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15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

This report has been written to provide information to help you improve the engagement on
your Instagram account. Every effort has been made to make this information as complete
and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content.

Also, this report contains information on improving your Instagram engagement only up to
the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate
source of information on the topic.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author does not warrant that the information
contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or

The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to
any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report.

Copyright © 2018 – Thor Aarsand.

All rights are reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
without the written permission of the author.

About the Author

Hey guys, my name is Thor and I’m an Instagram enthusiast and expert. I’ve been working
with Instagram for over 2 years now and have pretty much cracked the code to growth,
monetization and engagement.

I’m currently 19 years old, yes, I know, still a baby, however that does not stop me from
learning and sharing what I’ve learned with others.

I’m very passionate about online marketing in general. I travel a lot, love to explore the
unknow, meet new people and create awesome connections and friendships!

I’ve got big goals in life, my biggest one being to transform the educational system and help
people get a better education from a young age, as there are so many things missing in
school today.

Now that’s enough about me, you’ll get to know me better in the months to come!

In this report I am going to share with you my best 15 strategies to INSTANTLY increase
your engagement on your next post.

I want you to have the same success as myself on the Instagram platform, so make sure you
test out every single one of these strategies as they are proven to work.
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Table of Contents

• Introduction Page 4

• Strategy 1 – Captions Page 4

• Strategy 2 – Tagging Page 5

• Strategy 3 – The Story Page 5

• Strategy 4 – Geo-Tags Page 6

• Strategy 5 – The Reminders Trick Page 6

• Strategy 6 – The Notification Hack Page 7

• Strategy 7 – Comments Page 8

• Strategy 8 – Account Leverage Page 8

• Strategy 9 – Social Leverage Page 8

• Strategy 10 - Hashtags Page 9

• Strategy 11 – Dm Groups Page 9

• Strategy 12 – Powerlikes Page 10

• Strategy 13 – Lightroom Page 10

• Strategy 14 – The Why Not Like Page 11

• Strategy 15 – The CCS Page 11

• Bonus Strategy Page 12

• Conclusion Page 13
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram


It’s Thor here and I want to thank you for downloading “The Engagement Blueprint” for
boosting your Instagram engagement in a matter of hours!

Some of the tips in this book might be things you know about but have forgotten, or maybe
still use, however some of these strategies will blow your mind.

I would love to see your results after reading this short report. You can send them to


Strategy 1 - CAPTIONS
Write CAPTIVATING captions.

Captivating captions can stand for as much as a 50% increase in engagement if done right.

When writing captions, you want to engage with your audience as much as possible. You
can do this in several ways, but the most common is asking questions.

This gives your audience a reason to answer, and they are likely to comment on the post
because of this.

The more tailored the captions are to the image, the better.

Below is the link to a YouTube video I made about the most effective captions on Instagram
that tends to make your post explode…

Watch video here →

Captivating captions also have a lot of emojis in it, so make sure to use emojis.

Below you’ll see the format I usually use when writing captivating captions;

Feel free to copy this or take inspiration to make your own!

15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 2 – TAGGING

Tag BIGGER accounts in your image.

Very simple and straightforward. Tag bigger Instagram pages in

your image.

Whenever you tag any page in your image, they will get notified and
are likely to check out the post.

With bigger pages, you’re less likely that they’ll check out the image, however if they do end
up doing this, and like the content, you’ll have accumulated one FREE Powerlike.

This Powerlike is most likely more powerful than Powerlikes coming from services because
this account gives out likes on a much less frequent basis. So, the like you get will have real

This will potentially give you a little boost to the explore page and allow you to reach more
people and increase your likes from that additional reach!

Very simple yet effective.

Strategy 3 – THE STORY

Promote the post on the story.

Again, very basic, but there are certain ways you should and
should not do this.

One very successful way of doing this is taking a screenshot of

your feed, then add an emoji, or colouring over the image and
tell people to engage with it.

Another effective way is to take your image and zoom in on it.

Then add some text above and tell people to go engage with it.
This adds a bit of curiosity because people naturally want to know
how the full image looks like.

The text you write will also have a powerful impact on the amount of people who check out
the post.

Writing something like “comment *story fam* on my newest picture guys”, or “first person to
guess where I took this image gets a free shoutout” will give your followers a reason to
comment. You always want to give them a reason.
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 4 – GEO TAGS

This allows people to find your content in different
places as well.

When using Geo-Tags, you don’t necessarily want to tag

the place you are at, because it’s most likely not going to
bring in a lot of traffic.

Rather tag “wall street” for example if you made a business post, or tag “Anfield, Liverpool” if
you made a football post, or tag “Yellowstone park” if you took a beautiful picture of nature.

You want to be using popular high traffic tags. Tags people are checking out.


This one is very powerful. The strategy simply involves
reminding your MOST active followers that you have made a
new post.

Now you don’t do this by sending them a message that you

just posted. NO.

What you do instead is to go to your second last post, go to

the likes and skim over everyone who likes the post. Then go
ahead and like the pictures posted most recently by some
of these accounts.

The reason this is so effective is because they have engaged

with your content before, they like it, and for that reason the
chance of them engaging back is very high.


Because YOU provided them with value first. You gave them a like before they gave you
one. And since they also enjoy your content, they have all the reasons to engage back!

You don’t want to go all in at once though, you want to do some of the liking before you
post, then also right after you have posted, and then evenly spread out throughout the
next couple of hours after the post has been made.
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram


This one is also one of the most powerful ones, however it’s more of a long-term strategy
than just a quick boost of engagement.

If you implement this strategy properly however, you can ENSURE that you’ll have solid
quality engagement forever on your Instagram account. High quality engagement. Your
reach will also increase tremendously by using this strategy.

What is it?

It’s simply getting your followers to put on notifications on your account, to be notified
when you make a new post.

You might be thinking that it’s not too big of a deal, sounds a bit hard to do maybe...?

Well it really is not. One of the best ways to make your followers put on the notifications
button is to do a giveaway.

You can post this on your story, or in the caption of your posts.

The giveaway could go something like this…

Giving away 10 FREE shoutouts! HIGH CHANCE OF WINNING!!
Follow the steps below to win:
1. Like my recent post
2. Turn on notifications on my page
3. Comment “DONE” on my recent post

You want to create a win-win situation. Give away something you know your followers
want and will benefit from. Make it easy for them to enter the giveaway.

For me, all I must do is give away free Powerlikes, and my post will go viral.

Get to know your audience, experiment, test, learn what they want and don't want, figure
out their struggles, what they stress about.

A useful way of finding this information is using the stories with the “Question” feature. Ask
your followers what they want, and they will for sure let you know!
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 7 - COMMENTS
Reply to comments.

Replying to comments will help a lot in increasing the reach

of the post and the overall engagement. A post with more
comments, will have higher reach and therefore also more

When you reply to a comment, you have an amazing

opportunity. To start a conversation, leading to endless
amounts of comments back and forth with your followers.


Yes, you read that right, every comment on Instagram counts. Meaning that if you get 60
comments, and you reply to all, it will now be 120 comments. So, make sure you reply to
every single one of them, and use this opportunity to start a conversation!


Use your other Instagram accounts to engage with the post.

Have other Instagram accounts?

Switch accounts when posting, and like the post with all your other accounts!

Engagement in the first 10 - 60 minutes is key!


Advertise the post on other social platforms.

Simple, make a post on Facebook telling people to check out your newest Instagram post.

Like anything, there are good and bad ways of doing this…

Posting something like; “Like my post on Instagram here, (post URL)”, is a very bad way of
advertising your post.

Rather run some sort of giveaway, or a competition. Or it could be something so simple as

this; “Drop your Instagram URL’s below, and like all the last pictures on the profiles above
before you drop your own URL, GO-GO-GO”

Then you drop your URL in the top of the comments and you’ll get tons of engagement!
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 10 - HASHTAGS
Rank in hashtags.

Because just using hashtags simply isn’t enough.

Check out this video to learn more about how you use and rank in hashtags…

Watch video here →

Seriously, you’re gonna want to watch that video!

Strategy 11 – DM GROUPS
Use DM groups.

DM groups is one of the most powerful ways to boost your engagement, from pages that
don’t already follow you.

Using DM groups can tremendously help you get more engagement as it gives you the
opportunity to rank on the explore page.

If you want a full guide on how to use DM groups, and how to get into them, watch the video
I’ve linked down below…

Watch video here →

Now if your page is very personal and you don’t

repost viral content, then I would not focus on
getting into tons of DM groups.

This is because DM groups are not going to benefit

you that much in terms of ranking on the explore
page, which is much easier on viral IG accounts.

Still get into some, but 3-5 should be enough.

Either way, it will give you increased engagement

& allow you to build your network, which you
DEFINITELY want to do!

However, if you’re reposting viral content, then you

should stop when you have 100+ DM groups…

Really, you can’t get enough.

15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 12 - POWERLIKES
Powerlikes in itself will boost the engagement of the post, but the additional engagement it
allows you to get is much higher.

Powerlikes is the ultimate key to reaching the explore page and gaining tons of traffic to
your post, blowing the likes and comments to the moon!

For those that don’t know, Powerlikes is a paid Instagram service. I’ll drop a link to a video I
made a couple months ago, explaining Powerlikes in detail:

Watch video here →

HOWEVER, if you are going to email me about Powerlikes, as I do provide this service
myself, send the email to “” with the subject line
“#TEB Powerlikes” so I know you’re coming from here.

Strategy 13 – LIGHTROOM
Use Adobe Lightroom.

Adobe Lightroom allows you to professionally edit the images with a simple editing
program. If you have been using the Instagram filters to edit your photos… Well stop. Right

Firstly, the Instagram filters are awful.

Second, you’re leaving so much potential on the table.

Now you might think that you must be an expert to use Adobe Lightroom.

You really don’t. Tons of Instagrammers are selling Pre-Sets that you can download and
add to your images. No editing skill required.

Creating professional looking content is the next step towards an overall increase in
engagement on your page!
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Strategy 14 – THE WHY NOT?

Like your own picture.

When liking your own picture, you trigger the Instagram algorithm in a certain way,
leading to more exponential engagement results, and you’ll see a spike in overall like count!

…. JK lol!

But for real, liking your own image doesn’t hurt.

Strategy 15 – THE CCS

The Compound Content Strategy

This strategy is really cool. What you pretty much do here is

compound the best content on your page into one piece of

Sound a bit complicated? Well here is the action steps…

Look over the last 20 images you posted on your page. Scroll
through and count the engagement on each post. Add up all
the engagement from the latest 20 posts. If you have 100 likes
on each image, this means 2000 total likes.

What you do next is divide the total likes number on 20, in

my case being 2000 divided by 20. That will give you the
average amount of likes you get per post.

What you do next is find the posts that has 50-100% more engagement than the average.

This is going to be easier on repost accounts, however it works really well for other accounts
too if you haven’t done it before.

Once you’ve found a couple of pictures matching the criteria, you do your absolute best to
recreate an image as similar to this one as possible, just different of course. You don’t
want people to think you reposted the image on your personal page.

The only time you should repost, is if your page is a repost account.

Now you can do this with other people than yourself. Go to some of the biggest influencers
in your niche, do the same and then recreate the poses they have in their most successful

Trust me, this is going to lead to a real spike in engagement!

15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Use Giveaways.

Finally, I’ve added a bonus strategy, which in my opinion, is the most powerful strategy of
them all, for increasing the engagement you get on your posts.

This is simple, according to your niche, find something your followers really wants.

For example, my Instagram account @lifebythor is a personal account, however a lot of my

YouTube subscribers follow this page. I also know that everyone here wants Powerlikes,
especially if it is FREE!

SO recently I made a post where I am giving away Powerlikes. What my followers had to do
to enter was to turn on post notifications, like and comment on the post and tag 3

In the first hour I had over 100 comments and over 400 likes!

So, find something in your niche that you know people want for free!

It can me a free hoodie if you have a clothing brand, it can be a free shoutout, it can be a
free coaching call with you. Whatever you want to offer that you know your audience
15 STRATEGIES to Blow Up Your Likes & Comments on Instagram

Improving your engagement on Instagram really isn’t the hardest task. You’ve just got to do
it right and strategically with these 15 strategies that I now have covered.

If you ever struggle with Instagram engagement, use this report and come back to it. DO
NOT read the report once and leave it.

There are 15 strategies within this report. You have probably forgot half already. So, come
back to it before making a post. Come back, read over it again, and again.

Important Note:

Make sure you pay attention to the email I’ll be sending out moving forward as I am going to

You guys as my email subscribers will be the first to know about new Instagram updates,
new ways to grow, monetize and all that good stuff, so make sure you watch out for them.

If the email was marked as junk, make sure you click on the “not spam” link/button in the top
of the mail.


You will have such a huge advantage over everyone else…

Thor Aarsand

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