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WHAT IS A CORONAVIRUS? It's a large family of viruses known to cause "pneumonia-like” illness in people WHY IS THIS ONE BEING CALLED "NOVEL'? This is the first time it has been encountered in humans IS IT CONTAGIOUS? Yes. Two confirmed human-to-human transmissions of the virus have been reported so far ast WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? Respiratory problems, fever, cough and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can also cause pneumonia and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) IS THERE A CURE? So far, there is no treatment for the coronavirus. HOW TO PROTECT MYSELF? Wash your hands Thoroughly cook meat and eggs before consuming Avoid contact with live animals Avoid travel to areas hit by the virus ty Reduce your risk of coronavirus infection: ry @. Clean hands with soap & water CoML ESM EL MEL) Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms Thoroughly cook meat and eggs Coa - No unprotected contact with live wild 2a, ) or farm animals World Health IRs CoeET PEL) Pencegahannya? CORONAVIRUS? Virus tipe zoonosis (ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia dan sebaliknya) yang bisa menyebabkan gejala penyakit seperti flu ringan hingga yang lebih parah. Contoh penyakitnya: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) dan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Gejalanya? Novel . = Coronavirus |Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) adalah virus baru (20 19-NCOW) eres serait saanperaasa Vis fda Ga: novel coloranfon etopakgn eas Kaka dengon'rspenbay Ans dan Mens GEJALA KLINIS Demam Baik Pilék _Ganaguan Sakit Leth, Peinapasan Tenggorokan Lest PENCEGAHAN @ Sering cvei @ Asin cisivace tangan paiai on st anat Shun euup Gunakan master, @ Jaogen e bila batuk atau pilek. e ee oe -~ ee oS peta ene ae © Sian Geca Hai-hat kena alae ceyera aerate Ke foie De en CO toare thier ooer rman ay aes ere eee et aE eee tana Paar aPC rer rae Cea ea Pencegahan @ « Mask Hygiene eo Rajiniah mencuci tangan dengan air yang bersify dain menggunakan sabun Q Gunakan masker jika batuk dan bersin © Hindari kontak dengan siapapun yang menunjukan tanda fanda “ sakit pernapasan, misalnya batuk dan bersin bersin © Bisakan untuk membuang tisu habis pakai pada tempat sampah @ Masak daging, ikan, dan telur sampai matang © Sebisa myfigkiAyhindari tempat ramai dan padat Siimber - WHO Novel ps Coronavirus * (CROSSED IE: seterneaineteta ent aNnaet a ts aaa. GEJALA KLINIS aN Cera | cation at ith Gentine iy fle ar Ges Wie eisai eter UN) Petrone oe ee elt orc Ponsa Pereron oe eu) anny Pete paren p Patera UST LA ey eter nee Peer pom ns Pert ii ech) eer oy Comet) Cie inenoene Poo Langkah terpenting untuk mencegah penularan penyakit, adalah dengan rajin mencuci tangan! Cuci tangan dengan e@ air bersih yang ‘ mengalir & sabun: ) oe rene How to Handwash? WASH HANDS WHEN VISIBLY SOILED! OTHERWISE, USE HANDRUB [Bl Duration ofthe entre procedure: 40-60 seconds Wot hands with water: ‘Apply encugh soap to cover Rub hands atm to ps fafhand sutaces: Fight pam over left dorsum with _—_—lm to palm with fingers inteiaced: Backs of fingers to opposing pane Intoaced tngers and vce versa: wi tngersnteockes: o a my AZ ‘Rotational ebbing of et hm ‘Rotational rubbing, backwards and Ringo Rand with water Claspedin ght palm ana vic vers ferwarda with ested fingers of ight hha in le palm and vce versa, ‘ry hands thorouahly Use towel to tur ot faucet ‘Yourhands are now sate, vita single use towel ey Patient Safety aldciedete ¥ Organization uae How to Handrub? RUB HANDS FOR HAND HYGIENE! WASH HANDS WHEN VISIBLY SOILED [Dy Duration ofthe entre procedure: 20-30 seconds ‘Apply palm of the product ina cupeed hand, covering al ur ‘Rub hanes palm to palm; “Yet oie “er Fight palm overt dorsum with Palm to palm wth ingersinteaced, Backs of tngers to opposing pas Inteaced tngers and vice vers; vat tinge intedockes 6 ” Fotatora rubbing of ft thumb Rotational rubbing, backwards and Once dy, your hands are safe, ‘clasped in ight palm and vice versa; frac wth clasped gers of cht hand in ot pam ane ce versa; ey Vode cece SAVE LIVES SNe Aer Ue) lean Your

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