patients that could prevent the development of
cerebral edema and identified “too rapid a rate of
rehydration, an initial fluid bolus to rapidly
Table 4 Eight-point scale for assessing the degree of expand plasma volume and the severity of the
dehydration hypernatremia” as the major risk factors for the
Scores Degree of dehydration development of this complication (Fang et al.
0 No dehydration 2010). A slow rehydration rate over 48–72 h was
1–4 Some dehydration suggested as the best way to prevent this problem
5–8 Moderate to severe dehydration (Fang et al. 2010).

Table 5 Composition of commonly used intravenous fluids in infants and children (Melbourne 2012)
Naþ Cl K+ Lactate Ca++ Glucose
Type of fluid Indications for use (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (gram/L)
0.9% NaCl Resuscitation fluid 150 150 – – – –
(normal saline) in shock and trauma
0.9% NaCl Maintenance fluid in 150 150 – – 5
with 5% sick children and in
dextrose children with
Hartmann’s Intraoperative and 130 110 5 30 2 –
solution postoperative
maintenance fluid
10% dextrose Used for the – – – – – 10
in water treatment of
8 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

Table 6 Indications for parenteral nutrition in infants and Table 8 Daily protein requirements in infants and chil-
children dren (Kraus 1998)
Bowel surgery Age group Protein requirement (g/kg/day)
Burns Infants 2.5–3.0
Trauma >1 year 1.5–2.0
Short bowel syndrome Adolescents 1.0–1.5
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
Inflammatory bowel disease
Multiple organ failure Table 9 Daily lipid requirements in infants and children
Post-bone marrow transplantation Initiation 1 g/kg/day
Malnutrition – malignancy, cystic fibrosis, anorexia Advancement 0.5 g/kg/day
Maximum requirement 2–3 g/kg/day

Table 10 Daily caloric requirements in infants and chil-

Table 7 Daily electrolyte requirements in infants and dren (Kraus 1998)
children (Kraus 1998)
Daily caloric requirements
Electrolyte/element Daily maintenance requirements Age group (years) (kcal/kg/day)
Sodium 2–4 mEq/kg/day 0–1 90–120
Potassium 2–3 mEq/kg/day 1–7 75–90
Calcium 0.46–2.32 mEq/kg/day 7–12 60–75
Magnesium 0.25–0.50 mEq/kg/day 12–18 30–60
Chloride 2–3 mEq/kg/day
Phosphate 1–2 mEq/kg/day

and leukocytosis. Redistributive hyperkalemia

Potassium results from acidosis (serum potassium decreases
by 0.4 for each 0.1 point decrease in serum pH)
Potassium is the main intracellular fluid. Potas- and rapid cell death in tumor lysis syndrome,
sium homeostasis is maintained by the Na þ K trauma, diabetes ketoacidosis, intravascular coag-
ATPase which facilitates the transport of potas- ulation, and rhabdomyolysis (Greenbaum 2010c;
sium back into the cell against its concentration Hoorn et al. 2012). Primary adrenal insufficiency
gradient. The serum potassium concentration is or unresponsiveness can also cause hyperkalemia.
therefore maintained with in a very narrow range In congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-
of 3.5–5 mmol/l. Disorders of potassium metabo- hydroxylase deficiency, the male infants usually
lism include hypokalemia or hyperkalemia. present with salt wasting, metabolic acidosis,
hyperkalemia, and hypovolemia. This presenta-
Hyperkalemia tion is less common in affected female infants as
Hyperkalemia is defined as serum potassium they are diagnosed and treated during the newborn
levels greater than 5.5 mmol/l. Mild hyperkalemia period (Greenbaum 2010c). Hyperkalemia can
is defined as serum potassium level between 5.5 result from both acute and chronic renal disease
and 6.0 mmol/l; moderate hyperkalemia is due to reduced renal potassium excretion and
between 6.1 and 6.9, while severe hyperkalemia renal tubular acidosis type IV. Drugs that interfere
is greater than 7 mmol/l (Ahee and Crowe 2000). with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Serum potassium level greater than 10 mmol/l is (mineralocorticoid receptor blockers) such as
fatal if not treated (Tran 2005). spironolactone, antifungal drugs, heparin,
Causes of hyperkalemia in children and infants NSAIDs, succinylcholine, and beta-blockers can
include pseudohyperkalemia due mainly to sam- cause hyperkalemia. Potassium-containing com-
ple hemolysis but may also be due thrombocytosis pounds used during aggressive potassium
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 9

supplementation, blood transfusion, and medici- agonists such as intravenous salbutamol can also
nal herbs may also result in hyperkalemia. help shift potassium into the cells (Murdoch et al.
1991, while sodium bicarbonate also helps shift
Symptoms and Signs of Hyperkalemia potassium intracellularly. However, sodium bicar-
The most concerning feature of hyperkalemia is bonate administration is only recommended when
the effect on the cardiac conducting system. The acidosis coexists with hyperkalemia. Loop
main symptoms and signs of hyperkalemia diuretics remove excess potassium from the
include muscle weakness and muscle cramps. plasma. It is recommended if hypervolemia is
ECG changes start with tall peaked T waves, present.
followed by prolonged PR interval, loss of P Sodium or calcium polystyrene sulfonate is an
waves, widened QRS complex, and finally ven- ion exchange resin that can either be administered
tricular fibrillation and a sine wave (Greenbaum by mouth or per rectum. The main drawback is
2010c). Death might result if hyperkalemia is not that it takes approximately 4 hours to work and
treated. Muscle paralysis and cardiac arrhythmias that oral administration of calcium polystyrene
are the two main complications of hyperkalemia. sulfonate in preterm neonates with suspected or
Treatment of hyperkalemia is aimed at preventing proven ileus is associated with increased risk of
or ameliorating these complications. intestinal obstruction (Ohlsson and Hosking
1987). In this group of patients, insulin and glu-
Diagnostic Tests cose infusion is preferred over oral or rectal resin
The diagnostic tests for hyperkalemia include administration (Vemgal and Ohlsson 2012).
serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine, serum Fludrocortisone can be given if there is associated
bicarbonate, platelets, and white cell counts. adrenal insufficiency. Patients with hyperkalemia
Other tests include urine potassium, urine creati- associated with chronic renal impairment may
nine, plasma renin, and aldosterone. require hemodialysis or hemofiltration to remove
the excess potassium. This can also be employed
Treatment of Hyperkalemia in intensive care settings. In addition to the above
The two basic principles guiding the management measures, potassium should be avoided in all the
of life-threatening hyperkalemia include mem- fluids administered to this patient.
brane stabilization to block the effect of the excess
potassium on the myocyte transmembrane poten- Hypokalemia
tial and cardiac conduction and reduction of extra- This is defined as serum potassium level
cellular potassium levels (Hoorn et al. 2012). <3.5 mmol/l. Severe hypokalemia results when
The therapeutic approach depends on the serum serum potassium level is less than 2.5 mmol/l.
potassium level, associated ECG changes, and on
whether the condition is likely to worsen or not Causes of Hypokalemia
(Greenbaum 2010c). The four mechanisms that lead to hypokalemia in
Intravenous calcium gluconate or calcium children and infants include low potassium intake,
chloride helps in stabilizing the cardiac membrane redistributive or transcellular shift, renal losses,
and in reducing the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and non-renal losses. The most common causes
associated with hyperkalemia. It is recommended of hypokalemia in infants and children are diar-
for serum K > 7 mmol/l with or without ECG rhea and vomiting. While potassium and bicar-
changes (Hoorn et al. 2012). This treatment does bonate are lost in diarrheal stools, only minimal
not lower serum potassium levels. Insulin with amounts of potassium are lost through vomits as
glucose helps to move the potassium from the gastric fluids contain low concentrations of potas-
ECF to the ICF. It does reduce the plasma potas- sium of about 10 mEq/l. However, the associated
sium but not the total body potassium. Frequent chloride loss in gastric fluid leads to metabolic
monitoring of serum potassium and glucose is acidosis and hypovolemia which results in
required during this treatment. β-2 adrenergic increased urinary loss of potassium. Other causes
10 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

of hypokalemia include redistributive hypokale- metabolic alkalosis indicates gastric losses, hyper-
mia which is due to alkalosis and hypothermia, aldosteronism, or diuretic administration as pos-
hypokalemic paralysis, and the administration of sible causes. Urinary potassium less than 20 mmol
drugs such as insulin and β-adrenergics like might indicate gastrointestinal cause of hypokale-
salbutamol, Risperdal, and chloroquine (Greenlee mia, while a urinary level greater than 20 mmol
et al. 2009). Administration of loop diuretics also indicates renal losses (Hoorn et al. 2012). Occa-
leads to hypokalemia. Primary or secondary aldo- sionally, urine potassium-to-creatinine ratio,
steronism results in increased renal potassium plasma renin, and aldosterone and thyroid func-
loss, metabolic alkalosis, sodium retention, and tion test might be required (Hoorn et al. 2012).
hypertension. Hypomagnesemia, renal tubular Blood pressure should be measured as coexistent
acidosis types I and II, eating disorders, laxative high blood pressure is associated with
abuse, and low-potassium intake are other causes hyperaldosteronism.
of hypokalemia.
Treatment of Hypokalemia
Symptoms and Signs of Hypokalemia History, examination, and investigations should
The symptoms of hypokalemia include paresthe- be undertaken to identify the underlying cause.
sia, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, and paral- The main aim of therapy is to restore serum potas-
ysis which may occur at serum potassium levels sium to normal. Treatment of hypokalemia is
<2.5 mmol/l. Leg muscles are usually affected influenced by the following factors: how low the
first followed by the arm muscles (Greenbaum serum potassium level is, the child’s renal func-
2010c). The signs of hypokalemia are hyporeflexia tion, presence or absence of symptoms associated
and ECG changes which includes flat of T waves, with hypokalemia, whether the low potassium
short PR interval, and U waves (Ford 2002). level was due to redistributive causes, whether
the potassium loss is ongoing, and whether the
child is able to tolerate oral potassium supplemen-
Complications of Hypokalemia tation (Greenbaum 2010c). Intravenous potas-
Hypokalemia is associated with the following sium at a rate not exceeding 0.5 mmol/kg/h
complications: arrhythmias which may occur in should be administered if the child presents with
a child with coexistent heart disease (Greenbaum the following complications: profound muscle
2010c). The types of arrhythmia in hypokalemia weakness, cardiac arrhythmia, or respiratory dif-
include ventricular fibrillation, ventricular and ficulty or if the serum potassium level is very low
atrial tachycardia, and premature ventricular con- (Ford 2002). Otherwise oral potassium supple-
tractions. Ileus, respiratory failure (secondary to ments are usually sufficient to replenish the deficit
the weakness of the respiratory muscles), glucose unless the child is vomiting, intolerant to oral
intolerance, and rhabdomyolysis are other symp- supplements, or is not allowed to take oral fluids
toms associated with hypokalemia (Jain et al. due to other medical or surgical indications. In
2011). The risk of rhabdomyolysis is increased if some cases, potassium supplementation may be
a child with hypokalemia embarks on exercise. needed for a few weeks in order to correct the
Investigations of Hypokalemia Serum potassium should be monitored regu-
The following investigations should be carried out larly while on potassium supplementation
in a child with hypokalemia: serum electrolytes, although this might not be accurate in redistribu-
urea and creatinine, magnesium, and phosphate. tive causes of hypokalemia. Coexistent hypo-
Blood gas should be done to determine the serum phosphatemia should be treated with a potassium
bicarbonate levels as coexistent metabolic acido- phosphate salt instead of the potassium chloride
sis points to diarrhea as a possible cause, but other salt. Ongoing losses should be corrected for espe-
conditions like proximal and distal renal tubular cially in surgical patients and in other critically ill
acidosis have to be considered. Hypokalemic patients.
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 11

Calcium (Marini and Wheeler 2010). The serum calcium

levels at which symptoms of hypocalcemia
Serum calcium is closely regulated by the interplay develops are variable. Most of the symptoms are
of skeletal, renal, and parathyroid factors which due to irritability of the neuromuscular junction.
include calcium-sensing receptors, vitamin D3, Cramps, paresthesia, and tetany are the most com-
and parathyroid hormone (Lietman et al. 2010). mon symptoms. Others are seizures, hallucina-
tions, and headaches. Respiratory symptoms
Hypercalcemia such as dyspnea and stridor might develop if the
Most hypercalcemia is due to osteoclastic bone respiratory muscles are affected. The signs asso-
resorption (Lietman et al. 2010). Hypercalcemia is ciated with hypocalcemia include carpopedal
also a common complication of solid tumors (Sar- spasm, facial muscle hyperreflexia, and
gent and Smith 2010). Rarely, familial hypo- papilledema. Laboratory investigations of hypo-
calciuric hypercalcemia (also termed familial calcemia include serum calcium, phosphate, and
benign hypercalcemia) can be the cause of hyper- magnesium. Serum albumin, urea and electro-
calcemia in children (Lietman et al. 2010). Inves- lytes, PTH, and vitamin D levels are other labora-
tigations of hypercalcemia include serum urea and tory investigations.
electrolytes, calcium phosphate and magnesium,
vitamin D, PTH, and albumin. Measurement of
urinary calcium concentration might provide a Magnesium
clue as to the etiology of hypercalcemia (Davies
2009). Asymptomatic hypercalcemia does not Magnesium is an important mineral involved in
require treatment. The main aims of treatment of maintaining bone health. Magnesium, like potas-
symptomatic hypercalcemia are to remove the sium, is an intracellular cation required for many
source of the excessive PTH secretion if possible biological processes. It catalyzes more than 300
or to the excess serum calcium if removal of the enzyme systems and is involved in the generation,
primary source is not possible (Davies 2009). storage, and transfer of energy in the body
Hyperhydration and diuretics are the initial treat- (Gonzalez et al. 2009). Intracellular magnesium
ment modalities for hypercalcemia (Cheung modulates calcium and potassium channels in the
2009). Bisphosphonate and calcitonin are used cardiac myocyte (Agus and Agus 2001).
to treat specific disorders associated with hyper-
calcemia. Recently new therapies have been Hypomagnesemia
developed to treat hypercalcemia. These include This results mainly from the imbalance between
cathepsin K inhibitor, sclerostin, cinacalcet, and the absorption of magnesium from the GI and its
bone morphogenetic protein 2 (Cheung 2009). excretion from the kidneys (Gonzalez et al. 2009).
Treatment of hypercalcemia secondary to hyper- Increased GI or renal loss and redistribution mag-
parathyroidism is by parathyroidectomy (Lietman nesium between the extracellular and intracellular
et al. 2010). compartments are other causes of hypomagnese-
mia (Ayuk and Gittoes 2011). Symptomatic hypo-
Hypocalcemia magnesemia is usually associated with
Hypocalcemia is one of the most common disor- hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, or metabolic acido-
ders of mineral metabolism in children. The four sis (Ayuk and Gittoes 2011). Other electrolyte
main causative mechanisms of hypocalcemia are abnormalities associated with hypomagnesemia
decreased intake or decreased absorption, include hyponatremia and hypophosphatemia.
increased binding and sequestration, decreased Drug-induced hypomagnesemia is associated
mobilization from the bones, and low serum pro- with diuretic and proton pump inhibitor therapy.
tein (Marini and Wheeler 2010). Symptoms of hypomagnesemia are tremors, tet-
Mild hypocalcemia is usually asymptomatic as any, seizures, nystagmus, and paresthesia. The
long as the ionized calcium levels remain normal ECG changes associated with the condition
12 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

include prolonged QT interval, torsades de Phosphate

pointes, and ventricular fibrillation (Foglia et al.
2004). Phosphate is a predominantly intracellular anion
The consequences of hypomagnesemia involved in several metabolic processes in the
include cardiac arrhythmias, which usually results body such as in the generation of adenosine tri-
from unrecognized coexistent hypokalemia, insu- phosphate (ATP), nucleic acids, and cyclic aden-
lin resistance, and nervous disturbance (Ayuk and osine monophosphate (cAMP) and in the
Gittoes 2011). Administering anesthetic agents to generation of the coagulation cascade.
patients with hypomagnesemia may increase the
risk of cardiac arrhythmias (Gambling et al. Hypophosphatemia
1988). Investigation of hypomagnesemia includes The causes of hypophosphatemia are decreased
urea and electrolytes, blood gas, serum calcium, GI absorption, increased renal excretion, and
phosphate, and magnesium. Intravenous magne- redistribution between intracellular and extracel-
sium is the treatment of choice for symptomatic lular compartments (Troung et al. 2010). Mild
hypomagnesemia (Ayuk and Gittoes 2011). Oral hypophosphatemia may be asymptomatic, but
magnesium therapy should be used in asymptom- chronic severe hypophosphatemia may cause
atic patients. myalgia and muscle weakness (Troung et al.
2010). Other symptoms of hypophosphatemia
Hypermagnesemia include bone pain and decreased levels of
Hypermagnesemia is rare due to the closely regu- consciousness.
lated magnesium metabolism (Samsonov 2009). The investigation of hypophosphatemia
Renal failure and excessive magnesium ingestion involves checking the urea, electrolytes, chloride,
are the two main causes of hypermagnesemia creatinine, calcium, phosphate, blood pH and
(Samsonov 2009). Patients with Epsom salt poi- bicarbonate, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin
soning and laxative abuse and those being treated D levels. Determining the urinary phosphate, cre-
with magnesium as a cathartic are at increased risk atinine, and calcium levels can help determine the
of hypermagnesemia (Samsonov 2009). Other etiology of the hypophosphatemia.
causes of hypermagnesemia include tumor lysis
syndrome, milk-alkali syndrome, hypothyroid- Treatment of Hypophosphatemia
ism, and Addison’s disease. Oral phosphate at a dose of 1–2 mmol/kg/day, in
Although mild hypermagnesemia is usually two to four divided doses, is preferred to intrave-
asymptomatic, severe hypermagnesemia is nous supplementation in patients who can tolerate
associated with the following symptoms: head- oral therapy (Troung et al. 2010).
ache, nausea, and vomiting. Drowsiness,
decreased tendon reflexes, bradycardia, hypo- Hyperphosphatemia
tension, and ECG changes (torsades de pointes, Hyperphosphatemia is a rare condition seen
arrhythmias, and prolonged QT) (Troung et al. mostly in children with chronic renal failure. It is
2010) are the signs associated with hyper- generally asymptomatic but may be associated
magnesemia. The treatment of hyper- with hypocalcemia due to the formation of cal-
magnesemia depends on the serum magnesium cium phosphate complexes. These are deposited
levels and the severity of symptoms and signs. in the skin and arterioles of patients with chronic
Mild asymptomatic hypermagnesemia can be hyperphosphatemia.
treated by discontinuation of magnesium ther- Laboratory investigation of hyper-
apy. Severe hypermagnesemia may require such phosphatemia includes serum urea, electrolytes
measures as forced diuresis, intravenous cal- and creatinine, calcium, phosphate, and magne-
cium gluconate infusion, dialysis, and respira- sium. Hyperphosphatemia is treated by treating
tory support (Samsonov 2009). the underlying cause, limiting intake, and/or
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 13

removal of the excess phosphate using phosphate mechanisms of the kidneys, lungs, and the intra-
binders (Covic and Rastogi 2013). cellular buffers.

Metabolic Acidosis
Acid-Base Balance Metabolic acidosis results from a primary reduc-
tion in the serum bicarbonate levels with a resul-
The normal values for pH in infants and children tant decrease in the pH levels below 7.35.
(7.35–7.45) are similar to those in the neonates Addition of organic acid from external sources,
and adults. The pH is closely regulated so that altered body metabolic pathways, or rapid admin-
cellular enzymes could function optimally. istration of normal saline may result in metabolic
While mild chronic deviations from the normal acidosis. Hyperchloremic acidosis with normal
range can be tolerated, extreme, rapid deviations anion gap results from the loss of bicarbonate
increase mortality. The acid-base balance is ions from the GI or urinary tract. Diabetes
maintained by the lungs, kidneys, and intracellu- ketoacidosis results from the addition of
lar buffers (Greenbaum 2010a). The pCO2 is unmeasured acid and is therefore associated with
maintained within the normal range of a widened anion gap (Ford 2002).
35–45 mmHg by the rapid response of the lungs
to the central mechanism that senses changes in Metabolic Alkalosis
pCO2, while the bicarbonate level is maintained Metabolic alkalosis occurs if the pH is >7.45 and
within the normal range by the ability of the the HCO3 is >35 mEq/l. Metabolic alkalosis may
kidney to regenerate the bicarbonate utilized in be chloride responsive or chloride resistant. This
neutralizing organic acids generated by the body categorization is based on urinary chloride con-
(Greenbaum 2010a). Lactate and acid-base bal- centrations. While the urinary chloride concentra-
ance can be used as markers of cardiac output, tion in the chloride-responsive metabolic alkalosis
tissue oxygenation, and cellular perfusion in peri- is <15 mEq/l, the urinary chloride concentration
operative patients. However, in ill patients many in the chloride-resistant type is >20 mEq/l.
other factors can contribute to hyperlactatemia Vomiting and diuretic therapy are the most com-
and these factors need to be addressed as well. mon causes of chloride-responsive metabolic
Although persistent hyperlactatemia in postoper- alkalosis, while adrenal adenoma and Gitelman
ative cardiac patients is associated with increased syndrome cause chloride-resistant metabolic aci-
morbidity and mortality, a single measurement of dosis with high blood pressure and without high
serum lactate is not a good predictor of survival blood pressure, respectively (Greenbaum 2010a).
(Allen 2011).

Perioperative Management in Infants

Acid-Base Balance Disorders and Children

Acid-base balance disorders may be in the form of The Holliday-Segar equation for calculating
acidosis (pH < 7.35) or alkalosis (pH > 7.45). maintenance fluid requirements in the postopera-
Metabolic or respiratory disorders can manifest as tive period in infants and children was revisited
acidosis or alkalosis. Mixed acid-base disorder because of the frequent occurrence of hypo-
may result when both respiratory and metabolic natremic dehydration using this method (Steurer
acid-base disturbance coexist. In this case two and Berger 2011). Isotonic fluids are
primary processes are going on at the same time. recommended in such situations of volume deple-
Compensatory mechanisms exist to counter acid- tion where it is anticipated that ADH secretion
base disturbance. The body attempts to restore the will be stimulated (Steurer and Berger 2011).
pH to normal using the compensatory The European Society for Paediatric
14 J. Chukwu and E. Molloy

Anaesthesiology recommends intraoperative postoperatively. Replacement of lost fluid during

fluids that is isotonic and contains 1–2.5% glucose the surgery may still be ongoing postoperatively.
and bicarbonate precursors like lactate, acetate, or Ongoing losses may occur from wounds, drain-
malate (Sumpelmann et al. 2011). For replace- ages, fistulae, or postoperative hemorrhage. Mon-
ment of losses, fluids with similar compositions itoring of the vital signs and the fluid input and
as the lost fluid should be used. In replacing the output should continue during the immediate
ongoing losses in surgical patients, consideration postoperative period. Oliguria, hypotension, and
should also be given to the surgical pathology, the transient renal impairment may occur. Serum
surgical procedure, and the child’s comorbid urea, electrolytes, creatinine, and glucose as well
conditions. urine specific gravity should be monitored.
Hydration status should be continuously moni- SIADH is one of the complications to watch out
tored in perioperative children. Weight, blood pres- for. Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis may arise
sure, pulse, capillary refill time, urine output, and from the administration of normal saline so Ringer’s
respiratory rate are some of the clinical parameters lactate is preferable (Steurer and Berger 2011).
used to assess hydration status. In addition strict
recording of the fluid input and output might be
necessary. The laboratory parameters include Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Septic
blood urea, electrolyte and osmolality, urine spe- Shock
cific gravity, osmolality, and electrolytes.
Shock is defined as a state of acute cardiovascular
dysfunction in which the delivery of oxygen and
Intraoperative Management nutrients is insufficient to meet the metabolic
demands of the tissues. Clinically, in shocked
Careful intraoperative fluid management and patients, the capillary refill time is greater than
monitoring minimize adverse hemodynamic 2 s. Hypotension is a late sign which is present
effects during and after surgery. Blood loss should only in decompensated shock in children. The
be minimized as much as possible since total mortality rate is about 5–7%. Every hour delayed
blood volume is relatively low especially in very in initiating appropriate measures to reverse the
young infants. A seemingly small-volume loss in shock state increases the mortality by 40%. Septic
such infants could cause major hemodynamic shock in infants and older children is character-
instability. Other high-risk children are those ized by severe hypovolemia unlike septic shock in
with preoperative anemia, those on anti- adults which exhibits a hyperdynamic state
thrombotic or antiplatelet therapy, and those (Aneja and Carcillo 2011). Aggressive fluid resus-
undergoing complex, emergency, or re-operative citation is therefore required in children pre-
surgeries (Vretzakis et al. 2011). Measures to senting with septic shock. Vasoconstriction is a
reduce blood loss in these high-risk patients common feature of septic shock in children unlike
include autologous blood donation and adults. This is because of the limited cardiac
normovolemic hemodilution (Vretzakis et al. reserve in children. If vasoconstriction is pro-
2011). Intravascular monitoring of blood pressure longed, cardiac failure may result. Inotropes,
and central venous pressure should be undertaken vasodilator, and in some cases ECMO may be
during major surgical procedures. Fluid losses required to support cardiac function (Vretzakis et
should be carefully documented. al. 2011). Goal-directed therapy over 72 h – main-
tenance of normal blood pressure and Central
Venous (CV) oxygen saturations >70% –
Postoperative Management decreases mortality from 40% to 12%. The basic
principles of therapy in septic shock are resusci-
Good preoperative and intraoperative fluid man- tation, administration of antimicrobials, and
agement obviates fluid and electrolyte problem removal of the nidus of infection (Aneja and
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Infants and Children 15

Carcillo 2011). Antibiotics should be adminis- Complications associated with TPN therapy
tered within the first hour, and the infection source include sepsis and thrombosis. Adjunctive thera-
should be removed as soon as possible (Carcillo et pies for short bowel syndrome, such as epidermal
al. 2009). growth factor (EGF), or glucagon-like peptide 2
Surgical conditions predisposing children to (GLP-2) may lead to improved outcomes for
septic shock include intussusception and patients with such conditions in the future
Hirschsprung’s diseases with enterocolitis and (Kocoshis 2010).
volvulus. Endotoxins produced by Gram-negative
bacteria are responsible for most of the clinical
manifestations of septic shock.
Conclusions and Future Directions

Clinical Manifestations Fluid and electrolyte management in children is

continuously evolving as the understanding of
Management fluid and electrolyte requirement is progressing.
Crystalloid boluses of 20 ml/kg are infused rap- Most of the current estimates of maintenance
idly. Up to 60 ml/kg of resuscitation fluid may be fluids are based on very old studies involving
required. Normal saline is the preferred resuscita- only very few subjects. Properly designed and
tion fluid. Appropriate antimicrobials should be adequately powered studies are needed to further
initiated as early as possible. In cold shock periph- advance the management of fluids and electro-
eral adrenaline may be required, while in warm lytes in critically ill children.
shock adrenaline should be infused centrally,
while vasodilators might be needed in children
with pulmonary hypertension or high systemic Cross-References
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