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The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Reaction Time and

Performance in a Countermovement Jump

Erica Taylor Perrier


submitted to

Oregon State University

in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the

degree of

Master of Science

Presented May 19, 2009

Commencement June 2009


Erica Taylor Perrier for the degree of Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science
presented on May 19, 2009.

Title: The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Reaction Time and
Performance in a Countermovement Jump

Abstract approved:

Mark A. Hoffman

PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to quantify the effects of a warm-up

with static or dynamic stretching on countermovement jump height, reaction time,

muscle onsets for tibialis anterior (TA) and vastus lateralis (VL), and low back/

hamstring flexibility.

METHODS: Twenty one recreationally-active males (24.4 ± 4.5 yrs), recruited from

the university community, completed 3 data collection sessions. Inclusion criteria

were regular participation (30 minutes, 3 days per week) in exercise including

resistance training, sprinting, or jumping, and no history of lower extremity injury in

the past 6 months. Each session included a 5 minute treadmill jog followed by one of

the stretch treatments: no stretching (NS), static stretching (SS), or dynamic stretching

(DS). After the general warm-up and treatment, the participant performed a sit-and-

reach test to assess low back and hamstring flexibility. Next, the participant

completed a series of ten maximal-effort countermovement jumps (CMJ), during

which he was asked to jump as quickly as possible after seeing a visual stimulus

(light). The onset of movement and CMJ height were determined from force plate
data, and muscle onsets (TA and VL) were obtained using surface electromyography

(sEMG). Ground reaction forces were recorded at 2000 Hz using a portable force

plate, and filtered at 25 Hz. Outcome measures included maximal jump height,

reaction time, and muscle onset (TA and VL). A repeated measures 3 (treatment) by 8

(jump) ANOVA was used to assess CMJ height. Additional outcome measures

(reaction time, muscle onsets, flexibility) were assessed using separate repeated-

measures one-way ANOVA.

RESULTS: Results of the 3x8 repeated-measures ANOVA for CMJ height revealed a

significant main effect of treatment (p=.004). Post hoc analysis showed significant

differences between NS (41.4cm) and DS (43.0cm) (p=.0045), and between SS

(41.9cm) and DS (p=.0435), but not between NS and SS (p=.4605). Analysis also

revealed a significant main effect of jump (p=.005) on CMJ height: mean jump height

progressively decreased from the early to the late jumps. No significant interaction

between treatment and jump was observed (p=.571). The analysis of reaction time,

TA and VL sEMG onsets showed no significant effects. Treatment also had a main

effect (p<.001) on flexibility. Post hoc analysis revealed improved flexibility after

both SS (p=.002) and DS (p<.001) compared with NS, with no difference in flexibility

between the two treatments (p=.530).

CONCLUSION: CMJ height was significantly higher during the DS condition

compared to SS and NS, with no difference between NS and SS. Additionally,

reaction time and muscle onsets were not influenced by either stretch technique.

Athletes in sports requiring lower-extremity power should use dynamic stretching

techniques in warm-up to enhance flexibility while improving performance.

© Copyright by Erica Taylor Perrier

May 19, 2009

All Rights Reserved

Master of Science thesis of Erica Taylor Perrier presented on May 19, 2009.



Major Professor, representing Exercise and Sport Science


Chair of the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences


Dean of the Graduate School

I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon
State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any
reader upon request.


Erica Taylor Perrier, Author


I would like to express profound appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Mark Hoffman, for

his support, encouragement, and guidance during this project. Additionally, I am

grateful to the members of my committee; Dr. Mike Pavol, Dr. Kim Hannigan-Downs,

and Dr. John Edwards, for their invaluable advice and constructive criticism. Finally,

I would like to thank Leah for her unwavering material and emotional support, as well

as her tireless efforts to get me to spend more time writing when I would rather be

playing outside.

Dr. Mark Hoffman was involved with the writing and editing of the manuscript

(Chapter 3). Drs. Mark Hoffman and Mike Pavol were involved with the data analysis

(Chapter 3). Dr. Heather Barber (University of New Hampshire) was involved with

the editing of the literature review (Chapter 2).



Chapter 1: Introduction ………………………………………………………… 1

References ……………………………………………………………… 4

Chapter 2: Literature Review ………………………………………………….. 7

Introduction: Static Stretching and Exercise …………………………… 8

Static Stretching and Performance …………………………………….. 10

Static Stretching: Mechanisms of Performance Reductions …………... 25

Stretching and Injury Prevention ……………………………………… 30

Dynamic Stretching: An Effective Alternative ………………………... 32

Dynamic Stretching: Mechanisms of Improved Performance ………… 38

Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. 39

References …………………………………………………………….. 41

Chapter 3: Warm-Up with Dynamic Stretching Improves

Countermovement Jump Performance ……………………………. 46

Abstract ……………………………………………………………….. 48

Introduction …………………………………………………………… 50

Methods ……………………………………………………………….. 52

Results ………………………………………………………………… 56

Discussion …………………………………………………………….. 57

Practical Applications ………………………………………………… 61

References …………………………………………………………….. 66

Chapter 4: Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 69


Bibliography ………………………………………………………………….. 71

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………. 77

Appendix A Institutional Review Board Documents ……………….. 78

IRB Initial Application ………………………………………... 79

IRB Approval Letter …………………………………………... 83

Informed Consent ……………………………………………... 84

Appendix B Data Output …………………………………………… 87


Figure Page

3.1 Mean jump height (cm) after each stretch treatment ………………………. 63

3.2 Jump height progression for jumps 2 through 9 …………………………… 64

3.3 Mean onsets for movement time, TA EMG, and VL

EMG after each stretch treatment ………………………………………….. 64

3.4 Mean sit-and-reach score (cm) after each stretch treatment ……………….. 65

Table Page

2.1 Summary of findings: The acute effects of static stretching on various

measures of performance …………………………………………………... 21

2.2 Summary of findings: The acute effects of dynamic stretching on various

measures of performance …………………………………………………... 36

3.1 Static stretch protocol ……………………………………………………… 62

3.2 Dynamic stretch protocol …………………………………………………... 62

3.3 Results ……………………………………………………………………… 63

Chapter 1: Introduction

Athletes traditionally include stretching as part of a pre-activity warm-up in

order to improve performance and decrease the risk of injury. Static stretching, the

most common method (22), involves slowly moving a joint to the endpoint of its range

of motion, just before the onset of pain. The static stretching method is popular for

several reasons: it is simple to learn, can be performed individually, and is effective in

increasing joint range of motion (13). Static stretching has been thought to improve

performance by maximizing joint range of motion and improving coordination (16).

Additionally, static stretching has been advocated as a means to prevent injury to the

musculotendinous unit (MTU) by increasing compliance of the tendon and muscle

fibers, resulting in an increased force transmission capacity (10, 18, 19). Despite this

common practice, there is no conclusive evidence supporting the theory that static

stretching prior to exercise reduces injury risk (17).

Static stretching has recently been shown to decrease performance in measures

of maximal force production (6, 7, 13-15), jump height (4, 21, 25), sprint speed (9,

12), and reaction time and balance (3). Performance reductions following static

stretching have been explained by a combination of mechanical and neurological

factors. Mechanically, static stretching results in increased compliance in the MTU.

As the MTU lengthens and becomes more compliant, contractile elements must

contract over a greater distance, and more forcefully, to “pick up the slack”, resulting

in reduced peak torque and a slower rate of force development (23). A stiffer MTU

would facilitate rapid changes in tension and a faster joint motion response, potentially

improving performance. Neurologically, static stretching may decrease motor unit

activation (1, 5, 13, 15), adversely affecting force production capability. Additionally,

studies have shown that static stretching performed on the dominant leg only can

result in decreases in peak torque and motor unit activation in both the stretched and

unstretched limbs (6, 7), lending further support to a neurologically-mediated

performance decline.

In response to this growing body of evidence, strength and conditioning

professionals have began to shift away from static stretching in favor of a functional,

dynamic warm-up before practices and games (2). Dynamic stretching routines

incorporate skipping, directional running, shuffling, and various calisthenics of

increasing intensity that simulate the movement patterns necessary for success in a

particular sport. Recent reports suggest that dynamic stretching prior to activity may

improve performance by increasing joint range of motion and core body temperature,

resulting in increased blood flow to the muscles and faster nerve-impulse conduction

(20). Dynamic stretches that simulate movement patterns used in a sport may also

improve coordination by providing an opportunity for sport-specific skill rehearsal

(12). Performance improvements after dynamic stretching have been documented in

sprinting (8), jumping (11), and peak force generating capacity (24). Currently,

multiple exercises (ballistic stretching, bodyweight squats, and movement drills) have

all been characterized as dynamic stretching in the literature. Further research is

needed to clarify and define the term, as well as to directly compare the effects of both

static and dynamic stretching on CMJ performance and reaction time.



1. Avela, J., H. Kyrolainen, and P. V. Komi. Altered reflex sensitivity after

repeated and prolonged passive muscle stretching. J. Appl. Physiol. 86:1283-
1291, 1999.

2. Baechle, T. R. and R. W. Earle. Essentials of Strength Training and

Conditioning. 3 ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2008

3. Behm, D. G., A. Bambury, F. Cahill, and K. Power. Effect of acute static

stretching on force, balance, reaction time and movement time. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. . 36:1397-1402, 2004.

4. Behm, D. G., E. E. Bradbury, A. T. Haynes, J. N. Hodder, A. M. Leonard, and

N. R. Paddock. Flexibility is not related to stretch-induced deficits in force or
power. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 5:33-42, 2006.

5. Behm, D. G., D. C. Button, and J. C. Butt. Factors affecting force loss with
prolonged stretching. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. 26:261-272,

6. Cramer, J. T., T. J. Housh, G. O. Johnson, J. M. Miller, J. W. Coburn, and T.

W. Beck. Acute effects of static stretching on peak torque in women. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 18:236-241, 2004.

7. Cramer, J. T., T. J. Housh, J. P. Weir, G. O. Johnson, J. W. Coburn, and T. W.

Beck. The acute effects of static stretching on peak torque, mean power output,
electromyography, and mechanomyography. European Journal of Applied
Physiology. 93:530-539, 2005.

8. Fletcher, I. M. and R. Anness. The acute effects of combined static and

dynamic stretch protocols on fifty-meter sprint performance in track-and-field
athletes. Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research / National Strength
& Conditioning Association. 21:784-787, 2007.

9. Fletcher, I. M. and B. Jones. The effect of different warmup stretch protocols

on 20 meter sprint performance in trained rugby union players. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 18:885-888, 2004.

10. Garrett, W. E., Jr. Muscle strain injuries: clinical and basic aspects. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 22:436-443, 1990.

11. Holt, B. W. and K. Lambourne. The impact of different warm-up protocols on

vertical jump performance in male collegiate athletes. Journal Of Strength And
Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association.
22:226-229, 2008.

12. Little, T. and A. G. Williams. Effects of differential stretching protocols during

warm-ups on high-speed motor capacities in professional soccer players.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20:203-207, 2006.

13. Marek, S. M., J. T. Cramer, L. A. Fincher, L. L. Massey, S. M. Dangelmaier,

S. Purkayastha, K. A. Fitz, and J. Y. Culbertson. Acute effects of static and
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on muscle strength and
power output. Journal of Athletic Training. 40:94-103, 2005.

14. Papadopoulos, G., T. Siatras, and S. Kellis. The effect of static and dynamic
stretching exercises on the maximal isokinetic strength of the knee extensors
and flexors. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 13:285-291, 2005.

15. Power, K., D. Behm, F. Cahill, M. Carroll, and W. Young. An acute bout of
static stretching: effects on force and jumping performance. Med. Sci. Sports
Exerc. 36:1389-1396, 2004.

16. Shellock, F. G. and W. E. Prentice. Warming-up and stretching for improved

physical performance and prevention of sports-related injuries. Sports Med.
2:267-278, 1985.

17. Shrier, I. Does stretching help prevent injuries? In: Evidence-based Sports
Medicine. D. MacAuley and T. Best (Eds.) Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishing, 2007.

18. Smith, C. A. The warm-up procedure: to stretch or not to stretch. A brief

review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 19:12-17, 1994.

19. Stamford, B. Flexibility and Stretching. The Physician and Sportsmedicine.

12:171, 1984.

20. Thacker, S. B., J. Gilchrist, D. F. Stroup, and C. J. Kimsey, Jr. The impact of
stretching on sports injury risk: a systematic review of the literature. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 36:371-378, 2004.

21. Wallmann, H. W., J. A. Mercer, and J. W. McWhorter. Surface

electromyographic assessment of the effect of static stretching of the
gastrocnemius on vertical jump performance. J. Strength Cond. Res. 19:684-
688, 2005.

22. Weerapong, P., P. A. Hume, and G. S. Kolt. Stretching: mechanisms and

benefits for sport performance and injury prevention. Physical Therapy
Review. 9:189-206, 2004.

23. Witvrouw, E., N. Mahieu, L. Danneels, and P. McNair. Stretching and injury
prevention: an obscure relationship. Sports Med. 34:443-449, 2004.

24. Yamaguchi, T., K. Ishii, M. Yamanaka, and K. Yasuda. Acute effects of

dynamic stretching exercise on power output during concentric dynamic
constant external resistance leg extension. Journal Of Strength And
Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association.
21:1238-1244, 2007.

25. Young, W. B. and D. G. Behm. Effects of running, static stretching and

practice jumps on explosive force production and jumping performance.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 43:21-27, 2003.

Chapter 2: Literature Review


Introduction –Static Stretching and Exercise

For years, coaches and strength and conditioning professionals have advised

athletes to stretch prior to physical activity in order to achieve two aims: first, to

improve performance, and second, to decrease the risk of injury. Stretching has been

thought to improve performance for several reasons, including maximizing joint range

of motion (40). A sprinter, for example, lacking sufficient flexibility in the hamstrings

and hip flexors may not be able to maintain an optimal stride length, thereby reducing

speed and negatively affecting performance. Moreover, specific sports such as

gymnastics, and certain events in track and field, require a large degree of flexibility

about specific joints. Shellock and Prentice (40) also indicate that a lack of flexibility

may result in movements that are awkward or uncoordinated. Peak performance in

any sporting event requires an individual to maintain specific biomechanics in order to

maximize speed, efficiency, or power. Thus, a change in biomechanics associated

with uncoordinated movements may ostensibly have an effect on performance.

Stretching has also been advocated as a means to prevent injury to the

musculotendinous unit (MTU) (20, 42, 43). The MTU is composed of both active

contractile elements (muscle fibers) and passive elements (tendon). As a joint moves

through a greater range of motion, or as a larger force is applied to the muscle-tendon

unit, a more compliant tendon can absorb a greater amount of energy, thereby

protecting the active contractile apparatus and reducing injury to the muscle fibers

(50). Muscle strains occur when a muscle is stretched to a critical tensile force (38),

causing tears within the contractile element of the muscle. It would seem reasonable,

therefore, that a more compliant MTU would be able to withstand a greater tensile

force, which in turn would be beneficial in terms of injury reduction. This is

supported by the fact that muscle strain injuries tend to occur during the eccentric

phase of muscle contraction, when the forces applied to the MTU can be substantial,

and are most commonly seen in “two-joint” muscles – muscles that cross two joints

and are susceptible to a larger degree of stretch (20). Moreover, strains to the MTU

are most commonly seen in situations involving quick bursts of speed or other

instances where a muscle must generate a large amount of force over a short period of

time (20). Several studies have also indicated that individuals with very little

flexibility are more likely to experience injury in the form of muscle strains (49).

Increasing compliance of the MTU would seem to be a logical way to reduce the

incidence of injury.

Of the various methods of stretching that effectively increase range of motion,

the most common type is static stretching (48). Static stretching involves slowly

moving a joint to the endpoint of the range of motion, typically defined as the point

just before the onset of pain. The National Strength and Conditioning Association

(NSCA) recommends holding a static stretch for 30 seconds (3). In addition, the most

recent edition of Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, from the American

College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), recommends holding a stretch for 15 to 30

seconds, and contends that no further improvement in flexibility is seen past 30

seconds (1). The static stretching method is advantageous for several reasons: it is

simple to learn, can be performed individually, and is effective in increasing joint

range of motion (29).


Despite the prevalence of stretching prior to athletic activity, there is little

evidence supporting that static stretching acutely improves athletic performance, or

that static stretching reduces the incidence of musculoskeletal injury. In fact, much of

the recent literature suggests that static stretching, performed prior to athletic activity,

might actually be detrimental to performance.

Static Stretching and Performance

Static stretching has been shown to affect performance in a wide range of

performance tests, including measures of force production (6, 12, 13, 15, 19, 25, 27,

29, 33, 36, 52), vertical jumping ability (6, 8, 32, 46, 47, 54, 55), sprint speed (17, 18,

41), and balance, reaction time, and movement time (5). Research on the acute effects

of static stretching on performance has, for the most part, examined maximal force and

power production by large lower-body muscle groups, namely the quadriceps and

hamstrings, as well as the plantarflexors. Muscular power is desirable in the vast

majority of sporting activities requiring short bursts of speed, quick changes in

direction, jumping ability, or the ability to move large quantities of weight. An

increase in muscular power allows a muscle to perform a given workload over less

time (35), commonly referred to as ‘explosive power’. The ability to change

directions rapidly, to accelerate quickly, and to jump higher than an opponent are all

contingent on an athlete’s ability to generate sufficient explosive power and can all be

considered important measures influencing performance in a variety of sports.

Additionally, an increase in muscular power allows a muscle to perform a greater

maximal amount of work (35). Sports such as powerlifting rely on a competitor’s


ability to generate the greatest amount of force in order to lift the greatest load. Thus,

the ability to generate large muscular power output is relevant to a wide variety of


Most studies examining stretch-induced force and power decrements have

quantified maximal lower-extremity force production using maximal isokinetic or

isometric muscle contractions or have measured explosive power using jumping tests

(6, 10-15, 19, 24, 25, 29, 32, 33, 36, 45, 47, 54, 55). A wealth of the literature

indicates static stretching can result in acute performance decrements in maximal force

and power. These decrements have been shown to persist up to one hour (19), and

appear to be both neurological (2, 7, 12, 13, 19, 29, 36) and mechanical (15, 19, 47,

50) in origin. Sport-specific decrements in speed and power in sports such as

gymnastics (32, 41) and rugby (18) have also been reported. Balance and reaction

time (5), as well as sprint speed (16-18, 41), also appear to be negatively affected by a

bout of static stretching.

Isokinetic and Isometric Force

Published studies have examined the effect of static stretching on concentric,

isokinetic peak torque and mean power output at both slow and fast velocities. Marek

et al. (29) demonstrated that four repetitions each of four stretching exercises targeting

the leg extensor muscles decreased peak torque and mean power output at 60 and

300o·s-1. Similarly, Cramer et al. (12) documented a decrease in peak torque at similar

velocities (60 and 240 o·s-1). Several other studies have reported similar results when

testing peak torque of the knee extensors (13, 33) and knee flexors (33), and of the

biceps brachii (15). In a study examining multiple measures of strength following an

acute bout of static stretching, Behm et al. (6) reported a mean 6.1% to 8.2% decrease

in maximal isometric knee extension and 6.6% to 10.7% reduction in maximal

isometric knee flexion torque. Additional studies focusing on maximal voluntary

isometric contraction (MVIC) of the quadriceps (7, 36), plantar flexors (19, 36), and

hand grip strength (25) all yielded similar decreases in strength following a bout of

static stretching. Moreover, a one repetition-maximum (1RM) test of both knee

flexion and knee extension (27) demonstrated significant differences between pre- and

post-stretch values. Finally, a study examining isotonic leg extensions found that

static stretching reduced leg extension power at light to moderately heavy loads (5%,

30%, and 60% of MVIC) (52). The combined results of these studies indicate that

regardless of the method used to measure maximal force, there is a clear trend toward

reduced maximal force production following a bout of static stretching.

Jumping Performance

In addition to decreases in peak torque and mean power, static stretching has

also been purported to decrease performance in tests of jumping ability. The results,

however, are mixed. Jumping-based studies have measured performance using

various jump types, including the countermovement jump (CMJ), the drop jump (DJ),

and the squat jump (SJ), which involves only a concentric phase of movement. In

comparing the results of studies based on these three jump types, results have varied

depending on which jump style is measured.


In examining CMJ performance, Wallmann et al. (47) found a 5.6% mean

decrease in CMJ height after three 30-second stretches of the gastrocnemius muscles.

Similarly, Behm and colleagues (6) reported decreases (-5.5% to -7.5%) in CMJ

height following three 30-second stretches of three lower body muscle groups. Recent

work suggests that even mild stretching can be detrimental to jump performance:

holding static stretches at 50%, 75%, and 100% of the force necessary for the onset of

mild discomfort all yielded significant decreases in CMJ height (2.8%, 3.9%, and

4.2%, respectively) (8). These findings imply that at both mild and moderate

intensities, static stretching causes significant performance decrements that are similar

to those experienced after more intense stretching.

In addition to affecting CMJ performance, static stretching also appears to

hinder performance in the drop jump. An investigation by Young and Behm (55)

reported a 3.2% mean decrease in DJ height after static stretching of the quadriceps

and plantar flexors. Additional work by Young and Elliott (54) and Behm and

colleagues (8) also demonstrated significant decreases in DJ height after static

stretching of the quadriceps, gluteals, hamstrings, and plantar flexors. A fourth study

(6) reported no change in DJ height following static stretching, but observed that DJ

ground contact time had significantly increased following the stretch treatment. The

authors suggested that the increased ground contact time was a compensatory change

in jump strategy in order to combat losses in rate of force production caused by static

stretching. Both a decrease in jump height and an increase in ground contact time

imply that static stretching adversely affects DJ performance.


It is less clear whether static stretching affects concentric-only squat jumps

(SJ). Squat jumps incorporate a 2-second pause at peak knee flexion in order to

eliminate the benefits of the stretch reflex on jump height. Three studies with similar

SJ protocols all reported no change in SJ height following static stretching (24, 36,

54), while other studies have reported SJ performance reductions ranging from 3.4%

(55) to 5.7% (8). While the SJ does not rely on the stretch-shortening cycle to

enhance explosive power, jumping activities that involve an eccentric component such

as the drop jump or countermovement jump are adversely affected by prior static

stretching. Many athletic movements, such as running, quick directional shifts, and

jumping, involve both eccentric and concentric muscle action. As such, jump tests

that involve both concentric and eccentric muscle action (CMJ and DJ) might be more

appropriate than the squat jump to gauge the effects of static stretching on actual

athletic performance. The performance reductions in the jumping tests that most

closely reflect specific athletic movements are strong evidence that performance

decrements resulting from static stretching may transfer to more game-like situations.

Static Stretching and Performance in Athletes

The effects of static stretching on recreationally-active individuals have been

the focus of most of the research to date. The majority of the results suggest that for

individuals that are not highly trained, static stretching can decrease performance in

tests of lower-body strength and power. The picture of how static stretching affects

athletic performance is complicated by the mixed conclusions of studies that have

focused on trained athletes as the subject pool. Three studies have examined the

impact of static stretching on National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

athletes. Unick et al. (45) reported that static stretching did not affect performance in

either a countermovement jump or a drop jump in a study of NCAA Division-III

women’s basketball players. Similarly, no changes in peak torque or mean power

output of the leg extensors were observed in a study of NCAA Division-I women’s

basketball players (14). A third study that examined NCAA Division-I athletes in a

variety of sports also found no change in CMJ performance following static stretching,

but reported a significant decrease in performance when the stretching protocol

consisted of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching (10). In

studies involving athletes in other sports, Knudson et al. (26) observed no change in

tennis serve performance (speed and accuracy) after a bout of static stretching.

Likewise, in a study of competitive athletes from the United States Military Academy

(USMA), McMillan et al. determined that static stretching actually increased

performance on the 5-step jump test, compared to no prior activity (31). Furthermore,

Little and Williams (28) examined the effect of static stretching on professional soccer

players, and concluded that static stretching had no effect on CMJ height or 10 meter

sprint time, and that stretching improved performance on a flying start 20 meter sprint.

There are also an equal number of published studies that have shown static stretch-

induced performance decreases in highly trained athletes. Fletcher and Jones (18), in a

study of rugby union players, found a decrease in performance in a 20 meter sprint

after engaging in static stretching. Similarly, slower 50m sprint times have been

reported in elite sprinters after a warm-up including static stretching (17). Moreover,

two separate studies of competitive, highly-trained young gymnasts reported decreases


in drop jump performance (32) as well as in sprint speed on the approach to the vault

apparatus (41). The mixed results suggest that stretch-induced performance changes

may vary by the sport, experience level, and specific tests used in the different


It has been suggested that athletes may be less susceptible to stretch-induced

performance decreases due to the fact that static stretching is commonly performed

during training. It is possible that performing these stretches regularly as part of an

overall conditioning program confers some protective benefit against the potential

strength deficits. This may also explain why in the study examining both SS and PNF

stretching, the PNF treatment did result in a reduction in vertical jump height, as the

protocol may have been less familiar to the athletes (10). Behm et al. tested the idea

that training status may reduce the effect of static stretching in a study of

recreationally-active individuals. In that study, subjects participated in four weeks of

a five day per week flexibility program involving the quadriceps, hamstrings and

plantar flexors; this training frequency would be similar to the flexibility training

performed by athletes during daily training sessions. Following four weeks of

flexibility training, the subjects continued to demonstrate decreased performance for

MVIC of the hamstrings and quadriceps, as well as decreased performance in

countermovement jump following a bout of static stretching (6). They concluded that

flexibility-training status did not appear to confer any protective benefit.


Balance, Reaction Time, and Movement Time

Most of the literature on static stretching and performance has focused on

measures of maximal force or explosive power. While discrepancies exist between

studies, the aggregate results suggest that static stretching negatively impacts

performance in measures of maximal force production and explosive power. High-

level performance in many athletic events requires an athlete to display high degrees

of speed, balance and coordination. Peterson et al. demonstrated that muscular

strength, peak power output, and vertical jumping ability are all highly correlated with

measures of agility, speed, and acceleration (35). This suggests that if static stretching

can result in decreased performance in explosive power and maximal force output,

there is a strong likelihood that measures of agility, speed and acceleration may also

be adversely affected. Small changes in an athlete’s ability to shift balance quickly or

react to changes in an opponent’s direction may have the potential to impact the

outcome of a competition. Thus, in evaluating the effects of static stretching on

athletic performance, it is essential to take measures of agility, balance, and reaction

time into account, in addition to the more studied measures of maximal power and

jumping performance.

Despite the importance of balance, reaction time, and agility to performance in

many sports, few studies have examined the effects of stretching on these measures of

athletic performance. Behm et al. (5) observed that static stretching of the quadriceps,

hamstrings and plantar flexors resulted in impaired balance, increased reaction time,

and increased movement time in a population of healthy university students. In

contrast, McMillan et al. (31) found that static stretching had no effect on T-drill speed

(agility) or medicine ball throw (whole-body power) in a population of USMA cadets.

Little and Williams (28) also reported that static stretching had no effect on zig-zag

drill performance (agility) in a population of professional soccer players. The body of

research examining the performance variables of balance, agility, and reaction time is

limited, and the results have been inconsistent. More research is needed in order to

establish whether static stretching acutely affects these measures of performance.

Duration of Performance Reductions Following Static Stretching

Only a handful of studies have examined the duration and severity of the

performance reductions associated with static stretching. Fowles and colleagues

measured muscle activation pre-stretch, immediately post-stretch, and at 5, 15, 30, 45,

and 60 minutes post-stretch, and concluded that while decreases in MVIC force were

most severe immediately following stretching (-28%), force reductions persisted at

significant levels 60 minutes post-stretching (-9%) (19). In contrast, Bradley and

colleagues measured CMJ height at the same time intervals post-stretch and concluded

that performance decrements seen immediately after stretching (4% decrease in jump

height) had disappeared by 15 minutes post-stretch (9). The difference in outcomes in

the previous two studies is likely due to the intensity and duration of stretches used.

Fowles and colleagues stretched the plantarflexors with 13 repetitions of 2.25 minutes

each – the most extreme protocol seen in the literature – while the stretch protocol

employed by Bradley and colleagues more closely resembles a realistic pre-practice

stretch routine: 4 repetitions of 30 seconds, for 5 lower-body stretches. Both of these

protocols performed their stretching immediately prior to their performance measures,


which does not necessarily reflect current practices in sport. It is common for athletes

to perform additional sport-specific warm-up activities following static stretching, yet

little is known about the effects of static stretching following a secondary warm-up. A

recent study by Pearce and colleagues examined the effects of static stretching and a

subsequent, “secondary” dynamic warm-up on CMJ performance (34). Participants’

CMJ height was measured at baseline, following static stretching, and again following

a secondary warm-up at 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes post-exercise. The authors found a

post-stretch decrease in CMJ height that persisted despite a secondary dynamic warm-

up, and that CMJ height at 30 minutes post-dynamic warm-up was significantly worse

than at baseline or immediately post-dynamic warm-up. This suggests that even

incorporating static stretching into a broader warm-up strategy including dynamic

exercise can still significantly impact performance.

Overall, static stretching has been shown to acutely decrease performance in a

variety of performance variables, including peak torque, vertical jumping ability,

balance, reaction time, sprint speed, and movement time. While these effects have

been conclusively demonstrated in recreationally-trained subjects, the literature is

divided on whether trained athletes are susceptible to these performance decreases.

Moreover, research into the effects of static stretching on reaction time, balance, and

agility is scant. Static stretch-induced performance reductions likely last at least 15

minutes and may persist up to 60 minutes post-stretch. Moreover, performance

decrements may also persist despite additional dynamic activity after stretching. A

summary of investigative findings is found in Table 1, which summarizes subject


pools, static stretch protocols, and key findings that make up the body of research on

this subject.
TABLE 1—Summary of findings: The acute effects of static stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Static Stretch Treatment Outcome
reps x time in seconds (rest)

Cramer et al. (2004) (12) 14 females 4 x 30 (20) Decreased peak torque in leg extension
mean 22 yrs 4 leg extensor stretches

Cramer et al. (2005) (13) 7 males, 14 females 4 x 30 (20) Decreased peak torque in leg extension
mean 21.5 yrs 4 leg extensor stretches

Cramer et al. (2006) (11) 13 females 4 x 30 (20) No change in eccentric peak torque
Isokinetic PT and MP

mean 20.8 yrs 4 leg extensor stretches No change in eccentric mean power output

Evetovich et al. (2003) (15) 10 males, 8 females 4 x 30 (15) Decreased peak torque in forearm flexion
mean 22.7 yrs forearm flexor stretch

Marek et al. (2005) (29) 9 males, 10 females 4 x 30 Decreased peak torque

mean 23, 21 yrs 4 leg extensor stretches Decreased mean power output

Papadopoulos et al. (2005) (33) 32 males 3 x 30 (15) Decreased peak torque in knee extension
mean 20.7 yrs quadriceps and hamstring stretch Decreased peak torque in knee flexion

Power et al. (2004) (36) 12 males 3 x 45 (15) 5.4%-9.5% decrease in quadriceps torque
20-44 yrs 6 lower body stretches

Behm et al. (2006) (6) 9 males, 9 females 3 x 30 (30) 6.1%-8.2% decrease in MVIC knee flexion
Isometric Strength

mean 25 yrs 3 lower body stretches 6.6%-10.7% decrease in MVIC knee extension

Fowles et al. (2000) (19) 6 males, 4 females 13 x 135 (5) Decrease in MVIC lasting up to 60 minutes
mean 22.3, 20.3 yrs plantarflexors stretch

33 males, 24
Knudson et al. (2005) (25) females 4 x 10 Decrease in isometric grip strength at
wrist flexors stretch 20-40 seconds of stretching
TABLE 1 (cont’d)—The acute effects of static stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Static Stretch Treatment Outcome
reps x time in seconds (rest)

Behm and Kibele (2007) (8) 7 males, 3 females 4 x 30 (30); 3 lower body stretches Decrease in CMJ, DJ, and SJ height after all
mean 26.5 yrs 50%, 75%, or 100% force to discomfort stretching intensities (range: 3.6% to 5.6% decrease)

Behm et al. (2006) (6) 9 males, 9 females 3 x 30 (30) 5.5%-5.7% decrease CMJ height
mean 25 yrs 3 lower body stretches 5.4%-7.4% increase drop jump contact time
No change in drop jump height

10 males, 10
Knudson et al. (2001) (24) females 3 x 15 55% of subjects decreased jumping velocity
mean 23.7 yrs 3 lower body stretches 35% of subjects increased jumping velocity

Power et al. (2004) (36) 12 males 3 x 45 (15) No change in drop jump height
Jumping Performance

20-44 yrs 6 lower body stretches No change in vertical jump height

Robbins and Scheuermann

(2008) (37) 20 males 2, 4, or 6 x 15 (15) Decrease in squat jump height post-6
mean 20.3 yrs quads, hamstrings, plantarflexors No change in SJ post-2 or post-4

14 males, 12
Vetter (2007) (46) females 2 x 30 (30) Decreased CMJ height after SS compared with
mean 22.0 yrs 4 lower body stretches general warm-up (walk/run) only

Wallmann et al. (2005) (47) 8 males, 6 females 3 x 30 5.6% decrease in CMJ height
18-34 yrs gastrocnemius stretch

Young and Elliott (2001) (54) 14 males 3 x 15 (20) No change in squat jump performance
mean 22 yrs 3 lower body stretches Decrease in drop jump performance

Young and Behm (2003) (55) 13 males, 3 females 2 x 30 Decreased drop jump height
mean 26 yrs 4 lower body stretches Decreased vertical jump height
Decreased peak concentric force
Decreased rate of force development
TABLE 1 (cont’d)—The acute effects of static stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Static Stretch Treatment Outcome
reps x time in seconds (rest)

Yamaguchi et al. (2006) (52) 12 males 4 x 30 (20) Decrease in peak power at light and heavy loads
mean 23.8 yrs 6 leg extensor stretches

15 males, 15
Kokkonen et al. (1998) (27) females 6 x 15 (15) 7.3% decrease in 1RM knee flexion
mean 22 yrs 5 lower body stretches 8.1% decrease in 1RM knee extension

Yamaguchi and Ishii (2005) (51) 11 males 1 x 30 No change in leg press power
mean 23 yrs 5 lower body stretches

Church et al. (2001) (10) 40 NCAA D-I SS and PNF No change in CMJ for SS
female athletes unspecified lower body stretches Decrease in CMJ for PNF
mean 20.3 yrs

Egan et al. (2006) (14) 11 NCAA D-I 4 x 30 (20) No change in peak torque or mean power
Sport-Specific Performance

female basketball 4 leg extensor stretches

mean 20 yrs

Fletcher and Jones (2004) (18) 97 male rugby 1 x 20 Decreased performance in 20m sprint
mean 23 yrs unspecified lower body stretches

Knudson et al. (2004) (26) 83 tennis players 2 x 15 (10) No change in serve speed or accuracy
various skill levels 7 upper/lower body stretches

Little and Williams (2006) (28) 18 pro male soccer 1 x 30 (20) No change in CMJ height
4 lower body stretches No change in 10m sprint time (stationary start)
Decreased 20m sprint time (flying start)
No change in zig-zag drill time (agility)
TABLE 1 (cont’d)—The acute effects of static stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Static Stretch Treatment Outcome
reps x time in seconds (rest)

McMillan et al. (2006) (31) 30 USMA cadets 1 x 20-30 No change in T-drill speed (agility)
rugby, lacrosse, 8 stretches including upper No change in medicine ball throw
strength/conditioning and lower body Increased distance in 5-step jump
16 males, 14
Sport-Specific Performance

mean 20.2, 20.4 yrs

McNeal and Sands (2003) (32) 13 competitive 1 x 30 9.6% decrease in drop jump performance
female gymnasts 3 lower body stretches
mean 13.3 yrs

Siatras et al. (2003) (41) 11 competitive 1 x 30 Decreased vault approach speed

male gymnasts 2 lower body stretches
mean 9.8 yrs

Unick et al. (2005) (45) 16 NCAA D-III 3 x 15 No change in CMJ height

female basketball 4 lower body stretches No change in drop jump height
mean 19.2 yrs

Behm et al. (2004) (5) 16 males 3 x 45 (15) 9.2% decrease in balance scores
Other Measures

mean 24.1yrs 3 lower body stretches 4.0% increase in reaction time

1.9% increase in movement time

Faigenbaum et al. (2005) (16) 60 children 2 x 15 (5) Decreased performance in shuttle-run

mean 11.3 yrs 6 lower body stretches Decreased performance in long jump

Mechanisms of Performance Reductions

The exact mechanisms by which static stretching impairs performance are still

not clearly defined. It is clear, however, that a combination of mechanical (15, 19, 47,

50) and neural (2, 7, 12, 13, 19, 29, 36) factors play a role in static stretch-induced

force decrements. Several methods of measurement have been employed in order to

examine both mechanical and neural changes after a bout of static stretching.

Electromyography (EMG) is a measure that has been routinely used to examine

changes in muscle activation pre- and post-stretching. A decrease in EMG amplitude

suggests a reduction in motor unit activation, thereby suggesting a neurological

contribution to post-stretch decreases in muscle force. The mechanical counterpart to

electromyography, mechanomyography (MMG) has been used to examine changes in

muscle-tendon unit (MTU) stiffness. MMG is a measure of muscular vibrations

emitted by active muscle, and has been associated with muscle stiffness (4). A stiffer

MTU may dampen muscular vibrations, resulting in lower MMG amplitude. A more

compliant muscle would result in greater MMG amplitude, and would suggest that

increased muscle compliance might have contributed to stretch-induced decrements in

muscle force. The literature indicates a combination of mechanical and neurological

factors likely contribute to the deleterious effects of static stretching on muscular

power output.

Both neural and mechanical factors play a role in decreasing power output

following static stretching. Fowles et al. (19) attempted to quantify the relative

contributions of mechanical and neural factors to stretch-induced decreases in

maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of the plantarflexors. Their


investigation employed electromyography to study changes in muscle activation pre-

stretch, immediately post-stretch, and at 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes post-stretch.

The results indicated a 28% mean decrease in MVIC force immediately post-stretch,

with MVIC values remaining 9% below pre-stretch values at a full 60 min post-

stretching. Decreased EMG amplitudes demonstrated decreased neural activation at 5

min post-stretch, but interestingly, EMG amplitude had recovered to pre-stretch values

by 15 minutes post-stretch. The authors concluded that much of the initial stretch-

induced force decrease was neural in origin, but that lingering decreases in force might

be mechanical in origin, as force decrements persisted after EMG amplitudes had

recovered to pre-stretch values. They estimated that immediately post stretch, neural

mechanisms accounted for 60% of the decrease in MVIC, while the remaining 40%

appeared to be mechanically-mediated. By 30 minutes post-stretch, however, neural

deficits accounted for only approximately 10% of the remaining force deficit, while

90% appeared to be mechanical in origin (19). The results of this study support the

theory that both neural and contractile changes influence stretch-induced force

decrements. The direct validity of their results in terms of sports performance,

however, is questionable, as the plantarflexors were stretched for over thirty minutes.

Stretching of a single muscle group for such a long period of time is highly unrealistic

from a competitive perspective – it is unlikely that any sporting event would require

such extensive focus on a particular muscle group. Thus, while their findings are not

directly applicable to a sports performance framework, their theoretical contribution to

the understanding of the origins of force decrements is considerable.


Mechanical Factors

Mechanical factors may play a role in decreased force production following a

bout of static stretching. Static stretching results in increased compliance in the MTU,

including a more compliant tendon capable of absorbing a considerable amount of

energy. Witvrouw et al. argue that in some sporting activities, particularly those

involving movements that transfer considerable force to the MTU, a stiff tendon might

be advantageous from a performance standpoint, as it would facilitate rapid changes in

tension and therefore a faster joint motion response. As the MTU lengthens and

becomes more compliant, they argue that contractile elements must contract over a

greater distance to “pick up the slack”, resulting in reduced peak torque and a slower

rate of force development (50). Weerapong et al. support this argument, contending

that increased compliance to the MTU requires increased contractile force to transmit

muscle force to the joint, resulting in a delay in external force generation (48). A

stiffer MTU, therefore, would be more efficient in transmitting contractile force to the

joint and initiating a forceful joint movement response.

Evetovich et al. (15) and Wallmann et al. (47) have published findings

supporting mechanically-mediated changes in force production. Evetovich et al.

supported a mechanical mechanism for decreases in force production in a study of

isokinetic peak torque of the biceps brachii. After static stretching, a decrease in peak

forearm flexion torque was observed along with an increase in MMG amplitude, while

no change was observed in EMG amplitude (15). This suggested that little change in

motor unit activation had occurred, but that the MTU had become more compliant due

to the stretch treatment, resulting in decreased peak torque. Wallmann et al. (47)

reported a 17.9% increase in EMG amplitude with no increase in performance

following static stretching of the gastrocnemius muscles, suggesting that additional

motor units had been recruited to compensate for changes to the mechanical properties

of the muscle. From these results, stretch-induced performance changes appear to be

at least partially mechanical in origin.

Neural Factors

Neurally-mediated decreases in power post-stretch have also been documented.

Decreases in motor unit activation have been demonstrated on multiple occasions (2,

7, 29, 36) via decreases in EMG amplitude following a bout of static stretching.

Weerapong et al. also suggested that static stretching may increase presynaptic

inhibition, as well as reducing synaptic transmission during repetitive activation (48),

potentially decreasing performance in repetitive power-based movements. These

results collectively suggest that a reduction in motor unit activation can at least

partially explain acute loss of force following static stretching. Moreover, at least one

study has argued that neural changes may be influenced by the degree of stretching.

Guissard et al. (22) suggested that following moderate static stretching of the soleus,

there was a reduction in presynaptic neural input to the motoneuron pool. However,

with more intense stretching (stretching involving a greater increase in muscle length),

it appeared that postsynaptic reduction in the excitability of the alpha motoneurons

played a larger role in stretch-induced force decrements.

Recent research by Cramer and colleagues lends convincing evidence to

support neurally-mediated changes to muscular force output following static stretching


(12, 13). In two separate studies, one performed on a mixed-gender group of subjects

and one performed exclusively on separate female subjects, the leg extensor muscles

of the dominant limb only were stretched using one unassisted and 3 assisted static

stretches. Peak torque, mean power, EMG and MMG data were recorded pre- and

post-stretching for both the dominant (stretched) and non-dominant (unstretched)

limb. In both studies, after stretching the dominant leg only, a decrease in peak torque

was observed in both the stretched and unstretched limb. Moreover, EMG amplitude

for the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris decreased post-stretch for both the stretched

and unstretched limbs, indicating that motor unit activation had decreased in both

limbs, even though only one had been physically stretched. MMG amplitude for both

the stretched and unstretched limb was unchanged pre- to post-stretch, suggesting that

there were no significant changes in MTU compliance in either the stretched or

unstretched leg. Cramer and colleagues concluded that since decreases in maximal

force production were observed in both the stretched and the unstretched limb, a

central nervous system inhibitory mechanism must have been at least partially

responsible for decreasing motor unit activation and/or firing frequency (13).

In summary, the mechanisms by which static stretching acutely decreases force

production have not positively been identified. However, it appears that a

combination of mechanical changes (increased compliance of the MTU) and neural

changes (decreased motor unit activation and/or decreased alpha motoneuron

excitability) play a role in stretch-induced force decrements. Several studies have

suggested that neural deficits appear to recover within 15 minutes post-stretch (2, 19),

but that force decrements can persist up to an hour post-stretch (19), again supporting

a combination of neurally and mechanically-mediated changes to the MTU.

Stretching and Injury Prevention

Despite the common perception that stretching prior to activity will reduce an

individual’s risk of injury, little concrete evidence supports this contention. Most

muscle injuries occur within normal limits of range of motion, and occur during the

eccentric phase of muscle contraction (49). Flexibility is a continuum, and individuals

at the extremes, exhibiting either drastically reduced flexibility or extreme flexibility,

bear a greater risk of injury (49). Static stretching is effective at increasing the range

of motion about a particular joint (44, 48-50), increasing static flexibility. This is

contrasted with dynamic flexibility, which involves active muscle contraction to move

a joint through its range of motion (3, 48). To date, there has not been any convincing

evidence linking an increase in passive range of motion achieved by static stretching

to the dynamic flexibility necessary in many athletic activities. Moreover, the

literature fails to credibly establish any direct link between pre-activity stretching and

injury risk.

The literature reviewing the role of static stretching in injury prevention covers

a broad range of activities, each with distinct musculoskeletal demands. Witvrouw et

al. (50) argue that much of the confusion surrounding the role of stretching in injury

prevention stems from the fact that the body of literature examines sports with vastly

different movement patterns. In their extensive review, they argue that different sports

require varying levels of compliance in the MTU. Specifically, they divide sports

activities into two broad categories: sports involving high-intensity stretch-shortening

cycle (SSC) movements, and sports involving no or low-intensity stretch-shortening

cycle movements. Sports involving lower-intensity stretch-shortening cycles such as

cycling or swimming might benefit from a stiffer MTU unit. A stiffer MTU would

have the ability to transmit force more quickly across a joint, resulting in a quicker

movement with less energy wasted in picking up the “slack” of a more compliant

MTU. Moreover, as these lower-intensity SSC activities do not place excessive

tensile stress on the MTU, it is unlikely that static stretching would greatly impact

rates of injury. In contrast, sports involving quick bursts of speed, changes in

direction, rebounding, and other higher intensity movements might benefit from a

more compliant MTU in order to store and release adequate elastic energy to produce

explosive movement without causing damage to the muscle. In these activities,

stretching might be beneficial in terms of preventing some injuries by increasing the

amount of energy that the MTU can absorb without rupturing (50). It is important to

note, however, that achieving increased musculotendinous compliance does not

necessarily need to involve static stretching prior to activity.

A more recent direction for injury prevention appears to be a multifaceted

model, which includes an appropriate pre-exercise warm-up, combined with

plyometric, proprioceptive, and strength training (44). Several reasons exist to justify

this shift. Most muscle strain injuries occur during the eccentric phase of muscle

contraction; therefore, it is unclear how increasing range of motion through static

stretching would, in itself, be effective at preventing muscle strains. Thacker et al.

suggest that the general aerobic component of the warm-up is more effective than

stretching at increasing blood flow to the muscles, increasing the efficiency of delivery

of energy substrate and oxygen to working muscles, removing waste products, and

increasing the speed of nerve impulses (44). In terms of oxygen supply to muscle

tissue, the Bohr shift dictates that as muscle temperature increases, the amount of

oxygen released from hemoglobin into the working muscles increases (30). A more

active warm-up may not only be beneficial for performance, but may also be

beneficial from an injury standpoint as this gradual progression of activity prepares the

muscles for the more strenuous demands of competition.

Dynamic Stretching: An Effective Alternative

A general aerobic warm-up of 5-10 minutes is more effective than stretching at

increasing blood flow to working muscles, increasing muscle temperature, improving

delivery of oxygen and energy substrate, increasing nerve impulse velocity, and

removing metabolic waste products (44). A study by Behm and colleagues reported

that just 5 minutes of moderate intensity cycling, without any accompanying

stretching exercises, resulted in improved performance in balance, decreased reaction

time and decreased movement time, when compared to measurements taken prior to

engaging in any physical activity (5). These findings are supported by the results of

two studies that examined several combinations of warm-up activities on vertical

jumping performance. Activities included general warm-up exercise (walking and/or

jogging), dynamic stretching, practice jumps, and static stretching. Both studies found

a general tendency for reduced jump height when the warm-up included static

stretching (either alone or in combination with other exercises), and for improved

jump height when the exercises included a general warm-up, dynamic stretching or

practice jumps (46, 55). These studies support the importance of including a general

component to the warm-up that increases heart rate and muscle temperature in order to

prepare the body for more intense exercise. Following the general warm-up, several

authors have suggested performing exercises that would function to increase range of

motion without the performance decrements associated with static stretching, and that

might potentially serve to improve performance (18, 21, 28, 31, 51). Dynamic

stretching, which involves actively moving a joint through its range of motion without

holding the movement at its endpoint, may increase flexibility without reducing

neuromuscular activity (48). Exercises such as a walking lunge, high knee pulls,

skipping, carioca, various bounds and jumping exercises, and gradual accelerations are

examples of common dynamic warm-up exercises.

In addition to increasing range of motion, a progression from moderate to high

intensity dynamic movements might also improve performance by increasing balance

and coordination and enhancing neuromuscular function (16, 42). Several studies

have investigated the effect of dynamic stretching on various measures of sport

performance. Fletcher and Jones’ study of 20m sprint performance in rugby union

players compared the effects of static and dynamic stretch treatments. Players were

tested after completing a 10 minute moderate intensity jog, and then once again after

completing either a static stretching session or a dynamic stretching session. As

discussed previously, the players who underwent the static stretch treatment exhibited

significantly slower sprint times. In contrast, the players in the dynamic stretch group

significantly decreased their sprint time (18). A later study found similar results in a

group of trained sprinters, whose 50m sprint times improved after a warm-up that

included both a general component and dynamic stretching (17). The authors

suggested that the improvements seen after dynamic stretching may be due to the

rehearsal of specific movement patterns in the dynamic stretching exercises, and also

hypothesized that dynamic stretching may allow for a more optimal switch from

eccentric to concentric muscle action, improving explosive force production (17).

Further evidence suggesting that dynamic warm-up may improve performance

in athletes was published by Little and Williams (28). In their study of professional

soccer players, they concluded that 4 lower body dynamic stretches, performed for 60

seconds each, resulted in improved performance in both a stationary-start 10 meter

sprint and a flying-start 20 meter sprint, as well as improved performance in a zig-zag

drill measuring agility. McMillan et al. (31) also found that a dynamic warm-up

consisting of callisthenic exercises (such as bend and reach, squats, lunges, pushups)

and movement drills (such as shuffling, high-knee jogging, carioca, and gradual

accelerations) resulted in significantly improved performance in a T-drill (agility),

medicine ball throw (whole body power), and 5-step jump (lower body explosive

power) in USMA cadet-athletes. These results suggest that a range of dynamic

stretching exercises may be effective in improving performance across a wide variety

of performance variables.

In addition to the performance improvements reported in athletes, dynamic

stretching also appears to improve performance in recreationally-trained subjects.

Yamaguchi and Ishii (51) reported a significant increase in power in a leg press test

following dynamic stretching consisting of 15 repetitions of 5 lower body stretches.


Gourgoulis et al. (21) tested subjects before and after engaging in a gradual

progression of submaximal half squats, ranging from 20% to 90% of 1RM. They

found that after the half squats, subjects demonstrated a significant (+2.4%) increase

in CMJ height. After dividing their subject pool into two groups based on pre-squat

jumping ability, the authors also found that the stronger group (those with greater

jumping ability) increased their CMJ height by an average of 4.01%, compared with

the lower-ability jumping group, which only increased CMJ height by an average of

0.42%. This would suggest that for stronger, potentially better-trained individuals, a

dynamic warm-up can have substantial performance benefits.

In sum, dynamic stretching appears to improve performance in force

production, jumping performance, sprint speed, and agility drills. Table 2 summarizes

the subject pools, dynamic stretch protocols, and key findings that make up the body

of research thus far.

TABLE 2 —Summary of findings: The acute effects of dynamic stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Dynamic Stretching Treatment Outcome

Fletcher and Anness

(2007) (17) 10 male, 8 female 3 treatments: Improved 50m sprint time after ADS and DADS
elite 100m sprinters 1. Static DS = while stationary (ADS) compared with SADS
2. Static + Active DS = same as above
plus 2 x 5 exercises over 20m (DADS)
3. Static stretching + ADS treatment (SADS)

Fletcher and Jones (2004)

(18) 97 male rugby 2 DS treatments: ADS: Decreased 20m sprint time
mean 23 yrs Active DS = at a jogging pace SDS: No change in 20m sprint time
Static DS = while stationary
Both groups: 5 lower body
exercises, 20 reps each leg

Gourgoulis et al. (2003)

(21) 20 males 5 sets of 2 half-squats Increased CMJ height
mean 21.2 yrs from 20%-90% of 1RM

Holt and Lambourne (2008) 64 NCAA D-1 male

(23) football 1. General warm-up only CMJ height after #1, 3, 4 significant higher than after #2
mean 20.7 yrs 2. General warm-up + SS: 3 x 5sec (1 sec rest); 5 stretches
3. General warm-up + DS: 10 reps of 6 lower body exercises
4. General warm-up + dynamic flexibility: 10 reps of 8 movements

Little and Williams (2006)

(28) 18 pro male soccer 4 lower-body exercises No change in CMJ height
60 seconds each Decreased 20m sprint time (flying start)
Decreased 10m sprint time (stationary start)
Decreased zig-zag drill time (agility)
TABLE 2 (cont’d) —The acute effects of dynamic stretching on various measures of performance.
Author Subjects Dynamic Stretching Treatment Outcome

McMillan et al. (2006) (31) 30 USMA cadets 1 x 10 various calisthenics Decrease in T-drill completion time (agility)
rugby, lacrosse, (bend and reach, lunge, Increased distance in medicine ball throw
strength/conditioning push-up, squat jump, etc) (whole body power)
16 males, 14 females plus 20-25 m movement Increased distance in 5 step jump
mean 20.2, 20.4 yrs drills (carioca, shuffle,
gradual accelerations, etc)

Papadopoulos et al. (2005)

(33) 32 males 6 x 15 leg swings No change in isokinetic torque
mean 20.7 yrs Leg extensors and flexors

Vetter (2007) (46) 14 males, 12 females 4 warm-up components, 6 combinations CMJ height best after walk/run, DS, practice jumps
mean 22.0 yrs Walk/run; dynamic stretch; practice jumps; static stretch CMJ height worst after SS or SS + practice jumps

Yamaguchi and Ishii (2005)

(51) 11 males 15 x 2-second repetitions 10% increase in leg extension power
mean 22.8 yrs 5 lower body stretches

Yamaguchi et al. (2007)

(53) 12 males 2 x 15 repetitions Increase in leg extension peak power @ 5, 30, 60% MVC
mean 24.1 yrs 4 lower body stretches 8.9%, 6.0%, 8.1% respectively

Dynamic Stretching: Mechanisms of Improved Performance

The performance improvements experienced following dynamic stretching

have been tentatively attributed to several factors, including increased muscle

temperature (44), movement rehearsal (17, 18, 28), and postactivation potentiation

(PAP) (5, 16, 31, 39, 51). The nature of a dynamic stretching protocol is inherently

active – because the subject continues to work at a low to moderate intensity

throughout the dynamic stretch protocol, muscle temperature remains elevated. In

comparison, when an athlete sits down to complete a static stretch protocol, muscle

temperature decreases, and any increases gained by a submaximal jog prior to

stretching may be reduced. The elevated muscle temperature from dynamic stretching

results in increased substrate delivery, waste product removal, and nerve impulse

conductivity, all of which can contribute to improving performance.

It is also possible that the rehearsal of activity-specific movement patterns may

contribute to improved performance. Submaximal rehearsal of specific aspects of the

sprint cycle, for example, is thought to contribute to improved sprint performance by

enhancing movement pattern coordination (18). In addition, the rehearsal of

movements inherent in a dynamic stretching protocol may be beneficial for sports

requiring high-speed movements, such as soccer (28).

Finally, postactivation potentiation (PAP) has been widely postulated as a

mechanism of improved performance following dynamic stretching. PAP increases

the efficiency of muscular contraction by lowering the threshold for recruitment of

motor units (55) and by increasing the rate at which crossbridges form within the

muscle (5). A quicker rate of crossbridge formation would affect the rate of force

development, which may in turn affect performance (5, 16). In addition, Behm et al.

speculated that PAP would benefit balance and reaction time by decreasing response

time to shifts in body posture (5). PAP occurs following submaximal or maximal

muscle contraction, and therefore the muscle contractions involved in dynamic

stretching activate this beneficial mechanism. Thus, PAP may partially explain

performance improvements both relating to maximal force and power, as well as

balance, reaction time, and agility measures.

Taken together, studies examining the role of both a general, aerobic warm-up

and of dynamic stretching suggest the following: first, a general, aerobic component to

the pre-activity warm-up is beneficial for increasing muscle temperature, for efficient

substrate delivery and utilization within the muscle tissue, for enhanced neural

impulse conduction, and may also directly improve performance. Second, a dynamic

stretching routine may improve performance by several mechanisms. Dynamic

stretching preserves this elevated muscle temperature, may increase range of motion

without reducing neural input to working muscles, may enhance coordination, and

serves as a rehearsal of sport-specific movements. The net effect is a performance

improvement in events requiring speed, power, and quick reaction time.


Despite traditional recommendations to include static stretching as part of a

pre-game warm-up routine, current evidence suggests that static stretching can be

harmful to performance by affecting rate of force production and peak force

production capacity. Performance reductions have been documented in isokinetic and


isometric measures of force, as well as in sprint speed and jump height. Additionally,

little evidence exists to support the notion that static stretching is helpful in reducing

injuries – rather, a more comprehensive model of injury reduction is emerging that

includes a general warm-up combined with plyometric, proprioceptive, and strength

training (44). Dynamic stretching exercises can increase muscle temperature and

blood flow while improving nerve conduction velocity and waste product removal.

Additionally, sport-specific dynamic stretching can provide an opportunity for skill

rehearsal, further improving performance. To date, little is known about the effects of

static and dynamic stretching on ancillary measures of performance such as reaction

time. In competitive sports where the difference between winning and losing may be a

fraction of a second, it is essential that coaches and strength and conditioning

professionals have the knowledge to design the best warm-up routine to maximize



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Chapter 3: Warm-Up with Dynamic Stretching Improves

Countermovement Jump Performance

Perrier ET, Hoffman MA

Sports Medicine and Disabilities Research Laboratory, Oregon State University

Erica T. Perrier

101 Women’s Building

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331

(541) 737-6899

Keywords: static stretch, warm-up, dynamic stretch, countermovement jump, reaction


Manuscript to be submitted to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.




Sports Medicine and Disabilities Research Laboratory, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

Address all correspondence to:

Erica T. Perrier
101 Women’s Building
Corvallis, OR 97331


PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to quantify the effects of a warm-up

with static or dynamic stretching on countermovement jump height, reaction time,

muscle onsets for tibialis anterior (TA) and vastus lateralis (VL), and low back/

hamstring flexibility.

METHODS: Twenty one recreationally-active males (24.4 ± 4.5 yrs), recruited from

the university community, completed 3 data collection sessions. Inclusion criteria

were regular participation (30 minutes, 3 days per week) in exercise including

resistance training, sprinting, or jumping, and no history of lower extremity injury in

the past 6 months. Each session included a 5 minute treadmill jog followed by one of

the stretch treatments: no stretching (NS), static stretching (SS), or dynamic stretching

(DS). After the general warm-up and treatment, the participant performed a sit-and-

reach test to assess low back and hamstring flexibility. Next, the participant

completed a series of ten maximal-effort countermovement jumps (CMJ), during

which he was asked to jump as quickly as possible after seeing a visual stimulus

(light). The onset of movement and CMJ height were determined from force plate

data, and muscle onsets (TA and VL) were obtained using surface electromyography

(sEMG). Ground reaction forces were recorded at 2000 Hz using a portable force

plate, and filtered at 25 Hz. Outcome measures included maximal jump height,

reaction time, and muscle onset (TA and VL). A repeated measures 3 (treatment) by 8

(jump) ANOVA was used to assess CMJ height. Additional outcome measures

(reaction time, muscle onsets, flexibility) were assessed using separate repeated-

measures one-way ANOVA.


RESULTS: Results of the 3x8 repeated-measures ANOVA for CMJ height revealed a

significant main effect of treatment (p=.004). Post hoc analysis showed significant

differences between NS (41.4cm) and DS (43.0cm) (p=.0045), and between SS

(41.9cm) and DS (p=.0435), but not between NS and SS (p=.4605). Analysis also

revealed a significant main effect of jump (p=.005) on CMJ height: mean jump height

progressively decreased from the early to the late jumps. No significant interaction

between treatment and jump was observed (p=.571). The analysis of reaction time,

TA and VL sEMG onsets showed no significant effects. Treatment also had a main

effect (p<.001) on flexibility. Post hoc analysis revealed improved flexibility after

both SS (p=.002) and DS (p<.001) compared with NS, with no difference in flexibility

between the two treatments (p=.530).

CONCLUSION: CMJ height was significantly higher during the DS condition

compared to SS and NS, with no difference between NS and SS. Additionally,

reaction time and muscle onsets were not influenced by either stretch technique.

Athletes in sports requiring lower-extremity power should use dynamic stretching

techniques in warm-up to enhance flexibility while improving performance.



Athletes traditionally include static stretching as part of a pre-activity warm-up

in order to improve performance and decrease the risk of injury. Despite this common

practice, no conclusive evidence exists supporting the theory that static stretching

prior to exercise reduces injury risk (23). Additionally, static stretching has recently

been purported to decrease maximal force production (9, 10, 17, 18, 20), jump height

(5, 27, 32), and sprint speed (12, 16), while increasing reaction time and impairing

balance (4). As a result, strength and conditioning professionals have begun to shift

away from pre-practice static stretching in favor of a functional, dynamic warm-up

(2). Dynamic stretching theoretically provides the same flexibility benefits as static

stretching without compromising performance and may even improve performance in

activities involving explosive power (15, 30).

Static stretching-related performance reductions have been explained by a

combination of mechanical and neural factors. Mechanically, static stretching results

in increased compliance in the musculotendinous unit (MTU), including a more

compliant tendon capable of absorbing increased energy (28). As the MTU lengthens

and becomes more compliant, contractile elements must contract over a greater

distance, and more forcefully, to “pick up the slack”, resulting in reduced peak torque

and a slower rate of force development (28). A stiffer MTU would therefore be

advantageous for performance, as it would facilitate rapid changes in tension and a

faster joint motion response. Neurologically, static stretching appears to decrease

motor unit activation (1, 6, 17, 20). Cramer and colleagues reported that static

stretching performed on the dominant leg resulted in decreases in peak torque and

motor unit activation (as measured by electromyography amplitude) in both the

stretched and unstretched limbs (9, 10). Their research suggests that since deficits in

maximal force production were observed in both the stretched and the unstretched

limb, a central nervous system inhibitory mechanism must be at least partially

responsible for the observed changes (10).

Recent studies suggest that dynamic stretching prior to activity may improve

performance by increasing joint range of motion and core body temperature, resulting

in increased blood flow to the muscles and faster nerve-impulse conduction (24).

Dynamic stretches that simulate movement patterns used in a sport may also “prime”

the muscles by providing an opportunity for sport-specific skill rehearsal (16).

Dynamic stretching routines incorporate skipping, directional running, shuffling, and

various calisthenics of increasing intensity that simulate the movement patterns

necessary for success in a particular sport. Performance improvements after dynamic

stretching have been documented in sprinting (11), jumping (15), and peak force

generating capacity (30). Recent guidelines recommend strength and conditioning

professionals replace static stretching with dynamic stretching in their pre-activity

warm-ups, suggesting that dynamic stretching is becoming an accepted alternative to

static stretching in pre-game warm-ups.

Successful performance in sport often requires explosive power and quick

reaction time. In elite competition, where success may be affected by incredibly small

performance differences, it becomes essential for the athlete to maximize benefits

from the warm-up. The purpose of this research was to quantify the effects of a warm-

up with static or dynamic stretching on countermovement jump (CMJ) height, reaction


time, muscle onsets – tibialis anterior (TA) and vastus lateralis (VL) – and low back/

hamstring flexibility. We hypothesized that a warm-up including static stretching

would reduce jump height and delay reaction time, while a warm-up with dynamic

stretching would improve jump height and reaction time. Additionally, we

hypothesized that both warm-ups would be equally effective at increasing hamstring



Experimental Approach to the Problem

The purpose was to quantify the effects of a warm-up with static or dynamic

stretching on countermovement jump height, reaction time, muscle onsets (TA and

VL), and low back/ hamstring flexibility. Participants completed three testing

sessions, each consisting of a general warm-up followed by one of three treatments: no

stretching (NS), static stretching (SS), or dynamic stretching (DS). After the general

warm-up and treatment, the participant was measured on each of the outcome

variables. First the participant performed a sit-and-reach test to assess low back and

hamstring flexibility. Next, the participant completed a series of ten maximal-effort

countermovement jumps, during which he was asked to jump as quickly as possible

after seeing a visual stimulus (light). The onset of movement and CMJ height were

determined from force plate data. Muscle onsets (tibialis anterior and vastus lateralis)

were obtained using surface electromyography. The order of treatments was

counterbalanced and the three sessions were scheduled 3 to 7 days apart.



Twenty-one male university students (24.4 ± 4.5 yrs; 1.80 ± .06 m; 81.1 ± 14.0

kg) volunteered for this study. Inclusion criteria included regular participation

(minimum of 30 minutes per day, 3 days per week) in physical activity that included

resistance training, sprinting, jumping, or quick changes in direction. Individuals who

reported low-back or lower extremity injury (strain, sprain, or fracture) in the past 6

months were excluded. Participants were asked to abstain from resistance training for

at least 24 hours prior to testing. The study was approved by an institutional review

board for the protection of human subjects, and all participants gave their informed



Participants completed three testing sessions. A general warm-up was

performed at the start of each testing session. The general warm-up consisted of a 5

minute treadmill jog at self-selected pace (8.6 ± 1.4 km·h-1) that was kept constant for

all three testing sessions, followed by two submaximal countermovement practice

jumps. After completing the general warm-up, participants completed 1 of the 3

treatments (NS, SS, DS) during each visit. During the No Stretching (NS) treatment,

subjects sat quietly for 15 minutes. The Static Stretching (SS) treatment consisted of 7

lower-extremity stretching exercises (Table 1). The selected stretches are

representative of commonly-recommended stretches to target major muscle groups of

the lower extremity (3). Each stretch was held for 30 seconds and was performed

twice (3). Mean time to complete the SS protocol was 14.8 ± 0.4 minutes. The

dynamic stretching (DS) treatment consisted of 11 exercises of increasing intensity

performed on a regulation-size volleyball court (18.3m) (Table 2). Mean time to

complete the DS treatment was 13.8 ± 1.7 minutes. Subjects rated the intensity of the

dynamic warm-up as a 5.2 ± 1.2 on the modified Borg RPE scale (1-10).



After completing the treatment, flexibility was assessed using a sit and reach

box, following a standard protocol (3, 8, 29) Participants removed their shoes and

placed their heels 12 inches apart, with feet flat against the measurement device (Flex

Tester ®, Novel Products, Inc., Rockton, IL). Bending at the waist, and keeping knees

fully extended, participants reached forward with overlapping fingertips, sliding the

indicator forward with their fingertips. The best of three trials was retained.

After the sit-and-reach test, leg dominance was determined using three

functional tests: the ball kick test, step-up test, and balance recovery test (14). Next,

the participant was instrumented with surface electromyography (sEMG) electrodes

and an electrogoniometer. Disposable lubricated surface electromyography (sEMG)

electrodes (Ag/AgCl) were affixed over the vastus lateralis (VL) and tibialis anterior

(TA) of the dominant leg using placement described by Rainoldi et al.(21). An

electrogoniometer (BioPac Systems, Goleta, CA) was affixed to the lateral aspect of

the participant’s dominant knee to monitor knee joint angle during the CMJs.

After being instrumented, participants performed a series of 10 CMJs.

Participants stood on a portable force plate (Kistler USA, Amherst, NY) with hands

akimbo, and were instructed to perform a maximal-height CMJ as quickly as possible

after seeing a visual stimulus (light) that was at eye level approximately 2m in front of

the participant. A total of 10 CMJs were performed with 60 seconds rest between

jumps. Ground reaction forces were recorded at 2000 Hz, low-pass filtered at 25 Hz

and processed using a custom program (LabVIEW 8.5, National Instruments, Austin

TX). Recorded ground reaction forces were used to calculate CMJ height and

movement onset. CMJ height was calculated by integrating the area under the force-

time curve from the onset of movement to the instant of take-off, in order to obtain

vertical velocity at take-off, and by integrating velocity to find vertical height of the

participant’s center of mass at take-off. Projectile motion equations were then used to

calculate jump height. The onset of movement, which was used to determine reaction

time in addition to the jump height calculation, was determined to be the point when

vertical ground reaction force fell 3 standard deviations below its baseline value. For

each CMJ, muscle onsets for the TA and VL with respect to the stimulus display were

determined using sEMG collected at 2000 Hz (BioPac Systems, Goleta, CA). EMG

tracings were rectified and smoothed using 10 sample averaging. VL and TA onsets

were defined to be the points when rectified EMG amplitude remained 3 standard

deviations above baseline for 10ms (TA) or 20ms (VL). Onsets selected by a custom

program (LabVIEW version 8.5) were visually confirmed and adjusted if necessary

(66 out of 1260 trials).


Statistical Analysis

The purpose of this experiment was to quantify the effects of a warm-up with

static or dynamic stretching on the following dependent variables: countermovement

jump height, reaction time, muscle onsets (TA and VL), and low back/ hamstring

flexibility. Data from jumps 1 and 10 of each testing session was discarded due to

inconsistency with other jumps. Data from two subjects were excluded due to missing

data points and extreme variation between testing sessions. CMJ height was analyzed

with a [3 (treatment) x 8 (jump)] repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)

(SPSS version 15 for Windows, Chicago, IL). Based on the finding of the initial 3 X 8

ANOVA, the data were collapsed across jumps and a single factor (treatment)

repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the remaining dependent variables.

Since flexibility was measured only after each treatment, 1x3 ANOVA was used. All

post hoc analyses were conducted using Bonferroni-adjusted paired t-tests.

Significance was set at p < 0.05.


Results of the 3x8 repeated-measures ANOVA for CMJ height revealed a main

effect of stretch treatment (p=.004) (Fig. 1). Analysis also revealed a significant main

effect of jump on CMJ height: a linear trend of decreasing performance across jumps

existed in all groups (p=.005) (Fig. 2). No significant interaction between treatment

and jump was observed (p=.571). Post-hoc comparisons between the treatments

revealed that mean CMJ height was significantly higher after DS compared to NS and

SS (one-tailed t-tests: p=.0045 and p=.0435). The difference in mean jump height

between NS and SS was not significant (p=.4605). The analysis of reaction time, TA

and VL sEMG onsets showed no significant effects (Fig. 3). Means and p-values for

all variables are listed in Table 3.

A 1x3 ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of stretch treatment on sit-

and-reach flexibility (p<.001) (Fig. 4). Post-hoc analyses revealed that both SS and

DS significantly increased flexibility compared to NS (SS: p=.002; DS: p<.001). No

difference in sit-and-reach scores was observed between SS and DS (p=.530),

suggesting that both stretch techniques were equally effective in enhancing lower back

and hamstring flexibility.



The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects of a warm-up

including static or dynamic stretching on countermovement jump performance,

reaction time, TA and VL onsets, and hamstring flexibility. Using a repeated-

measures design, the results revealed that CMJ height was significantly higher after

DS compared with NS or SS (3.9% and 2.5% improvement, respectively). These

results are consistent with previous research that reported increases in CMJ height

after a warm-up consisting of progressive-resistance half-squats (13). Additional

studies have revealed that warm-up treatments including jogging and/or dynamic

stretching and practice jumps resulted in higher CMJ height than warm-ups that

included static stretching (26, 32). Dynamic stretching has also been shown to

improve sprint times and agility drill performance. Little and Williams (16) reported

that lower-body dynamic exercises resulted in reduced 10 and 20m sprint times as well

as zig-zag drill time, but reported no change in CMJ performance. Additional research

suggests that dynamic exercise performed at a jogging pace can improve sprint

performance; however, comparable improvements were not observed when these

exercises were performed while stationary (12). These studies collectively suggest

that dynamic stretching exercises, particularly those performed at a jogging pace as

opposed to stationary, can improve performance in measures of power such as

sprinting and jumping.

Our results suggest that static stretching has no effect on jump height, when

compared with no stretching. While many studies investigating the effects of static

stretching on performance have reported decreases in peak torque (9, 10, 17, 18, 20)

and jump height (5, 7, 27, 32), there is still disagreement as to what extent static

stretching reduces performance. Several authors (8, 16, 20, 25) have reported no

change in jump performance after performing lower-extremity static stretching

ranging from 3 repetitions of 15 seconds (25) up to 3 repetitions of 45 seconds (20).

In our study, the static stretch protocol consisted of a moderate amount of stretching (2

repetitions of 30 seconds for 7 lower-extremity stretches), which resulted in no change

in CMJ height when compared with no stretching (NS). It is possible that the 15-

minute waiting period between the general warm-up and jump testing in the NS

condition eliminated any potential differences between general warm-up only and

warm-up with static stretching. It is also possible that 2 sets of 30 seconds was not a

sufficient stretch duration to induce performance deficits. A recent study by Robbins


and Scheuermann (22) reported that squat jump performance was affected by 6 sets of

quadriceps, hamstring, and plantarflexor stretches, but that jump height was unaffected

by 2 or 4 sets of the stretches. Their research, however, examined the concentric-only

squat jump, which does not rely on the stretch-shortening cycle to enhance lower-

extremity power production and may therefore be less susceptible to stretch-induced

force decrements (31).

One mechanism by which dynamic stretching may improve performance is by

providing an opportunity for rehearsal of specific movement patterns (12, 16). If

dynamic stretching improved performance by allowing for a rehearsal of movement,

participants’ peak performance would be expected to occur during the last several

jumps in the series, as the earlier jumps might provide more opportunity for skill-

specific rehearsal. Contrary to this, our results showed a progressive decrease in CMJ

height from the early jumps to the later jumps. This gradual decrease in jump height is

particularly interesting after static stretching. We expected to see mean jump height

increase progressively during the jump series, since the first few jumps had the

potential to function as a secondary warm-up that might gradually increase mean CMJ

height up to the level reached after dynamic stretching. Pearce and colleagues

observed a similar phenomenon to the present while examining the performance

impact of a secondary dynamic warm-up after static stretching (19). The authors

found that performance deficits observed after static stretching continued to worsen

for up to 30 minutes following 10-12 minutes of secondary dynamic movement drills.

From a performance perspective, this suggests that potential deficits in performance

after static stretching are not easily reversed through additional activity.

From a neurological perspective, post-activation potentiation (PAP) has been

proposed as a mechanism for improved performance following dynamic stretching.

PAP increases the efficiency of muscular contraction by lowering the threshold for

recruitment of motor units (32) and by increasing the rate of crossbridge formation (4).

Behm and colleagues speculated that PAP may also benefit reaction time by

decreasing response time to shifts in body posture (4). In contrast, our results did not

reveal statistically significant differences in reaction time between the stretch

treatments. Large inter- and intra- subject variability in muscle onsets and insufficient

power in our study may have resulted in an inability to detect possible subtle


The observed differences in CMJ height reveal a clear performance advantage

in choosing dynamic stretching prior to exercise. A second important consideration in

warm-up design, however, is whether the chosen stretching method produces the

desired increase in flexibility. Our results suggest that static and dynamic stretching

are equally effective at improving sit and reach performance. Thus, dynamic

stretching may be particularly beneficial in sports requiring a combination of

flexibility and explosive force, as it appears to provide the greatest performance

benefits without sacrificing acute flexibility in the process.

There were some limitations to our study design. First, all subjects were

recreationally active but participated in different sports and trained at different

intensity levels (ranging from 30 minutes of activity, 3 days/week to 2 hours of intense

activity, most days of the week). Additionally, some reported stretching regularly

after every work-out, while others reported no regular stretching practice. Some

participants also reported that the dynamic stretch treatment, designed based on a

typical collegiate-level warm-up, was intense enough to potentially cause fatigue.

Participant’s rating of their level of exertion during dynamic stretching ranged from a

3 (“Moderate”) to 6 (“Strong” to “Very Strong”) on the Borg modified RPE scale.

Given these subject characteristics, it is not possible to infer whether static and

dynamic stretching would have similar results on a more highly-trained population.


Our study, in combination with previous work, suggests that dynamic

stretching prior to exercise can provide a performance advantage in jump height, sprint

speed, and agility. In designing effective warm-up routines for athletes requiring

strength, speed, or power, a general warm-up should be followed by dynamic

stretching that increases muscle temperature and blood flow, while providing the

opportunity for sport-specific movement rehearsal. Dynamic stretches should,

whenever possible, mimic the movement patterns most closely associated with success

in the athlete’s sport. A well-designed warm-up including dynamic stretching can

serve the dual purposes of enhancing acute flexibility while also priming the athlete

for peak performance.



TABLE 1 – Static stretch protocol. Stretches were held for 2 repetitions of 30 seconds each.
Stretch Description
Standing quadriceps while standing, participants flexed one knee and grasped heel,
stretch: bringing heel as close as possible to the buttocks, eliciting a
stretch in the quadriceps.
Supine hamstring while supine with both legs fully extended, participants raised
stretch: one leg, using hands to support both above and below the
knee. Participants were allowed a small amount of knee
Hip flexor stretch: from a lunge position, participants slowly lowered hips until
front knee was flexed to 90 and back leg was extended,
eliciting a stretch in the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles.
Butterfly (groin) stretch: from a seated position, participants brought the soles of their
feet together and allowed their knees to hang to the sides.
Gentle pressure was exerted by the elbows to lower knees
toward the ground.
Piriformis stretch: while supine, participants crossed one ankle above the
opposite knee and brought the bottom leg towards the chest.
Single-knee lower back while supine with both legs slightly bent, participants brought
stretch: one knee up to the chest.
Standing calf stretch: from a lunge position, participants pressed their back heel
down towards the ground.

TABLE 2 – Dynamic stretch protocol. Each exercise was performed twice over a distance of
18m. Participants walked back to the starting line between repetitions.
Easy skip with arm swings
Skip for distance using arms to drive forward
Skip for height using arms to drive upward
Backward run (extend heel backwards during stride)
Lateral low shuffle (back and forth- no walk - rest 20 seconds between reps)
Step into single leg Romanian dead lift
Walking diagonal lunges
High Knee Pulls (knee to chest, on toe)
Carioca (back and forth - no walk - rest 20 seconds between reps)
Straight leg strides (back and forth - no walk - rest 20 seconds between reps)
Gradual accelerations (1 x 50%, 75%, 90%, walk back between reps)

TABLE 3 – Results
Stretch Condition
General Warm- General Warm-Up
General Warm-Up Up and Static and Dynamic
Only (NS) Stretch (SS) Stretch (DS) p-value

Mean Jump

Height (cm) 41.4(6.8) 41.9(6.6) 43.0(6.3)* 0.004

Time (s) .307(.039) .304(.051) .304(.037) 0.413

Onset (s) 0.238(.043) 0.235(.035) 0.227(.033) 0.383

Onset (s) .509(.079) .497(.059) .475(.077) 0.352

† †
reach (cm) 30.0(8.3) 32.8(7.8) 33.2(7.4) < 0.001

denotes significance (p<.05) compared with NS mean.
* denotes significance (p<.05) compared with SS mean.

Mean Jump Height (cm)

47 *






Figure 1 -- Mean jump height (cm) after each stretch treatment. Mean height after DS was
significantly higher than after NS and SS (p=.0045; p=.0435).

Mean Jump Height

0.450 NS
0.440 Linear (NS)
0.435 Linear (SS)
Mean Height (cm)

Linear (DS)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 2 -- Jump height progression for jumps 2 through 9.

Reaction Time and TA & VL EMG Onsets









Reaction Time TA EMG VL EMG

Figure 3 – Mean onsets for movement time, TA EMG, and VL EMG after each stretch

Sit and Reach Score (cm)










Figure 4 – Mean sit-and-reach score (cm) after each stretch treatment. Mean flexibility after
SS and DS were significantly higher than after NS (p<.001).


1. Avela, J., H. Kyrolainen, and P. V. Komi. Altered reflex sensitivity after

repeated and prolonged passive muscle stretching. J. Appl. Physiol. . 86:1283-
1291, 1999.

2. Baechle, T. R. and R. W. Earle. Essentials of Strength Training and

Conditioning. 3 ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2008

3. Baechle, T. R. and R. W. Earle. Essentials of Strength Training and

Conditioning. 2 ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2000

4. Behm, D. G., A. Bambury, F. Cahill, and K. Power. Effect of acute static

stretching on force, balance, reaction time and movement time. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. . 36:1397-1402, 2004.

5. Behm, D. G., E. E. Bradbury, A. T. Haynes, J. N. Hodder, A. M. Leonard, and

N. R. Paddock. Flexibility is not related to stretch-induced deficits in force or
power. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 5:33-42, 2006.

6. Behm, D. G., D. C. Button, and J. C. Butt. Factors affecting force loss with
prolonged stretching. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. 26:261-272,

7. Behm, D. G. and A. Kibele. Effects of differing intensities of static stretching

on jump performance. European Journal Of Applied Physiology. 101:587-594,

8. Church, J. B., M. S. Wiggins, F. M. Moode, and R. Crist. Effect of warm-up

and flexibility treatments on vertical jump performance. J. Strength Cond. Res.
15:331-336, 2001.

9. Cramer, J. T., T. J. Housh, G. O. Johnson, J. M. Miller, J. W. Coburn, and T.

W. Beck. Acute effects of static stretching on peak torque in women. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 18:236-241, 2004.

10. Cramer, J. T., T. J. Housh, J. P. Weir, G. O. Johnson, J. W. Coburn, and T. W.

Beck. The acute effects of static stretching on peak torque, mean power output,
electromyography, and mechanomyography. European Journal of Applied
Physiology. 93:530-539, 2005.

11. Fletcher, I. M. and R. Anness. The acute effects of combined static and
dynamic stretch protocols on fifty-meter sprint performance in track-and-field
athletes. J. Strength Cond. Res. 21:784-787, 2007.

12. Fletcher, I. M. and B. Jones. The effect of different warmup stretch protocols
on 20 meter sprint performance in trained rugby union players. J. Strength
Cond. Res. 18:885-888, 2004.

13. Gourgoulis, V., N. Aggeloussis, P. Kasimatis, G. Mavromatis, and A. Garas.

Effect of a submaximal half-squats warm-up program on vertical jumping
ability. J. Strength Cond. Res. 17:342-344, 2003.

14. Hoffman, M. and V. G. Payne. The effects of proprioceptive ankle disk

training on healthy subjects. The Journal Of Orthopaedic And Sports Physical
Therapy. 21:90-93, 1995.

15. Holt, B. W. and K. Lambourne. The impact of different warm-up protocols on

vertical jump performance in male collegiate athletes. J. Strength Cond. Res.
22:226-229, 2008.

16. Little, T. and A. G. Williams. Effects of differential stretching protocols during

warm-ups on high-speed motor capacities in professional soccer players. J.
Strength Cond. Res. 20:203-207, 2006.

17. Marek, S. M., J. T. Cramer, L. A. Fincher, L. L. Massey, S. M. Dangelmaier,

S. Purkayastha, K. A. Fitz, and J. Y. Culbertson. Acute effects of static and
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on muscle strength and
power output. Journal of Athletic Training. 40:94-103, 2005.

18. Papadopoulos, G., T. Siatras, and S. Kellis. The effect of static and dynamic
stretching exercises on the maximal isokinetic strength of the knee extensors
and flexors. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 13:285-291, 2005.

19. Pearce, A., D. Kidgell, J. Zois, and J. Carlson. Effects of secondary warm up
following stretching. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 105:175-183,

20. Power, K., D. Behm, F. Cahill, M. Carroll, and W. Young. An acute bout of
static stretching: effects on force and jumping performance. Med. Sci. Sports
Exerc. 36:1389-1396, 2004.

21. Rainoldi, A., G. Melchiorri, and I. Caruso. A method for positioning electrodes
during surface EMG recordings in lower limb muscles. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods. 134:37-43, 2004.

22. Robbins, J. W. and B. W. Scheuermann. Varying amounts of acute static

stretching and its effect on vertical jump performance. J. Strength Cond. Res.
22:781-786, 2008.

23. Shrier, I. Does stretching help prevent injuries? In: Evidence-based Sports
Medicine. D. MacAuley and T. Best (Eds.) Malden, MA: Blackwell
Publishing, 2007.

24. Thacker, S. B., J. Gilchrist, D. F. Stroup, and C. J. Kimsey, Jr. The impact of
stretching on sports injury risk: a systematic review of the literature. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc. 36:371-378, 2004.

25. Unick, J., H. S. Kieffer, W. Cheesman, and A. Feeney. The acute effects of
static and ballistic stretching on vertical jump performance in trained women.
J. Strength Cond. Res. 19:206-212, 2005.

26. Vetter, R. E. Effects of six warm-up protocols on sprint and jump performance.
J. Strength Cond. Res. 21:819-823, 2007.

27. Wallmann, H. W., J. A. Mercer, and J. W. McWhorter. Surface

electromyographic assessment of the effect of static stretching of the
gastrocnemius on vertical jump performance. J. Strength Cond. Res. 19:684-
688, 2005.

28. Witvrouw, E., N. Mahieu, L. Danneels, and P. McNair. Stretching and injury
prevention: an obscure relationship. Sports Med. 34:443-449, 2004.

29. Woolstenhulme, M. T., C. M. Griffiths, E. M. Woolstenhulme, and A. C.

Parcell. Ballistic stretching increases flexibility and acute vertical jump height
when combined with basketball activity. J. Strength Cond. Res. 20:799-803,

30. Yamaguchi, T., K. Ishii, M. Yamanaka, and K. Yasuda. Acute effects of

dynamic stretching exercise on power output during concentric dynamic
constant external resistance leg extension. J. Strength Cond. Res. 21:1238-
1244, 2007.

31. Young, W. and S. Elliott. Acute effects of static stretching, proprioceptive

neuromuscular facilitation stretching, and maximum voluntary contractions on
explosive force production and jumping performance. Res. Q. Exerc. Sport.
72:273-279, 2001.

32. Young, W. B. and D. G. Behm. Effects of running, static stretching and

practice jumps on explosive force production and jumping performance.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 43:21-27, 2003.

Chapter 4: Conclusion

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects of a warm-up

with static or dynamic stretching on CMJ performance, reaction time, TA and VL

muscle onsets, and flexibility. Participants completed 3 testing sessions, each

consisting of a general warm-up followed by one of three treatments: no stretching

(NS), static stretching (SS), or dynamic stretching (DS). Our results revealed that

CMJ height was significantly higher after DS compared with NS and SS. Stretch

treatment did not appear to influence reaction time or muscle onsets. Sit-and-reach

scores were improved after both SS and DS, suggesting that both treatments are

equally effective at enhancing flexibility.

Our study, in combination with previous work, suggests that dynamic

stretching prior to exercise can provide a performance advantage in jump height,

sprint speed, and agility. In designing effective warm-up routines for athletes

requiring strength, speed, or power, a general warm-up should be followed by 10 to

15 minutes of dynamic stretching that increases muscle temperature and blood flow,

while providing the opportunity for sport-specific movement rehearsal. Dynamic

stretches should be performed in order of increasing intensity and, whenever

possible, mimic the movement patterns most closely associated with success in the

athlete’s sport. A well-designed warm-up including dynamic stretching can serve

the dual purposes of enhancing acute flexibility while also priming the athlete for

peak performance.


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Appendix A – Institutional Review Board Documents


1. Brief Description:
The objective of this study is to compare the effects of static and dynamic stretching
on reaction time and performance in countermovement jump (CMJ). Data collected in
this research will fulfill the research requirement for a MS in Sports Medicine at
Oregon State University, with the intent of submitting a manuscript for publication at
a later date. Specific study aims are to determine the effects of static and dynamic
stretching on the following measures:

 Lower back and hamstring flexibility

 Reaction time
 Jump performance

2. Background and Significance

Previous research has shown that static stretching prior to activity can acutely
decrease performance in activities related to strength and power, specifically affecting
maximal force production and, consequently, jumping performance. Static stretching
also appears to increase reaction time and decrease balance, thereby potentially
causing decrements to athletic performance. Stretching-related performance decreases
have been tentatively explained by a combination of neurological and mechanical
Recent literature has suggested that dynamic stretching may be effective in
increasing joint range of motion without producing any negative effects on sport
performance. Dynamic stretching routines incorporate skipping, directional running,
shuffling, and various calisthenics in order to increase range of motion and increase
core body temperature, which may result in better performance through greater blood
flow to the muscles, faster nerve-impulse conduction, and "priming" of the muscles by
providing a rehearsal of specific body movements. In fact, several researchers have
indicated that dynamic stretching may improve performance, by providing an
opportunity for the athlete to rehearse sport-specific movements at gradually
increasing intensity.
This study will investigate the effects of static and dynamic stretching on
flexibility, reaction time and performance in a countermovement jump.

3. Methods and Procedures

Subject Recruitment: Male subjects, aged 18-35 years, will be recruited. Eligible
participants will: 1) exercise regularly (a minimum of 30 minutes, three days per week), 2)
be free of leg and lower-back injury (strain, sprain or fracture) for at least 6 months prior
to testing, and 3) current exercise regimen includes include resistance training and/or
exercise that involves jumping, sprinting, or quick changes in direction. Subjects will be
recruited through word of mouth and through flyers posted on campus.

- Read and sign consent form (visit 1 only) (~ 5 minutes)
- Determination of height and weight (~ 2 minutes)
- Electrode placement (~ 5 minutes)
- Warm-up, specified below (~ 20 minutes)
- Electrogoniometer placement (~ 5 minutes)
- Sit-and-Reach (~ 5 minutes)
- Countermovement Jumps (~ 15 minutes)
- Clean Up (~ 5 minutes)
- Total Time: ~ 62 minutes

Protocol Specifics:

- Lab visits: Subjects will complete three testing sessions: one for each warm-up
treatment (see Figure 1). Each testing session will last approximately one
hour. Total time commitment for the study will be approximately 3 hours and
total participation will occur over a maximum of 21 days.

o General Warm-Up (control group): Subjects are instructed to jog at a

self-selected pace for five minutes and then sit quietly for 15 minutes
prior to testing.
o General Warm-Up and Static Stretch (SS): Subjects will complete
general warm-up described above followed by a static stretch series of
seven lower body stretches held for two repetitions of 30 seconds each
(Table 1 and Figure 2).
o General Warm-Up and Dynamic Stretch (DS): Subjects will complete
the general warm-up followed by a dynamic stretch series of 11 lower-
body dynamic stretches (Table 2).

- Electrode Placement: Three lubricated surface electromyography (sEMG)

electrodes (Ag/AgCl) will be placed on the subject’s dominant leg to monitor
muscle activity: two on the tibialis anterior (3-4 inches below the knee) and
one on the patella (kneecap).

- Electrogoniometer Placement: A device used to measure knee joint angle will

be affixed to the outside of the subject’s dominant leg.

- Sit-and-Reach: Subject is instructed to remove shoes and sit on the floor with
the soles of the feet 12 inches apart and flat against the testing apparatus
(Novel Products, Inc., Rockton, IL). Subject will then slowly exhale and
slowly reach forward with both hands to push the metal indicator as far as
possible. The score will be the position of the indicator following three trials.

- Countermovement Jump: The subject standing on a portable force plate

(Kistler USA, Amherst, NY) will be instructed to jump as quickly and as high
as possible after seeing a red light affixed to the wall at approximately eye

level. The subject will be instructed to keep hands resting lightly on hips
throughout the jump. This procedure will be repeated a total of ten times with
60 seconds rest between jumps.

- Clean Up: Removal of electrodes and electrogoniometer from subject’s

dominant leg.

4. Risks/Benefit Assessment
Risks: The minimal risks to participants in this study include the possibility of injury
while completing the warm-up and stretch treatments, or during jump testing.
Subjects will be instructed as to the proper technique to perform all activities in order
to minimize the risk of injury.
Benefits: There are no direct benefits to subjects participating in this study.

5. Participant Population:
21 healthy male subjects, aged 18-35 will be recruited from the general university
population. Conditions for participation include 1) Recreationally active at least three
days per week, 30 minutes per session, 2) Free of lower extremity injury (strain, sprain or
fracture) for 6 months prior to testing, and 3) Current exercise regimen includes include
resistance training and/or exercise that involves jumping, sprinting, or quick changes in
direction. Participants will initially be screened either via phone or email.

6. Subject Identification and Recruitment:

Subjects will be recruited through flyers and word of mouth. Once a potential subject
is identified, initial screening will occur via phone or email. If potential subject meets
eligibility criteria, a testing schedule will be established with the participant.

7. Compensation:
No compensation is provided for participation in this study.

8. Informed Consent Process:

The informed consent document is attached. Subjects will read and sign informed
consent document prior to the commencement of any testing. Any questions will also
be answered prior to the document being signed.

9. Anonymity or Confidentiality
All forms and files will be coded without any identifiable participant information.
Forms and files will be stored in a locked cabinet in the office of the researcher. All
electronic files will be coded without any identifiable participant information.

- Recruitment Materials
- Institutional Review Board Approval Letter
- Informed Consent Document

Script for Word-of-Mouth Recruitment

“We are enrolling subjects for a study examining the effects of stretching on reaction
time and jumping performance. If you meet our screening criteria, we would like to
give you the opportunity to participate in the study. If you are eligible, and if you
choose to participate, you would attend three one-hour testing sessions over a
maximum period of 21 days. Would you like to see if you are eligible to participate?”

Screening Tool

Question Yes No
1. Are you male, between the ages of 18 and 35? □ □
2. In the past 6 months, have you had any injuries to your legs or □ □
lower back?
3. Do you currently exercise? □ □
If yes, how many times per week? __________________________
How long do you exercise for? ____________________________
4. Does your current exercise regimen include resistance training or
exercise that involves jumping, sprinting, or quick changes in
direction? □ □
If yes, what type of exercise?


Appendix B – Data Output

No Stretch Static Stretch Dynamic Stretch
Total Stretch Sit/ Total Stretch Sit/ Total Stretch Sit/
First Days/ Height Weight Time Time Reach Time Time Reach Time Time Reach
Visit SID Age NS Date SS Date DS Date Visits (m) (kg) BMI Leg Treadmill (min) (min) (cm) (min) (min) (cm) (min) (min) (cm) RPE
DS 01 22 01/30/08 02/07/08 01/24/08 7.0 1.75 83.0 27.1 L 5.3 40 15 33 41 14.75 36.5 40 10 35 6
NS 03 22 01/30/08 02/04/08 02/11/08 6.0 1.74 69.0 22.9 L 5 39 15.0 30.5 40 15 32.5 45 12.5 32 3
Subject Data

DS 04 36 02/11/08 02/18/08 02/04/08 7.0 1.76 86.5 28.1 R 4.5 39 15.0 17.5 41 14.75 32.5 41 12.75 25 5
SS 05 27 02/13/08 02/05/08 02/08/08 4.0 1.87 119.0 34.0 R 4 41 15 31 46 15.25 32.5 43 14.25 30 6
SS 06 32 02/22/08 02/11/08 02/18/08 5.5 1.89 76.5 21.4 R 6.7 41 15.0 19 41 14.75 21.5 40 13.75 23.5 7
DS 07 27 02/18/08 02/21/08 02/15/08 3.0 1.89 98.0 27.4 R 6 41 15 40 41 15.25 42 43 11 42 5
NS 08 22 02/07/08 02/14/08 02/21/08 7.0 1.77 78.0 24.9 L 5.5 42 15 26 40 15 30 43 13.5 32.5 5
NS 09 22 02/14/08 02/21/08 02/28/08 7.0 1.79 65.5 20.4 R 4.9 42 15.0 33 40 15 30 46 16.75 36.5 6
SS 10 23 02/22/08 02/11/08 02/14/08 5.5 1.84 95.0 28.2 R 6.2 43 15 28 42 14 32 40 12.25 34.5 5.5
DS 11 29 03/04/08 03/07/08 02/29/08 3.5 1.83 81.5 24.5 L 4.5 41 15 40.5 42 14.8 41.5 45 13.5 39 5
NS 12 19 03/03/08 03/06/08 03/10/08 3.5 1.71 73.5 25.1 R 5.3 41 15 27.5 42 14.8 29.5 42 13 32 6
SS 13 25 04/18/08 04/11/08 04/15/08 3.5 1.70 61.0 21.1 R 4.4 44 15 13.5 42 14.5 11.5 47 15 15.5 6
DS 14 21 04/16/08 04/22/08 04/11/08 5.5 1.75 86.0 28.1 R 6 39 15 41.5 41 14.5 42.5 42 12.25 42.5 7
NS 15 31 04/11/08 04/16/08 04/19/08 4.0 1.84 78.0 23.2 R 8 42 15 27.5 43 15 30.5 43 15.5 32.5 3
SS 16 20 04/23/08 04/16/08 04/30/08 7.0 1.76 75.0 24.4 R 5 42 15 40.5 42 14 43 42 14.75 44.5 3
DS 17 23 04/30/08 05/02/08 04/25/08 4.0 1.86 105.0 30.4 R 4.5 43 15 32.5 42 14.75 38.5 43 13.75 41.5 6
NS 18 19 04/30/08 05/02/08 05/13/08 7.0 1.82 71.5 21.6 R 5.9 43 15 27 43 15.25 33 43 14.75 31.5 4
SS 19 24 06/04/08 05/28/08 05/30/08 3.5 1.79 69.5 21.7 R 5 42 15 43 40 15 42 44 16.75 41 5
DS 20 21 05/30/08 06/04/08 05/28/08 3.5 1.82 87.0 26.3 L 4.8 42 15 33.5 42 14.25 36.5 42 15.5 35.5 6
NS 21 23 05/28/08 05/30/08 06/04/08 3.5 1.76 68.0 22.0 R 5 43 15 26 38 14.5 26 43 14 26 5
SS 22 24 06/11/08 06/02/08 06/04/08 4.5 1.79 77.0 24.0 L 6 42 15 19 42 15 24.5 42 14.25 24.5 5

Jump Data
Subject_ID Test_Order Condition 1_t_onset 1_height 1_TA_emg 1_VL_emg
1 2 1 0.155 0.430 0.238 0.295
1 3 2 0.189 0.460 0.230 0.417
1 1 3 0.121 0.478 0.235 0.341
3 1 1 0.345 0.300 0.337 0.469
3 2 2 0.213 0.460 0.205 0.430
3 3 3 -- -- 0.221 0.575
4 3 1 0.225 0.282 0.189 0.213
4 1 2 0.208 0.456 0.191 0.350
4 2 3 0.131 0.326 0.203 0.409
5 2 1 0.235 0.401 0.258 0.495
5 3 2 0.223 0.450 0.196 0.625
5 1 3 0.276 0.452 0.296 --
6 2 1 0.208 0.345 0.220 0.491
6 3 2 0.249 0.339 0.320 0.593
6 1 3 0.176 0.346 0.202 0.567
7 3 1 0.212 0.411 0.176 0.622
7 1 2 0.246 0.385 0.272 0.244
7 2 3 0.261 0.484 0.269 0.190
8 1 1 0.285 0.362 0.325 0.602
8 2 2 0.191 0.384 0.259 0.608
8 3 3 0.327 0.431 0.242 0.228
9 1 1 0.267 0.318 0.185 0.707
9 2 2 0.229 0.486 0.130 0.506
9 3 3 0.191 0.411 0.185 0.525
10 2 1 0.206 0.455 0.171 0.233
10 3 2 0.179 0.407 0.276 0.500
10 1 3 0.211 0.450 -- 0.254
11 3 1 0.261 0.329 0.231 0.504
11 1 2 -- -- 0.251 0.328
11 2 3 0.258 0.384 0.278 0.353
12 1 1 0.158 0.508 0.217 0.425
12 2 2 0.260 0.524 0.208 0.443
12 3 3 0.179 0.503 0.217 0.463
13 2 1 0.218 0.329 -- --
13 3 2 0.267 0.480 0.182 0.711
13 1 3 0.217 0.380 0.193 0.475
14 3 1 0.221 0.466 0.173 0.614
14 1 2 0.174 0.467 0.171 0.663
14 2 3 0.348 0.489 -- --
15 1 1 0.337 0.303 0.235 0.918
15 2 2 0.284 0.319 0.278 0.603
15 3 3 0.251 0.354 0.244 0.774
16 2 1 0.263 0.481 0.342 0.732
16 1 2 0.379 0.378 0.211 0.674
16 3 3 0.221 0.402 0.184 0.531
17 3 1 0.131 0.477 0.186 0.644
17 1 2 0.253 0.468 0.217 0.583
17 2 3 0.100 0.581 0.209 0.544
18 1 1 0.172 0.371 0.195 0.512
18 2 2 0.281 0.482 0.191 0.637
18 3 3 -- -- 0.173 0.538
19 2 1 0.234 0.347 0.266 0.518
19 3 2 0.376 0.315 0.241 0.525
19 1 3 0.222 0.434 0.195 0.502
20 3 1 0.122 0.476 0.197 0.451
20 1 2 0.140 0.482 0.196 0.421
20 2 3 0.161 0.494 0.206 0.542
21 1 1 0.312 0.440 0.193 0.650
21 2 2 0.156 0.459 0.200 0.500
21 3 3 0.101 0.633 0.181 0.507
22 2 1 0.356 0.411 0.260 0.596
22 3 2 0.155 0.270 0.197 0.575
22 1 3 0.410 0.503 0.190 0.633

Subject_ID 2_t_onset 2_height 2_TA_emg 2_VL_emg 3_t_onset 3_height 3_TA_emg

1 0.279 0.460 0.231 0.543 0.322 0.480 0.382
1 0.245 0.455 0.229 0.401 0.225 0.470 0.209
1 0.227 0.492 0.199 0.315 0.213 0.480 0.195
3 0.282 0.409 0.212 0.576 0.238 0.408 0.200
3 0.254 0.337 0.324 0.450 0.312 0.416 0.223
3 -- -- 0.198 0.492 0.248 0.304 0.187
4 0.456 0.318 0.387 0.605 0.265 0.295 0.190
4 0.258 0.340 0.248 0.489 -- -- 0.160
4 0.478 0.351 0.388 0.398 0.356 0.359 0.232
5 0.347 0.384 0.265 0.382 0.447 0.418 0.239
5 0.299 0.455 0.235 0.633 0.345 0.498 0.207
5 0.305 0.425 0.232 -- 0.334 0.441 0.197
6 0.310 0.345 0.293 0.499 0.269 0.354 --
6 0.256 0.340 0.233 0.539 0.296 0.354 0.228
6 0.196 0.399 -- -- 0.247 0.359 0.209
7 0.338 0.493 0.210 0.556 0.354 0.478 0.236
7 0.093 0.294 0.251 0.356 0.362 0.397 0.198
7 0.318 0.522 0.213 0.175 0.367 0.500 0.234
8 0.327 0.373 0.296 0.495 0.366 0.358 0.302
8 0.383 0.379 0.319 0.572 0.301 0.415 0.233
8 0.303 0.405 0.220 0.202 0.368 0.431 0.302
9 0.223 0.361 0.191 0.483 0.253 0.302 0.192
9 0.370 0.321 0.204 0.576 0.399 0.435 0.247
9 0.307 0.394 0.180 0.480 0.305 0.370 0.201
10 0.281 0.544 0.214 0.471 0.297 0.498 0.188
10 0.325 0.448 0.266 0.424 0.267 0.449 0.201
10 0.285 0.472 -- 0.195 0.251 0.471 --
11 0.281 0.410 -- -- 0.319 0.381 0.271
11 0.292 0.352 0.249 0.264 0.273 0.339 0.185
11 0.302 0.399 0.205 0.513 0.302 0.400 0.237
12 0.265 0.523 0.219 0.475 0.238 0.529 0.185
12 0.291 0.495 0.231 0.460 0.254 0.511 0.208
12 0.264 0.614 0.224 0.450 0.259 0.559 0.217
13 0.311 0.359 -- -- 0.317 0.350 --
13 0.265 0.424 0.191 0.601 0.360 0.339 0.222
13 0.270 0.329 0.201 0.450 0.267 0.333 0.210
14 0.267 0.422 0.173 0.594 0.284 0.463 0.182
14 0.276 0.446 0.191 0.363 0.270 0.487 0.192
14 0.320 0.488 0.182 0.625 0.265 0.471 0.172
15 0.335 0.329 0.185 0.699 0.325 0.313 0.177
15 0.334 0.300 0.191 0.420 0.395 0.383 0.330
15 0.312 0.310 0.199 0.507 0.309 0.365 0.235
16 0.363 0.449 0.352 0.513 0.413 0.430 0.355
16 0.418 0.427 0.255 0.464 0.385 0.419 0.246
16 0.415 0.445 0.248 0.550 0.406 0.492 0.190
17 0.227 0.512 0.233 0.495 0.205 0.514 0.195
17 0.261 0.509 0.205 0.481 0.279 0.522 0.234
17 0.192 0.511 0.150 0.500 0.201 0.416 0.190
18 0.297 0.465 0.177 0.532 0.282 0.449 0.195
18 0.229 0.432 0.196 0.435 0.240 0.465 0.241
18 0.286 0.442 0.176 0.566 0.264 0.474 0.178
19 0.313 0.342 0.175 0.508 0.312 0.328 0.196
19 0.424 0.371 0.351 0.478 0.412 0.372 0.244
19 0.326 0.371 0.224 0.502 0.389 0.358 0.316
20 0.269 0.477 0.221 0.433 0.225 0.479 0.220
20 0.261 0.465 0.205 0.359 0.228 0.508 0.207
20 0.238 0.488 0.205 0.531 0.238 0.457 0.177
21 0.356 0.469 0.199 0.604 0.217 0.439 0.170
21 0.266 0.467 0.199 0.496 0.249 0.481 0.182
21 0.236 0.455 0.202 0.529 0.199 0.533 0.180
22 0.351 0.436 0.193 0.614 0.358 0.447 0.189
22 0.300 0.485 0.228 0.574 0.272 0.462 0.259
22 0.281 0.475 0.234 0.559 0.351 0.514 0.204

Subject_ID 3_VL_emg 4_t_onset 4_height 4_TA_emg 4_VL_emg 5_t_onset 5_height

1 0.520 0.438 0.460 0.430 0.533 0.267 0.409
1 0.417 0.241 0.463 0.223 0.403 0.243 0.460
1 0.409 0.235 0.468 0.227 0.427 0.352 0.461
3 0.627 0.272 0.390 0.239 0.515 0.283 0.408
3 0.653 0.269 0.368 0.184 0.531 0.308 0.419
3 0.538 0.259 0.393 0.190 0.405 0.301 0.363
4 0.405 0.233 0.326 0.150 0.584 0.273 0.352
4 0.528 0.287 0.349 0.150 0.527 0.294 0.311
4 0.393 0.323 0.354 0.224 0.405 0.318 0.330
5 0.745 0.352 0.380 0.245 0.470 0.396 0.386
5 0.403 0.308 0.465 0.216 0.397 0.319 0.463
5 -- 0.457 0.432 0.195 -- 0.345 0.304
6 -- 0.319 0.360 0.210 0.450 0.297 0.368
6 0.505 0.255 0.323 0.189 0.527 0.275 0.331
6 0.388 0.253 0.368 0.191 0.416 0.308 0.396
7 0.549 0.344 0.481 0.202 0.284 0.362 0.439
7 0.206 0.340 0.446 0.255 0.227 0.345 0.476
7 0.217 0.362 0.510 0.321 0.205 0.348 0.514
8 0.450 0.383 0.366 0.305 0.703 0.375 0.354
8 0.434 0.323 0.377 0.300 0.357 0.303 0.391
8 0.374 0.312 0.370 0.247 0.202 0.359 0.390
9 0.458 0.225 0.355 0.200 0.538 0.264 0.369
9 0.609 0.291 0.340 0.160 0.498 0.364 0.337
9 0.594 0.322 0.363 0.189 0.533 0.305 0.369
10 0.233 0.304 0.490 0.265 0.229 0.291 0.521
10 0.462 0.300 0.402 0.202 0.484 0.323 0.431
10 0.593 0.335 0.455 -- 0.245 0.276 0.449
11 0.352 0.354 0.323 0.231 0.468 0.357 0.325
11 0.516 0.319 0.373 0.350 0.514 0.445 0.331
11 0.485 0.327 0.363 0.238 0.265 0.267 0.408
12 0.448 0.239 0.561 0.184 0.498 0.252 0.569
12 0.462 0.315 0.522 0.263 0.517 0.315 0.512
12 0.458 0.251 0.399 0.207 0.493 0.247 0.550
13 -- 0.341 0.325 -- -- 0.259 0.369
13 0.375 0.385 0.345 0.216 0.391 0.331 0.330
13 0.400 0.296 0.351 0.195 0.558 0.281 0.362
14 0.585 0.284 0.463 0.182 0.616 0.291 0.485
14 0.428 0.254 0.477 0.197 0.588 0.251 0.486
14 0.449 0.276 0.489 0.172 0.303 0.278 0.482
15 0.666 0.367 0.312 0.209 0.600 0.368 0.295
15 0.728 0.274 0.248 0.224 0.500 0.274 0.328
15 0.543 0.319 0.336 0.235 0.432 0.365 0.331
16 0.539 0.420 0.466 0.329 0.532 0.347 0.400
16 0.500 0.398 0.436 0.258 0.301 0.378 0.464
16 0.707 0.332 0.436 0.248 0.651 0.415 0.467
17 0.445 0.246 0.499 0.203 0.512 0.226 0.548
17 0.549 0.285 0.506 0.218 0.578 0.251 0.506
17 0.519 -- -- 0.150 0.552 0.239 0.548
18 0.555 0.276 0.452 0.178 0.501 0.288 0.425
18 0.459 0.268 0.499 0.175 0.475 0.277 0.479
18 0.517 0.261 0.416 0.160 0.510 0.329 0.476
19 0.405 0.346 0.279 0.256 0.394 0.332 0.362
19 0.453 0.370 0.335 0.256 0.559 0.350 0.328
19 0.537 0.345 0.369 0.232 0.464 0.291 0.382
20 0.458 0.256 0.467 0.224 0.469 0.281 0.455
20 0.434 0.214 0.478 0.185 0.419 0.226 0.484
20 0.510 0.249 0.467 0.223 0.476 0.238 0.482
21 0.501 0.236 0.473 0.179 0.627 0.314 0.451
21 0.560 0.267 0.478 0.227 0.517 0.266 0.465
21 0.604 0.235 0.455 0.206 0.483 0.195 0.479
22 0.596 0.341 0.443 0.179 0.543 0.550 0.419
22 0.657 0.326 0.470 0.269 0.763 0.295 0.425
22 0.643 0.413 0.530 0.237 0.629 0.379 0.510

Subject_ID 5_TA_emg 5_VL_emg 6_t_onset 6_height 6_TA_emg 6_VL_emg 7_t_onset

1 0.241 0.463 0.367 0.467 0.334 0.451 0.228
1 0.203 0.443 0.268 0.444 0.247 0.415 0.262
1 0.342 0.564 0.262 0.463 0.229 0.454 0.266
3 0.214 0.488 0.264 0.420 0.219 0.416 0.389
3 -- 0.531 0.291 0.435 0.194 0.533 0.315
3 0.566 0.480 0.284 0.382 0.233 0.420 0.301
4 -- 0.600 0.257 0.382 0.187 0.402 0.296
4 -- 0.625 0.262 0.490 0.240 0.503 0.275
4 0.195 0.363 0.324 0.370 0.236 0.504 0.434
5 0.276 0.551 0.401 0.406 0.220 0.725 0.311
5 0.268 0.444 0.293 0.491 0.243 0.454 0.313
5 0.260 -- 0.343 0.464 0.233 -- 0.391
6 0.226 0.327 0.254 0.281 0.190 0.442 0.277
6 0.215 0.440 0.235 0.342 0.201 0.372 0.272
6 0.180 0.423 0.291 0.360 0.258 0.588 0.275
7 0.215 0.300 0.354 0.536 0.183 0.327 0.311
7 0.222 0.194 0.313 0.335 0.246 0.271 0.333
7 0.253 0.176 0.315 0.464 0.221 0.180 0.338
8 0.314 0.647 0.332 0.387 0.296 0.614 0.433
8 0.243 0.460 0.299 0.353 0.252 0.460 0.389
8 0.278 0.260 0.350 0.365 0.288 0.368 0.324
9 0.191 0.470 0.301 0.367 0.173 0.520 0.413
9 0.200 0.581 0.289 0.316 0.226 0.468 0.356
9 0.201 0.566 0.295 0.424 0.182 0.542 --
10 0.192 0.342 0.296 0.453 0.172 0.290 0.302
10 0.256 0.537 0.362 0.468 0.264 0.444 0.318
10 -- 0.533 0.226 0.501 -- 0.696 0.298
11 0.337 0.490 0.352 0.316 0.248 0.484 0.332
11 0.502 0.530 0.278 0.338 0.206 0.326 0.295
11 0.215 0.462 0.348 0.413 0.207 0.556 0.279
12 0.208 0.457 0.246 0.553 0.198 0.475 0.273
12 0.262 0.492 0.269 0.528 0.220 0.402 0.356
12 0.191 0.488 0.279 0.523 0.246 0.470 0.248
13 -- -- 0.286 0.375 -- -- 0.305
13 0.183 0.359 0.329 0.324 0.229 0.627 0.312
13 0.186 0.400 0.299 0.335 0.187 0.610 0.303
14 0.175 0.554 0.279 0.454 0.173 0.565 0.274
14 0.184 0.545 0.293 0.457 0.191 0.500 0.244
14 0.172 0.526 0.277 0.469 0.185 0.504 0.277
15 0.287 0.629 0.416 0.327 0.276 0.600 0.356
15 0.201 0.593 0.302 0.307 0.208 0.725 0.347
15 0.286 0.422 0.392 0.330 0.286 0.451 0.287
16 0.337 0.487 0.283 0.469 0.231 0.542 0.467
16 0.214 0.361 0.449 0.465 0.320 0.384 0.477
16 0.272 0.697 0.351 0.491 0.231 0.576 0.434
17 0.216 0.518 0.269 0.544 0.251 0.528 0.245
17 0.216 0.535 0.388 0.482 0.321 0.546 0.255
17 0.198 0.417 0.215 0.533 0.181 0.463 0.279
18 0.181 0.616 0.271 0.462 0.160 0.496 0.267
18 0.251 0.446 0.322 0.437 0.263 0.412 0.261
18 0.322 0.567 0.273 0.438 0.184 0.501 0.249
19 0.277 0.290 0.368 0.353 0.276 0.557 0.334
19 0.277 0.521 0.312 0.329 0.233 0.444 0.334
19 0.207 0.462 0.340 0.356 0.199 0.499 0.344
20 0.238 0.432 0.221 0.471 0.187 0.437 0.242
20 0.196 0.398 0.199 0.474 0.194 0.414 0.214
20 0.201 0.477 0.236 0.492 0.195 0.433 0.259
21 0.259 0.641 0.289 0.434 -- -- 0.265
21 0.221 0.511 0.356 0.524 0.228 0.698 0.248
21 0.178 0.413 0.208 0.494 0.177 0.489 0.218
22 0.426 0.806 0.337 0.445 0.181 0.569 0.295
22 0.395 0.540 0.281 0.471 0.202 0.510 0.297
22 0.273 0.547 0.418 0.500 0.321 0.650 0.419

Subject_ID 7_height 7_TA_emg 7_VL_emg 8_t_onset 8_height 8_TA_emg 8_VL_emg

1 0.460 0.198 0.383 0.368 0.454 0.343 0.557
1 0.467 0.236 0.406 0.253 0.436 0.230 0.473
1 0.447 0.241 0.471 0.245 0.434 0.239 0.455
3 0.427 0.258 0.329 -- -- 0.218 0.352
3 0.349 0.201 0.266 0.307 0.304 0.259 0.507
3 0.275 0.200 0.667 0.276 0.397 0.208 0.556
4 0.386 0.217 0.222 0.300 0.335 0.179 0.541
4 0.310 0.160 0.517 0.295 0.325 0.15 0.548
4 0.356 0.342 0.336 0.314 0.358 0.227 0.407
5 0.373 0.247 0.467 0.352 0.440 0.281 0.461
5 0.472 0.190 0.460 0.329 0.434 0.323 0.727
5 0.463 0.239 -- 0.389 0.413 0.289 --
6 0.332 0.207 0.508 0.268 0.364 0.258 0.498
6 0.350 0.235 0.576 0.254 0.343 0.241 0.540
6 0.331 0.206 0.475 0.299 0.353 0.228 0.524
7 0.421 0.202 0.565 0.324 0.460 0.192 0.611
7 0.437 0.212 0.199 0.350 0.264 0.246 0.271
7 0.489 0.231 0.181 0.364 0.468 0.251 0.257
8 0.379 0.386 0.717 0.361 0.356 0.312 0.640
8 0.384 0.353 0.436 0.365 0.340 0.367 0.500
8 0.347 0.255 0.217 0.285 0.365 0.221 0.416
9 0.357 0.315 0.618 0.220 0.354 0.236 0.485
9 0.327 0.150 0.553 0.348 0.366 0.210 0.551
9 -- 0.173 0.721 0.332 0.368 0.204 0.410
10 0.459 0.172 0.507 0.330 0.489 0.172 0.241
10 0.480 0.193 0.529 0.325 0.461 0.189 0.407
10 0.507 -- 0.245 0.285 0.468 -- 0.213
11 0.323 0.351 0.599 0.413 0.351 0.423 0.720
11 0.377 0.243 0.500 0.286 0.357 0.281 0.524
11 0.415 0.347 0.500 0.303 0.398 0.367 0.500
12 0.533 0.228 0.452 0.256 0.543 0.203 0.469
12 0.494 0.298 0.523 0.276 0.508 0.246 0.380
12 0.551 0.204 0.470 0.260 0.533 0.202 0.504
13 0.351 -- -- 0.317 0.351 -- --
13 0.311 0.203 0.808 0.284 0.308 0.176 0.550
13 0.366 0.220 0.535 0.315 0.371 0.244 0.638
14 0.469 0.171 0.677 0.284 0.473 0.194 0.563
14 0.473 0.175 0.450 0.262 0.480 0.170 0.475
14 0.478 0.183 0.239 0.273 0.459 0.198 0.296
15 0.324 0.281 0.671 0.367 0.328 0.294 0.669
15 0.377 0.324 0.669 0.358 0.323 0.290 0.533
15 0.314 0.189 0.398 0.305 0.308 0.205 0.422
16 0.444 0.339 0.506 0.420 0.402 0.368 0.634
16 0.436 0.357 0.600 0.467 0.446 0.323 0.466
16 0.439 0.244 0.569 0.411 0.412 0.222 --
17 0.523 0.206 0.489 0.249 0.503 0.211 0.488
17 0.528 0.201 0.625 0.259 0.522 0.209 0.596
17 0.555 0.242 0.456 0.225 0.519 0.173 0.396
18 0.426 0.199 0.470 0.310 0.374 0.261 0.569
18 0.445 0.230 0.491 0.273 0.458 0.246 0.447
18 0.456 0.229 0.725 0.272 0.441 0.172 0.538
19 0.347 0.226 0.296 0.442 0.372 0.295 0.500
19 0.346 0.267 0.473 0.383 0.361 0.290 0.500
19 0.355 0.306 0.526 0.338 0.345 0.349 0.564
20 0.467 0.212 0.482 0.232 0.457 0.208 0.420
20 0.495 0.220 0.375 0.256 0.492 0.225 0.546
20 0.478 0.195 0.433 0.248 0.453 0.222 0.457
21 0.471 0.235 0.448 0.247 0.457 0.181 0.450
21 0.488 0.213 0.696 0.251 0.496 0.221 0.400
21 0.497 0.183 0.568 0.201 0.464 0.175 0.525
22 0.427 0.191 0.533 0.333 0.411 0.181 0.547
22 0.508 0.252 0.673 0.408 0.454 0.397 0.651
22 0.425 0.447 0.694 0.362 0.495 0.285 0.651

Subject_ID 9_t_onset 9_height 9_TA_emg 9_VL_emg 10_t_onset 10_height 10_TA_emg

1 0.264 0.468 0.229 0.469 0.268 0.466 0.249
1 0.269 0.437 0.246 0.406 0.240 0.457 0.224
1 0.217 0.473 0.204 0.392 0.249 0.447 0.239
3 0.248 0.420 0.183 0.358 0.314 0.432 0.200
3 0.310 0.398 0.203 0.256 0.269 0.406 0.278
3 0.300 0.373 0.306 0.615 0.291 0.401 0.183
4 0.404 0.333 0.274 0.334 0.277 0.376 0.242
4 0.313 0.453 0.145 0.653 0.283 0.488 0.130
4 0.318 0.371 0.229 0.494 0.344 0.354 0.249
5 0.365 0.397 0.323 0.509 0.325 0.410 0.226
5 0.302 0.296 0.240 0.636 0.332 0.577 0.213
5 0.323 0.422 0.267 -- 0.323 0.432 0.284
6 0.305 0.350 0.255 0.312 0.310 0.352 0.264
6 0.220 0.355 0.220 0.398 0.254 0.341 0.207
6 0.239 0.297 0.191 0.456 0.236 0.369 0.225
7 0.335 0.456 0.197 0.395 0.314 0.487 0.209
7 0.314 0.349 0.186 0.180 0.413 0.324 0.282
7 0.398 0.498 0.239 0.279 0.399 0.483 0.250
8 0.316 0.355 0.258 0.556 0.360 0.378 0.349
8 0.379 0.347 0.350 0.354 0.333 0.369 0.305
8 0.303 0.372 0.224 0.186 0.316 0.397 0.236
9 0.238 0.336 0.237 0.408 0.412 0.377 0.262
9 0.312 0.269 0.247 0.501 0.250 0.259 0.203
9 0.291 0.387 0.110 0.370 0.274 0.358 0.208
10 -- -- 0.204 0.228 0.304 0.494 0.222
10 0.293 0.477 0.175 0.335 0.287 0.472 0.186
10 0.273 0.476 0.254 0.615 0.257 0.482 0.197
11 0.313 0.325 0.208 0.431 0.317 0.333 0.318
11 0.306 0.345 0.210 0.503 0.308 0.406 0.273
11 0.277 0.433 0.355 0.499 0.240 0.420 0.223
12 0.243 0.534 0.181 0.446 0.266 0.561 0.218
12 0.269 0.508 0.210 0.383 0.283 0.550 0.239
12 0.233 0.561 0.177 0.445 0.246 0.539 0.201
13 0.307 0.347 -- -- 0.305 0.378 --
13 0.278 0.321 0.184 0.308 0.287 0.340 0.196
13 0.356 0.371 0.219 0.342 0.310 0.342 0.194
14 0.284 0.480 0.182 0.590 0.275 0.500 0.183
14 0.256 0.451 0.188 0.334 0.282 0.473 0.181
14 0.258 0.474 0.179 0.196 0.298 0.500 0.200
15 0.373 0.341 0.328 0.629 -- 0.328
15 0.337 0.294 0.256 0.550 0.339 0.303 0.275
15 0.403 0.336 0.374 0.471 0.323 0.345 0.234
16 0.320 0.410 0.236 0.620 0.390 0.464 0.242
16 0.494 0.450 0.284 0.389 0.450 0.451 0.293
16 0.456 0.454 0.269 0.378 0.454 0.432 0.258
17 0.247 0.523 0.192 0.506 0.252 0.514 0.231
17 0.303 0.502 0.271 0.673 0.239 0.523 0.192
17 0.231 0.534 0.150 0.474 0.210 0.542 0.174
18 0.258 0.419 0.182 0.564 0.284 0.379 0.155
18 0.273 0.458 0.205 0.538 0.329 0.451 0.221
18 0.227 0.423 0.214 0.547 0.244 0.464 0.232
19 0.335 0.345 0.312 0.413 0.353 0.335 0.239
19 0.378 0.362 0.274 0.491 0.368 0.322 0.310
19 0.351 0.344 0.316 0.521 0.293 0.393 0.254
20 0.232 0.445 0.209 0.443 0.244 0.448 0.264
20 0.234 0.479 0.195 0.435 0.189 0.491 0.205
20 0.232 0.464 0.208 0.389 0.242 0.470 0.208
21 0.339 0.437 0.200 0.618 -- -- 0.175
21 0.311 0.476 0.221 0.601 0.323 0.492 0.207
21 0.232 0.485 0.176 0.523 0.217 0.470 0.176
22 0.346 0.443 0.185 0.590 0.325 0.404 0.187
22 0.408 0.454 0.196 0.556 0.249 0.488 0.213
22 0.384 0.515 0.204 0.580 0.347 0.477 --

Subject_ID 10_VL_emg
1 0.473
1 0.363
1 0.460
3 0.686
3 0.548
3 0.377
4 0.455
4 0.616
4 0.531
5 0.443
5 0.620
5 --
6 0.464
6 0.604
6 0.552
7 0.564
7 0.243
7 0.220
8 0.393
8 0.476
8 0.201
9 0.600
9 0.436
9 0.351
10 0.232
10 0.356
10 0.479
11 0.560
11 0.529
11 0.440
12 0.459
12 0.481
12 0.484
13 --
13 0.326
13 0.516
14 0.587
14 0.606
14 0.339
15 0.746
15 0.556
15 0.372
16 0.468
16 0.335
16 0.469
17 0.481
17 0.598
17 0.621
18 0.499
18 0.485
18 0.569
19 0.342
19 0.477
19 0.452
20 0.484
20 0.394
20 0.429
21 0.525
21 0.550
21 0.479
22 0.500
22 0.499
22 0.680

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